def ROC_plot(SEff, BRej, model_id=""): root.TMVA.Tools.Instance() aplt.set_atlas_style() area = 0 for index, xval in enumerate(SEff[:-1]): delta = SEff[index + 1] - xval area -= delta * BRej[index] XPlot, YPlot = array("d"), array("d") for x, y in zip(SEff, BRej): XPlot.append(x) YPlot.append(y) ndots = len(SEff) fig, ax = aplt.subplots(1, 1, name="fig", figsize=(800, 800)) curve = root.TGraph(ndots, XPlot, YPlot) curve.SetLineColor(4) curve.SetLineWidth(2) curve.GetXaxis().SetTitle(f"BDTgrad_{model_id} signal efficiency") curve.GetYaxis().SetTitle(f"BDTgrad_{model_id} background rejection") curve.SetMarkerSize(0) ax.plot(curve) ax.text(0.19, 0.92, "#sqrt{s} = 13 TeV, 139 fb^{-1}", size=27, align=13) ax.text(0.195, 0.84, f"Area under ROC-curve: {round(area, 3)}") fig.savefig(f"BDTgrad_{model_id}_ROC_curve.pdf")
def main(): # Set the ATLAS Style aplt.set_atlas_style() # Create a figure and axes fig, ax = aplt.subplots(1, 1, name="fig1", figsize=(800, 600)) # Randomly fill a 2D histogram hist = root.TH2F("hist", "Random Histogram", 50, 0, 10, 40, 0, 200) root.fillHist2D(hist, 50000) # Draw the histogram on these axes ax.plot2d(hist, "COLZ") # Change pad margins to allow space for z-axis colour bar and for ATLAS label ax.set_pad_margins(right=0.20, top=0.08) # Set axis titles ax.set_xlabel("X") ax.set_ylabel("Y") ax.set_zlabel("Events / (0.2 #times 5)", titleoffset=1.2) # Add the ATLAS Label aplt.atlas_label(ax.pad.GetLeftMargin(), 0.97, text="Internal", align=13) ax.text(1 - ax.pad.GetRightMargin(), 0.97, "#sqrt{s} = 13 TeV, 139 fb^{-1}", size=22, align=33) # Save the plot as a PDF fig.savefig("hist2D.pdf")
def BDT_output_hist_plot(SDataframe, BDataframe, model_id="", output_name="output"): root.TMVA.Tools.Instance() aplt.set_atlas_style() Min = np.max( (np.min(SDataframe[output_name]), np.min(BDataframe[output_name]))) Max = np.min( (np.max(SDataframe[output_name]), np.max(BDataframe[output_name]))) # Min =-math.ceil(abs(Min)) # Max = math.ceil(Max) SHist = root.TH1F("", "", 50, Min, Max) BHist = root.TH1F("", "", 50, Min, Max) SHist.SetStats(False) BHist.SetStats(False) SHist.SetMinimum(0) BHist.SetMinimum(0) SHist.SetLineWidth(2) BHist.SetLineWidth(2) SHist.SetLineColor(4) BHist.SetLineColor(2) SHist.SetMarkerSize(0) BHist.SetMarkerSize(0) SHist.SetFillColorAlpha(4, 0.2) BHist.SetFillColor(2) BHist.SetFillStyle(3004) for out, weight in zip(SDataframe[output_name], SDataframe["weightModified"]): SHist.Fill(out, weight) for out, weight in zip(BDataframe[output_name], BDataframe["weightModified"]): BHist.Fill(out, weight) hists_max = np.max((get_hist_max(SHist, 50), get_hist_max(BHist, 50))) margins = [Min, Max, 0, hists_max] fig, ax = aplt.subplots(1, 1, name="", figsize=(800, 600)) ax.plot(SHist, margins, "E1") ax.plot(BHist, margins, "E1") ax.add_margins(top=0.1) ax.set_xlabel(f"BDTgrad_{model_id} classifier response") ax.set_ylabel("Fraction of events") ax.text(0.2, 0.92, "#sqrt{s} = 13 TeV, 139 fb^{-1}", size=27, align=13) legend = root.TLegend(0.65, 0.8, 0.95, 0.92) legend.SetFillColorAlpha(0, 0) legend.AddEntry(SHist, "Signal", "F") legend.AddEntry(BHist, "Background", "F") legend.Draw() fig.savefig(f"BDTgrad_{model_id}_output.pdf")
def plot(plot_data): xPlot, yPlot = array("d"), array("d") for x, y in zip(plot_data[0], plot_data[1]): xPlot.append(x) yPlot.append(y) curve = root.TGraph(len(xPlot), xPlot, yPlot) curve.SetLineColor(2) curve.SetLineWidth(2) curve.SetMarkerColor(2) curve.SetMarkerSize(0) curve.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(-1, 1) curve.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Cut value applied on MLP output") curve.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Significance') # print(dir(curve)) fig, ax = aplt.subplots(1, 1, name="fig2", figsize=(800, 600)) ax.plot(curve) ax.add_margins(top=0.16) ax.set_xlabel("Cut value applied on MLP output") ax.set_ylabel("Significance") # aplt.atlas_label(text="Internal", loc="upper left") ax.text(0.2, 0.92, "#sqrt{s} = 13 TeV, 139 fb^{-1}", size=27, align=13) # ax.text(0.205, 0.865, "Z_{#gamma} inc. region", size=27, align=13) text1 = "For {} signal and {} background".format(round(plot_data[2]["initS"]), round(plot_data[2]["initB"])) text2 = "events the maximum {} is".format("S/#sqrt{S+B}") text3 = "{} when cutting at {}".format(round(plot_data[2]["peak"][0], 3), round(plot_data[2]["peak"][1], 3)) ax.text(0.2, 0.3, text1, size=20, align=13) ax.text(0.2, 0.27, text2, size=20, align=13) ax.text(0.2, 0.22, text3, size=20, align=13) cut_pos = round(plot_data[2]["peak"][1], 3) line = root.TLine(cut_pos, 0, cut_pos, 4) line.SetLineStyle(10) line.SetLineColor(6) ax.plot(line) fig.canvas.SetGrid() # fig.savefig("{}.pdf".format("BDToutputCut")) input()
def main(): # Set the ATLAS Style aplt.set_atlas_style() # Create a figure and axes fig, ax = aplt.subplots(1, 1, name="fig1", figsize=(800, 600)) # Plot a line with Gaussian noise x = np.arange(20) y = 2 * x + np.random.normal(size=20) yerr = np.random.normal(loc=np.linspace(1, 2, num=20), scale=0.1, size=20) graph = ax.graph(x, y, yerr=yerr, label="Data", labelfmt="EP") # Fit the graph; store graphics func but do not draw graph.Fit("pol1", "0") # Add extra space at top of plot to make room for labels ax.add_margins(top=0.18, left=0.05, right=0.05, bottom=0.05) # Plot fit function and extend its range to fill plot area func = graph.GetFunction("pol1") func.SetRange(*ax.get_xlim()) func.SetNpx(1000) ax.plot(func, linecolor=root.kRed + 1, expand=False, label="Fit", labelfmt="L") # Set axis titles ax.set_xlabel("x") ax.set_ylabel("y") # Add the ATLAS Label aplt.atlas_label(text="Simulation Internal", loc="upper left") # Add legend ax.legend(loc=(0.65, 0.8, 0.95, 0.92)) # Save the plot as a PDF fig.savefig("numpy_graph.pdf")
def main(): # Set the ATLAS Style aplt.set_atlas_style() # Create a figure and axes fig, ax = aplt.subplots(1, 1, name="fig1", figsize=(800, 600)) # Define a distribution sqroot = root.TF1("sqroot", "x*gaus(0) + [3]*abs(sin(x)/x)", 0, 10) sqroot.SetParameters(10, 4, 1, 20) # Randomly fill the histogram according to the above distribution hist = root.TH1F("hist", "Random Histogram", 50, 0, 10) hist.FillRandom("sqroot", 20000) # Fit the histogram with the original distribution; store graphics func but do not draw hist.Fit("sqroot", "0") # Draw the histogram on these axes ax.plot(hist, label="Random Hist", labelfmt="F") # Draw the fit function sqroot.SetNpx(1000) ax.plot(sqroot, label="Fit", labelfmt="L", linecolor=root.kRed + 1) # Add extra space at top of plot to make room for labels ax.add_margins(top=0.16) # Set axis titles ax.set_xlabel("X [GeV]") ax.set_ylabel("Events / 0.2 GeV") # Add the ATLAS Label aplt.atlas_label(text="Internal", loc="upper left") ax.text(0.2, 0.86, "#sqrt{s} = 13 TeV, 139 fb^{-1}", size=22, align=13) # Add legend ax.legend(loc=(0.65, 0.8, 0.95, 0.92)) # Save the plot as a PDF fig.savefig("hist.pdf")
def ROC(ROC_SIG, ROC_BG, initS, initB, model_id): xPlot, yPlot = array("d"), array("d") ROC_SIG = np.array(ROC_SIG) ROC_BG = np.array(ROC_BG) SIG_EFF = ROC_SIG / initS BG_REJ = 1 - ROC_BG / initB area = 0 for index, x_val in enumerate(SIG_EFF[:-1]): delta = x_val - SIG_EFF[index + 1] area += delta * BG_REJ[index] for x, y in zip(SIG_EFF, BG_REJ): xPlot.append(x) yPlot.append(y) Area = 0 for i, x in enumerate(xPlot[:-1]): deltaX = x - xPlot[i + 1] SCol = deltaX * yPlot[i + 1] Area += SCol print(Area) NDots = len(xPlot) fig, ax = aplt.subplots(1, 1, name="fig", figsize=(800, 800)) curve = root.TGraph(NDots, xPlot, yPlot) curve.SetLineColor(4) curve.SetLineWidth(2) curve.GetXaxis().SetTitle(f"MLP{model_id} signal efficiency") curve.GetYaxis().SetTitle(f"MLP{model_id} background rejection") curve.SetMarkerSize(0) ax.plot(curve) ax.text(0.19, 0.92, "#sqrt{s} = 13 TeV, 139 fb^{-1}", size=27, align=13) ax.text(0.195, 0.8, f"Area under ROC-curve: {round(area, 3)}") fig.savefig(f"MLP{model_id}ROC_curve.pdf")
def ROC(ROC_SIG, ROC_BG, initS, initB): xPlot, yPlot = array("d"), array("d") ROC_SIG = np.array(ROC_SIG) ROC_BG = np.array(ROC_BG) SIG_EFF = ROC_SIG/initS BG_REJ = 1 - ROC_BG/initB # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plt.plot(SIG_EFF, BG_REJ) # plt.errorbar([0.39984,], [0.97193,], xerr=0.0023, yerr=0.0018, markersize=2, marker="o") # plt.grid() # for x, y in zip(SIG_EFF, BG_REJ): xPlot.append(x) yPlot.append(y) Area = 0 for i, x in enumerate(xPlot[:-1]): deltaX = x - xPlot[i+1] SCol = deltaX*yPlot[i+1] Area += SCol print(Area) NDots = len(xPlot) fig, ax = aplt.subplots(1, 1, name="fig", figsize=(800, 800)) curve = root.TGraph(NDots, xPlot, yPlot) curve.SetLineColor(4) curve.SetLineWidth(2) curve.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Signal efficiency") curve.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Background rejection") curve.SetMarkerSize(0) # curve.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 1.05) # curve.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 1.25) # curve.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0.3, 0.5) # curve.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.9, 1.1) ax.plot(curve) x_pos, y_pos = array("f"), array("f") # x_err.append(0.0023) # y_err.append(0.0018) x_pos.append(0.39984) y_pos.append(0.97193) x_pos.append(0.1) y_pos.append(0.1) ax.text(0.19, 0.92, "#sqrt{s} = 13 TeV, 139 fb^{-1}", size=27, align=13) # ax.text(0.195, 0.865, "Z_{#gamma} inc. region", size=27, align=13) ax.text(0.195, 0.8, "Area under ROC-curve: 0.849") # ax.text(0.2, 0.28, "The most efficient", size=20, align=13) # ax.text(0.2, 0.25, "fixed cut position", size=20, align=13) # ax.text(0.2, 0.22, "is at (0.399, 0.972)", size=20, align=13) # hline = root.TLine(0, 0.97193, 0.6, 0.97193) # vline = root.TLine(0.39984, 0, 0.39984, 1) # hline.SetLineStyle(9) # hline.SetLineColor(2) # vline.SetLineStyle(9) # vline.SetLineColor(2) # ax.plot(hline, "SAME") # ax.plot(vline, "SAME") input()
def build_reader(): reader = root.TMVA.Reader("reader") var_mJJ = array('f',[0]) var_deltaYJJ = array('f',[0]) var_metPt = array('f',[0]) var_ptBalance = array('f',[0]) var_subleadJetEta = array('f',[0]) var_leadJetPt = array('f',[0]) var_photonEta = array('f',[0]) var_ptBalanceRed = array('f',[0]) var_nJets = array('f',[0]) var_sinDeltaPhiJJOver2 = array('f',[0]) var_deltaYJPh = array('f',[0]) reader.AddVariable("mJJ", var_mJJ) reader.AddVariable("deltaYJJ", var_deltaYJJ) reader.AddVariable("metPt", var_metPt) reader.AddVariable("ptBalance", var_ptBalance) reader.AddVariable("subleadJetEta", var_subleadJetEta) reader.AddVariable("leadJetPt", var_leadJetPt) reader.AddVariable("photonEta", var_photonEta) reader.AddVariable("ptBalanceRed", var_ptBalanceRed) reader.AddVariable("nJets", var_nJets) reader.AddVariable("sinDeltaPhiJJOver2",var_sinDeltaPhiJJOver2) reader.AddVariable("deltaYJPh", var_deltaYJPh) reader.BookMVA("MLP", "dataloader/weights/TMVAClassification_MLP.weights.xml") SDataframe, BDataframe = extract() SDataframe["BDToutput"] = 0.0 BDataframe["BDToutput"] = 0.0 output = [] for i, row in SDataframe.iterrows(): var_mJJ[0] = row["mJJ"] var_deltaYJJ[0] = row["deltaYJJ"] var_metPt[0] = row["metPt"] var_ptBalance[0] = row["ptBalance"] var_subleadJetEta[0] = row["subleadJetEta"] var_leadJetPt[0] = row["leadJetPt"] var_photonEta[0] = row["photonEta"] var_ptBalanceRed[0] = row["ptBalanceRed"] var_nJets[0] = row["nJets"] var_sinDeltaPhiJJOver2[0] = row["sinDeltaPhiJJOver2"] var_deltaYJPh[0] = row["deltaYJPh"] output.append(reader.EvaluateMVA("MLP")) SDataframe["BDToutput"] = output output = [] for i, row in BDataframe.iterrows(): var_mJJ[0] = row["mJJ"] var_deltaYJJ[0] = row["deltaYJJ"] var_metPt[0] = row["metPt"] var_ptBalance[0] = row["ptBalance"] var_subleadJetEta[0] = row["subleadJetEta"] var_leadJetPt[0] = row["leadJetPt"] var_photonEta[0] = row["photonEta"] var_ptBalanceRed[0] = row["ptBalanceRed"] var_nJets[0] = row["nJets"] var_sinDeltaPhiJJOver2[0] = row["sinDeltaPhiJJOver2"] var_deltaYJPh[0] = row["deltaYJPh"] output.append(reader.EvaluateMVA("MLP")) BDataframe["BDToutput"] = output print("После отборов классификатора") print(sum(SDataframe[SDataframe["BDToutput"] > 0.682]["weightModified"])) print(sum(BDataframe[BDataframe["BDToutput"] > 0.682]["weightModified"])) print("Фиксированные") df = SDataframe[SDataframe["phCentrality"] < 0.455] df = df[df["mJJ"] > 697] df = df[df["ptBalance"] < 0.064] df = df[df["deltaYJJ"] > 2.227] print(sum(df["weightModified"])) df = BDataframe[BDataframe["phCentrality"] < 0.455] df = df[df["mJJ"] > 697] df = df[df["ptBalance"] < 0.064] df = df[df["deltaYJJ"] > 2.227] print(sum(df["weightModified"])) # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # fig, ax = plt.subplots() # ax.hist(SDataframe["BDToutput"], weights=SDataframe["weightModified"], bins=50, color="blue", alpha=0.5, label="signal") # ax.hist(BDataframe["BDToutput"], weights=BDataframe["weightModified"], bins=50, color="red", alpha=0.5, label="background") # ax.legend() # ax.set_xlabel("BDToutput") # ax.set_ylabel("N of events") # # canvas = root.TCanvas("canvas", "CANVAS", 1920, 1080) SHist = root.TH1F("", "", 50, 0, 1) BHist = root.TH1F("", "", 50, 0, 1) BHist.SetStats(False) SHist.SetStats(False) BHist.SetLineWidth(2) BHist.SetLineColor(2) BHist.SetFillColor(2) BHist.SetFillStyle(3004) BHist.GetXaxis().CenterTitle() BHist.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Fraction of events") BHist.GetYaxis().CenterTitle() BHist.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.2) BHist.SetMinimum(0) SHist.SetLineWidth(2) SHist.SetLineColor(4) SHist.SetFillColorAlpha(4, 0.2) SHist.GetXaxis().CenterTitle() SHist.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Fraction of events") SHist.GetYaxis().CenterTitle() SHist.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.2) SHist.SetMinimum(0) for out, weight in zip(SDataframe["BDToutput"], SDataframe["weightModified"]): SHist.Fill(out, weight) for out, weight in zip(BDataframe["BDToutput"], BDataframe["weightModified"]): BHist.Fill(out, weight) aplt.set_atlas_style() fig, ax = aplt.subplots(1, 1, name="fig1", figsize=(800, 600)) ##################################### ax.plot(SHist, "E1") ax.plot(BHist, "E1") ###################################### ax.add_margins(top=0.16) ax.set_xlabel("MLP classifier response") ax.set_ylabel("Fraction of events") # aplt.atlas_label(text="Internal", loc="upper left") ax.text(0.2, 0.92, "#sqrt{s} = 13 TeV, 139 fb^{-1}", size=27, align=13) # ax.text(0.205, 0.865, "Z_{#gamma} inc. region", size=27, align=13) legend = root.TLegend(0.65, 0.8, 0.95, 0.92) legend.SetFillColorAlpha(0, 0) legend.AddEntry(SHist, "Signal", "F") legend.AddEntry(BHist, "Background", "F") legend.Draw() # fig.savefig("histogramms/{}.pdf".format("BDToutput")) # input() return make_selections(SDataframe, BDataframe)
def build_reader(model_id): reader = root.TMVA.Reader("reader") var_mJJ = array('f', [0]) var_deltaYJJ = array('f', [0]) var_metPt = array('f', [0]) var_ptBalance = array('f', [0]) var_subleadJetEta = array('f', [0]) var_leadJetPt = array('f', [0]) var_photonEta = array('f', [0]) var_ptBalanceRed = array('f', [0]) var_nJets = array('f', [0]) var_sinDeltaPhiJJOver2 = array('f', [0]) var_deltaYJPh = array('f', [0]) reader.AddVariable("mJJ", var_mJJ) reader.AddVariable("deltaYJJ", var_deltaYJJ) reader.AddVariable("metPt", var_metPt) reader.AddVariable("ptBalance", var_ptBalance) reader.AddVariable("subleadJetEta", var_subleadJetEta) reader.AddVariable("leadJetPt", var_leadJetPt) reader.AddVariable("photonEta", var_photonEta) reader.AddVariable("ptBalanceRed", var_ptBalanceRed) reader.AddVariable("nJets", var_nJets) reader.AddVariable("sinDeltaPhiJJOver2", var_sinDeltaPhiJJOver2) reader.AddVariable("deltaYJPh", var_deltaYJPh) reader.BookMVA( "MLP", f"dataloader/weights/TMVAClassification_MLP{model_id}.weights.xml") SDataframe, BDataframe = extract() SDataframe["BDToutput"] = 0.0 BDataframe["BDToutput"] = 0.0 print("Веса до применения классификатора:") print(np.sum(SDataframe["weightModified"])) print(np.sum(BDataframe["weightModified"])) output = [] for i, row in SDataframe.iterrows(): var_mJJ[0] = row["mJJ"] var_deltaYJJ[0] = row["deltaYJJ"] var_metPt[0] = row["metPt"] var_ptBalance[0] = row["ptBalance"] var_subleadJetEta[0] = row["subleadJetEta"] var_leadJetPt[0] = row["leadJetPt"] var_photonEta[0] = row["photonEta"] var_ptBalanceRed[0] = row["ptBalanceRed"] var_nJets[0] = row["nJets"] var_sinDeltaPhiJJOver2[0] = row["sinDeltaPhiJJOver2"] var_deltaYJPh[0] = row["deltaYJPh"] output.append(reader.EvaluateMVA("MLP")) SDataframe["BDToutput"] = output output = [] for i, row in BDataframe.iterrows(): var_mJJ[0] = row["mJJ"] var_deltaYJJ[0] = row["deltaYJJ"] var_metPt[0] = row["metPt"] var_ptBalance[0] = row["ptBalance"] var_subleadJetEta[0] = row["subleadJetEta"] var_leadJetPt[0] = row["leadJetPt"] var_photonEta[0] = row["photonEta"] var_ptBalanceRed[0] = row["ptBalanceRed"] var_nJets[0] = row["nJets"] var_sinDeltaPhiJJOver2[0] = row["sinDeltaPhiJJOver2"] var_deltaYJPh[0] = row["deltaYJPh"] output.append(reader.EvaluateMVA("MLP")) BDataframe["BDToutput"] = output SHist = root.TH1F("", "", 50, 0, 1) BHist = root.TH1F("", "", 50, 0, 1) BHist.SetStats(False) SHist.SetStats(False) BHist.SetLineWidth(2) BHist.SetLineColor(2) BHist.SetFillColor(2) BHist.SetFillStyle(3004) BHist.GetXaxis().CenterTitle() BHist.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Fraction of events") BHist.GetYaxis().CenterTitle() BHist.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.2) BHist.SetMinimum(0) SHist.SetLineWidth(2) SHist.SetLineColor(4) SHist.SetFillColorAlpha(4, 0.2) SHist.GetXaxis().CenterTitle() SHist.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Fraction of events") SHist.GetYaxis().CenterTitle() SHist.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.2) SHist.SetMinimum(0) for out, weight in zip(SDataframe["BDToutput"], SDataframe["weightModified"]): SHist.Fill(out, weight) for out, weight in zip(BDataframe["BDToutput"], BDataframe["weightModified"]): BHist.Fill(out, weight) aplt.set_atlas_style() fig, ax = aplt.subplots(1, 1, name="fig1", figsize=(800, 600)) ##################################### ax.plot(SHist, "E1") ax.plot(BHist, "E1") ###################################### ax.add_margins(top=0.16) # ax.add_margins(top=0.2) ax.set_xlabel(f"MLP{model_id} classifier response") ax.set_ylabel("Fraction of events") ax.text(0.2, 0.92, "#sqrt{s} = 13 TeV, 139 fb^{-1}", size=27, align=13) legend = root.TLegend(0.65, 0.8, 0.95, 0.92) legend.SetFillColorAlpha(0, 0) legend.AddEntry(SHist, "Signal", "F") legend.AddEntry(BHist, "Background", "F") legend.Draw() fig.savefig(f"MLP{model_id}output.pdf") # input() return make_selections(SDataframe, BDataframe)
def significance_plot(SDataframe, BDataframe, ratio, ndots=1000, model_id="", output_name="output", ROC=True): root.TMVA.Tools.Instance() aplt.set_atlas_style() Min = np.max( (np.min(SDataframe[output_name]), np.min(BDataframe[output_name]))) Max = np.min( (np.max(SDataframe[output_name]), np.max(BDataframe[output_name]))) SWSum = np.sum(SDataframe["weightModified"]) BWSum = np.sum(BDataframe["weightModified"]) XData = np.linspace(Min, Max, ndots) SData, BData = np.array([]), np.array([]) for cursor in XData: S = np.sum( SDataframe[SDataframe[output_name] >= cursor]["weightModified"]) B = np.sum( BDataframe[BDataframe[output_name] >= cursor]["weightModified"]) SData = np.append(SData, S) BData = np.append(BData, B) YData = SData / np.sqrt(ratio * (SData + BData)) SEff = SData / SWSum BRej = 1 - BData / BWSum XPlot, YPlot = array("d"), array("d") for x, y in zip(XData, YData): XPlot.append(x) YPlot.append(y) curve = root.TGraph(ndots, XPlot, YPlot) curve.SetLineColor(2) curve.SetLineWidth(2) curve.SetMarkerColor(2) curve.SetMarkerSize(0) curve.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(Min, Max) curve.GetXaxis().SetTitle(f"Cut value applied on BDTgrad{model_id} output") curve.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Significance') fig, ax = aplt.subplots(1, 1, name="", figsize=(800, 600)) ax.plot(curve) ax.add_margins(top=0.16) peak_index = YData.argmax() cut = XData[peak_index] sig_max = YData[peak_index] ax.text(0.2, 0.92, "#sqrt{s} = 13 TeV, 139 fb^{-1}", size=27, align=13) text1 = "For {} signal and {} background".\ format(round(np.sum(SDataframe["weightModified"])), round(np.sum(BDataframe["weightModified"]))) text2 = "events the maximum {} is".format("S/#sqrt{S+B}") text3 = "{} when cutting at {}".format(round(sig_max, 3), round(cut, 3)) ax.text(0.2, 0.3, text1, size=20, align=13) ax.text(0.2, 0.27, text2, size=20, align=13) ax.text(0.2, 0.22, text3, size=20, align=13) line = root.TLine(cut, 0, cut, 4) line.SetLineStyle(10) line.SetLineColor(6) ax.plot(line) fig.savefig(f"BDTgrad_{model_id}_outputCut.pdf") SWCut = np.array( SDataframe[SDataframe[output_name] > cut]["weightModified"]) BWCut = np.array( BDataframe[BDataframe[output_name] > cut]["weightModified"]) print("Significance error:") print(error(SWCut, BWCut) / np.sqrt(ratio)) ### Нужно ли делить на sqrt(ratio)? if ROC: ROC_plot(SEff, BRej, model_id=model_id)
import ROOT as root import numpy as np import atlasplots as aplt aplt.set_atlas_style() fig, ax = aplt.subplots(1, 1, name="fig", figsize=(800, 800)) print(dir(ax.get_ylabel())) input() # c1 = root.TCanvas("c1","hists with different scales",600,400) hist = root.TH1F("", "", 20, -1, 1) a = np.random.randn(1000, 1).ravel() for el in a: hist.Fill(el, 0.5) width = hist.GetBinWidth(1) root.gStyle.SetErrorX(0.5) ax.plot(hist, [-1, 1, 0, 30], options="E1") # hist.Draw("E1") input()