Exemple #1
class DummyMonitor(BaseMonitor):
    """Dummy monitor used for testing.

    running = Bool()

    monitored_entries = set_default(['default_path'])

    received_news = List()

    def start(self):
        self.running = True

    def stop(self):
        self.running = False

    def refresh_monitored_entries(self, entries=None):
        """Do nothing when refreshing.


    def handle_database_entries_change(self, news):
        """Add all entries to the monitored ones.

        if news[0] == 'added':
            self.monitored_entries = self.monitored_entries + [news[1]]

    def handle_database_nodes_change(self, news):
        """Simply ignore nodes updates.


    def process_news(self, news):
Exemple #2
class Toast(ToolkitObject):
    """ A toast is a view containing a quick little message for the user.

    #: Text to display
    #: if this node has a child view this is ignored
    text = d_(Unicode())

    #: Duration to display in ms
    duration = d_(Int(1000))

    #: x position
    x = d_(Int())

    #: y position
    y = d_(Int())

    #: Position
    gravity = d_(Coerced(int, coercer=coerce_gravity))

    #: Show the notification for the given duration
    show = d_(Bool())

    #: A reference to the proxy object.
    proxy = Typed(ProxyToast)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Observers
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    @observe('text', 'duration', 'show', 'gravity', 'x', 'y')
    def _update_proxy(self, change):
        """ An observer which sends the state change to the proxy.

        # The superclass implementation is sufficient.
        super(Toast, self)._update_proxy(change)
class StreamInterpolator(Atom):
    filespec = Typed(StreamFileSpec)
    is_reference = Bool(False)
    selector = Enum(*RECORD_SELECTORS)
    latency = Float(0.0)

    streamfile = Typed(StreamFile)

    def fieldname(self):
        return self.filespec.fieldname

    def datatype(self):
        return self.filespec.datatype

    def is_array(self):
        return self.filespec.is_array

    def timestamps(self):
        return self.streamfile.timestamps

    def interval(self):
        return self.streamfile.interval

    def record_count(self):
        return self.streamfile.count

    def _default_streamfile(self):
        return self.filespec.getStreamFile()

    def get(self, idx, dts):
        return self.streamfile.get(idx, dts - self.latency, self.selector)
Exemple #4
class HttpResponse(Atom):
    """ The response object returned to an AsyncHttpClient fetch callback.
    It is based on the the tornado HttpResponse object.

    #: Request that created this response
    request = Instance(HttpRequest)

    #: Numeric HTTP status code
    code = Int()

    #: Reason phrase for the status code
    reason = Unicode()

    #: Response headers list of strings
    headers = Dict()

    #: Result success
    ok = Bool()

    #: Response body
    #: Note: if a streaming_callback is given to the request
    #: then this is NOT used and will be empty
    body = Unicode()

    #: Size
    content_length = Int()

    #: Error message
    error = Instance(HttpError)

    #: Progress
    progress = Int()

    #: Done time
    request_time = Float()
Exemple #5
class Markdown(Raw):
    """ A block for rendering Markdown source. """

    #: Extensions to use when rendering
    extensions = d_(

    #: Configuration for them
    extension_configs = d_(
            'markdown.extensions.codehilite': {
                'css_class': 'highlight'

    #: Disallow raw HTMl
    safe_mode = d_(Bool()).tag(attr=False)

    #: Output format
    output_format = d_(Enum("xhtml", "html5")).tag(attr=False)

    #: Tab size
    tab_length = d_(Int(4)).tag(attr=False)

    #: Reference to the proxy
    proxy = Typed(ProxyMarkdown)

    @observe('extensions', 'extension_configs', 'safe_mode', 'output_format',
    def _update_proxy(self, change):
        """ The superclass implementation is sufficient. """
        super(Markdown, self)._update_proxy(change)
Exemple #6
class Person(Atom):
    """A simple class representing a person object."""

    last_name = Str()

    first_name = Str()

    age = Range(low=0)

    dob = Value(datetime.date(1970, 1, 1))

    debug = Bool(False)

    def debug_print(self, change):
        """Prints out a debug message whenever the person's age changes."""
        if self.debug:
            templ = "{first} {last} is {age} years old."
            s = templ.format(
Exemple #7
class DropFirstMeasurementsFilter(Analysis):
    """This analysis allows the user to drop the first N measurements in an
    iteration, to ensure that all measurements are done at equivalent conditions

    version = '2014.06.12'
    enable = Bool()
    filter_level = Int()
    N = Int()

    def __init__(self, name, experiment, description=''):
              self).__init__(name, experiment, description)
        self.properties += ['version', 'enable', 'filter_level', 'N']

    def analyzeMeasurement(self, measurementResults, iterationResults,
        if self.enable:
            i = measurementResults.attrs['measurement']
            if i < self.N:
                # User chooses whether or not to delete data.
                # max takes care of ComboBox returning -1 for no selection
                logger.info('dropping measurement {} of {}'.format(i, self.N))
                return max(0, self.filter_level)
Exemple #8
class AnalysisWithFigure(Analysis):

    # matplotlib figures
    figure = Typed(Figure)
    backFigure = Typed(Figure)
    figure1 = Typed(Figure)
    figure2 = Typed(Figure)
    draw_fig = Bool(False)  # do not draw the figure unless told to

    def __init__(self, name, experiment, description=''):
        super(AnalysisWithFigure, self).__init__(name, experiment, description)

        #set up the matplotlib figures
        self.figure1 = Figure()
        self.figure2 = Figure()
        self.backFigure = self.figure2
        self.figure = self.figure1

        self.properties += ['draw_fig']

    def swapFigures(self):
        temp = self.backFigure
        self.backFigure = self.figure
        self.figure = temp

    def updateFigure(self):
        # signal the GUI to redraw figure
        except RuntimeError:  # application not started yet

    def blankFigure(self):
        fig = self.backFigure
Exemple #9
class TabLayout(LayoutNode):
    """ A layout object for defining tabbed dock layouts.

    #: The position of the tabs in the tab layout.
    tab_position = Enum('top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right')

    #: The index of the currently selected tab.
    index = Int(0)

    #: Whether or not the tab layout is maximized.
    maximized = Bool(False)

    #: The list of item layouts to include in the tab layout.
    items = List(Coerced(ItemLayout))

    def __init__(self, *items, **kwargs):
        super(TabLayout, self).__init__(items=list(items), **kwargs)

    def children(self):
        """ Get the list of children of the tab layout.

        return self.items[:]
Exemple #10
class GPIB_tester(GPIB_Instrument):
    """A useful GPIB tester for random instruments. Input command strings in command and receive strings in response"""
    #def __init__(self, **kwargs):
    #    super(GPIB_tester, self).__init__(**kwargs)
    def main_params(self):
        return ['output', 'voltage', 'V_range', 'current_limit', 'mode', 'header', 'overload']        

    def postboot(self):
    def _default_resp_delay(self):
        return 0.05
    identify = Unicode().tag(sub=True, get_str="OS", do=True, read_only=True, no_spacer=True)   
    output=Enum("Off", "On").tag(mapping={'Off':0, 'On':1}, set_str="O{output} E", get_cmd=get_status)       

    V_range=Enum('10 mV', '100 mV', '1 V', '10 V', '30 V').tag(mapping={'30 V' : 6, '10 V' : 5, '1 V' : 4,
                                                                        '100 mV' : 3, '10 mV' : 2},
                                                                        set_str='R{V_range} E', get_cmd=get_voltage)
    def _default_V_range(self):
        return '10 V'

    voltage=Float(0.0).tag(unit2='V', get_cmd=get_voltage, set_cmd=ramp, log=False)
    sleep_time=Float(0.1).tag(sub=True, unit2=" s", label="Step Time", low=0.0, high=0.5)
    ramp_steps=Int(100).tag(sub=True, label="Ramp Steps", read_only=True)
    ramp_rate=Float(0.03).tag(desc='voltage ramp rate per second', sub=True, low=0.0, high=1.0)
    ramp_time_left=Float(0.0).tag(desc='estimated time before voltage ramp is complete', sub=True, read_only=True, log=False)

    header=Enum('On', "Off").tag(mapping={'Off':0, 'On':1}, set_str="H{header}", get_cmd=get_voltage)
    overload=Bool(False).tag(read_only=True, get_cmd=get_voltage)
    mode=Enum('Voltage').tag(mapping={'Voltage' : 'V'}, get_cmd=get_voltage)
    current_limit=Int(120).tag(low=5, high=120, desc='current limit in mA', set_str='LA{current_limit}')
class SetRFPowerTask(InterfaceableTaskMixin, InstrumentTask):
    """Set the power of the signal delivered by the source.

    # Target power (dynamically evaluated)
    power = Unicode().tag(pref=True, feval=LOOP_REAL)

    # Whether to start the source if its output is off.
    auto_start = Bool(False).tag(pref=True)

    database_entries = set_default({'power': -10})

    def i_perform(self, power=None):

        if self.auto_start:
            self.driver.output = 'On'

        if power is None:
            power = self.format_and_eval_string(self.power)

        self.driver.power = power
        self.write_in_database('power', power)
Exemple #12
class SwipeRefreshLayout(ViewGroup):
    """ SwipeRefreshLayout is a view group that displays
        child views in relative positions.

    #: Enabled
    enabled = d_(Bool(True))

    #: Must be a
    indicator_color = d_(Unicode())

    #: Must be a
    indicator_background_color = d_(Unicode())

    #: Set the distance to trigger a sync in dips
    trigger_distance = d_(Int())

    #: Triggered when the user swipes
    refreshed = d_(Event())

    #: A reference to the proxy object.
    proxy = Typed(ProxySwipeRefreshLayout)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Observers
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    @observe('enabled', 'indicator_color', 'indicator_background_color',
             'trigger_distance', 'refeshed')
    def _update_proxy(self, change):
        """ An observer which sends the state change to the proxy.

        if change['type'] == 'event':
            super(SwipeRefreshLayout, self)._update_proxy(change)
Exemple #13
class RepeatedTimer(Atom):
    interval = Float()
    function = Callable()
    args = Tuple()
    kwargs = Dict()
    is_running = Bool()
    _timer = Typed(Thread)  # the Timer class is not supposed to be accessed to

    def __init__(self, interval, function, *args, **kwargs):
        super(RepeatedTimer, self).__init__()
        self.interval = interval
        self.function = function
        self.args = args
        self.kwargs = kwargs

    #---- Public API ----------------------------------------------------------

    def start(self):
        if not self.is_running:
            self._timer = Timer(self.interval, self._run)
            self.is_running = True

    def cancel(self):
        self.is_running = False

    #---- Private API ---------------------------------------------------------

    def _run(self):
        self.is_running = False
        self.function(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
Exemple #14
class RatingBar(ProgressBar):
    """ A simple control for displaying read-only text.


    #: Whether this rating bar should only be an indicator
    #: (thus non-changeable by the user).
    is_indicator = d_(Bool())

    #: The number of stars set (via setNumStars(int) or in an XML layout)
    #: will be shown when the layout width is set to wrap content
    #: (if another layout width is set, the results may be unpredictable).
    layout_width = set_default('wrap_content')

    #: Sets the number of stars to show.
    num_stars = d_(Int())

    #: Sets the rating (the number of stars filled).
    rating = d_(Float(strict=False))

    #: Sets the step size (granularity) of this rating bar.
    step_size = d_(Float(strict=False))

    #: A reference to the RatingBar object.
    proxy = Typed(ProxyRatingBar)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Observers
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    @observe('is_indicator', 'num_stars', 'rating', 'step_size')
    def _update_proxy(self, change):
        """ An observer which sends the state change to the proxy.

        # The superclass implementation is sufficient.
        super(RatingBar, self)._update_proxy(change)
Exemple #15
class TreeView(AbstractItemView):
    #: Proxy widget
    proxy = Typed(ProxyTreeView)

    #: Show root node
    show_root = d_(Bool(True))

    def _update_proxy(self, change):
        """An observer which sends state change to the proxy."""
        # The superclass handler implementation is sufficient.
        super(TreeView, self)._update_proxy(change)

    def child_added(self, child):
        super(TreeView, self).child_added(child)

    def child_removed(self, child):
        super(TreeView, self).child_removed(child)

    def _update_rows(self):
        for r, item in enumerate(self._items):
            item.row = r
Exemple #16
class SeekBar(ProgressBar):
    """ A simple control for displaying read-only text.


    #: Sets the amount of progress changed via the arrow keys.
    key_progress_increment = d_(Int())

    #: Specifies whether the track should be split by the thumb.
    split_track = d_(Bool())

    #: A reference to the SeekBar object.
    proxy = Typed(ProxySeekBar)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Observers
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    @observe('key_progress_increment', 'split_track')
    def _update_proxy(self, change):
        """ An observer which sends the state change to the proxy.

        # The superclass implementation is sufficient.
        super(SeekBar, self)._update_proxy(change)
Exemple #17
class PlotElement(Atom):
    """Element of plot interacting with the backend through a proxy."""

    #: Name of the backend to use
    backend_name = Str()

    #: Backend specific proxy
    proxy = Typed(PlotElementProxy)

    #: Control the visibility of the element.
    visibility = Bool(True)

    def initialize(self, resolver):
        """Initialize the element by creating the proxy."""
        proxy = resolver.resolve_proxy(self)
        self.observe("visibility", update_proxy)

    def finalize(self):
        """Finalize the element by destroying the proxy."""
        self.unobserve("visibility", update_proxy)
        del self.proxy.element
        del self.proxy
Exemple #18
class FrameLayout(ViewGroup):
    """ FrameLayout is a view group that displays
        child views in relative positions.

    #: Describes how the child views are positioned.
    #: Defaults to Gravity.START | Gravity.TOP.
    foreground_gravity = d_(Int())

    measure_all_children = d_(Bool())

    #: A reference to the ProxyLabel object.
    proxy = Typed(ProxyFrameLayout)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Observers
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    @observe('foreground_gravity', 'measure_all_children')
    def _update_proxy(self, change):
        """ An observer which sends the state change to the proxy.

        # The superclass implementation is sufficient.
        super(FrameLayout, self)._update_proxy(change)
Exemple #19
class Plot1DLine(Plot1D):

    #: Color of the plot
    color = ColorMember()

    #: Weight of the line
    line_weight = Float(1.0)

    #: Style of the line
    line_style = Str()

    #: Should markers be displayed
    markers_enabled = Bool()

    #: Size of the markers
    markers_size = Float()

    #: Shape of the marker
    # FIXME complete
    marker_shape = Enum((
Exemple #20
class Clock(Atom):
    """ A clock so widgets can observe each field as required. """
    year = Int()
    month = Int()
    day = Int()
    hour = Int()
    minute = Int()
    second = Int()
    running = Bool(True)
    now = Instance(datetime, factory=lambda: datetime.now())

    def _observe_running(self, change):
        if self.running:
            timed_call(0, self.tick)

    def _observe_now(self, change):
        t = self.now
        self.year, self.month, self.day = t.year, t.month, t.day
        self.hour, self.minute, self.second = t.hour, t.minute, t.second
        if self.running:
            timed_call(1000, self.tick)

    def tick(self):
        self.now = datetime.now()
Exemple #21
class PopupState(Atom):
    """ A class which maintains the public state for a popup view.

    #: The mode to use when computing the anchored position.
    anchor_mode = Typed(AnchorMode, factory=lambda: AnchorMode.Parent)

    #: The anchor location on the parent. The default anchors
    #: the top center of the view to the center of the parent.
    parent_anchor = Typed(QPointF, factory=lambda: QPointF(0.5, 0.5))

    #: The anchor location on the view. The default anchors
    #: the top center of the view to the center of the parent.
    anchor = Typed(QPointF, factory=lambda: QPointF(0.5, 0.0))

    #: The offset of the popup view with respect to the anchor.
    offset = Typed(QPoint, factory=lambda: QPoint(0, 0))

    #: The edge location of the arrow for the view.
    arrow_edge = Typed(ArrowEdge, factory=lambda: ArrowEdge.Left)

    #: The size of the arrow for the view.
    arrow_size = Int(0)

    #: The timeout value to use when closing the view, in seconds.
    timeout = Float(0.0)

    #: The duration for the fade in.
    fade_in_duration = Int(100)

    #: The duration for the fade out.
    fade_out_duration = Int(100)

    #: The computed path to use when drawing the view.
    path = Typed(QPainterPath, factory=lambda: QPainterPath())

    #: The animator to use when showing the view.
    fade_in_animator = Typed(QPropertyAnimation, ())

    #: The animator to use when hiding the view.
    fade_out_animator = Typed(QPropertyAnimation, ())

    #: The timeout timer to use for closing the view.
    close_timer = Typed(QTimer, ())

    #: Whether or not the view closes on click.
    close_on_click = Bool(True)

    #: Whether or not the view is currently in a resize event.
    in_resize_event = Bool(False)

    def init(self, widget):
        """ Initialize the state for the owner widget.

        fade_in = self.fade_in_animator
        fade_out = self.fade_out_animator
        close_timer = self.close_timer
class QtListStrWidget(RawWidget):
    """A list widget for Enaml displaying objects as strings.

    Objects that are not string should be convertible to str and hashable.


    #: The list of str being viewed
    items = d_(List())

    #: The list of the currently selected str
    selected_item = d_(Value())
    selected_items = d_(List())

    #: Whether or not the user can select multiple lines
    multiselect = d_(Bool(False))

    #: Callable to use to build a unicode representation of the objects
    #: (one at a time).
    to_string = d_(Callable(str))

    #: Whether or not to sort the items before inserting them.
    sort = d_(Bool(True))

    hug_width = set_default(str("strong"))
    hug_height = set_default(str("ignore"))

    # PySide requires weakrefs for using bound methods as slots.
    # PyQt doesn't, but executes unsafe code if not using weakrefs.
    __slots__ = "__weakref__"

    def initialize(self):
        """Ensures that the selected members always have meaningful values."""
        if self.items:
        super(QtListStrWidget, self).initialize()

    def refresh_items(self):
        """Refresh the items displayed in the list.

        This is useful after an inplace operation on the list which is not

        self._post_setattr_items([], self.items)

    def clear_selection(self):
        """Make no item be selected."""
        # HINT : this only gives a visual hint to the user the selected value
        # is not updated.
        widget = self.get_widget()
        if widget is not None:

    def create_widget(self, parent):
        """Create the QListView widget."""
        # Create the list widget.
        widget = QtWidgets.QListWidget(parent)

        # Populate the widget.

        # Set the selection mode.
        if self.multiselect:
            mode = QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection
            selected = self.selected_items
            mode = QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.SingleSelection
            selected = [self.selected_item]

        self.proxy.widget = widget  # Anticipated so that selection works

        # Make sure the widget selection reflects the members.
        if self.items:
            self._select_on_widget(selected, widget)

        return widget

    def on_selection(self):
        """The signal handler for the index changed signal."""
        if not self._guard & INDEX_GUARD:
            self._guard ^= INDEX_GUARD
            widget = self.get_widget()
            selected = [
                self._rmap[index.row()] for index in widget.selectedIndexes()
            if selected:
                if self.multiselect:
                    self.selected_items = selected
                    self.selected_item = selected[0]

            self._guard ^= INDEX_GUARD

    # =========================================================================
    # --- Private API ---------------------------------------------------------
    # =========================================================================

    #: Guard bit field.
    _guard = Int(0)

    #: Mapping between user list objects and widget list indexes.
    _map = Dict()

    #: Mapping between the widget list indexes and the user list objects.
    _rmap = Dict()

    #: String representation of the objects in the widget order.
    _items = List()

    def _post_setattr_items(self, old, new):
        """Update the widget content when the items changes."""
        if new:
            if self.multiselect:
                self.selected_items = []
                self.selected_item = None

    def _post_setattr_multiselect(self, old, new):
        """Update the widget selection mode."""
        widget = self.get_widget()
        if widget is None:

        if new:
            mode = QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection
            if self.items:
                self.selected_items = [self.selected_item]
            mode = QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.SingleSelection
            if self.items:
                self.selected_item = self.selected_items[0]

        if self.items:
                self.selected_items if new else [self.selected_item])

    def _post_setattr_selected_item(self, old, new):
        """Update the widget when the selected item is changed externally."""
        if not self._guard & INDEX_GUARD and self.items:
            self._guard ^= INDEX_GUARD
            self._guard ^= INDEX_GUARD

    def _post_setattr_selected_items(self, old, new):
        """Update the widget when the selected items are changed externally."""
        if not self._guard & INDEX_GUARD and self.items:
            self._guard ^= INDEX_GUARD
            self._guard ^= INDEX_GUARD

    def _build_mapping(self, items):
        """Build the mapping between user objects and widget indexes."""
        items_map = {self.to_string(o): o for o in items}
        items = sorted(items_map) if self.sort else list(items_map)

        self._rmap = {i: items_map[item] for i, item in enumerate(items)}
        self._map = {v: k for k, v in self._rmap.items()}
        self._items = items

    def _set_widget_items(self, widget):
        """Set the list items sorting if necessary."""
        if widget is not None:
            for i in self._items:

    def _do_default_selection(self):
        """Determine the items that should be selected.

        This method also ensures that the widget state reflects the member

        items = self.items
        if not self.multiselect:
            if self.selected_item not in items:
                self.selected_item = self._rmap[0]
                self._post_setattr_selected_item(None, self.selected_item)
            if not any(i in items for i in self.selected_items):
                self.selected_items = [self._rmap[0]]
                items_selected = [i for i in self.selected_items if i in items]
                if len(items_selected) == len(self.selected_item):
                    self._post_setattr_selected_items(None, items)
                    self.selected_items = items_selected

    def _select_on_widget(self, items, widget=None):
        """Select the specified items on the widget."""
        if widget is None:
            widget = self.get_widget()
        if widget is not None:
            item_map = self._map
            for n in items:
Exemple #23
class Declarator(Declarative):
    """Base class for extension object which uses a visitor pattern.

    #: Flag indicating whether the declarator has been successfully registered
    is_registered = Bool()

    def get_path(self):
        """Query from parent the path to use for this declarator.

        path : unicode or None
            Path declared by the parent. This can be None if no path is

        if isinstance(self.parent, Declarator):
            return self.parent.get_path()

    def get_group(self):
        """Get the group defined by the closest parent.

        if not isinstance(self.parent, Declarator):

        group = getattr(self.parent, 'group', None)
        if group:
            return group

        return self.parent.get_group()

    def register(self, collector, traceback):
        """Add the contribution of this extension to the plugin.

        collector : DeclaratorCollector
            Collector in charge handling the registering of declarators.
            Contributions should be added to the contributions member (Dict).
            If a declarator cannot be registered because another one need to be
            registered first it should add itself to the _delayed member (List)

        traceback : dict
            Dictionary in which any issue occuring during registration should
            be recorded.

        raise NotImplementedError()

    def unregister(self, plugin):
        """Remove the contribution of this extension to the plugin.

        collector : DeclaratorCollector
            Collector in charge handling the registering of declarators.

        raise NotImplementedError()

    def __str__(self):
        """Provide a nice string representation of the object.

        raise NotImplementedError()
Exemple #24
class ViewerProtocol(JSONRRCProtocol):
    """ Use stdio as a json-rpc interface to communicate with external

    If --frameless is used, the interface must receive a ping at least every
    60 sec or it will assume it's owner has left and will exit.

    view = Instance(ViewerWindow)
    watch = Bool()
    _watched_files = Dict()
    _exit_in_sec = Float(60, strict=False)

    def connection_made(self, transport):
            'result': self.handle_window_id(),
            'id': 'window_id'
        if self.view.frameless:

    def handle_window_id(self):
        return int(self.view.proxy.widget.winId())

    def handle_filename(self, filename):
        self.view.filename = filename

    def handle_version(self, version):
        self.view.version = version

    def handle_ping(self):
        self._exit_in_sec = 60
        return True

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        """ The JSONRRCProtocol tries to invoke 'handle_<attr>' on this class
        to handle JSON-RPC requests. This is invoked if such a method doesn't
        exist and attempts to redirect the getattr to the window or viewer.

        if not name.startswith('handle_'):
            raise AttributeError(name)
        attr = name[7:]  # Strip handle_

        # Lookup matching methods on the window and viewer
        for target in (self.view, self.view.viewer):
            handler = getattr(target, attr, None)
            if handler is not None and callable(handler):
                return handler

        # Replace any set_<attr> with a setattr
        if attr.startswith('set_'):
            attr = attr[len('set_'):]
            for target in (self.view, self.view.viewer):
                handler = getattr(target, attr, None)
                if handler is not None and not callable(handler):

                    def handler(v, target=target, attr=attr):
                        setattr(target, attr, v)

                    return handler
        raise AttributeError(name)

    def schedule_close(self):
        """ A watchdog so if the parent is killed the viewer will automatically
        exit. Otherwise it will hang around forever.
        if self._exit_in_sec <= 0:
            # Timeout
            print("WARNING: Ping timeout expired, closing")
            timed_call(self._exit_in_sec * 1000, self.schedule_close)
            self._exit_in_sec = 0  # Clear timeout

    def check_for_changes(self):
        """ A simple poll loop to check if the file changed and if it has
        reload it by bumping the version.

        if self.watch:
            timed_call(1000, self.check_for_changes)

            filename = self.view.filename
            if os.path.exists(filename):
                    mtime = os.stat(filename).st_mtime

                if filename not in self._watched_files:
                    self._watched_files[filename] = mtime
                elif self._watched_files[filename] != mtime:
                    self._watched_files[filename] = mtime
                    print("%s changed, reloading" % filename)
                    deferred_call(self.handle_version, self.view.version + 1)
        except Exception as e:
Exemple #25
class DeclarativeNode(CompilerNode):
    """ A compiler node which represents a declarative declaration.

    Instances of this class are generated by the compiler and contain
    the information needed to create an instance of the hierarchy at

    #: The declarative type object to instantiate.
    klass = Typed(type)

    #: The local identifier to associate with the instance.
    identifier = Str()

    #: Whether or not the node should store the locals in the map.
    store_locals = Bool(False)

    #: Whether or not the instance intercepts the child nodes.
    child_intercept = Bool(False)

    #: The expression engine to associate with the instance.
    engine = Typed(ExpressionEngine)

    #: The set of scope keys for the closure scopes. This will be None
    #: if the node does not require any closure scopes.
    closure_keys = Typed(set)

    #: The superclass nodes of this node. This will be None if the
    #: node represents a raw declarative object vs an enamldef.
    super_node = ForwardTyped(lambda: EnamlDefNode)

    def __call__(self, parent):
        """ Instantiate the type hierarchy.

        This is invoked by a parent compiler node when the declarative
        hierarchy is being instantiated.

        parent : Declarative or None
            The parent declarative object for the hierarchy.

        result : Declarative
            The declarative instance created by the node.

        klass = self.klass
        instance = klass.__new__(klass)
        return instance

    def populate(self, instance):
        """ Populate an instance generated for the node.

        instance : Declarative
            The declarative instance for this node.

        if self.super_node is not None:
        f_locals = peek_scope()
        scope_key = self.scope_key
        if self.identifier:
            f_locals[self.identifier] = instance
        if self.store_locals:
            instance._d_storage[scope_key] = f_locals
        if self.engine is not None:
            instance._d_engine = self.engine
        if self.closure_keys is not None:
            for key in self.closure_keys:
                instance._d_storage[key] = fetch_scope(key)
        if self.child_intercept:
            children_copy = self.children[:]
            instance.child_node_intercept(children_copy, scope_key, f_locals)
            for node in self.children:

    def size(self):
        """ Return the size of the instantiated node.

        return 1

    def update_id_nodes(self, mapping):
        """ Update the id nodes for this node.

        mapping : sortedmap
            The mapping to fill with the identifier information.

        if self.identifier:
            mapping[self.identifier] = self
        super(DeclarativeNode, self).update_id_nodes(mapping)

    def copy(self):
        """ Create a copy of this portion of the node hierarchy.

        result : DeclarativeNode
            A copy of the node hierarchy from this node down.

        node = super(DeclarativeNode, self).copy()
        node.klass = self.klass
        node.identifier = self.identifier
        node.store_locals = self.store_locals
        node.child_intercept = self.child_intercept
        if self.engine is not None:
            node.engine = self.engine.copy()
        if self.super_node is not None:
            node.super_node = self.super_node.copy()
        if self.closure_keys is not None:
            node.closure_keys = self.closure_keys.copy()
        return node
Exemple #26
class CalculatorGraphController(GraphControllerBase):

    is_active = Bool(False)
    is_dirty = Bool(False)

    current_path = Unicode()
    filename = Unicode()

    registry = Typed(TypeRegistry)
    graph = Instance(ExecutableGraph)

    selectedNodes = List(NodeItem)

    def default_current_path(self):
        return os.curdir

    def _default_registry(self):
        return TypeRegistry()

    def _default_graph(self):
        return ExecutableGraph(controller=self)

    def filter_selected_items(self, change):
        self.selectedNodes = [
            i for i in change['value'] if isinstance(i, NodeItem)

    @observe('graph.topologyChanged', 'graph.attributesChanged')
    def mark_dirty(self, change):
        self.is_dirty = True

    def create_node(self, typename, **kw):
        if self.view.scene is None:

        nt = self.registry.node_type_name_map.get(typename, None)
        if nt is not None:
            node = nt.model_class()
            kw['model'] = node
            kw['type_name'] = typename
            n = nt.widget_class(**kw)
            self.view.scene.insert_children(None, [n])
            node.id = n.id
            n.name = "%s (%s)" % (nt.name, n.id.split("-")[-1])
            return n

    def destroy_node(self, id):
        if self.view.scene is None:

        if id in self.view.scene.nodes:
            if self.view.scene.nodes[id].model in self.graph.nodes:

    def create_edge(self, typename, **kw):
        if self.view.scene is None:

        et = self.registry.edge_type_name_map.get(typename, None)
        if et is not None:
            edge = et.model_class()
            kw['model'] = edge
            kw['type_name'] = typename
            e = et.widget_class(**kw)
            self.view.scene.insert_children(None, [e])
            edge.id = e.id
            return e

    def destroy_edge(self, id):
        if self.view.scene is None:

        if id in self.view.scene.edges:
            if self.view.scene.edges[id].model in self.graph.edges:

    def edge_type_for_start_socket(self, start_node, start_socket):
        return 'default'

    def edge_can_connect(self, start_node_id, start_socket_id, end_node_id,
        if self.view.scene is None:
            return False
            start_node = self.graph.node_dict[start_node_id]
            end_node = self.graph.node_dict[end_node_id]
            start_socket = start_node.output_dict[start_socket_id]
            end_socket = end_node.input_dict[end_socket_id]
            return end_socket.can_connect(start_socket)
        except KeyError as e:
            return False

    def edge_connected(self, id):
        if id in self.view.scene.edges:
            edge_view = self.view.scene.edges[id]
            edge = edge_view.model
            ss_view = edge_view.start_socket
            edge.start_socket = ss_view.parent.model.output_dict[ss_view.name]
            es_view = edge_view.end_socket
            edge.end_socket = es_view.parent.model.input_dict[es_view.name]

    def edge_disconnect(self, id):
        if id in self.view.scene.edges:
            edge = self.view.scene.edges[id].model
            edge.start_socket = None
            edge.end_socket = None
            if edge in self.graph.edges:

    def serialize_graph(self):
        G = self.graph.nxgraph.copy()
        G.graph['viewport_transform'] = self.view.getViewportTransform(
        for node_id in G.nodes():
            node_view = self.view.scene.nodes[node_id]
            node_data = {}
            self.serialize_node(node_data, node_view)

        for start_node_id, end_node_id, key, edge_id in G.edges(data='id',
            if edge_id is None:
            edge_view = self.view.scene.edges[edge_id]
            edge_data = {}
            self.serialize_edge(edge_data, edge_view)
            G.edges[start_node_id, end_node_id, key].update(edge_data)

        return G

    def serialize_node(self, archive, node_view):
        archive['type_name'] = node_view.type_name
        archive['position'] = node_view.position.to_list()
        if node_view.model is not None:

    def serialize_edge(self, archive, edge_view):
        archive['type_name'] = edge_view.type_name
        if edge_view.model is not None:

    def deserialize_graph(self, G, replace=True):
        if 'viewport_transform' in G.graph:

        for node_id in G.nodes.keys():
            data = G.nodes[node_id]
            type_name = data.get('type_name', None)
            if type_name is None:
                log.error("Invalid Node (missing type_name): %s" % node_id)

            position = Point2D.from_list(data['position'])
            name = data['name']

            n = self.create_node(type_name,
            if n.model is not None:

        for start_node_id, end_node_id, key, edge_id in G.edges(data='id',
            data = G.edges[start_node_id, end_node_id, key]
            type_name = data.get('type_name', None)
            if type_name is None:
                log.error("Invalid Edge (missing type_name): %s" % edge_id)

            source_socket_name = data['source_socket']
            target_socket_name = data['target_socket']
            source_socket = None
            target_socket = None
            for socket in self.view.scene.nodes[start_node_id].output_sockets:
                if socket.name == source_socket_name:
                    source_socket = socket
            for socket in self.view.scene.nodes[end_node_id].input_sockets:
                if socket.name == target_socket_name:
                    target_socket = socket
            if source_socket is None or target_socket is None:
                log.error("Invalid edge - missing socket: %s" % edge_id)

            e = self.create_edge(type_name, id=edge_id)
            e.start_socket = source_socket
            e.end_socket = target_socket

            if e.model is not None:


    def file_new(self):
        self.filename = ""
        self.is_dirty = False

    def file_open(self, filename, replace=True):
        self.current_path = os.path.dirname(filename)
        self.filename = os.path.basename(filename)
        if replace:
        g = nx.node_link_graph(
            json.load(open(os.path.join(self.current_path, self.filename),
        self.deserialize_graph(g, replace=replace)
        self.is_dirty = False

    def file_save(self, filename):
        self.current_path = os.path.dirname(filename)
        self.filename = os.path.basename(filename)
        g = self.serialize_graph()
                  open(os.path.join(self.current_path, self.filename), 'w'))
        self.is_dirty = False
class Instrument(Prop):
    enable = Bool(False)
    isInitialized = Bool()
    isDone = Bool()
    instruments = Member()
    data = Member()

    def __init__(self, name, experiment, description=''):
        super(Instrument, self).__init__(name, experiment, description)
        self.instruments = []
        self.isInitialized = False
        self.isDone = True
        self.data = []
        self.properties += ['enable']

    def evaluate(self):
        """Checks to see if the Instrument is enabled, before calling Prop.evaluate()"""
        if self.enable:
            return super(Instrument, self).evaluate()

    def toHardware(self):
        """Checks to see if the Instrument is enabled, before calling Prop.toHardware()"""
        if self.enable:
            return super(Instrument, self).toHardware()
            return '<{}><enable>False</enable></{}>'.format(self.name, self.name)

    def update(self):
        """Sends current settings to the instrument.  This function is run at the beginning of every new iteration.
        Does not explicitly call evaluate, to avoid duplication of effort.
        All calls to evaluate should already have been accomplished."""

        for i in self.instruments:
            if i.enable:
                #check that the instruments are initialized
                if not i.isInitialized:
                    i.initialize()  # reinitialize
                i.update()  # put the settings to where they should be at this iteration

        #the details of sending to each instrument must be handled in a subclass
        #first call super(subclass,self).update() to call this method
        #then do the hardware update, probably involving sending the toXML string via TCP/IP

    def start(self):
        """Enables the instrument to begin a measurement.  Sent at the beginning of every measurement.
        Actual output or input from the measurement may yet wait for a signal from another device."""

    def stop(self):
        """Stops output as soon as possible.  This is not run during the course of a normal instrument."""

    def initialize(self):
        """Sends initialization commands to the instrument"""
        for i in self.instruments:
        self.isInitialized = True

    def acquire_data(self):
        """Instruments that are not aware of the experiment timing can not be programmed to acquire
        data during start().  Instead they can be programmed to get data in this method, which is
        called after start() has completed."""

        for i in self.instruments:
            if i.enable:

    def writeResults(self, hdf5):
        """Write results to the hdf5 file.  Must be overwritten in subclass to do anything."""
class TCP_Instrument(Instrument):
    This class inherets from Instrument but has the capability to do TCP communication to an instrument server.
    This class is generalized from the LabView class.

    port = Member()
    IP = Str()
    connected = Member()
    msg = Str()
    results = Member()
    sock = Member()
    timeout = Typed(FloatProp)
    error = Bool()
    log = Str()

    def __init__(self, name, experiment, description=''):
        super(TCP_Instrument, self).__init__(name, experiment, description)

        # defaults
        self.port = 0
        self.connected = False
        self.error = False

        self.connected = False
        self.results = {}

        self.sock = None
        self.connected = False

        self.timeout = FloatProp('timeout', experiment, 'how long before TCP gives up [s]', '1.0')

        self.properties += ['IP', 'port', 'timeout']
        self.doNotSendToHardware += ['IP', 'port', 'timeout']

    def openThread(self):
        thread = threading.Thread(target=self.initialize)
        thread.daemon = True

    def open(self):

        if self.enable:

            logger.debug('Opening {} TCP.'.format(self.name))
            # check for an old socket and delete it
            if self.sock is not None:
                logger.debug('Closing previously open sock.')
                except Exception as e:
                    logger.debug('Ignoring exception during sock.close() of previously open sock.\n{}\n'.format(e))
                    del self.sock
                except Exception as e:
                    logger.debug('Ignoring exception during sock.close() of previously open sock.\n{}\n'.format(e))

            # Create a TCP/IP socket
            logger.debug('{}.open() opening sock'.format(self.name))
                self.sock = TCP.CsClientSock(self.IP, self.port, parent=self)
            except Exception as e:
                logger.warning('Failed to open TCP socket in {}.open():\n{}\n'.format(self.name, e))
                raise PauseError
            logger.debug('{}.open() sock opened'.format(self.name))
            self.connected = True

    def initialize(self):
        logger.debug('Initializing LabView instruments.')
        super(TCP_Instrument, self).initialize()

    def close(self):
        if self.sock is not None:
        self.connected = False
        self.isInitialized = False

    def update(self):
        """Send the current values to hardware."""

        super(TCP_Instrument, self).update()

    def start(self):
        self.isDone = True

    def writeResults(self, hdf5):
        """Write the previously obtained results to the experiment hdf5 file.
        hdf5 is an hdf5 group, typically the data group in the appropriate part of the
        hierarchy for the current measurement."""

        for key, value in self.results.iteritems():

            # no special protocol
                hdf5[key] = value
            except Exception as e:
                logger.error('Exception in {}.writeResults() doing hdf5[key]=value for key={}\n'.format(key, self.name, e))
                raise PauseError

    def send(self, msg):
        results = {}
        if self.enable:
            if not (self.isInitialized and self.connected):
                logger.debug('TCP is not both initialized and connected.  Reinitializing TCP in {}.send().'.format(self.name))

            # display message on GUI
            self.set_dict({'msg': msg})

            # send message
            #logger.info('{} sending message ...'.format(self.name))
            #logger.info('msg: `{}`'.format(msg))
            except IOError as e:
                logger.warning('Timeout while waiting to send data in {}.send():\n{}\n'.format(self.name, e))
                self.connected = False
                raise PauseError
            except Exception as e:
                logger.warning('Exception while sending message in {}.send():\n{}\n{}\n'.format(self.name, e, traceback.format_exc()))
                self.connected = False
                raise PauseError

            # wait for response
            logger.info('{} waiting for response ...'.format(self.name))
                rawdata = self.sock.receive()
            except IOError as e:
                logger.warning('Timeout while waiting for return data in {}.send():\n{}\n'.format(self.name, e))
                self.connected = False
                raise PauseError
                logger.exception('Exception in {}.sock.receive.')
                self.connected = False
                raise PauseError

            # parse results
            logger.info('Parsing TCP results ...')
            results = self.sock.parsemsg(rawdata)
            # for key, value in self.results.iteritems():
            #    print 'key: {} value: {}'.format(key,str(value)[:40])

            # report server errors
            log = ''
            if 'log' in results:
                log = results['log']
                self.set_gui({'log': self.log + log})
            if 'error' in results:
                error = toBool(results['error'])
                self.set_gui({'error': error})
                if error:
                    logger.warning('Error returned from {}.send:\n{}\n'.format(self.name, log))
                    raise PauseError

        self.results = results
        self.isDone = True
        return results
class FFTAlazarTask(InstrumentTask):
    """ Get the raw or averaged quadratures of the signal.
        Can also get raw or averaged traces of the signal.
        Custom shape for demodulation can be used.

    tracetimeaftertrig = Str('0').tag(pref=True, feval=VAL_REAL)

    tracetimeaftertrigB = Str('0').tag(pref=True, feval=VAL_REAL)

    traceduration = Str('0').tag(pref=True)

    tracedurationB = Str('0').tag(pref=True)

    tracesbuffer = Str('20').tag(pref=True, feval=VAL_INT)

    tracesnumber = Str('1000').tag(pref=True, feval=VAL_INT)

    average = Bool(True).tag(pref=True)

    Npoints = Str('0').tag(pref=True, feval=VAL_INT)

    trigrange = Enum('2.5V', '5V').tag(pref=True)

    triglevel = Str('0.3').tag(pref=True, feval=VAL_REAL)

    powerPhaseA = Bool(False).tag(pref=True)

    powerPhaseB = Bool(False).tag(pref=True)

    database_entries = set_default({
        'FFT': {},
        'freq': {},
        'power': {},
        'phase': {}

    def format_string(self, string, factor, n):
        s = self.format_and_eval_string(string)
        if isinstance(s, list) or isinstance(s, tuple) or isinstance(
                s, np.ndarray):
            return [elem * factor for elem in s]
            return [s * factor] * n

    def check(self, *args, **kwargs):
        test, traceback = super(FFTAlazarTask, self).check(*args, **kwargs)

        if (self.format_and_eval_string(self.tracesnumber) %
                self.format_and_eval_string(self.tracesbuffer) != 0):
            test = False
            traceback[self.path + '/' + self.name + '-get_demod'] = \
                cleandoc('''The number of traces must be an integer multiple of the number of traces per buffer.''')

        if not (self.format_and_eval_string(self.tracesnumber) >= 1000):
            test = False
            traceback[self.path + '/' + self.name + '-get_demod'] = \
                cleandoc('''At least 1000 traces must be recorded. Please make real measurements and not noisy s***.''')

        tracetime = self.format_string(self.tracetimeaftertrig, 10**-9, 1)
        traceduration = self.format_string(self.traceduration, 10**-9, 1)
        tracetimeB = self.format_string(self.tracetimeaftertrigB, 10**-9, 1)
        tracedurationB = self.format_string(self.tracedurationB, 10**-9, 1)

        for t, d in ((tracetime, traceduration), (tracetimeB, tracedurationB)):
            if len(t) != len(d):
                test = False
                traceback[self.path + '/' + self.name + '-get_demod'] = \
                    cleandoc('''An equal number of "Start time after trig" and "Duration" should be given.''')
                for tt, dd in zip(t, d):
                    if not (tt >= 0 and dd >= 0):
                        test = False
                        traceback[self.path + '/' + self.name + '-get_demod'] = \
                            cleandoc('''Both "Start time after trig" and "Duration" must be >= 0.''')

        if ((0 in traceduration) and (0 in tracedurationB)):
            test = False
            traceback[self.path + '/' + self.name + '-get_demod'] = \
                           cleandoc('''All measurements are disabled.''')

        return test, traceback

    def perform(self):
        if not self.driver:

        if self.trigrange == '5V':
            trigrange = 5
            trigrange = 2.5

        triglevel = self.format_and_eval_string(self.triglevel)

        self.driver.configure_board(trigrange, triglevel)

        recordsPerCapture = self.format_and_eval_string(self.tracesnumber)
        recordsPerBuffer = int(self.format_and_eval_string(self.tracesbuffer))

        Npoints = self.format_and_eval_string(self.Npoints)

        tracetimeA = self.format_string(self.tracetimeaftertrig, 10**-9, 1)
        tracedurationA = self.format_string(self.traceduration, 10**-9, 1)
        tracetimeB = self.format_string(self.tracetimeaftertrigB, 10**-9, 1)
        tracedurationB = self.format_string(self.tracedurationB, 10**-9, 1)

        NtraceA = len(tracedurationA)
        if 0 in tracedurationA:
            NtraceA = 0
            tracetimeA = []
            tracedurationA = []
        NtraceB = len(tracedurationB)
        if 0 in tracedurationB:
            NtraceB = 0
            tracetimeB = []
            tracedurationB = []

        startaftertrig = tracetimeA + tracetimeB
        duration = tracedurationA + tracedurationB
        powerPhase = [self.powerPhaseA, self.powerPhaseB]
        answerFFT, answerFreq, answerFFTpower, answerFFTphase = self.driver.get_FFT(
            startaftertrig, duration, recordsPerCapture, recordsPerBuffer,
            self.average, NtraceA, NtraceB, Npoints, powerPhase)
        self.write_in_database('FFT', answerFFT)
        self.write_in_database('freq', answerFreq)
        self.write_in_database('power', answerFFTpower)
        self.write_in_database('phase', answerFFTphase)
class VNAAlazarTask(InstrumentTask):
    """ Allows to used an Alazar card as a VNA.
    freq = Str('[]').tag(pref=True)

    freqB = Str('[]').tag(pref=True)

    timeaftertrig = Str('0').tag(pref=True)

    timeaftertrigB = Str('0').tag(pref=True)

    duration = Str('1000').tag(pref=True)

    durationB = Str('0').tag(pref=True)

    tracesbuffer = Str('20').tag(pref=True, feval=VAL_INT)

    tracesnumber = Str('1000').tag(pref=True, feval=VAL_INT)

    average = Bool(True).tag(pref=True)

    trigrange = Enum('2.5V', '5V').tag(pref=True)

    triglevel = Str('0.3').tag(pref=True, feval=VAL_REAL)

    demodFormFile = Str('[]').tag(pref=True)

    aux_trig = Bool(False).tag(pref=True)

    database_entries = set_default({'VNADemod': {}})

    def format_string(self, string, factor, n):
        s = self.format_and_eval_string(string)
        if isinstance(s, list) or isinstance(s, tuple) or isinstance(
                s, np.ndarray):
            return [elem * factor for elem in s]
            return [s * factor] * n

    def check(self, *args, **kwargs):
        test, traceback = super(VNAAlazarTask, self).check(*args, **kwargs)

        if (self.format_and_eval_string(self.tracesnumber) %
                self.format_and_eval_string(self.tracesbuffer) != 0):
            test = False
            traceback[self.path + '/' + self.name + '-get_demod'] = \
                cleandoc('''The number of traces must be an integer multiple of the number of traces per buffer.''')

        if not (self.format_and_eval_string(self.tracesnumber) >= 1000):
            test = False
            traceback[self.path + '/' + self.name + '-get_demod'] = \
                cleandoc('''At least 1000 traces must be recorded. Please make real measurements and not noisy s***.''')

        time = self.format_string(self.timeaftertrig, 10**-9, 1)
        duration = self.format_string(self.duration, 10**-9, 1)
        timeB = self.format_string(self.timeaftertrigB, 10**-9, 1)
        durationB = self.format_string(self.durationB, 10**-9, 1)

        for t, d in ((time, duration), (timeB, durationB)):
            if len(t) != len(d):
                test = False
                traceback[self.path + '/' + self.name + '-get_demod'] = \
                    cleandoc('''An equal number of "Start time after trig" and "Duration" should be given.''')
                for tt, dd in zip(t, d):
                    if not (tt >= 0 and dd >= 0):
                        test = False
                        traceback[self.path + '/' + self.name + '-get_demod'] = \
                            cleandoc('''Both "Start time after trig" and "Duration" must be >= 0.''')

        if ((0 in duration) and (0 in durationB)):
            test = False
            traceback[self.path + '/' + self.name + '-get_demod'] = \
                           cleandoc('''All measurements are disabled.''')

        demodFormFile = self.format_and_eval_string(self.demodFormFile)
        samplesPerSec = 500000000.0

        if demodFormFile != []:
            duration = duration + durationB
            for d in duration:
                if len(demodFormFile[0]) > samplesPerSec * d:
                    test = False
                    traceback[self.path + '/' + self.name + '-get_demod'] = \
                       cleandoc('''Acquisition's duration must be larger than demodulation fonction's duration''')

        return test, traceback

    def perform(self):
        if not self.driver:

        if self.trigrange == '5V':
            trigrange = 5
            trigrange = 2.5

        triglevel = self.format_and_eval_string(self.triglevel)

        self.driver.configure_board(trigrange, triglevel)

        recordsPerCapture = self.format_and_eval_string(self.tracesnumber)
        recordsPerBuffer = int(self.format_and_eval_string(self.tracesbuffer))

        timeA = self.format_string(self.timeaftertrig, 10**-9, 1)
        durationA = self.format_string(self.duration, 10**-9, 1)
        timeB = self.format_string(self.timeaftertrigB, 10**-9, 1)
        durationB = self.format_string(self.durationB, 10**-9, 1)

        demodFormFile = self.format_and_eval_string(self.demodFormFile)

        NdemodA = len(durationA)
        if 0 in durationA:
            NdemodA = 0
            timeA = []
            durationA = []
        NdemodB = len(durationB)
        if 0 in durationB:
            NdemodB = 0
            timeB = []
            durationB = []

        if len(demodFormFile) == 0:
            demodCosinus = 1
            demodCosinus = 0

        startaftertrig = timeA + timeB
        duration = durationA + durationB

        freqA = self.format_string(self.freq, 10**6, NdemodA)
        freqB = self.format_string(self.freqB, 10**6, NdemodB)
        freq = freqA + freqB
        freqA = self.format_string(self.freq, 10**6, 1)
        if freqA != []:
            Nfreq = len(freqA)
            Nfreq = len(self.format_string(self.freqB, 10**6, 1))

        answerDemod = self.driver.get_VNAdemod(startaftertrig, duration,
                                               recordsPerBuffer, freq,
                                               self.average, Nfreq, NdemodA,
                                               NdemodB, demodFormFile,
                                               demodCosinus, self.aux_trig)

        self.write_in_database('VNADemod', answerDemod)