def resume(request): registration = get_object_or_none(ConferenceRegistration, user=request.user, submitted=True, cancelled=False) if not registration: request.user.message_set.create("You aren't registered for conference...") return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('confreg')) if request.method == 'POST': form = ConferenceResumeForm(request.POST, request.FILES) if form.is_valid(): resume = Attachment() resume.creator = request.user resume.content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(registration) resume.object_id = resume.attachment_file = form.cleaned_data['resume'] request.user.message_set.create(message="Thank you!") return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('confreg')) else: form = ConferenceResumeForm() return render_to_response('conference/resume.html', {'registration': registration, 'form': form, 'user': request.user, }, context_instance=RequestContext(request) )
def test_evidence_attachments(self): task = Task.objects.create(name='Test task', creator=self.user) self.assertEquals(Task.objects.filter(name='Test task').count(), 1) evidence = Evidence.objects.create(task=task) self.assertEquals(Evidence.objects.filter(task=task).count(), 1) att = Attachment() att.creator = self.user file_mock = mock.MagicMock(spec=File, name='FileMock') = 'test1.jpg' storage_mock = mock.MagicMock(spec=Storage, name='StorageMock') storage_mock.url = mock.MagicMock(name='url') storage_mock.url.return_value = '/tmp/test1.jpg' ct = ContentType.objects.get(app_label=evidence._meta.app_label, model=evidence._meta.model_name) att.content_type = ct att.object_id = att.attachment_file = file_mock with mock.patch('', storage_mock): self.assertEquals(Attachment.objects.count(), 1) self.assertEquals(att, evidence.attachments.first())
def registration_preview(request): username = request.user.username f = ConferenceRegistrationForm(request.POST, request.FILES) f.user = request.user if f.is_valid(): if f.cleaned_data.get('resume', None): resume = Attachment() resume.creator = request.user resume.content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(request.user) resume.object_id = resume.attachment_file = f.cleaned_data['resume'] return ConferenceRegistrationFormPreview(ConferenceRegistrationForm)(request, username=username)
def attach_as_file(handle_id, name, content, user, overwrite=False): """ Attach a file to a handle_id. - handle_id the id of the node to attach a file to. - name the name of the file - content the content of the file (e.g. a string) - user the user doing the attach - overwrite should the file be overwritten if it exists. (Default: False) All files are stored in {root}/niweb/media/attachments, and the metadata is attached in the django db. """ nh = NodeHandle.objects.get(pk=handle_id) _file = SimpleUploadedFile(name, content.encode('utf-8'), content_type="text/plain") if overwrite: attachment = Attachment.objects.filter( object_id=handle_id, attachment_file__endswith=name).first() if attachment: attachment.attachment_file.delete() if not attachment: attachment = Attachment() attachment.content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(nh) attachment.object_id = handle_id attachment.creator = user attachment.attachment_file = _file return
def upload_file(request): if request.method == 'POST': form = UploadFileForm(request.POST, request.FILES) if form.is_valid(): description = form.cleaned_data['description'] attachment = Attachment(file=request.FILES['file'], description=description, uploader=request.user) return HttpResponseRedirect('/attachments/') if request.method == 'DELETE': aid = request.GET.get('id',None) if aid: attachment = Attachment.objects.get(id=aid) if attachment: attachment.delete() return HttpResponseRedirect('/attachments/') return HttpResponseRedirect('/attachments/')
def registration_preview(request): #def pay_membership_preview(request, username): username = request.user.username f = ConferenceRegistrationForm(request.POST, request.FILES) f.user = request.user if f.is_valid(): if f.cleaned_data.get('resume', None): resume = Attachment() resume.creator = request.user resume.content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model( request.user) resume.object_id = resume.attachment_file = f.cleaned_data['resume'] return ConferenceRegistrationFormPreview(ConferenceRegistrationForm)( request, username=username)
def articletobinder(article): bb = re.match(r'(?P<name>[^(]*)\(*(?P<location>[^)]*)', article.title) location_parts ='location').split(',') if len(location_parts) == 2 : (city, state) = location_parts else: city ='location').strip() state = '' # loc = re.match(r'(?P<city>\w*)\W*(?P<state>\w*).*$','location')) # if article.alias: # trimslug = re.match(r'[^\w]*([\w-]+)$', article.alias) # josslug = # else: # josslug = slugify('name').strip() + ' ' +'location').strip()) jos_combined_text = article.introtext + article.fulltext entry = Entry.objects.create( name ='name').strip(), city = city.strip(), state = state.strip(), # location ='location').strip(), creator = import_user, ) soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(jos_combined_text) for img in soup.findAll('img', src=True): absolutepath = os.path.join(JOOMLA_IMG_ROOT, unquote(img['src'])) os.chdir(os.path.dirname(absolutepath)) try: pict = File(open(os.path.basename(absolutepath), 'r')) a = Attachment() a.creator = import_user a.content_object = entry a.attachment_file = pict pict.close() img['src'] = urlparse(a.attachment_file.url)[2] # python 2.4 version # of urlparse except IOError: print 'cannot open ' , absolutepath entry.content = html2text(unicode(soup)) Tag.objects.add_tag(entry, 'joomlacontent')
def _add_attachment(self, code, name='audit'): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( mode='w+b', delete=False, suffix=".trash", dir=settings.MEDIA_ROOT) as temporary_file: try: temporary_file.write(b'\x04\x02') file_type, created = FileType.objects.get_or_create( name=name, label='audit', code='audit') attachment = Attachment(content_object=self.engagement, code=code, file_type=file_type), File(temporary_file)) finally: if os.path.exists( os.remove(
def handle(self, *args, **options): if len(args) != 1: print "Usage: import_attachments", self.args return try: user = args[0] user = User.objects.get(username=user) except: print "unknown user", user return dirname = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, settings.ATTACHMENT_LOCATION) for f in os.listdir(dirname): if not os.path.isdir(f): path = os.path.join(settings.ATTACHMENT_LOCATION, f) existing = Attachment.objects.filter(file=path) if len(existing) == 0: a = Attachment(file=path, uploader=user, description=f) print "storing ", path else: print "not storing ", path
def ticket_from_message(message): # 'message' must be an RFC822 formatted message. #BUG: We need to check for messages address to multiple tickets #BUG: Don't break with multiple 'to' addresses #BUG: What if a ticket is CC'd? message = email.message_from_string(message) subject = message.get('subject', 'No Subject') subject = subject.replace('Re:', '') subject = subject.replace('RE:', '') subject = subject.replace('re:', '') subject = subject.replace('FW:', '') subject = subject.replace('Fw:', '') subject = subject.replace('fw:', '') subject = subject.strip() sender = message.get('from', None) sender_email = parseaddr(sender)[1] recipients = getaddresses(message.get_all('to', []) + message.get_all('cc', [])) #TODO: Check if all recipients are associated with the ticket(s), add if not tickets = [] for recipient in recipients: name_part, user_part, plus_part, domain_part = get_address_parts(recipient) if user_part + '@' + domain_part == settings.IT_MAILSUCK_ADDRESS: #This recipient is a ticket address print 'Message destined for ticket system' if plus_part: #Message is destined for a specific ticket print 'Message allegedly for ticket: %s' %(plus_part) try: t = Ticket.objects.get(pk=plus_part) print 'Ticket found %s' %(plus_part) if not t in tickets: tickets.append(t) except Ticket.ObjectNotFound: print 'Unable to locate ticket %s' %(plus_part) continue #BUG: This should be logged (in fact, all incoming messages should be logged...) else: t = Ticket() if not t in tickets: tickets.append(t) else: print 'Not destined for ticket system, skipping' %(recipient) continue #BUG: Don't blindly accept mail/attachments for existing tickets. Allow only from people involved with the ticket. #BUG: Don't blindly create new tickets, check account status body_plain, body_html = '', '' counter = 0 files = [] for part in message.walk(): if part.get_content_maintype() == 'multipart': continue print 'Part params: ' print part.get_params() name = part.get_param('name') if part.get_content_maintype() == 'text' and name == None: if part.get_content_subtype() == 'plain': body_plain = decodeUnknown(part.get_charset(), part.get_payload(decode=True)) else: body_html = part.get_payload(decode=True) else: if not name: name = part.get_filename() files.append({ 'filename': name, 'content': part.get_payload(decode=True), 'type': part.get_content_type()}, ) counter += 1 if body_plain: body = body_plain else: body = 'No plain-text email body available. Please see HTML attachment.' if body_html: files.append({ 'filename': 'email_html_body.html', 'content': body_html, 'type': 'text/html', }) now = for ticket in tickets: if #TODO: Existing tickets need a comment created pass else: #TODO: Lookup contact by e-mail, find associated company = Company.objects.get(pk=1) #BUG: Hardcoded = User.objects.get(pk=1) #BUG: Hardcoded #TODO: Need to have finish 'team' setup and have a default tech for each account ticket.assignedto = User.objects.get(pk=1) ticket.source = TicketSource.objects.get(pk='E-Mail') ticket.summary = subject ticket.description = body important_types = ('high', 'important', '1', 'urgent') if message.get('priority', '') in important_types or message.get('importance', '') in important_types: ticket.priority = TicketPriority.objects.get(name='Emergency') else: ticket.priority = TicketPriority.objects.get(name='Normal') #TODO: Check ticket status, change appropriately #TODO: Make sure everyone in 'to' or 'cc' get included in the ticket notification list #Save the ticket before attaching files... print ticket for file in files: print "Scanning through attachments" if file['content']: print 'Attaching file: %s' %(file['filename']) filename = file['filename'].encode('ascii', 'replace').replace(' ', '_') filename = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9._-]+', '', filename) print 'Almost there: %s' %(filename) fh, fpath = mkstemp(prefix='itmailattach-', suffix='-%s' %(filename), text=True) f = open(fpath, 'w+') print 'Writing attachment to %s' %(fpath) f.write(file['content']) f.flush() fa = File(open(fpath, 'r')) for ticket in tickets: a = Attachment() a.content_object = ticket a.creator = User.objects.get(pk=1) #BUG: We need a way to specify a 'system' user or something a.attachment_file = fa fa.close() f.close() os.remove(fpath) return True
def create(request): form = MessageForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): session = boto3.session.Session() s3_client = session.client( service_name='s3', endpoint_url='', aws_access_key_id='6Da62vVLUi6AKbFnnRoeA3', aws_secret_access_key= 'gDYg4Bu15yUpNYGKmmpiVNGvLRWhUAJ3m1GGRvg8KTbU', ) user = User.objects.get(username=request.POST['username']) chats = Member.objects.filter(user=user) for chat in chats: op = Member.objects.filter( if op.user.username == request.POST['opponent']: result = break message = Message(content=request.POST['content'], chat=result, user=user, added_at=request.POST['date']) response = [] result.last_message = '(' + request.POST['attach_type'] + ') ' +\ request.POST['content'] if request.POST['attach_type'] != 'none' else request.POST['content'] chat.last_read_message = Message.objects.filter(chat=result).filter( user=op.user).last() attachs = {} attachs['type'] = request.POST['attach_type'] if request.POST['attach_type'] == 'geolocation': attachment = Attachment( chat=result, user=user, message=message, attach_type='geolocation', url=request.POST['content'], ) attachs['url'] = attachment.url response.append( else: attachs['url'] = [] for file in request.FILES: key = 'attachments/' + request.POST[ 'attach_type'] + result.topic + '/' + str(hash(file)) s3_client.put_object( Bucket='tsyrkov_messanger_bucket', Key=key, Body=request.FILES[file], ) attachment = Attachment( chat=result, user=user, message=message, attach_type=request.POST['attach_type'], url=key, ) attachs['url'].append( s3_client.generate_presigned_url( 'get_object', Params={ 'Bucket': 'tsyrkov_messanger_bucket', 'Key': attachment.url, }, ExpiresIn=3600)) response.append( # send message to client if attachs['type'] == 'audio': attachs['url'] = attachs['url'][0] avatar = s3_client.generate_presigned_url( 'get_object', Params={ 'Bucket': 'tsyrkov_messanger_bucket', 'Key': message.user.avatar, }, ExpiresIn=3600) command_1 = { 'method': 'publish', 'params': { 'channel': op.user.username + '_with_' + user.username, 'data': { 'avatar': avatar, 'opponent': message.user.username, 'topic': result.topic, 'author': message.user.username, 'last_message': result.last_message, 'read': False, 'date': 'T'.join(message.added_at.split(' ')), 'message': message.content, 'attachments': attachs, } } } command_2 = { 'method': 'publish', 'params': { 'channel': op.user.username, 'data': { 'avatar': avatar, 'opponent': message.user.username, 'topic': result.topic, 'author': message.user.username, 'last_message': result.last_message, 'read': False, 'date': 'T'.join(message.added_at.split(' ')), 'message': message.content, 'attachments': attachs, } } } headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'apikey ' + API_KEY, }'http://localhost:9000/api', data=json.dumps(command_1), headers=headers)'http://localhost:9000/api', data=json.dumps(command_2), headers=headers) return JsonResponse({'success': response}) return JsonResponse({'errors': form.errors}, status=400)
def upload(request, app_model, id, field=None, form=FileForm, filename_prefix=None): """ Main Multiuploader module. Parses data from jQuery plugin and makes database changes. """ att = False if request.method == 'POST': if "application/json" in request.META['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']: mimetype = 'application/json' else: mimetype = 'text/plain''received POST to main multiuploader view') if request.FILES == None: return HttpResponseBadRequest('Must have files attached!') #getting file data for farther manipulations file = request.FILES[u'files[]'] wrapped_file = UploadedFile(file) filename = file_size = wrapped_file.file.size ('Got file: "%s"' % str(filename))'Content type: "$s" % file.content_type') """ Use a form to validate the upload """ instance = form({ 'filename': filename, 'id': id }) if not instance.is_valid(): return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps([{ 'error': instance.errors['__all__'], 'name': filename, 'size': file_size, }]), mimetype=mimetype) in_app, in_model = app_model.split('.') model = get_model(in_app, in_model) if field: field_info = model._meta.get_field_by_name(field) else: field_info = [False] obj = get_object_or_404(model, pk=id) if not isinstance(field_info[0], FileField) or not isinstance(field_info[0], ImageField): """ if the field we are uploading to is not a FileField or ImageField it is a generic attachment """ if Attachment: """ attach the file """ att = Attachment() att.content_object = obj att.client = obj.client, file, save=False) att.added_by = request.user if field: """ if we pass in an optional field name then the sending object tracks the attachement too. So we set the attachment ID in the foreign object """ setattr(obj, field, att) else: raise "Cannot attach file" else: """ this does not use the Attachment model and instead tracks the upload independantly. Just upload the file and save it to the foreign model """ if not field: raise "Field is mandatory when not a generic attachement" setattr(obj, field, file)'File saving done') upload_done.send(sender=create_string_wrapper('uploadit'), app=app_model.split('.')[0], model=app_model.split('.')[1], field=field, instance=obj, filename=filename, attachment_object=att) #generating json response array result = [] result.append({"name":filename, "size":file_size, "delete_type":"POST",}) response_data = simplejson.dumps(result) return HttpResponse(response_data, mimetype=mimetype) else: #GET return HttpResponseBadRequest()