def __init__(self): # connect to vehicle with dronekit self.vehicle = self.get_vehicle_with_dronekit() # mode 0 = balloon finder ; mode 1 = Precision Land & Landing on moving platform ; mode 2 = detection & following mode # mode 3 = Precision Land without timout ; mode 4 = Fire Detetction self.mission_on_guide_mode = balloon_config.config.get_integer('general','mode_on_guide',4) self.camera_width = balloon_config.config.get_integer('camera','width',640) self.camera_height = balloon_config.config.get_integer('camera','height',480) self.camera_hfov = balloon_config.config.get_float('camera', 'horizontal-fov', 72.42) self.camera_vfov = balloon_config.config.get_float('camera', 'vertical-fov', 43.3) # initialised flag self.home_initialised = False # timer to intermittently check for home position self.last_home_check = time.time() # historical attitude self.att_hist = AttitudeHistory(self.vehicle, 2.0) self.attitude_delay = 0.0 # expected delay between image and attitude # search variables self.search_state = 0 # 0 = not search, 1 = spinning and looking, 2 = rotating to best balloon and double checking, 3 = finalise yaw self.search_start_heading = None # initial heading of vehicle when search began self.search_target_heading = None # the vehicle's current target heading (updated as vehicle spins during search) self.search_heading_change = None # heading change (in radians) performed so far during search self.search_balloon_pos = None # position (as an offset from home) of closest balloon (so far) during search self.search_balloon_heading = None # earth-frame heading (in radians) from vehicle to closest balloon self.search_balloon_pitch_top = None # earth-frame pitch (in radians) from vehicle to closest balloon self.search_balloon_distance = None # distance (in meters) from vehicle to closest balloon self.targeting_start_time = 0 # time vehicle first pointed towards final target (used with delay_time below) self.targeting_delay_time = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','SEARCH_TARGET_DELAY',2.0) # time vehicle waits after pointing towards ballon and before heading towards it self.search_yaw_speed = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','SEARCH_YAW_SPEED',5.0) # vehicle mission self.mission_cmds = None self.mission_alt_min = 0 # min altitude from NAV_GUIDED mission command (we ignore balloons below this altitude). "0" means no limit self.mission_alt_max = 0 # max altitude from NAV_GUIDED mission command (we ignore balloons above this altitude). "0" means no limit self.mission_distance_max = 0 # max distance from NAV_GUIDED mission command (we ignore balloons further than this distance). "0" means no limit # we are not in control of vehicle self.controlling_vehicle = False # vehicle position captured at time camera image was captured self.vehicle_pos = None # balloon direction and position estimate from latest call to analyse_image self.balloon_found = False self.fire_found = False self.balloon_pitch = None self.balloon_pitch_top = None # earth-frame pitch (in radians) from vehicle to top of closest balloon self.balloon_heading = None self.balloon_distance = None self.balloon_pos = None # last estimated position as an offset from home # time of the last target update sent to the flight controller self.guided_last_update = time.time() # latest velocity target sent to flight controller self.guided_target_vel = None # time the target balloon was last spotted self.last_spotted_time = 0 # if we lose sight of a balloon for this many seconds we will consider it lost and give up on the search self.lost_sight_timeout = 15 # The module only prints log messages unless the vehicle is in GUIDED mode (for testing). # Once this seems to work reasonablly well change self.debug to False and then it will # actually _enter_ guided mode when it thinks it sees a balloon self.debug = balloon_config.config.get_boolean('general','debug',True) # use the simulator to generate fake balloon images self.use_simulator = balloon_config.config.get_boolean('general','simulate',False) # start background image grabber if not self.use_simulator: balloon_video.start_background_capture() # initialise video writer self.writer = None # horizontal velocity pid controller. maximum effect is 10 degree lean xy_p = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_XY_P',1.0) xy_i = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_XY_I',0.0) xy_d = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_XY_D',0.0) xy_imax = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_XY_IMAX',10.0) self.vel_xy_pid =, xy_i, xy_d, math.radians(xy_imax)) # vertical velocity pid controller. maximum effect is 10 degree lean z_p = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_Z_P',2.5) z_i = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_Z_I',0.0) z_d = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_Z_D',0.0) z_imax = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_IMAX',10.0) self.vel_z_pid =, z_i, z_d, math.radians(z_imax)) # velocity controller min and max speed self.vel_speed_min = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_SPEED_MIN',1.0) self.vel_speed_max = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_SPEED_MAX',4.0) self.vel_speed_last = 0.0 # last recorded speed self.vel_accel = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_ACCEL', 0.5) # maximum acceleration in m/s/s self.vel_dist_ratio = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_DIST_RATIO', 0.5) # pitch angle to hit balloon at. negative means come down from above self.vel_pitch_target = math.radians(balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_PITCH_TARGET',-5.0)) # velocity controller update rate self.vel_update_rate = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_UPDATE_RATE_SEC',0.2) # stats self.num_frames_analysed = 0 self.stats_start_time = 0 #self.attitude = (0,0,0) #FROM PRECISION LAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #how many times to attempt a land before giving up self.search_attempts = balloon_config.config.get_integer('general','search_attempts', 5) #The timeout between losing the target and starting a climb/scan self.settle_time = balloon_config.config.get_integer('general','settle_time', 1.5) #how high to climb in meters to complete a scan routine self.climb_altitude = balloon_config.config.get_integer('general','climb_altitude', 20) #the max horizontal speed sent to autopilot #self.vel_speed_max = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'vel_speed_max', 5) #P term of the horizontal distance to velocity controller self.dist_to_vel = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'dist_to_vel', 0.15) #Descent velocity self.descent_rate = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','descent_rate', 0.5) #roll/pitch valupixee that is considered stable self.stable_attitude = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'stable_attitude', 0.18) #Climb rate when executing a search self.climb_rate = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','climb_rate', -2.0) #The height at a climb is started if no target is detected self.abort_height = balloon_config.config.get_integer('general', 'abort_height', 10) #when we have lock on target, only descend if within this radius self.descent_radius = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'descent_radius', 1.0) #The height at which we lock the position on xy axis, default = 1 self.landing_area_min_alt = balloon_config.config.get_integer('general', 'landing_area_min_alt', 0) #The radius of the cylinder surrounding the landing pad self.landing_area_radius = balloon_config.config.get_integer('general', 'landing_area_radius', 20) #Whether the landing program can be reset after it is disabled self.allow_reset = balloon_config.config.get_boolean('general', 'allow_reset', True) #Run the program no matter what mode or location; Useful for debug purposes self.always_run = balloon_config.config.get_boolean('general', 'always_run', True) #whether the companion computer has control of the autopilot or not self.in_control = False #The timeout between losing the target and starting a climb/scan self.settle_time = balloon_config.config.get_integer('general','settle_time', 1.5) #how many frames have been captured self.frame_count = 0 #Reset state machine self.initialize_landing() # Variable sendiri self.lanjut_cmd = 1 self.arm = True self.a = False self.b = 0 self.c = False self.relay(0) #servo self.relay1(0) #indikator self.relay2(0) #magnet self.servo(0) self.waktu = 0 self.waktu1 = 0 self.drop = 0
class BalloonStrategy(object): def __init__(self): # connect to vehicle with dronekit self.vehicle = self.get_vehicle_with_dronekit() # mode 0 = balloon finder ; mode 1 = Precision Land & Landing on moving platform ; mode 2 = detection & following mode # mode 3 = Precision Land without timout ; mode 4 = Fire Detetction self.mission_on_guide_mode = balloon_config.config.get_integer('general','mode_on_guide',4) self.camera_width = balloon_config.config.get_integer('camera','width',640) self.camera_height = balloon_config.config.get_integer('camera','height',480) self.camera_hfov = balloon_config.config.get_float('camera', 'horizontal-fov', 72.42) self.camera_vfov = balloon_config.config.get_float('camera', 'vertical-fov', 43.3) # initialised flag self.home_initialised = False # timer to intermittently check for home position self.last_home_check = time.time() # historical attitude self.att_hist = AttitudeHistory(self.vehicle, 2.0) self.attitude_delay = 0.0 # expected delay between image and attitude # search variables self.search_state = 0 # 0 = not search, 1 = spinning and looking, 2 = rotating to best balloon and double checking, 3 = finalise yaw self.search_start_heading = None # initial heading of vehicle when search began self.search_target_heading = None # the vehicle's current target heading (updated as vehicle spins during search) self.search_heading_change = None # heading change (in radians) performed so far during search self.search_balloon_pos = None # position (as an offset from home) of closest balloon (so far) during search self.search_balloon_heading = None # earth-frame heading (in radians) from vehicle to closest balloon self.search_balloon_pitch_top = None # earth-frame pitch (in radians) from vehicle to closest balloon self.search_balloon_distance = None # distance (in meters) from vehicle to closest balloon self.targeting_start_time = 0 # time vehicle first pointed towards final target (used with delay_time below) self.targeting_delay_time = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','SEARCH_TARGET_DELAY',2.0) # time vehicle waits after pointing towards ballon and before heading towards it self.search_yaw_speed = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','SEARCH_YAW_SPEED',5.0) # vehicle mission self.mission_cmds = None self.mission_alt_min = 0 # min altitude from NAV_GUIDED mission command (we ignore balloons below this altitude). "0" means no limit self.mission_alt_max = 0 # max altitude from NAV_GUIDED mission command (we ignore balloons above this altitude). "0" means no limit self.mission_distance_max = 0 # max distance from NAV_GUIDED mission command (we ignore balloons further than this distance). "0" means no limit # we are not in control of vehicle self.controlling_vehicle = False # vehicle position captured at time camera image was captured self.vehicle_pos = None # balloon direction and position estimate from latest call to analyse_image self.balloon_found = False self.fire_found = False self.balloon_pitch = None self.balloon_pitch_top = None # earth-frame pitch (in radians) from vehicle to top of closest balloon self.balloon_heading = None self.balloon_distance = None self.balloon_pos = None # last estimated position as an offset from home # time of the last target update sent to the flight controller self.guided_last_update = time.time() # latest velocity target sent to flight controller self.guided_target_vel = None # time the target balloon was last spotted self.last_spotted_time = 0 # if we lose sight of a balloon for this many seconds we will consider it lost and give up on the search self.lost_sight_timeout = 15 # The module only prints log messages unless the vehicle is in GUIDED mode (for testing). # Once this seems to work reasonablly well change self.debug to False and then it will # actually _enter_ guided mode when it thinks it sees a balloon self.debug = balloon_config.config.get_boolean('general','debug',True) # use the simulator to generate fake balloon images self.use_simulator = balloon_config.config.get_boolean('general','simulate',False) # start background image grabber if not self.use_simulator: balloon_video.start_background_capture() # initialise video writer self.writer = None # horizontal velocity pid controller. maximum effect is 10 degree lean xy_p = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_XY_P',1.0) xy_i = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_XY_I',0.0) xy_d = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_XY_D',0.0) xy_imax = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_XY_IMAX',10.0) self.vel_xy_pid =, xy_i, xy_d, math.radians(xy_imax)) # vertical velocity pid controller. maximum effect is 10 degree lean z_p = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_Z_P',2.5) z_i = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_Z_I',0.0) z_d = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_Z_D',0.0) z_imax = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_IMAX',10.0) self.vel_z_pid =, z_i, z_d, math.radians(z_imax)) # velocity controller min and max speed self.vel_speed_min = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_SPEED_MIN',1.0) self.vel_speed_max = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_SPEED_MAX',4.0) self.vel_speed_last = 0.0 # last recorded speed self.vel_accel = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_ACCEL', 0.5) # maximum acceleration in m/s/s self.vel_dist_ratio = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_DIST_RATIO', 0.5) # pitch angle to hit balloon at. negative means come down from above self.vel_pitch_target = math.radians(balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_PITCH_TARGET',-5.0)) # velocity controller update rate self.vel_update_rate = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_UPDATE_RATE_SEC',0.2) # stats self.num_frames_analysed = 0 self.stats_start_time = 0 #self.attitude = (0,0,0) #FROM PRECISION LAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #how many times to attempt a land before giving up self.search_attempts = balloon_config.config.get_integer('general','search_attempts', 5) #The timeout between losing the target and starting a climb/scan self.settle_time = balloon_config.config.get_integer('general','settle_time', 1.5) #how high to climb in meters to complete a scan routine self.climb_altitude = balloon_config.config.get_integer('general','climb_altitude', 20) #the max horizontal speed sent to autopilot #self.vel_speed_max = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'vel_speed_max', 5) #P term of the horizontal distance to velocity controller self.dist_to_vel = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'dist_to_vel', 0.15) #Descent velocity self.descent_rate = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','descent_rate', 0.5) #roll/pitch valupixee that is considered stable self.stable_attitude = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'stable_attitude', 0.18) #Climb rate when executing a search self.climb_rate = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','climb_rate', -2.0) #The height at a climb is started if no target is detected self.abort_height = balloon_config.config.get_integer('general', 'abort_height', 10) #when we have lock on target, only descend if within this radius self.descent_radius = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'descent_radius', 1.0) #The height at which we lock the position on xy axis, default = 1 self.landing_area_min_alt = balloon_config.config.get_integer('general', 'landing_area_min_alt', 0) #The radius of the cylinder surrounding the landing pad self.landing_area_radius = balloon_config.config.get_integer('general', 'landing_area_radius', 20) #Whether the landing program can be reset after it is disabled self.allow_reset = balloon_config.config.get_boolean('general', 'allow_reset', True) #Run the program no matter what mode or location; Useful for debug purposes self.always_run = balloon_config.config.get_boolean('general', 'always_run', True) #whether the companion computer has control of the autopilot or not self.in_control = False #The timeout between losing the target and starting a climb/scan self.settle_time = balloon_config.config.get_integer('general','settle_time', 1.5) #how many frames have been captured self.frame_count = 0 #Reset state machine self.initialize_landing() # Variable sendiri self.lanjut_cmd = 1 self.arm = True self.a = False self.b = 0 self.c = False self.relay(0) #servo self.relay1(0) #indikator self.relay2(0) #magnet self.servo(0) self.waktu = 0 self.waktu1 = 0 self.drop = 0 #GPIO.output(16,GPIO.HIGH) #GPIO.output(20,GPIO.LOW) # connect to vehicle with dronekit def get_vehicle_with_dronekit(self): connection_str = balloon_config.config.get_string('dronekit','connection_string','/dev/ttyUSB0') connection_baud = balloon_config.config.get_integer('dronekit','baud',921600) #connection_baud = balloon_config.config.get_integer('dronekit','baud',1500000) print "connecting to vehicle on %s, baud=%d" % (connection_str, connection_baud) return connect(connection_str, baud=connection_baud) print "connected to vehicle" # fetch_mission - fetch mission from flight controller def fetch_mission(self): # download the vehicle waypoints print "fetching mission.." self.mission_cmds = self.vehicle.commands self.mission_cmds.wait_ready() if not self.mission_cmds is None: print "retrieved mission with %d commands" % self.mission_cmds.count else: print "failed to retrieve mission" # check home - intermittently checks for changes to the home location def check_home(self): # return immediately if home has already been initialised if self.home_initialised: return True # check for home no more than once every two seconds if (time.time() - self.last_home_check > 2): # update that we have performed a status check self.last_home_check = time.time() # check if we have a vehicle if self.vehicle is None: self.vehicle = self.get_vehicle_with_dronekit() return # download the vehicle waypoints (and home) if we don't have them already if self.mission_cmds is None: self.fetch_mission() return False # ensure the vehicle's position is known if self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame is None: print "waiting for vehicle position.." return False if is None or self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.lon is None or self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt is None: print "waiting for vehicle position.." return False # get home location from mission command list if self.vehicle.home_location is None: print "waiting for home location.." self.fetch_mission() return False # sanity check home position if == 0 and self.vehicle.home_location.lon == 0: print "home position all zero, re-fetching.." self.fetch_mission() return False # set home position PositionVector.set_home_location(LocationGlobal(,self.vehicle.home_location.lon,0)) self.home_initialised = True print "got home location" # To-Do: if we wish to have the same home position as the flight controller # we must download the home waypoint again whenever the vehicle is armed # return whether home has been initialised or not return self.home_initialised # checks if video output should be started def check_video_out(self): # return immediately if video has already been started if not self.writer is None: return #self.writer = balloon_video.open_video_writer() # start video once vehicle is armed if self.vehicle.armed and self.arm: sc_logger.text(sc_logger.GENERAL, "armed") self.arm = False #self.writer = balloon_video.open_video_writer() if not self.vehicle.armed and not self.arm: sc_logger.text(sc_logger.GENERAL, "disarm") self.arm = True # buat trigger payload, disini pake relay def servo(self, sv): #input the message msg = self.vehicle.message_factory.command_long_encode(0, 0, # target system, target component mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_SET_RELAY, 0, # konfirmasi 3, # pin relay pada AUX OUT 3 sv, # 1 = ON, 0 = OFF 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) # param 1 ~ 5 ga dipake # send command to vehicle self.vehicle.send_mavlink(msg) self.vehicle.flush() # buat trigger payload, disini pake relay def relay(self, st): #input the message msg = self.vehicle.message_factory.command_long_encode(0, 0, # target system, target component mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_SET_RELAY, 0, # konfirmasi 0, # pin 0 relay pada AUX OUT 5 st, # 1 = ON, 0 = OFF 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) # param 1 ~ 5 ga dipake # send command to vehicle self.vehicle.send_mavlink(msg) self.vehicle.flush() # buat trigger payload, disini pake relay def relay1(self, st1): #input the message msg = self.vehicle.message_factory.command_long_encode(0, 0, # target system, target component mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_SET_RELAY, 0, # konfirmasi 1, # pin 1 relay pada AUX OUT 6 st1, # 1 = ON, 0 = OFF 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) # param 1 ~ 5 ga dipake # send command to vehicle self.vehicle.send_mavlink(msg) self.vehicle.flush() # buat trigger payload, disini pake relay def relay2(self, st2): #input the message msg = self.vehicle.message_factory.command_long_encode(0, 0, # target system, target component mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_SET_RELAY, 0, # konfirmasi 2, # pin 2 relay pada AUX OUT 4 st2, # 1 = ON, 0 = OFF 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) # param 1 ~ 5 ga dipake # send command to vehicle self.vehicle.send_mavlink(msg) self.vehicle.flush() # check_status - poles vehicle' status to determine if we are in control of vehicle or not def check_status(self): # Reset lanjut_cmd if ( == "LOITER" or == "STABILIZE") and self.lanjut_cmd > 1: sc_logger.text(sc_logger.GENERAL, "Resetting Mission") self.c = False self.drop = 0 self.relay(0) self.lanjut_cmd = 1 # download the vehicle waypoints if we don't have them already # To-Do: do not load waypoints if vehicle is armed if self.mission_cmds is None: self.fetch_mission() return # Check for Auto mode and executing Nav-Guided command if == "AUTO": self.relay1(0) #lampu indikator off # get active command number active_command = #print "Active Command dan Lanjut Command adalah %s, %s" % (active_command,self.lanjut_cmd) sc_logger.text(sc_logger.GENERAL, "Active dan Lanjut Command: %s, %s" % (active_command, self.lanjut_cmd)) # Buat ubah ke GUIDED if active_command == 1 and self.lanjut_cmd == 1: sc_logger.text(sc_logger.GENERAL, "Taking Off!!!") self.lanjut_cmd = 3 if (active_command < self.vehicle.commands.count) and (active_command == self.lanjut_cmd): # WP cek api self.lanjut_cmd += 1 sc_logger.text(sc_logger.GENERAL, "ON TARGET, ubah Mode ke GUIDED") self.c = True self.a = True self.waktu1 = 0 self.vehicle.mode = VehicleMode("GUIDED") self.vehicle.flush() if active_command == self.vehicle.commands.count: sc_logger.text(sc_logger.GENERAL, "Misi selesai, Mode RTL dan LAND") self.vehicle.mode = VehicleMode("RTL") self.vehicle.flush() # we are active in guided mode if == "GUIDED": if not self.controlling_vehicle: self.controlling_vehicle = True print "taking control of vehicle in GUIDED" print "Mulai cari Target" sc_logger.text(sc_logger.GENERAL, "taking control of vehicle in GUIDED dan mulai cari Target") return # if we got here then we are not in control if self.controlling_vehicle: self.controlling_vehicle = False print "giving up control of vehicle in %s" % # condition_yaw - send condition_yaw mavlink command to vehicle so it points at specified heading (in degrees) def condition_yaw(self, heading): # create the CONDITION_YAW command msg = self.vehicle.message_factory.mission_item_encode(0, 0, # target system, target component 0, # sequence mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT, # frame mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW, # command 2, # current - set to 2 to make it a guided command 0, # auto continue heading, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) # param 1 ~ 7 # send command to vehicle self.vehicle.send_mavlink(msg) self.vehicle.flush() # send_nav_velocity - send nav_velocity command to vehicle to request it fly in specified direction def send_nav_velocity(self, velocity_x, velocity_y, velocity_z): # create the SET_POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED command msg = self.vehicle.message_factory.set_position_target_local_ned_encode( 0, # time_boot_ms (not used) 0, 0, # target system, target component mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_NED, # frame 0b0000111111000111, # type_mask (only speeds enabled) 0, 0, 0, # x, y, z positions (not used) velocity_x, velocity_y, velocity_z, # x, y, z velocity in m/s 0, 0, 0, # x, y, z acceleration (not used) 0, 0) # yaw, yaw_rate (not used) # send command to vehicle self.vehicle.send_mavlink(msg) self.vehicle.flush() # advance_current_cmd - ask vehicle to advance to next command (i.e. abort current command) def advance_current_cmd(self): # exit immediately if we are not in AUTO mode or not controlling the vehicle if not == "AUTO" or not self.controlling_vehicle: return # download the vehicle waypoints if we don't have them already if self.mission_cmds is None: self.fetch_mission() # get active command active_command = # ensure there is one more command at least if (self.vehicle.commands.count > active_command): # create the MISSION_SET_CURRENT command msg = self.vehicle.message_factory.mission_set_current_encode(0, 0, active_command+1) # target system, target component, sequence # send command to vehicle self.vehicle.send_mavlink(msg) self.vehicle.flush() else: print "Failed to advance command" # get_frame - get a single frame from the camera or simulator def get_frame(self): if self.use_simulator: veh_pos = PositionVector.get_from_location(self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame) frame = balloon_sim.get_simulated_frame(veh_pos, self.vehicle.attitude.roll, self.vehicle.attitude.pitch, self.vehicle.attitude.yaw) else: frame = balloon_video.get_image() return frame # get image from balloon_video class and look for balloon, results are held in the following variables: # self.balloon_found : set to True if balloon is found, False otherwise # self.balloon_pitch : earth frame pitch (in radians) from vehicle to balloon (i.e. takes account of vehicle attitude) # self.balloon_heading : earth frame heading (in radians) from vehicle to balloon # self.balloon_distance : distance (in meters) from vehicle to balloon # self.balloon_pos : position vector of balloon's position as an offset from home in meters def output_frame_rate_stats(self): # get current time now = time.time() # output stats each 10seconds time_diff = now - self.stats_start_time if time_diff < 10 or time_diff <= 0: return # output frame rate frame_rate = self.num_frames_analysed / time_diff print "FrameRate: %f (%d frames in %f seconds)" % (frame_rate, self.num_frames_analysed, time_diff) # reset stats self.num_frames_analysed = 0 self.stats_start_time = now ### FROM PRECSION LAND !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! def analisis_image(self): # record time now = time.time() #PositionVectors = PositionVector() # capture vehicle position self.vehicle_pos = PositionVector.get_from_location(self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame) # capture vehicle attitude in buffer self.att_hist.update() # get delayed attitude from buffer veh_att_delayed = self.att_hist.get_attitude(now - self.attitude_delay) # get new image from camera f = self.get_frame() #create an image processor if self.mission_on_guide_mode == 4: self.fire_found, xpos, ypos, size = fire_finder.filter(f) #result = detector.analyze_frame(f) self.attitude = self.get_attitude() if self.fire_found == True: self.b = 0 sc_logger.text(sc_logger.GENERAL, "Target terdeteksi!") print xpos,ypos,size if == "GUIDED": sc_logger.text(sc_logger.GENERAL, "Target terdeteksi, mendekati target!") self.move_to_target_fire(xpos,ypos,size,self.attitude,self.vehicle_pos) self.relay1(1) #lampu indikator on #self.servo(0)#test untuk servo kamera elif == "GUIDED": self.relay1(0) #lampu indikator off #self.servo(1)#test untuk servo kamera self.b += 1 if self.b > 25: #15 self.b = 0 #print "Api tidak terdeteksi, ubah mode ke AUTO" #self.lanjut_cmd += 1 sc_logger.text(sc_logger.GENERAL, "Target tidak terdeteksi, ubah mode ke AUTO") self.a = False self.waktu1 = 0 #self.c = True self.controlling_vehicle = False self.vehicle.mode = VehicleMode("AUTO") self.vehicle.flush() #rend_Image = detector.add_target_highlights(f, result[3]) sc_logger.image(sc_logger.GUI, f) if not self.writer is None: # save image for debugging later self.writer.write(f) # increment frames analysed for stats self.num_frames_analysed += 1 if self.stats_start_time == 0: self.stats_start_time = time.time() #get_attitude - returns pitch, roll, and yaw of vehicle def get_attitude(self): return self.vehicle.attitude #initialize_landing - reset the state machine which controls the flow of the landing routine def initialize_landing(self): #how mant times we have attempted landing self.attempts = 0 #Last time in millis since we had a valid target self.last_valid_target = 0 #State variable climbing to scan for the target self.climbing = False #State variable which determines if this program will continue to run self.pl_enabled = True #State variable used to represent if autopilot is active self.initial_descent = True #State variable which represents a know target in landing area self.target_detected = False #move_to_target - fly aircraft to landing pad def move_to_target_fire(self,x,y,size,attitude,location): # exit immediately if we are not controlling the vehicle if not self.controlling_vehicle: return # get active command active_command = # get current time now = time.time() # exit immediately if it's been too soon since the last update if (now - self.guided_last_update) < self.vel_update_rate: return; # if we have a new balloon position recalculate velocity vector if (self.fire_found): #x,y = target_info[1] #pitch_dir,yaw_dir = balloon_finder.pixels_to_direction(x, y, attitude.roll, attitude.pitch, attitude.yaw) #yaw_dir = yaw_dir % 360 #print "Target Yaw:%f" %(yaw_dir) #target_distance = target_info[2] #print "Target Distance:%f" %(target_distance*100) #shift origin to center of image x,y = shift_to_origin((x,y),self.camera_width,self.camera_height) hfov = self.camera_hfov vfov = self.camera_vfov #stabilize image with vehicle attitude x -= (self.camera_width / hfov) * math.degrees(attitude.roll) y += (self.camera_height / vfov) * math.degrees(attitude.pitch) #convert to distance X, Y = self.pixel_point_to_position_xy((x,y),location.z) #convert to world coordinates target_headings = math.atan2(Y,X) #% (2*math.pi) target_heading = (attitude.yaw - target_headings) target_distance = math.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2) #sc_logger.text(sc_logger.GENERAL, "Distance to target: {0}".format(round(target_distance,2))) #calculate speed toward target speed = target_distance * self.dist_to_vel #apply max speed limit speed = min(speed,self.vel_speed_max) #calculate cartisian speed vx = speed * math.sin(target_heading) * -1.0 vy = speed * math.cos(target_heading) #*-1.0 print "Found Target go to vx:%f vy:%f Alt:%f target_distance:%f headings:%f heading:%f " % (vx,vy,location.z,target_distance,target_headings,target_heading) #only descend when on top of target if(location.z > 3.5): vz = 0.25 else: vz = 0 if active_command == 3: #PICK MP1 #Jika ketinggian sudah dibawah 4 meter, maka MAGNET ON #self.servo(0)#kamera siap untuk pick if (location.z < 4.0): if(location.z > 1.6): vz = 0.2 else: vz = 0 # if (location.z > 1.60): #Menurunkan Kecepatan Descent # vz = 0.2 # else: # vz = 0 if (self.c == True): self.relay2(1) #magnet ON self.waktu = 0 self.c = False if (location.z < 1.7): #if (GPIO.20 == HIGH): print ("Payload sudah diambil, lanjut misi") sc_logger.text(sc_logger.GENERAL, "Payload sudah diambil, lanjut misi") self.controlling_vehicle = False self.vehicle.mode = VehicleMode("AUTO") self.vehicle.flush() # if active_command = 3: # if if active_command == 4: #DROP MP1 #self.servo(1)#kamera siap untuk drop if(location.z > 2.0): vz = 0.25 else: if (location.z > 2.5): #Menurunkan Kecepatan Descent vz = 0.2 else: vz = 0 if (self.c == True): self.relay2(0) #magnet OFF self.waktu = 0 self.c = False self.drop = 1 print ("Payload sudah DROP, lanjut misi") sc_logger.text(sc_logger.GENERAL, "Payload sudah DROP, lanjut misi") = 5 self.controlling_vehicle = False self.vehicle.mode = VehicleMode("AUTO") self.vehicle.flush() if active_command == 5: #DROP MP1 atau MP2 #self.servo(1)#kamera siap untuk drop if(location.z > 2.0): vz = 0.25 else: if (location.z > 2.5): #Menurunkan Kecepatan Descent vz = 0.2 else: vz = 0 if (self.c == True): self.relay2(0) #magnet OFF self.waktu = 0 self.c = False self.drop = 2 print ("Payload sudah DROP, lanjut misi") sc_logger.text(sc_logger.GENERAL, "Payload sudah DROP, lanjut misi") self.controlling_vehicle = False self.vehicle.mode = VehicleMode("AUTO") self.vehicle.flush() if active_command == 6: #DROP LOG #self.servo(1)#kamera siap untuk drop if(location.z > 2.5): vz = 0.25 else: if (location.z > 3.5): #Menurunkan Kecepatan Descent vz = 0.2 else: vz = 0 if (self.c == True): self.relay(1) #buka payload self.waktu = 0 self.c = False print ("Payload sudah DROP, lanjut misi") sc_logger.text(sc_logger.GENERAL, "Payload sudah DROP, lanjut misi") self.controlling_vehicle = False self.vehicle.mode = VehicleMode("AUTO") self.vehicle.flush() if active_command == 7: #PICK MP1 #Jika ketinggian sudah dibawah 4 meter, maka MAGNET ON #self.servo(0)#kamera siap untuk pick if (location.z < 4.0): if(location.z > 1.6): vz = 0.2 else: vz = 0 # if (location.z > 1.60): #Menurunkan Kecepatan Descent # vz = 0.2 # else: # vz = 0 if (self.c == True): self.relay2(1) #magnet ON self.waktu = 0 self.c = False if (location.z < 1.7): #if (GPIO.20 == HIGH): print ("Payload sudah diambil, lanjut misi") sc_logger.text(sc_logger.GENERAL, "Payload sudah diambil, lanjut misi") self.controlling_vehicle = False if (self.drop == 2): = 8 self.lanjut_cmd += 1 self.vehicle.mode = VehicleMode("AUTO") self.vehicle.flush() if active_command == 9: #DROP MP2 #self.servo(1)#kamera siap untuk drop if(location.z > 2.0): vz = 0.25 else: if (location.z > 2.5): #Menurunkan Kecepatan Descent vz = 0.2 else: vz = 0 if (self.c == True): self.relay2(0) #magnet OFF self.waktu = 0 self.c = False print ("Payload sudah DROP, lanjut misi") sc_logger.text(sc_logger.GENERAL, "Payload sudah DROP, lanjut misi") self.controlling_vehicle = False self.vehicle.mode = VehicleMode("AUTO") self.vehicle.flush() #send velocity commands toward target heading self.send_nav_velocity(vx,vy,vz) #move_to_target - fly aircraft to landing pad def move_to_target_land(self,target_info,attitude,location): x,y = target_info[1] #pitch_dir,yaw_dir = balloon_finder.pixels_to_direction(x, y, attitude.roll, attitude.pitch, attitude.yaw) #yaw_dir = yaw_dir % 360 #print "Target Yaw:%f" %(yaw_dir) #target_distance = target_info[2] #print "Target Distance:%f" %(target_distance*100) #shift origin to center of image x,y = shift_to_origin((x,y),self.camera_width,self.camera_height) hfov = self.camera_hfov vfov = self.camera_vfov #stabilize image with vehicle attitude x -= (self.camera_width / hfov) * math.degrees(attitude.roll) y += (self.camera_height / vfov) * math.degrees(attitude.pitch) #convert to distance X, Y = self.pixel_point_to_position_xy((x,y),location.z) #convert to world coordinates target_headings = math.atan2(Y,X) #% (2*math.pi) target_heading = (attitude.yaw - target_headings) target_distance = math.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2) sc_logger.text(sc_logger.GENERAL, "Distance to target: {0}".format(round(target_distance,2))) #calculate speed toward target speed = target_distance * self.dist_to_vel #apply max speed limit speed = min(speed,self.vel_speed_max) #calculate cartisian speed vx = speed * math.sin(target_heading)* -1.0 vy = speed * math.cos(target_heading) #* -1.0 print "Found Target go to vx:%f vy:%f Alt:%f target_distance:%f" % (vx,vy,location.z,target_distance) #only descend when on top of target if(target_distance < self.descent_radius): vz = 0 else: vz = 0 #send velocity commands toward target heading self.send_nav_velocity(vx,vy,vz) #move_to_target - fly aircraft to landing pad def move_to_target(self,target_info,attitude,location): x,y = target_info[1] #pitch_dir,yaw_dir = balloon_finder.pixels_to_direction(x, y, attitude.roll, attitude.pitch, attitude.yaw) #yaw_dir = yaw_dir % 360 #print "Target Yaw:%f" %(yaw_dir) #target_distance = target_info[2] #print "Target Distance:%f" %(target_distance*100) #shift origin to center of image x,y = shift_to_origin((x,y),self.camera_width,self.camera_height) hfov = self.camera_hfov vfov = self.camera_vfov #stabilize image with vehicle attitude x -= (self.camera_width / hfov) * math.degrees(attitude.roll) y += (self.camera_height / vfov) * math.degrees(attitude.pitch) #convert to distance X, Y = self.pixel_point_to_position_xy((x,y),location.z) #convert to world coordinates target_headings = math.atan2(Y,X) #% (2*math.pi) target_heading = (attitude.yaw - target_headings) target_distance = math.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2) sc_logger.text(sc_logger.GENERAL, "Distance to target: {0}".format(round(target_distance,2))) #calculate speed toward target speed = target_distance * self.dist_to_vel #apply max speed limit speed = min(speed,self.vel_speed_max) #calculate cartisian speed vx = speed * math.sin(target_heading) * -1.0 vy = speed * math.cos(target_heading) print "Found Target go to vx:%f vy:%f Alt:%f target_distance:%f" % (vx,vy,location.z,target_distance) #only descend when on top of target if(target_distance > self.descent_radius): vz = 0 else: vz = self.descent_rate #send velocity commands toward target heading self.send_nav_velocity(vx,vy,vz) #move_to_target - fly aircraft to landing pad def move_to_target_cam_forward(self,target_info,attitude,location): x,y = target_info[1] pitch_dir,yaw_dir = balloon_finder.pixels_to_direction(x, y, attitude.roll, attitude.pitch, attitude.yaw) yaw_dir = yaw_dir % 360 print "Target Yaw:%f" %(yaw_dir) target_distance = target_info[2]*10 print "Target Distance:%f" %(target_distance) #shift origin to center of image print "Found Target at yaw:%f heading:%f Alt:%f Dist:%f" % (attitude.yaw,yaw_dir,location.z,target_distance) sc_logger.text(sc_logger.GENERAL, "Distance to target: {0}".format(round(target_distance,2))) print "mode detection" #self.condition_yaw(math.fabs(math.degrees(target_heading))) if(target_distance > 4): vx = 0 vy = 0 vz = 0 else: vx = 0 vy = 0 vz = 0 #send velocity commands toward target heading self.send_nav_velocity(vx,vy,vz) self.condition_yaw(yaw_dir) #inside_landing_area - determine is we are in a landing zone 0 = False, 1 = True, -1 = below the zone def inside_landing_area(self): vehPos = PositionVector.get_from_location(self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame) landPos = PositionVector.get_from_location(PositionVector.get_home_location()) ''' vehPos = PositionVector.get_from_location(Location(0,0,10)) landPos = PositionVector.get_from_location(Location(0,0,0)) ''' if(PositionVector.get_distance_xy(vehPos,landPos) < self.landing_area_radius): #below area if(vehPos.z < self.landing_area_min_alt): print "VehPos.Z: %f " % (vehPos.z) return 1 #in area else: return 1 #outside area else: return 0 #pixel_point_to_position_xy - convert position in pixels to position in meters #pixel_position - distance in pixel from CENTER of image #distance- distance from the camera to the object in meters def pixel_point_to_position_xy(self,pixel_position,distance): thetaX = pixel_position[0] * self.camera_hfov / self.camera_width thetaY = pixel_position[1] * self.camera_vfov / self.camera_height x = distance * math.tan(math.radians(thetaX)) y = distance * math.tan(math.radians(thetaY)) return (x,y) def run(self): while True: now = time.time() # only process images once home has been initialised if self.check_home(): # start video if required self.check_video_out() # check if we are controlling the vehicle self.check_status() if self.mission_on_guide_mode == 4: self.analisis_image() # output stats self.output_frame_rate_stats() # Don't suck up too much CPU, only process a new image occasionally time.sleep(0.05) if not self.use_simulator: balloon_video.stop_background_capture() # complete - balloon strategy has somehow completed so return control to the autopilot def complete(self): # debug if self.debug: print "Complete!" # stop the vehicle and give up control if self.controlling_vehicle: self.guided_target_vel = (0,0,0) self.send_nav_velocity(self.guided_target_vel[0], self.guided_target_vel[1], self.guided_target_vel[2]) self.guided_last_update = time.time() # if in GUIDED mode switch back to LOITER if == "GUIDED": self.vehicle.mode = VehicleMode("LOITER") self.vehicle.flush() # if in AUTO move to next command if == "AUTO": self.advance_current_cmd(); # flag we are not in control of the vehicle self.controlling_vehicle = False return
def __init__(self): # connect to vehicle with dronekit self.vehicle = self.get_vehicle_with_dronekit() # initialised flag self.home_initialised = False # timer to intermittently check for home position self.last_home_check = time.time() # historical attitude self.att_hist = AttitudeHistory(self.vehicle, 2.0) self.attitude_delay = 0.0 # expected delay between image and attitude # search variables self.search_state = 0 # 0 = not search, 1 = spinning and looking, 2 = rotating to best balloon and double checking, 3 = finalise yaw self.search_start_heading = None # initial heading of vehicle when search began self.search_target_heading = None # the vehicle's current target heading (updated as vehicle spins during search) self.search_heading_change = None # heading change (in radians) performed so far during search self.search_balloon_pos = None # position (as an offset from home) of closest balloon (so far) during search self.search_balloon_heading = None # earth-frame heading (in radians) from vehicle to closest balloon self.search_balloon_pitch_top = None # earth-frame pitch (in radians) from vehicle to closest balloon self.search_balloon_distance = None # distance (in meters) from vehicle to closest balloon self.targeting_start_time = 0 # time vehicle first pointed towards final target (used with delay_time below) self.targeting_delay_time = balloon_config.config.get_float( 'general', 'SEARCH_TARGET_DELAY', 2.0 ) # time vehicle waits after pointing towards ballon and before heading towards it self.search_yaw_speed = balloon_config.config.get_float( 'general', 'SEARCH_YAW_SPEED', 5.0) # vehicle mission self.mission_cmds = None self.mission_alt_min = 0 # min altitude from NAV_GUIDED mission command (we ignore balloons below this altitude). "0" means no limit self.mission_alt_max = 0 # max altitude from NAV_GUIDED mission command (we ignore balloons above this altitude). "0" means no limit self.mission_distance_max = 0 # max distance from NAV_GUIDED mission command (we ignore balloons further than this distance). "0" means no limit # we are not in control of vehicle self.controlling_vehicle = False # vehicle position captured at time camera image was captured self.vehicle_pos = None # balloon direction and position estimate from latest call to analyse_image self.balloon_found = False self.balloon_pitch = None self.balloon_pitch_top = None # earth-frame pitch (in radians) from vehicle to top of closest balloon self.balloon_heading = None self.balloon_distance = None self.balloon_pos = None # last estimated position as an offset from home # time of the last target update sent to the flight controller self.guided_last_update = time.time() # latest velocity target sent to flight controller self.guided_target_vel = None # time the target balloon was last spotted self.last_spotted_time = 0 # if we lose sight of a balloon for this many seconds we will consider it lost and give up on the search self.lost_sight_timeout = 3 # The module only prints log messages unless the vehicle is in GUIDED mode (for testing). # Once this seems to work reasonablly well change self.debug to False and then it will # actually _enter_ guided mode when it thinks it sees a balloon self.debug = balloon_config.config.get_boolean('general', 'debug', True) # use the simulator to generate fake balloon images self.use_simulator = balloon_config.config.get_boolean( 'general', 'simulate', False) # start background image grabber if not self.use_simulator: balloon_video.start_background_capture() # initialise video writer self.writer = None # horizontal velocity pid controller. maximum effect is 10 degree lean xy_p = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'VEL_XY_P', 1.0) xy_i = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'VEL_XY_I', 0.0) xy_d = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'VEL_XY_D', 0.0) xy_imax = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'VEL_XY_IMAX', 10.0) self.vel_xy_pid =, xy_i, xy_d, math.radians(xy_imax)) # vertical velocity pid controller. maximum effect is 10 degree lean z_p = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'VEL_Z_P', 2.5) z_i = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'VEL_Z_I', 0.0) z_d = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'VEL_Z_D', 0.0) z_imax = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'VEL_IMAX', 10.0) self.vel_z_pid =, z_i, z_d, math.radians(z_imax)) # velocity controller min and max speed self.vel_speed_min = balloon_config.config.get_float( 'general', 'VEL_SPEED_MIN', 1.0) self.vel_speed_max = balloon_config.config.get_float( 'general', 'VEL_SPEED_MAX', 4.0) self.vel_speed_last = 0.0 # last recorded speed self.vel_accel = balloon_config.config.get_float( 'general', 'VEL_ACCEL', 0.5) # maximum acceleration in m/s/s self.vel_dist_ratio = balloon_config.config.get_float( 'general', 'VEL_DIST_RATIO', 0.5) # pitch angle to hit balloon at. negative means come down from above self.vel_pitch_target = math.radians( balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'VEL_PITCH_TARGET', -5.0)) # velocity controller update rate self.vel_update_rate = balloon_config.config.get_float( 'general', 'VEL_UPDATE_RATE_SEC', 0.2) # stats self.num_frames_analysed = 0 self.stats_start_time = 0
class BalloonStrategy(object): def __init__(self): # connect to vehicle with dronekit self.vehicle = self.get_vehicle_with_dronekit() # initialised flag self.home_initialised = False # timer to intermittently check for home position self.last_home_check = time.time() # historical attitude self.att_hist = AttitudeHistory(self.vehicle, 2.0) self.attitude_delay = 0.0 # expected delay between image and attitude # search variables self.search_state = 0 # 0 = not search, 1 = spinning and looking, 2 = rotating to best balloon and double checking, 3 = finalise yaw self.search_start_heading = None # initial heading of vehicle when search began self.search_target_heading = None # the vehicle's current target heading (updated as vehicle spins during search) self.search_heading_change = None # heading change (in radians) performed so far during search self.search_balloon_pos = None # position (as an offset from home) of closest balloon (so far) during search self.search_balloon_heading = None # earth-frame heading (in radians) from vehicle to closest balloon self.search_balloon_pitch_top = None # earth-frame pitch (in radians) from vehicle to closest balloon self.search_balloon_distance = None # distance (in meters) from vehicle to closest balloon self.targeting_start_time = 0 # time vehicle first pointed towards final target (used with delay_time below) self.targeting_delay_time = balloon_config.config.get_float( 'general', 'SEARCH_TARGET_DELAY', 2.0 ) # time vehicle waits after pointing towards ballon and before heading towards it self.search_yaw_speed = balloon_config.config.get_float( 'general', 'SEARCH_YAW_SPEED', 5.0) # vehicle mission self.mission_cmds = None self.mission_alt_min = 0 # min altitude from NAV_GUIDED mission command (we ignore balloons below this altitude). "0" means no limit self.mission_alt_max = 0 # max altitude from NAV_GUIDED mission command (we ignore balloons above this altitude). "0" means no limit self.mission_distance_max = 0 # max distance from NAV_GUIDED mission command (we ignore balloons further than this distance). "0" means no limit # we are not in control of vehicle self.controlling_vehicle = False # vehicle position captured at time camera image was captured self.vehicle_pos = None # balloon direction and position estimate from latest call to analyse_image self.balloon_found = False self.balloon_pitch = None self.balloon_pitch_top = None # earth-frame pitch (in radians) from vehicle to top of closest balloon self.balloon_heading = None self.balloon_distance = None self.balloon_pos = None # last estimated position as an offset from home # time of the last target update sent to the flight controller self.guided_last_update = time.time() # latest velocity target sent to flight controller self.guided_target_vel = None # time the target balloon was last spotted self.last_spotted_time = 0 # if we lose sight of a balloon for this many seconds we will consider it lost and give up on the search self.lost_sight_timeout = 3 # The module only prints log messages unless the vehicle is in GUIDED mode (for testing). # Once this seems to work reasonablly well change self.debug to False and then it will # actually _enter_ guided mode when it thinks it sees a balloon self.debug = balloon_config.config.get_boolean('general', 'debug', True) # use the simulator to generate fake balloon images self.use_simulator = balloon_config.config.get_boolean( 'general', 'simulate', False) # start background image grabber if not self.use_simulator: balloon_video.start_background_capture() # initialise video writer self.writer = None # horizontal velocity pid controller. maximum effect is 10 degree lean xy_p = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'VEL_XY_P', 1.0) xy_i = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'VEL_XY_I', 0.0) xy_d = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'VEL_XY_D', 0.0) xy_imax = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'VEL_XY_IMAX', 10.0) self.vel_xy_pid =, xy_i, xy_d, math.radians(xy_imax)) # vertical velocity pid controller. maximum effect is 10 degree lean z_p = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'VEL_Z_P', 2.5) z_i = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'VEL_Z_I', 0.0) z_d = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'VEL_Z_D', 0.0) z_imax = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'VEL_IMAX', 10.0) self.vel_z_pid =, z_i, z_d, math.radians(z_imax)) # velocity controller min and max speed self.vel_speed_min = balloon_config.config.get_float( 'general', 'VEL_SPEED_MIN', 1.0) self.vel_speed_max = balloon_config.config.get_float( 'general', 'VEL_SPEED_MAX', 4.0) self.vel_speed_last = 0.0 # last recorded speed self.vel_accel = balloon_config.config.get_float( 'general', 'VEL_ACCEL', 0.5) # maximum acceleration in m/s/s self.vel_dist_ratio = balloon_config.config.get_float( 'general', 'VEL_DIST_RATIO', 0.5) # pitch angle to hit balloon at. negative means come down from above self.vel_pitch_target = math.radians( balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'VEL_PITCH_TARGET', -5.0)) # velocity controller update rate self.vel_update_rate = balloon_config.config.get_float( 'general', 'VEL_UPDATE_RATE_SEC', 0.2) # stats self.num_frames_analysed = 0 self.stats_start_time = 0 # connect to vehicle with dronekit def get_vehicle_with_dronekit(self): #connection_str = balloon_config.config.get_string('dronekit','connection_string','') #connection_baud = balloon_config.config.get_integer('dronekit','baud', 921600) print "connecting to vehicle" # on %s, baud=%d" % (connection_str, connection_baud) #return connect(connection_str, baud=connection_baud) return connect('', wait_ready=True) print "connected to vehicle" # fetch_mission - fetch mission from flight controller def fetch_mission(self): # download the vehicle waypoints print "fetching mission.." self.mission_cmds = self.vehicle.commands self.mission_cmds.wait_ready() if not self.mission_cmds is None: print "retrieved mission with %d commands" % self.mission_cmds.count else: print "failed to retrieve mission" # check home - intermittently checks for changes to the home location def check_home(self): # return immediately if home has already been initialised if self.home_initialised: return True # check for home no more than once every two seconds if (time.time() - self.last_home_check > 2): # update that we have performed a status check self.last_home_check = time.time() # check if we have a vehicle if self.vehicle is None: self.vehicle = self.get_vehicle_with_dronekit() return # download the vehicle waypoints (and home) if we don't have them already if self.mission_cmds is None: self.fetch_mission() return False # ensure the vehicle's position is known if self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame is None: print "waiting for vehicle position.." return False if is None or self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.lon is None or self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt is None: print "waiting for vehicle position.." return False # get home location from mission command list if self.vehicle.home_location is None: print "waiting for home location.." self.fetch_mission() return False # sanity check home position if == 0 and self.vehicle.home_location.lon == 0: print "home position all zero, re-fetching.." self.fetch_mission() return False # set home position PositionVector.set_home_location( LocationGlobal(, self.vehicle.home_location.lon, 0)) self.home_initialised = True print "got home location" # To-Do: if we wish to have the same home position as the flight controller # we must download the home waypoint again whenever the vehicle is armed # return whether home has been initialised or not return self.home_initialised # checks if video output should be started def check_video_out(self): # return immediately if video has already been started if not self.writer is None: return # start video once vehicle is armed if self.vehicle.armed: self.writer = balloon_video.open_video_writer() # check_status - poles vehicle' status to determine if we are in control of vehicle or not def check_status(self): # we are active in guided mode if == "GUIDED": if not self.controlling_vehicle: self.controlling_vehicle = True print "taking control of vehicle in GUIDED" # clear out any limits on balloon position self.mission_alt_min = 1 self.mission_alt_max = 0 self.mission_distance_max = 50 # start search for balloon print "starting search alt_min:%f alt_max:%f dist_max:%f" % ( self.mission_alt_min, self.mission_alt_max, self.mission_distance_max) self.start_search() return # download the vehicle waypoints if we don't have them already # To-Do: do not load waypoints if vehicle is armed if self.mission_cmds is None: self.fetch_mission() return # Check for Auto mode and executing Nav-Guided command if == "AUTO": # get active command number and mavlink id active_command = active_command_id = self.vehicle.commands[active_command].command # ninety two is the MAVLink id for Nav-Guided-Enable commands if active_command_id == 92: if not self.controlling_vehicle: self.controlling_vehicle = True print "taking control of vehicle in AUTO" self.mission_alt_min = self.vehicle.commands[ active_command].param2 self.mission_alt_max = self.vehicle.commands[ active_command].param3 self.mission_distance_max = self.vehicle.commands[ active_command].param4 print "starting search alt_min:%f alt_max:%f dist_max:%f" % ( self.mission_alt_min, self.mission_alt_max, self.mission_distance_max) self.start_search() return # if we got here then we are not in control if self.controlling_vehicle: self.controlling_vehicle = False print "giving up control of vehicle in %s" % # condition_yaw - send condition_yaw mavlink command to vehicle so it points at specified heading (in degrees) def condition_yaw(self, heading): # create the CONDITION_YAW command msg = self.vehicle.message_factory.mission_item_encode( 0, 0, # target system, target component 0, # sequence mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT, # frame mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW, # command 2, # current - set to 2 to make it a guided command 0, # auto continue heading, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) # param 1 ~ 7 # send command to vehicle self.vehicle.send_mavlink(msg) self.vehicle.flush() # send_nav_velocity - send nav_velocity command to vehicle to request it fly in specified direction def send_nav_velocity(self, velocity_x, velocity_y, velocity_z): # create the SET_POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED command msg = self.vehicle.message_factory.set_position_target_local_ned_encode( 0, # time_boot_ms (not used) 0, 0, # target system, target component mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_NED, # frame 0b0000111111000111, # type_mask (only speeds enabled) 0, 0, 0, # x, y, z positions (not used) velocity_x, velocity_y, velocity_z, # x, y, z velocity in m/s 0, 0, 0, # x, y, z acceleration (not used) 0, 0) # yaw, yaw_rate (not used) # send command to vehicle self.vehicle.send_mavlink(msg) self.vehicle.flush() # advance_current_cmd - ask vehicle to advance to next command (i.e. abort current command) def advance_current_cmd(self): # exit immediately if we are not in AUTO mode or not controlling the vehicle if not == "AUTO" or not self.controlling_vehicle: return # download the vehicle waypoints if we don't have them already if self.mission_cmds is None: self.fetch_mission() # get active command active_command = # ensure there is one more command at least if (self.vehicle.commands.count > active_command): # create the MISSION_SET_CURRENT command msg = self.vehicle.message_factory.mission_set_current_encode( 0, 0, active_command + 1) # target system, target component, sequence # send command to vehicle self.vehicle.send_mavlink(msg) self.vehicle.flush() else: print "Failed to advance command" # get_frame - get a single frame from the camera or simulator def get_frame(self): if self.use_simulator: veh_pos = PositionVector.get_from_location( self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame) frame = balloon_sim.get_simulated_frame( veh_pos, self.vehicle.attitude.roll, self.vehicle.attitude.pitch, self.vehicle.attitude.yaw) else: frame = balloon_video.get_image() return frame # get image from balloon_video class and look for balloon, results are held in the following variables: # self.balloon_found : set to True if balloon is found, False otherwise # self.balloon_pitch : earth frame pitch (in radians) from vehicle to balloon (i.e. takes account of vehicle attitude) # self.balloon_heading : earth frame heading (in radians) from vehicle to balloon # self.balloon_distance : distance (in meters) from vehicle to balloon # self.balloon_pos : position vector of balloon's position as an offset from home in meters def analyze_image(self): # record time now = time.time() # capture vehicle position self.vehicle_pos = PositionVector.get_from_location( self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame) # capture vehicle attitude in buffer self.att_hist.update() # get delayed attitude from buffer veh_att_delayed = self.att_hist.get_attitude(now - self.attitude_delay) # get new image from camera f = self.get_frame() # look for balloon in image using blob detector self.balloon_found, xpos, ypos, size = balloon_finder.analyse_frame(f) # add artificial horizon balloon_finder.add_artificial_horizon(f, veh_att_delayed.roll, veh_att_delayed.pitch) if self.balloon_found: # record time balloon was found self.last_spotted_time = now # convert x, y position to pitch and yaw direction (in radians) self.balloon_pitch, self.balloon_heading = balloon_finder.pixels_to_direction( xpos, ypos, veh_att_delayed.roll, veh_att_delayed.pitch, veh_att_delayed.yaw) self.balloon_pitch = math.radians(self.balloon_pitch) self.balloon_pitch_top = self.balloon_pitch # + balloon_video.pixels_to_angle_y(size) # add balloon radius so we aim for top of balloon self.balloon_heading = math.radians(self.balloon_heading) # get distance self.balloon_distance = get_distance_from_pixels( size, balloon_finder.balloon_radius_expected) # updated estimated balloon position self.balloon_pos = balloon_finder.project_position( self.vehicle_pos, self.balloon_pitch, self.balloon_heading, self.balloon_distance) # save image for debugging later if not self.writer is None: self.writer.write(f) # increment frames analysed for stats self.num_frames_analysed += 1 if self.stats_start_time == 0: self.stats_start_time = time.time() # start_search - start search for balloon def start_search(self): # exit immediately if we are not controlling the vehicle if not self.controlling_vehicle: return # initialise search variables self.search_state = 1 # 0 = not search, 1 = spinning and looking, 2 = rotating to best balloon and double checking, 3 = finalise yaw self.search_balloon_pos = None self.search_start_heading = self.vehicle.attitude.yaw self.search_target_heading = self.search_start_heading self.search_total_angle = 0 self.targeting_start_time = 0 # reset vehicle speed self.vel_speed_last = 0 # search - spin vehicle looking for balloon # analyze_image should have been called just before and should have filled in self.balloon_found, self.balloon_pos, balloon_distance, balloon_pitch and balloon_yaw def search_for_balloon(self): # exit immediately if we are not controlling the vehicle or do not know our position if not self.controlling_vehicle or self.vehicle_pos is None: return # exit immediately if we are not searching if self.search_state <= 0: return # search states: 0 = not searching, 1 = spinning and looking, 2 = rotating to best balloon and double checking, 3 = finalise yaw # search_state = 1: spinning and looking if (self.search_state == 1): # check if we have seen a balloon if self.balloon_found: # if this is the first balloon we've found or the closest, store it's position as the closest if (self.search_balloon_pos is None) or ( self.balloon_distance < self.search_balloon_distance): # check distance is within acceptable limits if (self.mission_alt_min == 0 or self.balloon_pos.z >= self.mission_alt_min ) and (self.mission_alt_max == 0 or self.balloon_pos.z <= self.mission_alt_max ) and (self.mission_distance_max == 0 or self.balloon_distance <= self.mission_distance_max): # record this balloon as the closest self.search_balloon_pos = self.balloon_pos self.search_balloon_heading = self.balloon_heading self.search_balloon_pitch_top = self.balloon_pitch_top # we target top of balloon self.search_balloon_distance = self.balloon_distance print "Found Balloon at heading:%f Alt:%f Dist:%f" % ( math.degrees(self.balloon_heading), self.balloon_pos.z, self.balloon_distance) else: print "Balloon Ignored at heading:%f Alt:%f Dist:%f" % ( math.degrees(self.balloon_heading), self.balloon_pos.z, self.balloon_distance) # update yaw so we keep spinning if math.fabs( wrap_PI(self.vehicle.attitude.yaw - self.search_target_heading)) < math.radians( self.search_yaw_speed * 2.0): # increase yaw target self.search_target_heading = self.search_target_heading - math.radians( self.search_yaw_speed) self.search_total_angle = self.search_total_angle + math.radians( self.search_yaw_speed) # send yaw heading self.condition_yaw(math.degrees(self.search_target_heading)) # end search if we've gone all the way around if self.search_total_angle >= math.radians(360): # if we never saw a balloon then just complete (return control to user or mission) if self.search_balloon_pos is None: print "Search did not find balloon, giving up" self.search_state = 0 self.complete() else: # update target heading towards closest balloon and send to flight controller self.search_target_heading = self.search_balloon_heading self.condition_yaw( math.degrees(self.search_target_heading)) self.search_state = 2 # advance towards rotating to best balloon stage print "best balloon at %f" % math.degrees( self.search_balloon_heading) # search_state = 2: rotating to best balloon and double checking elif (self.search_state == 2): # check yaw is close to target if math.fabs( wrap_PI(self.vehicle.attitude.yaw - self.search_target_heading)) < math.radians(5): # reset targeting start time if self.targeting_start_time == 0: self.targeting_start_time = time.time() # if targeting time has elapsed, double check the visible balloon is within acceptable limits if (time.time() - self.targeting_start_time > self.targeting_delay_time): if self.balloon_found and ( not self.balloon_pos is None ) and (self.mission_alt_min == 0 or self.balloon_pos.z >= self.mission_alt_min) and ( self.mission_alt_max == 0 or self.balloon_pos.z <= self.mission_alt_max ) and (self.mission_distance_max == 0 or self.balloon_distance <= self.mission_distance_max): # balloon is within limits so reset balloon target self.search_balloon_pos = self.balloon_pos self.search_balloon_heading = self.balloon_heading self.search_balloon_pitch_top = self.balloon_pitch_top self.search_balloon_distance = self.balloon_distance # move to final heading self.search_target_heading = self.search_balloon_heading self.condition_yaw( math.degrees(self.search_target_heading)) # move to finalise yaw state self.search_state = 3 print "Balloon was near expected heading, finalising yaw to %f" % ( math.degrees(self.search_balloon_heading)) # we somehow haven't found the balloon when we've turned back to find it so giveup elif (time.time() - self.targeting_start_time) > ( self.targeting_delay_time + 1.0): print "Balloon was not at expected heading: %f, giving up" % ( math.degrees(self.search_target_heading)) self.search_state = 0 self.complete() # search_state = 3: finalising yaw elif (self.search_state == 3): # check yaw is close to target if math.fabs( wrap_PI(self.vehicle.attitude.yaw - self.search_target_heading)) < math.radians(5): # complete search, move should take-over # Note: we don't check again for the balloon, but surely it's still there self.search_state = 0 print "Finalised yaw to %f, beginning run" % (math.degrees( self.search_balloon_heading)) # move_to_balloon - velocity controller to drive vehicle to balloon # analyze_image should have been called prior to this and filled in self.balloon_found, balloon_pitch, balloon_heading, balloon_distance def move_to_balloon(self): # exit immediately if we are not controlling the vehicle if not self.controlling_vehicle: return # get current time now = time.time() # exit immediately if it's been too soon since the last update if (now - self.guided_last_update) < self.vel_update_rate: return # if we have a new balloon position recalculate velocity vector if (self.balloon_found): # calculate change in yaw since we began the search yaw_error = wrap_PI(self.balloon_heading - self.search_balloon_heading) # calculate pitch vs ideal pitch angles. This will cause to attempt to get to 5deg above balloon pitch_error = wrap_PI(self.balloon_pitch_top - self.vel_pitch_target) # get time since last time velocity pid controller was run dt = self.vel_xy_pid.get_dt(2.0) # get speed towards balloon based on balloon distance speed = self.balloon_distance * self.vel_dist_ratio # apply min and max speed limit speed = min(speed, self.vel_speed_max) speed = max(speed, self.vel_speed_min) # apply acceleration limit speed_chg_max = self.vel_accel * dt speed = min(speed, self.vel_speed_last + speed_chg_max) speed = max(speed, self.vel_speed_last - speed_chg_max) # record speed for next iteration self.vel_speed_last = speed # calculate yaw correction and final yaw movement yaw_correction = self.vel_xy_pid.get_pid(yaw_error, dt) yaw_final = wrap_PI(self.search_balloon_heading + yaw_correction) # calculate pitch correction and final pitch movement pitch_correction = self.vel_z_pid.get_pid(pitch_error, dt) pitch_final = wrap_PI(self.search_balloon_pitch_top - pitch_correction) # calculate velocity vector we wish to move in self.guided_target_vel = balloon_finder.get_ef_velocity_vector( pitch_final, yaw_final, speed) # send velocity vector to flight controller self.send_nav_velocity(self.guided_target_vel[0], self.guided_target_vel[1], self.guided_target_vel[2]) self.guided_last_update = now # if have not seen the balloon else: # if more than a few seconds has passed without seeing the balloon give up if now - self.last_spotted_time > self.lost_sight_timeout: if self.debug: print "Lost Balloon, Giving up" # To-Do: start searching again or maybe slowdown? self.complete() # FIXME - check if vehicle altitude is too low # FIXME - check if we are too far from the desired flightplan def output_frame_rate_stats(self): # get current time now = time.time() # output stats each 10seconds time_diff = now - self.stats_start_time if time_diff < 10 or time_diff <= 0: return # output frame rate frame_rate = self.num_frames_analysed / time_diff print "FrameRate: %f (%d frames in %f seconds)" % ( frame_rate, self.num_frames_analysed, time_diff) # reset stats self.num_frames_analysed = 0 self.stats_start_time = now def run(self): while True: # only process images once home has been initialised if self.check_home(): # start video if required self.check_video_out() # check if we are controlling the vehicle self.check_status() # look for balloon in image self.analyze_image() # search or move towards balloon if self.search_state > 0: # search for balloon self.search_for_balloon() else: # move towards balloon self.move_to_balloon() # output stats self.output_frame_rate_stats() # Don't suck up too much CPU, only process a new image occasionally time.sleep(0.05) if not self.use_simulator: balloon_video.stop_background_capture() # complete - balloon strategy has somehow completed so return control to the autopilot def complete(self): # debug if self.debug: print "Complete!" # stop the vehicle and give up control if self.controlling_vehicle: self.guided_target_vel = (0, 0, 0) self.send_nav_velocity(self.guided_target_vel[0], self.guided_target_vel[1], self.guided_target_vel[2]) self.guided_last_update = time.time() # if in GUIDED mode switch back to LOITER if == "GUIDED": self.vehicle.mode = VehicleMode("LOITER") self.vehicle.flush() # if in AUTO move to next command if == "AUTO": self.advance_current_cmd() # flag we are not in control of the vehicle self.controlling_vehicle = False return
def __init__(self): # First get an instance of the API endpoint (the connect via web case will be similar) self.api = local_connect() # Our vehicle (we assume the user is trying to control the virst vehicle attached to the GCS) self.vehicle = self.api.get_vehicles()[0] # initialised flag self.home_initialised = False # timer to intermittently check for home position self.last_home_check = time.time() # historical attitude self.att_hist = AttitudeHistory(self.vehicle, 2.0) self.attitude_delay = 0.0 # expected delay between image and attitude # search variables self.search_state = 0 # 0 = not search, 1 = spinning and looking, 2 = rotating to best balloon and double checking, 3 = finalise yaw self.search_start_heading = None # initial heading of vehicle when search began self.search_target_heading = None # the vehicle's current target heading (updated as vehicle spins during search) self.search_heading_change = None # heading change (in radians) performed so far during search self.search_balloon_pos = None # position (as an offset from home) of closest balloon (so far) during search self.search_balloon_heading = None # earth-frame heading (in radians) from vehicle to closest balloon self.search_balloon_pitch_top = None # earth-frame pitch (in radians) from vehicle to closest balloon self.search_balloon_distance = None # distance (in meters) from vehicle to closest balloon self.targeting_start_time = 0 # time vehicle first pointed towards final target (used with delay_time below) self.targeting_delay_time = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','SEARCH_TARGET_DELAY',2.0) # time vehicle waits after pointing towards ballon and before heading towards it self.search_yaw_speed = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','SEARCH_YAW_SPEED',5.0) # vehicle mission self.mission_cmds = None self.mission_alt_min = 0 # min altitude from NAV_GUIDED mission command (we ignore balloons below this altitude). "0" means no limit self.mission_alt_max = 0 # max altitude from NAV_GUIDED mission command (we ignore balloons above this altitude). "0" means no limit self.mission_distance_max = 0 # max distance from NAV_GUIDED mission command (we ignore balloons further than this distance). "0" means no limit # we are not in control of vehicle self.controlling_vehicle = False # vehicle position captured at time camera image was captured self.vehicle_pos = None # balloon direction and position estimate from latest call to analyse_image self.balloon_found = False self.balloon_pitch = None self.balloon_pitch_top = None # earth-frame pitch (in radians) from vehicle to top of closest balloon self.balloon_heading = None self.balloon_distance = None self.balloon_pos = None # last estimated position as an offset from home # time of the last target update sent to the flight controller self.guided_last_update = time.time() # latest velocity target sent to flight controller self.guided_target_vel = None # time the target balloon was last spotted self.last_spotted_time = 0 # if we lose sight of a balloon for this many seconds we will consider it lost and give up on the search self.lost_sight_timeout = 3 # The module only prints log messages unless the vehicle is in GUIDED mode (for testing). # Once this seems to work reasonablly well change self.debug to False and then it will # actually _enter_ guided mode when it thinks it sees a balloon self.debug = balloon_config.config.get_boolean('general','debug',True) # use the simulator to generate fake balloon images self.use_simulator = balloon_config.config.get_boolean('general','simulate',False) # start background image grabber if not self.use_simulator: balloon_video.start_background_capture() # initialise video writer self.writer = None # horizontal velocity pid controller. maximum effect is 10 degree lean xy_p = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_XY_P',1.0) xy_i = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_XY_I',0.0) xy_d = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_XY_D',0.0) xy_imax = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_XY_IMAX',10.0) self.vel_xy_pid =, xy_i, xy_d, math.radians(xy_imax)) # vertical velocity pid controller. maximum effect is 10 degree lean z_p = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_Z_P',2.5) z_i = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_Z_I',0.0) z_d = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_Z_D',0.0) z_imax = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_IMAX',10.0) self.vel_z_pid =, z_i, z_d, math.radians(z_imax)) # velocity controller min and max speed self.vel_speed_min = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_SPEED_MIN',1.0) self.vel_speed_max = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_SPEED_MAX',4.0) self.vel_speed_last = 0.0 # last recorded speed self.vel_accel = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_ACCEL', 0.5) # maximum acceleration in m/s/s self.vel_dist_ratio = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_DIST_RATIO', 0.5) # pitch angle to hit balloon at. negative means come down from above self.vel_pitch_target = math.radians(balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_PITCH_TARGET',-5.0)) # velocity controller update rate self.vel_update_rate = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_UPDATE_RATE_SEC',0.2)
class BalloonStrategy(object): def __init__(self): # First get an instance of the API endpoint (the connect via web case will be similar) self.api = local_connect() # Our vehicle (we assume the user is trying to control the virst vehicle attached to the GCS) self.vehicle = self.api.get_vehicles()[0] # initialised flag self.home_initialised = False # timer to intermittently check for home position self.last_home_check = time.time() # historical attitude self.att_hist = AttitudeHistory(self.vehicle, 2.0) self.attitude_delay = 0.0 # expected delay between image and attitude # search variables self.search_state = 0 # 0 = not search, 1 = spinning and looking, 2 = rotating to best balloon and double checking, 3 = finalise yaw self.search_start_heading = None # initial heading of vehicle when search began self.search_target_heading = None # the vehicle's current target heading (updated as vehicle spins during search) self.search_heading_change = None # heading change (in radians) performed so far during search self.search_balloon_pos = None # position (as an offset from home) of closest balloon (so far) during search self.search_balloon_heading = None # earth-frame heading (in radians) from vehicle to closest balloon self.search_balloon_pitch_top = None # earth-frame pitch (in radians) from vehicle to closest balloon self.search_balloon_distance = None # distance (in meters) from vehicle to closest balloon self.targeting_start_time = 0 # time vehicle first pointed towards final target (used with delay_time below) self.targeting_delay_time = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','SEARCH_TARGET_DELAY',2.0) # time vehicle waits after pointing towards ballon and before heading towards it self.search_yaw_speed = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','SEARCH_YAW_SPEED',5.0) # vehicle mission self.mission_cmds = None self.mission_alt_min = 0 # min altitude from NAV_GUIDED mission command (we ignore balloons below this altitude). "0" means no limit self.mission_alt_max = 0 # max altitude from NAV_GUIDED mission command (we ignore balloons above this altitude). "0" means no limit self.mission_distance_max = 0 # max distance from NAV_GUIDED mission command (we ignore balloons further than this distance). "0" means no limit # we are not in control of vehicle self.controlling_vehicle = False # vehicle position captured at time camera image was captured self.vehicle_pos = None # balloon direction and position estimate from latest call to analyse_image self.balloon_found = False self.balloon_pitch = None self.balloon_pitch_top = None # earth-frame pitch (in radians) from vehicle to top of closest balloon self.balloon_heading = None self.balloon_distance = None self.balloon_pos = None # last estimated position as an offset from home # time of the last target update sent to the flight controller self.guided_last_update = time.time() # latest velocity target sent to flight controller self.guided_target_vel = None # time the target balloon was last spotted self.last_spotted_time = 0 # if we lose sight of a balloon for this many seconds we will consider it lost and give up on the search self.lost_sight_timeout = 3 # The module only prints log messages unless the vehicle is in GUIDED mode (for testing). # Once this seems to work reasonablly well change self.debug to False and then it will # actually _enter_ guided mode when it thinks it sees a balloon self.debug = balloon_config.config.get_boolean('general','debug',True) # use the simulator to generate fake balloon images self.use_simulator = balloon_config.config.get_boolean('general','simulate',False) # start background image grabber if not self.use_simulator: balloon_video.start_background_capture() # initialise video writer self.writer = None # horizontal velocity pid controller. maximum effect is 10 degree lean xy_p = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_XY_P',1.0) xy_i = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_XY_I',0.0) xy_d = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_XY_D',0.0) xy_imax = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_XY_IMAX',10.0) self.vel_xy_pid =, xy_i, xy_d, math.radians(xy_imax)) # vertical velocity pid controller. maximum effect is 10 degree lean z_p = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_Z_P',2.5) z_i = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_Z_I',0.0) z_d = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_Z_D',0.0) z_imax = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_IMAX',10.0) self.vel_z_pid =, z_i, z_d, math.radians(z_imax)) # velocity controller min and max speed self.vel_speed_min = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_SPEED_MIN',1.0) self.vel_speed_max = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_SPEED_MAX',4.0) self.vel_speed_last = 0.0 # last recorded speed self.vel_accel = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_ACCEL', 0.5) # maximum acceleration in m/s/s self.vel_dist_ratio = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_DIST_RATIO', 0.5) # pitch angle to hit balloon at. negative means come down from above self.vel_pitch_target = math.radians(balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_PITCH_TARGET',-5.0)) # velocity controller update rate self.vel_update_rate = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_UPDATE_RATE_SEC',0.2) # fetch_mission - fetch mission from flight controller def fetch_mission(self): # download the vehicle waypoints self.mission_cmds = self.vehicle.commands self.mission_cmds.wait_valid() # check home - intermittently checks for changes to the home location def check_home(self): # return immediately if home has already been initialised if self.home_initialised: return True # check for home no more than once every two seconds if (time.time() - self.last_home_check > 2): # update that we have performed a status check self.last_home_check = time.time() # check if we have a vehicle if self.vehicle is None: self.vehicle = self.api.get_vehicles()[0] return # ensure the vehicle's position is known if self.vehicle.location is None: return False if is None or self.vehicle.location.lon is None or self.vehicle.location.alt is None: return False # download the vehicle waypoints if we don't have them already if self.mission_cmds is None: self.fetch_mission() return False # get the home lat and lon home_lat = self.mission_cmds[0].x home_lon = self.mission_cmds[0].y # sanity check the home position if home_lat is None or home_lon is None: return False # sanity check again and set home position if home_lat <> 0 and home_lon <> 0: PositionVector.set_home_location(Location(home_lat,home_lon,0)) self.home_initialised = True else: self.mission_cmds = None # To-Do: if we wish to have the same home position as the flight controller # we must download the home waypoint again whenever the vehicle is armed # return whether home has been initialised or not return self.home_initialised # checks if video output should be started def check_video_out(self): # return immediately if video has already been started if not self.writer is None: return # start video once vehicle is armed if self.vehicle.armed: self.writer = balloon_video.open_video_writer() # check_status - poles vehicle' status to determine if we are in control of vehicle or not def check_status(self): # we are active in guided mode if == "GUIDED": if not self.controlling_vehicle: self.controlling_vehicle = True # clear out any limits on balloon position self.mission_alt_min = 1 self.mission_alt_max = 0 self.mission_distance_max = 50 # start search for balloon self.start_search() return # download the vehicle waypoints if we don't have them already # To-Do: do not load waypoints if vehicle is armed if self.mission_cmds is None: self.fetch_mission() return # Check for Auto mode and executing Nav-Guided command if == "AUTO": # get active command number and mavlink id active_command = active_command_id = self.vehicle.commands[active_command].command # ninety two is the MAVLink id for Nav-Guided-Enable commands if active_command_id == 92: if not self.controlling_vehicle: self.controlling_vehicle = True self.mission_alt_min = self.vehicle.commands[active_command].param2 self.mission_alt_max = self.vehicle.commands[active_command].param3 self.mission_distance_max = self.vehicle.commands[active_command].param4 self.start_search() return # if we got here then we are not in control self.controlling_vehicle = False # condition_yaw - send condition_yaw mavlink command to vehicle so it points at specified heading (in degrees) def condition_yaw(self, heading): # create the CONDITION_YAW command msg = self.vehicle.message_factory.mission_item_encode(0, 0, # target system, target component 0, # sequence mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT, # frame mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW, # command 2, # current - set to 2 to make it a guided command 0, # auto continue heading, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) # param 1 ~ 7 # send command to vehicle self.vehicle.send_mavlink(msg) self.vehicle.flush() # send_nav_velocity - send nav_velocity command to vehicle to request it fly in specified direction def send_nav_velocity(self, velocity_x, velocity_y, velocity_z): # create the SET_POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED command msg = self.vehicle.message_factory.set_position_target_local_ned_encode( 0, # time_boot_ms (not used) 0, 0, # target system, target component mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_NED, # frame 0, # type_mask (not used) 0, 0, 0, # x, y, z positions (not used) velocity_x, velocity_y, velocity_z, # x, y, z velocity in m/s 0, 0, 0, # x, y, z acceleration (not used) 0, 0) # yaw, yaw_rate (not used) # send command to vehicle self.vehicle.send_mavlink(msg) self.vehicle.flush() # advance_current_cmd - ask vehicle to advance to next command (i.e. abort current command) def advance_current_cmd(self): # exit immediately if we are not in AUTO mode or not controlling the vehicle if not == "AUTO" or not self.controlling_vehicle: return # download the vehicle waypoints if we don't have them already if self.mission_cmds is None: self.fetch_mission() # get active command active_command = # ensure there is one more command at least if (self.vehicle.commands.count > active_command): # create the MISSION_SET_CURRENT command msg = self.vehicle.message_factory.mission_set_current_encode(0, 0, active_command+1) # target system, target component, sequence # send command to vehicle self.vehicle.send_mavlink(msg) self.vehicle.flush() else: print "Failed to advance command" # get_frame - get a single frame from the camera or simulator def get_frame(self): if self.use_simulator: veh_pos = PositionVector.get_from_location(self.vehicle.location) frame = balloon_sim.get_simulated_frame(veh_pos, self.vehicle.attitude.roll, self.vehicle.attitude.pitch, self.vehicle.attitude.yaw) else: frame = balloon_video.get_image() return frame # get image from balloon_video class and look for balloon, results are held in the following variables: # self.balloon_found : set to True if balloon is found, False otherwise # self.balloon_pitch : earth frame pitch (in radians) from vehicle to balloon (i.e. takes account of vehicle attitude) # self.balloon_heading : earth frame heading (in radians) from vehicle to balloon # self.balloon_distance : distance (in meters) from vehicle to balloon # self.balloon_pos : position vector of balloon's position as an offset from home in meters def analyze_image(self): # record time now = time.time() # capture vehicle position self.vehicle_pos = PositionVector.get_from_location(self.vehicle.location) # capture vehicle attitude in buffer self.att_hist.update() # get delayed attitude from buffer veh_att_delayed = self.att_hist.get_attitude(now - self.attitude_delay) # get new image from camera f = self.get_frame() # look for balloon in image using blob detector self.balloon_found, xpos, ypos, size = balloon_finder.analyse_frame(f) # add artificial horizon balloon_finder.add_artificial_horizon(f, veh_att_delayed.roll, veh_att_delayed.pitch) if self.balloon_found: # record time balloon was found self.last_spotted_time = now # convert x, y position to pitch and yaw direction (in radians) self.balloon_pitch, self.balloon_heading = balloon_finder.pixels_to_direction(xpos, ypos, veh_att_delayed.roll, veh_att_delayed.pitch, veh_att_delayed.yaw) self.balloon_pitch = math.radians(self.balloon_pitch) self.balloon_pitch_top = self.balloon_pitch + balloon_video.pixels_to_angle_y(size) # add balloon radius so we aim for top of balloon self.balloon_heading = math.radians(self.balloon_heading) # get distance self.balloon_distance = get_distance_from_pixels(size, balloon_finder.balloon_radius_expected) # updated estimated balloon position self.balloon_pos = balloon_finder.project_position(self.vehicle_pos, self.balloon_pitch, self.balloon_heading, self.balloon_distance) # save image for debugging later if not self.writer is None: self.writer.write(f) # start_search - start search for balloon def start_search(self): # exit immediately if we are not controlling the vehicle if not self.controlling_vehicle: return # initialise search variables self.search_state = 1 # 0 = not search, 1 = spinning and looking, 2 = rotating to best balloon and double checking, 3 = finalise yaw self.search_balloon_pos = None self.search_start_heading = self.vehicle.attitude.yaw self.search_target_heading = self.search_start_heading self.search_total_angle = 0 self.targeting_start_time = 0 # reset vehicle speed self.vel_speed_last = 0 # search - spin vehicle looking for balloon # analyze_image should have been called just before and should have filled in self.balloon_found, self.balloon_pos, balloon_distance, balloon_pitch and balloon_yaw def search_for_balloon(self): # exit immediately if we are not controlling the vehicle or do not know our position if not self.controlling_vehicle or self.vehicle_pos is None: return # exit immediately if we are not searching if self.search_state <= 0: return # search states: 0 = not searching, 1 = spinning and looking, 2 = rotating to best balloon and double checking, 3 = finalise yaw # search_state = 1: spinning and looking if (self.search_state == 1): # check if we have seen a balloon if self.balloon_found: # if this is the first balloon we've found or the closest, store it's position as the closest if (self.search_balloon_pos is None) or (self.balloon_distance < self.search_balloon_distance): # check distance is within acceptable limits if (self.mission_alt_min == 0 or self.balloon_pos.z >= self.mission_alt_min) and (self.mission_alt_max == 0 or self.balloon_pos.z <= self.mission_alt_max) and (self.mission_distance_max == 0 or self.balloon_distance <= self.mission_distance_max): # record this balloon as the closest self.search_balloon_pos = self.balloon_pos self.search_balloon_heading = self.balloon_heading self.search_balloon_pitch_top = self.balloon_pitch_top # we target top of balloon self.search_balloon_distance = self.balloon_distance print "Found Balloon at heading:%f Alt:%f Dist:%f" % (math.degrees(self.balloon_heading), self.balloon_pos.z, self.balloon_distance) else: print "Balloon Ignored at heading:%f Alt:%f Dist:%f" % (math.degrees(self.balloon_heading), self.balloon_pos.z, self.balloon_distance) # update yaw so we keep spinning if math.fabs(wrap_PI(self.vehicle.attitude.yaw - self.search_target_heading)) < math.radians(self.search_yaw_speed * 2.0): # increase yaw target self.search_target_heading = self.search_target_heading - math.radians(self.search_yaw_speed) self.search_total_angle = self.search_total_angle + math.radians(self.search_yaw_speed) # send yaw heading self.condition_yaw(math.degrees(self.search_target_heading)) # end search if we've gone all the way around if self.search_total_angle >= math.radians(360): # if we never saw a balloon then just complete (return control to user or mission) if self.search_balloon_pos is None: print "Search did not find balloon, giving up" self.search_state = 0 self.complete() else: # update target heading towards closest balloon and send to flight controller self.search_target_heading = self.search_balloon_heading self.condition_yaw(math.degrees(self.search_target_heading)) self.search_state = 2 # advance towards rotating to best balloon stage print "best balloon at %f" % math.degrees(self.search_balloon_heading) # search_state = 2: rotating to best balloon and double checking elif (self.search_state == 2): # check yaw is close to target if math.fabs(wrap_PI(self.vehicle.attitude.yaw - self.search_target_heading)) < math.radians(5): # reset targeting start time if self.targeting_start_time == 0: self.targeting_start_time = time.time() # if targeting time has elapsed, double check the visible balloon is within acceptable limits if (time.time() - self.targeting_start_time > self.targeting_delay_time): if self.balloon_found and (not self.balloon_pos is None) and (self.mission_alt_min == 0 or self.balloon_pos.z >= self.mission_alt_min) and (self.mission_alt_max == 0 or self.balloon_pos.z <= self.mission_alt_max) and (self.mission_distance_max == 0 or self.balloon_distance <= self.mission_distance_max): # balloon is within limits so reset balloon target self.search_balloon_pos = self.balloon_pos self.search_balloon_heading = self.balloon_heading self.search_balloon_pitch_top = self.balloon_pitch_top self.search_balloon_distance = self.balloon_distance # move to final heading self.search_target_heading = self.search_balloon_heading self.condition_yaw(math.degrees(self.search_target_heading)) # move to finalise yaw state self.search_state = 3 print "Balloon was near expected heading, finalising yaw to %f" % (math.degrees(self.search_balloon_heading)) # we somehow haven't found the balloon when we've turned back to find it so giveup elif (time.time() - self.targeting_start_time) > (self.targeting_delay_time + 1.0): print "Balloon was not at expected heading: %f, giving up" % (math.degrees(self.search_target_heading)) self.search_state = 0 self.complete() # search_state = 3: finalising yaw elif (self.search_state == 3): # check yaw is close to target if math.fabs(wrap_PI(self.vehicle.attitude.yaw - self.search_target_heading)) < math.radians(5): # complete search, move should take-over # Note: we don't check again for the balloon, but surely it's still there self.search_state = 0 print "Finalised yaw to %f, beginning run" % (math.degrees(self.search_balloon_heading)) # move_to_balloon - velocity controller to drive vehicle to balloon # analyze_image should have been called prior to this and filled in self.balloon_found, balloon_pitch, balloon_heading, balloon_distance def move_to_balloon(self): # exit immediately if we are not controlling the vehicle if not self.controlling_vehicle: return # get current time now = time.time() # exit immediately if it's been too soon since the last update if (now - self.guided_last_update) < self.vel_update_rate: return; # if we have a new balloon position recalculate velocity vector if (self.balloon_found): # calculate change in yaw since we began the search yaw_error = wrap_PI(self.balloon_heading - self.search_balloon_heading) # calculate pitch vs ideal pitch angles. This will cause to attempt to get to 5deg above balloon pitch_error = wrap_PI(self.balloon_pitch_top - self.vel_pitch_target) # get time since last time velocity pid controller was run dt = self.vel_xy_pid.get_dt(2.0) # get speed towards balloon based on balloon distance speed = self.balloon_distance * self.vel_dist_ratio # apply min and max speed limit speed = min(speed, self.vel_speed_max) speed = max(speed, self.vel_speed_min) # apply acceleration limit speed_chg_max = self.vel_accel * dt speed = min(speed, self.vel_speed_last + speed_chg_max) speed = max(speed, self.vel_speed_last - speed_chg_max) # record speed for next iteration self.vel_speed_last = speed # calculate yaw correction and final yaw movement yaw_correction = self.vel_xy_pid.get_pid(yaw_error, dt) yaw_final = wrap_PI(self.search_balloon_heading + yaw_correction) # calculate pitch correction and final pitch movement pitch_correction = self.vel_z_pid.get_pid(pitch_error, dt) pitch_final = wrap_PI(self.search_balloon_pitch_top + pitch_correction) # calculate velocity vector we wish to move in self.guided_target_vel = balloon_finder.get_ef_velocity_vector(pitch_final, yaw_final, speed) # send velocity vector to flight controller self.send_nav_velocity(self.guided_target_vel[0], self.guided_target_vel[1], self.guided_target_vel[2]) self.guided_last_update = now # if have not seen the balloon else: # if more than a few seconds has passed without seeing the balloon give up if now - self.last_spotted_time > self.lost_sight_timeout: if self.debug: print "Lost Balloon, Giving up" # To-Do: start searching again or maybe slowdown? self.complete() # FIXME - check if vehicle altitude is too low # FIXME - check if we are too far from the desired flightplan def run(self): while not self.api.exit: # only process images once home has been initialised if self.check_home(): # start video if required self.check_video_out() # check if we are controlling the vehicle self.check_status() # look for balloon in image self.analyze_image() # search or move towards balloon if self.search_state > 0: # search for balloon self.search_for_balloon() else: # move towards balloon self.move_to_balloon() # Don't suck up too much CPU, only process a new image occasionally time.sleep(0.05) if not self.use_simulator: balloon_video.stop_background_capture() # complete - balloon strategy has somehow completed so return control to the autopilot def complete(self): # debug if self.debug: print "Complete!" # stop the vehicle and give up control if self.controlling_vehicle: self.guided_target_vel = (0,0,0) self.send_nav_velocity(self.guided_target_vel[0], self.guided_target_vel[1], self.guided_target_vel[2]) self.guided_last_update = time.time() # if in GUIDED mode switch back to LOITER if == "GUIDED": self.vehicle.mode = VehicleMode("LOITER") self.vehicle.flush() # if in AUTO move to next command if == "AUTO": self.advance_current_cmd(); # flag we are not in control of the vehicle self.controlling_vehicle = False return