def apply_rotations_to_chains(final_coordinates_atomistic, atomistic_protein_centered, at_com_group, cg_com_group, cg_com): final_user_supplied_coord = {} for chain in range(len(final_coordinates_atomistic)): rotations = [] if chain in atomistic_protein_centered: rotate_chain = at_mod.kabsch_rotate( at_com_group[g_var.group_chains[chain]] - cg_com[g_var.group_chains[chain]][0], cg_com_group[g_var.group_chains[chain]] - cg_com[g_var.group_chains[chain]][0]) for part_val, part in enumerate(atomistic_protein_centered[chain]): if chain in g_var.group_chains: rotations.append(rotate_chain) else: rotations = at_com_group[chain] final_user_supplied_coord[chain] = hybridise_protein_inputs( final_coordinates_atomistic[chain], atomistic_protein_centered[chain], cg_com[chain], rotations, chain) else: final_user_supplied_coord[chain] = hybridise_protein_inputs( final_coordinates_atomistic[chain], [], [], [], chain) return final_user_supplied_coord
def RMSD_align(coord_set_1, coord_set_2): center = np.mean(coord_set_2, axis=0) xyz_rot_apply=at_mod.kabsch_rotate(coord_set_1-center, coord_set_2-center) ali= [] for at_val, atom in enumerate(coord_set_1): ali.append( at_mod.rotate_atom(atom, center, xyz_rot_apply) ) return np.array(ali)
def return_all_rotations_final(at_com_group, cg_com_group, cg_com): if len(at_com_group['all']) == len(cg_com_group['all']): return at_mod.kabsch_rotate(at_com_group['all'] - cg_com[0][0], cg_com_group['all'] - cg_com[0][0]) else: sys.exit('The atomistic input does not match the CG. \n\ number of CG residues ' + str(len(cg_com_group['all'])) + '\nnumber of AT residues ' + str(len(at_com_group['all'])))
def return_indivdual_rotations(chain, part_val, at_centers, cg_com, at_com_group, cg_com_group, sls, sle): if chain not in at_com_group: at_com_group[chain]=[] if len(at_centers) == len(np.array(g_var.backbone_coords[chain])[sls:sle,:3]): at_com_group[chain].append(at_mod.kabsch_rotate(np.array(at_centers)-cg_com[chain][part_val], np.array(g_var.backbone_coords[chain])[sls:sle,:3]-cg_com[chain][part_val])) else: sys.exit('In chain '+str(chain)+' the atomistic input does not match the CG. \n\ number of CG residues '+str(len(g_var.backbone_coords[chain]))+'\nnumber of AT residues '+str(len(at_centers))) return at_com_group
def RMSD_measure(structure_atoms): RMSD_dict = {} for chain in range(g_var.system['PROTEIN']): at_centers = [] #### runs through every residue and atom for residue in structure_atoms[chain]: #### gets center of mass of each residue (note only backbone heavy atoms have a mass) at_centers_iter = [] for atom in structure_atoms[chain][residue]: at_centers_iter.append( np.append( structure_atoms[chain][residue][atom]['coord'], structure_atoms[chain][residue][atom]['frag_mass'])) try: at_centers.append( np.average(np.array(at_centers_iter)[:, :3], axis=0, weights=np.array(at_centers_iter)[:, 3])) except BaseException: print('The fragment probably has no mass\n') for atom in structure_atoms[chain][residue]: print(structure_atoms[chain][residue][atom]) sys.exit() #### checks that the number of residues in the chain are the same between CG and AT if len(at_centers) != len(g_var.backbone_coords[chain]): sys.exit('In chain ' + str(chain) + ' the atomistic input does not match the CG. \n\ number of CG residues ' + str(len(g_var.backbone_coords[chain])) + '\nnumber of AT residues ' + str(len(at_centers))) cg_center = np.mean(np.array(g_var.backbone_coords[chain])[:, :3], axis=0) at_align = np.array(at_centers) - ( np.mean(np.array(at_centers), axis=0) - cg_center) xyz_rot_apply = at_mod.kabsch_rotate( np.array(at_align) - cg_center, np.array(np.array(g_var.backbone_coords[chain])[:, :3]) - cg_center) for at_val, atom in enumerate(at_align): at_align[at_val] = at_mod.rotate_atom(atom, cg_center, xyz_rot_apply) #### finds distance between backbone COM and cg backbone beads dist = np.sqrt((np.array(at_align) - np.array(g_var.backbone_coords[chain])[:, :3])**2) RMSD_val = np.sqrt(np.mean(dist**2)) #### RMSD calculation RMSD_dict[chain] = np.round(RMSD_val, 3) #### stores RMSD in dictionary return RMSD_dict
def atomistic_non_protein_non_solvent(cg_residue_type, cg_residues): atomistic_fragments = {} #### residue dictionary #### run through every residue in a particular residue type residue_type = {} residue_type_mass = {} if not os.path.exists(g_var.working_dir + cg_residue_type + '/' + cg_residue_type + '_all.pdb'): for cg_resid, cg_residue in enumerate(cg_residues): atomistic_fragments[cg_resid] = {} frag_location = gen.fragment_location( cg_residue_type) ### get fragment location from database residue_type[cg_residue_type], residue_type_mass[ cg_residue_type] = at_mod.get_atomistic(frag_location) for group in residue_type[cg_residue_type]: center, at_frag_centers, cg_frag_centers, group_fit = at_mod.rigid_fit( residue_type[cg_residue_type][group], residue_type_mass[cg_residue_type], cg_residue, cg_residues[cg_residue]) at_connect, cg_connect = at_mod.connectivity( cg_residues[cg_residue], at_frag_centers, cg_frag_centers, group_fit, group) if len(at_connect) == len(cg_connect) and len(cg_connect) > 0: try: xyz_rot_apply = at_mod.kabsch_rotate( np.array(at_connect) - center, np.array(cg_connect) - center) except BaseException: sys.exit('There is a issue with residue: ' + cg_residue_type + ' in group: ' + str(group)) else: print('atom connections: ' + str(len(at_connect)) + ' does not match CG connections: ' + str(len(cg_connect))) sys.exit('residue number: ' + str(cg_resid) + ', residue type: ' + str(cg_residue_type) + ', group: ' + group) for bead in group_fit: for atom in group_fit[bead]: group_fit[bead][atom]['coord'] = at_mod.rotate_atom( group_fit[bead][atom]['coord'], center, xyz_rot_apply) atom_new = group_fit[bead][atom].copy() atomistic_fragments[cg_resid][atom] = atom_new return atomistic_fragments, 0 else: return atomistic_fragments, len(cg_residues)
def build_multi_residue_atomistic_system(cg_residues, sys_type): #### initisation of counters chain_count = 0 coord_atomistic = {} g_var.seq_cg = {sys_type: {}} g_var.ter_res = {sys_type: {}} gen.mkdir_directory(g_var.working_dir + sys_type) ### make and change to protein directory #### for each residue in protein residue_type = {} residue_type_mass = {} new_chain = True for cg_residue_id, residue_number in enumerate(cg_residues[sys_type]): if np.round((cg_residue_id / len(cg_residues[sys_type])) * 100, 2).is_integer(): print('Converting de_novo ' + sys_type + ': ', np.round((cg_residue_id / len(cg_residues[sys_type])) * 100, 2), '%', end='\r') resname = cg_residues[sys_type][residue_number][next( iter(cg_residues[sys_type][residue_number]))]['residue_name'] if new_chain: if chain_count not in coord_atomistic: if sys_type == 'PROTEIN': g_var.backbone_coords[chain_count] = [] coord_atomistic[chain_count] = {} g_var.seq_cg[sys_type][chain_count] = [] g_var.ter_res[sys_type][chain_count] = [resname, False] new_chain = False coord_atomistic[chain_count][residue_number] = {} frag_location = gen.fragment_location( resname) ### get fragment location from database residue_type[resname], residue_type_mass[ resname] = at_mod.get_atomistic(frag_location) g_var.seq_cg[sys_type] = add_to_sequence(g_var.seq_cg[sys_type], resname, chain_count) new_chain = False for group in residue_type[resname]: for key in list(residue_type[resname][group].keys()): if key not in cg_residues[sys_type][residue_number]: del residue_type[resname][group][key] if len(residue_type[resname][group]) > 0: center, at_frag_centers, cg_frag_centers, group_fit = at_mod.rigid_fit( residue_type[resname][group], residue_type_mass[resname], residue_number, cg_residues[sys_type][residue_number]) at_connect, cg_connect = at_mod.connectivity( cg_residues[sys_type][residue_number], at_frag_centers, cg_frag_centers, group_fit, group) for group_bead in group_fit: if group_bead in g_var.res_top[resname]['CONNECT']: at_connect, cg_connect, new_chain = at_mod.BB_connectivity( at_connect, cg_connect, cg_residues[sys_type], group_fit[group_bead], residue_number, group_bead) if sys_type == 'PROTEIN': g_var.backbone_coords[chain_count].append( np.append( cg_residues[sys_type][residue_number] [group_bead]['coord'], 1)) if len(at_connect) == len(cg_connect) and len(at_connect) != 0: xyz_rot_apply = at_mod.kabsch_rotate( np.array(at_connect) - center, np.array(cg_connect) - center) elif len(at_connect) == 0: xyz_rot_apply = False print('Cannot find any connectivity for residue number: ' + str(residue_number) + ', residue type: ' + str(resname) + ', group: ' + str(group)) else: print('atom connections: ' + str(len(at_connect)) + ' does not equal CG connections: ' + str(len(cg_connect))) sys.exit('residue number: ' + str(residue_number) + ', residue type: ' + str(resname) + ', group: ' + group) for bead in group_fit: for atom in group_fit[bead]: group_fit[bead][atom]['coord'] = at_mod.rotate_atom( group_fit[bead][atom]['coord'], center, xyz_rot_apply) atom_new = group_fit[bead][atom].copy() coord_atomistic[chain_count][residue_number][ atom] = atom_new if new_chain: g_var.ter_res[sys_type][chain_count][1] = resname chain_count += 1 print('Completed initial conversion of ' + sys_type + '\n') g_var.system[sys_type] = chain_count if sys_type == 'PROTEIN': for chain in range(chain_count): g_var.skip_disul[chain] = False return coord_atomistic