def read_csv(fname, temperature_limits=(-20, -0.5)): """ Arguments --------- temerature_limits: tuple. The temperature reading has false readings in it which can cause porblems later""" df = pd.read_csv(fname, sep='\t') pandas_tools.ensure_column_exists(df, 'DateTime', _date_time_alts) pandas_tools.ensure_column_exists(df, 'Pressure_Pa', _pressure_alt) pandas_tools.ensure_column_exists(df, 'Temperature', _temp_alt) pandas_tools.ensure_column_exists(df, 'Relative_humidity', _RH_alt) # return df df.index = pd.Series( pd.to_datetime(df.DateTime, format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) # df['Pressure_Pa'] = df.PRESS # df['Temperature'] = df.AT # df['Relative_humidity'] = df.RH # df = df.drop('PRESS', axis=1) # df = df.drop('AT', axis=1) # df = df.drop('RH', axis=1) df = df.drop('DateTime', axis=1) df = df.sort_index() if temperature_limits: df = df[df.Temperature > temperature_limits[0]] df = df[temperature_limits[1] > df.Temperature] hk = timeseries.TimeSeries(df) return hk
def add_sun_elevetion(self, picco): """ doc is not correct!!! This function uses telemetry data from the airplain (any timeseries including Lat and Lon) to calculate the sun's elevation. Based on the sun's elevation an airmass factor is calculated which the data is corrected for. Arguments --------- sun_intensities: Sun_Intensities_TS instance picco: any timeseries instance containing Lat and Lon """ picco_t = timeseries.TimeSeries([:, ['Lat', 'Lon', 'Altitude']] ) # only Altitude, Lat and Lon sun_int_su = self.merge(picco_t) out = sun_int_su.get_sun_position() # sun_int_su = sun_int_su.zoom_time(spiral_up_start, spiral_up_end) arrays = np.array([,, ]) tuples = list(zip(*arrays)) index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples( tuples, names=['Time', 'Altitude', 'Sunelevation']) = index =[ 'Altitude', 'Solar_position_elevation', 'Solar_position_azimuth', 'Lon', 'Lat' ], axis=1) return sun_int_su
def load_skybrighness(fname): keys = [460.3, 860.7, 550.4, 671.2] outt = SkyBrightDict() for k in keys: fn = fname + '_' + str(k) + '.csv' df = pd.read_csv(fn, index_col=0) df.columns = df.columns.astype(float) outt[float(k)] = timeseries.TimeSeries(df) return outt
def read_radiosonde_csv(fname, cal): """reads a csv file and returns a TimeSeries Parameters ---------- fname: str Name of file to be opend calibration: str or calibration instance Either pass the name of the file containing the calibration data, or a calibration instance. """ df = pd.read_csv(fname, header=15) fkt = lambda x: x.lstrip(' ').replace(' ', '_') col_new = [fkt(i) for i in df.columns.values] df.columns = col_new time = df['date_[y-m-d_GMT]'] + df['time_[h:m:s_GMT]'] + '.' + df[ 'milliseconds'].astype(str) df.index = pd.Series( pd.to_datetime(time, format=time_tools.get_time_formate())) df[df == 99999.000] = np.nan alt = df['GPS_altitude_[km]'].copy() df['Altitude'] = alt * 1e3 df.rename(columns={ 'GPS_latitude': 'Lat', 'GPS_longitude': 'Lon' }, inplace=True) bins = [] for k in df.keys(): if 'Bin' in k: bins.append(k) # print(k) # print(bins) sd = df.loc[:, bins] hk = df.drop(bins, axis=1) hk = timeseries.TimeSeries(hk) # fname_cal = '/Users/htelg/data/POPS_calibrations/150622_china_UAV.csv' cal = calibration.read_csv(cal) ib = cal.get_interface_bins(20) sd = sizedistribution.SizeDist_TS( sd, ib['binedges_v_int'].values.transpose()[0], 'numberConcentration') return sd, hk
def _read_csv(fname, norm2time=True, norm2flow=True): uhsas = _readFromFakeXLS(fname) # return uhsas sd, hk = _separate_sizedist_and_housekeep(uhsas, norm2time=norm2time, norm2flow=norm2flow) hk = timeseries.TimeSeries(hk) # return size_distr,hk bins = _get_bins(sd) # return bins dist = sizedistribution.SizeDist_TS(sd, bins, "numberConcentration") return dist, hk
def split_revolutions(self, peaks='l', time_delta=(5, 20), revolution_period=26.): """This function reorganizes the miniSASP data in a way that all sun transits are stacked on top of eachother and the time is translated to an angle""" ulr = self.copy() # star = 10000 # till = 20000 # =[star:till] if peaks == 's': peaks_s = ulr.find_peaks() elif peaks == 'l': peaks_s = ulr.find_peaks(which='long') time_delta_back = time_delta[0] time_delta_forward = time_delta[1] # wls = ['460.3', '550.4', '671.2', '860.7'] photos = [,,, ] out_dict = {} for u, i in enumerate(ulr.channels): centers =[str(i)].dropna().index.values # res = [] df = pd.DataFrame() PAl = photos[u] for e, center in enumerate(centers): # center =['460.3'].dropna().index.values[1] start = center - np.timedelta64(time_delta_back, 's') end = center + np.timedelta64(time_delta_forward, 's') PAlt = PAl.truncate(before=start, after=end, copy=True) PAlt.index = PAlt.index - center PAlt = PAlt[ PAlt != 0] # For some reasons there are values equal to 0 which would screw up the averaging I intend to do # res.append(PAlt) df[center] = PAlt.resample('50ms') df.index = (df.index.values - np.datetime64('1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000000Z') ) / np.timedelta64(1, 's') df.index = df.index.values / revolution_period * 2 * np.pi out = timeseries.TimeSeries(df.transpose()) out_dict[i] = out return out_dict
def convert2timeseries(self, ts): """merges a vertical profile with a timeseries that contains height data and returns the a time series where the data of the vertical profile is interpolated along the time of the timeseries. Arguments --------- ts: timeseries""" hk_tmp = ts.convert2verticalprofile() data =[['TimeUTC']] cat_sort_int = pd.concat([data,]).sort_index().interpolate() cat_sort_int = cat_sort_int.dropna() cat_sort_int.index = cat_sort_int.TimeUTC cat_sort_int = cat_sort_int.drop('TimeUTC', axis=1) return timeseries.TimeSeries(cat_sort_int)
def _read_file(fname): picof = open(fname, 'r') header = picof.readline() picof.close() header = header.split(' ') header_cleaned = [] for head in header: bla = head.replace('<', '').replace('>', '') where = bla.find('[') if where != -1: bla = bla[:where] header_cleaned.append(bla) data = pd.read_csv(fname, names=header_cleaned, sep=' ', skiprows=1, header=0) data.drop(range(20), inplace=True ) # dropping the first x lines, since the time is often dwrong time_series = data.Year.astype(str) + '-' + data.Month.apply( lambda x: '%02i' % x) + '-' + data.Day.apply( lambda x: '%02i' % x) + ' ' + data.Hours.apply( lambda x: '%02i' % x) + ':' + data.Minutes.apply( lambda x: '%02i' % x) + ':' + data.Seconds.apply( lambda x: '%05.2f' % x) data.index = pd.Series( pd.to_datetime(time_series, format=time_tools.get_time_formate())) _drop_some_columns(data) # convert from rad to deg data.Lat.values[:] = np.rad2deg(data.Lat.values) data.Lon.values[:] = np.rad2deg(data.Lon.values) data['Altitude'] = data['Height'] data = data.drop('Height', axis=1) data.sort_index(inplace=True) return timeseries.TimeSeries(data, {'original header': header})