Exemple #1
def atlaas_grid(filepath, var_threshold=0.1, stamp=None, frame_id='/map'):
    """ Usage:
    atlaas.merge("atlaas.*x*.tif", "out.tif")
    if os.path.isfile("out.tif"):
    g = gdal2(filepath)
    bnp = g.bands[g.names['N_POINTS']]
    bma = g.bands[g.names['Z_MAX']]
    bme = g.bands[g.names['Z_MEAN']]
    bva = g.bands[g.names['VARIANCE']]
    data = numpy.where(bva > var_threshold, bma, bme)
    delta = data.max() - data.min()
    ddis = (100.0 * (data - data.min()) / delta).astype('uint8')
    ddis[bnp < 1] = 0  # no points, unknown
    og = OccupancyGrid()
    og.data = ddis.flatten()
    if stamp: og.header.stamp = stamp
    og.header.frame_id = frame_id
    og.info.resolution = g.scale_x
    og.info.height, og.info.width = data.shape
    og.info.origin.position.x, og.info.origin.position.y = g.u2c(
        g.utm_x, g.utm_y)
    og.info.origin.orientation.x = 1  # flip to transform UTM-ROS (scale_y < 0)
    return og
Exemple #2
def atlaas_grid(filepath, var_threshold=0.1, stamp=None, frame_id="/map"):
    """ Usage:
    atlaas.merge("atlaas.*x*.tif", "out.tif")
    if os.path.isfile("out.tif"):
    g = gdal2(filepath)
    bnp = g.bands[g.names["N_POINTS"]]
    bma = g.bands[g.names["Z_MAX"]]
    bme = g.bands[g.names["Z_MEAN"]]
    bva = g.bands[g.names["VARIANCE"]]
    data = numpy.where(bva > var_threshold, bma, bme)
    delta = data.max() - data.min()
    ddis = (100.0 * (data - data.min()) / delta).astype("uint8")
    ddis[bnp < 1] = 0  # no points, unknown
    og = OccupancyGrid()
    og.data = ddis.flatten()
    if stamp:
        og.header.stamp = stamp
    og.header.frame_id = frame_id
    og.info.resolution = g.scale_x
    og.info.height, og.info.width = data.shape
    og.info.origin.position.x, og.info.origin.position.y = g.u2c(g.utm_x, g.utm_y)
    og.info.origin.orientation.x = 1  # flip to transform UTM-ROS (scale_y < 0)
    return og
Exemple #3
def convert(fin, fout, cmin, cmax, cmap="viridis"):
    geo = gdal2(fin)
    npt = geo.bands[geo.names["N_POINTS"]]
    img = geo.bands[geo.names["Z_MEAN"]]
    img = (img - cmin) * (1.0 / (cmax - cmin))
    img[img > 1] = 1
    img[img < 0] = 0
    cmap = getattr(cm, cmap)
    img = (cmap(img) * 255).astype("uint8")
    img[npt < 1] = 0
    save(fout, img)
Exemple #4
def convert(fin, fout, cmin, cmax, cmap=colormap, npt=None):
    geo = gdal2(fin)
    img = geo.bands
    if len(img.shape) > 2: # multi-layer
        npt = geo.bands[geo.names["N_POINTS"]]
        img = geo.bands[geo.names["Z_MEAN"]]
    img = (img - cmin) * (1./(cmax - cmin))
    img[img > 1] = 1
    img[img < 0] = 0
    img[npt < 1] = 0
    # in case of JPEG or WebP, set quality to 90%, else this option is ignored
    save(fout, (cmap(img)*255).astype('uint8'))
Exemple #5
def convert(fin, fout, cmin, cmax, cmap=colormap, npt=None):
    geo = gdal2(fin)
    img = geo.bands
    if len(img.shape) > 2:  # multi-layer
        npt = geo.bands[geo.names["N_POINTS"]]
        img = geo.bands[geo.names["Z_MEAN"]]
    img = (img - cmin) * (1. / (cmax - cmin))
    img[img > 1] = 1
    img[img < 0] = 0
    img[npt < 1] = 0
    # in case of JPEG or WebP, set quality to 90%, else this option is ignored
    save(fout, (cmap(img) * 255).astype('uint8'))
Exemple #6
def atlaas8u_grid(filepath, stamp=None, frame_id='/map'):
    g = gdal2(filepath)
    b = g.bands[0] if len(g.bands.shape) > 2 else g.bands
    og = OccupancyGrid()
    og.data = (b.astype('float') / 2.55).astype('uint8').flatten()
    if stamp: og.header.stamp = stamp
    og.header.frame_id = frame_id
    og.info.resolution = g.scale_x
    og.info.height, og.info.width = b.shape
    og.info.origin.position.x, og.info.origin.position.y = g.u2c(
        g.utm_x, g.utm_y)
    og.info.origin.orientation.x = 1  # flip to transform UTM-ROS (scale_y < 0)
    return og
Exemple #7
def atlaas8u_grid(filepath, stamp=None, frame_id="/map"):
    g = gdal2(filepath)
    b = g.bands[0] if len(g.bands.shape) > 2 else g.bands
    og = OccupancyGrid()
    og.data = (b.astype("float") / 2.55).astype("uint8").flatten()
    if stamp:
        og.header.stamp = stamp
    og.header.frame_id = frame_id
    og.info.resolution = g.scale_x
    og.info.height, og.info.width = b.shape
    og.info.origin.position.x, og.info.origin.position.y = g.u2c(g.utm_x, g.utm_y)
    og.info.origin.orientation.x = 1  # flip to transform UTM-ROS (scale_y < 0)
    return og
Exemple #8
import os
import json
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
from atlaas.helpers.gdal2 import gdal2

with open('poses.json') as f:
    poses = json.load(f)

g = gdal2('merged.atlaas.00000.tif')
xy_atlaas = [tuple(map(int, g.c2p(x,y))) for x,y in poses]

inc = 0
while os.path.isfile('movie4atlaas.%05i.png'%inc):
    im = Image.open('movie4atlaas.%05i.png'%inc)
    dr = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
    dr.line(xy_atlaas[:inc+1], fill=(255,0,0,255)) # , width=2)
    inc += 1
Exemple #9
import os
import glob
import atlaas
from atlaas.helpers.gdal2 import gdal2
from atlaas.helpers.image import zero

if not glob.glob("atlaas.*x*.tif"):
    test = atlaas.Atlaas()
    test.init(120.0, 120.0, 0.1, 377016.5, 4824342.9, 141.0, 31, True)
    del test

# 1st erase data in tiles so as to have same size in merge() without noise
for fatlaas in glob.glob("atlaas.*x*.tif"):
    g = gdal2(fatlaas)
    g.bands *= 0
    fregion = "region.%s.png"%fatlaas.split('.')[1]
    atlaas.tile_to_region(fatlaas, fregion)

for fregion in glob.glob("region.*x*.png"):
    zero(fregion) # empty data

pcd_id = 0
patern = 'cloud.%05i.pcd'

test = atlaas.Atlaas()
test.init(120.0, 120.0, 0.1, 377016.5, 4824342.9, 141.0, 31, True)

while os.path.isfile(patern%pcd_id):
Exemple #10
# coding: utf-8

get_ipython().magic(u'matplotlib inline')
filename = 'out.tif'

from atlaas.helpers.gdal2 import gdal2
from atlaas.helpers.matplot import show, hist

g = gdal2(filename)

# <codecell>

band = g.bands[g.names['N_POINTS']]

# <codecell>

show(band, 0, 100)

# <codecell>

band = g.bands[g.names['VARIANCE']]

# <codecell>

show(band, 0, 0.2)

# <codecell>

band = g.bands[g.names['Z_MEAN']]
Exemple #11
import os
import json
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
from atlaas.helpers.gdal2 import gdal2

with open('poses.json') as f:
    poses = json.load(f)

g = gdal2('merged.region.00000.png')
xy_region = [tuple(map(int, g.c2p(x,y))) for x,y in poses]

inc = 0
while os.path.isfile('movie4region.%05i.png'%inc):
    im = Image.open('movie4region.%05i.png'%inc)
    dr = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
    dr.line(xy_region[:inc+1], fill=(255,0,0,255))
    inc += 1