Exemple #1
 def Arrhenius(self, k25, Ea, Tk, deltaS=None, Hd=None):
     if ( (deltaS is not None) & (Hd is not None) ):
         arg1 = k25 * np.exp((Ea * (Tk.to('Kelvin', equivalencies=u.temperature() ) - 298.15*u.Kelvin)) / (298.15*u.Kelvin * c.R * Tk.to('Kelvin', equivalencies=u.temperature() )))
         arg2 = 1.0 + np.exp( (298.15*u.Kelvin * deltaS - Hd)  / (298.15 * u.Kelvin * c.R) )
         arg3 = 1.0 + np.exp((Tk.to('Kelvin', equivalencies=u.temperature() ) * deltaS - Hd)  / (Tk.to('Kelvin', equivalencies=u.temperature() ) * c.R))
         return (arg1 * arg2) / arg3
         return k25 * np.exp((Ea * (Tk.to('Kelvin', equivalencies=u.temperature() ) - 298.15*u.Kelvin)) / (298.15*u.Kelvin * c.R * Tk.to('Kelvin', equivalencies=u.temperature() )))
Exemple #2
    def __calcVPandSo(self, temp, rH, Pressure):
        self.__temp = temp
        self.__rH = rH if rH <= 1 else 0.999
        self.__Pressure = Pressure

        self.__SVP = ((6.1094 * np.exp(
            (17.625 * (self.__temp.value)) / (243.04 + (self.__temp.value)))) *
                      (1.00071 * np.exp(0.0000045 *
                      ) * u.hectopascal
        self.__VP = self.__SVP * self.__rH
        self.__VPD = self.__SVP - self.__VP
        self.__rf = self.r_one / (
            1.0 - self.__rH * self.__SVP / self.Pressure *
            (1.0 - self.r_one / self.r_two)
        )  #Die Gaskonstante der feuchten Luft
        self.__densOfAir = (self.__Pressure) / (self.__rf * self.__temp.to(
            'Kelvin', equivalencies=u.temperature()))
        self.__latHeatVapWater = (
            (50.09 - 0.9298 *
             (self.__temp.to('Kelvin', equivalencies=u.temperature()).value /
              1000) - 65.19 *
             (self.__temp.to('Kelvin', equivalencies=u.temperature()).value /
              1000)**2) * u.kJ / u.mol) / (18.0153 * u.g / u.mol)

        # 13 from Moualeu-Ngangua 2016
        self.__slopeOfSatPress = (
            (17.502 *
             (240 * u.Celsius).to('Kelvin', equivalencies=u.temperature()) *
             self.__VPD) /
            ((240 * u.Celsius).to('Kelvin', equivalencies=u.temperature()) +
             self.__temp.to('Kelvin', equivalencies=u.temperature()))**2).to(
                 u.hPa / u.Kelvin)

        self.__psyConst = (self.specHeatofAir * self.__Pressure) / (
            (self.__latHeatVapWater) * 0.622)
        self.__E_ = self.__slopeOfSatPress / self.__psyConst
        self.__aH = (self.__VP / (self.r_two * self.__temp.to(
            'Kelvin', equivalencies=u.temperature()))).to(u.g / u.m**3)
        self.__sH = (((18.01528 / 28.9644) * self.__VP) /
                     (self.__Pressure -
                      (1 - 18.01528 / 28.9644) * self.__VP)).to(u.g / u.kg)
        self.__mH = self.__VP / self.__Pressure

        #emissivity of atmosphere (D4 from leining (1995):
        self.__emissivity_atmo = 0.642 * (
            self.__VP.to(u.Pa).value / self.__temp.to(
                'Kelvin', equivalencies=u.temperature()).value)**(1.0 / 7.0)
        self.__molar_mass_humid_air = self.__densOfAir * (
            (c.R * self.__temp.to('Kelvin', equivalencies=u.temperature())) /
        self.__mfco2 = ((
            ((self.__Pressure * self.__Cs) /
             (c.R * self.__temp.to('Kelvin', equivalencies=u.temperature()))) *
            44.00964 * (u.g / u.mol))) / (self.__densOfAir)
Exemple #3
def defaultWeather(altitude):
    """Set default local weather conditions if they are missing.

    weather : `lsst.afw.coord.Weather`
        Class containing the measured temperature, pressure, and humidity
        at the observatory during an observation
    altitude : `astropy.units.Quantity`
        The altitude of the observatory, in meters.

    default : `lsst.afw.coord.Weather`
        Updated Weather class with any `nan` values replaced by defaults.
    if isinstance(altitude, units.quantity.Quantity):
        altitude2 = altitude
        altitude2 = altitude*units.meter
    p0 = 101325.*units.pascal  # sea level air pressure
    g = 9.80665*units.meter/units.second**2  # typical gravitational acceleration at sea level
    R0 = 8.31447*units.Joule/(units.mol*units.Kelvin)  # gas constant
    T0 = 19.*units.Celsius  # Typical sea-level temperature
    lapseRate = -6.5*units.Celsius/units.km  # Typical rate of change of temperature with altitude
    M = 0.0289644*units.kg/units.mol  # molar mass of dry air

    temperature = T0 + lapseRate*altitude2
    temperatureK = temperature.to(units.Kelvin, equivalencies=units.temperature())
    pressure = p0*np.exp(-(g*M*altitude2)/(R0*temperatureK))
    humidity = 40.  # Typical humidity at many observatory sites.
    weather = Weather((temperature/units.Celsius).value, (pressure/units.pascal).value, humidity)
    return weather
Exemple #4
    def __init__(self, *, name, value, idb_info, engineering, unit, order=-1):
        """Create a EngineeringParameter object.

        value : `int` | `list`
            The raw values.
        engineering : `int` | `list`
            The engineering values.
        super(EngineeringParameter, self).__init__(name=name, value=value,
                                                   idb_info=idb_info, order=order)

        self.unit = unit
        convert = False

        if unit == 'degC':
            unit = 'deg_C'
            convert = 'K'

        if unit is not None and unit != '' and engineering is not None:
                engineering = engineering * u.Unit(unit)
                if convert == 'K':
                    engineering = engineering.to(convert, equivalencies=u.temperature())
            except ValueError:
                raise NotImplementedError(f"Add unit support: for {unit}")

        self.engineering = engineering
Exemple #5
def defaultWeather(altitude):
    """Set default local weather conditions if they are missing.

    weather : `lsst.afw.coord.Weather`
        Class containing the measured temperature, pressure, and humidity
        at the observatory during an observation
    altitude : `astropy.units.Quantity`
        The altitude of the observatory, in meters.

        Updated Weather class with any `nan` values replaced by defaults.
    if isinstance(altitude, units.quantity.Quantity):
        altitude2 = altitude
        altitude2 = altitude * units.meter
    p0 = 101325. * units.pascal  # sea level air pressure
    g = 9.80665 * units.meter / units.second**2  # typical gravitational acceleration at sea level
    R0 = 8.31447 * units.Joule / (units.mol * units.Kelvin)  # gas constant
    T0 = 19. * units.Celsius  # Typical sea-level temperature
    lapseRate = -6.5 * units.Celsius / units.km  # Typical rate of change of temperature with altitude
    M = 0.0289644 * units.kg / units.mol  # molar mass of dry air

    temperature = T0 + lapseRate * altitude2
    temperatureK = temperature.to(units.Kelvin,
    pressure = p0 * np.exp(-(g * M * altitude2) / (R0 * temperatureK))
    humidity = 40.  # Typical humidity at many observatory sites.
    weather = Weather((temperature / units.Celsius).value,
                      (pressure / units.pascal).value, humidity)
    return weather
Exemple #6
def blackbody_lambda(wavelength, temperature):
    Calculate the blackbody spectral density per unit wavelength.

    wavelength : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        Wavelength array to evaluate on.

    temperature : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        Blackbody temperature.

    # Convert to units for calculations, also force double precision
    with u.add_enabled_equivalencies(u.spectral() + u.temperature()):
        freq = u.Quantity(wavelength, u.Hz, dtype=np.float64)
        temp = u.Quantity(temperature, u.K, dtype=np.float64)

    log_boltz = const.h * freq / (const.k_B * temp)
    boltzm1 = np.expm1(log_boltz)

    bb_nu = (2.0 * const.h * freq ** 3 / (const.c ** 2 * boltzm1))

    flam = u.erg / (u.cm**2 * u.s * u.AA)
    flux = bb_nu.to(flam, u.spectral_density(wavelength))

    return flux / u.sr  # Add per steradian to output flux unit
Exemple #7
def prepare_quantity(value, units=None, name_val=None):
    Convert the input to the required units

    The function verifies that the input has the right units and converts
    it to the desired units. For example, if a value is introduced in km
    but posterior frequencies require this value to be in meters, this
    function would be called with `units=u.m`

    if value is None:
        return None

    # If the units of the value are a temperature
    if isinstance(value, u.Quantity):
        if units in [u.K, u.deg_C, u.Kelvin, u.Celsius, u.imperial.deg_F]:
            return value.to(units, equivalencies=u.temperature()).value
            return value.to(units).value
    # Process numbers
    elif isinstance(value, numbers.Number) and units is not None:
        return value
    # Process arrays and tuples
    elif isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and units is not None:
        return value
    elif isinstance(value, list) and units is not None:
        return np.array([prepare_quantity(v, units, name_val) for v in value])
    elif isinstance(value, tuple) and units is not None:
        return np.array([prepare_quantity(v, units, name_val) for v in value])
        raise ValueError('%s has not the correct format. It must be a value,'
                         'sequence, array, or a Quantity with %s units' %
                         (name_val, str(units)))
Exemple #8
def make_emission_from_emissivity(temp, emiss_src_spec):
    Create an emission SourceSpectrum using a blackbody and an emissivity curve

    temp : float, Quantity
        [Kelvin] If float, then must be in Kelvin
    emiss_src_spec : synphot.SpectralElement
        An emissivity response curve in the range [0..1]

    flux : synphot.SourceSpectrum


    if isinstance(temp, u.Quantity):
        temp = temp.to(u.Kelvin, equivalencies=u.temperature()).value

    if emiss_src_spec is None:
        logging.warning("Either emission or emissivity must be set")
        flux = None
        flux = SourceSpectrum(BlackBody1D, temperature=temp)
        flux.meta["solid_angle"] = u.sr**-1
        flux = flux * emiss_src_spec
        flux.meta["history"] = [
            "Created from Blackbody curve. Units are to be"
            " understood as per steradian"

    return flux
Exemple #9
def compound_models_with_input_eq():
    m1 = astmodels.Gaussian1D(10 * u.K, 11 * u.arcsec, 12 * u.arcsec)
    m1.input_units_equivalencies = {'x': u.parallax()}
    m2 = astmodels.Gaussian1D(5 * u.s, 2 * u.K, 3 * u.K)
    m2.input_units_equivalencies = {'x': u.temperature()}

    return [m1 | m2, m1 & m2, m1 + m2]
Exemple #10
    def evaluate(self, x, temperature, bolometric_flux, wave_0, beta):
        if isinstance(temperature, u.Quantity):
            temperature = temperature.to(u.K, equivalencies=u.temperature())
            temperature = u.Quantity(temperature, u.K)

        # We normalize the returned blackbody so that the integral would be
        # unity, and we then multiply by the bolometric flux. A normalized
        # blackbody has f_nu = pi * B_lambda / (sigma * T^4), which is what we
        # calculate here. We multiply by the bolometric
        # flux to get the normalization right.
        flambda = ((np.pi * u.sr * blackbody_nu(x, temperature) /
                    const.sigma_sb / temperature ** 4).to(1 / u.Hz) *
        tau = (wave_0 / x)**beta

        fnu = np.exp(-tau) * fnu

        # If the bolometric_flux parameter has no unit, we should drop the 1/Hz
        # and return a unitless value. This occurs for instance during fitting,
        # since we drop the units temporarily.
        if hasattr(bolometric_flux, 'unit'):
            return flambda
            return flambda.value
Exemple #11
    def test_i_tmin_kelvin(self):
        """tests behavior when compute_i_tmin is called with kelvin temps"""
        frac = np.arange(0.0, 1.0, 0.2)
        tmin = frac * (gsi.TMIN_MAX - gsi.TMIN_MIN) + gsi.TMIN_MIN

        tmin = tmin.to(u.K, equivalencies=u.temperature())

        i_tmin = gsi.calc_i_tmin(tmin)
        self.assertTrue(np.all(np.abs(i_tmin - frac) < 1e-5))
Exemple #12
 def assim(self, CO):
     if CO.unit.physical_type == 'mass':
         gaseousVolume = (
             (CO / (44.0095 * (u.g / u.mol))) * c.R * self.temp.to(
                 'Kelvin', equivalencies=u.temperature())) / self.Pressure
         self.__outflow = self.__outflow - gaseousVolume.cgs
         self.mfco2 = (
             (self.mfco2 * self.massAir) - CO) / (self.massAir - CO)
     elif CO.unit.physical_type == 'amount of substance':
         gaseousVolume = (CO * c.R * self.temp.to(
             'Kelvin', equivalencies=u.temperature())) / self.Pressure
         self.__outflow = self.__outflow - gaseousVolume.cgs
         self.Cs = ((self.Cs *
                     (self.massAir / self.molar_mass_humid_air)) - CO) / (
                         (self.massAir / self.molar_mass_humid_air) - CO)
         raise ValueError('Can only accept mass or moles as argument')
Exemple #13
    def test_i_tmin_kelvin(self):
        """tests behavior when compute_i_tmin is called with kelvin temps"""
        frac = np.arange(0.0, 1.0, 0.2)
        tmin = frac * (gsi.TMIN_MAX - gsi.TMIN_MIN) + gsi.TMIN_MIN

        tmin = tmin.to(u.K, equivalencies=u.temperature())

        i_tmin = gsi.calc_i_tmin(tmin)
        self.assertTrue(np.all(np.abs(i_tmin - frac) < 1e-5))
Exemple #14
def oneten_nfdrs (Temp, RH, SOW):
    """One and ten hour fuel moisture computation using 1978 NFDRS method.
    This function adjusts standard exposed instrument readings (for temperature
    and RH) from 4.5 feet off the ground in a shelter to "fuel level" as per 
    Table 6 in [1]. "State of the weather" code definitions: 
        SOW = 0 : Clear sky (0.0-0.1 cloud cover)
        SOW = 1 : Scattered (0.1-0.5 cloud cover)
        SOW = 2 : Broken    (0.6-0.9 cloud cover)
        anything else : Overcast (0.9-1.0 cloud cover)
    The scaling factors applied to equilibrium moisture content to obtain 
    one and ten hour fuel moistures (e.g., in the return statement) have the 
    following caveat:
        This model works well for early afternoons in strong
        continental areas at the approximate latitude of
        Nebraska in the late summer. It tends to underpredict
        stick readings under other conditions.
    See [1] for further details.
    [1] Bradshaw, Larry S., John E. Deeming, Robert E. Burgan, and Jack D. Cohen. 
    1984. The 1978 National Fire-Danger Rating System: Technical Documentation. 
    Temp : array : degF
    RH   : array : pct
    SOW  : array : dimensionless
    fm : array : pct
        Tuple containing the (1-hr, 10-hr) fuel moistures.
    # Determine the temperature and rh factors to adjust for fuel temperatures
    if SOW == 0:
        tfact = 25.0 * iu.deg_F
        hfact = 0.75
    if SOW == 1:
        tfact = 19.0 * iu.deg_F
        hfact = 0.83
    if SOW == 2:
        tfact = 12.0 * iu.deg_F
        hfact = 0.92
        tfact = 5.0 * iu.deg_F
        hfact = 1.0
    if Temp.unit != iu.deg_F : 
       Temp = Temp.to(iu.deg_F, u.temperature())	
    emc = eqmc(tfact + Temp, hfact * RH)    
    return (1.03*emc, 1.28*emc)
Exemple #15
def oneten_nfdrs(Temp, RH, SOW):
    """One and ten hour fuel moisture computation using 1978 NFDRS method.
    This function adjusts standard exposed instrument readings (for temperature
    and RH) from 4.5 feet off the ground in a shelter to "fuel level" as per 
    Table 6 in [1]. "State of the weather" code definitions: 
        SOW = 0 : Clear sky (0.0-0.1 cloud cover)
        SOW = 1 : Scattered (0.1-0.5 cloud cover)
        SOW = 2 : Broken    (0.6-0.9 cloud cover)
        anything else : Overcast (0.9-1.0 cloud cover)
    The scaling factors applied to equilibrium moisture content to obtain 
    one and ten hour fuel moistures (e.g., in the return statement) have the 
    following caveat:
        This model works well for early afternoons in strong
        continental areas at the approximate latitude of
        Nebraska in the late summer. It tends to underpredict
        stick readings under other conditions.
    See [1] for further details.
    [1] Bradshaw, Larry S., John E. Deeming, Robert E. Burgan, and Jack D. Cohen. 
    1984. The 1978 National Fire-Danger Rating System: Technical Documentation. 
    Temp : array : degF
    RH   : array : pct
    SOW  : array : dimensionless
    fm : array : pct
        Tuple containing the (1-hr, 10-hr) fuel moistures.

    # Determine the temperature and rh factors to adjust for fuel temperatures
    if SOW == 0:
        tfact = 25.0 * iu.deg_F
        hfact = 0.75
    if SOW == 1:
        tfact = 19.0 * iu.deg_F
        hfact = 0.83
    if SOW == 2:
        tfact = 12.0 * iu.deg_F
        hfact = 0.92
        tfact = 5.0 * iu.deg_F
        hfact = 1.0

    if Temp.unit != iu.deg_F:
        Temp = Temp.to(iu.deg_F, u.temperature())
    emc = eqmc(tfact + Temp, hfact * RH)
    return (1.03 * emc, 1.28 * emc)
    def test_oneten_units(self):
        """Checks for proper temperature units conversion"""
        rh = 50 * u.pct
        tc = 30 * u.deg_C
        tf = tc.to(iu.deg_F, u.temperature())

        ot_c = fm.oneten_nfdrs(tc, rh, 0)
        ot_f = fm.oneten_nfdrs(tf, rh, 0)

        self.assertLess(np.abs(ot_c[0] - ot_f[0]), 0.1 * u.pct)
 def test_oneten_units(self): 
     """Checks for proper temperature units conversion"""
     rh = 50*u.pct
     tc = 30*u.deg_C
     tf = tc.to(iu.deg_F, u.temperature())
     ot_c = fm.oneten_nfdrs(tc,rh,0)
     ot_f = fm.oneten_nfdrs(tf,rh,0)
     self.assertLess( np.abs(ot_c[0]-ot_f[0]), 0.1*u.pct)
Exemple #18
    def __add__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, vap) != True:
            raise AttributeError('can only add objects of type vap')

        tempSelf = deepcopy(self)

        tempSelf.volume = tempSelf.volume + other.volume
        tempSelf.__massAir = tempSelf.massAir + other.massAir
        tempSelf.temp = (
            (self.temp.to('Kelvin', equivalencies=u.temperature()) *
             self.massAir + other.temp.to(
                 'Kelvin', equivalencies=u.temperature()) * other.massAir) /
            tempSelf.massAir).to('Celsius', equivalencies=u.temperature())
        tempSelf.aH = (self.aH * self.volume +
                       other.aH * other.volume) / tempSelf.volume
        tempSelf.Cs = (self.Cs * self.volume +
                       other.Cs * other.volume) / tempSelf.volume
        return tempSelf
Exemple #19
def blackbody_nu(in_x, temperature):
    """Calculate blackbody flux per steradian, :math:`B_{\\nu}(T)`.

    .. note::

        Use `numpy.errstate` to suppress Numpy warnings, if desired.

    .. warning::

        Output values might contain ``nan`` and ``inf``.

    in_x : number, array-like, or `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        Frequency, wavelength, or wave number.
        If not a Quantity, it is assumed to be in Hz.

    temperature : number or `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        Blackbody temperature.
        If not a Quantity, it is assumed to be in Kelvin.

    flux : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        Blackbody monochromatic flux in
        :math:`erg \\; cm^{-2} s^{-1} Hz^{-1} sr^{-1}`.

        Invalid temperature.

        Wavelength is zero (when converting to frequency).

    # Convert to units for calculations, also force double precision
    with u.add_enabled_equivalencies(u.spectral() + u.temperature()):
        freq = u.Quantity(in_x, u.Hz, dtype=np.float64)
        temp = u.Quantity(temperature, u.K, dtype=np.float64)

    # Check if input values are physically possible
    if temp < 0:
        raise ValueError('Invalid temperature {0}'.format(temp))
    if np.any(freq <= 0):  # pragma: no cover
        warnings.warn('Input contains invalid wavelength/frequency value(s)',

    # Calculate blackbody flux
    bb_nu = (2.0 * const.h * freq**3 /
             (const.c**2 * np.expm1(const.h * freq / (const.k_B * temp))))
    flux = bb_nu.to(FNU, u.spectral_density(freq))

    return flux / u.sr  # Add per steradian to output flux unit
    def test_eqmc_units(self):
        """Checks for proper temperature units conversion"""
        rh = 50 * u.pct
        tc = 30 * u.deg_C
        tf = tc.to(iu.deg_F, u.temperature())

        emc_c = fm.eqmc(tc, rh)
        emc_f = fm.eqmc(tf, rh)

        self.assertLess(np.abs(emc_c - emc_f), 0.1 * u.pct)
        self.assertEqual(emc_c.unit, u.pct)
 def test_eqmc_units(self):
     """Checks for proper temperature units conversion"""
     rh = 50*u.pct
     tc = 30*u.deg_C
     tf = tc.to(iu.deg_F, u.temperature())
     emc_c = fm.eqmc(tc, rh)
     emc_f = fm.eqmc(tf, rh)
     self.assertLess( np.abs(emc_c - emc_f), 0.1*u.pct)
     self.assertEqual(emc_c.unit, u.pct)
Exemple #22
def blackbody_nu(in_x, temperature):
    """Calculate blackbody flux per steradian, :math:`B_{\\nu}(T)`.

    .. note::

        Use `numpy.errstate` to suppress Numpy warnings, if desired.

    .. warning::

        Output values might contain ``nan`` and ``inf``.

    in_x : number, array-like, or `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        Frequency, wavelength, or wave number.
        If not a Quantity, it is assumed to be in Hz.

    temperature : number or `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        Blackbody temperature.
        If not a Quantity, it is assumed to be in Kelvin.

    flux : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        Blackbody monochromatic flux in
        :math:`erg \\; cm^{-2} s^{-1} Hz^{-1} sr^{-1}`.

        Invalid temperature.

        Wavelength is zero (when converting to frequency).

    # Convert to units for calculations, also force double precision
    with u.add_enabled_equivalencies(u.spectral() + u.temperature()):
        freq = u.Quantity(in_x, u.Hz, dtype=np.float64)
        temp = u.Quantity(temperature, u.K, dtype=np.float64)

    # Check if input values are physically possible
    if temp < 0:
        raise ValueError('Invalid temperature {0}'.format(temp))
    if np.any(freq <= 0):  # pragma: no cover
        warnings.warn('Input contains invalid wavelength/frequency value(s)',

    # Calculate blackbody flux
    bb_nu = (2.0 * const.h * freq ** 3 /
             (const.c ** 2 * np.expm1(const.h * freq / (const.k_B * temp))))
    flux = bb_nu.to(FNU, u.spectral_density(freq))

    return flux / u.sr  # Add per steradian to output flux unit
Exemple #23
def update_response(attrname, old, new):
    # check whether the input variables have changed and update the response
    global response

    if not material_input.disabled:
        if str(material_input.value).lower() in all_materials:
            this_thickness = u.Quantity(material_thickness_input.value,
            this_density = u.Quantity(material_density_input.value,
            this_material = Material(str(material_input.value).lower(),
        # if material not selected, just make a bogus material with no thickness
        this_material = Material('Al', 0 * u.mm)

    if not air_pressure_input.disabled:
        if air_pressure_unit.value == "atm":
            air_pressure = u.Quantity(air_pressure_input.value * const.atm,
        elif air_pressure_unit.value == "torr":
            air_pressure = u.Quantity(
                air_pressure_input.value * const.atm / 760., "Pa")
            air_pressure = u.Quantity(air_pressure_input.value,

        air_path_length = u.Quantity(air_thickness_input.value,
        air_temperature = u.Quantity(air_temperature_input.value,
        air_density = density_ideal_gas(air_pressure, air_temperature)
        air = Material('air', air_path_length, density=air_density)
        # if air is not selected than just add bogus air with no thickness
        air = Material('air', 0 * u.mm, density=0 * u.g / u.cm**3)

    if not detector_material_input.disabled:
        if str(detector_material_input.value).lower() in all_materials:
            this_thickness = u.Quantity(detector_thickness_input.value,
            this_density = u.Quantity(detector_density_input.value,
            this_detector = Material(str(
        this_detector = None
    response = Response(optical_path=[this_material, air],
Exemple #24
def convert_and_strip_units(quantity, output_unit=None, digit=10):
    Strips units and return the numerical value.

    quantity : int or float or list or None or ~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity
        Numerical quantity. Pass it without including units if default units are intended.
    output_unit : ~astropy.units.core.UnitBase or ~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity
        The default units in which the quantity is to be converted before extracting the value.

    Other Parameters
    round: int
        round to that number of digit after conversion. Default ``10``. Set to 
        ``None`` to disable.

    int or float or None or ~numpy.ndarray
        The numerical value extracted from ``quantity``

        >>> convert_and_strip_units(4.5 * u.um, u.nm)
        <<< 4500.0

        >>> convert_and_strip_units(200000 * (u.m)**-1, 1/u.cm)
        <<< 2000.0

        Raised when ``quantity`` is a astropy.units quantity and ``output_unit`` is ``None``.
    if isinstance(quantity, u.Quantity):
        if output_unit in (u.deg_C, u.imperial.deg_F, u.K):
            quantity = quantity.to_value(output_unit, equivalencies=u.temperature())
        elif isinstance(output_unit, (u.UnitBase, u.Quantity)):
            quantity = quantity.to_value(output_unit, equivalencies=u.spectral())
            raise TypeError(
                "'output_unit' parameter is not a valid astropy unit: {0}".format(

        if digit:
            quantity = round(quantity, digit)

    return quantity
Exemple #25
 def transpire(self, Water):
     if Water.unit.physical_type == 'mass':
         gaseousVolume = (
             (Water / (18.01528 * (u.g / u.mol))) * c.R * self.temp.to(
                 'Kelvin', equivalencies=u.temperature())) / self.Pressure
         self.__outflow = self.__outflow + gaseousVolume.cgs
         self.aH = ((self.aH * self.volume) + Water) / (self.volume +
         return (gaseousVolume)
     elif Water.unit.physical_type == 'amount of substance':
         gaseousVolume = (Water * c.R * self.temp.to(
             'Kelvin', equivalencies=u.temperature())) / self.Pressure
         self.__outflow = self.__outflow + gaseousVolume.cgs
         self.mH = (
             (self.mH *
              (self.massAir / self.molar_mass_humid_air)) + Water) / (
                  (self.massAir / self.molar_mass_humid_air) + Water)
         raise ValueError('Can only accept mass or moles as argument')
Exemple #26
def nominal_pressure(elevation, airtemp=None):
    """Calculate the nominal pressure in a standard atmosphere.

    Uses a model with a linear decrease in temperature with
    elevation from sea level. For details, see

    elevation : astropy.units.Quantity
        Elevation above sea level to use.
    airtemp : astropy.units.Quantity or None
        Air temperature at the specified elevation to use for
        the standard atmosphere.  When None, assume 15C
        at sea level with a constant lapse rate.

        Pressure at the specified elevation in a standard atmosphere.
    # The atmosphere constant in astropy < 2.0 was renamed to atm in 2.0.
        P0 = astropy.constants.atm
    except AttributeError:
        # Fallback for astropy < 2.0.
        P0 = astropy.constants.atmosphere
    g = astropy.constants.g0
    # Specific gas constant for air.
    R = 287.053 * u.J / (u.kg * u.K)
    # Atmospheric lapse rate.
    L = -6.5e-3 * u.K / u.m
    if airtemp is None:
        # Assume 15C at sea level.
        T0 = (15 * u.deg_C).to(u.K, equivalencies=u.temperature())
        # Convert airtemp to K.
        T = airtemp.to(u.K, equivalencies=u.temperature())
        # Estimate corresponding sea-level temperature.
        T0 = T - L * elevation
    return P0 * np.power(1 + elevation * L / T0, -g / (L * R))
Exemple #27
    def test_kelvin(self) : 
        """check to ensure that we can calculate vp using Kelvin temps"""
        for method in satvp.vp_calcs.keys() :
            calc = satvp.vp_calcs[method]
            # only reason to explicitly convert to kPa is to ensure the precision 
            # of the comparison is expressed in kPa.
            test_vp = calc.calc_vp(self.temp.to(u.K, equivalencies=u.temperature())).to(u.kPa)

            for i in range(len(test_vp)): 
                self.assertTrue((self.vp[i]-test_vp[i]) < 0.1*u.kPa,
                msg= "Failure on {}.calc_vp({:3.1}) == {:3.1} (got {:3.1})".format(method, self.temp[i],self.vp[i],test_vp[i]))
 def test_blackbody_maximum_agrees_with_wien(self, temp):
     '''Check the maximum of emission against Wien's law for photon rate'''
     emissivity = SpectralElement(Empirical1D, points=[1, 20],
                                  lookup_table=[1., 1.])
     flux = surf_utils.make_emission_from_emissivity(temp, emissivity)
     dlam = 0.1
     wave = np.arange(3, 20, dlam) * u.um
     wavemax = wave[np.argmax(flux(wave))]
     if isinstance(temp, u.Quantity):
         temp = temp.to(u.Kelvin, equivalencies=u.temperature()).value
     wienmax = 3669.7 * u.um / temp
     assert np.abs(wavemax - wienmax.to(u.um)) < dlam * u.um
Exemple #29
def blackbody_nu(in_x, temperature):
    """Calculate blackbody flux per steradian, :math:`B_{\\nu}(T)`.

    .. note::

        Use `numpy.errstate` to suppress Numpy warnings, if desired.

    .. warning::

        Output values might contain ``nan`` and ``inf``.


    in_x : number, array-like, or `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        Frequency, wavelength, or wave number.
        If not a Quantity, it is assumed to be in Hz.

    temperature : number, array-like, or `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        Blackbody temperature.
        If not a Quantity, it is assumed to be in Kelvin.


    flux : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        Blackbody monochromatic flux in
        :math:`erg \\; cm^{-2} s^{-1} Hz^{-1} sr^{-1}`.


        Invalid temperature.

        Wavelength is zero (when converting to frequency).

    FNU = u.erg / (u.cm**2 * u.s * u.Hz)
    FLAM = u.erg / (u.cm**2 * u.s * u.AA)

    # Convert to units for calculations, also force double precision
    with u.add_enabled_equivalencies(u.spectral() + u.temperature()):
        freq = u.Quantity(in_x, u.Hz, dtype=np.float64)
        temp = u.Quantity(temperature, u.K, dtype=np.float64)

    log_boltz = const.h * freq / (const.k_B * temp)
    boltzm1 = np.expm1(log_boltz)

    # Calculate blackbody flux
    bb_nu = (2.0 * const.h * freq**3 / (const.c**2 * boltzm1))
    flux = bb_nu.to(FNU, u.spectral_density(freq))

    return flux / u.sr  # Add per steradian to output flux unit
Exemple #30
 def calc_vp(self, temp) :
     """Implements: A * 10^( B * temp / (C + temp))
        temp : array : units = degC
        c : array : units = Pa
     temp = temp.to(u.deg_C, equivalencies=u.temperature())
     return self._A * (10 ** ((self._B * temp) / (self._C + temp)))
Exemple #31
 def calc_vp(self, temp):
     """Implements: A * 10^( B * temp / (C + temp))
        temp : array : units = degC
        c : array : units = Pa
     temp = temp.to(u.deg_C, equivalencies=u.temperature())
     return self._A * (10**((self._B * temp) / (self._C + temp)))
    def test_returned_bb_curve_is_scaled_to_per_arcsec2(self):
        n = 11
        sr2arcsec = u.sr.to(u.arcsec ** 2)
        wave = np.logspace(-1, 3, n) * u.um
        temp = (0 * u.deg_C).to(u.Kelvin, equivalencies=u.temperature())
        srf = opt_surf.SpectralSurface(wavelength=wave,
        emission_raw = SourceSpectrum(BlackBody1D, temperature=temp)

        assert isinstance(srf.emission, SourceSpectrum)
        assert np.allclose(emission_raw(wave) / sr2arcsec,
Exemple #33
    def export(self, packetdata, exportstate, *, descr=False):

        val = ''
        convparam = getattr(packetdata, self.name)
        if convparam:
            if isinstance(convparam, EngineeringParameter):
                val = convparam.engineering
            elif isinstance(convparam, CompressedParameter):
                val = convparam.decompressed

            if isinstance(val, np.ndarray) and val.size > 1:
                # idx = self.order-convparam.order-1
                idx = exportstate[self.name]
                exportstate[self.name] += 1
                val = val[0][idx] if len(val.shape) > 1 else val[idx]

            if self.name == 'NIX00445':
                val = SCETime(coarse=self.value,
                              fine=getattr(packetdata, "NIX00446",
                                           Parameter('NIX00446', 0, None)).value)\
            elif self.name == 'NIX00402':
                if self.value > 2 ** 32 - 1:
                    coarse = self.value >> 16
                    fine = self.value & (1 << 16) - 1
                    coarse = self.value
                    fine = 0
                val = SCETime(coarse, fine).to_datetime().isoformat(timespec='milliseconds')
            elif self.name == 'NIXD0003':
                val = round(self.value / 2.5, 3)

            if isinstance(convparam, EngineeringParameter):
                # undo °C to K
                if convparam.unit == 'degC':
                    val = val.to('deg_C', equivalencies=u.temperature())

                val = (val.value[0].round(3) if hasattr(val.value, "__len__")
                       else round(val.value, 3)) if hasattr(val, "value") else str(val)

        if isinstance(val, np.ndarray):
            val = val[0]

        res = [self.name, self.value, val,
               [c.export(packetdata, exportstate, descr=descr) for c in self.children]]

        if descr:
            res.insert(1, self.idb_info.PCF_DESCR)

        return res
Exemple #34
    def evaluate(self, x, temperature, bolometric_flux):
        """Evaluate the model.

        x : float, `~numpy.ndarray`, or `~astropy.units.Quantity`
            Frequency at which to compute the blackbody. If no units are given,
            this defaults to Hz.

        temperature : float, `~numpy.ndarray`, or `~astropy.units.Quantity`
            Temperature of the blackbody. If no units are given, this defaults
            to Kelvin.

        bolometric_flux : float, `~numpy.ndarray`, or `~astropy.units.Quantity`
            Desired integral for the blackbody.

        y : number or ndarray
            Blackbody spectrum. The units are determined from the units of

        # We need to make sure that we attach units to the temperature if it
        # doesn't have any units. We do this because even though blackbody_nu
        # can take temperature values without units, the / temperature ** 4
        # factor needs units to be defined.
        if isinstance(temperature, u.Quantity):
            temperature = temperature.to(u.K, equivalencies=u.temperature())
            temperature = u.Quantity(temperature, u.K)

        # We normalize the returned blackbody so that the integral would be
        # unity, and we then multiply by the bolometric flux. A normalized
        # blackbody has f_nu = pi * B_nu / (sigma * T^4), which is what we
        # calculate here. We convert to 1/Hz to make sure the units are
        # simplified as much as possible, then we multiply by the bolometric
        # flux to get the normalization right.
        fnu = ((np.pi * u.sr * blackbody_nu(x, temperature) /
                const.sigma_sb / temperature ** 4).to(1 / u.Hz) *

        # If the bolometric_flux parameter has no unit, we should drop the /Hz
        # and return a unitless value. This occurs for instance during fitting,
        # since we drop the units temporarily.
        if hasattr(bolometric_flux, 'unit'):
            return fnu
            return fnu.value
Exemple #35
def eqmc(Temp, RH):
    """Calculate the equilibrium moisture content.
    Temp : array : degF
    RH   : array : pct
    eqmc : array : pct
    This function does not maintain state between calls, so it does not need to
    be inside a class. EMC equations are presented in Appendix C of [1], as
    equations C-1, C-2, and C-3. Note that the RH ranges which select which 
    equation to use have been fixed so they are not overlapping.
    We require that RH and Temp are both scalars or are both arrays of the 
    same shape. We do not permit the case where one is a scalar and the other
    is an array.
    [1] Bradshaw, Larry S., John E. Deeming, Robert E. Burgan, and Jack D. Cohen. 
    1984. The 1978 National Fire-Danger Rating System: Technical Documentation. 

    if (Temp.unit != iu.deg_F):
        Temp = Temp.to(iu.deg_F, u.temperature())

    if RH.isscalar:
        # convert to an array of 1
        RH = u.Quantity([RH])
        Temp = u.Quantity([Temp])

    case_c3 = np.where(RH > 50 * u.pct)
    case_c2 = np.where(np.logical_and(RH > 10 * u.pct, RH <= 50 * u.pct))
    case_c1 = np.where(RH <= 10 * u.pct)
    retval = RH.copy()

    retval[case_c3] = (
        21.0606 * u.pct + (0.005565 * 1 / u.pct) * RH[case_c3]**2 -
        ((0.00035 * 1 / iu.deg_F) * RH[case_c3] * Temp[case_c3]) -
        0.483199 * RH[case_c3])
    retval[case_c2] = (2.22749 * u.pct + 0.160107 * RH[case_c2] -
                       (0.014784 * u.pct / iu.deg_F) * Temp[case_c2])
    retval[case_c1] = (0.03229 * u.pct + 0.281073 * RH[case_c1] -
                       (0.000578 * 1 / iu.deg_F) * RH[case_c1] * Temp[case_c1])

    return retval
Exemple #36
    def evaluate(self, x, temperature, bolometric_flux):
        """Evaluate the model.

        x : float, `~numpy.ndarray`, or `~astropy.units.Quantity`
            Frequency at which to compute the blackbody. If no units are given,
            this defaults to Hz.

        temperature : float, `~numpy.ndarray`, or `~astropy.units.Quantity`
            Temperature of the blackbody. If no units are given, this defaults
            to Kelvin.

        bolometric_flux : float, `~numpy.ndarray`, or `~astropy.units.Quantity`
            Desired integral for the blackbody.

        y : number or ndarray
            Blackbody spectrum. The units are determined from the units of

        # We need to make sure that we attach units to the temperature if it
        # doesn't have any units. We do this because even though blackbody_nu
        # can take temperature values without units, the / temperature ** 4
        # factor needs units to be defined.
        if isinstance(temperature, u.Quantity):
            temperature = temperature.to(u.K, equivalencies=u.temperature())
            temperature = u.Quantity(temperature, u.K)

        # We normalize the returned blackbody so that the integral would be
        # unity, and we then multiply by the bolometric flux. A normalized
        # blackbody has f_nu = pi * B_nu / (sigma * T^4), which is what we
        # calculate here. We convert to 1/Hz to make sure the units are
        # simplified as much as possible, then we multiply by the bolometric
        # flux to get the normalization right.
        fnu = ((np.pi * u.sr * blackbody_nu(x, temperature) /
                const.sigma_sb / temperature ** 4).to(1 / u.Hz) *

        # If the bolometric_flux parameter has no unit, we should drop the /Hz
        # and return a unitless value. This occurs for instance during fitting,
        # since we drop the units temporarily.
        if hasattr(bolometric_flux, 'unit'):
            return fnu
            return fnu.value
Exemple #37
def test_temperature():
    from astropy.units.imperial import deg_F, deg_R
    t_k = 0 * u.K
    assert_allclose(t_k.to_value(u.deg_C, u.temperature()), -273.15)
    assert_allclose(t_k.to_value(deg_F, u.temperature()), -459.67)
    t_k = 20 * u.K
    assert_allclose(t_k.to_value(deg_R, u.temperature()), 36.0)
    t_k = 20 * deg_R
    assert_allclose(t_k.to_value(u.K, u.temperature()), 11.11, atol=0.01)
    t_k = 20 * deg_F
    assert_allclose(t_k.to_value(deg_R, u.temperature()), 479.67)
    t_k = 20 * deg_R
    assert_allclose(t_k.to_value(deg_F, u.temperature()), -439.67)
    t_k = 20 * u.deg_C
    assert_allclose(t_k.to_value(deg_R, u.temperature()), 527.67)
    t_k = 20 * deg_R
    assert_allclose(t_k.to_value(u.deg_C, u.temperature()), -262.039, atol=0.01)
Exemple #38
    def test_kelvin(self):
        """check to ensure that we can calculate vp using Kelvin temps"""
        for method in satvp.vp_calcs.keys():
            calc = satvp.vp_calcs[method]

            # only reason to explicitly convert to kPa is to ensure the precision
            # of the comparison is expressed in kPa.
            test_vp = calc.calc_vp(
                self.temp.to(u.K, equivalencies=u.temperature())).to(u.kPa)

            for i in range(len(test_vp)):
                    (self.vp[i] - test_vp[i]) < 0.1 * u.kPa,
                    msg="Failure on {}.calc_vp({:3.1}) == {:3.1} (got {:3.1})".
                    format(method, self.temp[i], self.vp[i], test_vp[i]))
Exemple #39
 def calc_vp(self, temp):
     """Implements: A * e^( B * temp / (C + temp))
        temp : array : units = degC
        c : array : units = Pa
     # explicit conversion is necessary because units library
     # doesn't handle automatic conversion between temperature 
     # units.
     temp = temp.to(u.deg_C, equivalencies=u.temperature())
     return self._A * np.exp((self._B * temp) / (self._C + temp))
Exemple #40
 def calc_vp(self, temp):
     """Implements: A * e^( B * temp / (C + temp))
        temp : array : units = degC
        c : array : units = Pa
     # explicit conversion is necessary because units library
     # doesn't handle automatic conversion between temperature
     # units.
     temp = temp.to(u.deg_C, equivalencies=u.temperature())
     return self._A * np.exp((self._B * temp) / (self._C + temp))
Exemple #41
def eqmc (Temp,RH):
    """Calculate the equilibrium moisture content.
    Temp : array : degF
    RH   : array : pct
    eqmc : array : pct
    This function does not maintain state between calls, so it does not need to
    be inside a class. EMC equations are presented in Appendix C of [1], as
    equations C-1, C-2, and C-3. Note that the RH ranges which select which 
    equation to use have been fixed so they are not overlapping.
    We require that RH and Temp are both scalars or are both arrays of the 
    same shape. We do not permit the case where one is a scalar and the other
    is an array.
    [1] Bradshaw, Larry S., John E. Deeming, Robert E. Burgan, and Jack D. Cohen. 
    1984. The 1978 National Fire-Danger Rating System: Technical Documentation. 

    if (Temp.unit != iu.deg_F) : 
        Temp = Temp.to(iu.deg_F, u.temperature())
    if RH.isscalar : 
        # convert to an array of 1
        RH = u.Quantity([RH])
        Temp = u.Quantity([Temp])
    case_c3 = np.where(RH > 50*u.pct)
    case_c2 = np.where( np.logical_and(RH > 10*u.pct, RH<=50*u.pct))
    case_c1 = np.where( RH <= 10*u.pct)
    retval  = RH.copy()
    retval[case_c3] = (21.0606*u.pct + (0.005565 * 1/u.pct) * RH[case_c3]**2 - 
                 ((0.00035 * 1/iu.deg_F) * RH[case_c3] * Temp[case_c3]) - 0.483199 * RH[case_c3])
    retval[case_c2] = (2.22749*u.pct + 0.160107 * RH[case_c2] - (0.014784 * u.pct/iu.deg_F) * Temp[case_c2])
    retval[case_c1] = (0.03229*u.pct + 0.281073 * RH[case_c1] - (0.000578 * 1/iu.deg_F) * RH[case_c1] * Temp[case_c1])
    return retval	
Exemple #42
def differential_p(
    """Differential refraction as given by 1982PASP...94..715F """

    zd = zenith_distance.to(u.rad).value
    p = pressure.to(u.Pascal).value / 133.322387415
    t = temperature.to(u.deg_C, equivalencies=u.temperature()).value
    f = relative_humidity * p
    nl = 1 + 1e-6 * ref_index2(wl, p, t, f)
    n0 = 1 + 1e-6 * ref_index2(wl_reference, p, t, f)

    delt_r = (nl - n0) * math.tan(zd)

    return delt_r * u.rad
Exemple #43
def extractTemperature(weather, useKelvin=False):
    """Thin wrapper to return the measured temperature from an observation.

    weather : `lsst.afw.coord.Weather`
        Class containing the measured temperature, pressure, and humidity
        at the observatory during an observation
    useKelvin : bool, optional
        Set to True to return the temperature in Kelvin instead of Celsius
        This is needed because Astropy can't easily convert
        between Kelvin and Celsius.

    temperature : `astropy.units.Quantity`
        The temperature in Celsius, unless `useKelvin` is set.
    temperature = weather.getAirTemperature()*units.Celsius
    if useKelvin:
        temperature = temperature.to(units.Kelvin, equivalencies=units.temperature())
    return temperature
Exemple #44
def oneten_ofdm(temp, rh, srad, fm_100) : 
    """one and ten hour fuel moisture using the Oklahoma fire danger model
    Calculates the one and ten hour fuel moistures using the methodology in [2].
    This method does not require knowledge of the "state of the weather", and 
    may be easier to use with simulated met data.
    temp : array : deg_C
        1.5 m temperature observation
    rh   : array : pct
        1.5 m relative humidity observation
    srad : array : W / m**2
        1.5 m solar radiation observation from Li-Cor LI-200s pyranometer 
        (bandpass: 400-1100nm)
    fm_100 : array : pct
        calculated 100-hr fuel moisture (dry basis)
    fm : array : pct
        tuple containing 1 and 10 hour % fuel moistures
    [2] Carlson, J. D., Robert E. Burgan, David M. Engle, and 
        Justin R. Greenfield. 2002. “The Oklahoma Fire Danger Model: An 
        Operational Tool for Mesoscale Fire Danger Rating in Oklahoma.” 
        International Journal of Wildland Fire 11 (4): 183–91.
    temp = temp.to(u.deg_C, equivalencies=u.temperature())
    fuel_temp = (srad/SOLAR_CONST)*(13.9 * u.deg_C ) + temp
    fuel_rh   = (1 - 0.25*(srad/SOLAR_CONST))*rh
    fm_basis = 0.8 * eqmc(fuel_temp, fuel_rh) 
    fm_10 = fm_basis + 0.2 * fm_100
    fm_1  = fm_basis + 0.2 * fm_10
    return (fm_1, fm_10)
Exemple #45
def test_temperature():
    from astropy.units.imperial import deg_F
    t_k = 0 * u.K
    assert_allclose(t_k.to_value(u.deg_C, u.temperature()), -273.15)
    assert_allclose(t_k.to_value(deg_F, u.temperature()), -459.67)
Exemple #46
def create_observing_model(where, when, wavelength, temperature=15*u.deg_C,
                           pressure=None, relative_humidity=0):
    """Create a model for observations through the atmosphere.

    This function encapsulates algorithms for the time-dependent transformation
    between sky coordinates and ALT-AZ through a specified atmosphere, and
    models the wavelength-dependent atmospheric refraction.

    The model returned by this function can be passed to :func:`sky_to_altaz`
    and :func:`altaz_to_sky` to transform sky coordinates such as RA,DEC to
    and from this model's ALT,AZ coordinate frame(s).

    The output shape resulting from using a model with :func:`sky_to_altaz` or
    :func:`altaz_to_sky` is determined by the usual `numpy broadcasting rules
    <http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/user/basics.broadcasting.html>`__ applied
    to all of the coordinates and observing model inputs, so this function can
    be used to tabulate an observing model on a user-specified grid covering
    location x time x wavelength x temperature x pressure x humidity.  For
    example, to model a grid of observing times and wavelengths:

    >>> where = observatories['KPNO']
    >>> when = astropy.time.Time([56382.9, 56383.1], format='mjd')
    >>> wlen = np.linspace(4000., 10000., 7) * u.Angstrom
    >>> obs_model = create_observing_model(where, when[:, np.newaxis], wlen)
    >>> sky_in = astropy.coordinates.ICRS(ra=45*u.deg, dec=45*u.deg)
    >>> sky_to_altaz(sky_in, obs_model).shape
    (2, 7)

    where : :class:`astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation`
        The location(s) on the earth where the sky is being observed.
    when : :class:`astropy.time.Time`
        The time(s) of the observations.
    wavelength : :class:`astropy.units.Quantity`
        The wavelength(s) of the observations with units of length.
    temperature : :class:`astropy.units.Quantity`
        The temperature(s) of the observations with temperature units.
    pressure : :class:`astropy.units.Quantity`
        The atmospheric pressure(s) of the observations with appropriate units.
        These should be pressures at the telescope, rather
        than adjusted to equivalent sea-level pressures. When ``None`` is
        specified, the pressure(s) will be estimated at the telescope elevation
        using a standard atmosphere model at the specified temperature(s).
    relative_humidity : :class:`float` or :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        Relative humidity (or humidities) of the observations. Value(s) should
        be in the range 0-1 and are dimensionless.

        An array of ALT-AZ coordinate frames with a shape given by
        :func:`np.broadcast(where, when, wavelength, temperature, pressure,
        relative_humidity) <numpy.broadcast>`.
    if not isinstance(relative_humidity, np.ndarray):
        relative_humidity = np.float(relative_humidity)
    if np.any((relative_humidity < 0) | (relative_humidity > 1)):
        raise ValueError('Values of relative_humidity must be 0-1.')

    # Convert temperature(s).
    T_in_C = temperature.to(u.deg_C, equivalencies=u.temperature())

    # Estimate pressure(s) based on elevation, if necessary.
    # See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vertical_pressure_variation
    if pressure is None:
        h = where.height
        p0 = astropy.constants.atmosphere
        g0 = astropy.constants.g0
        R = astropy.constants.R
        air_molar_mass = 0.0289644 * u.kg / u.mol
        T_in_K = temperature.to(u.K, equivalencies=u.temperature())
        pressure = p0 * np.exp(-h * air_molar_mass * g0 / (R * T_in_K))

    # Check that the input shapes are compatible for broadcasting to the output,
    # otherwise this will raise a ValueError.
    np.broadcast(where, when, wavelength, temperature, pressure,

    # Initialize the altaz frames for each (time, wavelength, temperature,
    # pressure, relative_humidity).
    return astropy.coordinates.AltAz(
        location=where, obstime=when, obswl=wavelength, temperature=T_in_C,
        pressure=pressure, relative_humidity=relative_humidity)
Exemple #47
def blackbody_nu(in_x, temperature):
    """Calculate blackbody flux per steradian, :math:`B_{\\nu}(T)`.

    .. note::

        Use `numpy.errstate` to suppress Numpy warnings, if desired.

    .. warning::

        Output values might contain ``nan`` and ``inf``.

    in_x : number, array-like, or `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        Frequency, wavelength, or wave number.
        If not a Quantity, it is assumed to be in Hz.

    temperature : number, array-like, or `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        Blackbody temperature.
        If not a Quantity, it is assumed to be in Kelvin.

    flux : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        Blackbody monochromatic flux in
        :math:`erg \\; cm^{-2} s^{-1} Hz^{-1} sr^{-1}`.

        Invalid temperature.

        Wavelength is zero (when converting to frequency).

    # Convert to units for calculations, also force double precision
    with u.add_enabled_equivalencies(u.spectral() + u.temperature()):
        freq = u.Quantity(in_x, u.Hz, dtype=np.float64)
        temp = u.Quantity(temperature, u.K, dtype=np.float64)

    # Check if input values are physically possible
    if np.any(temp < 0):
        raise ValueError('Temperature should be positive: {0}'.format(temp))
    if not np.all(np.isfinite(freq)) or np.any(freq <= 0):
        warnings.warn('Input contains invalid wavelength/frequency value(s)',

    log_boltz = const.h * freq / (const.k_B * temp)
    boltzm1 = np.expm1(log_boltz)

    if _has_buggy_expm1:
        # Replace incorrect nan results with infs--any result of 'nan' is
        # incorrect unless the input (in log_boltz) happened to be nan to begin
        # with.  (As noted in #4393 ideally this would be replaced by a version
        # of expm1 that doesn't have this bug, rather than fixing incorrect
        # results after the fact...)
        boltzm1_nans = np.isnan(boltzm1)
        if np.any(boltzm1_nans):
            if boltzm1.isscalar and not np.isnan(log_boltz):
                boltzm1 = np.inf
                boltzm1[np.where(~np.isnan(log_boltz) & boltzm1_nans)] = np.inf

    # Calculate blackbody flux
    bb_nu = (2.0 * const.h * freq ** 3 / (const.c ** 2 * boltzm1))
    flux = bb_nu.to(FNU, u.spectral_density(freq))

    return flux / u.sr  # Add per steradian to output flux unit
Exemple #48
def calc_i_tmin(tmin) : 
    tmin = tmin.to(u.deg_C, equivalencies=u.temperature())
    return __xf_tmin.scale(tmin)
Exemple #49

print("---------------------Fetching Data of Entered Planet----------------------")
print("Selected Planet is " + x)
print("Albedo of " + x + " is " + str(a))
print("Distance of " + x + " from sun is " + str(d))
print("--------That's it what we need to calculate equilibrium temperature-------")

#Calculation of Equilibrium Temperature of any planet,...
#... considering it has no atmosphere.

t_p = tem.temp(x)
t_p_c = t_p.to(u.deg_C, equivalencies=u.temperature())
print("----------------------Equilibrium Temperature-----------------------------")
print("Equilibrium Temperature of " + x + " is " + str(t_p) + " (" + str(t_p_c) + " )")

#Calculating Greenhouse Temperature of any planet

t_g = tem.temp_gh(x)
t_g_c = t_g.to(u.deg_C, equivalencies=u.temperature())
print("Greenhouse temperature of " + x + " is " + str(t_g)+ " (" + str(t_g_c) + " )")

r1 = np.linspace(0,20000,10000)*u.m