Exemple #1
    def _compute(self):
        nsteps = len(self._pos)
        # Setup k vectors and tabulate rho
        k_sorted, k_selected = self._decimate_k()
        kmax = max(self.kvec.keys()) + self.dk
        cnt = [0 for k in k_sorted]
        # Note: actually rho_av is not calculated because it is negligible
        rho_av = [complex(0.,0.) for k in k_sorted]
        rho2_av = [complex(0.,0.) for k in k_sorted]
        cell_variable = is_cell_variable(self.trajectory)
        for i in range(0, nsteps, self.skip):
            # If cell changes we have to update
            if cell_variable:
                k_sorted, k_selected = self._decimate_k()
                kmax = max(self.kvec.keys()) + self.dk

            expo = expo_sphere(self.k0, kmax, self._pos[i])
            for kk, knorm in enumerate(k_sorted):
                for k in k_selected[kk]:
                    ik = self.kvec[knorm][k]
                    Ri = self._radius[i]
                    mk = 4 * numpy.pi / knorm**3 * (numpy.sin(knorm*Ri) - (knorm*Ri) * numpy.cos(knorm*Ri))
                    rho = numpy.sum(mk*expo[...,0,ik[0]]*expo[...,1,ik[1]]*expo[...,2,ik[2]])
                    rho2_av[kk] += (rho * rho.conjugate())
                    cnt[kk] += 1

        # Normalization.
        volume = numpy.average([s.cell.volume for s in self.trajectory])
        self.grid = k_sorted
        self.value = [(rho2_av[kk] / cnt[kk] - rho_av[kk]*rho_av[kk].conjugate() / cnt[kk]**2).real / volume
                       for kk in range(len(self.grid))]
        self.value_nonorm = [rho2_av[kk].real / cnt[kk]
                             for kk in range(len(self.grid))]
Exemple #2
    def test_cell_variable(self):
        finp = '/tmp/test_utils.xyz'
        #         with open(finp, 'w') as fh:
        #             fh.write("""\
        # 1
        # step:0 cell:1.0,1.0,1.0
        # A 1.0 -1.0 0.0
        # 1
        # step:1 cell:1.0,1.0,1.0
        # A 1.0 -1.0 0.0
        # 1
        # step:2 cell:1.0,1.0,1.0
        # A 1.0 -1.0 0.0
        # 1
        # step:3 cell:1.0,1.0,1.0
        # A 1.0 -1.0 0.0
        # """)
        #         t = Trajectory(finp)
        #         self.assertFalse(utils.is_cell_variable(t, tests=-1))

        with open(finp, 'w') as fh:
step:0 cell:1.0,1.0,1.0
A 1.0 -1.0 0.0
step:1 cell:2.0,1.0,1.0
A 1.0 -1.0 0.0
step:2 cell:1.0,1.0,1.0
A 1.0 -1.0 0.0
step:3 cell:1.0,1.0,1.0
A 1.0 -1.0 0.0
        with TrajectoryXYZ(finp) as th:
            self.assertTrue(utils.is_cell_variable(th, tests=-1))
            self.assertFalse(utils.is_cell_variable(th, tests=1))
            self.assertTrue(utils.is_cell_variable(th, tests=2))
Exemple #3
    def _compute(self):
        from atooms.trajectory.utils import is_cell_variable
        nsteps = len(self._pos_0)
        # Setup k vectors and tabulate rho
        k_sorted, k_selected = self._decimate_k()
        kmax = max(self.kvec.keys()) + self.dk
        cnt = [0 for k in k_sorted]
        rho_av = [complex(0., 0.) for k in k_sorted]
        rho2_av = [complex(0., 0.) for k in k_sorted]
        variable_cell = is_cell_variable(self.trajectory)
        for i in range(0, nsteps, self.skip):
            # If cell changes we have to update the wave vectors
            if variable_cell:
                k_sorted, k_selected = self._decimate_k()
                kmax = max(self.kvec.keys()) + self.dk

            # Tabulate exponentials
            # Note: tabulating and computing takes about the same time
            if self._pos_0[i] is self._pos_1[i]:
                # Identical species
                expo_0 = expo_sphere(self.k0, kmax, self._pos_0[i])
                expo_1 = expo_0
                # Cross correlation
                expo_0 = expo_sphere(self.k0, kmax, self._pos_0[i])
                expo_1 = expo_sphere(self.k0, kmax, self._pos_1[i])

            for kk, knorm in enumerate(k_sorted):
                for k in k_selected[kk]:
                    ik = self.kvec[knorm][k]
                    # In the absence of a microscopic field, rho_av = (0, 0)
                    if not self._field:
                        if expo_0 is expo_1:
                            # Identical species
                            rho_0 = numpy.sum(expo_0[..., 0, ik[0]] *
                                              expo_0[..., 1, ik[1]] *
                                              expo_0[..., 2, ik[2]])
                            rho_1 = rho_0
                            # Cross correlation
                            rho_0 = numpy.sum(expo_0[..., 0, ik[0]] *
                                              expo_0[..., 1, ik[1]] *
                                              expo_0[..., 2, ik[2]])
                            rho_1 = numpy.sum(expo_1[..., 0, ik[0]] *
                                              expo_1[..., 1, ik[1]] *
                                              expo_1[..., 2, ik[2]])
                        # We have a field as a weight
                        rho_0 = numpy.sum(
                            self._field[i] * expo_0[..., 0, ik[0]] *
                            expo_0[..., 1, ik[1]] * expo_0[..., 2, ik[2]])
                        rho_1 = rho_0
                        rho_av[kk] += rho_0

                    rho2_av[kk] += (rho_0 * rho_1.conjugate())
                    cnt[kk] += 1

        # Normalization.
        npart_0 = sum([p.shape[0]
                       for p in self._pos_0]) / float(len(self._pos_0))
        npart_1 = sum([p.shape[0]
                       for p in self._pos_1]) / float(len(self._pos_1))
        self.grid = k_sorted
        self.value, self.value_nonorm = [], []
        for kk in range(len(self.grid)):
            norm = float(npart_0 * npart_1)**0.5
            value = (rho2_av[kk] / cnt[kk] -
                     rho_av[kk] * rho_av[kk].conjugate() / cnt[kk]**2).real
            self.value.append(value / norm)
Exemple #4
    def _compute(self):
        from atooms.trajectory.utils import is_cell_variable
        nsteps = len(self._pos_0)
        # Setup k vectors and tabulate rho
        k_sorted, k_selected = self._decimate_k()
        kmax = max(self.kvec.keys()) + self.dk
        cnt = [0 for k in k_sorted]
        rho_av = [complex(0., 0.) for k in k_sorted]
        rho2_av = [complex(0., 0.) for k in k_sorted]
        variable_cell = is_cell_variable(self.trajectory)
        for i in range(0, nsteps, self.skip):
            # If cell changes we have to update the wave vectors
            if variable_cell:
                k_sorted, k_selected = self._decimate_k()
                kmax = max(self.kvec.keys()) + self.dk

            # Tabulate exponentials
            # Note: tabulating and computing takes about the same time
            if self._pos_0[i] is self._pos_1[i]:
                # Identical species
                expo_0 = expo_sphere(self.k0, kmax, self._pos_0[i])
                expo_1 = expo_0
                # Cross correlation
                expo_0 = expo_sphere(self.k0, kmax, self._pos_0[i])
                expo_1 = expo_sphere(self.k0, kmax, self._pos_1[i])

            import atooms.postprocessing.fourierspace_wrap
            from atooms.postprocessing.fourierspace_wrap import fourierspace_module
            for kk, knorm in enumerate(k_sorted):
                ikvec = numpy.ndarray((3, len(k_selected[kk])),
                i = 0
                for k in k_selected[kk]:
                    ikvec[:, i] = self.kvec[knorm][k]
                    i += 1
                rho = numpy.zeros(ikvec.shape[1], dtype=numpy.complex128)
                fourierspace_module.sk_bare(expo_0, ikvec, rho)
                rho_0 = rho
                rho_1 = rho
                rho2_av[kk] += numpy.sum(rho_0 * rho_1.conjugate())
                cnt[kk] += rho.shape[0]

        #     for kk, knorm in enumerate(k_sorted):
        #         for k in k_selected[kk]:
        #             ik = self.kvec[knorm][k]
        #             # In the absence of a microscopic field, rho_av = (0, 0)
        #             if not self._field:
        #                 if expo_0 is expo_1:
        #                     # Identical species
        #                     rho_0 = numpy.sum(expo_0[...,0,ik[0]] *
        #                                       expo_0[...,1,ik[1]] *
        #                                       expo_0[...,2,ik[2]])
        #                     rho_1 = rho_0
        #                 else:
        #                     # Cross correlation
        #                     rho_0 = numpy.sum(expo_0[...,0,ik[0]] *
        #                                       expo_0[...,1,ik[1]] *
        #                                       expo_0[...,2,ik[2]])
        #                     rho_1 = numpy.sum(expo_1[...,0,ik[0]] *
        #                                       expo_1[...,1,ik[1]] *
        #                                       expo_1[...,2,ik[2]])
        #             else:
        #                 # We have a field as a weight
        #                 rho_0 = numpy.sum(self._field[i] *
        #                                   expo_0[...,0,ik[0]] *
        #                                   expo_0[...,1,ik[1]] *
        #                                   expo_0[...,2,ik[2]])
        #                 rho_1 = rho_0
        #                 rho_av[kk] += rho_0

        #             rho2_av[kk] += (rho_0 * rho_1.conjugate())
        #             cnt[kk] += 1

        # Normalization.
        npart_0 = sum([p.shape[0]
                       for p in self._pos_0]) / float(len(self._pos_0))
        npart_1 = sum([p.shape[0]
                       for p in self._pos_1]) / float(len(self._pos_1))
        self.grid = k_sorted
        self.value, self.value_nonorm = [], []
        for kk in range(len(self.grid)):
            norm = float(npart_0 * npart_1)**0.5
            value = (rho2_av[kk] / cnt[kk] -
                     rho_av[kk] * rho_av[kk].conjugate() / cnt[kk]**2).real
            self.value.append(value / norm)
Exemple #5
    def _compute(self):
        nsteps = len(self._pos_0)
        ndims = len(self.k0)
        # Setup k vectors and tabulate rho
        kgrid, selection = self.kgrid, self.selection
        kmax = max(self.kvector.keys()) + self.dk
        cnt = [0 for k in kgrid]
        rho_0_av = [complex(0., 0.) for k in kgrid]
        rho_1_av = [complex(0., 0.) for k in kgrid]
        rho2_av = [complex(0., 0.) for k in kgrid]
        variable_cell = is_cell_variable(self.trajectory)

        for i in progress(range(0, nsteps, self.skip),
                          total=nsteps // self.skip):
            # If cell changes we have to update the wave vectors
            if variable_cell:
                kgrid, selection = self._decimate_k()
                kmax = max(self.kvector.keys()) + self.dk

            # Tabulate exponentials
            # Note: tabulating and computing takes about the same time
            if self._pos_0[i] is self._pos_1[i]:
                # Identical species
                expo_0 = expo_sphere(self.k0, kmax, self._pos_0[i])
                expo_1 = expo_0
                # Cross correlation
                expo_0 = expo_sphere(self.k0, kmax, self._pos_0[i])
                expo_1 = expo_sphere(self.k0, kmax, self._pos_1[i])

            # Define weights
            if self._weight is None:
                weight_0, weight_1 = 1.0, 1.0
                weight_0, weight_1 = self._weight_0[i], self._weight_1[i]

            # Nice spaghetti here
            for kk, knorm in enumerate(kgrid):
                for k in selection[kk]:
                    ik = self.kvector[knorm][k]
                    if expo_0 is expo_1:
                        # Identical species
                        if ndims == 3:
                            rho_0 = numpy.sum(
                                weight_0 * expo_0[..., 0, ik[0]] *
                                expo_0[..., 1, ik[1]] * expo_0[..., 2, ik[2]])
                        elif ndims == 2:
                            rho_0 = numpy.sum(weight_0 *
                                              expo_0[..., 0, ik[0]] *
                                              expo_0[..., 1, ik[1]])
                            tmp = weight_0 * expo_0[..., 0, ik[0]]
                            for idim in range(1, ndims):
                                tmp *= expo_0[..., idim, ik[idim]]
                            rho_0 = numpy.sum(tmp)

                        rho_1 = rho_0
                        # Cross correlation
                        if ndims == 3:
                            rho_0 = numpy.sum(
                                weight_0 * expo_0[..., 0, ik[0]] *
                                expo_0[..., 1, ik[1]] * expo_0[..., 2, ik[2]])
                            rho_1 = numpy.sum(
                                weight_1 * expo_1[..., 0, ik[0]] *
                                expo_1[..., 1, ik[1]] * expo_1[..., 2, ik[2]])
                        elif ndims == 2:
                            rho_0 = numpy.sum(weight_0 *
                                              expo_0[..., 0, ik[0]] *
                                              expo_0[..., 1, ik[1]])
                            rho_1 = numpy.sum(weight_1 *
                                              expo_1[..., 0, ik[0]] *
                                              expo_1[..., 1, ik[1]])
                            tmp = weight_0 * expo_0[..., 0, ik[0]]
                            for idim in range(ndims):
                                tmp *= expo_0[..., idim, ik[idim]]
                            rho_0 = numpy.sum(tmp)
                            tmp = weight_0 * expo_1[..., 0, ik[0]]
                            for idim in range(ndims):
                                tmp *= expo_1[..., idim, ik[idim]]
                            rho_1 = numpy.sum(tmp)

                    # Cumulate averages
                    rho_0_av[kk] += rho_0
                    rho_1_av[kk] += rho_1
                    rho2_av[kk] += (rho_0 * rho_1.conjugate())
                    cnt[kk] += 1

        # In the absence of a microscopic field, the average density is zero.
        # We get rid of the average and compute <rho(k)rho*(k)>.
        if self._weight_0 is None:
            rho_0_av = [complex(0., 0.) for k in kgrid]
            rho_1_av = [complex(0., 0.) for k in kgrid]

        # Normalization
        npart_0 = sum([p.shape[0]
                       for p in self._pos_0]) / float(len(self._pos_0))
        npart_1 = sum([p.shape[0]
                       for p in self._pos_1]) / float(len(self._pos_1))
        self.grid = kgrid
        self.value, self.value_nonorm = [], []
        for kk in range(len(self.grid)):
            norm = float(npart_0 * npart_1)**0.5
            value = (rho2_av[kk] / cnt[kk] -
                     rho_0_av[kk] * rho_1_av[kk].conjugate() / cnt[kk]**2).real
            self.value.append(value / norm)
Exemple #6
    def _compute(self):
        from atooms.trajectory.utils import is_cell_variable
            from atooms.postprocessing.fourierspace_wrap import fourierspace_module
        except ImportError:
            _log.error('f90 wrapper missing or not functioning')

        nsteps = len(self._pos_0)
        # Setup k vectors and tabulate rho
        kgrid, selection = self.kgrid, self.selection
        kmax = max(self.kvector.keys()) + self.dk
        cnt = [0 for k in kgrid]
        rho_av = [complex(0., 0.) for k in kgrid]
        rho2_av = [complex(0., 0.) for k in kgrid]
        variable_cell = is_cell_variable(self.trajectory)
        for i in range(0, nsteps, self.skip):
            # If cell changes we have to update the wave vectors
            if variable_cell:
                kgrid, selection = self._decimate_k()
                kmax = max(self.kvector.keys()) + self.dk

            # Tabulate exponentials
            # Note: tabulating and computing takes about the same time
            if self._pos_0[i] is self._pos_1[i]:
                # Identical species
                expo_0 = expo_sphere(self.k0, kmax, self._pos_0[i])
                expo_1 = expo_0
                # Cross correlation
                # TODO: cross correlation wont work
                expo_0 = expo_sphere(self.k0, kmax, self._pos_0[i])
                expo_1 = expo_sphere(self.k0, kmax, self._pos_1[i])

            for kk, knorm in enumerate(kgrid):
                ikvec = numpy.ndarray((3, len(selection[kk])),
                i = 0
                for k in selection[kk]:
                    ikvec[:, i] = self.kvector[knorm][k]
                    i += 1
                rho = numpy.zeros(ikvec.shape[1], dtype=numpy.complex128)
                fourierspace_module.sk_bare(expo_0, ikvec, rho)
                rho_0 = rho
                rho_1 = rho
                rho2_av[kk] += numpy.sum(rho_0 * rho_1.conjugate())
                cnt[kk] += rho.shape[0]

        # Normalization.
        npart_0 = sum([p.shape[0]
                       for p in self._pos_0]) / float(len(self._pos_0))
        npart_1 = sum([p.shape[0]
                       for p in self._pos_1]) / float(len(self._pos_1))
        self.grid = kgrid
        self.value, self.value_nonorm = [], []
        for kk in range(len(self.grid)):
            norm = float(npart_0 * npart_1)**0.5
            value = (rho2_av[kk] / cnt[kk] -
                     rho_av[kk] * rho_av[kk].conjugate() / cnt[kk]**2).real
            self.value.append(value / norm)