def read_dardar_cer(ifile, dataset):
    imager = {}
    dardar = {}
    aux = {}
    with h5py.File(ifile, 'r') as h5file:
        # imager variables
        imager['cer'] = h5file[dataset.lower()]['cpp_cer'][:]
        imager['phase'] = get_imager_cph(h5file[dataset.lower()])
        if dataset.lower() == 'cci':
            imager['quality'] = h5file[
        # truth variables
        dardar['cer'] = h5file['dardar']['effective_radius'][:] * 1E6
        dardar['lat'] = h5file['dardar']['latitude'][:]
        dardar['lon'] = h5file['dardar']['longitude'][:]
        dardar['img_linnum_nneigh'] = h5file['dardar'][
        # aux variables
        aux['sunz'] = h5file[dataset.lower()]['sunz'][:]
        aux['satz'] = h5file[dataset.lower()]['satz'][:]

    return _process_dardar_n_neighbours(imager, dardar, aux, 'cer', dataset)
def read_dardar_iwp(ifile, dataset):
    imager = {}
    dardar = {}
    aux = {}
    with h5py.File(ifile, 'r') as h5file:
        # imager variables
        imager['iwp'] = h5file[dataset.lower()]['cpp_iwp'][:]
        imager['phase'] = get_imager_cph(h5file[dataset.lower()])
        if dataset.lower() == 'cci':
            imager['quality'] = h5file[
        # truth variables
        dardar['iwp'] = h5file['dardar']['iwc'][:] / 1E2
        dardar['lat'] = h5file['dardar']['latitude'][:]
        dardar['lon'] = h5file['dardar']['longitude'][:]
        dardar['mask'] = h5file['dardar'][
        dardar['img_linnum_nneigh'] = h5file['dardar'][
        # aux variables
        aux['sunz'] = h5file[dataset.lower()]['sunz'][:]
        aux['satz'] = h5file[dataset.lower()]['satz'][:]

    return _process_dardar_n_neighbours(imager, dardar, aux, 'iwp', dataset)
Exemple #3
def read_amsr_lwp(ifile, dataset):
    amsr_key = 'amsr'
    cci_key = dataset.lower()

    with h5py.File(ifile, 'r') as h5file:
        lwp_amsr = h5file[amsr_key]['lwp'][:]
        lwp_cci = h5file[cci_key]['cpp_lwp'][:]
        lat_amsr = h5file[amsr_key]['latitude'][:]
        lon_amsr = h5file[amsr_key]['longitude'][:]
        cph = get_imager_cph(h5file[cci_key])
        lsm = h5file[cci_key]['fractionofland'][:]
        sunz = h5file[cci_key]['sunz'][:]
        satz = h5file[cci_key]['satz'][:]
        img_linnum_nneigh = h5file[amsr_key]['imager_linnum_nneigh'][:]
        qual_cci = h5file[cci_key]['cpp_quality'][:].astype(int)
        cot = h5file[cci_key]['cpp_cot'][:]

        # contains pixel_status, quality and surface_type if AMSR2 NSIDC
        if 'pixel_status' in h5file[amsr_key].keys() and \
           'quality' in h5file[amsr_key].keys() and \
           'surface_type' in h5file[amsr_key].keys():
            amsr_data_source = 'NSIDC'
            quality_amsr = h5file[amsr_key]['quality'][:]
            pixel_status_amsr = h5file[amsr_key]['pixel_status'][:]
            surface_type_amsr = h5file[amsr_key]['surface_type'][:]
            amsr_data_source = 'JAXA'

    N_NEIGHBOURS = lwp_cci.shape[-1]  # number of neighbours
    VALID_NEIGHBOURS_PERC_MAX = 0.50  # max percentage of invalid neighbours

    # quality checking using cci qcflag
    #bin(3) = 11000000, bit0 = Retrieval did not converge, bit1= Rettrieval cost > 100.
    bad_quality_img = np.bitwise_and(qual_cci, 3) > 0
    bad_quality_img = np.where(img_linnum_nneigh < 0, np.nan, bad_quality_img)
    bad_quality_cnt_img = np.nansum(bad_quality_img, axis=-1)
    use_quality_img = bad_quality_cnt_img < 1

    # AMSR quality checking only available for NSIDC collocations
    if amsr_data_source == 'NSIDC':
        # only use amsr pixels where Quality Flag is 0
        use_quality_amsr = quality_amsr == 0
        # only use amsr pixels where pixel status is 0
        use_quality_amsr = np.logical_and(use_quality_amsr,
                                          pixel_status_amsr == 0)
        # only use amsr pixels where surface type is ocean (1)
        use_quality_amsr = np.logical_and(use_quality_amsr,
                                          surface_type_amsr == 1)

    # set clearsky pixels to 0
    lwp_cci = np.where(np.isnan(cot), 0, lwp_cci)
    # mask pixels within footprint where no neighbour is found
    lwp_cci = np.where(img_linnum_nneigh <= 0, np.nan, lwp_cci)
    # average imager LWP footprints
    lwp_cci_mean = np.nanmean(lwp_cci, axis=-1)

    # mask footprints where imager cfc < 0.5
    #cma = np.where(cot > 0, 1, 0)
    #cma = np.where(img_linnum_nneigh < 0, np.nan, cma)
    #cfc = np.nanmean(cma, axis=-1)
    #use_cfc = cfc > 0.2

    # calculate ice cloud fraction (ICF) of footprint
    cph = np.where(img_linnum_nneigh <= 0, np.nan, cph)
    icf = np.nanmean(cph, axis=-1)
    # mask footprints where ICF >= 10%
    use_icf = icf < 0.1

    # calculate landfraction of footprints
    lsm = np.where(img_linnum_nneigh <= 0, np.nan, lsm)
    landfrac = np.nanmean(lsm, axis=-1)
    # mask pixels where land fraction > 0%
    use_landfrac = landfrac < 0.00005

    # mask night and twilight
    use_sunz = sunz < 75

    # mask high zenith angles
    use_satz = satz < 70

    # minimum number of found neighbours limit
    mask_noneigh = img_linnum_nneigh < 0
    use_nvalid_neighbours = np.sum(
        mask_noneigh, axis=-1) / N_NEIGHBOURS < VALID_NEIGHBOURS_PERC_MAX

    # select valid values
    use_valid_values_amsr = np.logical_and(lwp_amsr >= 0, lwp_amsr < 170)
    use_valid_values_cci = np.logical_and(lwp_cci_mean >= 0,
                                          lwp_cci_mean < 500)
    use_valid_values = np.logical_and(use_valid_values_amsr,

    selection = np.logical_and(use_icf, use_landfrac)
    selection = np.logical_and(selection, use_sunz)
    selection = np.logical_and(selection, use_satz)
    selection = np.logical_and(selection, use_valid_values)
    selection = np.logical_and(selection, use_nvalid_neighbours)
    selection = np.logical_and(selection, use_quality_img)
    #selection = np.logical_and(selection, use_cfc)
    if amsr_data_source == 'NSIDC':
        selection = np.logical_and(selection, use_quality_amsr)

    return lwp_amsr[selection], lwp_cci_mean[selection], lat_amsr[
        selection], lon_amsr[selection]
def _get_calipso_matchup_file_content(ipath,
    """ Obtain variables from atrain_match HDF5 matchup file. """

    file = h5py.File(ipath, 'r')
    caliop = file['calipso']

    if dataset == 'CCI':
        imager = file['cci']
    elif dataset == 'CLAAS':
        imager = file['pps']
        raise Exception('Dataset {} not known!'.format(dataset))

    # get CTH, CTT, CTP
    sev_cth = da.from_array(gi.get_imager_cth(imager), chunks=chunksize)
    cal_cth = da.from_array(gc.get_caliop_cth(caliop), chunks=chunksize)
    sev_ctt = da.from_array(gi.get_imager_ctt(imager), chunks=chunksize)
    cal_ctt = da.from_array(gc.get_caliop_ctt(caliop), chunks=chunksize)
    cal_cflag = np.array(caliop['feature_classification_flags'][::, 0])
    if filter_stratospheric:
        tropo_height = da.from_array(gc.get_tropopause_height(caliop),
    sev_ctp = da.from_array(gi.get_imager_ctp(imager), chunks=(chunksize))
    cal_ctp = da.from_array(gc.get_caliop_ctp(caliop), chunks=(chunksize))

    if dataset == 'CCI':
        sev_quality = da.from_array(imager['cpp_quality'][:].astype(int),
        bad_quality_imager = np.bitwise_and(sev_quality, 3) > 0
        sev_cth[bad_quality_imager] = np.nan
        sev_ctt[bad_quality_imager] = np.nan

    # get CMA, CPH, VZA, SZA, LAT and LON
    sev_cph = da.from_array(gi.get_imager_cph(imager), chunks=chunksize)
    cal_cph = da.from_array(gc.get_caliop_cph(caliop), chunks=chunksize)
    cal_cma = da.from_array(gc.get_caliop_cma(caliop), chunks=chunksize)
    sev_cma = da.from_array(gi.get_imager_cma(imager), chunks=chunksize)
    satz = da.from_array(imager['satz'], chunks=chunksize)
    sunz = da.from_array(imager['sunz'], chunks=chunksize)
    lat = da.from_array(imager['latitude'], chunks=chunksize)
    lon = da.from_array(imager['longitude'], chunks=chunksize)
    # mask fill values for angles
    satz = np.where(satz == -9, np.nan, satz)
    sunz = np.where(sunz == -9, np.nan, sunz)

    # mask satellize zenith angle
    if satz_lim is not None:
        mask = satz > satz_lim
        cal_cma = da.where(mask, np.nan, cal_cma)
        sev_cma = da.where(mask, np.nan, sev_cma)
        cal_cph = da.where(mask, np.nan, cal_cph)
        sev_cph = da.where(mask, np.nan, sev_cph)
        cal_cth = da.where(mask, np.nan, cal_cth)
        sev_cth = da.where(mask, np.nan, sev_cth)
        cal_ctt = da.where(mask, np.nan, cal_ctt)
        sev_ctt = da.where(mask, np.nan, sev_ctt)
        cal_ctp = da.where(mask, np.nan, cal_ctp)
        sev_ctp = da.where(mask, np.nan, sev_ctp)
    # mask all pixels except daytime
    if dnt == 'DAY':
        mask = sunz >= 80
    # mask all pixels except nighttime
    elif dnt == 'NIGHT':
        mask = sunz <= 95
    # mask all pixels except twilight
    elif dnt == 'TWILIGHT':
        mask = ~da.logical_and(sunz > 80, sunz < 95)
    # no masking
    elif dnt == 'ALL':
        mask = None
        raise Exception('DNT option ', dnt, ' is invalid.')

    # filter stratospheric clouds in CALIPSO
    if filter_stratospheric:
        strato_mask = cal_cth > tropo_height
        cal_cma = da.where(strato_mask, np.nan, cal_cma)
        cal_cph = da.where(strato_mask, np.nan, cal_cph)
        cal_cth = da.where(strato_mask, np.nan, cal_cth)
        cal_ctt = da.where(strato_mask, np.nan, cal_ctt)
        cal_ctp = da.where(strato_mask, np.nan, cal_ctp)

    # apply DNT masking
    masked = _apply_dnt_mask(cal_cma, sev_cma, cal_cph, sev_cph, cal_cth,
                             sev_cth, cal_ctt, sev_ctt, cal_ctp, sev_ctp, mask)

    data = {
        'caliop_cma': masked[0],
        'imager_cma': masked[1],
        'caliop_cph': masked[2],
        'imager_cph': masked[3],
        'satz': satz,
        'sunz': sunz,
        'caliop_cth': masked[4],
        'imager_cth': masked[5],
        'caliop_ctt': masked[6],
        'imager_ctt': masked[7],
        'caliop_ctp': masked[8],
        'imager_ctp': masked[9],
        'caliop_cflag': cal_cflag,

    latlon = {'lat': lat, 'lon': lon}

    return data, latlon