Exemple #1
import event
import athletes
import clubs
import start
import finish

from util import util
import datetime

event = event.load()
clubs = clubs.load()
start = start.load()
flist = finish.load()

aths = tuple(filter(lambda x: hasattr(x, "id"), athletes.build(clubs)))
results = dict()
results["name"] = event.name
results["date"] = event.date
results["mass"] = event.mass
results["evals"] = list()
for race in event.races:
    evaluations = list()
    if hasattr(race, "eval"):
        for evaluation in race.eval:
            e = dict()
            e["age_min"] = evaluation["age_min"]
            e["age_max"] = evaluation["age_max"]
            if e["age_min"] == e["age_max"]:
                e["desc"] = str(event.eff_year - e["age_max"])
Exemple #2
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import event
import clubs
import athletes

import collections
import hashlib

event = event.load()
clubs = clubs.load()

aths = athletes.build(clubs, False)
athsWithId = tuple(filter(lambda x: hasattr(x, "id"), aths))

# expect no id or id == 0
idCounter = collections.Counter(map(lambda x: x.id, athsWithId))
for i in idCounter:
    if i != 0 and idCounter[i] > 0:
        raise Exception("Athletes file athlete id " + str(i) + " defined " + str(idCounter[i]) + " times. Only zeros are expected!")

number_red = 0
number_black = 100
for race in event.races:
    raceAths = list()
    for athlete in athsWithId:
        if (athlete.sex == race.sex
                and event.eff_year - athlete.born >= race.age_min
                and event.eff_year - athlete.born <= race.age_max):
            raceAths.append((athlete, hashlib.md5("{0}{1}{2}".format(athlete.name, athlete.surname, event.date).encode()).hexdigest()))
    raceAths.sort(key=lambda t: t[1])
Exemple #3
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import clubs
import athletes

import argparse
import locale
import random

    locale.setlocale(locale.LC_COLLATE, "cs_CZ.utf8")
except locale.Error:

clubs = clubs.load()
aths = athletes.build(clubs)
aths = sorted(aths, key=lambda athlete : locale.strxfrm(athlete.surname))
aths = sorted(aths, key=lambda athlete : athlete.sex)
aths = sorted(aths, key=lambda athlete : athlete.born, reverse=True)

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--shuffle", help="shuffle names to anonymize and store as file SHUFFLE")
args = parser.parse_args()

if args.shuffle:
    for athlete in aths:
        athlete.name = ''.join(random.sample(athlete.name, len(athlete.name))).lower().title()
        athlete.surname = ''.join(random.sample(athlete.surname, len(athlete.surname))).lower().title()
    athletes.dump(aths, args.shuffle)
    athletes.dump(aths, "athletes-sorted.yaml")
Exemple #4
import clubs
import athletes
from athletes.athlete import Athlete

import collections
import argparse
import csv

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("file", help="csv file to register")
args = parser.parse_args()

event = event.load()
clubs = clubs.load()

aths = list(athletes.build(clubs, False))

with open(args.file, newline='') as f:
    reader = csv.reader(f)
    for row in reader:
        year = int(row[3])
        present = False
        for a in aths:
            if row[1] == a.name and row[0] == a.surname and year == a.born:
                present = True
                if len(row) > 4:
                    if row[4] in clubs:
                        a.club = clubs[row[4]]
                        raise Exception("Club " + row[4] + " of athlete " + row[0] + " not defined in clubs")
                a.id = 0