def test_02a_rand_vec_in_pix(self):
     pix = np.random.randint(0, self.npix, self.stat)
     vecs = hpt.rand_vec_in_pix(self.nside, pix)
     pix_check = hpt.vec2pix(self.nside, *vecs)
     vecs_check = hpt.pix2vec(self.nside, pix)
     self.assertTrue((vecs != vecs_check).all()
                     and (pix == pix_check).all())
 def test_02c_rand_exposure_vec_in_pix(self):
     nside = 8
     stat = 100000
     pix = hpt.rand_pix_from_map(hpt.exposure_pdf(nside), n=stat)
     v1 = hpt.rand_vec_in_pix(nside, pix)
     # there should be a problem with some few vetors that have exposure zero
     self.assertTrue(not (coord.get_exposure(v1) > 0).all())
     # here the problem is resolved (function is slower though)
     v2 = hpt.rand_exposure_vec_in_pix(nside, pix)
     self.assertTrue((coord.get_exposure(v2) > 0).all())
Exemple #3
    def test_03_iso(self):

        nside = 256
        roi_size = 0.25
        pix, _ = setup_roi(nside=nside, roi_size=roi_size)
        p = hpt.rand_vec_in_pix(nside, pix)
        T, N = obs.thrust(p, weights=None)
        self.assertTrue(np.abs(T[1] - 4. / (3. * np.pi) * roi_size) < 1e-2)
        self.assertTrue(T[2] < T[1])
        self.assertTrue(np.abs(T[2] - T[1]) < 1e-2)
Exemple #4
 def test_04_clustering(self):
     radius = 0.1
     pix_choice = hpt.query_disc(self.nside, np.array([0, 0, 1]), radius)
     vecs = hpt.rand_vec_in_pix(self.nside,
                                np.random.choice(pix_choice, self.stat))
     ac = obs.two_pt_auto(vecs, bins=self.nbins, cumulative=False)
     theta_bins = np.linspace(0, np.pi, self.nbins + 1)
     # no event with correlation higher than 2 * radius
     self.assertTrue(np.sum(ac[theta_bins[1:] > 2.1 * radius]) == 0)
     # all events within 2 * radius
         np.sum(ac[theta_bins[1:] < 2.1 * radius]) == np.sum(ac))
     # check if maximum is close to radius
         ac[np.argmin(np.abs(theta_bins[1:] - radius))] > 0.9 * max(ac))
Exemple #5
# distributions on the sphere (dipole, fisher, experiment exposure).

ncrs = 3000                        # number of cosmic rays
log10e_min = 18.5                  # minimum energy in log10(E / eV)
nside = 64          # resolution of the HEALPix map (default: 64)
npix = hpt.nside2npix(nside)
# Create a dipole distribution for a healpy map
lon, lat = np.radians(45), np.radians(60)   # Position of the maximum of the dipole (healpy and astrotools definition)
vec_max = hpt.ang2vec(lat, lon)             # Convert this to a vector
amplitude = 0.5     # amplitude of dipole
dipole = hpt.dipole_pdf(nside, amplitude, vec_max, pdf=False)
skymap.heatmap(dipole, opath='dipole.png')

# Draw random events from this distribution
pixel = hpt.rand_pix_from_map(dipole, n=ncrs)   # returns 3000 random pixel from this map
vecs = hpt.rand_vec_in_pix(nside, pixel)        # Random vectors within the drawn pixel
skymap.scatter(vecs, c=auger.rand_energy_from_auger(ncrs, log10e_min), opath='dipole_events.png')

# Create a healpy map that follows the exposure of an observatory at latitude
# a0 = -35.25 (Pierre Auger Observatory) and maximum zenith angle of 60 degree
exposure = hpt.exposure_pdf(nside, a0=-35.25, zmax=60)
skymap.heatmap(exposure, opath='exposure.png')

# Note, if you want to sample from the exposure healpy map random vectors you
# have to be careful with the above method hpt.rand_vec_in_pix,
# as the exposure healpy map reads out the exposure value in the pixel centers,
# whereas hpt.rand_vec_in_pix might sample some directions where
# the exposure already dropped to zero. If you want to sample only isoptropic
# arrival directions it is instead recommended to use
# coord.rand_exposure_vec(), or if you can not avoid healpy
# pixelization use <code> hpt.rand_exposure_vec_in_pix </code>.
 def test_02b_rand_exposure_vec_in_pix(self):
     pix = hpt.rand_pix_from_map(hpt.exposure_pdf(self.nside), n=self.stat)
     v1 = hpt.rand_vec_in_pix(self.nside, pix)
     v2 = hpt.rand_exposure_vec_in_pix(self.nside, pix)
         (coord.angle(v1, v2) < 2 * hpt.max_pixrad(self.nside)).all())
Exemple #7
 def setUp(self):
     self.nside, self.stat, self.nbins = 64, 1000, 180
     self.npix = hpt.nside2npix(self.nside)
     self.vecs = hpt.rand_vec_in_pix(self.nside,
                                     np.random.choice(self.npix, self.stat))