Exemple #1
def test_enum():
    """Test manipulating an Enum member.

    e = Enum('a', 'b')
    assert e.items == ('a', 'b')
    assert e.default_value_mode[1] == 'a'

    e_def = e('b')
    assert e_def is not e
    assert e_def.default_value_mode[1] == 'b'
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):

    e_add = e.added('c', 'd')
    assert e_add is not e
    assert e_add.items == ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')

    e_rem = e.removed('a')
    assert e_rem is not e
    assert e_rem.items == ('b',)
    assert e_rem.default_value_mode[1] == 'b'
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        e.removed('a', 'b')

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Exemple #2
class Ol(Tag):
    type = d_(Enum("", "1", "A", "a", "I", "i"))

    def _update_proxy(self, change):
        super(Ol, self)._update_proxy(change)
Exemple #3
class SlopeShape(AbstractShape):
    """Shape whose amplitude varies linearly with time.

    #: Interpretation of the input values.
    #: Note that the slope is interpreted with respect to the context time
    #: unit.
    mode = Enum('Start/Stop', 'Start/Slope', 'Slope/Stop').tag(pref=True)

    #: First input parameter, will be interpreted based on the selected mode.
    def1 = Unicode('0.5').tag(pref=True, feval=Feval(types=Real))

    #: Second input parameter, will be interpreted based on the selected mode.
    def2 = Unicode('1.0').tag(pref=True, feval=Feval(types=Real))

    def eval_entries(self, root_vars, sequence_locals, missing, errors):
        """ Evaluate the parameters of the pulse shape.

        root_vars : dict
            Global variables. As shapes and modulation cannot update them an
            empty dict is passed.

        sequence_locals : dict
            Known locals variables for the pulse sequence.

        missing : set
            Set of variables missing to evaluate some entries in the sequence.

        errors : dict
            Errors which occurred when trying to compile the pulse sequence.

        result : bool
            Flag indicating whether or not the evaluation succeeded.

        res = super(SlopeShape, self).eval_entries(root_vars, sequence_locals,
                                                   missing, errors)

        if res:
            if self.mode in ('Start/Stop', 'Start/Slope'):
                start = self._cache['def1']
                if not -1.0 <= start <= 1.0:
                    msg = 'Shape start must be between -1 and 1 (got %s).'
                    errors[self.format_error_id('start')] = msg % start
                    res = False
            if self.mode in ('Start/Stop', 'Slope/Stop'):
                stop = self._cache['def2']
                if not -1.0 <= stop <= 1.0:
                    msg = 'Shape stop must be between -1 and 1 (got %s).'
                    errors[self.format_error_id('stop')] = msg % stop
                    res = False
            if self.mode == 'Start/Slope':
                duration = sequence_locals['{}_duration'.format(self.index)]
                stop = self._cache['def1'] + self._cache['def2'] * duration
                if not -1.0 <= stop <= 1.0:
                    msg = ('For the given slope and pulse duration, the stop '
                           'is not between -1 and 1 (got %s).')
                    errors[self.format_error_id('slope')] = msg % stop
                    res = False
            elif self.mode == 'Slope/Stop':
                duration = sequence_locals['{}_duration'.format(self.index)]
                start = self._cache['def2'] - self._cache['def1'] * duration
                if not -1.0 <= start <= 1.0:
                    msg = ('For the given slope and pulse duration, the start '
                           'is not between -1 and 1 (got %s).')
                    errors[self.format_error_id('slope')] = msg % start
                    res = False

        return res

    def compute(self, time, unit):
        """ Computes the shape of the pulse at a given time.

        time : ndarray
            Times at which to compute the modulation.

        unit : str
            Unit in which the time is expressed.

        shape : ndarray
            Amplitude of the pulse.

        if self.mode == 'Start/Stop':
            start = self._cache['def1']
            stop = self._cache['def2']
        elif self.mode == 'Start/Slope':
            start = self._cache['def1']
            stop = start + self._cache['def2'] * time[-1]
            stop = self._cache['def2']
            start = stop - self._cache['def1'] * time[-1]

        return np.linspace(start, stop, len(time))
Exemple #4
class Field(Control):
    """ A single line editable text widget.

    #: The unicode text to display in the field.
    text = d_(Str())

    #: The mask to use for text input
    #: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qlineedit.html#inputMask-prop
    #: The summary of the mask grammar is as follows:
    #: A   ASCII alphabetic character required. A-Z, a-z.
    #: a   ASCII alphabetic character permitted but not required.
    #: N   ASCII alphanumeric character required. A-Z, a-z, 0-9.
    #: n   ASCII alphanumeric character permitted but not required.
    #: X   Any character required.
    #: x   Any character permitted but not required.
    #: 9   ASCII digit required. 0-9.
    #: 0   ASCII digit permitted but not required.
    #: D   ASCII digit required. 1-9.
    #: d   ASCII digit permitted but not required (1-9).
    #: #   ASCII digit or plus/minus sign permitted but not required.
    #: H   Hexadecimal character required. A-F, a-f, 0-9.
    #: h   Hexadecimal character permitted but not required.
    #: B   Binary character required. 0-1.
    #: b   Binary character permitted but not required.
    #: >   All following alphabetic characters are uppercased.
    #: <   All following alphabetic characters are lowercased.
    #: !   Switch off case conversion.
    #: \   Use \ to escape the special characters listed above to use them as separators.
    #: The mask consists of a string of mask characters and separators, optionally
    #: followed by a semicolon and the character used for blanks
    #: Eg: 9 digit phone number: (999) 999-9999;_
    mask = d_(Str())

    #: The validator to use for this field. If the validator provides
    #: a client side validator, then text will only be submitted if it
    #: passes that validator.
    validator = d_(Typed(Validator))

    #: The list of actions which should cause the client to submit its
    #: text to the server for validation and update. The currently
    #: supported values are 'lost_focus', 'return_pressed', and 'auto_sync'.
    #: The 'auto_sync' mode will attempt to validate and synchronize the
    #: text when the user stops typing.
    submit_triggers = d_(
        List(Enum('lost_focus', 'return_pressed', 'auto_sync'),
             ['lost_focus', 'return_pressed']))

    #: Time in ms after which the client submit its text to the server for
    #: validation and update when the user stop typing. This is used only when
    #: the 'auto_sync' mode is part of the submit_triggers.
    sync_time = d_(Int(300))

    #: The grayed-out text to display if the field is empty and the
    #: widget doesn't have focus. Defaults to the empty string.
    placeholder = d_(Str())

    #: How to display the text in the field. Valid values are 'normal'
    #: which displays the text as normal, 'password' which displays the
    #: text with an obscured character, and 'silent' which displays no
    #: text at all but still allows input.
    echo_mode = d_(Enum('normal', 'password', 'silent'))

    #: The maximum length of the field in characters. The default value
    #: is Zero and indicates there is no maximum length.
    max_length = d_(Int(0))

    #: Whether or not the field is read only. Defaults to False.
    read_only = d_(Bool(False))

    #: Alignment for the text inside the field. Defaults to 'left'.
    text_align = d_(Enum('left', 'right', 'center'))

    #: How strongly a component hugs it's contents' width. Fields ignore
    #: the width hug by default, so they expand freely in width.
    hug_width = set_default('ignore')

    #: A reference to the ProxyField object.
    proxy = Typed(ProxyField)

    # Observers
    @observe('text', 'mask', 'submit_triggers', 'placeholder', 'echo_mode',
             'max_length', 'read_only', 'text_align', 'sync_time')
    def _update_proxy(self, change):
        """ An observer which sends state change to the proxy.

        # The superclass implementation is sufficient.
        super(Field, self)._update_proxy(change)

    # Public API
    def field_text(self):
        """ Get the text stored in the field control.

        Depending on the state of the field, this text may be different
        than that stored in the 'text' attribute.

        result : unicode
            The unicode text stored in the field.

        if self.proxy_is_active:
            return self.proxy.field_text()
        return u''
Exemple #5
    __slots__ = ()

    def __init__(self):
        super(ConstraintMember, self).__init__()
        mode = DefaultValue.MemberMethod_Object
        self.set_default_value_mode(mode, 'default')

    def default(self, owner):
        return kiwi.Variable(self.name)

#: An atom enum which defines the allowable constraints strengths.
#: Clones will be made by selecting a new default via 'select'.
PolicyEnum = Enum('ignore', 'weak', 'medium', 'strong', 'required')

class ConstrainableMixin(Atom):
    """ An atom mixin class which defines constraint members.

    This class implements the Constrainable interface.

    #: The symbolic left boundary of the constrainable.
    left = ConstraintMember()

    #: The symbolic top boundary of the constrainable.
    top = ConstraintMember()

    #: The symbolic width of the constrainable.
Exemple #6
class DeviceConfig(Model):
    """ The default device configuration. Custom devices may want to subclass

    #: Time between each path command
    #: Time to wait between each step so we don't get
    #: way ahead of the cutter and fill up it's buffer
    step_time = Float(strict=False).tag(config=True)
    custom_rate = Float(-1, strict=False).tag(config=True)

    #: Distance between each command in user units
    #: this is effectively the resolution the software supplies
    step_size = Float(parse_unit('1mm'), strict=False).tag(config=True)

    #: Interpolate paths breaking them into small sections that
    #: can be sent. This allows pausing mid plot as many devices do not have
    #: a cancel command.
    interpolate = Bool(False).tag(config=True)

    #: How often the position will be updated in ms. Low power devices should
    #: set this to a high number like 2000 or 3000
    sample_rate = Int(100).tag(config=True)

    #: Final output rotation
    rotation = Enum(0, 90, -90).tag(config=True)

    #: Swap x and y axis
    swap_xy = Bool().tag(config=True)
    mirror_y = Bool().tag(config=True)
    mirror_x = Bool().tag(config=True)

    #: Final out scaling
    scale = ContainerList(Float(strict=False), default=[1, 1]).tag(config=True)

    #: Defines prescaling before conversion to a polygon
    quality_factor = Float(1, strict=False).tag(config=True)

    #: In cm/s
    speed = Float(4, strict=False).tag(config=True)
    speed_units = Enum('in/s', 'cm/s').tag(config=True)
    speed_enabled = Bool().tag(config=True)

    #: Force in g
    force = Float(40, strict=False).tag(config=True)
    force_units = Enum('g').tag(config=True)
    force_enabled = Bool().tag(config=True)

    #: Use absolute coordinates
    absolute = Bool().tag(config=True)

    #: Device output is spooled by an external service
    #: this will cause the job to run with no delays between commands
    spooled = Bool().tag(config=True)

    #: Use a virtual connection
    test_mode = Bool().tag(config=True)

    #: Init commands
    commands_before = Str().tag(config=True)
    commands_after = Str().tag(config=True)
    commands_connect = Str().tag(config=True)
    commands_disconnect = Str().tag(config=True)

    def _default_step_time(self):
        """ Determine the step time based on the device speed setting

        #: Convert speed to px/s then to mm/s
        units = self.speed_units.split("/")[0]
        speed = parse_unit('%s%s' % (self.speed, units))
        speed = to_unit(speed, 'mm')
        if speed == 0:
            return 0

        #: No determine the time and convert to ms
        return max(0, round(1000*self.step_size/speed))

    @observe('speed', 'speed_units', 'step_size')
    def _update_step_time(self, change):
        if change['type'] == 'update':
            self.step_time = self._default_step_time()
Exemple #7
class Plotter(Atom):
    title = Unicode()
    xlabel = Unicode()
    ylabel = Unicode()

    xyfs = Dict()
    pd = Typed(ArrayPlotData, ())
    plot = Typed(Plot)
    color_index = Int()
    figures = Dict(default=figures)
    plottables = Dict()

    overall_plot_type = Enum("XY plot", "img plot")
    value_scale = Enum('linear', 'log')
    index_scale = Enum('linear', 'log')

    def _observe_value_scale(self, change):
        if self.overall_plot_type == "XY plot":
            self.plot.value_scale = self.value_scale

    def _observe_index_scale(self, change):
        if self.overall_plot_type == "XY plot":
            self.plot.index_scale = self.index_scale

    def _default_plottables(self):
        return dict(plotted=[None])

    #for instr in self.instruments:
    #    tempdict[instr.name]=instr.get_all_tags('plot', True, instr.plot_all, instr.all_params)
    #for key in instr.members().keys():
    #    if instr.get_tag(key, 'plot', instr.plot_all):
    #        tempdict[instr.name].append(key)
    #    if tempdict[instr.name]==[]:
    #        tempdict[instr.name]=instr.members().keys()
    #return tempdict

    def _observe_title(self, change):
        self.plot.title = self.title

    def _observe_xlabel(self, change):
        self.plot.x_axis.title = self.xlabel

    def _observe_ylabel(self, change):
        self.plot.y_axis.title = self.ylabel

    def _default_xyfs(self):
        xyf = AllXYFormat()
        xyf.plotter = self
        return {"All": xyf}

    def delete_all_plots(self):
        for key in self.plot.plots.keys():
        self.color_index = 0

    def _save(self):
        win_size = self.plot.outer_bounds
        plot_gc = PlotGraphicsContext(win_size)  #, dpi=300)

    def set_data(self, zname, zdata, coord='z'):
        if zname not in self.pd.list_data():
        self.pd.set_data(zname, zdata)

    def add_poly_plot(self, n, verts, cn="green", polyname=""):
        nxarray, nyarray = transpose(verts)
        xname = polyname + "x" + str(n)
        yname = polyname + "y" + str(n)
        self.pd.set_data(xname, nxarray, coord='x')
        self.pd.set_data(yname, nyarray, coord='y')
            (xname, yname),
            face_color=cn,  #colors[nsides],

    def add_img_plot(self,
        self.set_data(zname, zdata)
        if xname != None and yname != None:
            if xdata != None and ydata != None:
                self.set_data(xname, xdata, coord='x')
                self.set_data(yname, ydata, coord='y')
        xyf = XYFormat()
        xyf.plotter = self
        xyf.draw_img_plot(name=zname, zname=zname, xname=xname, yname=yname)
        self.xyfs.update(**{xyf.name: xyf})
        self.overall_plot_type = "img plot"

    def add_line_plot(self, name, zname, zdata, xname=None, xdata=None):
        xyf = XYFormat(plotter=self)
        if zdata.ndim > 1:
            for i, arr in enumerate(self.splitMultiD(zdata, 0)):
                self.add_line_plot(name + str(i), zname + str(i), squeeze(arr),
                                   xname, xdata)
            self.set_data(zname, zdata)
            if xname != None and xdata != None:
                self.set_data(xname, xdata, coord='x')
            xyf.draw_plot(name=name, zname=zname, xname=xname)
            self.xyfs.update(**{xyf.name: xyf})
            self.overall_plot_type = "XY plot"

    def append_data(self, name, zpoint, xpoint=None):
        xyf = self.xyfs[name]
        zdata = self.pd.get_data(xyf.zname)
        zdata = append(zdata, zpoint)
        self.pd.set_data(xyf.zname, zdata)
        xdata = self.pd.get_data(xyf.xname)
        if xpoint == None:
            xpoint = max(xdata) + range(len(zpoint)) + 1
        xdata = append(xdata, xpoint)
        self.pd.set_data(xyf.xname, xdata)

    def _default_plot(self):
        plot = Plot(self.pd,
        plot.tools.append(PanTool(plot, constrain_key="shift"))
            ZoomTool(component=plot, tool_mode="box", always_on=False))
        plot.legend.tools.append(LegendTool(plot.legend, drag_button="right"))
        return plot

    def splitMultiD(self, arr, axis=1):
        if arr.ndim < 2:
            return atleast_2d(arr)
            return split(arr, arr.shape[axis], axis=axis)

    def gatherMultiD(self, arrs, axis=1):
        print arrs[0].ndim
        #             print "yo"
        return concatenate(arrs, axis)

    def show(self):
        with traits_enaml.imports():
            from enaml_Plotter import PlotMain

        app = QtApplication()
        view = PlotMain(plotr=self)
Exemple #8
class OccViewer(Control):
    """ A widget to view OpenCascade shapes.
    #: A reference to the ProxySpinBox object.
    proxy = Typed(ProxyOccViewer)

    #: Bounding box of displayed shapes. A tuple of the following values
    #: (xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax).
    bbox = d_(Typed(BBox), writable=False)

    #: Display mode
    display_mode = d_(Enum('shaded', 'wireframe'))

    #: Selection mode
    selection_mode = d_(Enum(
        'any', 'shape', 'shell', 'face', 'edge', 'wire', 'vertex'))

    #: Selected items
    selection = d_(Typed(ViewerSelection), writable=False)

    #: View direction
    view_mode = d_(Enum('iso', 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right', 'front',

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Grid
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    grid_mode = d_(Enum('', 'rectangular-lines', 'rectangular-points',
                        'circular-lines', 'circular-points'))
    grid_colors = d_(Coerced(tuple, coercer=color_pair_coercer))

    def _default_grid_colors(self):
        return (parse_color('#888'), parse_color('#444'))

    #: Selection event
    #reset_view = d_(Event(),writable=False)

    #: Show tahedron
    trihedron_mode = d_(Enum('right-lower', 'right-upper', 'left-lower',

    #: Background gradient this is corecred from a of strings
    background_gradient = d_(Coerced(tuple, coercer=color_pair_coercer))

    def _default_background_gradient(self):
        return (parse_color('white'), parse_color('silver'))

    #: Default shape rendering color if none is defined
    shape_color = d_(ColorMember('steelblue'))

    #: Display shadows
    shadows = d_(Bool(True))

    #: Display reflections
    reflections = d_(Bool(True))

    #: Enable antialiasing
    antialiasing = d_(Bool(True))

    #: Enable raytracing
    raytracing = d_(Bool(True))

    #: Raytracing depth
    raytracing_depth = d_(Int(3))

    #: Enable hidden line removal
    hidden_line_removal = d_(Bool(False))

    #: Draw face boundaries
    draw_boundaries = d_(Bool(False))

    #: View expands freely in width by default.
    hug_width = set_default('ignore')

    #: View expands freely in height by default.
    hug_height = set_default('ignore')

    #: Lock rotation so the mouse cannot not rotate
    lock_rotation = d_(Bool())

    #: Lock zoom so the mouse wheel cannot not zoom
    lock_zoom = d_(Bool())

    #: Lights
    lights = d_(List(ViewerLight))

    def _default_lights(self):
        headlight = ViewerLight(
            type="directional", color="white", headlight=True)
        ambient = ViewerLight(type="ambient", color="white", intensity=0.95)
        return [headlight, ambient]

    #: Chordial Deviation. This is the "smoothness" of curves
    chordial_deviation = d_(Float(0.001, strict=False))

    #: Events
    #: Raise StopIteration to indicate handling should stop
    key_pressed = d_(Event(), writable=False)
    mouse_pressed = d_(Event(), writable=False)
    mouse_released = d_(Event(), writable=False)
    mouse_wheeled = d_(Event(), writable=False)
    mouse_moved = d_(Event(), writable=False)

    #: Loading status
    loading = d_(Bool(), writable=False)
    progress = d_(Float(strict=False), writable=False)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Observers
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    @observe('position', 'display_mode', 'view_mode', 'trihedron_mode',
             'selection_mode', 'background_gradient', 'double_buffer',
             'shadows', 'reflections', 'antialiasing', 'lock_rotation',
             'lock_zoom', 'draw_boundaries', 'hidden_line_removal',
             'shape_color', 'raytracing_depth', 'lights',
             'grid_mode', 'grid_colors')
    def _update_proxy(self, change):
        """ An observer which sends state change to the proxy.
        # The superclass handler implementation is sufficient.
        super(OccViewer, self)._update_proxy(change)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Viewer API
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def fit_all(self):
        """ Zoom in and center on all item(s) """

    def fit_selection(self):
        """ Zoom in and center on the selected item(s) """

    def take_screenshot(self, filename):
        """ Take a screenshot and save it with the given filename """

    def zoom_factor(self, factor):
        """ Zoom in by a given factor """

    def rotate_view(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Rotate by the given number of degrees about the current axis"""
        self.proxy.rotate_view(*args, **kwargs)

    def turn_view(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Rotate by the given number of degrees about the current axis"""
        self.proxy.turn_view(*args, **kwargs)

    def reset_view(self):
        """ Reset zoom to defaults """

    def clear_display(self):
        """ Clear the display, all children should be removed before calling
        this or they'll be rerendered.
Exemple #9
class VNA_Two_Tone_Lyzer(VNA_Pwr_Lyzer):
    base_name = "vna_two_tone_lyzer"

    frq2 = Array().tag(unit="GHz", label="2nd frequency", sub=True)

    pwr2 = Array().tag(unit="dBm", label="2nd power", sub=True)

    frq2_ind = Int()

    swp_type = Enum("pwr_first", "yoko_first")

    def _default_read_data(self):
        return read_data

    #def _observe_pwr_ind(self, change):
    #    reset_property(self, "Magcom")

    def Magcom(self):
        if self.filter_type == "None":
            Magcom = self.MagcomData
        elif self.filter_type == "Fit":
            return self.MagAbsFit
            Magcom = self.MagcomFilt[self.indices, :, :, :]
        if self.bgsub_type == "Complex":
            return self.bgsub(Magcom)
        return Magcom[:, :, self.frq2_ind]  #, self.pwr_ind]

#array([[self.fft_filter_full(m, n, Magcom) for n in range(len(self.yoko))] for m in range(len(self.pwr))]).transpose()

    def MagcomFilt(self):
        if self.filt.filter_type == "FIR":
            return array([[
                self.filt.fir_filter(self.MagcomData[:, n, o, m])
                for n in self.flat_flux_indices
            ] for m in range(len(self.pwr))]).transpose()
        return array([[
            self.filt.fft_filter(self.MagcomData[:, n, o])
            for n in self.flat_flux_indices
        ] for o in range(len(self.frq2))]).transpose()

    def MagAbsFilt_sq(self):
        return absolute(self.MagcomFilt[:, :, self.frq2_ind])**2

    def fit_params(self):
        if self.fitter.fit_params is None:
            if self.calc_p_guess:
        return self.fitter.fit_params

    def MagAbsFit(self):
        return sqrt(
Exemple #10
class Block(Declarative):
    """ An object which dynamically insert's its children into another block's 
    parent object.

    The 'Block' object is used to cleanly and easily insert it's children
    into the children of another object. The 'Object' instance assigned to the
    'block' property of the 'Block' will be parented with the parent of
    the 'Block'. Creating a 'Block' with no parent is a programming


    #: The Block to which this blocks children should be inserted into
    block = d_(ForwardInstance(lambda: Block))

    #: If replace, replace all parent's children (except the block of course)
    mode = d_(Enum('replace', 'append'))

    def initialize(self):
        """ A reimplemented initializer.

        This method will add the include objects to the parent of the
        include and ensure that they are initialized.

        super(Block, self).initialize()

        block = self.block

        if block: #: This block is setting the content of another block
            #: Remove the existing blocks children
            if self.mode == 'replace':
                #: Clear the blocks children
                for c in block.children:
            #: Add this blocks children to the other block
            block.insert_children(None, self.children)

        else: #: This block is inserting it's children into it's parent
            self.parent.insert_children(self, self.children)

    def _observe_block(self, change):
        """ A change handler for the 'objects' list of the Include.

        If the object is initialized objects which are removed will be
        unparented and objects which are added will be reparented. Old
        objects will be destroyed if the 'destroy_old' flag is True.

        if self.is_initialized:
            if change['type'] == 'update':
                old_block = change['oldvalue']
                old_parent = old_block.parent
                for c in self.children:
                new_block = change['value']
                new_block.parent.insert_children(new_block, self.children)

    def _observe__children(self, change):
        if not self.is_initialized:
        block = self.block
        if change['type'] == 'update':
            if block:
                if self.mode == 'replace':
                    block.children = change['value']
                    for c in change['oldvalue']:
                    before = block.children[-1] if block.children else None
                    block.insert_children(before, change['value'])
                for c in change['oldvalue']:
                    if c not in change['value']:
                self.parent.insert_children(self, change['value'])
Exemple #11
class FileDialogEx(ToolkitDialog):
    """ A toolkit dialog for getting file and directory names.

    This dialog supercedes the FileDialog class. New code you should
    use this dialog in lieu of the older version.

    #: The accept mode of the dialog.
    accept_mode = d_(Enum('open', 'save'))

    #: The file mode of the dialog.
    file_mode = d_(Enum(
        'any_file', 'existing_file', 'existing_files', 'directory'))

    #: Whether or not to only show directories. This is only valid when
    #: the file_mode is set to 'directory'.
    show_dirs_only = d_(Bool(False))

    #: The currently selected path in the dialog.
    current_path = d_(Str())

    #: The paths selected by the user when the dialog is accepted.
    #: This value is output only.
    selected_paths = List(Str())

    #: The name filters used to restrict the available files.
    name_filters = d_(List(Str()))

    #: The selected name filter from the list of name filters.
    selected_name_filter = d_(Str())

    #: A reference to the ProxyFileDialog object.
    proxy = Typed(ProxyFileDialogEx)

    def get_existing_directory(parent=None, **kwargs):
        """ Get an existing directory on the filesystem.

        parent : ToolkitObject or None
            The parent toolkit object for this dialog.

            Additional data to pass to the dialog constructor.

        result : unicode
            The user selected directory path. This will be an empty
            string if no directory was selected.

        kwargs['accept_mode'] = 'open'
        kwargs['file_mode'] = 'directory'
        kwargs['show_dirs_only'] = True
        dialog = FileDialogEx(parent, **kwargs)
        if dialog.exec_native():
            if dialog.selected_paths:
                return dialog.selected_paths[0]
        return u''

    def get_open_file_name(parent=None, **kwargs):
        """ Get the file name for an open file dialog.

        parent : ToolkitObject or None
            The parent toolkit object for this dialog.

            Additional data to pass to the dialog constructor.

        result : unicode
            The user selected file name. This will be an empty
            string if no file name was selected.

        kwargs['accept_mode'] = 'open'
        kwargs['file_mode'] = 'existing_file'
        dialog = FileDialogEx(parent, **kwargs)
        if dialog.exec_native():
            if dialog.selected_paths:
                return dialog.selected_paths[0]
        return u''

    def get_open_file_names(parent=None, **kwargs):
        """ Get the file names for an open files dialog.

        parent : ToolkitObject or None
            The parent toolkit object for this dialog.

            Additional data to pass to the dialog constructor.

        result : list
            The user selected file names. This will be an empty
            list if no file names were selected.

        kwargs['accept_mode'] = 'open'
        kwargs['file_mode'] = 'existing_files'
        dialog = FileDialogEx(parent, **kwargs)
        if dialog.exec_native():
            return dialog.selected_paths
        return []

    def get_save_file_name(parent=None, **kwargs):
        """ Get the file name for a save file dialog.

        parent : ToolkitObject or None
            The parent toolkit object for this dialog.

            Additional data to pass to the dialog constructor.

        result : unicode
            The user selected file name. This will be an empty
            string if no file name was selected.

        kwargs['accept_mode'] = 'save'
        kwargs['file_mode'] = 'any_file'
        dialog = FileDialogEx(parent, **kwargs)
        if dialog.exec_native():
            if dialog.selected_paths:
                return dialog.selected_paths[0]
        return u''

    def exec_native(self):
        """ Open the dialog using a native OS dialog if available.

        result : bool
            Whether or not the dialog was accepted.

        if not self.is_initialized:
        if not self.proxy_is_active:
        return self.result

    # Observers
    @observe('accept_mode', 'file_mode', 'show_dirs_only', 'current_path',
        'name_filters', 'selected_name_filter')
    def _update_proxy(self, change):
        """ An observer which updates the proxy when the data changes.

        # The superclass implementation is sufficient.
        super(FileDialogEx, self)._update_proxy(change)

    # Utility Methods
    def _prepare(self):
        """ A reimplemented preparation method.

        This method resets the selected paths and filters.

        super(FileDialogEx, self)._prepare()
        self.selected_paths = []
        self.selected_name_filter = u''
Exemple #12
class Lyzer(TA88_Fund):

    #def _default_main_params(self):
    #    return ["rt_atten", "fridge_atten", "fridge_gain", "rt_gain", "comment", "flux_factor", "offset", "fit_type",
    #            "on_res_ind", "start_ind", "stop_ind", "filt_start_ind", "filt_end_ind"]

    comment=Unicode().tag(read_only=True, spec="multiline")
    frequency=Array().tag(unit="GHz", plot=True, label="Frequency", sub=True)
    yoko=Array().tag(unit="V", plot=True, label="Yoko", sub=True)
    pwr=Array().tag(unit="V", plot=True, label="Yoko", sub=True)
    frq2=Array().tag(unit="V", plot=True, label="Yoko", sub=True)



    def resid_func(self, p, y, x):
        return y-self.fit_func(x, p)

    fit_type=Enum("Transmission", "Reflection")

    @tag_Property(plot=True, sub=True)
    def flux_par(self):
        flux_over_flux0=qdt.call_func("flux_over_flux0", voltage=self.yoko, offset=self.offset, flux_factor=self.flux_factor)
        Ej=qdt.call_func("Ej", flux_over_flux0=flux_over_flux0)
        return qdt._get_fq(Ej, qdt.Ec)

    def flux_over_flux0(self):
        return (self.yoko-self.offset)*self.flux_factor

    def p_guess(self):
        #return [200e6,4.5e9, 0.002, 0.022, 0.1]
        return [200e6,4.5e9, 0.002, 0.022]

    def indices(self):
        return range(len(self.frequency))
        #return [range(81, 120+1), range(137, 260+1), range(269, 320+1), range(411, 449+1)]#, [490]]#, [186]]

    def fft_filter(self, n):
        if self.filt_start_ind!=0:
        return fft.fft(myifft)

    @tag_Property(plot=True, sub=True)
    def MagdB(self):
        return 10.0*log10(self.MagAbs)

    @tag_Property(plot=True, sub=True)
    def MagAbs(self):
        return absolute(self.Magcom)

    @tag_Property(plot=True, sub=True)
    def MagAbsFilt(self):
        return absolute(self.MagcomFilt)

    @tag_Property(plot=True, sub=True)
    def MagdBFilt(self):
        return 10.0*log10(self.MagAbsFilt)

    @tag_Property(plot=True, sub=True)
    def MagdBFiltbgsub(self):
        #return self.MagAbsFilt/mean(self.MagAbsFilt[:, 0:5], axis=1, keepdims=True)
        return self.MagdBFilt-10.0*log10(mean(self.MagAbsFilt[:, 0:5], axis=1, keepdims=True))

    @tag_Property(plot=True, sub=True)
    def MagAbsFilt_sq(self):
        return self.MagAbsFilt**2

    @tag_Property(plot=True, sub=True)
    def MagcomFilt(self):
        return array([self.fft_filter(n) for n in range(len(self.yoko))]).transpose()

    def magabs_colormesh(self, plotter):
        plotter.colormesh("magabs_{}".format(self.name), self.yoko, self.frequency, self.MagAbs)
        plotter.set_ylim(min(self.frequency), max(self.frequency))
        plotter.set_xlim(min(self.yoko), max(self.yoko))
        plotter.mpl_axes.xlabel="Yoko (V)"
        plotter.mpl_axes.ylabel="Frequency (Hz)"
        plotter.mpl_axes.title="Magabs fluxmap {}".format(self.name)

    def ifft_plot(self, plotter):
        plotter.line_plot("ifft_{}".format(self.name), absolute(fft.ifft(self.Magcom[:,self.on_res_ind])))
        plotter.line_plot("ifft_{}".format(self.name), absolute(fft.ifft(self.Magcom[:,self.start_ind])))
        plotter.line_plot("ifft_{}".format(self.name), absolute(fft.ifft(self.Magcom[:,self.stop_ind])))

    def ifft_dif_plot(self, plotter):
        plotter.line_plot("ifft_dif1_{}".format(self.name), absolute(absolute(fft.ifft(self.Magcom[:,self.start_ind]))-absolute(fft.ifft(self.Magcom[:,self.on_res_ind]))))
        plotter.line_plot("ifft_dif2_{}".format(self.name), absolute(absolute(fft.ifft(self.Magcom[:,self.stop_ind]))-absolute(fft.ifft(self.Magcom[:,self.on_res_ind]))))
        plotter.line_plot("ifft_dif3_{}".format(self.name), absolute(absolute(fft.ifft(self.Magcom[:,self.stop_ind]))-absolute(fft.ifft(self.Magcom[:,self.start_ind]))))

    def filt_compare(self, ind, plotter=None):
        plotter.line_plot("magabs_{}".format(self.name), self.frequency, self.MagdB[:, ind], label="MagAbs (unfiltered)")
        plotter.line_plot("magabs_{}".format(self.name), self.frequency, self.MagdBFilt[:, ind], label="MagAbs (filtered)")

    def magabsfilt_colormesh(self, plotter):
        plotter.colormesh("magabsfilt_{}".format(self.name), self.yoko, self.frequency, self.MagAbsFilt)
        plotter.set_ylim(min(self.frequency), max(self.frequency))
        plotter.set_xlim(min(self.yoko), max(self.yoko))
        plotter.mpl_axes.xlabel="Yoko (V)"
        plotter.mpl_axes.ylabel="Frequency (Hz)"
        plotter.mpl_axes.title="Magabs fluxmap {}".format(self.name)

    def magdBfilt_colormesh(self, plotter):
        plotter.colormesh("magdBfilt_{}".format(self.name), self.yoko, self.frequency, self.MagdBFilt)
        plotter.set_ylim(min(self.frequency), max(self.frequency))
        plotter.set_xlim(min(self.yoko), max(self.yoko))
        plotter.mpl_axes.xlabel="Yoko (V)"
        plotter.mpl_axes.ylabel="Frequency (Hz)"
        plotter.mpl_axes.title="MagdB fluxmap {}".format(self.name)

    def magdBfiltbgsub_colormesh(self, plotter):
        plotter.colormesh("magdBfiltbgsub_{}".format(self.name), self.yoko, self.frequency, self.MagdBFiltbgsub)
        plotter.set_ylim(min(self.frequency), max(self.frequency))
        plotter.set_xlim(min(self.yoko), max(self.yoko))
        plotter.mpl_axes.xlabel="Yoko (V)"
        plotter.mpl_axes.ylabel="Frequency (Hz)"
        plotter.mpl_axes.title="MagdB bg sub fluxmap {}".format(self.name)

    def read_data(self):
        with File(self.rd_hdf.file_path, 'r') as f:
            Magvec=f["Traces"]["RS VNA - S21"]
            fstart=f["Traces"]['RS VNA - S21_t0dt'][0][0]
            fstep=f["Traces"]['RS VNA - S21_t0dt'][0][1]
            print sy
            s=(sm, sy[0], 1)#sy[2])
            Magcom=Magvec[:,0, :]+1j*Magvec[:,1, :]
            Magcom=reshape(Magcom, s, order="F")
            self.frequency=linspace(fstart, fstart+fstep*(sm-1), sm)

    def full_fano_fit(self):
        log_debug("started fano fitting")
        fit_params=[self.fano_fit(n)  for n in self.indices]
        log_debug("ended fano fitting")
        return fit_params

    def plot_widths(self, plotter):
        plotter.scatter_plot("widths_{}".format(self.name), fit_params[0, :], absolute(fit_params[1, :]), color="red", label=self.name)

    def fano_fit(self, n):
        pbest= leastsq(self.resid_func, self.p_guess, args=(self.MagAbsFilt_sq[n, :], self.flux_par), full_output=1)
        best_parameters = pbest[0]
        #if 0:#n==539 or n==554:#n % 10:
            #b.line_plot("magabs_flux", self.flux_par*1e-9, (self.MagAbsFilt_sq[n, :], label="{}".format(n), linewidth=0.2)
            #b.line_plot("lorentzian", self.flux_par*1e-9, self.fit_func(self.flux_par,best_parameters), label="fit {}".format(n), linewidth=0.5)
        return (self.frequency[n], best_parameters[0], best_parameters[1], best_parameters[2], best_parameters[3])
Exemple #13
class ContoursCollector(Atom):
    blur_kernel_size = Int(3)

    area_filter_lo = Int(-1)
    area_filter_hi = Int(40000)

    canny_thr_1 = Int(0)
    canny_thr_2 = Int(255)

    image_rgb = Typed(np.ndarray)
    image_edges = Typed(np.ndarray)
    contoursImage = Typed(np.ndarray)
    contoursList = ContoursList()

    base_image_kind = Enum('edges', 'original', 'empty')

    def from_file(cls, image_file):
        image_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(image_file), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
        return cls(image_rgb)

    def __init__(self, image_rgb):
        self.image_rgb = image_rgb

    def make_contours(self, change=None):
        contours, image_edges = self.find_contours()
        self.image_edges = cv2.cvtColor(image_edges, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
        self.contoursList.items = contours

    def _draw_selected_contours(self, change):
        if self.image_edges is None:
        # self.contoursImage = self.image_edges
        if self.base_image_kind == 'edges':
            base_image = self.image_edges.copy()
        elif self.base_image_kind == 'original':
            base_image = self.image_rgb.copy()
            base_image = np.zeros_like(self.image_rgb)
        self.contoursImage = draw_contours(self.contoursList.selected_items,

    def find_contours(self, method=cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE):
        image_rgb = self._blur_original_image()

        channels = self._get_single_channel_images(image_rgb)

        edges = self._combined_edges(channels)
        _, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(edges,

        contours = [Contour(points) for points in contours]
        contours = [cont for cont in contours if self.area_filter_accept(cont)]
        return sorted(contours,
                      key=lambda c: c.measurements().area,
                      reverse=True), edges

    # def _find_contours_in_channels(self, channels):
    #     edges = self._combined_edges(channels)
    #     _, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(edges, mode=cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, method=cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)
    #     r = [Contour(points) for points in contours]
    #     return sorted(r, key=lambda c: c.area(), reverse=True), edges

    def area_filter_accept(self, cont):
        return self.area_filter_lo <= cont.measurements(
        ).area <= self.area_filter_hi

    def _blur_original_image(self):
        if self.blur_kernel_size == 1:
            return self.image_rgb
        # return cv2.GaussianBlur(self.image_rgb, ksize=(self.blur_kernel_size, self.blur_kernel_size), sigmaX=2)
        return cv2.GaussianBlur(self.image_rgb,
                                (self.blur_kernel_size, self.blur_kernel_size),
        # return cv2.blur(self.image_rgb, ksize=(self.blur_kernel_size, self.blur_kernel_size))
        # return cv2.medianBlur(self.image_rgb, ksize=self.blur_kernel_size)
        # return cv2.bilateralFilter(self.image_rgb, d=0, sigmaColor=7, sigmaSpace=7)

    def _get_single_channel_images(self, rgb):
        # gray, R G B, A B
        gray = cv2.cvtColor(rgb, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
        # lab = cv2.cvtColor(rgb, cv2.COLOR_RGB2LAB)
        # hsv = cv2.cvtColor(rgb, cv2.COLOR_RGB2HSV)
        return [
            # rgb[..., 0],
            # rgb[..., 1],
            # rgb[..., 2],
            # lab[..., 0],
            # lab[..., 1],
            # lab[..., 2],
            # hsv[..., 0],
            # hsv[..., 1],
            # hsv[..., 2],

    def _edges(self, image):
        # return cv2.Canny(im_gray, 255 * 0.55, 255 * 0.8, edges=None, apertureSize=3, L2gradient=True)
        return cv2.Canny(image,

    def _combined_edges(self, channels):
        if not len(channels):
            return None
        accum = np.zeros_like(channels[0])
        for ch in channels:
            edges = self._edges(ch)
            accum = cv2.bitwise_or(accum, edges)
        return accum

    def select_contours_at_point(self, x, y):
        contours_under_mouse = self.contoursList.items_at_point(x, y)
        self.contoursList.selected_items = contours_under_mouse
Exemple #14
class LinearBoxHelper(BoxHelper):
    """ A box helper for creating traditional linear box layouts.

    #: The layout orientation of the items in the box.
    orientation = Enum('vertical', 'horizontal')

    #: The tuple of items which will be used to generate the constraints.
    items = Tuple()

    #: The spacing to use between items if not explicitly provided.
    spacing = Range(low=0)

    #: The margins to use around the edges of the box.
    margins = Coerced(Box)

    def __init__(self, orientation, items, spacing=10, margins=0):
        """ Initialize a LinearBoxHelper.

        orientation : str
            The orientation of the layout box, either 'horizontal'
            or 'vertical'.

        items : iterable
            The iterable of items which should be constrained.

        spacing : int, optional
            The spacing to use between items if not specifically given
            in the sequence of items. The default value is 10 pixels.

        margins : int, tuple, or Box, optional
            The margins to use around the edges of the box. The default
            value is 0 pixels on all sides.

        self.orientation = orientation
        self.items = self.validate(items)
        self.spacing = spacing
        self.margins = margins

    def validate(items):
        """ Validate an iterable of constrainable box items.

        This method asserts that a sequence of items is appropriate for
        generating box constraints. The following conditions are verified
        of the sequence of items after they are filtered for None:

        * All of the items in the sequence are instances of Spacer, int,
          LinearSymbolic, Constrainable.

        * There are never two adjacent ints or spacers.

        items : iterable
            The iterable of constrainable items to validate.

        result : tuple
            A tuple of validated items, with any None values removed.

        items = tuple(item for item in items if item is not None)

        if len(items) == 0:
            return items

        was_spacer = False
        spacers = (int, Spacer)
        types = (LinearSymbolic, Constrainable, Spacer, int)
        for item in items:
            if not isinstance(item, types):
                msg = 'The allowed item types for a constraint sequence are '
                msg += 'LinearSymbolic, Constrainable, Spacer, and int. '
                msg += 'Got %s instead.'
                raise TypeError(msg % type(item).__name__)
            is_spacer = isinstance(item, spacers)
            if is_spacer and was_spacer:
                msg = 'Expected LinearSymbolic or Constrainable after a '
                msg += 'spacer. Got %s instead.'
                raise TypeError(msg % type(item).__name__)
            was_spacer = is_spacer

        return items

    def constraints(self, component):
        """ Generate the box constraints for the given component.

        component : Constrainable or None
            The constrainable object which represents the conceptual
            owner of the generated constraints.

        result : list
            The list of Constraint objects for the given component.

        items = self.items
        if len(items) == 0:
            return []

        # Create the outer boundary box constraints.
        cns = self.box_constraints(component)

        first, last = ORIENT_MAP[self.orientation]
        first_ortho, last_ortho = ORIENT_MAP[ORTHO_MAP[self.orientation]]
        first_boundary = getattr(self, first)
        last_boundary = getattr(self, last)
        first_ortho_boundary = getattr(self, first_ortho)
        last_ortho_boundary = getattr(self, last_ortho)

        # Create the margin spacers that will be used.
        margins = self.margins
        if self.orientation == 'vertical':
            first_spacer = EqSpacer(margins.top)
            last_spacer = EqSpacer(margins.bottom)
            first_ortho_spacer = FlexSpacer(margins.left)
            last_ortho_spacer = FlexSpacer(margins.right)
            first_spacer = EqSpacer(margins.left)
            last_spacer = EqSpacer(margins.right)
            first_ortho_spacer = FlexSpacer(margins.top)
            last_ortho_spacer = FlexSpacer(margins.bottom)

        # Add a pre and post padding spacer if the user hasn't specified
        # their own spacer as the first/last element of the box items.
        spacer_types = (Spacer, int)
        if not isinstance(items[0], spacer_types):
            pre_items = (first_boundary, first_spacer)
            pre_items = (first_boundary, )
        if not isinstance(items[-1], spacer_types):
            post_items = (last_spacer, last_boundary)
            post_items = (last_boundary, )

        # Create the helper for the primary orientation. The helper
        # validation is bypassed since the sequence is known-valid.
        spacing = self.spacing
        helper = SequenceHelper(last, first, (), spacing)
        helper.items = pre_items + items + post_items
        helpers = [helper]

        # Add the ortho orientation and nested helpers. The helper
        # validation is bypassed since the sequence is known-valid.
        for item in items:
            if isinstance(item, Constrainable):
                helper = SequenceHelper(last_ortho, first_ortho, (), spacing)
                helper.items = (first_ortho_boundary, first_ortho_spacer, item,
                                last_ortho_spacer, last_ortho_boundary)
            if isinstance(item, ConstraintHelper):

        # Add in the helper constraints.
        for helper in helpers:

        return cns
Exemple #15
     [sys.maxsize, sys.maxsize + 2],
     [sys.maxsize - 1, sys.maxsize + 3],
 (Float(), [1, int(1), 1.1], [1.0, 1.0, 1.1], [""]),
 (Float(strict=True), [1.1], [1.1], [1]),
 (FloatRange(0.0, 0.5), [0.0, 0.5], [0.0, 0.5], [-0.1, 0.6]),
 (FloatRange(0.5, 0.0), [0.0, 0.5], [0.0, 0.5], [-0.1, 0.6]),
 (FloatRange(0.0), [0.0, 0.6], [0.0, 0.6], [-0.1, ""]),
 (FloatRange(high=0.5), [-0.3, 0.5], [-0.3, 0.5], [0.6]),
 (FloatRange(1.0, 10.0, strict=True), [1.0, 3.7], [1.0, 3.7
                                                   ], [2, 4, 0, -11]),
 (Bytes(strict=False), [b"a", "a"], [b"a"] * 2, [1]),
 (Bytes(), [b"a"], [b"a"], ["a"]),
 (Str(strict=False), [b"a", "a"], ["a"] * 2, [1]),
 (Str(), ["a"], ["a"], [b"a"]),
 (Enum(1, 2, "a"), [1, 2, "a"], [1, 2, "a"], [3]),
 (Callable(), [int, None], [int, None], [1]),
 # 3.9 subs and 3.10 union tests in test_typing_utils are sufficient
 (Coerced(set), [{1}, [1], (1, )], [{1}] * 3, [1]),
 (Coerced(int, coercer=c), ["101"], [5], []),
 (Coerced((int, float), coercer=c), ["101"], [5], []),
 (Coerced(int, coercer=lambda x: []), [], [], [""]),  # type: ignore
 (Coerced(TSet[int]), [{1}, [1], (1, )], [{1}] * 3, [1]),
 (Tuple(), [(1, )], [(1, )], [[1]]),
 (Tuple(Int()), [(1, )], [(1, )], [(1.0, )]),
 (Tuple(int), [(1, )], [(1, )], [(1.0, ), (None, )]),
 (Tuple(TSet[int]), [({1}, )], [({1}, )], [(1.0, ), (None, )]),
 (Tuple(Optional[int]), [(1, None)], [(1, None)], [("", )]),
 (List(), [[1]], [[1]], [(1, )]),
 (List(Int()), [[1]], [[1]], [[1.0]]),
 (List(float), [[1.0]], [[1.0]], [[1], [None]]),
Exemple #16
class QtSerialConfig(Model):
    device_path = Str()

    #: Available serial ports
    ports = List()
    #: Serial port config
    port = Str().tag(config=True)

    flowcontrols = []
    # Available FlowControls
        IdNameItem(QSerialPort.NoFlowControl, 'No flow control'))
                   'Hardware flow control (RTS/CTS)'))
                   'Software flow control (XON/XOFF)'))
                   'Unknown flow control (obsolete value)'))
    #: FlowControl config
    flowcontrol = Int(0).tag(config=True)

    #: Available BaudRates
    baudrates = Enum(110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200,
                     38400, 57600, 115200, 128000, 256000)
    #: BaudRate config
    baudrate = Int(9600).tag(config=True)

    parities = []
    # Available Parities
    parities.append(IdNameItem(QSerialPort.NoParity, 'No Parity'))
    parities.append(IdNameItem(QSerialPort.EvenParity, 'Even'))
    parities.append(IdNameItem(QSerialPort.OddParity, 'Odd'))
    parities.append(IdNameItem(QSerialPort.SpaceParity, 'Space'))
    parities.append(IdNameItem(QSerialPort.MarkParity, 'Mark'))
    parities.append(IdNameItem(QSerialPort.UnknownParity, 'Unknown'))
    #: Parity config
    parity = Int(0).tag(config=True)

    list_stopbits = []
    # Available Stopbits
    list_stopbits.append(IdNameItem(QSerialPort.OneStop, '1 stop bit'))
        IdNameItem(QSerialPort.OneAndHalfStop, '1.5 stop bits (Windows only)'))
    list_stopbits.append(IdNameItem(QSerialPort.TwoStop, '2 stop bits'))
    #: Stopbits config
    stopbits = Int(1).tag(config=True)

    bytesize = Enum(8, 7, 6, 5).tag(config=True)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Defaults
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def _default_ports(self):
        return self.get_serial_ports()

    def _default_port(self):
        if self.ports:
            return self.ports[0].portName()
        return ""

    def refresh(self):
        self.ports = self._default_ports()

    def get_serial_ports(self):
        info_list = QSerialPortInfo()
        serial_list = info_list.availablePorts()
        return serial_list
Exemple #17
class EditableTable(RawWidget):

    # Expand the table by default
    hug_width = set_default('weak')
    hug_height = set_default('weak')

    model = Typed(QEditableTableModel)

    #: Instance of QEditableTableView
    view = Typed(QEditableTableView)
    event_filter = Typed(EventFilter)

    editable = d_(Bool(False))
    autoscroll = d_(Bool(False))
    show_column_labels = d_(Bool(True))
    show_row_labels = d_(Bool(True))
    show_grid = d_(Bool(True))

    #: Dictionary mapping column name to a dictionary of settings for that
    #: column. Valid keys for each setting include:
    #: * compact_label - Column label (preferred).
    #: * label - Column label (used if compact_label not provided).
    #: * default - Value used for adding rows.
    #: * coerce - Function to coerce text entered in column to correct value.
    #: * initial_width - Initial width to set column to.
    column_info = d_(Dict(Unicode(), Typed(object), {}))

    #: Widths of columns in table
    column_widths = Property()

    #: Dictionary mapping column name to a dictionary of column properties:
    #: * visual_index: Visual position of column in table
    #: * width: Width of column in table
    column_config = Property()

    #: Can columns be rearranged by dragging labels in the header?
    columns_movable = d_(Bool(True))

    data = d_(Typed(object))
    update = d_(Bool())
    updated = d_(Event())

    # List of row, col tuples of selections
    selected_coords = d_(List(), [])

    live_edit = Typed(LiveEdit, {})

    select_behavior = d_(Enum('items', 'rows', 'columns'))
    select_mode = d_(Enum('single', 'contiguous', 'extended', 'multi', None))

    #: Strectch width of last column so it fills rest of table?
    stretch_last_section = d_(Bool(True))

    #: How can column headers be resized?
    header_resize_mode = d_(Enum('interactive', 'fixed', 'stretch',

    def get_column_attribute(self,

        column = self.column_info.get(column_name, {})
            return column[attribute]
        except (KeyError, TypeError):
                return getattr(column, attribute)
            except AttributeError:
                if raise_error:
                    return default

    def get_cell_color(self, row_index, column_index):
        row_index : int
            Row index (zero-based)
        column_index : int
            Column index (zero-based)

        color : SVG color name or hex color code
            Color to use for the background cell. Defaults to white. See
            http://www.december.com/html/spec/colorsvg.html for SVG color
        # Given the row and column
        # This must return one of the SVG color names (see
        return 'white'

    def get_row_label(self, row_index):
        row_index : int
            Row index (zero-based)

        label : str
            Label to use for column header. Defaults to a 1-based row number.
        return str(row_index + 1)

    def get_column_label(self, column_index):
        column_index : int
            Column index (zero-based)

        label : str
            Label to use for row header. Defaults to the 'compact_label' key in
            'column_info'. If 'compact_label' is not found, checks for the
            'label' key.
        column = self.get_columns()[column_index]
            return self.get_column_attribute(column,
        except AttributeError:
            return self.get_column_attribute(column, 'label', column)

    def get_rows(self):
        if self.data is None:
            return []
        return range(len(self.data))

    def get_columns(self):
        column_labels : list of str
            List of column labels.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_data(self, row_index, column_index):
        row_index : int
            Row index (zero-based)
        column_index : int
            Column index (zero-based)

        data : object
            Data to be shown in cell.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def set_data(self, row_index, column_index, value):
        Save value at specified row and column index to data

        row_index : int
            Row index (zero-based)
        column_index : int
            Column index (zero-based)
        value : object
        raise NotImplementedError

    def remove_row(self, row_index):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def insert_row(self, row=None):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _get_data(self, row_index, column_index):
            value = self.get_data(row_index, column_index)
            column = self.get_columns()[column_index]
            formatter = self.column_info.get(column, {}).get('to_string', str)
            return formatter(value)
        except Exception as e:
            return ''

    def _set_data(self, *args):
        self.updated = True

    def _remove_row(self, *args):
        self.updated = True

    def _insert_row(self, *args):
        self.updated = True

    def sort_rows(self, column_index, ascending):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_default_row(self):
        values = []
        for column in self.get_columns():
            default = self.column_info.get(column, {}).get('default', None)
        return values

    def coerce_to_type(self, column_index, value):
        column = self.get_columns()[column_index]
        func = self.column_info.get(column, {}).get('coerce', lambda x: x)
        return func(value)

    def create_widget(self, parent):
        self.model = QEditableTableModel(self)
        self.view = QEditableTableView(self.model, parent=parent)
        if self.editable:
            self.event_filter = EventFilter(self.view)
        return self.view

    def _observe_data(self, event):
        # TODO: for lists does not reset if the values are equivalent. We then
        # lose a reference to the actual list.

    def _observe_columns(self, event):

    def _observe_column_info(self, event):

    def _observe_update(self, event):
        if self.update:
            self.update = False

    def _reset_model(self, event=None):
        # Forces a reset of the model and view
        if self.autoscroll and self.view:

    def _get_column_widths(self):
        return self.view.get_column_widths()

    def _set_column_widths(self, widths):

    def get_default_column_widths(self):
        return {c: self.get_column_attribute(c, 'initial_width', 100) \
                for c in self.get_columns()}

    def _get_column_config(self):
        return self.view.get_column_config()

    def _set_column_config(self, config):

    def get_visual_columns(self):
        if not self.columns_movable:
            return self.get_columns()
        config = self.column_config
        indices = [(cfg['visual_index'], c) for c, cfg in config.items()]
        return [i[1] for i in indices]

    def as_string(self):
        rows = self.get_rows()
        visual_cols = self.get_visual_columns()
        cols = self.get_columns()
        table_strings = []
        for r in range(len(rows)):
            row_data = []
            for v in visual_cols:
                c = cols.index(v)
                row_data.append(self.get_data(r, c))
            row_string = '\t'.join(str(d) for d in row_data)
        return '\n'.join(table_strings)
Exemple #18
class Window(Widget):
    """ A top-level Window component.

    A Window component is represents of a top-level visible component
    with a frame decoration. It may have at most one child widget which
    is dubbed the 'central widget'. The central widget is an instance
    of Container and is expanded to fit the size of the window.

    A Window does not support features like MenuBars or DockPanes, for
    such functionality, use a MainWindow widget.

    #: A static set of windows being used by the application. A window
    #: adds itself to this list when it is initialized, and removes
    #: itself when it is destroyed. This allows toplevel windows with
    #: no parent to persist without any other strong references.
    windows = set()

    #: The titlebar text.
    title = d_(Unicode())

    #: The initial position of the window frame. A value of (-1, -1)
    #: indicates that the toolkit should choose the initial position.
    initial_position = d_(Coerced(Pos, (-1, -1)))

    #: The initial size of the window client area. A value of (-1, -1)
    #: indicates that the toolkit should choose the initial size.
    initial_size = d_(Coerced(Size, (-1, -1)))

    #: An enum which indicates the modality of the window. The default
    #: value is 'non_modal'.
    modality = d_(Enum('non_modal', 'application_modal', 'window_modal'))

    #: If this value is set to True, the window will be destroyed on
    #: the completion of the `closed` event.
    destroy_on_close = d_(Bool(True))

    #: The title bar icon.
    icon = d_(Typed(Icon))

    #: Whether or not the window remains on top of all others.
    always_on_top = d_(Bool(False))

    #: An event fired when the window is closed. This event is triggered
    #: by the proxy object when the window is closed.
    closed = d_(Event(), writable=False)

    #: Windows are invisible by default.
    visible = set_default(False)

    #: A reference to the ProxyWindow object.
    proxy = Typed(ProxyWindow)

    def initialize(self):
        """ An overridden initializer method.

        This method adds the window to the static set of Windows.

        super(Window, self).initialize()

    def destroy(self):
        """ An overridden destructor method.

        This method removes the window from the static set of Windows.

        super(Window, self).destroy()

    # Public API
    def central_widget(self):
        """ Get the central widget defined on the window.

        The last `Container` child of the window is the central widget.

        for child in reversed(self.children):
            if isinstance(child, Container):
                return child

    def position(self):
        """ Get the position of the window frame.

        result : Pos
            The current position of the window frame.

        if self.proxy_is_active:
            return self.proxy.position()
        return Pos(-1, -1)

    def set_position(self, pos):
        """ Set the position of the window frame.

        pos : Pos
            The desired position of the window the window frame.

        if self.proxy_is_active:

    def size(self):
        """ Get the size of the window client area.

        result : Size
            The current size of the window client area.

        if self.proxy_is_active:
            return self.proxy.size()
        return Size(-1, -1)

    def set_size(self, size):
        """ Set the size of the window client area.

        size : Size
            The desired size of the window client area.

        if self.proxy_is_active:

    def geometry(self):
        """ Get the geometry of the window client area.

        result : Rect
            The current geometry of the window client area.

        if self.proxy_is_active:
            return self.proxy.geometry()
        return Rect(-1, -1, -1, -1)

    def set_geometry(self, rect):
        """ Set the geometry of the window client area.

        rect : Rect
            The desired geometry of the window client area.

        if self.proxy_is_active:

    def frame_geometry(self):
        """ Get the geometry of the window frame.

        result : Rect
            The current geometry of the window frame.

        if self.proxy_is_active:
            return self.proxy.frame_geometry()
        return Rect(-1, -1, -1, -1)

    def maximize(self):
        """ Send the 'maximize' action to the client widget.

        if self.proxy_is_active:

    def minimize(self):
        """ Send the 'minimize' action to the client widget.

        if self.proxy_is_active:

    def restore(self):
        """ Send the 'restore' action to the client widget.

        if self.proxy_is_active:

    def send_to_front(self):
        """ Send the window to the top of the Z order.

        if self.proxy_is_active:

    def send_to_back(self):
        """ Send the window to the bottom of the Z order.

        if self.proxy_is_active:

    def center_on_screen(self):
        """ Center the window on the screen.

        if self.proxy_is_active:

    def center_on_widget(self, other):
        """ Center this window on another widget.

        other : Widget
            The widget onto which to center this window.

        assert isinstance(other, Widget)
        if self.proxy_is_active and other.proxy_is_active:

    def close(self):
        """ Close the window.

        This will cause the window to be hidden, the 'closed' event
        to be fired, and the window subsequently destroyed.

        if self.proxy_is_active:

    def show(self):
        """ Show the window to the screen.

        This is a reimplemented parent class method which will init
        and build the window hierarchy if needed.

        if not self.is_initialized:
        if not self.proxy_is_active:
        super(Window, self).show()

    # Observers
    @observe(('title', 'modality', 'icon'))
    def _update_proxy(self, change):
        """ Update the ProxyWindow when the Window data changes.

        # The superclass handler implementation is sufficient.
        super(Window, self)._update_proxy(change)

    # Private API
    def _handle_close(self):
        """ Handle the close event from the proxy widget.

        self.visible = False
        if self.destroy_on_close:
Exemple #19
class Block(Declarative):
    """ An object which dynamically insert's its children into another block's 
    parent object.
    The 'Block' object is used to cleanly and easily insert it's children
    into the children of another object. The 'Object' instance assigned to the
    'block' property of the 'Block' will be parented with the parent of
    the 'Block'. Creating a 'Block' with no parent is a programming
    #: The Block to which this blocks children should be inserted into 
    block = d_(ForwardInstance(lambda: Block))
    #: If replace, replace all parent's children (except the block of course) 
    mode = d_(Enum('replace', 'append', 'prepend'))
    def initialize(self):
        """ A reimplemented initializer.

        This method will add the include objects to the parent of the
        include and ensure that they are initialized.

        super(Block, self).initialize()

    def refresh_items(self):
        block = self.block
        if block:
            # This block is setting the content of another block
            before = None
            # Remove the existing blocks children
            if self.mode == 'replace':
                # Clear the blocks children
                for c in block.children:
                    if not c.is_destroyed:
            # Add this blocks children to the other block
            elif self.mode == 'prepend' and block.children:
                before = block.children[0]
            block.insert_children(before, self.children)
            # This block is inserting it's children into it's parent
            self.parent.insert_children(self, self.children)
    def _observe_mode(self, change):
        """ If the mode changes. Refresh the items.
        block = self.block
        if block and self.is_initialized and change['type'] == 'update':
            if change['oldvalue'] == 'replace':
                raise NotImplementedError
            for c in self.children:
    def _observe_block(self, change):
        """ A change handler for the 'objects' list of the Include.

        If the object is initialized objects which are removed will be
        unparented and objects which are added will be reparented. Old
        objects will be destroyed if the 'destroy_old' flag is True.

        if self.is_initialized and change['type'] == 'update':
            old_block = change['oldvalue']
            for c in self.children:
    def _observe__children(self, change):
        """ When the children of the block change. Update the referenced
        if not self.is_initialized or change['type'] != 'update':

        block = self.block
        new_children = change['value']
        old_children = change['oldvalue']
        for c in old_children:
            if c not in new_children and not c.is_destroyed:
        if block:
            # This block is inserting into another block
            before = None
            if self.mode == 'replace':
                block.children = []
            if self.mode == 'prepend' and block.children:
                before = block.children[0]
            block.insert_children(before, new_children)
            # This block is a placeholder
            self.parent.insert_children(self, new_children)
Exemple #20
class XYFormat(Atom):
    rend_list = List(
        default=[None, None,
                 None])  #First is line, second is scatter #Typed(BaseXYPlot)
    name = Unicode()
    xname = Unicode()
    yname = Unicode()
    zname = Unicode()
    colormap = Enum(jet)

    line_color = Enum(
    )  #'blue', 'red', 'green', 'purple',  'black', 'darkgray', 'cyan', 'magenta', 'orange')
    plot_type = Enum('line', 'scatter', 'line+scatter')
    line_width = Float(1.0)
    marker = Enum('square', 'circle', 'triangle', 'inverted_triangle', 'plus',
                  'cross', 'diamond', 'dot', 'pixel')
    marker_size = Float(3.0)
    outline_color = Enum(*mycolors)
    outline_width = Float(1.0)
    inside_color = Enum(*mycolors)
    line_style = Enum('solid', 'dot dash', 'dash', 'dot', 'long dash')
    render_style = Enum('connectedpoints', 'hold', 'connectedhold')
    plotter = ForwardTyped(lambda: Plotter)

    def _default_name(self):
        return self.yname

    def set_param(self, param, change, index=-1):
        if change['type'] != 'create':
            #  if self.rend_list[index]!=None:
            setattr(self.rend_list[index], param, change['value'])
            print self.rend_list

    def set_line_param(self, param, change):
        self.set_param(param, change, index=0)

    def set_scatter_param(self, param, change):
        self.set_param(param, change, index=1)

    def _observe_line_color(self, change):
        self.set_line_param('color', change)

    def _observe_marker_size(self, change):
        self.set_scatter_param('marker_size', change)

    def _observe_marker(self, change):
        self.set_scatter_param('marker', change)

    def _observe_line_width(self, change):
        self.set_line_param('line_width', change)

    def _observe_outline_width(self, change):
        self.set_scatter_param('line_width', change)

    def _observe_outline_color(self, change):
        self.set_scatter_param('outline_color', change)

    def _observe_inside_color(self, change):
        self.set_scatter_param('color', change)

    def _observe_line_style(self, change):
        self.set_line_param('line_style', change)

    def redraw_plot(self):
        self.draw_plot(name=self.name, zname=self.zname, xname=self.xname)

    def draw_img_plot(self, name, zname, xname=None, yname=None):
        self.name = name
        self.zname = zname
        img_plot = self.plotter.plot.img_plot(self.zname,
        #        z_shape=shape(self.plotter.pd.get_data(self.zname))
        if xname != None and yname != None:
            x = self.plotter.pd.get_data(xname)
            y = self.plotter.pd.get_data(yname)
            img_plot.index.set_data(x, y)
        self.rend_list[2] = img_plot

    def draw_plot(self, name, zname, xname=None, zdata=None, xdata=None):
        if "img_plot" in self.plotter.plot.plots.keys():
        if "{0}_line".format(name) in self.plotter.plot.plots.keys():
        if "{0}_scatter".format(name) in self.plotter.plot.plots.keys():
        if xname == None:
            xname = "{0}x0".format(zname)
                xname, arange(len(self.plotter.pd.arrays[zname])))
        self.xname = xname
        self.zname = zname
        self.name = name
        if self.plot_type == 'line':
        elif self.plot_type == 'scatter':
        elif self.plot_type == 'line+scatter':

#        if data.x_unit:
#            x_label = "{} [{}]".format(data.x_label, data.x_unit)
#        else:
#            x_label = data.x_label
#        if data.y_unit:
#            y_label = "{} [{}]".format(data.y_label, data.y_unit)
#        else:
#            y_label = data.y_label
#        plot.x_axis.title = x_label
#        plot.y_axis.title = y_label
#        plot.x_axis.tick_label_formatter = lambda x: '%.e'%x
#        plot.y_axis.tick_label_formatter = lambda x: '%.e'%x

    def draw_line_plot(self):
        renderer = self.plotter.plot.plot(
            (self.xname, self.zname),
        self.rend_list[0] = renderer

    def draw_scatter_plot(self):
        renderer = self.plotter.plot.plot(
            (self.xname, self.zname),
            name="{0}_scatter".format(self.name),  #self.zname,
            type="scatter",  #self.xyformat.plot_type,
        self.rend_list[1] = renderer
Exemple #21
class EBL_IDT(EBL_Polygons, IDT):
    """handles everything related to drawing a IDT. Units are microns (um)"""
    trconnect_x=Float(9.0e-6).tag(desc="connection length of transmon", unit="um")
    trconnect_y=Float(2.0e-6).tag(desc="connection length of transmon", unit="um")
    trconnect_w=Float(0.5e-6).tag(desc="connection length of transmon", unit="um")
    trc_wbox=Float(14.0e-6).tag(desc="width of transmon box", unit="um")
    trc_hbox=Float(12.5e-6).tag(desc="height of transmon box", unit="um")
                    desc="gap between electrode and end of finger. The vertical offset of the fingers. Setting this to zero produces a shorted reflector")
    hbox=Float(0.5e-6).tag(desc="height of electrode box", unit="um")
    wbox=Float(0.0e-6).tag(unit="um", desc="width of electrode box. Setting to 0.0 (default) makes it autoscaling so it matches the width of the IDT")

    idt_tooth=Float(0.3e-6).tag(unit="um", desc="tooth size on CPW connection to aid contact")

    idt_type=Enum("basic", "stepped").tag(desc="basic is a regular IDT, stepped uses stepped fingers for harmonic suppression")
    qdt_type=Enum("IDT", "QDT")

    gate_distance=Float(10.0e-6).tag(desc="distance to gate", unit="um")

    def _default_color(self):
        return "blue"

    def _default_main_params(self):
        return self.all_main_params
        mp=["idt_type", "qdt_type", "ft",
            "add_gate", "add_gnd", "add_teeth", "angle_x", "angle_y", "step_num",
            "Np", "a", "g", "W", "o","f0", "eta", "ef", "wbox", "hbox", "material",
            "trconnect_x", "trconnect_y", "trconnect_w", "trc_wbox", "trc_hbox",
            "conn_h",  "idt_tooth", "v", "Dvv", "epsinf", "Ct", "p", "x_ref", "y_ref"]
        return mp

    def make_name_sug(self):
        name_sug+=dict(basic="", stepped="stp")[self.idt_type]
        name_sug+=dict(single="s", double="d")[self.ft]
        if self.idt_type=="stepped":
            name_sug+="{0}s{1}a{2}e{3}".format(self.Np, self.step_num, int(self.a*1e9), int(self.eta*100))
            name_sug+="{0}e{1}a{2}h{3}".format(self.Np, self.ef, int(self.a*1e9), int(self.hbox))
        shot_mod+=dict(basic="", stepped="T")[self.idt_type]
        shot_mod+=dict(IDT="I", QDT="Q")[self.qdt_type]
        shot_mod+=dict(single="S", double="D")[self.ft]
        shot_mod+="{0}".format(len(self.chief.patterns)) #int(self.a*1e9)) #self.Np, self.ef,

    def m(self):
        return {"basic": 0, "stepped": 1}[self.idt_type]

    def xo(self):
        return self.a*(1.0-1.0/self.step_num)*self.m

    def polylist(self):
        """draws single or double fingered IDT.
        If it is for a qubit, it adjusts the bottom box to contain SQUID connections
        (central fingers connect bottom to top)"""
        if self.qdt_type=="QDT":
            if self.add_teeth:
            if self.add_gate:
            if self.add_gnd:
        return self.verts

    def _subfingrect(self, xt, yt, wt, ht, m):
        """writes part of finger for stepped IDTs"""
        if self.ft=="double":
            self.C(xt-(self.a+self.g)/2.0, yt, wt, ht)
            self.C(xt+(self.a+self.g)/2.0, yt, wt, ht)
            self.C(xt, yt, wt, ht)
        if m>1:
            self._subfingrect(xt+self.a/self.step_num, yt+ht, wt, ht, m-1)

    def _fingrect(self, xt, yt, wt, ht, m=0):
        """writes IDT finger width a and length W and two for a double finger"""
        if m!=0:
            if m<0:
                self._fingrect(xt, yt-self.W/2.0, wt, self.o)
                self._fingrect(xt+self.a*(1.0-1.0/self.step_num), yt+self.W/2.0, wt, self.o)
            self._subfingrect(xt, -self.W/2.0*(1.0-1.0/self.step_num), wt, self.W/self.step_num, self.step_num)
            if self.ft=="double":
                self.C(xt-(self.a+self.g)/2.0, yt, wt, ht)
                self.C(xt+(self.a+self.g)/2.0, yt, wt, ht)
                self.C(xt, yt, wt, ht)

    def _IDTfingers(self):
        """writes IDT fingers for single finger IDT with extensions for connections if it is qubit type IDT"""
        for n in range(-(self.Np-1), self.Np, 2):
            self._fingrect(self.mult*n*(self.a+self.g), self.o/2.0, self.a, self.W+self.o, self.m)
            self._fingrect(self.mult*(n-1)*(self.a+self.g), -self.o/2.0, self.a, self.W+self.o, -self.m)
            if n in [-1,0] and self.qdt_type=="QDT":
                self._fingrect(self.mult*n*(self.a+self.g), -self.W/2.0-(self.o+self.trconnect_y+self.trconnect_w)/2.0, self.a, -(self.o+self.trconnect_y+self.trconnect_w))
                self._fingrect(self.mult*n*(self.a+self.g), -self.W/2.0-self.o-self.trc_hbox+self.trconnect_y/2.0, self.a, self.trconnect_y)
        self._fingrect(self.mult*self.Np*(self.a+self.g), -self.o/2.0, self.a, self.W+self.o, -self.m)

    def _IDTextrafingers(self):
        """write extra fingers for a single IDT"""
        for n in range(0, self.ef):
            self._fingrect(-self.mult*n*(self.a+self.g)-self.mult*(self.Np+1)*(self.a+self.g), -self.o/2.0, self.a, self.W, -self.m)
            self._fingrect(self.mult*n*(self.a+self.g)+self.mult*(self.Np+1)*(self.a+self.g), -self.o/2.0, self.a, self.W, -self.m)

    def _IDTtopbottombox(self):
        """writes connecting box at top and also bottom for regular IDT"""
        if self.wbox==0.0:
            wr=self.mult*2*self.Np*(self.a+self.g) +self.mult*self.a+self.mult*2*self.ef*(self.a+self.g)+(self.mult-1)*self.g
        self.C(self.xo, self.o+self.W/2.0+self.hbox/2.0, wr, self.hbox)
        if self.qdt_type=="QDT":
            self.R(-self.trc_wbox/2.0, -self.o-self.W/2.0-self.trc_hbox-self.trconnect_w, self.trc_wbox, self.trconnect_w)
            self.C(0, -self.o-self.W/2.0-self.hbox/2.0, wr, self.hbox)

    def _qubitgnd(self):
        """writes qubit ground"""
        self.P([(-self.trc_wbox/2.0, -self.o-self.W/2.0-self.trc_hbox-self.trconnect_w),
                (self.trc_wbox/2.0, -self.o-self.W/2.0-self.trc_hbox-self.trconnect_w),
                (self.trc_wbox/2.0, -self.conn_h),
                (-self.trc_wbox/2.0, -self.conn_h)])

    def _qubitgate(self):
        """writes gate for a qubit IDT"""
        self.P([(-self.trc_wbox/2.0, self.o+self.W/2.0+self.hbox+self.gate_distance),#-0.25e-6),
                (self.trc_wbox/2.0, self.o+self.W/2.0+self.hbox+self.gate_distance), #-0.25e-6),
                (self.trc_wbox/2.0, self.conn_h),
                   (-self.trc_wbox/2.0, self.conn_h)])

    def _squid_touch(self):
        """writes squid connections"""
        self.R(-self.trconnect_x/2.0, -self.o-self.W/2.0-self.trconnect_y-self.trconnect_w, self.trconnect_x, -self.trconnect_w)
        self.R(-self.trconnect_x/2.0, -self.o-self.W/2.0-self.trc_hbox+self.trconnect_y, self.trconnect_x, self.trconnect_w)

    def _left_transmon_connect(self):
        """write left part of transmon connect"""
        if mod(self.Np, 2)==0: #needs fixing for evens
        self.R(xr, -self.o-self.W/2.0, wr, -self.trconnect_w)
        self.R(xr, -self.o-self.W/2.0, -(self.trc_wbox/2.0-self.a/2.0-self.g), -self.trconnect_w)
        self.R(-self.trc_wbox/2.0, -self.o-self.W/2.0, -self.trconnect_w, -self.trc_hbox-self.trconnect_w)

    def _right_transmon_connect(self):
        """write right part of transmon connect"""
        if mod(self.Np, 2)==0:
        self.R(xr, -self.o-self.W/2.0, wr, -self.trconnect_w)
        self.R(xr, -self.o-self.W/2.0, self.trc_wbox/2.0-self.a/2.0-self.g, -self.trconnect_w)
        self.R(self.trc_wbox/2.0, -self.o-self.W/2.0, self.trconnect_w, -self.trc_hbox-self.trconnect_w)

    def _add_qubit_idt_teeth(self):
        """adds teeth to qubit squid connection"""

        for i in range(idt_numteeth):
            self.R(sqt_x+2*i*self.idt_tooth, sqt_y, self.idt_tooth, self.idt_tooth )
            self.R(sqt_x+2*i*self.idt_tooth, sqt_y_top, self.idt_tooth, -self.idt_tooth )
Exemple #22
class DeclaracadPlugin(Plugin):
    #: Project site
    wiki_page = Unicode("https;//www.codelv.com/projects/declaracad")

    #: Dock items to add
    dock_items = List(DockItem)
    dock_layout = Instance(AreaLayout)
    dock_style = Enum(*reversed(ALL_STYLES)).tag(config=True)

    #: Settings pages to add
    settings_pages = List(extensions.SettingsPage)

    #: Current settings page
    settings_page = Instance(extensions.SettingsPage)

    #: Internal settings models
    settings_typemap = Dict()
    settings_model = Instance(Atom)

    def start(self):
        """ Load all the plugins declaracad is dependent on """
        w = self.workbench
        super(DeclaracadPlugin, self).start()


    def start_default_workspace(self):
        ui = self.workbench.get_plugin('enaml.workbench.ui')

    def _bind_observers(self):
        """ Setup the observers for the plugin.
        super(DeclaracadPlugin, self)._bind_observers()
        workbench = self.workbench
        point = workbench.get_extension_point(extensions.DOCK_ITEM_POINT)
        point.observe('extensions', self._refresh_dock_items)

        point = workbench.get_extension_point(extensions.SETTINGS_PAGE_POINT)
        point.observe('extensions', self._refresh_settings_pages)

    def _unbind_observers(self):
        """ Remove the observers for the plugin.
        super(DeclaracadPlugin, self)._unbind_observers()
        workbench = self.workbench
        point = workbench.get_extension_point(extensions.DOCK_ITEM_POINT)
        point.unobserve('extensions', self._refresh_dock_items)

        point = workbench.get_extension_point(extensions.SETTINGS_PAGE_POINT)
        point.unobserve('extensions', self._refresh_settings_pages)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Dock API
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def create_new_area(self):
        """ Create the dock area 
        with enaml.imports():
            from .dock import DockView
        area = DockView(workbench=self.workbench, plugin=self)
        return area

    def get_dock_area(self):
        """ Get the dock area
            area: DockArea
        ui = self.workbench.get_plugin('enaml.workbench.ui')
        if not ui.workspace or not ui.workspace.content:
        return ui.workspace.content.find('dock_area')

    def _refresh_dock_items(self, change=None):
        """ Reload all DockItems registered by any Plugins 
        Any plugin can add to this list by providing a DockItem 
        extension in their PluginManifest.
        workbench = self.workbench
        point = workbench.get_extension_point(extensions.DOCK_ITEM_POINT)

        #: Layout spec
        layout = {'main': [], 'left': [], 'right': [], 'bottom': [], 'top': []}

        dock_items = []
        for extension in sorted(point.extensions, key=lambda ext: ext.rank):
            for declaration in extension.get_children(extensions.DockItem):
                #: Create the item
                DockItem = declaration.factory()
                item = DockItem(plugin=workbench.get_plugin(
                    declaration.plugin_id), )

                #: Add to our layout

                #: Save it

        #: Update items
        log.debug("Updating dock items: {}".format(dock_items))
        self.dock_items = dock_items

    def _refresh_layout(self, layout):
        """ Create the layout for all the plugins

        if not self.dock_items:
            return AreaLayout()
        items = layout.pop('main')
        if not items:
            raise EnvironmentError("At least one main layout item must be "
        main = (HSplitLayout(TabLayout(
            *items[1:]), items[0]) if len(items) > 1 else items[0])

        dockbars = [
            DockBarLayout(*items, position=side)
            for side, items in layout.items() if items

        #: Update layout
        self.dock_layout = AreaLayout(main, dock_bars=dockbars)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Settings API
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def _default_settings_page(self):
        return self.settings_pages[0]

    def _observe_settings_page(self, change):
        log.debug("Settings page: {}".format(change))

    def _refresh_settings_pages(self, change=None):
        """ Reload all SettingsPages registered by any Plugins 
        Any plugin can add to this list by providing a SettingsPage 
        extension in their PluginManifest.
        workbench = self.workbench
        point = workbench.get_extension_point(extensions.SETTINGS_PAGE_POINT)

        settings_pages = []
        typemap = {}
        for extension in sorted(point.extensions, key=lambda ext: ext.rank):
            for d in extension.get_children(extensions.SettingsPage):
                #: Save it

                #: Update the type map
                plugin = self.workbench.get_plugin(d.plugin_id)
                t = type(getattr(plugin, d.model) if d.model else plugin)
                typemap[t] = d.factory()

        #: Update items
        log.debug("Updating settings pages: {}".format(settings_pages))

        self.settings_typemap = typemap
        self.settings_pages = sorted(settings_pages, key=lambda p: p.name)
Exemple #23
class FileDialog(ToolkitObject):
    """ A dialog widget that allows the user to open and save files and

    #: The title to use for the dialog.
    title = d_(Unicode())

    #: The mode of the dialog.
    mode = d_(Enum('open_file', 'open_files', 'save_file', 'directory'))

    #: The selected path in the dialog. This value will be used to set
    #: the initial working directory and file, as appropriate, when the
    #: dialog is opened. It will aslo be updated when the dialog is
    #: closed and accepted.
    path = d_(Unicode())

    #: The list of selected paths in the dialog. It will be updated
    #: when the dialog is closed and accepted. It is output only and
    #: is only applicable for the `open_files` mode.
    paths = List(Unicode())

    #: The string filters used to restrict the user's selections.
    filters = d_(List(Unicode()))

    #: The selected filter from the list of filters. This value will be
    #: used as the initial working filter when the dialog is opened. It
    #: will also be updated when the dialog is closed and accepted.
    selected_filter = d_(Unicode())

    #: Whether to use a platform native dialog, when available. This
    #: attribute is deprecated and no longer has any effect. Native
    #: dialogs are always used when available in a given toolkit.
    native_dialog = d_(Bool(True))

    #: An enum indicating if the dialog was accepted or rejected by
    #: the user. It will be updated when the dialog is closed. This
    #: value is output only.
    result = Enum('rejected', 'accepted')

    #: An optional callback which will be invoked when the dialog is
    #: closed. This is a convenience to make it easier to handle a
    #: dialog opened in non-blocking mode. The callback must accept
    #: a single argument, which will be the dialog instance.
    callback = d_(Callable())

    #: An event fired if the dialog is accepted. The payload will be
    #: the selected path.
    accepted = d_(Event(unicode), writable=False)

    #: An event fired when the dialog is rejected. It has no payload.
    rejected = d_(Event(), writable=False)

    #: An event fired when the dialog is closed. It has no payload.
    closed = d_(Event(), writable=False)

    #: Whether to destroy the dialog widget on close. The default is
    #: True since dialogs are typically used in a transitory fashion.
    destroy_on_close = d_(Bool(True))

    #: A reference to the ProxyFileDialog object.
    proxy = Typed(ProxyFileDialog)

    def open(self):
        """ Open the dialog in a non-blocking fashion.

        This method will always return None. The state of the dialog
        will be updated when the dialog is closed by the user.

        if not self.is_initialized:

    def exec_(self):
        """ Open the dialog in a blocking fashion.

        result : unicode
            The path selected by the user, or an empty string if the
            dialog is cancelled.

        if not self.is_initialized:
        if self.result == 'accepted':
            return self.path
        return u''

    # Utility Methods
    def _handle_close(self, result, paths, selected_filter):
        """ Called by the proxy object when the dialog is closed.

        result : string
            The result of the dialog; either 'accepted' or 'rejected'.

        paths : list
            The list of user selected paths. If the result is 'rejected'
            this should be an empty list.

        selected_filter : unicode
            The user selected name filter. If the result is 'rejected'
            this should be an empty string.

        self.result = result
        if result == 'accepted':
            self.paths = paths
            self.path = paths[0] if paths else u''
            self.selected_filter = selected_filter
        if self.callback:
        if self.destroy_on_close:
class LockInMeasureTask(InstrumentTask):
    """Ask a lock-in to perform a measure.

    Wait for any parallel operationbefore execution.

    # Value to retrieve.
    mode = Enum('X', 'Y', 'X&Y', 'Amp', 'Phase',

    # Time to wait before performing the measurement.
    waiting_time = Float().tag(pref=True)

    driver_list = ['SR7265-LI', 'SR7270-LI', 'SR830']
    task_database_entries = set_default({'x': 1.0})

    wait = set_default({'activated': True, 'wait': ['instr']})

    def perform(self):
        if not self.driver:


        if self.mode == 'X':
            value = self.driver.read_x()
            self.write_in_database('x', value)
        elif self.mode == 'Y':
            value = self.driver.read_y()
            self.write_in_database('y', value)
        elif self.mode == 'X&Y':
            value_x, value_y = self.driver.read_xy()
            self.write_in_database('x', value_x)
            self.write_in_database('y', value_y)
        elif self.mode == 'Amp':
            value = self.driver.read_amplitude()
            self.write_in_database('amplitude', value)
        elif self.mode == 'Phase':
            value = self.driver.read_phase()
            self.write_in_database('phase', value)
        elif self.mode == 'Amp&Phase':
            amplitude, phase = self.driver.read_amp_and_phase()
            self.write_in_database('amplitude', amplitude)
            self.write_in_database('phase', phase)

    def _observe_mode(self, change):
        """ Update the database entries acording to the mode.

        new = change['value']
        if new == 'X':
            self.task_database_entries = {'x': 1.0}
        elif new == 'Y':
            self.task_database_entries = {'y': 1.0}
        elif new == 'X&Y':
            self.task_database_entries = {'x': 1.0, 'y': 1.0}
        elif new == 'Amp':
            self.task_database_entries = {'amplitude': 1.0}
        elif new == 'Phase':
            self.task_database_entries = {'phase': 1.0}
        elif new == 'Amp&Phase':
            self.task_database_entries = {'amplitude': 1.0, 'phase': 1.0}
Exemple #25
class PNASweepTask(SingleChannelPNATask):
    """Measure the specified parameters while sweeping either the frequency or
    the power. Measure are saved in an array with named fields : Frequency or
    Power and then 'Measure'_'Format' (S21_MLIN, S33 if Raw)

    Wait for any parallel operation before execution.

    channel = Int(1).tag(pref=True)

    start = Str().tag(pref=True)

    stop = Str().tag(pref=True)

    points = Str().tag(pref=True)

    sweep_type = Enum('', 'Frequency', 'Power').tag(pref=True)

    measures = ContainerList(Tuple()).tag(pref=True)

    if_bandwidth = Int(0).tag(pref=True)

    window = Int(1).tag(pref=True)

    wait = set_default({'activated': True, 'wait': ['instr']})
    driver_list = ['AgilentPNA']
    task_database_entries = set_default({'sweep_data': np.array([0])})

    def perform(self):
        if not self.driver:
            self.channel_driver = self.driver.get_channel(self.channel)

        if self.driver.owner != self.task_name:
            self.driver.owner = self.task_name
            self.driver.trigger_scope = 'CURRent'
            self.driver.trigger_source = 'MANual'

        meas_names = [
            'Ch{}:'.format(self.channel) + ':'.join(measure)
            for measure in self.measures

        if self.channel_driver.owner != self.task_name:
            self.channel_driver.owner = self.task_name
            if self.if_bandwidth > 0:
                self.channel_driver.if_bandwidth = self.if_bandwidth

            # Check whether or not we are doing the same measures as the ones
            # already defined (avoid losing display optimisation)
            measures = self.channel_driver.list_existing_measures()
            existing_meas = [meas['name'] for meas in measures]

            if not (all([meas in existing_meas for meas in meas_names])
                    and all([meas in meas_names for meas in existing_meas])):
                clear = True
                for i, meas_name in enumerate(meas_names):
                        meas_name, self.window, i + 1, clear)
                    clear = False
        current_Xaxis = self.channel_driver.sweep_x_axis
        if self.start:
            start = self.format_and_eval_string(self.start)
            start = current_Xaxis[0] * 1e9
        if self.stop:
            stop = self.format_and_eval_string(self.stop)
            stop = current_Xaxis[-1] * 1e9
        if self.points:
            points = self.format_and_eval_string(self.points)
            points = len(current_Xaxis)
        if self.sweep_type:
            self.channel_driver.prepare_sweep(self.sweep_type.upper(), start,
                                              stop, points)
            if self.channel_driver.sweep_type.upper() == 'LIN':
                self.channel_driver.prepare_sweep('FREQUENCY', start, stop,
            elif self.channel_driver.sweep_type.upper() == 'POW':
                self.channel_driver.prepare_sweep('POWER', start, stop, points)

        waiting_time = self.channel_driver.sweep_time
        while not self.driver.check_operation_completion():
            time.sleep(0.1 * waiting_time)

        data = [np.linspace(start, stop, points)]
        for i, meas_name in enumerate(meas_names):
            if self.measures[i][1]:

        names = [self.sweep_type
                 ] + ['_'.join(measure) for measure in self.measures]
        final_arr = np.rec.fromarrays(data, names=names)
        self.write_in_database('sweep_data', final_arr)

    def check(self, *args, **kwargs):
        test, traceback = super(PNASweepTask, self).check(*args, **kwargs)

        pattern = re.compile('S[1-4][1-4]')
        for i, meas in enumerate(self.measures):
            match = pattern.match(meas[0])
            if not match:
                path = self.task_path + '/' + self.task_name
                path += '_Meas_{}'.format(i)
                traceback[path] = 'Unvalid parameter : {}'.format(meas[0])
                test = False
        if self.start:
                test = False
                traceback[self.task_path + '/' + self.task_name + '-start'] = \
                    'Failed to eval the start formula {}'.format(self.start)
        if self.stop:
                test = False
                traceback[self.task_path + '/' + self.task_name + '-stop'] = \
                    'Failed to eval the stop formula {}'.format(self.stop)
        if self.points:
                test = False
                traceback[self.task_path + '/' + self.task_name + '-step'] = \
                    'Failed to eval the points formula {}'.format(self.points)

        data = [np.array([0.0, 1.0])] + \
            [np.array([0.0, 1.0]) for meas in self.measures]
        names = [self.sweep_type] + ['_'.join(meas) for meas in self.measures]
        final_arr = np.rec.fromarrays(data, names=names)

        self.write_in_database('sweep_data', final_arr)
        return test, traceback
Exemple #26
class Shape(ToolkitObject):
    """ Abstract shape component that can be displayed on the screen 
    and represented by the framework. 
    position: Tuple
        A tuple or list of the (x, y, z) position of this shape. This is
        coerced into a Point.
    x: Float
    y: Float
    z: Float
        Alias to the position
    direction: Tuple
        A tuple or list of the (u, v, w) vector of this shape. This is
        coerced into a Vector.
    axis: Tuple
        A tuple or list of the (u, v, w) axis of this shape. This is
        coerced into a Vector that defines the x, y, and z orientation of
        this shape.
    tolerance: Float
        The tolerance to use for operations that may require it.
    color: string
        A string representing the color of the shape.
    material: String
        A string represeting a pre-defined material which defines a color
        and luminosity of the shape.
    transparency: Float
        The opacity of the shape used for display.
    shape_edges: List
        A read only property that returns the list of edges this shape
        has (if any).
    shape_faces: List
        A read only property that returns the list of faces this shape
        has (if any).
    shape_shells: List
        A read only property that returns the list of surfaces this shape
        has (if any).

    This shape's proxy holds an internal reference to the underlying shape 
    which can be accessed using `self.proxy.shape` if needed. The topology
    of the shape can be accessed using the `self.proxy.topology` attribute.
    #: Reference to the implementation control
    proxy = Typed(ProxyShape)
    #: Tolerance
    tolerance = d_(Float(10**-6, strict=False))
    #: Color
    color = d_(Str()).tag(view=True, group='Display')

    #: Texture material
    material = d_(Enum(None, 'aluminium', 'brass', 'bronze', 'charcoal',
                       'chrome', 'copper', 'default', 'diamond', 'glass',
                       'gold', 'jade', 'metalized', 'neon_gnc', 'neon_phc',
                       'obsidian', 'pewter', 'plaster', 'plastic', 'satin',
                       'shiny_plastic', 'silver', 'steel', 'stone', 'water')
                  ).tag(view=True, group='Display')
    #: Transparency
    transparency = d_(Float(strict=False)).tag(view=True, group='Display')
    #: x position
    x = d_(Float(0, strict=False)).tag(view=True, group='Position')
    #: y position
    y = d_(Float(0, strict=False)).tag(view=True, group='Position')
    #: z position
    z = d_(Float(0, strict=False)).tag(view=True, group='Position')
    #: Position
    position = d_(Coerced(gp_Pnt, (0, 0, 0),
                          coercer=lambda args: gp_Pnt(*args)))
    #: Direction
    direction = d_(Coerced(gp_Dir, (0, 0, 1),
                           coercer=lambda args: gp_Dir(*args)))
    #: Axis
    axis = d_(Coerced(gp_Ax2, ((0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1)), coercer=coerce_axis))
    def _get_edges(self):
        topo = self.proxy.topology
        if not topo:
            return []
        return [e for e in topo.edges()]
    #: Edges of this shape
    shape_edges = Property(lambda self: self._get_edges(), cached=True)
    def _get_faces(self):
        topo = self.proxy.topology
        if not topo:
            return []
        return [e for e in topo.faces()]
    #: Faces of this shape
    shape_faces = Property(lambda self: self._get_faces(), cached=True)

    def _get_shells(self):
        topo = self.proxy.topology
        if not topo:
            return []
        return [e for e in topo.shells()]

    #: Shells of this shape
    shape_shells = Property(lambda self: self._get_shells(), cached=True)
    #: Block change updates to prevent loops when updated synced properties
    _block_updates = Bool()

    def suppress_updates(self):
        self._block_updates = True
            self._block_updates = False

    @observe('x', 'y', 'z')
    def _update_position(self, change):
        """ Keep position in sync with x,y,z """
        if change['type'] != 'update':
        pt = gp_Pnt(self.x, self.y, self.z)
        if not pt.IsEqual(self.position, self.tolerance):
            self.position = pt 
    def _update_xyz(self, change):
        """ Keep x,y,z in sync with position """
        self.x, self.y, self.z = (self.position.X(), self.position.Y(),
    @observe('position', 'direction')
    def _update_axis(self, change):
        """ Keep axis in sync with position and direction """
        if not self._block_updates:
            self.axis = self._default_axis()
    def _update_state(self, change):
        """ Keep position and direction in sync with axis """
        with self.suppress_updates():
            self.position = self.axis.Location()
            self.direction = self.axis.Direction()

    def _default_axis(self):
        return gp_Ax2(self.position, self.direction)
    @observe('axis', 'color', 'transparency')
    def _update_proxy(self, change):
        super(Shape, self)._update_proxy(change)
        if self.proxy:
    def _update_topo(self, change):
        """ Update the cached topology references when the shape changes. s"""
        for k in ['shape_edges', 'shape_faces', 'shape_shells']:
Exemple #27
class DMPLConfig(Model):
    #: Version number
    mode = Enum(1, 2, 3, 4, 6).tag(config=True)
Exemple #28
class PlotItem(Control):
    #: Title of data series
    title = d_(Str())

    #: Name
    name = d_(Str())

    #: Row in plot area
    row = d_(Int(0))

    #: Column in plot area
    column = d_(Int(0))

    #: Pen type to use for line
    line_pen = d_(Instance(PEN_ARGTYPES))

    #: Pen type to use for shadow
    shadow_pen = d_(Instance(PEN_ARGTYPES))

    #: Fill level
    fill_level = d_(Float(strict=False))

    # ‘c’     one of: r, g, b, c, m, y, k, w
    # R, G, B, [A]     integers 0-255
    # (R, G, B, [A])     tuple of integers 0-255
    # float     greyscale, 0.0-1.0
    # int     see intColor()
    # (int, hues)     see intColor()
    # “RGB”     hexadecimal strings; may begin with ‘#’
    # “RGBA”
    # “RRGGBB”
    # “RRGGBBAA”
    #: Brush fill type
    fill_brush = d_(Instance(BRUSH_ARGTYPES))

    #: Symbol to use for points
    symbol = d_(Enum(None, 'o', 's', 't', 'd', '+'))

    #: Symbol sizes for points
    symbol_size = d_(Float(10, strict=False))

    #: Symbol pen to use
    symbol_pen = d_(Instance(PEN_ARGTYPES))

    #: Symbol brush
    symbol_brush = d_(Instance(BRUSH_ARGTYPES))

    #: Show legend
    show_legend = d_(Bool(False))

    label_left = d_(Str())
    label_right = d_(Str())
    label_top = d_(Str())
    label_bottom = d_(Str())

    # H, V
    grid = d_(Tuple(bool, default=(False, False)))
    grid_alpha = d_(FloatRange(low=0.0, high=1.0, value=0.5))

    #: Display a separate axis for each nested plot
    multi_axis = d_(Bool(True))

    axis_left_ticks = d_(Callable())
    axis_bottom_ticks = d_(Callable())

    #: Display the axis on log scale
    log_mode = d_(Tuple(bool, default=(False, False)))  # x,y

    #: Enable antialiasing
    antialias = d_(Bool(False))

    #: Set auto range for each axis
    auto_range = d_(
        Enum(True, False, (True, True), (True, False), (False, True),
             (False, False)))

    # x-range to use if auto_range is disabled
    range_x = d_(ContainerList(default=[0, 100]))

    #: y-range to use if auto_range is disabled
    range_y = d_(ContainerList(default=[0, 100]))

    #: Automatically downsaple
    auto_downsample = d_(Bool(False))

    #: Clip data points to view
    clip_to_view = d_(Bool(False))

    #: Step mode to use
    step_mode = d_(Bool(False))

    #: Keep aspect ratio locked when resizing
    aspect_locked = d_(Bool(False))

    #: Time between updates
    refresh_time = d_(Int(100))

    @observe('line_pen', 'symbol', 'symbol_size', 'symbol_pen', 'symbol_brush',
             'fill_brush', 'fill_level', 'multi_axis', 'title', 'label_left',
             'label_right', 'label_top', 'label_bottom', 'grid', 'grid_alpha',
             'log_mode', 'antialias', 'auto_range', 'auto_downsample',
             'clip_to_view', 'step_mode', 'aspect_locked', 'axis_left_ticks',
             'axis_bottom_ticks', 'show_legend', 'row', 'column')
    def _update_proxy(self, change):
        """ An observer which sends state change to the proxy.
        # The superclass handler implementation is sufficient.
        super(PlotItem, self)._update_proxy(change)

    @observe('range_x', 'range_y')
    def _update_range(self, change):
        """ Handle updates and changes """
        getattr(self.proxy, 'set_%s' % change['name'])(change['value'])
class EBL_PolyBase(Atom):
    color = Enum("green").tag(
        desc="color or datatype of item, could be used for dosing possibly")
    layer = Enum("Al").tag(desc='layer of item')
Exemple #30
 (Range(0), [0, 3], [0, 3], [-1]),
 (Range(high=2), [-1, 2], [-1, 2], [3]),
 (Float(), [1, int(1), 1.1], [1.0, 1.0, 1.1], ['']),
 (Float(strict=True), [1.1], [1.1], [1]),
 (FloatRange(0.0, 0.5), [0.0, 0.5], [0.0, 0.5], [-0.1, 0.6]),
 (FloatRange(0.5, 0.0), [0.0, 0.5], [0.0, 0.5], [-0.1, 0.6]),
 (FloatRange(0.0), [0.0, 0.6], [0.0, 0.6], [-0.1]),
 (FloatRange(high=0.5), [-0.3, 0.5], [-0.3, 0.5], [0.6]),
 (Bytes(), [b'a', u'a'], [b'a'] * 2, [1]),
 (Bytes(strict=True), [b'a'], [b'a'], [u'a']),
 (Str(), [b'a', u'a'], ['a'] * 2, [1]),
 (Str(strict=True), [b'a'] if sys.version_info <
  (3, ) else [u'a'], ['a'], [u'a'] if sys.version_info < (3, ) else [b'a']),
 (Unicode(), [b'a', u'a'], [u'a'] * 2, [1]),
 (Unicode(strict=True), [u'a'], [u'a'], [b'a']),
 (Enum(1, 2, 'a'), [1, 2, 'a'], [1, 2, 'a'], [3]),
 (Callable(), [int], [int], [1]),
 (Coerced(set), [{1}, [1], (1, )], [{1}] * 3, [1]),
 (Coerced(int, coercer=lambda x: int(str(x), 2)), ['101'], [5], []),
 (Tuple(), [(1, )], [(1, )], [[1]]),
 (Tuple(Int()), [(1, )], [(1, )], [(1.0, )]),
 (Tuple(int), [(1, )], [(1, )], [(1.0, )]),
 (List(), [[1]], [[1]], [(1, )]),
 (List(Int()), [[1]], [[1]], [[1.0]]),
 (List(float), [[1.0]], [[1.0]], [[1]]),
 (List((int, float)), [[1, 1.0]], [[1, 1.0]], [['']]),
 (ContainerList(), [[1]], [[1]], [(1, )]),
 (ContainerList(Int()), [[1]], [[1]], [[1.0]]),
 (ContainerList(float), [[1.0]], [[1.0]], [[1]]),
 (ContainerList((int, float)), [[1, 1.0]], [[1, 1.0]], [['']]),
 (Dict(), [{
Exemple #31
class SequenceSelector(BaseSelector):

    settings = Typed(list, []).tag(preference=True)
    order = d_(Enum(*choice.options.keys())).tag(preference=True)

    def add_setting(self, values=None, index=None):
        if values is None:
            values = {}
        for item in self.context_items:
            if item.name not in values:
                values[item.name] = item.default
        settings = self.settings[:]
        if index is None:
            settings.insert(index, values)
        self.settings = settings
        self.updated = True

    def remove_setting(self, setting):
        settings = self.settings[:]
        self.settings = settings
        self.updated = True

    def append_item(self, item):
        Add context item to selector

        item : ContextItem
            Item to add to selector
        for setting in self.settings:
            if item not in setting:
                setting[item.name] = item.default
        super(SequenceSelector, self).append_item(item)

    def get_key(self, settings, use='name'):
        key = []
        for item in self.context_items:
            if use == 'name':
                setting_value = settings[item.name]
            elif use == 'item':
                setting_value = settings[item]
                raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized value for use: "{use}"')
                value = item.coerce_to_type(setting_value)
            except ValueError:
                value = item.coerce_to_type(eval(setting_value, self.symbols))
        return key

    def sort_settings(self):
        settings = self.settings.copy()
        self.settings = settings
        self.updated = True

    def _observe_order(self, event):
        self.updated = True

    def get_iterator(self, cycles=np.inf):
        # Some selectors need to sort the settings. To make sure that the
        # selector sorts the parameters in the order the columns are specified,
        # we need to convert to a list of tuples.
        settings = [{i: s[i.name] for i in self.context_items} \
                    for s in self.settings]
        selector = choice.options[self.order]
        return selector(settings,
                        key=lambda x: self.get_key(x, 'item'))

    def set_value(self, setting_index, item, value):
        # TODO: It's weird that some methods take the index of the setting,
        # while others take the setting object. Need to sanitize this.
        self.settings[setting_index][item.name] = value
        self.updated = True

    def get_value(self, setting_index, item):
        return self.settings[setting_index][item.name]