def catalogue_call(avgCoord, opt, cat_name): data = namedtuple(typename='data', field_names=['ra', 'dec', 'mag', 'emag', 'cat_name']) TABLES = { 'APASS': '******', 'SDSS': 'V/147/sdss12', 'PanSTARRS': 'II/349/ps1', 'SkyMapper': 'II/358/smss' } tbname = TABLES.get(cat_name, None) kwargs = {'radius': '0.33 deg'} kwargs['catalog'] = cat_name try: v = Vizier(columns=[ 'all' ]) # Skymapper by default does not report the error columns v.ROW_LIMIT = -1 query = v.query_region(avgCoord, **kwargs) except VOSError: raise AstrosourceException("Could not find RA {} Dec {} in {}".format( avgCoord.ra.value, avgCoord.dec.value, cat_name)) if query.keys(): resp = query[tbname] else: raise AstrosourceException("Could not find RA {} Dec {} in {}".format( avgCoord.ra.value, avgCoord.dec.value, cat_name)) logger.debug(f'Looking for sources in {cat_name}') if cat_name in ['APASS', 'PanSTARRS']: radecname = {'ra': 'RAJ2000', 'dec': 'DEJ2000'} elif cat_name == 'SDSS': radecname = {'ra': 'RA_ICRS', 'dec': 'DE_ICRS'} elif cat_name == 'SkyMapper': radecname = {'ra': 'RAICRS', 'dec': 'DEICRS'} else: radecname = {'ra': 'raj2000', 'dec': 'dej2000'} # Filter out bad data from catalogues if cat_name == 'PanSTARRS': resp = resp[where((resp['Qual'] == 52) | (resp['Qual'] == 60) | (resp['Qual'] == 61))] elif cat_name == 'SDSS': resp = resp[resp['Q'] == 3] elif cat_name == 'SkyMapper': resp = resp[resp['flags'] == 0] data.cat_name = cat_name data.ra = array(resp[radecname['ra']].data) data.dec = array(resp[radecname['dec']].data) # extract RA, Dec, Mag and error as arrays data.mag = array(resp[opt['filter']].data) data.emag = array(resp[opt['error']].data) return data
def gather_files(paths, filetype="fz"): # Get list of files filelist = paths['parent'].glob("*.{}".format(filetype)) if filetype not in ['fits', 'fit', 'fz']: # Assume we are not dealing with image files but photometry files phot_list = [f for f in filelist] else: phot_list = export_photometry_files(filelist, paths['parent']) if not phot_list: raise AstrosourceException("No files of type '.{}' found in {}".format( filetype, paths['parent'])) filters = set([os.path.basename(f).split('_')[1] for f in phot_list]) logger.debug("Filter Set: {}".format(filters)) if len(filters) > 1: raise AstrosourceException( "Check your images, the script detected multiple filters in your file list. Astrosource currently only does one filter at a time." ) return phot_list, list(filters)[0]
def gather_files(paths, filelist=None, filetype="fz", bjd=False): # Get list of files sys.stdout.write('💾 Inspecting input files\n') if not filelist: filelist = paths['parent'].glob("*.{}".format(filetype)) if filetype not in ['fits', 'fit', 'fz']: # Assume we are not dealing with image files but photometry files phot_list = convert_photometry_files(filelist) else: phot_list_temp = export_photometry_files(filelist, paths['parent'], bjd) #Convert phot_list from dict to list phot_list_temp = phot_list_temp.keys() phot_list = [] for key in phot_list_temp: phot_list.append(key) #SLAERT: convert dict to just the list of npy files. if not phot_list: raise AstrosourceException("No files of type '.{}' found in {}".format(filetype, paths['parent'])) filters = set([os.path.basename(f).split('_')[1] for f in phot_list]) logger.debug("Filter Set: {}".format(filters)) if len(filters) > 1: raise AstrosourceException("Check your images, the script detected multiple filters in your file list. Astrosource currently only does one filter at a time.") return phot_list, list(filters)[0]
def output_files(paths, photometrydata, mode='diff'): if mode == 'calib' and not (paths['parent'] / 'calibCompsUsed.csv').exists(): raise AstrosourceException("No calibrated photometry available") for j, outputPhot in enumerate(photometrydata): r = j + 1"Outputting files Variable " + str(r)) outputPeransoCalib = [ x for x in zip(outputPhot[:, 6], outputPhot[:, 10], outputPhot[:, 11]) ] savetxt(paths['outcatPath'] / f'V{r}_{mode}Peranso.txt', outputPeransoCalib, delimiter=" ", fmt='%0.8f') savetxt(paths['outcatPath'] / f'V{r}_{mode}Excel.csv', outputPeransoCalib, delimiter=",", fmt='%0.8f') # Output Differential astroImageJ file outputaijCalib = [ x for x in zip(outputPhot[:, 6] - 2450000.0, outputPhot[:, 10], outputPhot[:, 11]) ] savetxt(paths['outcatPath'] / f'V{r}_{mode}AIJ.txt', outputaijCalib, delimiter=" ", fmt='%0.8f') savetxt(paths['outcatPath'] / f'V{r}_{mode}AIJ.csv', outputaijCalib, delimiter=",", fmt='%0.8f') return
def find_stars(targets, paths, fileList, mincompstars=0.1, starreject=0.1 , acceptDistance=1.0, lowcounts=2000, hicounts=3000000, imageFracReject=0.0, rejectStart=7): """ Finds stars useful for photometry in each photometry/data file Parameters ---------- targets : list List of target tuples in the format (ra, dec, 0, 0). ra and dec must be in decimal indir : str Path to files filelist : str List of photometry files to try acceptDistance : float Furtherest distance in arcseconds for matches lowcounts : int look for comparisons brighter than this hicounts : int look for comparisons dimmer than this imageFracReject: float This is a value which will reject images based on number of stars detected starFracReject : float This ia a value which will reject images that reject this fraction of available stars after.... rejectStart : int This many initial images (lots of stars are expected to be rejected in the early images) minCompStars : int This is the minimum number of comp stars required Returns ------- used_file : str Path to newly created file containing all images which are usable for photometry """ sys.stdout.write("🌟 Identify comparison stars for photometry calculations\n") #Initialisation values # LOOK FOR REJECTING NON-WCS IMAGES # If the WCS matching has failed, this function will remove the image from the list fileSizer=0"Finding image with most stars detected and reject ones with bad WCS") referenceFrame = None for file in fileList: photFile = load(paths['parent'] / file) if (photFile.size < 50): logger.debug("REJECT") logger.debug(file) fileList.remove(file) elif (( asarray(photFile[:,0]) > 360).sum() > 0) : logger.debug("REJECT") logger.debug(file) fileList.remove(file) elif (( asarray(photFile[:,1]) > 90).sum() > 0) : logger.debug("REJECT") logger.debug(file) fileList.remove(file) else: # Sort through and find the largest file and use that as the reference file if photFile.size > fileSizer: if (( photFile[:,0] > 360).sum() == 0) and ( photFile[0][0] != 'null') and ( photFile[0][0] != 0.0) : referenceFrame = photFile fileSizer = photFile.size logger.debug("{} - {}".format(photFile.size, file)) if not referenceFrame.size: raise AstrosourceException("No suitable reference files found") logger.debug("Setting up reference Frame") fileRaDec = SkyCoord(ra=referenceFrame[:,0]*, dec=referenceFrame[:,1]* logger.debug("Removing stars with low or high counts") rejectStars=[] # Check star has adequate counts for j in range(referenceFrame.shape[0]): if ( referenceFrame[j][4] < lowcounts or referenceFrame[j][4] > hicounts ): rejectStars.append(int(j)) logger.debug("Number of stars prior") logger.debug(referenceFrame.shape[0]) referenceFrame=delete(referenceFrame, rejectStars, axis=0) logger.debug("Number of stars post") logger.debug(referenceFrame.shape[0]) originalReferenceFrame=referenceFrame originalfileList=fileList compchecker=0 mincompstars=int(referenceFrame.shape[0]*mincompstars) # Transform mincompstars variable from fraction of stars into number of stars. if mincompstars < 1: # Always try to get at least ten comp candidates initially -- just because having a bunch is better than having 1. mincompstars=1 ##### Looper function to automatically cycle through more restrictive values for imageFracReject and starreject while (compchecker < mincompstars): # Keep going until you get the minimum number of Comp Stars imgsize=imageFracReject * fileSizer # set threshold size rejStartCounter = 0 usedImages=[] # Set up used images array imgReject = 0 # Number of images rejected due to high rejection rate loFileReject = 0 # Number of images rejected due to too few stars in the photometry file wcsFileReject=0 for file in fileList: if ( not referenceFrame.shape[0] < mincompstars): rejStartCounter = rejStartCounter +1 photFile = load(paths['parent'] / file) logger.debug('Image Number: ' + str(rejStartCounter)) logger.debug(file) logger.debug("Image threshold size: "+str(imgsize)) logger.debug("Image catalogue size: "+str(photFile.size)) if photFile.size > imgsize and photFile.size > 7 : phottmparr = asarray(photFile) if (( phottmparr[:,0] > 360).sum() == 0) and ( phottmparr[0][0] != 'null') and ( phottmparr[0][0] != 0.0) : # Checking existance of stars in all photometry files rejectStars=[] # A list to hold what stars are to be rejected # Find whether star in reference list is in this phot file, if not, reject star. for j in range(referenceFrame.shape[0]): photRAandDec = SkyCoord(ra = photFile[:,0]*, dec = photFile[:,1]* testStar = SkyCoord(ra = referenceFrame[j][0]*, dec = referenceFrame[j][1]* # This is the function in the whole package which requires scipy idx, d2d, d3d = testStar.match_to_catalog_sky(photRAandDec) if (d2d.arcsecond > acceptDistance): #"No Match! Nothing within range." rejectStars.append(int(j)) # if the rejectstar list is not empty, remove the stars from the reference List if rejectStars != []: if not (((len(rejectStars) / referenceFrame.shape[0]) > starreject) and rejStartCounter > rejectStart): referenceFrame = delete(referenceFrame, rejectStars, axis=0) logger.debug('**********************') logger.debug('Stars Removed : ' +str(len(rejectStars))) logger.debug('Remaining Stars: ' +str(referenceFrame.shape[0])) logger.debug('**********************') usedImages.append(file) else: logger.debug('**********************') logger.debug('Image Rejected due to too high a fraction of rejected stars') logger.debug(len(rejectStars) / referenceFrame.shape[0]) logger.debug('**********************') imgReject=imgReject+1 fileList.remove(file) else: logger.debug('**********************') logger.debug('All Stars Present') logger.debug('**********************') usedImages.append(file) # If we have removed all stars, we have failed! if (referenceFrame.shape[0]==0): logger.error("Problem file - {}".format(file)) logger.error("Running Loop again") #raise AstrosourceException("All Stars Removed. Try removing problematic files or raising --imgreject value") # if (referenceFrame.shape[0]< mincompstars): # logger.error("Problem file - {}".format(file)) # raise AstrosourceException("There are fewer than the requested number of Comp Stars. Try removing problematic files or raising --imgreject value") elif photFile.size < 7: logger.error('**********************') logger.error("WCS Coordinates broken") logger.error('**********************') wcsFileReject=wcsFileReject+1 fileList.remove(file) else: logger.error('**********************') logger.error("CONTAINS TOO FEW STARS") logger.error('**********************') loFileReject=loFileReject+1 fileList.remove(file) sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() # Raise values of imgreject and starreject for next attempt starreject=starreject-0.025 imageFracReject=imageFracReject+0.05 compchecker = referenceFrame.shape[0] if starreject < 0.15: starreject=0.15 if imageFracReject > 0.8: imageFracReject = 0.8 if starreject == 0.15 and imageFracReject == 0.8 and mincompstars ==1: logger.error("Number of Candidate Comparison Stars found this cycle: " + str(compchecker)) logger.error("Failed to find any comparison candidates with the maximum restrictions. There is something terribly wrong!") raise AstrosourceException("Unable to find sufficient comparison stars with the most stringent conditions in this dataset. Try reducing the --mincompstars value") if starreject == 0.15 and imageFracReject == 0.8 and mincompstars !=1: logger.error("Maximum number of Candidate Comparison Stars found this cycle: " + str(compchecker)) logger.error("Failed to find sufficient comparison candidates with the maximum restrictions, trying with a lower value for mincompstars") compchecker=0 mincompstars=int(mincompstars*0.8) if mincompstars < 1: mincompstars =1 starreject=0.3 imageFracReject=0.05 referenceFrame=originalReferenceFrame fileList=originalfileList elif (compchecker < mincompstars): logger.error("Number of Candidate Comparison Stars found this cycle: " + str(compchecker)) logger.error("Failed to find sufficient comparison candidates, adjusting starreject and imgreject and trying again.") logger.error("Now trying starreject " +str(starreject) + " and imgreject " +str(imageFracReject)) referenceFrame=originalReferenceFrame # Construct the output file containing candidate comparison stars outputComps=[] for j in range (referenceFrame.shape[0]): outputComps.append([referenceFrame[j][0],referenceFrame[j][1]]) logger.debug("These are the identified common stars of sufficient brightness that are in every image") logger.debug(outputComps)'Images Rejected due to high star rejection rate: {}'.format(imgReject))'Images Rejected due to low file size: {}'.format(loFileReject))'Out of this many original images: {}'.format(len(fileList)))"Number of candidate Comparison Stars Detected: " + str(len(outputComps)))'Output sent to screenedComps.csv ready for use in Comparison') screened_file = paths['parent'] / "screenedComps.csv" outputComps = asarray(outputComps) # outputComps.sort(axis=0) # Reject targetstars immediately # Remove targets from consideration if targets.shape == (4,): targets = [targets] while True: targetRejects=[] if outputComps.shape[0] ==2 and outputComps.size ==2: fileRaDec=SkyCoord(ra=outputComps[0]*,dec=outputComps[1]* else: fileRaDec=SkyCoord(ra=outputComps[:,0]*,dec=outputComps[:,1]* for target in targets: varCoord = SkyCoord(target[0],(target[1]), frame='icrs', unit=u.deg) # Need to remove target stars from consideration idx, d2d, _ = varCoord.match_to_catalog_sky(fileRaDec) if d2d.arcsecond < 5.0: # anything within 5 arcseconds of the target targetRejects.append(idx) if targetRejects==[]: break #Remove target and restore skycoord list outputComps=delete(outputComps, targetRejects, axis=0) if len(outputComps) == 0:"The only comparisons detected where also target stars. No adequate comparisons were found.") sys.exit() fileRaDec = SkyCoord(ra=outputComps[:,0]*, dec=outputComps[:,1]* savetxt(screened_file, outputComps, delimiter=",", fmt='%0.8f') used_file = paths['parent'] / "usedImages.txt" with open(used_file, "w") as f: for s in usedImages: filename = Path(s).name f.write(str(filename) +"\n") sys.stdout.write('\n') return usedImages, outputComps
def find_comparisons_calibrated(targets, paths, filterCode, nopanstarrs=False, nosdss=False, closerejectd=5.0, max_magerr=0.05, stdMultiplier=2, variabilityMultiplier=2): sys.stdout.write("тнРя╕П Find comparison stars in catalogues for calibrated photometry\n") FILTERS = { 'B' : {'APASS' : {'filter' : 'Bmag', 'error' : 'e_Bmag'}}, 'V' : {'APASS' : {'filter' : 'Vmag', 'error' : 'e_Vmag'}}, 'up' : {'SDSS' : {'filter' : 'umag', 'error' : 'e_umag'}, 'SkyMapper' : {'filter' : 'uPSF', 'error' : 'e_uPSF'}}, 'gp' : {'SDSS' : {'filter' : 'gmag', 'error' : 'e_mag'}, 'SkyMapper' : {'filter' : 'gPSF', 'error' : 'e_gPSF'}, 'PanSTARRS': {'filter' : 'gmag', 'error' : 'e_gmag'}}, 'rp' : {'SDSS' : {'filter' : 'rmag', 'error' : 'e_rmag'}, 'SkyMapper' : {'filter' : 'rPSF', 'error' : 'e_rPSF'}, 'PanSTARRS': {'filter' : 'rmag', 'error' : 'e_rmag'}}, 'ip' : {'SDSS' : {'filter' : 'imag', 'error' : 'e_imag'}, 'SkyMapper' : {'filter' : 'iPSF', 'error' : 'e_iPSF'}, 'PanSTARRS': {'filter' : 'imag', 'error' : 'e_imag'}}, 'zs' : {'PanSTARRS': {'filter' : 'zmag', 'error' : 'e_zmag'}, 'SkyMapper' : {'filter' : 'zPSF', 'error' : 'e_zPSF'}, 'SDSS' : {'filter' : 'zmag', 'error' : 'e_zmag'}}, } parentPath = paths['parent'] calibPath = parentPath / "calibcats" if not calibPath.exists(): os.makedirs(calibPath) #Vizier.ROW_LIMIT = -1 # Get List of Files Used fileList=[] for line in (parentPath / "usedImages.txt").read_text().strip().split('\n'): fileList.append(line.strip()) logger.debug("Filter Set: " + filterCode) # Load compsused compFile = genfromtxt(parentPath / 'stdComps.csv', dtype=float, delimiter=',') logger.debug(compFile.shape[0]) if compFile.shape[0] == 13 and compFile.size == 13: compCoords=SkyCoord(ra=compFile[0]*degree, dec=compFile[1]*degree) else: compCoords=SkyCoord(ra=compFile[:,0]*degree, dec=compFile[:,1]*degree) # Get Average RA and Dec from file if compFile.shape[0] == 13 and compFile.size == 13: logger.debug(compFile[0]) logger.debug(compFile[1]) avgCoord=SkyCoord(ra=(compFile[0])*degree, dec=(compFile[1]*degree)) else: logger.debug(average(compFile[:,0])) logger.debug(average(compFile[:,1])) avgCoord=SkyCoord(ra=(average(compFile[:,0]))*degree, dec=(average(compFile[:,1]))*degree) try: catalogues = FILTERS[filterCode] except IndexError: raise AstrosourceException(f"{filterCode} is not accepted at present") # Look up in online catalogues coords=[] for cat_name, opt in catalogues.items(): try: if coords ==[]: #SALERT - Do not search if a suitable catalogue has already been found"Searching " + str(cat_name)) if cat_name == 'PanSTARRS' and nopanstarrs==True:"Skipping PanSTARRS") elif cat_name == 'SDSS' and nosdss==True:"Skipping SDSS") else: coords = catalogue_call(avgCoord, opt, cat_name, targets=targets, closerejectd=closerejectd) if coords.cat_name == 'PanSTARRS' or coords.cat_name == 'APASS': max_sep=2.5 * arcsecond else: max_sep=1.5 * arcsecond if coords !=[]: cat_used=cat_name except AstrosourceException as e: logger.debug(e) if not coords: raise AstrosourceException(f"Could not find coordinate match in any catalogues for {filterCode}") #Setup standard catalogue coordinates catCoords=SkyCoord(ra=coords.ra*degree, dec=coords.dec*degree) #Get calib mags for least variable IDENTIFIED stars.... not the actual stars in compUsed!! Brighter, less variable stars may be too bright for calibration! #So the stars that will be used to calibrate the frames to get the OTHER stars. calibStands=[] if compFile.shape[0] ==13 and compFile.size ==13: lenloop=1 else: lenloop=len(compFile[:,0]) for q in range(lenloop): if compFile.shape[0] ==13 and compFile.size ==13: compCoord=SkyCoord(ra=compFile[0]*degree, dec=compFile[1]*degree) else: compCoord=SkyCoord(ra=compFile[q][0]*degree, dec=compFile[q][1]*degree) idxcomp,d2dcomp,d3dcomp=compCoord.match_to_catalog_sky(catCoords) if d2dcomp < max_sep: if not isnan(coords.mag[idxcomp]): if compFile.shape[0] ==13 and compFile.size ==13: calibStands.append([compFile[0],compFile[1],compFile[2],coords.mag[idxcomp],coords.emag[idxcomp]]) else: calibStands.append([compFile[q][0],compFile[q][1],compFile[q][2],coords.mag[idxcomp],coords.emag[idxcomp]])'Calibration Stars Identified below') # Get the set of least variable stars to use as a comparison to calibrate the files (to eventually get the *ACTUAL* standards #logger.debug(asarray(calibStands).shape[0]) if asarray(calibStands).shape[0] == 0:"We could not find a suitable match between any of your stars and the calibration catalogue")"You might need to reduce the low value (usually 10000) to get some dimmer stars in script 1")"You might also try using one of --nosdss or --nopanstarrs option (not both!) to prevent comparisons to these catalogues") raise AstrosourceException("Stars are too dim to calibrate to.") varimin=(min(asarray(calibStands)[:,2])) * variabilityMultiplier loopbreaker=0 while loopbreaker==0: calibStandsReject=[] for q in range(len(asarray(calibStands)[:,0])): if calibStands[q][2] > varimin: calibStandsReject.append(q) elif calibStands[q][4] == 0: calibStandsReject.append(q) elif np.isnan(calibStands[q][4]): calibStandsReject.append(q) if len(calibStands) > len(calibStandsReject): loopbreaker=1 else: varimin=varimin+0.01 calibStands=delete(calibStands, calibStandsReject, axis=0) calibStand=asarray(calibStands) savetxt(parentPath / "calibStands.csv", calibStands , delimiter=",", fmt='%0.8f') # Lets use this set to calibrate each datafile and pull out the calibrated compsused magnitudes compUsedFile = genfromtxt(parentPath / 'compsUsed.csv', dtype=float, delimiter=',') calibCompUsed=[] calibOverlord=[] # a huge array intended to create the calibration plot and data out of all the individual calibration files. logger.debug("CALIBRATING EACH FILE") for file in fileList: logger.debug(file) #Get the phot file into memory photFile = load(parentPath / file) photCoords=SkyCoord(ra=photFile[:,0]*degree, dec=photFile[:,1]*degree) #Convert the phot file into instrumental magnitudes for r in range(len(photFile[:,0])): photFile[r,5]=1.0857 * (photFile[r,5]/photFile[r,4]) photFile[r,4]=-2.5*log10(photFile[r,4]) #Pull out the CalibStands out of each file tempDiff=[] calibOut=[] for q in range(len(calibStands[:,0])): if calibStands.size == 13 and calibStands.shape[0]== 13: calibCoord=SkyCoord(ra=calibStand[0]*degree,dec=calibStand[1]*degree) idx,d2d,d3d=calibCoord.match_to_catalog_sky(photCoords) tempDiff.append(calibStand[3]-photFile[idx,4]) calibOut.append([calibStand[3],calibStand[4],photFile[idx,4],photFile[idx,5],calibStand[3]-photFile[idx,4],0]) else: calibCoord=SkyCoord(ra=calibStand[q][0]*degree,dec=calibStand[q][1]*degree) idx,d2d,d3d=calibCoord.match_to_catalog_sky(photCoords) tempDiff.append(calibStand[q,3]-photFile[idx,4]) calibOut.append([calibStand[q,3],calibStand[q,4],photFile[idx,4],photFile[idx,5],calibStand[q,3]-photFile[idx,4],0]) #logger.debug(tempDiff) tempZP= (median(tempDiff)) #logger.debug(std(tempDiff)) #Shift the magnitudes in the phot file by the zeropoint for r in range(len(photFile[:,0])): photFile[r,4]=photFile[r,4]+tempZP calibOut=asarray(calibOut) #Shift the magnitudes in the phot file by the zeropoint for r in range(len(calibOut[:,0])): calibOut[r,5]=calibOut[r,4]-tempZP calibOverlord.append([calibOut[r,0],calibOut[r,1],calibOut[r,2],calibOut[r,3],calibOut[r,4],calibOut[r,5],float(file.split("_")[2].replace("d","."))]) file = Path(file) #Save the calibrated photfiles to the calib directory #savetxt(calibPath / "{}.calibrated.{}".format(file.stem, file.suffix), photFile, delimiter=",", fmt='%0.8f') savetxt(calibPath / "{}.calibrated.{}".format(file.stem, 'csv'), photFile, delimiter=",", fmt='%0.8f') savetxt(calibPath / "{}.compared.{}".format(file.stem, 'csv'), calibOut, delimiter=",", fmt='%0.8f') #Look within photfile for ACTUAL usedcomps.csv and pull them out lineCompUsed=[] if compUsedFile.shape[0] ==3 and compUsedFile.size == 3: lenloop=1 else: lenloop=len(compUsedFile[:,0]) #logger.debug(compUsedFile.size) for r in range(lenloop): if compUsedFile.shape[0] ==3 and compUsedFile.size ==3: compUsedCoord=SkyCoord(ra=compUsedFile[0]*degree,dec=compUsedFile[1]*degree) else: compUsedCoord=SkyCoord(ra=compUsedFile[r][0]*degree,dec=compUsedFile[r][1]*degree) idx,d2d,d3d=compUsedCoord.match_to_catalog_sky(photCoords) lineCompUsed.append(photFile[idx,4]) #logger.debug(lineCompUsed) calibCompUsed.append(lineCompUsed) sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() calibOverlord=asarray(calibOverlord) savetxt(parentPath / "CalibAll.csv", calibOverlord, delimiter=",", fmt='%0.8f') # Difference versus Magnitude calibration plot plt.cla() fig = plt.gcf() outplotx=calibOverlord[:,0] outploty=calibOverlord[:,5] sqsol = np.linalg.lstsq(np.vstack([calibOverlord[:,0],np.ones(len(calibOverlord[:,0]))]).T,calibOverlord[:,5], rcond=None) m, c = sqsol[0] x, residuals, rank, s = sqsol[0]) plt.xlabel(str(cat_used) + ' ' +str(filterCode) + ' Catalogue Magnitude') plt.ylabel('Calibrated - Catalogue Magnitude') plt.plot(outplotx,outploty,'bo') plt.plot(outplotx,m*outplotx+c,'r') #plt.plot(outplotxrepeat,outploty,'ro') #plt.plot(linex,liney) plt.ylim(min(outploty)-0.05,max(outploty)+0.05,'k-') plt.xlim(min(outplotx)-0.05,max(outplotx)+0.05) #plt.errorbar(outplotx, outploty, xerr=3*calibOverlord[:,1], fmt='-o', linestyle='None') #plt.errorbar(outplotxrepeat, outploty, yerr=3*calibFile[:,2], fmt='-o', linestyle='None') plt.grid(True) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, right=0.98, top=0.98, bottom=0.17, wspace=0.3, hspace=0.4) fig.set_size_inches(6,3) plt.savefig(parentPath / str("CalibrationSanityPlot_" +str(filterCode)+"_Magnitude.png")) plt.savefig(parentPath / str("CalibrationSanityPlot_" +str(filterCode)+"_Magnitude.eps")) with open(parentPath / "CalibrationSanityPlotCoefficients.txt", "w") as f: f.write("Magnitude slope : " + str(m)+"\n") f.write("Magnitude zeropoint : " + str(c) +"\n") if not residuals.size == 0: f.write("Magnitude residuals : " +str(residuals[0])+"\n") else: f.write("Magnitude residuals not calculated. \n") # Difference vs time calibration plot plt.cla() fig = plt.gcf() outplotx=calibOverlord[:,6] outploty=calibOverlord[:,5] sqsol = np.linalg.lstsq(np.vstack([calibOverlord[:,6],np.ones(len(calibOverlord[:,6]))]).T,calibOverlord[:,5], rcond=None) m, c = sqsol[0] x, residuals, rank, s = sqsol plt.xlabel('BJD') plt.ylabel('Calibrated - Catalogue Magnitude') plt.plot(outplotx,outploty,'bo') plt.plot(outplotx,m*outplotx+c,'r') #plt.plot(outplotxrepeat,outploty,'ro') #plt.plot(linex,liney) plt.ylim(min(outploty)-0.05,max(outploty)+0.05,'k-') plt.xlim(min(outplotx)-0.05,max(outplotx)+0.05) #plt.errorbar(outplotx, outploty, xerr=3*calibOverlord[:,1], fmt='-o', linestyle='None') #plt.errorbar(outplotxrepeat, outploty, yerr=3*calibFile[:,2], fmt='-o', linestyle='None') plt.grid(True) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, right=0.98, top=0.98, bottom=0.17, wspace=0.3, hspace=0.4) fig.set_size_inches(6,3) plt.savefig(parentPath / str("CalibrationSanityPlot_" +str(filterCode)+"_Time.png")) plt.savefig(parentPath / str("CalibrationSanityPlot_" +str(filterCode)+"_Time.eps")) with open(parentPath / "CalibrationSanityPlotCoefficients.txt", "a") as f: f.write("Time slope : " + str(m)+"\n") f.write("Time zeropoint : " + str(c) +"\n") if not residuals.size == 0: f.write("Time residuals : " +str(residuals[0])+"\n") else: f.write("Time residuals not calculated. \n") # Finalise calibcompsusedfile #logger.debug(calibCompUsed) calibCompUsed=asarray(calibCompUsed) #logger.debug(calibCompUsed[0,:]) finalCompUsedFile=[] sumStd=[] for r in range(len(calibCompUsed[0,:])): #Calculate magnitude and stdev sumStd.append(std(calibCompUsed[:,r])) if compUsedFile.shape[0] ==3 and compUsedFile.size ==3: finalCompUsedFile.append([compUsedFile[0],compUsedFile[1],compUsedFile[2],median(calibCompUsed[:,r]),asarray(calibStands[0])[4]]) else: finalCompUsedFile.append([compUsedFile[r][0],compUsedFile[r][1],compUsedFile[r][2],median(calibCompUsed[:,r]),std(calibCompUsed[:,r])]) #logger.debug(finalCompUsedFile) logger.debug(" ") sumStd=asarray(sumStd) errCalib = median(sumStd) / pow((len(calibCompUsed[0,:])), 0.5) logger.debug("Comparison Catalogue: " + str(cat_used)) if len(calibCompUsed[0,:]) == 1: logger.debug("As you only have one comparison, the uncertainty in the calibration is unclear") logger.debug("But we can take the catalogue value, although we should say this is a lower uncertainty") logger.debug("Error/Uncertainty in Calibration: " +str(asarray(calibStands[0])[4])) else: logger.debug("Median Standard Deviation of any one star: " + str(median(sumStd))) logger.debug("Standard Error/Uncertainty in Calibration: " +str(errCalib)) with open(parentPath / "calibrationErrors.txt", "w") as f: f.write("Comparison Catalogue: " + str(cat_used)+"\n") f.write("Median Standard Deviation of any one star: " + str(median(sumStd)) +"\n") f.write("Standard Error/Uncertainty in Calibration: " +str(errCalib)) #logger.debug(finalCompUsedFile) compFile = asarray(finalCompUsedFile) savetxt(parentPath / "calibCompsUsed.csv", compFile, delimiter=",", fmt='%0.8f') sys.stdout.write('\n') return compFile
def catalogue_call(avgCoord, opt, cat_name, targets, closerejectd): data = namedtuple(typename='data',field_names=['ra','dec','mag','emag','cat_name']) TABLES = {'APASS':'******', 'SDSS' :'V/147/sdss12', 'PanSTARRS' : 'II/349/ps1', 'SkyMapper' : 'II/358/smss' } tbname = TABLES.get(cat_name, None) kwargs = {'radius':'0.33 deg'} kwargs['catalog'] = cat_name try: v=Vizier(columns=['all']) # Skymapper by default does not report the error columns v.ROW_LIMIT=-1 query = v.query_region(avgCoord, **kwargs) except VOSError: raise AstrosourceException("Could not find RA {} Dec {} in {}".format(avgCoord.ra.value,avgCoord.dec.value, cat_name)) except ConnectionError: connected=False"Connection failed, waiting and trying again") while connected==False: try: v=Vizier(columns=['all']) # Skymapper by default does not report the error columns v.ROW_LIMIT=-1 query = v.query_region(avgCoord, **kwargs) connected=True except ConnectionError: time.sleep(10)"Failed again.") connected=False if query.keys(): resp = query[tbname] else: raise AstrosourceException("Could not find RA {} Dec {} in {}".format(avgCoord.ra.value,avgCoord.dec.value, cat_name)) logger.debug(f'Looking for sources in {cat_name}') if cat_name in ['APASS','PanSTARRS']: radecname = {'ra' :'RAJ2000', 'dec': 'DEJ2000'} elif cat_name == 'SDSS': radecname = {'ra' :'RA_ICRS', 'dec': 'DE_ICRS'} elif cat_name == 'SkyMapper': radecname = {'ra' :'RAICRS', 'dec': 'DEICRS'} else: radecname = {'ra' :'raj2000', 'dec': 'dej2000'} # Filter out bad data from catalogues if cat_name == 'PanSTARRS': resp = resp[where((resp['Qual'] == 52) | (resp['Qual'] == 60) | (resp['Qual'] == 61))] elif cat_name == 'SDSS': resp = resp[resp['Q'] == 3] elif cat_name == 'SkyMapper': resp = resp[resp['flags'] == 0]"Original high quality sources in calibration catalogue: "+str(len(resp))) # Remove any objects close to targets from potential calibrators if targets.shape == (4,): targets = [targets] for tg in targets: resp = resp[where(np.abs(resp[radecname['ra']]-tg[0]) > 0.0014) and where(np.abs(resp[radecname['dec']]-tg[1]) > 0.0014)]"Number of calibration sources after removal of sources near targets: "+str(len(resp))) # Remove any star from calibration catalogue that has another star in the catalogue within closerejectd arcseconds of it. while True: fileRaDec = SkyCoord(ra=resp[radecname['ra']].data*degree, dec=resp[radecname['dec']].data*degree) idx, d2d, _ = fileRaDec.match_to_catalog_sky(fileRaDec, nthneighbor=2) # Closest matches that isn't itself. catReject = [] for q in range(len(d2d)): if d2d[q] < closerejectd*arcsecond: catReject.append(q) if catReject == []: break del resp[catReject]"Stars rejected that are too close (<5arcsec) in calibration catalogue: {len(catReject)}")"Number of calibration sources after removal of sources near other sources: {len(resp)}") data.cat_name = cat_name data.ra = array(resp[radecname['ra']].data) data.dec = array(resp[radecname['dec']].data) # extract RA, Dec, Mag and error as arrays data.mag = array(resp[opt['filter']].data) data.emag = array(resp[opt['error']].data) return data
def remove_stars_targets(parentPath, compFile, acceptDistance, targetFile, removeTargets): max_sep=acceptDistance * arcsecond"Removing Target Stars from potential Comparisons") if not (compFile.shape[0] == 2 and compFile.size ==2): fileRaDec = SkyCoord(ra=compFile[:,0]*degree, dec=compFile[:,1]*degree) else: fileRaDec = SkyCoord(ra=compFile[0]*degree, dec=compFile[1]*degree) # Remove any nan rows from targetFile targetRejecter=[] if not (targetFile.shape[0] == 4 and targetFile.size ==4): for z in range(targetFile.shape[0]): if isnan(targetFile[z][0]): targetRejecter.append(z) targetFile=delete(targetFile, targetRejecter, axis=0) # Get Average RA and Dec from file if compFile.shape[0] == 2 and compFile.size == 2: logger.debug(compFile[0]) logger.debug(compFile[1]) avgCoord=SkyCoord(ra=(compFile[0])*degree, dec=(compFile[1]*degree)) else: logger.debug(average(compFile[:,0])) logger.debug(average(compFile[:,1])) avgCoord=SkyCoord(ra=(average(compFile[:,0]))*degree, dec=(average(compFile[:,1]))*degree) # Check VSX for any known variable stars and remove them from the list try: v=Vizier(columns=['all']) # Skymapper by default does not report the error columns v.ROW_LIMIT=-1 variableResult=v.query_region(avgCoord, '0.33 deg', catalog='VSX')['B/vsx/vsx'] except ConnectionError: connected=False"Connection failed, waiting and trying again") while connected==False: try: v=Vizier(columns=['all']) # Skymapper by default does not report the error columns v.ROW_LIMIT=-1 variableResult=v.query_region(avgCoord, '0.33 deg', catalog='VSX')['B/vsx/vsx'] connected=True except ConnectionError: time.sleep(10)"Failed again.") connected=False logger.debug(variableResult) logger.debug(variableResult.keys()) raCat=array(variableResult['RAJ2000'].data) logger.debug(raCat) decCat=array(variableResult['DEJ2000'].data) logger.debug(decCat) varStarReject=[] for t in range(raCat.size): compCoord=SkyCoord(ra=raCat[t]*degree, dec=decCat[t]*degree) if not (compFile.shape[0] == 2 and compFile.size == 2): catCoords=SkyCoord(ra=compFile[:,0]*degree, dec=compFile[:,1]*degree) idxcomp,d2dcomp,d3dcomp=compCoord.match_to_catalog_sky(catCoords) elif not (raCat.shape[0] == 2 and raCat.size == 2): ### this is effictively the same as below catCoords=SkyCoord(ra=compFile[0]*degree, dec=compFile[1]*degree) idxcomp,d2dcomp,d3dcomp=compCoord.match_to_catalog_sky(catCoords) else: if abs(compFile[0]-raCat[0]) > 0.0014 and abs(compFile[1]-decCat[0]) > 0.0014: d2dcomp = 9999 #logger.debug(d2dcomp) if d2dcomp != 9999: if d2dcomp.arcsecond[0] < max_sep.value: logger.debug("match!") varStarReject.append(t) # else: # logger.debug("no match!") logger.debug("Number of stars prior to VSX reject") logger.debug(compFile.shape[0]) compFile=delete(compFile, varStarReject, axis=0) logger.debug("Number of stars post to VSX reject") logger.debug(compFile.shape[0]) if (compFile.shape[0] ==1): compFile=[[compFile[0][0],compFile[0][1],0.01]] compFile=asarray(compFile) savetxt(parentPath / "compsUsed.csv", compFile, delimiter=",", fmt='%0.8f') sortStars=[[compFile[0][0],compFile[0][1],0.01,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]] sortStars=asarray(sortStars) savetxt("stdComps.csv", sortStars, delimiter=",", fmt='%0.8f') raise AstrosourceException("Looks like you have a single comparison star!") return compFile
def find_comparisons_calibrated(filterCode, paths=None, max_magerr=0.05, stdMultiplier=2, variabilityMultiplier=2, panStarrsInstead=False): sys.stdout.write( "тнРя╕П Find comparison stars in catalogues for calibrated photometry\n" ) FILTERS = { 'B': { 'APASS': { 'filter': 'Bmag', 'error': 'e_Bmag' } }, 'V': { 'APASS': { 'filter': 'Vmag', 'error': 'e_Vmag' } }, 'up': { 'SDSS': { 'filter': 'umag', 'error': 'e_umag' }, 'SkyMapper': { 'filter': 'uPSF', 'error': 'e_uPSF' }, 'PanSTARRS': { 'filter': 'umag', 'error': 'e_umag' } }, 'gp': { 'SDSS': { 'filter': 'gmag', 'error': 'e_mag' }, 'SkyMapper': { 'filter': 'gPSF', 'error': 'e_gPSF' }, 'PanSTARRS': { 'filter': 'gmag', 'error': 'e_gmag' } }, 'rp': { 'SDSS': { 'filter': 'rmag', 'error': 'e_rmag' }, 'SkyMapper': { 'filter': 'rPSF', 'error': 'e_rPSF' }, 'PanSTARRS': { 'filter': 'rmag', 'error': 'e_rmag' } }, 'ip': { 'SDSS': { 'filter': 'imag', 'error': 'e_imag' }, 'SkyMapper': { 'filter': 'iPSF', 'error': 'e_iPSF' }, 'PanSTARRS': { 'filter': 'imag', 'error': 'e_imag' } }, 'zs': { 'SDSS': { 'filter': 'zmag', 'error': 'e_zmag' }, 'SkyMapper': { 'filter': 'zPSF', 'error': 'e_zPSF' }, 'PanSTARRS': { 'filter': 'zmag', 'error': 'e_zmag' } }, } parentPath = paths['parent'] calibPath = parentPath / "calibcats" if not calibPath.exists(): os.makedirs(calibPath) #Vizier.ROW_LIMIT = -1 # Get List of Files Used fileList = [] for line in (parentPath / "usedImages.txt").read_text().strip().split('\n'): fileList.append(line.strip()) logger.debug("Filter Set: " + filterCode) # Load compsused compFile = genfromtxt(parentPath / 'stdComps.csv', dtype=float, delimiter=',') logger.debug(compFile.shape[0]) if compFile.shape[0] == 13 and compFile.size == 13: compCoords = SkyCoord(ra=compFile[0] * degree, dec=compFile[1] * degree) else: compCoords = SkyCoord(ra=compFile[:, 0] * degree, dec=compFile[:, 1] * degree) # Get Average RA and Dec from file if compFile.shape[0] == 13 and compFile.size == 13: logger.debug(compFile[0]) logger.debug(compFile[1]) avgCoord = SkyCoord(ra=(compFile[0]) * degree, dec=(compFile[1] * degree)) else: logger.debug(average(compFile[:, 0])) logger.debug(average(compFile[:, 1])) avgCoord = SkyCoord(ra=(average(compFile[:, 0])) * degree, dec=(average(compFile[:, 1])) * degree) try: catalogues = FILTERS[filterCode] except IndexError: raise AstrosourceException(f"{filterCode} is not accepted at present") # Look up in online catalogues for cat_name, opt in catalogues.items(): try: coords = catalogue_call(avgCoord, opt, cat_name) if coords.cat_name == 'PanSTARRS' or coords.cat_name == 'APASS': max_sep = 2.5 * arcsecond else: max_sep = 1.5 * arcsecond except AstrosourceException as e: logger.debug(e) if not coords: raise AstrosourceException( f"Could not find coordinate match in any catalogues for {filterCode}" ) #Setup standard catalogue coordinates catCoords = SkyCoord(ra=coords.ra * degree, dec=coords.dec * degree) #Get calib mags for least variable IDENTIFIED stars.... not the actual stars in compUsed!! Brighter, less variable stars may be too bright for calibration! #So the stars that will be used to calibrate the frames to get the OTHER stars. calibStands = [] if compFile.shape[0] == 13 and compFile.size == 13: lenloop = 1 else: lenloop = len(compFile[:, 0]) for q in range(lenloop): if compFile.shape[0] == 13 and compFile.size == 13: compCoord = SkyCoord(ra=compFile[0] * degree, dec=compFile[1] * degree) else: compCoord = SkyCoord(ra=compFile[q][0] * degree, dec=compFile[q][1] * degree) idxcomp, d2dcomp, d3dcomp = compCoord.match_to_catalog_sky(catCoords) if d2dcomp < max_sep: if not isnan(coords.mag[idxcomp]): if compFile.shape[0] == 13 and compFile.size == 13: calibStands.append([ compFile[0], compFile[1], compFile[2], coords.mag[idxcomp], coords.emag[idxcomp] ]) else: calibStands.append([ compFile[q][0], compFile[q][1], compFile[q][2], coords.mag[idxcomp], coords.emag[idxcomp] ])'Calibration Stars Identified below') # Get the set of least variable stars to use as a comparison to calibrate the files (to eventually get the *ACTUAL* standards #logger.debug(asarray(calibStands).shape[0]) if asarray(calibStands).shape[0] == 0: "We could not find a suitable match between any of your stars and the calibration catalogue" ) "You might need to reduce the low value (usually 10000) to get some dimmer stars in script 1" ) raise AstrosourceException("Stars are too dim to calibrate to.") varimin = (min(asarray(calibStands)[:, 2])) * variabilityMultiplier calibStandsReject = [] for q in range(len(asarray(calibStands)[:, 0])): if calibStands[q][2] > varimin: calibStandsReject.append(q) #logger.debug(calibStands[q][2]) calibStands = delete(calibStands, calibStandsReject, axis=0) calibStand = asarray(calibStands) savetxt(parentPath / "calibStands.csv", calibStands, delimiter=",", fmt='%0.8f') # Lets use this set to calibrate each datafile and pull out the calibrated compsused magnitudes compUsedFile = genfromtxt(parentPath / 'compsUsed.csv', dtype=float, delimiter=',') calibCompUsed = [] logger.debug("CALIBRATING EACH FILE") for file in fileList: logger.debug(file) #Get the phot file into memory photFile = load(parentPath / file) photCoords = SkyCoord(ra=photFile[:, 0] * degree, dec=photFile[:, 1] * degree) #Convert the phot file into instrumental magnitudes for r in range(len(photFile[:, 0])): photFile[r, 5] = 1.0857 * (photFile[r, 5] / photFile[r, 4]) photFile[r, 4] = -2.5 * log10(photFile[r, 4]) #Pull out the CalibStands out of each file tempDiff = [] for q in range(len(calibStands[:, 0])): calibCoord = SkyCoord(ra=calibStand[q][0] * degree, dec=calibStand[q][1] * degree) idx, d2d, d3d = calibCoord.match_to_catalog_sky(photCoords) tempDiff.append(calibStand[q, 3] - photFile[idx, 4]) #logger.debug(tempDiff) tempZP = (median(tempDiff)) #logger.debug(std(tempDiff)) #Shift the magnitudes in the phot file by the zeropoint for r in range(len(photFile[:, 0])): photFile[r, 4] = photFile[r, 4] + tempZP file = Path(file) #Save the calibrated photfiles to the calib directory savetxt(calibPath / "{}.calibrated.{}".format(file.stem, file.suffix), photFile, delimiter=",", fmt='%0.8f') #Look within photfile for ACTUAL usedcomps.csv and pull them out lineCompUsed = [] if compUsedFile.shape[0] == 3 and compUsedFile.size == 3: lenloop = 1 else: lenloop = len(compUsedFile[:, 0]) #logger.debug(compUsedFile.size) for r in range(lenloop): if compUsedFile.shape[0] == 3 and compUsedFile.size == 3: compUsedCoord = SkyCoord(ra=compUsedFile[0] * degree, dec=compUsedFile[1] * degree) else: compUsedCoord = SkyCoord(ra=compUsedFile[r][0] * degree, dec=compUsedFile[r][1] * degree) idx, d2d, d3d = compUsedCoord.match_to_catalog_sky(photCoords) lineCompUsed.append(photFile[idx, 4]) #logger.debug(lineCompUsed) calibCompUsed.append(lineCompUsed) sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() # Finalise calibcompsusedfile #logger.debug(calibCompUsed) calibCompUsed = asarray(calibCompUsed) #logger.debug(calibCompUsed[0,:]) finalCompUsedFile = [] sumStd = [] for r in range(len(calibCompUsed[0, :])): #Calculate magnitude and stdev sumStd.append(std(calibCompUsed[:, r])) if compUsedFile.shape[0] == 3 and compUsedFile.size == 3: finalCompUsedFile.append([ compUsedFile[0], compUsedFile[1], compUsedFile[2], median(calibCompUsed[:, r]), asarray(calibStands[0])[4] ]) else: finalCompUsedFile.append([ compUsedFile[r][0], compUsedFile[r][1], compUsedFile[r][2], median(calibCompUsed[:, r]), std(calibCompUsed[:, r]) ]) #logger.debug(finalCompUsedFile) logger.debug(" ") sumStd = asarray(sumStd) errCalib = median(sumStd) / pow((len(calibCompUsed[0, :])), 0.5) #logger.debug(len(calibCompUsed[0,:])) if len(calibCompUsed[0, :]) == 1: logger.debug( "As you only have one comparison, the uncertainty in the calibration is unclear" ) logger.debug( "But we can take the catalogue value, although we should say this is a lower uncertainty" ) logger.debug("Error/Uncertainty in Calibration: " + str(asarray(calibStands[0])[4])) else: logger.debug("Median Standard Deviation of any one star: " + str(median(sumStd))) logger.debug("Standard Error/Uncertainty in Calibration: " + str(errCalib)) with open(parentPath / "calibrationErrors.txt", "w") as f: f.write("Median Standard Deviation of any one star: " + str(median(sumStd)) + "\n") f.write("Standard Error/Uncertainty in Calibration: " + str(errCalib)) #logger.debug(finalCompUsedFile) compFile = asarray(finalCompUsedFile) savetxt(parentPath / "calibCompsUsed.csv", compFile, delimiter=",", fmt='%0.8f') sys.stdout.write('\n') return compFile
def find_stars(targetStars, paths, fileList, acceptDistance=1.0, minimumCounts=10000, maximumCounts=1000000, imageFracReject=0.0, starFracReject=0.1, rejectStart=7, minCompStars=1): """ Finds stars useful for photometry in each photometry/data file Parameters ---------- targetStars : list List of target tuples in the format (ra, dec, 0, 0). ra and dec must be in decimal indir : str Path to files filelist : str List of photometry files to try acceptDistance : float Furtherest distance in arcseconds for matches minimumCounts : int look for comparisons brighter than this maximumCounts : int look for comparisons dimmer than this imageFracReject: float This is a value which will reject images based on number of stars detected starFracReject : float This ia a value which will reject images that reject this fraction of available stars after.... rejectStart : int This many initial images (lots of stars are expected to be rejected in the early images) minCompStars : int This is the minimum number of comp stars required Returns ------- used_file : str Path to newly created file containing all images which are usable for photometry """ #Initialisation values usedImages = [] # Generate a blank targetstars.csv file targetfile = paths['parent'] / "targetstars.csv" np.savetxt(targetfile, targetStars, delimiter=",", fmt='%0.8f') # LOOK FOR REJECTING NON-WCS IMAGES # If the WCS matching has failed, this function will remove the image from the list #wcsReject=[] #q=0 fileSizer = 0 "Finding image with most stars detected and reject ones with bad WCS") referenceFrame = None for file in fileList: photFile = np.genfromtxt(file, dtype=float, delimiter=',') if ((np.asarray(photFile[:, 0]) > 360).sum() > 0): logger.debug("REJECT") logger.debug(file) fileList.remove(file) elif ((np.asarray(photFile[:, 1]) > 90).sum() > 0): logger.debug("REJECT") logger.debug(file) fileList.remove(file) else: # Sort through and find the largest file and use that as the reference file if photFile.size > fileSizer: phottmparr = np.asarray(photFile) if ((phottmparr[:, 0] > 360).sum() == 0) and (phottmparr[0][0] != 'null') and (phottmparr[0][0] != 0.0): referenceFrame = photFile fileSizer = photFile.size logger.debug("{} - {}".format(photFile.size, file)) if not referenceFrame.size: raise AstrosourceException("No suitable reference files found") logger.debug("Setting up reference Frame") fileRaDec = SkyCoord(ra=referenceFrame[:, 0] *, dec=referenceFrame[:, 1] * logger.debug("Removing stars with low or high counts") rejectStars = [] # Check star has adequate counts for j in range(referenceFrame.shape[0]): if (referenceFrame[j][4] < minimumCounts or referenceFrame[j][4] > maximumCounts): rejectStars.append(int(j)) logger.debug("Number of stars prior") logger.debug(referenceFrame.shape[0]) referenceFrame = np.delete(referenceFrame, rejectStars, axis=0) logger.debug("Number of stars post") logger.debug(referenceFrame.shape[0]) imgsize = imageFracReject * fileSizer # set threshold size rejStartCounter = 0 imgReject = 0 # Number of images rejected due to high rejection rate loFileReject = 0 # Number of images rejected due to too few stars in the photometry file wcsFileReject = 0 for file in fileList: rejStartCounter = rejStartCounter + 1 photFile = np.genfromtxt(file, dtype=float, delimiter=',') # DUP fileRaDec = SkyCoord(ra=photFile[:,0]*, dec=photFile[:,1]* logger.debug('Image Number: ' + str(rejStartCounter)) logger.debug(file) logger.debug("Image threshold size: " + str(imgsize)) logger.debug("Image catalogue size: " + str(photFile.size)) if photFile.size > imgsize and photFile.size > 7: phottmparr = np.asarray(photFile) if ((phottmparr[:, 0] > 360).sum() == 0) and ( phottmparr[0][0] != 'null') and (phottmparr[0][0] != 0.0): # Checking existance of stars in all photometry files rejectStars = [ ] # A list to hold what stars are to be rejected # Find whether star in reference list is in this phot file, if not, reject star. for j in range(referenceFrame.shape[0]): photRAandDec = SkyCoord(ra=photFile[:, 0] *, dec=photFile[:, 1] * testStar = SkyCoord(ra=referenceFrame[j][0] *, dec=referenceFrame[j][1] * # This is the only line in the whole package which requires scipy idx, d2d, d3d = testStar.match_to_catalog_sky(photRAandDec) if (d2d.arcsecond > acceptDistance): #"No Match! Nothing within range." rejectStars.append(int(j)) # if the rejectstar list is not empty, remove the stars from the reference List if rejectStars != []: if not (((len(rejectStars) / referenceFrame.shape[0]) > starFracReject) and rejStartCounter > rejectStart): referenceFrame = np.delete(referenceFrame, rejectStars, axis=0) logger.debug('**********************') logger.debug('Stars Removed : ' + str(len(rejectStars))) logger.debug('Remaining Stars: ' + str(referenceFrame.shape[0])) logger.debug('**********************') usedImages.append(file) else: logger.debug('**********************') logger.debug( 'Image Rejected due to too high a fraction of rejected stars' ) logger.debug(len(rejectStars) / referenceFrame.shape[0]) logger.debug('**********************') imgReject = imgReject + 1 else: logger.debug('**********************') logger.debug('All Stars Present') logger.debug('**********************') usedImages.append(file) # If we have removed all stars, we have failed! if (referenceFrame.shape[0] == 0): logger.error("Problem file - {}".format(file)) raise AstrosourceException( "All Stars Removed. Try removing problematic files or raising the imageFracReject" ) if (referenceFrame.shape[0] < minCompStars): logger.error("Problem file - {}".format(file)) raise AstrosourceException( "There are fewer than the requested number of Comp Stars. Try removing problematic files or raising the imageFracReject" ) elif photFile.size < 7: logger.error('**********************') logger.error("WCS Coordinates broken") logger.error('**********************') wcsFileReject = wcsFileReject + 1 else: logger.error('**********************') logger.error("CONTAINS TOO FEW STARS") logger.error('**********************') loFileReject = loFileReject + 1 # Construct the output file containing candidate comparison stars outputComps = [] for j in range(referenceFrame.shape[0]): outputComps.append([referenceFrame[j][0], referenceFrame[j][1]]) logger.debug( "These are the identified common stars of sufficient brightness that are in every image" ) logger.debug(outputComps)'Images Rejected due to high star rejection rate: {}'.format( imgReject)) 'Images Rejected due to low file size: {}'.format(loFileReject))'Out of this many original images: {}'.format(len(fileList)))"Number of candidate Comparison Stars Detected: " + str(len(outputComps)))'Output sent to screenedComps.csv ready for use in Comparison') screened_file = paths['parent'] / "screenedComps.csv" np.savetxt(screened_file, outputComps, delimiter=",", fmt='%0.8f') used_file = paths['parent'] / "usedImages.txt" with open(used_file, "w") as f: for s in usedImages: f.write(str(s) + "\n") return usedImages
def photometric_calculations(targets, paths, acceptDistance=10.0, errorReject=0.5): photFileArray, fileList = photometry_files_to_array(paths['parent']) if (paths['parent'] / 'calibCompsUsed.csv').exists(): logger.debug("Calibrated") compFile = np.genfromtxt(paths['parent'] / 'calibCompsUsed.csv', dtype=float, delimiter=',') calibFlag = 1 else: logger.debug("Differential") compFile = np.genfromtxt(paths['parent'] / 'compsUsed.csv', dtype=float, delimiter=',') calibFlag = 0 # Get total counts for each file fileCount = [] compArray = [] allCountsArray = [] for imgs in range(photFileArray.shape[0]): allCounts = 0.0 allCountsErr = 0.0 photFile = photFileArray[imgs] fileRaDec = SkyCoord(ra=photFile[:, 0] *, dec=photFile[:, 1] * logger.debug("Calculating total Comparison counts for : {}".format( fileList[imgs])) #logger.debug(compFile.shape[0]) if compFile.shape[0] == 5 and compFile.size == 5: loopLength = 1 else: loopLength = compFile.shape[0] #logger.debug(compFile.size) #sys.exit() for j in range(loopLength): if compFile.size == 2 or (compFile.shape[0] == 5 and compFile.size == 5): ## ## for j in range(compFile.shape[0]): ## if compFile.size == 2 or compFile.shape[0] == 5: matchCoord = SkyCoord(ra=compFile[0] *, dec=compFile[1] * else: matchCoord = SkyCoord(ra=compFile[j][0] *, dec=compFile[j][1] * idx, d2d, d3d = matchCoord.match_to_catalog_sky(fileRaDec) allCounts = np.add(allCounts, photFile[idx][4]) allCountsErr = np.add(allCountsErr, photFile[idx][5]) allCountsArray.append([allCounts, allCountsErr]) logger.debug(allCountsArray) allcountscount = 0 if len(targets) == 4: loopLength = 1 else: loopLength = targets.shape[0] # For each variable calculate all the things for q in range(loopLength): starErrorRejCount = 0 starDistanceRejCount = 0 logger.debug("****************************") logger.debug("Processing Variable {}".format(q + 1)) if int(len(targets)) == 4: logger.debug("RA {}".format(targets[0])) else: logger.debug("RA {}".format(targets[q][0])) if int(len(targets)) == 4: logger.debug("Dec {}".format(targets[1])) else: logger.debug("Dec {}".format(targets[q][1])) if int(len(targets)) == 4: varCoord = SkyCoord( targets[0], (targets[1]), frame='icrs', unit=u.deg) # Need to remove target stars from consideration else: varCoord = SkyCoord( targets[q][0], (targets[q][1]), frame='icrs', unit=u.deg) # Need to remove target stars from consideration # Grabbing variable rows logger.debug( "Extracting and Measuring Differential Magnitude in each Photometry File" ) outputPhot = [] # new compArray = [] compList = [] allcountscount = 0 for imgs in range(photFileArray.shape[0]): compList = [] fileRaDec = SkyCoord(ra=photFileArray[imgs][:, 0] *, dec=photFileArray[imgs][:, 1] * idx, d2d, _ = varCoord.match_to_catalog_sky(fileRaDec) starRejected = 0 if (np.less(d2d.arcsecond, acceptDistance)): magErrVar = 1.0857 * (photFileArray[imgs][idx][5] / photFileArray[imgs][idx][4]) if magErrVar < errorReject: magErrEns = 1.0857 * (allCountsErr / allCounts) magErrTotal = pow( pow(magErrVar, 2) + pow(magErrEns, 2), 0.5) #templist is a temporary holder of the resulting file. tempList = photFileArray[imgs][idx, :] googFile = Path(fileList[imgs]).name tempList = np.append( tempList, float(googFile.split("_")[5].replace("d", "."))) tempList = np.append( tempList, float(googFile.split("_")[4].replace("a", "."))) tempList = np.append(tempList, allCountsArray[allcountscount][0]) tempList = np.append(tempList, allCountsArray[allcountscount][1]) #Differential Magnitude tempList = np.append( tempList, 2.5 * np.log10(allCountsArray[allcountscount][0] / photFileArray[imgs][idx][4])) tempList = np.append(tempList, magErrTotal) tempList = np.append(tempList, photFileArray[imgs][idx][4]) tempList = np.append(tempList, photFileArray[imgs][idx][5]) if (compFile.shape[0] == 5 and compFile.size == 5) or ( compFile.shape[0] == 3 and compFile.size == 3): loopLength = 1 else: loopLength = compFile.shape[0] #logger.debug(compFile.size) #sys.exit() for j in range(loopLength): if compFile.size == 2 or (compFile.shape[0] == 3 and compFile.size == 3) or ( compFile.shape[0] == 5 and compFile.size == 5): matchCoord = SkyCoord(ra=compFile[0] *, dec=compFile[1] * else: matchCoord = SkyCoord(ra=compFile[j][0] *, dec=compFile[j][1] * idx, d2d, d3d = matchCoord.match_to_catalog_sky( fileRaDec) tempList = np.append(tempList, photFileArray[imgs][idx][4]) outputPhot.append(tempList) fileCount.append(allCounts) allcountscount = allcountscount + 1 else: starErrorRejCount = starErrorRejCount + 1 starRejected = 1 else: starDistanceRejCount = starDistanceRejCount + 1 starRejected = 1 if (starRejected == 1): #templist is a temporary holder of the resulting file. tempList = photFileArray[imgs][idx, :] googFile = Path(fileList[imgs]).name tempList = np.append( tempList, float(googFile.split("_")[5].replace("d", "."))) tempList = np.append( tempList, float(googFile.split("_")[4].replace("a", "."))) tempList = np.append(tempList, allCountsArray[allcountscount][0]) tempList = np.append(tempList, allCountsArray[allcountscount][1]) #Differential Magnitude tempList = np.append(tempList, np.nan) tempList = np.append(tempList, np.nan) tempList = np.append(tempList, photFileArray[imgs][idx][4]) tempList = np.append(tempList, photFileArray[imgs][idx][5]) if (compFile.shape[0] == 5 and compFile.size == 5) or (compFile.shape[0] == 3 and compFile.size == 3): loopLength = 1 else: loopLength = compFile.shape[0] #logger.debug(compFile.shape[0]) #sys.exit() for j in range(loopLength): if compFile.size == 2 or (compFile.shape[0] == 3 and compFile.size == 3) or ( compFile.shape[0] == 5 and compFile.size == 5): matchCoord = SkyCoord(ra=compFile[0] *, dec=compFile[1] * else: matchCoord = SkyCoord(ra=compFile[j][0] *, dec=compFile[j][1] * idx, d2d, d3d = matchCoord.match_to_catalog_sky(fileRaDec) tempList = np.append(tempList, photFileArray[imgs][idx][4]) outputPhot.append(tempList) fileCount.append(allCounts) allcountscount = allcountscount + 1 # Check for dud images imageReject = [] for j in range(np.asarray(outputPhot).shape[0]): if np.isnan(outputPhot[j][11]): imageReject.append(j) outputPhot = np.delete(outputPhot, imageReject, axis=0) ## REMOVE MAJOR OUTLIERS FROM CONSIDERATION stdVar = np.nanstd(np.asarray(outputPhot)[:, 10]) avgVar = np.nanmean(np.asarray(outputPhot)[:, 10]) starReject = [] stdevReject = 0 for j in range(np.asarray(outputPhot).shape[0]): if outputPhot[j][10] > avgVar + ( 4 * stdVar) or outputPhot[j][10] < avgVar - (4 * stdVar): starReject.append(j) stdevReject = stdevReject + 1"Rejected Stdev Measurements: : {}".format(stdevReject)) "Rejected Error Measurements: : {}".format(starErrorRejCount))"Rejected Distance Measurements: : {}".format( starDistanceRejCount))"Variability of Comparisons")"Average : {}".format(avgVar))"Stdev : {}".format(stdVar)) outputPhot = np.delete(outputPhot, starReject, axis=0) if outputPhot.shape[0] > 2: np.savetxt(os.path.join(paths['outcatPath'], "doerPhot_V" + str(q + 1) + ".csv"), outputPhot, delimiter=",", fmt='%0.8f') logger.debug('Saved doerPhot_V') else: raise AstrosourceException("Photometry not possible") return outputPhot
def plot_bls(paths, startPeriod=0.1, endPeriod=3.0, nf=1000, nb=200, qmi=0.01, qma=0.1): ''' Input parameters: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ n = number of data points t = array {t(i)}, containing the time values of the time series x = array {x(i)}, containing the data values of the time series u = temporal/work/dummy array, must be dimensioned in the calling program in the same way as {t(i)} v = the same as {u(i)} nf = number of frequency points in which the spectrum is computed fmin = minimum frequency (MUST be > 0) df = frequency step nb = number of bins in the folded time series at any test period qmi = minimum fractional transit length to be tested qma = maximum fractional transit length to be tested paths = dict of Path objects ''' # Get list of phot files trimPath = paths['parent'] / "trimcats" eelbsPath = paths['parent'] / "eelbs" # check directory structure if not trimPath.exists(): os.makedirs(trimPath) if not eelbsPath.exists(): os.makedirs(eelbsPath) fileList = paths['outcatPath'].glob('*diffExcel*csv') r=0 # calculate period range fmin = 1/endPeriod fmax = 1/startPeriod df = (fmax-fmin)/nf dp = (endPeriod-startPeriod)/nf for file in fileList: photFile = np.genfromtxt(file, dtype=float, delimiter=',') logger.debug('**********************') logger.debug('Testing: ' + str(file)) t = photFile[:,0] f = photFile[:,1] res = bls(t, f, qmi, qma, fmin, df, nf, nb, startPeriod, dp) if not res: raise AstrosourceException("BLS fit failed") else: # If it did not fail, then do the rest. logger.debug("Best SR: ", res[0], "\nIngress: ", res[1], "\nEgress: ", res[2], "\nq: ", res[3], \ "\nDepth: ", res[4], "\nPeriod: ", res[5], "\nSDE: ", res[6]) t1 = t[0] u = t - t1 s = np.mean(f) v = f - s f0 = 1.0/res[5] # freq = 1/T nbin = nb # number of bin n = len(t) ibi = np.zeros(nbin) y = np.zeros(nbin) phase = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, nbin) for i in range(n): ph = u[i]*f0 ph = ph - int(ph) j = int(nbin*ph) # data to a bin ibi[j] += 1.0 # number of data in a bin y[j] = y[j] + v[i] # sum of light in a bin plt.figure(figsize=(15,6)) powerPeriod=np.asarray(res[10]) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.plot(powerPeriod[:,0], powerPeriod[:,1], 'r.') plt.title("EELBS Period Trials") plt.xlabel(r"Trialled Period") plt.ylabel(r"Likelihood") plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.plot(phase, np.divide(y, ibi, out=np.zeros_like(y), where=ibi!=0), 'r.') fite = np.zeros(nbin) + res[8] # H fite[res[1]:res[2]+1] = res[9] # L plt.plot(phase, fite) plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.title("\nDepth: "+ str(-res[4]) + " " + "Period: {0} d bin: {1}".format(1/f0, nbin)) plt.xlabel(r"Phase ($\phi$)") plt.ylabel(r"Mean value of $x(\phi)$ in a bin") plt.tight_layout() filebase = str(file).split("/")[-1].split("\\")[-1].replace(".csv","").replace("_calibExcel","") plot_filename = "{}_EELBS_Plot.png".format(filebase) plt.savefig(eelbsPath / plot_filename)"Saved {}".format(plot_filename)) plt.clf() # Write text file texFileName=eelbsPath / '{}_EELBS_Statistics.txt'.format(filebase)"Saved {}".format(texFileName)) with open(texFileName, "w") as f: f.write("Best SR: " +str(res[0])+"\n") f.write("Ingress: " + str(res[1])+"\n") f.write("Egress: "+ str(res[2])+"\n") f.write("nq: "+ str(res[3])+"\n") f.write("Depth: "+ str(-res[4])+"\n") f.write("Period: "+ str(res[5])+"\n") f.write("SDE: "+ str(res[6])+"\n") return plot_filename, texFileName
def bls(t, x, qmi, qma, fmin, df, nf, nb, startPeriod, dp): """First trial, BLS algorithm, only minor modification from author's code Output parameters: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ p = array {p(i)}, containing the values of the BLS spectrum at the i-th frequency value -- the frequency values are computed as f = fmin + (i-1)*df bper = period at the highest peak in the frequency spectrum bpow = value of {p(i)} at the highest peak depth= depth of the transit at *bper* qtran= fractional transit length [ T_transit/bper ] in1 = bin index at the start of the transit [ 0 < in1 < nb+1 ] in2 = bin index at the end of the transit [ 0 < in2 < nb+1 ] Remarks: ~~~~~~~~ -- *fmin* MUST be greater than *1/total time span* -- *nb* MUST be lower than *nbmax* -- Dimensions of arrays {y(i)} and {ibi(i)} MUST be greater than or equal to *nbmax*. -- The lowest number of points allowed in a single bin is equal to MAX(minbin,qmi*N), where *qmi* is the minimum transit length/trial period, *N* is the total number of data points, *minbin* is the preset minimum number of the data points per bin. """ n = len(t) rn = len(x) #! use try if n != rn: raise AstrosourceException("Different size of array, t and x") rn = float(rn) # float of n minbin = 5 nbmax = 2000 if nb > nbmax: raise AstrosourceException("Error: NB > NBMAX!") tot = t[-1] - t[0] # total time span if fmin < 1.0/tot: raise AstrosourceException("Error: fmin < 1/T") # parameters in binning (after folding) kmi = int(qmi*nb) # nb is number of bin -> a single period if kmi < 1: kmi = 1 kma = int(qma*nb) + 1 kkmi = rn*qmi # to check the bin size if kkmi < minbin: kkmi = minbin # For the extension of arrays (edge effect: transit happen at the edge of data set) nb1 = nb + 1 nbkma = nb + kma # Data centering t1 = t[0] u = t - t1 s = np.median(x) # ! Modified v = x - s bpow = 0.0 p = np.zeros(nf) # setup array for power vs period plot powerPeriod=[] # Start period search for jf in range(nf): #f0 = fmin + df*jf # iteration in frequency not period #p0 = 1.0/f0 # Actually iterate in period p0 = startPeriod + dp*jf f0 = 1.0/p0 # Compute folded time series with p0 period ibi = np.zeros(nbkma) y = np.zeros(nbkma) # Median version yMedian = np.zeros(shape=(nf,n)) yMedian.fill(np.nan) for i in range(n): ph = u[i]*f0 # instead of t mod P, he use t*f then calculate the phase (less computation) ph = ph - int(ph) j = int(nb*ph) # data to a bin ibi[j] = ibi[j] + 1 # number of data in a bin y[j] = y[j] + v[i] # sum of light in a bin yMedian[j][i]=v[i] # Repopulate y[j] and ibi[j] with the median value for i in range(nb+1): #logger.debug(i) ibi[i]=1 y[i]=np.nanmedian(yMedian[i,:]) # Extend the arrays ibi() and y() beyond nb by wrapping for j in range(nb1, nbkma): jnb = j - nb ibi[j] = ibi[jnb] y[j] = y[jnb] # Compute BLS statictics for this trial period power = 0.0 for i in range(nb): # shift the test period s = 0.0 k = 0 kk = 0 nb2 = i + kma # change the size of test period (from kmi to kma) for j in range(i, nb2): k = k + 1 kk = kk + ibi[j] s = s + y[j] if k < kmi: continue # only calculate SR for test period > kmi if kk < kkmi: continue # rn1 = float(kk) powo = s*s/(rn1*(rn - rn1)) if powo > power: # save maximum SR in a test period power = powo # SR value jn1 = i # jn2 = j rn3 = rn1 s3 = s power = np.sqrt(power) p[jf] = power powerPeriod.append([p0,power]) if power > bpow: # If it isn't an resonance of a day if not ((p0 > 0.95 and p0 < 1.05) or (p0 > 1.95 and p0 < 2.05) or (p0 > 2.98 and p0 < 3.02) or (p0 > 6.65 and p0 < 6.67) or (p0 > 3.32 and p0 < 3.34) or (p0 > 3.64 and p0 < 3.68)): bpow = power # Save the absolute maximum of SR in1 = jn1 in2 = jn2 qtran = rn3/rn # depth = -s3*rn/(rn3*(rn - rn3)) # ! Modified high = -s3/(rn - rn3) low = s3/rn3 depth = high - low bper = p0 sde = (bpow - np.mean(p))/np.std(p) # signal detection efficiency return bpow, in1, in2, qtran, depth, bper, sde, p, high, low, powerPeriod
def find_comparisons_calibrated(filterCode, paths=None, max_magerr=0.05, stdMultiplier=2, variabilityMultiplier=2, panStarrsInstead=False): parentPath = paths['parent'] calibPath = parentPath / "calibcats" if not calibPath.exists(): os.makedirs(calibPath) Vizier.ROW_LIMIT = -1 max_sep = 1.0 * u.arcsec # Get List of Files Used fileList = [] for line in (parentPath / "usedImages.txt").read_text().strip().split('\n'): fileList.append(line.strip()) logger.debug("Filter Set: " + filterCode) # Load compsused compFile = np.genfromtxt(parentPath / 'stdComps.csv', dtype=float, delimiter=',') logger.debug(compFile.shape[0]) if compFile.shape[0] == 13: compCoords = SkyCoord(ra=compFile[0] *, dec=compFile[1] * else: compCoords = SkyCoord(ra=compFile[:, 0] *, dec=compFile[:, 1] * # Get Average RA and Dec from file if compFile.shape[0] == 13: logger.debug(compFile[0]) logger.debug(compFile[1]) avgCoord = SkyCoord(ra=(compFile[0]) *, dec=(compFile[1] * else: logger.debug(np.average(compFile[:, 0])) logger.debug(np.average(compFile[:, 1])) avgCoord = SkyCoord(ra=(np.average(compFile[:, 0])) *, dec=(np.average(compFile[:, 1])) * # get results from internetz if filterCode == 'B' or filterCode == 'V': #collect APASS results apassResult = Vizier.query_region(avgCoord, '0.33 deg', catalog='APASS')['II/336/apass9'] logger.debug(apassResult) apassResult = apassResult.to_pandas() logger.debug(apassResult.keys()) apassSearchResult = apassResult[[ 'RAJ2000', 'DEJ2000', 'Bmag', 'e_Bmag', 'Vmag', 'e_Vmag' ]].as_matrix() logger.debug(apassSearchResult) raCat = apassSearchResult[:, 0] logger.debug(raCat) decCat = apassSearchResult[:, 1] logger.debug(decCat) if filterCode == 'B': magCat = apassSearchResult[:, 2] logger.debug(magCat) emagCat = apassSearchResult[:, 3] logger.debug(emagCat) if filterCode == 'V': magCat = apassSearchResult[:, 4] logger.debug(magCat) emagCat = apassSearchResult[:, 5] logger.debug(emagCat) elif filterCode == 'up' or filterCode == 'gp' or filterCode == 'rp' or filterCode == 'ip' or filterCode == 'zs': # Are there entries in SDSS? sdssResult = SDSS.query_region(avgCoord, '0.33 deg') #print(sdssResult) sdssFind = 1 # If not in SDSS, try Skymapper if sdssResult == None: sdssFind = 0 logger.debug("Not found in SDSS, must be in the South.") #logger.debug(ConeSearch.URL) ConeSearch.URL = '' sdssResult = ConeSearch.query_region(avgCoord, '0.33 deg') logger.debug(sdssResult) searchResult = sdssResult.to_table().to_pandas() logger.debug(searchResult) sdssSearchResult = searchResult[[ 'raj2000', 'dej2000', 'u_psf', 'e_u_psf', 'g_psf', 'e_g_psf', 'r_psf', 'e_r_psf', 'i_psf', 'e_i_psf', 'z_psf', 'e_z_psf' ]].as_matrix() logger.debug(sdssSearchResult[:, 0]) raCat = sdssSearchResult[:, 0] logger.debug(raCat) decCat = sdssSearchResult[:, 1] logger.debug(decCat) if filterCode == 'up': magCat = sdssSearchResult[:, 2] logger.debug(magCat) emagCat = sdssSearchResult[:, 3] logger.debug(emagCat) if filterCode == 'gp': magCat = sdssSearchResult[:, 4] logger.debug(magCat) emagCat = sdssSearchResult[:, 5] logger.debug(emagCat) if filterCode == 'rp': magCat = sdssSearchResult[:, 6] logger.debug(magCat) emagCat = sdssSearchResult[:, 7] logger.debug(emagCat) if filterCode == 'ip': magCat = sdssSearchResult[:, 8] logger.debug(magCat) emagCat = sdssSearchResult[:, 9] logger.debug(emagCat) if filterCode == 'zs': magCat = sdssSearchResult[:, 10] logger.debug(magCat) emagCat = sdssSearchResult[:, 11] logger.debug(emagCat) elif panStarrsInstead and filterCode != 'up': logger.debug("Panstarrs!") sdssResult = Vizier.query_region(avgCoord, '0.33 deg', catalog='PanStarrs')['II/349/ps1'] logger.debug(sdssResult) logger.debug(sdssResult.keys()) searchResult = sdssResult.to_pandas() logger.debug(searchResult) sdssSearchResult = searchResult[[ 'RAJ2000', 'DEJ2000', 'gmag', 'e_gmag', 'gmag', 'e_gmag', 'rmag', 'e_rmag', 'imag', 'e_imag', 'zmag', 'e_zmag' ]].as_matrix() logger.debug(sdssSearchResult[:, 0]) raCat = sdssSearchResult[:, 0] logger.debug(raCat) decCat = sdssSearchResult[:, 1] logger.debug(decCat) if filterCode == 'up': magCat = sdssSearchResult[:, 2] logger.debug(magCat) emagCat = sdssSearchResult[:, 3] logger.debug(emagCat) if filterCode == 'gp': magCat = sdssSearchResult[:, 4] logger.debug(magCat) emagCat = sdssSearchResult[:, 5] logger.debug(emagCat) if filterCode == 'rp': magCat = sdssSearchResult[:, 6] logger.debug(magCat) emagCat = sdssSearchResult[:, 7] logger.debug(emagCat) if filterCode == 'ip': magCat = sdssSearchResult[:, 8] logger.debug(magCat) emagCat = sdssSearchResult[:, 9] logger.debug(emagCat) if filterCode == 'zs': magCat = sdssSearchResult[:, 10] logger.debug(magCat) emagCat = sdssSearchResult[:, 11] logger.debug(emagCat) else: logger.debug("goodo lets do the sdss stuff then.") sdssResult = Vizier.query_region(avgCoord, '0.33 deg', catalog='SDSS')['V/147/sdss12'] logger.debug(sdssResult) logger.debug(sdssResult.keys()) searchResult = sdssResult.to_pandas() logger.debug(searchResult) sdssSearchResult = searchResult[[ 'RA_ICRS', 'DE_ICRS', 'umag', 'e_umag', 'gmag', 'e_gmag', 'rmag', 'e_rmag', 'imag', 'e_imag', 'zmag', 'e_zmag' ]].as_matrix() logger.debug(sdssSearchResult[:, 0]) raCat = sdssSearchResult[:, 0] logger.debug(raCat) decCat = sdssSearchResult[:, 1] logger.debug(decCat) if filterCode == 'up': magCat = sdssSearchResult[:, 2] logger.debug(magCat) emagCat = sdssSearchResult[:, 3] logger.debug(emagCat) if filterCode == 'gp': magCat = sdssSearchResult[:, 4] logger.debug(magCat) emagCat = sdssSearchResult[:, 5] logger.debug(emagCat) if filterCode == 'rp': magCat = sdssSearchResult[:, 6] logger.debug(magCat) emagCat = sdssSearchResult[:, 7] logger.debug(emagCat) if filterCode == 'ip': magCat = sdssSearchResult[:, 8] logger.debug(magCat) emagCat = sdssSearchResult[:, 9] logger.debug(emagCat) if filterCode == 'zs': magCat = sdssSearchResult[:, 10] logger.debug(magCat) emagCat = sdssSearchResult[:, 11] logger.debug(emagCat) #Setup standard catalogue coordinates catCoords = SkyCoord(ra=raCat *, dec=decCat * #Get calib mags for least variable IDENTIFIED stars.... not the actual stars in compUsed!! Brighter, less variable stars may be too bright for calibration! #So the stars that will be used to calibrate the frames to get the OTHER stars. calibStands = [] if compFile.shape[0] == 13: lenloop = 1 else: lenloop = len(compFile[:, 0]) for q in range(lenloop): if compFile.shape[0] == 13: compCoord = SkyCoord(ra=compFile[0] *, dec=compFile[1] * else: compCoord = SkyCoord(ra=compFile[q][0] *, dec=compFile[q][1] * idxcomp, d2dcomp, d3dcomp = compCoord.match_to_catalog_sky(catCoords) if d2dcomp * u.arcsecond < max_sep * u.arcsecond: if not np.isnan(magCat[idxcomp]): #logger.debug(idxcomp) #logger.debug(d2dcomp) #logger.debug(magCat[idxcomp]) #logger.debug(emagCat[idxcomp]) if compFile.shape[0] == 13: calibStands.append([ compFile[0], compFile[1], compFile[2], magCat[idxcomp], emagCat[idxcomp] ]) else: calibStands.append([ compFile[q][0], compFile[q][1], compFile[q][2], magCat[idxcomp], emagCat[idxcomp] ]) # Get the set of least variable stars to use as a comparison to calibrate the files (to eventually get the *ACTUAL* standards #logger.debug(np.asarray(calibStands).shape[0]) if np.asarray(calibStands).shape[0] == 0: "We could not find a suitable match between any of your stars and the calibration catalogue" ) "You might need to reduce the low value (usually 10000) to get some dimmer stars in script 1" ) raise AstrosourceException( "Perhaps try 5000 then 1000. You are trying to find dim stars to calibrate to." ) varimin = (np.min(np.asarray(calibStands)[:, 2])) * variabilityMultiplier logger.debug("varimin") #logger.debug(np.asarray(calibStands)[:,2]) logger.debug(varimin) calibStandsReject = [] for q in range(len(np.asarray(calibStands)[:, 0])): if calibStands[q][2] > varimin: calibStandsReject.append(q) #logger.debug(calibStands[q][2]) calibStands = np.delete(calibStands, calibStandsReject, axis=0) calibStand = np.asarray(calibStands) np.savetxt(parentPath / "calibStands.csv", calibStands, delimiter=",", fmt='%0.8f') # Lets use this set to calibrate each datafile and pull out the calibrated compsused magnitudes compUsedFile = np.genfromtxt(parentPath / 'compsUsed.csv', dtype=float, delimiter=',') calibCompUsed = [] logger.debug("CALIBRATING EACH FILE") for file in fileList: logger.debug(file) #Get the phot file into memory photFile = np.genfromtxt(parentPath / file, dtype=float, delimiter=',') photCoords = SkyCoord(ra=photFile[:, 0] *, dec=photFile[:, 1] * #Convert the phot file into instrumental magnitudes for r in range(len(photFile[:, 0])): photFile[r, 5] = 1.0857 * (photFile[r, 5] / photFile[r, 4]) photFile[r, 4] = -2.5 * np.log10(photFile[r, 4]) #Pull out the CalibStands out of each file tempDiff = [] for q in range(len(calibStands[:, 0])): calibCoord = SkyCoord(ra=calibStand[q][0] *, dec=calibStand[q][1] * idx, d2d, d3d = calibCoord.match_to_catalog_sky(photCoords) tempDiff.append(calibStand[q, 3] - photFile[idx, 4]) #logger.debug(tempDiff) tempZP = (np.median(tempDiff)) #logger.debug(np.std(tempDiff)) #Shift the magnitudes in the phot file by the zeropoint for r in range(len(photFile[:, 0])): photFile[r, 4] = photFile[r, 4] + tempZP file = Path(file) #Save the calibrated photfiles to the calib directory np.savetxt(calibPath / "{}.calibrated.{}".format(file.stem, file.suffix), photFile, delimiter=",", fmt='%0.8f') #Look within photfile for ACTUAL usedcomps.csv and pull them out lineCompUsed = [] if compUsedFile.shape[0] == 3 and compUsedFile.size == 3: lenloop = 1 else: lenloop = len(compUsedFile[:, 0]) #logger.debug(compUsedFile.size) for r in range(lenloop): if compUsedFile.shape[0] == 3 and compUsedFile.size == 3: compUsedCoord = SkyCoord(ra=compUsedFile[0] *, dec=compUsedFile[1] * else: compUsedCoord = SkyCoord(ra=compUsedFile[r][0] *, dec=compUsedFile[r][1] * idx, d2d, d3d = compUsedCoord.match_to_catalog_sky(photCoords) lineCompUsed.append(photFile[idx, 4]) #logger.debug(lineCompUsed) calibCompUsed.append(lineCompUsed) # Finalise calibcompsusedfile #logger.debug(calibCompUsed) calibCompUsed = np.asarray(calibCompUsed) #logger.debug(calibCompUsed[0,:]) finalCompUsedFile = [] sumStd = [] for r in range(len(calibCompUsed[0, :])): #Calculate magnitude and stdev #logger.debug(calibCompUsed[:,r]) #logger.debug(np.median(calibCompUsed[:,r])) #logger.debug(np.std(calibCompUsed[:,r])) #sumStd=sumStd+np.std(calibCompUsed[:,r]) sumStd.append(np.std(calibCompUsed[:, r])) #logger.debug(calibCompUsed[:,r]) #logger.debug(np.std(calibCompUsed[:,r])) if compUsedFile.shape[0] == 3 and compUsedFile.size == 3: finalCompUsedFile.append([ compUsedFile[0], compUsedFile[1], compUsedFile[2], np.median(calibCompUsed[:, r]), np.asarray(calibStands[0])[4] ]) else: finalCompUsedFile.append([ compUsedFile[r][0], compUsedFile[r][1], compUsedFile[r][2], np.median(calibCompUsed[:, r]), np.std(calibCompUsed[:, r]) ]) #logger.debug(finalCompUsedFile) logger.debug(" ") sumStd = np.asarray(sumStd) errCalib = np.median(sumStd) / pow((len(calibCompUsed[0, :])), 0.5) #logger.debug(len(calibCompUsed[0,:])) if len(calibCompUsed[0, :]) == 1: logger.debug( "As you only have one comparison, the uncertainty in the calibration is unclear" ) logger.debug( "But we can take the catalogue value, although we should say this is a lower uncertainty" ) logger.debug("Error/Uncertainty in Calibration: " + str(np.asarray(calibStands[0])[4])) else: logger.debug("Median Standard Deviation of any one star: " + str(np.median(sumStd))) logger.debug("Standard Error/Uncertainty in Calibration: " + str(errCalib)) with open(parentPath / "calibrationErrors.txt", "w") as f: f.write("Median Standard Deviation of any one star: " + str(np.median(sumStd)) + "\n") f.write("Standard Error/Uncertainty in Calibration: " + str(errCalib)) #logger.debug(finalCompUsedFile) compFile = np.asarray(finalCompUsedFile) np.savetxt(parentPath / "calibCompsUsed.csv", compFile, delimiter=",", fmt='%0.8f') return compFile
def remove_targets(parentPath, compFile, acceptDistance): max_sep = acceptDistance * u.arcsec"Removing Target Stars from potential Comparisons") targetFile = np.genfromtxt(parentPath / 'targetstars.csv', dtype=float, delimiter=',') fileRaDec = SkyCoord(ra=compFile[:, 0] *, dec=compFile[:, 1] * # Remove any nan rows from targetFile targetRejecter = [] if not (targetFile.shape[0] == 4 and targetFile.size == 4): for z in range(targetFile.shape[0]): if np.isnan(targetFile[z][0]): targetRejecter.append(z) targetFile = np.delete(targetFile, targetRejecter, axis=0) # Remove targets from consideration if len(targetFile) == 4: loopLength = 1 else: loopLength = targetFile.shape[0] targetRejects = [] tg_file_len = len(targetFile) for tf in targetFile: if tg_file_len == 4: varCoord = SkyCoord(targetFile[0], (targetFile[1]), frame='icrs', unit=u.deg) else: varCoord = SkyCoord( tf[0], (tf[1]), frame='icrs', unit=u.deg) # Need to remove target stars from consideration idx, d2d, _ = varCoord.match_to_catalog_sky(fileRaDec) if d2d.arcsecond < acceptDistance: targetRejects.append(idx) if tg_file_len == 4: break compFile = np.delete(compFile, idx, axis=0) # Get Average RA and Dec from file if compFile.shape[0] == 13: logger.debug(compFile[0]) logger.debug(compFile[1]) avgCoord = SkyCoord(ra=(compFile[0]) *, dec=(compFile[1] * else: logger.debug(np.average(compFile[:, 0])) logger.debug(np.average(compFile[:, 1])) avgCoord = SkyCoord(ra=(np.average(compFile[:, 0])) *, dec=(np.average(compFile[:, 1])) * # Check VSX for any known variable stars and remove them from the list variableResult = Vizier.query_region(avgCoord, '0.33 deg', catalog='VSX')['B/vsx/vsx'] logger.debug(variableResult) variableResult = variableResult.to_pandas() logger.debug(variableResult.keys()) variableSearchResult = variableResult[['RAJ2000', 'DEJ2000']].to_numpy() raCat = variableSearchResult[:, 0] logger.debug(raCat) decCat = variableSearchResult[:, 1] logger.debug(decCat) varStarReject = [] for t in range(raCat.size): logger.debug(raCat[t]) compCoord = SkyCoord(ra=raCat[t] *, dec=decCat[t] * logger.debug(compCoord) catCoords = SkyCoord(ra=compFile[:, 0] *, dec=compFile[:, 1] * idxcomp, d2dcomp, d3dcomp = compCoord.match_to_catalog_sky(catCoords) logger.debug(d2dcomp) if d2dcomp * u.arcsecond < max_sep * u.arcsecond: logger.debug("match!") varStarReject.append(t) else: logger.debug("no match!") logger.debug("Number of stars prior to VSX reject") logger.debug(compFile.shape[0]) compFile = np.delete(compFile, varStarReject, axis=0) logger.debug("Number of stars post to VSX reject") logger.debug(compFile.shape[0]) if (compFile.shape[0] == 1): compFile = [[compFile[0][0], compFile[0][1], 0.01]] compFile = np.asarray(compFile) np.savetxt(parentPath / "compsUsed.csv", compFile, delimiter=",", fmt='%0.8f') sortStars = [[ compFile[0][0], compFile[0][1], 0.01, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]] sortStars = np.asarray(sortStars) np.savetxt("stdComps.csv", sortStars, delimiter=",", fmt='%0.8f') raise AstrosourceException( "Looks like you have a single comparison star!") return compFile
def photometric_calculations(targets, paths, acceptDistance=5.0, errorReject=0.5, filesave=True): fileCount=[] photometrydata = [] sys.stdout.write('🖥 Starting photometric calculations\n') photFileArray,fileList = photometry_files_to_array(paths['parent']) if (paths['parent'] / 'calibCompsUsed.csv').exists(): logger.debug("Calibrated") compFile=genfromtxt(paths['parent'] / 'calibCompsUsed.csv', dtype=float, delimiter=',') calibFlag=1 else: logger.debug("Differential") compFile=genfromtxt(paths['parent'] / 'compsUsed.csv', dtype=float, delimiter=',') calibFlag=0 # Get total counts for each file if compFile.shape[0]== 5 and compFile.size ==5: loopLength=1 else: loopLength=compFile.shape[0] allCountsArray = get_total_counts(photFileArray, compFile, loopLength) allcountscount=0 if len(targets)== 4 and targets.size == 4: loopLength=1 else: loopLength=targets.shape[0] # For each variable calculate all the things for q in range(loopLength): starErrorRejCount=0 starDistanceRejCount=0 logger.debug("****************************") logger.debug("Processing Variable {}".format(q+1)) if int(len(targets)) == 4 and targets.size==4: logger.debug("RA {}".format(targets[0])) else: logger.debug("RA {}".format(targets[q][0])) if int(len(targets)) == 4 and targets.size==4: logger.debug("Dec {}".format(targets[1])) else: logger.debug("Dec {}".format(targets[q][1])) if int(len(targets)) == 4 and targets.size==4: varCoord = SkyCoord(targets[0],(targets[1]), frame='icrs', unit=degree) # Need to remove target stars from consideration else: varCoord = SkyCoord(targets[q][0],(targets[q][1]), frame='icrs', unit=degree) # Need to remove target stars from consideration # Grabbing variable rows logger.debug("Extracting and Measuring Differential Magnitude in each Photometry File") outputPhot=[] # new compArray=[] compList=[] allcountscount=0 for imgs, photFile in enumerate(photFileArray): sys.stdout.write('.') compList=[] fileRaDec = SkyCoord(ra=photFile[:,0]*degree, dec=photFile[:,1]*degree) idx, d2d, _ = varCoord.match_to_catalog_sky(fileRaDec) starRejected=0 if (less(d2d.arcsecond, acceptDistance)): magErrVar = 1.0857 * (photFile[idx][5]/photFile[idx][4]) if magErrVar < errorReject: magErrEns = 1.0857 * (allCountsArray[allcountscount][1]/allCountsArray[allcountscount][0]) magErrTotal = pow( pow(magErrVar,2) + pow(magErrEns,2),0.5) #templist is a temporary holder of the resulting file. tempList=photFile[idx,0:6] # logger.debug(f"{tempList}") googFile = Path(fileList[imgs]).name tempList = append(tempList, float(googFile.split("_")[2].replace("d","."))) tempList = append(tempList, float(googFile.split("_")[4].replace("a","."))) tempList = append(tempList, allCountsArray[allcountscount][0]) tempList = append(tempList, allCountsArray[allcountscount][1]) #Differential Magnitude tempList = append(tempList, 2.5 * log10(allCountsArray[allcountscount][0]/photFile[idx][4])) tempList = append(tempList, magErrTotal) tempList = append(tempList, photFile[idx][4]) tempList = append(tempList, photFile[idx][5]) if (compFile.shape[0]== 5 and compFile.size ==5) or (compFile.shape[0]== 3 and compFile.size ==3): loopLength=1 else: loopLength=compFile.shape[0] for j in range(loopLength): if compFile.size == 2 or (compFile.shape[0]== 3 and compFile.size ==3) or (compFile.shape[0]== 5 and compFile.size ==5): matchCoord=SkyCoord(ra=compFile[0]*degree, dec=compFile[1]*degree) else: matchCoord=SkyCoord(ra=compFile[j][0]*degree, dec=compFile[j][1]*degree) idx, d2d, d3d = matchCoord.match_to_catalog_sky(fileRaDec) tempList=append(tempList, photFileArray[imgs][idx][4]) # logger.debug(f"{tempList}") outputPhot.append(tempList) fileCount.append(allCountsArray[allcountscount][0]) allcountscount=allcountscount+1 else: starErrorRejCount=starErrorRejCount+1 starRejected=1 else: starDistanceRejCount=starDistanceRejCount+1 starRejected=1 if ( starRejected == 1): #templist is a temporary holder of the resulting file. tempList=photFileArray[imgs][idx,:] googFile = Path(fileList[imgs]).name tempList=append(tempList, float(googFile.split("_")[2].replace("d","."))) tempList=append(tempList, float(googFile.split("_")[4].replace("a","."))) tempList=append(tempList, allCountsArray[allcountscount][0]) tempList=append(tempList, allCountsArray[allcountscount][1]) #Differential Magnitude tempList=append(tempList,nan) tempList=append(tempList,nan) tempList=append(tempList, photFileArray[imgs][idx][4]) tempList=append(tempList, photFileArray[imgs][idx][5]) if (compFile.shape[0]== 5 and compFile.size ==5) or (compFile.shape[0]== 3 and compFile.size ==3): loopLength=1 else: loopLength=compFile.shape[0] for j in range(loopLength): if compFile.size == 2 or (compFile.shape[0]== 3 and compFile.size ==3) or (compFile.shape[0]== 5 and compFile.size ==5): matchCoord=SkyCoord(ra=compFile[0]*degree, dec=compFile[1]*degree) else: matchCoord=SkyCoord(ra=compFile[j][0]*degree, dec=compFile[j][1]*degree) idx, d2d, d3d = matchCoord.match_to_catalog_sky(fileRaDec) tempList=append(tempList, photFileArray[imgs][idx][4]) outputPhot.append(tempList) fileCount.append(allCountsArray[allcountscount][0]) allcountscount=allcountscount+1 # Check for dud images imageReject=[] for j in range(asarray(outputPhot).shape[0]): if isnan(outputPhot[j][11]): imageReject.append(j) outputPhot=delete(outputPhot, imageReject, axis=0) try: outputPhot=np.vstack(asarray(outputPhot)) except ValueError: raise AstrosourceException("No target stars were detected in your dataset. Check your input target(s) RA/Dec") ## REMOVE MAJOR OUTLIERS FROM CONSIDERATION stdVar=nanstd((outputPhot)[:,10]) avgVar=nanmean((outputPhot)[:,10]) starReject=[] stdevReject=0 for j in range(asarray(outputPhot).shape[0]): if outputPhot[j][10] > avgVar+(4*stdVar) or outputPhot[j][10] < avgVar-(4*stdVar) : starReject.append(j) stdevReject=stdevReject+1 sys.stdout.write('\n')"Rejected Stdev Measurements: : {}".format(stdevReject))"Rejected Error Measurements: : {}".format(starErrorRejCount))"Rejected Distance Measurements: : {}".format(starDistanceRejCount))"Variability of Comparisons")"Average : {}".format(avgVar))"Stdev : {}".format(stdVar)) outputPhot=delete(outputPhot, starReject, axis=0) # Add calibration columns outputPhot= np.c_[outputPhot, np.ones(outputPhot.shape[0]),np.ones(outputPhot.shape[0])] if outputPhot.shape[0] > 2: savetxt(paths['outcatPath'] / f"doerPhot_V{str(q+1)}.csv", outputPhot, delimiter=",", fmt='%0.8f') logger.debug('Saved doerPhot_V') else: raise AstrosourceException("Photometry not possible") logger.debug(array(outputPhot).shape) photometrydata.append(outputPhot) # photometrydata = trim_catalogue(photometrydata) return photometrydata
def find_variable_stars(targets, acceptDistance=1.0, errorReject=0.05, parentPath=None): ''' Find stable comparison stars for the target photometry and remove variables Parameters ---------- targetStars : list List of target tuples in the formal (ra, dec, 0, 0). ra and dec must be in decimal acceptDistance : float acceptible distance between stars in different images errorReject : float reject measurements with instrumental errors larger than this (this is not total error, just the estimated error in the single measurement of the variable) acceptDistance : float Furthest distance in arcseconds for matches Returns ------- outfile : str ''' minimumVariableCounts = 10000 # Do not try to detect variables dimmer than this. minimumNoOfObs = 10 # Minimum number of observations to count as a potential variable. # Load in list of used files fileList = [] with open(parentPath / "usedImages.txt", "r") as f: for line in f: fileList.append(line.strip()) # LOAD Phot FILES INTO LIST photFileArray = [] for file in fileList: photFileArray.append(load(parentPath / file)) if not photFileArray: raise AstrosourceException("No input files") # LOAD IN COMPARISON FILE preFile = genfromtxt(parentPath / 'stdComps.csv', dtype=float, delimiter=',') if preFile.shape[0] != 13: preFile=(preFile[preFile[:, 2].argsort()]) # GET REFERENCE IMAGE # Sort through and find the largest file and use that as the reference file fileSizer = 0 logger.debug("Finding image with most stars detected") for photFile in photFileArray: if photFile.size > fileSizer: referenceFrame = photFile fileSizer = photFile.size compFile = genfromtxt(parentPath / "compsUsed.csv", dtype=float, delimiter=',') logger.debug("Stable Comparison Candidates below variability threshold") outputPhot = [] # Get total counts for each file allCountsArray = get_total_counts(photFileArray, compFile, loopLength=compFile.shape[0]) # Define targetlist as every star in referenceImage above a count threshold logger.debug("Setting up Variable Search List") targetFile = referenceFrame # Although remove stars that are below the variable countrate starReject=[] for q in range(targetFile.shape[0]): if targetFile[q][4] < minimumVariableCounts: starReject.append(q) logger.debug("Total number of stars in reference Frame: {}".format(targetFile.shape[0])) targetFile = delete(targetFile, starReject, axis=0) logger.debug("Total number of stars with sufficient counts: {}".format(targetFile.shape[0])) ## NEED TO REMOVE COMPARISON STARS FROM TARGETLIST allcountscount=0 # For each variable calculate the variability outputVariableHolder=[] q=0 for target in targetFile: q=q+1 logger.debug("*********************") logger.debug("Processing Target {}".format(str(q))) logger.debug("RA {}".format(target[0])) logger.debug("DEC {}".format(target[1])) varCoord = SkyCoord(target[0],(target[1]), frame='icrs', unit=degree) # Need to remove target stars from consideration outputPhot=[] compArray=[] compList=[] diffMagHolder=[] allcountscount=0 for photFile in photFileArray: compList=[] fileRaDec = SkyCoord(ra=photFile[:,0]*degree, dec=photFile[:,1]*degree) idx, d2d, d3d = varCoord.match_to_catalog_sky(fileRaDec) if (less(d2d.arcsecond, acceptDistance) and ((multiply(-2.5,log10(divide(photFile[idx][4],allCountsArray[allcountscount][0])))) != inf )): diffMagHolder=append(diffMagHolder,(multiply(-2.5,log10(divide(photFile[idx][4],allCountsArray[allcountscount][0]))))) allcountscount=add(allcountscount,1) ## REMOVE MAJOR OUTLIERS FROM CONSIDERATION while True: stdVar=std(diffMagHolder) avgVar=average(diffMagHolder) starReject=[] z=0 for j in range(asarray(diffMagHolder).shape[0]): if diffMagHolder[j] > avgVar+(4*stdVar) or diffMagHolder[j] < avgVar-(4*stdVar) : starReject.append(j) logger.debug("REJECT {}".format(diffMagHolder[j])) z=1 diffMagHolder=delete(diffMagHolder, starReject, axis=0) if z==0: break diffmag = asarray(diffMagHolder) logger.debug("Standard Deviation in mag: {}".format(std(diffmag))) logger.debug("Median Magnitude: {}".format(median(diffmag))) logger.debug("Number of Observations: {}".format(diffmag.shape[0])) if (diffmag.shape[0] > minimumNoOfObs): outputVariableHolder.append( [target[0],target[1],median(diffmag), std(diffmag), diffmag.shape[0]]) plot_variability(outputVariableHolder, parentPath) savetxt(parentPath / "starVariability.csv", outputVariableHolder, delimiter=",", fmt='%0.8f') return outputVariableHolder
def output_files(paths, photometrydata, mode='diff'): if mode == 'calib' and not (paths['parent'] / 'calibCompsUsed.csv').exists(): raise AstrosourceException("No calibrated photometry available") for j, outputPhot in enumerate(photometrydata): r = j + 1"Outputting files Variable " + str(r)) if mode == 'calib': calibIndex = asarray(outputPhot).shape[1] - 1 magColumn = outputPhot[:, calibIndex - 1] magerrColumn = outputPhot[:, calibIndex] else: magColumn = outputPhot[:, 10] magerrColumn = outputPhot[:, 11] outputPeransoCalib = [ x for x in zip(outputPhot[:, 6], magColumn, magerrColumn) ] savetxt(paths['outcatPath'] / f'V{r}_{mode}Peranso.txt', outputPeransoCalib, delimiter=" ", fmt='%0.8f') savetxt(paths['outcatPath'] / f'V{r}_{mode}Excel.csv', outputPeransoCalib, delimiter=",", fmt='%0.8f') #output for EXOTIC modelling outputEXOTICCalib = [ x for x in zip(outputPhot[:, 6], magColumn, magerrColumn, outputPhot[:, 7]) ] outputEXOTICCalib = asarray(outputEXOTICCalib) exoMedian = median(outputEXOTICCalib[:, 1]) for q in range(outputEXOTICCalib.shape[0]): outputEXOTICCalib[q][1] = (1 - pow(10, ( (outputEXOTICCalib[q][1] - exoMedian) / 2.5))) + 1 outputEXOTICCalib[q][2] = (outputEXOTICCalib[q][2] / 1.0857) * outputEXOTICCalib[q][1] outputEXOTICCalib = outputEXOTICCalib[outputEXOTICCalib[:, 0].argsort()] savetxt(paths['outcatPath'] / f'V{r}_{mode}EXOTIC.csv', outputEXOTICCalib, delimiter=",", fmt='%0.8f') # Output Differential astroImageJ file outputaijCalib = [ x for x in zip(outputPhot[:, 6] - 2450000.0, magColumn, magerrColumn) ] savetxt(paths['outcatPath'] / f'V{r}_{mode}AIJ.txt', outputaijCalib, delimiter=" ", fmt='%0.8f') savetxt(paths['outcatPath'] / f'V{r}_{mode}AIJ.csv', outputaijCalib, delimiter=",", fmt='%0.8f') return