Exemple #1
    def to_wav(self, frames):
        if type(frames) == list:
            frames = ''.join(frames)
        sample_size = 2L

        if self.RATE is not 16000:  # Every STT engine needs 16kHz
                frames, _ = audioop.ratecv(
                    frames, sample_size, 1, self.RATE, 16000, None
            except audioop.error, e:
                if e.message == "not a whole number of frames":
                    # This means that either the first or the last byte is rubbish
                    # If we delete the wrong byte we will get crap, i.e. loud
                    # noise.
                    if audioop.rms(frames[0:-1], 2) > audioop.rms(frames[1:], 2):
                        frames = frames[1:]
                        frames = frames[0:-1]
                    print "Try again"
                    with open('test.raw', 'wb') as fp:
                    frames, _ = audioop.ratecv(
                        frames, sample_size, 1, self.RATE, 16000, None
                    raise e
Exemple #2
    def test_ratecv(self):
        for w in 1, 2, 3, 4:
            self.assertEqual(audioop.ratecv(b'', w, 1, 8000, 8000, None),
                             (b'', (-1, ((0, 0),))))
            self.assertEqual(audioop.ratecv(bytearray(), w, 1, 8000, 8000, None),
                             (b'', (-1, ((0, 0),))))
            self.assertEqual(audioop.ratecv(memoryview(b''), w, 1, 8000, 8000, None),
                             (b'', (-1, ((0, 0),))))
            self.assertEqual(audioop.ratecv(b'', w, 5, 8000, 8000, None),
                             (b'', (-1, ((0, 0),) * 5)))
            self.assertEqual(audioop.ratecv(b'', w, 1, 8000, 16000, None),
                             (b'', (-2, ((0, 0),))))
            self.assertEqual(audioop.ratecv(datas[w], w, 1, 8000, 8000, None)[0],
        state = None
        d1, state = audioop.ratecv(b'\x00\x01\x02', 1, 1, 8000, 16000, state)
        d2, state = audioop.ratecv(b'\x00\x01\x02', 1, 1, 8000, 16000, state)
        self.assertEqual(d1 + d2, b'\000\000\001\001\002\001\000\000\001\001\002')

        for w in 1, 2, 3, 4:
            d0, state0 = audioop.ratecv(datas[w], w, 1, 8000, 16000, None)
            d, state = b'', None
            for i in range(0, len(datas[w]), w):
                d1, state = audioop.ratecv(datas[w][i:i + w], w, 1,
                                           8000, 16000, state)
                d += d1
            self.assertEqual(d, d0)
            self.assertEqual(state, state0)
Exemple #3
def messageHandler(conn):
    # this is to deal with a single incoming TCP or UDP message
    global fifo, previous, missed, state

    # the actual packet length will not be 2048 bytes, but depends on the format and number of audio samples
    buf = sock.recv(2048)
    if len(buf) < 12:

    # see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RTP_payload_formats
    (version, type, counter, timestamp, id) = struct.unpack('BBHII', buf[0:12])

    if version != 128:
        raise RuntimeError('unsupported packet version')

    fragment = bytearray(buf[12:])

    with fifolock:
        if not id in fifo:
            fifo[id] = RingBuffer(
                id, rate)  # make a buffer that can hold one second of audio
            previous[id] = None
            state[id] = None
            missed[id] = 0

        if type == 0:
            # type=0  PCMU  audio 1 8000  any 20  ITU-T G.711 PCM μ-Law audio 64 kbit/s               RFC 3551
            fragment = audioop.ulaw2lin(fragment, 2)
            fragment, state[id] = audioop.ratecv(fragment, 2, 1, 8000, 44100,
            dat = np.frombuffer(fragment, np.int16)
        elif type == 1:
            # type=8  PCMA  audio 1 8000  any 20  ITU-T G.711 PCM A-Law audio 64 kbit/s               RFC 3551
            fragment = audioop.alaw2lin(fragment, 2)
            fragment, state[id] = audioop.ratecv(fragment, 2, 1, 8000, 44100,
            dat = np.frombuffer(fragment, np.int16)
        elif type == 11:
            # type=11 L16   audio 1 44100 any 20  Linear PCM 16-bit audio 705.6 kbit/s, uncompressed  RFC 3551, Page 27
            dat = np.frombuffer(fragment, np.int16)
            raise RuntimeError('unsupported RTP packet type')

        if not previous[id] == None:
            for missing in range(previous[id] + 1 - counter, 0):
                logger.debug('missed packet from %d' % (id))
                # See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comfort_noise
                missing_dat = np.random.random(
                    len(dat))  # FIXME these are only positive
                missing_dat *= np.linalg.norm(dat) / np.linalg.norm(
                missing_timestamp = timestamp + missing * len(
                    dat) * 1000 / 44100
                missed[id] += 1
                fifo[id].push(missing_dat.astype(np.int16), missing_timestamp)

        previous[id] = counter
        fifo[id].push(dat, timestamp)
def testratecv(data):
    if verbose:
        print 'ratecv'
    state = None
    d1, state = audioop.ratecv(data[0], 1, 1, 8000, 16000, state)
    d2, state = audioop.ratecv(data[0], 1, 1, 8000, 16000, state)
    if d1 + d2 != '\000\000\001\001\002\001\000\000\001\001\002':
        return 0
    return 1
Exemple #5
def testratecv(data):
    if verbose:
        print 'ratecv'
    state = None
    d1, state = audioop.ratecv(data[0], 1, 1, 8000, 16000, state)
    d2, state = audioop.ratecv(data[0], 1, 1, 8000, 16000, state)
    if d1 + d2 != '\000\000\001\001\002\001\000\000\001\001\002':
        return 0
    return 1
    def get_raw_data(self, convert_rate = None, convert_width = None):
        Returns a byte string representing the raw frame data for the audio represented by the ``AudioData`` instance.

        If ``convert_rate`` is specified and the audio sample rate is not ``convert_rate`` Hz, the resulting audio is resampled to match.

        If ``convert_width`` is specified and the audio samples are not ``convert_width`` bytes each, the resulting audio is converted to match.

        Writing these bytes directly to a file results in a valid `RAW/PCM audio file <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raw_audio_format>`__.
        assert convert_rate is None or convert_rate > 0, "Sample rate to convert to must be a positive integer"
        assert convert_width is None or (convert_width % 1 == 0 and 1 <= convert_width <= 4), "Sample width to convert to must be between 1 and 4 inclusive"

        raw_data = self.frame_data

        # make sure unsigned 8-bit audio (which uses unsigned samples) is handled like higher sample width audio (which uses signed samples)
        if self.sample_width == 1:
            raw_data = audioop.bias(raw_data, 1, -128) # subtract 128 from every sample to make them act like signed samples

        # resample audio at the desired rate if specified
        if convert_rate is not None and self.sample_rate != convert_rate:
            raw_data, _ = audioop.ratecv(raw_data, self.sample_width, 1, self.sample_rate, convert_rate, None)

        # convert samples to desired byte format if specified
        if convert_width is not None and self.sample_width != convert_width:
            raw_data = audioop.lin2lin(raw_data, self.sample_width, convert_width)

        # if the output is 8-bit audio with unsigned samples, convert the samples we've been treating as signed to unsigned again
        if convert_width == 1:
            raw_data = audioop.bias(raw_data, 1, 128) # add 128 to every sample to make them act like unsigned samples again

        return raw_data
Exemple #7
def preprocess(oldFileName):
    #preprocess takes in the name of a .wav file (oldFileName) and returns
    #u-law downsampled version of the file

    file = wave.open(filename, "rb")

    num_channels = file.getnchannels()
    sample_rate = file.getframerate()
    sample_width = file.getsampwidth()
    num_frames = file.getnframes()

    #Grab the bytes from our WAV file
    raw_frames = file.readframes(num_frames)

    total_samples = num_frames * num_channels

    if sample_rate != SAMPLE_RATE:
        u_law = audioop.ratecv(raw_frames, sample_width, num_channels,
                               sample_rate, SAMPLE_RATE, None)
        u_law = audioop.lin2ulaw(u_law[0], sample_width)

        u_law = audioop.lin2ulaw(raw_frames, sample_width)

    u_law = list(u_law)
    u_law = [ord(x) // Q_FACTOR for x in u_law]

    return np.asarray(u_law)
Exemple #8
def open_input(filename):
    stream = wave.open(filename, "rb")

    input_num_channels = stream.getnchannels()
    input_sample_rate = stream.getframerate()
    input_sample_width = stream.getsampwidth()
    input_num_frames = stream.getnframes()

    raw_data = stream.readframes(input_num_frames)  # Returns byte data

    total_samples = input_num_frames * input_num_channels

    print "Sample Width: {} ({}-bit)".format(input_sample_width,
                                             8 * input_sample_width)
    print "Number of Channels: " + str(input_num_channels)
    print "Sample Rate " + str(input_sample_rate)

    print "Number of Samples: " + str(total_samples)
    print "Duration: {0:.2f}s".format(total_samples / float(input_sample_rate))
    print "Raw Data Size: " + str(len(raw_data))

    if input_sample_rate != SAMPLE_RATE:
        u_law = audioop.ratecv(raw_data, input_sample_width,
                               input_num_channels, input_sample_rate,
                               SAMPLE_RATE, None)
        u_law = audioop.lin2ulaw(u_law[0], input_sample_width)
        u_law = audioop.lin2ulaw(raw_data, input_sample_width)

    u_law = list(u_law)
    u_law = [ord(x) // Q_FACTOR for x in u_law]

    return np.asarray(u_law), input_sample_rate
def label_dir(dir_name):
    files = os.listdir(dir_name)
    for file_name in files:
        key = os.path.splitext(file_name)[0]
        sound = ds.get(sound_key)
        if sound:
            print("Already classified:", key)
            wave_file = wave.open(dir_name + "/" + file_name, 'r')
            print("Error:", file_name)
        length = wave_file.getnframes()
        wave_data = wave_file.readframes(length)
        state = None
        content, state = audioop.ratecv(wave_data, 2, 1, 48000, 16000, state)
        result = transcribe(content)

        label = file_name.split("_", 1)[0]

        sound = Sound()
        sound.identifier = key
        sound.label_translit = label
        if result and result.alternatives and len(result.alternatives) > 0:
            sound.google_transcript = result.alternatives[0].transcript
            sound.google_confidence = result.alternatives[0].confidence
        sound.label_ge = get_label_ge(label)
        # sound['raw'] = content
        print("Saved:", sound)
Exemple #10
def coerce_lin(source_aiff, template_obj):
  '''Read data from source, and convert it to match template's params.'''
  import audioop
  frag = source_aiff.read_lin()
  Ss = source_aiff.stream
  St = template_obj.stream

  # Sample width
  if Ss.getsampwidth() != St.getsampwidth():
    print 'coerce sampwidth %i -> %i' %(Ss.getsampwidth(), St.getsampwidth())
    frag = audioop.lin2lin(frag, Ss.getsampwidth(), St.getsampwidth())
  width = St.getsampwidth()

  # Channels
  if Ss.getnchannels() != St.getnchannels():
    print 'coerce nchannels %i -> %i' %(Ss.getnchannels(), St.getnchannels())
    if Ss.getnchannels()==2 and St.getnchannels()==1:
      frag = audioop.tomono(frag, width, 0.5, 0.5)
    elif Ss.getnchannels()==1 and St.getnchannels()==2:
      frag = audioop.tostereo(frag, width, 1.0, 1.0)
      print "Err: can't match channels"

  # Frame rate
  if Ss.getframerate() != St.getframerate():
    print 'coerce framerate %i -> %i' %(Ss.getframerate(), St.getframerate())
    frag,state = audioop.ratecv(
        frag, width,
        Ss.getframerate(), # in rate
        St.getframerate(), # out rate
        None, 2,1
  return frag
Exemple #11
    def run(self):
        rate_conversion_state = None
        # Open audio file with Audioread module. This may crash if proper decoders are not installed!
        with audioread.audio_open(self.filename) as dec:
            self.seconds_duration = dec.duration
            bps = 2 * dec.channels * dec.samplerate
            self.ready = True
            for buf in dec:
                # Wait if there is no need to fill the buffer
                while self.mumble.sound_output.get_buffer_size(
                ) > 2.0 and self._run:
                if not self._run:

                # Update position
                self.bytes_position += len(buf)
                self.seconds_position = self.bytes_position / bps

                # Convert audio if necessary. We want precisely 16bit 48000Hz mono audio for mumble.
                if dec.channels != 1:
                    buf = audioop.tomono(buf, 2, 0.5, 0.5)
                if dec.samplerate != 48000:
                    buf, rate_conversion_state = audioop.ratecv(
                        buf, 2, 1, dec.samplerate, 48000,
                if self.volume:
                    buf = audioop.mul(buf, 2, self.volume)

                # Insert to mumble outgoing buffer
Exemple #12
 def to44KStereo(self, buffer):
         b = audioop.tostereo(buffer.data, 2, 1, 1)
         b, self.fromstate = audioop.ratecv(b, 2, 2, 8000, 44100, self.fromstate)
     except audioop.error:
         return ''
     return b
Exemple #13
    def raw_read(self):
        """Return some amount of data as a raw audio string"""
        buf = self.source.raw_read()
        if buf is None:
            self.eof = True
            return None

        # Convert channels as needed
        if self.set_channels and self.source.channels() != self.set_channels:
            if self.set_channels == 1:
                buf = audioop.tomono(buf, self.source.raw_width(), .5, .5)
                buf = audioop.tostereo(buf, self.source.raw_width(), 1, 1)

        # Convert sampling rate as needed
        if self.set_sampling_rate and self.source.sampling_rate() != self.set_sampling_rate:
            (buf, self.ratecv_state) = audioop.ratecv(buf, self.source.raw_width(), self.channels(), self.source.sampling_rate(), self.set_sampling_rate, self.ratecv_state)

        if self.set_raw_width and self.source.raw_width() != self.set_raw_width:
            if self.source.raw_width() == 1 and self.source.has_unsigned_singles():
                buf = audioop.bias(buf, 1, -128)
            buf = audioop.lin2lin(buf, self.source.raw_width(), self.set_raw_width)
            if self.set_raw_width == 1 and self.source.has_unsigned_singles():
                buf = audioop.bias(buf, 1, 128)

        return buf
Exemple #14
def downsampleWav(src, dst, inrate=44100, outrate=22050, inchannels=1, outchannels=1):
    if not os.path.exists(src):
        print 'Source not found!'
        return False
    s_read = wave.open(src, 'r')
    s_write = wave.open(dst, 'w')

    n_frames = s_read.getnframes()
    data = s_read.readframes(n_frames)

        converted = audioop.ratecv(data, 2, inchannels, inrate, outrate, None)
        if outchannels == 1:
            converted = audioop.tomono(converted[0], 2, 1, 0)
        print 'Failed to downsample wav'
        return False

        s_write.setparams((outchannels, 2, outrate, 0, 'NONE', 'Uncompressed'))
        print 'Failed to write wav'
        return False

        print 'Failed to close wav files'
        return False

    return True
Exemple #15
def downsample(buf, outrate=16000):
    """Downsample audio. Required for voice detection.

    :param buf: Audio data buffer (or path to WAV file).
    :param int outrate: Output audio sample rate in Hz.
    :returns: Output buffer.
    :rtype: BytesIO

    wav = wave.open(buf)
    inpars = wav.getparams()
    frames = wav.readframes(inpars.nframes)

    # Convert to mono
    if inpars.nchannels == 2:
        frames = audioop.tomono(frames, inpars.sampwidth, 1, 1)

    # Convert to 16-bit depth
    if inpars.sampwidth > 2:
        frames = audioop.lin2lin(frames, inpars.sampwidth, 2)

    # Convert frame rate to 16000 Hz
    frames, _ = audioop.ratecv(frames, 2, 1, inpars.framerate, outrate, None)

    # Return a BytesIO version of the output
    outbuf = BytesIO()
    out = wave.open(outbuf, "w")
    return outbuf
    def loudness_test(self):
        self.slid_win = deque(maxlen=6)
        self.frames = []
        self.recording = True
        stream = self.p.open(
            channels=1,  # change this to what your sound card supports
            input_device_index=2,  # change this your input sound card index
            frames_per_buffer=1024 * 8,

        print("* Recording audio...")
        while self.recording:
        print("* done\n")
        state = None
        result = audioop.ratecv(b''.join(self.frames), 1, 1, 48000, 16000,

        return result[0]
Exemple #17
    def get_raw_data(self, convert_rate=None, convert_width=None):
        Returns a byte string representing the raw frame data for the audio represented by the ``AudioData`` instance.

        If ``convert_rate`` is specified and the audio sample rate is not ``convert_rate`` Hz, the resulting audio is resampled to match.

        If ``convert_width`` is specified and the audio samples are not ``convert_width`` bytes each, the resulting audio is converted to match.

        Writing these bytes directly to a file results in a valid `RAW/PCM audio file <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raw_audio_format>`__.
        assert convert_rate is None or convert_rate > 0, "Sample rate to convert to must be a positive integer"
        assert convert_width is None or (
            convert_width % 1 == 0 and 2 <= convert_width <= 4
        ), "Sample width to convert to must be 2, 3, or 4"

        raw_data = self.frame_data

        # resample audio at the desired rate if specified
        if convert_rate is not None and self.sample_rate != convert_rate:
            raw_data, _ = audioop.ratecv(raw_data, self.sample_width, 1,
                                         self.sample_rate, convert_rate, None)

        # convert samples to desired byte format if specified
        if convert_width is not None and self.sample_width != convert_width:
            raw_data = audioop.lin2lin(raw_data, self.sample_width,

        return raw_data
Exemple #18
 def to44KStereo(self, buffer):
         b = audioop.tostereo(buffer.data, 2, 1, 1)
         b, self.fromstate = audioop.ratecv(b, 2, 2, 8000, 44100, self.fromstate)
     except audioop.error:
         return ''
     return b
Exemple #19
def insert_feedback(input):

    # break out input
    instance = input[0]
    feedback = input[1]

    # instance/feedback[raw_audio, sample_rate]
    audio = instance[0]
    ref_rate = instance[1]
    # Convert fb sample rate to match instances's
    fb_converted = audioop.ratecv(
        feedback[0],          # input
        feedback[0].itemsize, # bit depth (bytes)
        1, feedback[1],       # channels, inrate
        ref_rate,             # outrate
        None)                 # state..?
    fb_converted = list(np.frombuffer(fb_converted[0], dtype=np.int16))
    # prepend feedback with random length of silence up to 1 second
    # pad to match audio size
    prepend = random.randint(0, ref_rate*1)
    pad = len(audio) - (len(fb_converted) + prepend)
    fb_converted = [0]*prepend + fb_converted + [0]*pad
    # add element-wise
    sample = [int(fb_converted[x]/2+audio[x]/2) for x in range(0, len(audio))]
    return [sample, ref_rate]
 def speech_to_text(self, audio_frames):
     with self.stt.start_utterance():
         (resampled, _) = audioop.ratecv(audio_frames, self.WIDTH,
                                         self.CHANNELS, self.SAMPLE_RATE,
                                         self.TARGET_RATE, None)
         self.stt.process_raw(resampled, False, False)
         return self.stt.hypothesis()
Exemple #21
def audio_data_converter(raw_data: bytes, in_settings: AudioSettings,
                         out_settings: AudioSettings) -> bytes:
    in_sample_rate = in_settings.sample_rate
    out_sample_rate = out_settings.sample_rate
    in_sample_width = in_settings.sample_width
    out_sample_width = out_settings.sample_width

    if in_settings.channels != out_settings.channels:
        raise RuntimeError(
            'Can not convert audio data. The number of channels must be the same.'

    if in_sample_rate == out_sample_rate and in_sample_width == out_sample_width:
        return raw_data

    # make sure unsigned 8-bit audio (which uses unsigned samples)
    # is handled like higher sample width audio (which uses signed samples)
    if in_sample_width == 1:
        # subtract 128 from every sample to make them act like signed samples
        raw_data = audioop.bias(raw_data, 1, -128)

    if in_sample_rate != out_sample_rate:
        raw_data, _ = audioop.ratecv(raw_data, in_sample_width,
                                     in_settings.channels, in_sample_rate,
                                     out_sample_rate, None)

    if in_sample_width != out_sample_width:
        # we're converting the audio into 24-bit
        # workaround for https://bugs.python.org/issue12866
        if out_sample_width == 3:
            # convert audio into 32-bit first, which is always supported
            raw_data = audioop.lin2lin(raw_data, in_sample_width, 4)
                # test whether 24-bit audio is supported
                # for example, ``audioop`` in Python 3.3 and below don't support
                # sample width 3, while Python 3.4+ do
                audioop.bias(b"", 3, 0)
            except audioop.error:
                # this version of audioop doesn't support 24-bit audio
                # (probably Python 3.3 or less)
                # since we're in little endian,
                # we discard the first byte from each 32-bit sample to get a 24-bit sample
                raw_data = b"".join(raw_data[i + 1:i + 4]
                                    for i in range(0, len(raw_data), 4))
                # 24-bit audio fully supported, we don't need to shim anything
                raw_data = audioop.lin2lin(raw_data, in_sample_width,
            raw_data = audioop.lin2lin(raw_data, in_sample_width,

    # if the output is 8-bit audio with unsigned samples,
    # convert the samples we've been treating as signed to unsigned again
    if out_sample_width == 1:
        # add 128 to every sample to make them act like unsigned samples again
        raw_data = audioop.bias(raw_data, 1, 128)

    return raw_data
Exemple #22
        def mic_to_ws():  # uses stream
                print(sys.stderr, "\nLISTENING TO MICROPHONE")
                last_state = None
                while True:
                    data = stream.read(self.chunk)
                    if self.audio_gate > 0:
                        rms = audioop.rms(data, 2)
                        if rms < self.audio_gate:
                            data = '\00' * len(data)
                    #if sample_chan == 2:
                    #    data = audioop.tomono(data, 2, 1, 1)
                    if sample_rate != self.byterate:
                         last_state) = audioop.ratecv(data, 2, 1, sample_rate,

            except IOError as e:
                # usually a broken pipe
            except AttributeError:
                # currently raised when the socket gets closed by main thread

            # to voluntarily close the connection, we would use

            except IOError:
Exemple #23
def main():
    sample_rate = 48000
    channels = 2
    N = 4096 * 4

    mic = Microphone(sample_rate, channels)
    window = np.hanning(N)

    sound_speed = 343.2
    distance = 0.14

    max_tau = distance / sound_speed

    def signal_handler(sig, num):

    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)

    for data in mic.read_chunks(N):
        buf = np.fromstring(data, dtype='int16')
        mono = buf[0::channels].tostring()
        if sample_rate != 16000:
            mono, _ = audioop.ratecv(mono, 2, 1, sample_rate, 16000, None)

        if True:
            tau, _ = gcc_phat(buf[0::channels] * window,
                              buf[1::channels] * window,
            theta = math.asin(tau / max_tau) * 180 / math.pi
            print('\ntheta: {}'.format(int(theta)))
Exemple #24
def load_wav(file_name, def_sample_width=2, def_sample_rate=16000):
    """Reads all audio data from the file and returns it in as bytes.

    The content is re-sampled into the default sample rate."""
        wf = wave.open(file_name, 'r')
        if wf.getnchannels() != 1:
            raise Exception('Input wave is not in mono')
        if wf.getsampwidth() != def_sample_width:
            raise Exception('Input wave is not in %d Bytes' % def_sample_width)
        sample_rate = wf.getframerate()
        # read all the samples
        chunk, pcm = 1024, b''
        pcmPart = wf.readframes(chunk)
        while pcmPart:
            pcm += str(pcmPart)
            pcmPart = wf.readframes(chunk)
    except EOFError:
        raise Exception('Input PCM is corrupted: End of file.')
    # resample audio if not compatible
    if sample_rate != def_sample_rate:
        import audioop
        pcm, state = audioop.ratecv(pcm, 2, 1, sample_rate, def_sample_rate, None)

    return pcm
Exemple #25
def convert_framerate(fragment, width, nchannels, framerate_in, framerate_out):
    Convert framerate (sampling rate) of the input fragment.

    fragment : bytes object
        Specifies the original fragment.
    width : int
        Specifies the fragment's original sampwidth.
    nchannels : int
        Specifies the fragment's original nchannels.
    framerate_in : int
        Specifies the fragment's original framerate.
    framerate_out : int
        Specifies the fragment's desired framerate.


    if framerate_in == framerate_out:
        return fragment

    new_fragment, _ = audioop.ratecv(fragment, width, nchannels, framerate_in,
                                     framerate_out, None)
    return new_fragment
Exemple #26
    def _write_frames_to_file(self, frames, framerate, volume):
        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
                prefix=datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")) as f:
            wav_fp = wave.open(f, 'wb')
            wav_fp.setsampwidth(int(self._input_device._input_bits / 8))
            if self._input_device._input_rate == framerate:
                fragment = b''.join(frames)
                fragment = audioop.ratecv(
                    ''.join(frames), int(self._input_device._input_bits / 8),
                    self._input_device._input_rate, framerate, None)[0]
            if volume is not None:
                maxvolume = audioop.minmax(
                    fragment, self._input_device._input_bits / 8)[1]
                fragment = audioop.mul(fragment,
                                       int(self._input_device._input_bits / 8),
                                       volume * (2.**15) / maxvolume)

            yield f
Exemple #27
    def encode(self, frame, force_keyframe=False):
        assert frame.format.name == 's16'
        assert frame.layout.name in ['mono', 'stereo']

        channels = len(frame.layout.channels)
        data = bytes(frame.planes[0])
        timestamp = frame.pts

        # resample at 48 kHz
        if frame.sample_rate != SAMPLE_RATE:
            data, self.rate_state = audioop.ratecv(data, SAMPLE_WIDTH,
                                                   channels, frame.sample_rate,
            timestamp = (timestamp * SAMPLE_RATE) // frame.sample_rate

        # convert to stereo
        if channels == 1:
            data = audioop.tostereo(data, SAMPLE_WIDTH, 1, 1)

        length = lib.opus_encode(self.encoder,
                                 ffi.cast('int16_t*', ffi.from_buffer(data)),
                                 SAMPLES_PER_FRAME, self.cdata,
        assert length > 0

        return [self.buffer[0:length]], timestamp
Exemple #28
    def encode(self,
               frame: Frame,
               force_keyframe: bool = False) -> Tuple[List[bytes], int]:
        assert isinstance(frame, AudioFrame)
        assert frame.format.name == "s16"
        assert frame.layout.name in ["mono", "stereo"]

        channels = len(frame.layout.channels)
        data = bytes(frame.planes[0])
        timestamp = frame.pts

        # resample at 8 kHz
        if frame.sample_rate != SAMPLE_RATE:
            data, self.rate_state = audioop.ratecv(
            timestamp = (timestamp * SAMPLE_RATE) // frame.sample_rate

        # convert to mono
        if channels == 2:
            data = audioop.tomono(data, SAMPLE_WIDTH, 1, 1)

        data = self._convert(data, SAMPLE_WIDTH)
        return [data], timestamp
Exemple #29
    def play(self, data):
        """based on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17657103/how-to-play-wav-file-in-python"""

        # open a wav format music
        f = wave.open(data, 'rb')

        # instantiate PyAudio
        p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
        #        print(p.get_device_info_by_index(5).get('name'))

        # open stream
        stream = p.open(format=p.get_format_from_width(f.getsampwidth()),
                        output=True)  #,
        #                         output_device_index = 5)

        # read data
        data = f.readframes(self.chunk)

        # play stream
        while len(data) > 0:
            data, _ = audioop.ratecv(data, 2, 1, int(16000 * self.speed),
                                     48000, None)
            data = f.readframes(self.chunk)

        # stop stream

        # close PyAudio
Exemple #30
def resample_to_def_sample_rate(pcm, sample_rate, def_sample_rate):
    if sample_rate != def_sample_rate:
        import audioop
        pcm, state = audioop.ratecv(pcm, 2, 1, sample_rate, def_sample_rate,

    return pcm
def downsampleWav(data, dst, inrate=sampleRate, outrate=16000, inchannels=1, outchannels=1):
        s_write = wave.open(dst, 'wb')
        print('Failed to open files!')
        return False

        converted = audioop.ratecv(data, 2, inchannels, inrate, outrate, None)
        if outchannels == 1 and inchannels != 1:
            converted = audioop.tomono(converted[0], 2, 1, 0)
        print('Failed to downsample wav')
        return False

        s_write.setparams((outchannels, 2, outrate, 0, 'NONE', 'Uncompressed'))
    except Exception as e:
        print('Failed to write wav')
        return False

        print('Failed to close wav files')
        return False

    return True
Exemple #32
def MumbleSoundReceivedHandler(user, soundchunk):
    #print("Received sound from user \"" + user['name'] + "\".")
    # Convert sound format. Mumble uses 16 bit mono 48 kHz little-endian, which needs to be downsampled to 8 kHz:
    buffer, newstate = audioop.ratecv(soundchunk.pcm, 2, 1, 48000,
                                      AudioSlot1.PCMSAMPLERATE, None)
    if MumbleVolume != 1: buffer = audioop.mul(buffer, 2, MumbleVolume)
    AudioSlot1.playBuffer(buffer, DMR_CallType, DMR_DstId)
Exemple #33
    def convert_to(self,
                   data: bytes,
                   to_depth: int,
                   to_channels: int,
                   to_rate: int,
                   to_unsigned: bool = False) -> bytes:
        """Convert audio data."""
        dest_width = to_depth // 8

        print(to_depth, self._depth)
        if self._depth != to_depth:
            if self._depth == 8:
                data = audioop.bias(data, 1, 128)
            data = audioop.lin2lin(data, self._width, dest_width)
            if to_depth == 8:
                data = audioop(data, 1, 128)

        if self._unsigned != to_unsigned:
            data = audioop.bias(data, dest_width, 128)

        # Make it stereo
        if self._channels < to_channels:
            data = audioop.tostereo(data, dest_width, 1, 1)
        # Make it mono
        elif self._channels > to_channels:
            data = audioop.tomono(data, dest_width, 1, 1)

        # print(dest_width)
        # Convert the sample rate of the data to the requested rate.
        if self._rate != to_rate and data:
            data, self._state = audioop.ratecv(data, dest_width, to_channels,
                                               self._rate, to_rate,
                                               self._state, 2, 1)

        return data
    def record(self, firstChunk=None):

        print('Recording beginning')

        rec = []
        recResampled = []

        if firstChunk:

        current = time.time()
        end = time.time() + self.timeoutLength

        while current <= end:

            data = self.stream.read(chunk)
            if self.rms(data) >= self.audioThreshold:
                end = time.time() + self.timeoutLength

            current = time.time()

        recResampled = audioop.ratecv(b"".join(rec), 2, 1, RATE, 16000, None)

        return recResampled[0]
    def add_wav_sound(self, name):
        """ Adds a WAV file to the sound library """

        if not name in self.sounds:
            if not os.path.exists(name):
                raise IOError ("File %s don't exists" % name)
            if self.__btc_codec == 'DM':
                normalize = 0.85
                normalize = 0.5

            sr, samples, info = read_wav(name, normalize)

            # Resample to lib bitrate
            if sr != self.__bitrate:
                samples, _ = audioop.ratecv(samples, BITS, 1, sr, \
                                                self.__bitrate, None)

            name = name.split('.')[0]

            self.sounds[name] = {'inputwave': samples, 'resultwave': None, \
                                    'bitstream': None, 'info': info}

            return True
            return False
Exemple #36
    def __init__(self, fname, newrate=0):
        """Initializes an audio file from an uncompressed wavefile on disk.
        The file is converted to mono, and if newrate is positive, then the rate is converted"""
        import wave, audioop

        try:  # see if we have numpy
            from numpy import array

            self.numpy = 1
        except ImportError:
            self.numpy = 0
        # read data
        f = wave.open(fname, "rb")
        nchans, w, fps, nframes, comptype, compname = f.getparams()
        print "Read audio file %s with %d chans, %d width, %d fps and %d frames" % (fname, nchans, w, fps, nframes)
        self.width, self.fps = w, fps
        self.dat = f.readframes(nframes)
        print "  Original data length was %d" % (len(self.dat))
        # convert to mono and (optionally) convert the rate
        self.dat = audioop.tomono(self.dat, w, 0.5, 0.5)
        print "  After mono, data length is %d" % (len(self.dat))
        if newrate > 0:
            self.dat, junk = audioop.ratecv(self.dat, w, 1, fps, newrate, None)
            self.fps = newrate
            print "  Converted to new rate %s, and data length is now %d" % (self.fps, len(self.dat))
        # now extract the data into a simple array
        from audioop import getsample

        self.dat = [abs(getsample(self.dat, w, i)) for i in range(len(self.dat) // w)]
        print "  Final data length is now of length %s" % (len(self.dat),)
        if self.numpy:
            self.dat = array(self.dat)
Exemple #37
def load_wav(file_name, def_sample_width=2, def_sample_rate=16000):
    """Reads all audio data from the file and returns it in as bytes.

    The content is re-sampled into the default sample rate."""
        wf = wave.open(file_name, 'r')
        if wf.getnchannels() != 1:
            raise Exception('Input wave is not in mono')
        if wf.getsampwidth() != def_sample_width:
            raise Exception('Input wave is not in %d Bytes' % def_sample_width)
        sample_rate = wf.getframerate()
        # read all the samples
        chunk, pcm = 1024, b''
        pcmPart = wf.readframes(chunk)
        while pcmPart:
            pcm += str(pcmPart)
            pcmPart = wf.readframes(chunk)
    except EOFError:
        raise Exception('Input PCM is corrupted: End of file.')
    # resample audio if not compatible
    if sample_rate != def_sample_rate:
        import audioop
        pcm, state = audioop.ratecv(pcm, 2, 1, sample_rate, def_sample_rate, None)

    return pcm
Exemple #38
  def write(self, audio):

    if self._user_resample:
      # The user can also specify to have ULAW encoded source audio
      # converted to linear encoding upon being written.
      if self._user_resample.ulaw2lin:
        # Possibly skip downsampling if this was triggered, as
        # while ULAW encoded audio can be sampled at rates other
        # than 8KHz, since this is telephony related, it's unlikely.
        audio = audioop.ulaw2lin(audio, 2)

      # If the audio isn't already sampled at 8KHz,
      # then it needs to be downsampled first
      if self._user_resample.rate != 8000:
        audio, self._user_resample.ratecv_state = audioop.ratecv(

      # If the audio isn't already in mono, then
      # it needs to be downmixed as well
      if self._user_resample.channels == 2:
        audio = audioop.tomono(audio, 2, 1, 1)

Exemple #39
def transpose(snd, amount, chans=2):
    """ Change the speed of a sound.
        1.0 is unchanged, 0.5 is half speed, 2.0 is twice speed, etc.
        This is a wrapper for audioop.ratecv in the standard library."""
    amount = 1.0 / float(amount)
    rate = int(audio_params[2] * amount)
    return audioop.ratecv(snd, audio_params[1], chans, audio_params[2], rate, None)[0]
Exemple #40
def findfit(scratch_frag, final_frag, sound_file):
  '''Calculates the offset (in seconds) between scratch_frag & final_frag.
     Both fragments are assumed to contain the same, loud "clapper" event.
     The SoundFile object is used for common stream parameters.'''
  import audioop
  nchannels = sound_file.stream.getnchannels()
  framerate = sound_file.stream.getframerate()
  width = sound_file.stream.getsampwidth()

  # Simplify the sound streams to make it quicker to find a match.
  # Left channel only.
  if nchannels > 1:
    scratch_frag_ = audioop.tomono(scratch_frag, width, 1, 0)
    final_frag_   = audioop.tomono(final_frag,   width, 1, 0)
    scratch_frag_ = scratch_frag
    final_frag_   = final_frag
  nchannels_ = 1

  # Downsample to 8000/sec
  framerate_ = 8000
  scratch_frag_,state =\
      audioop.ratecv(scratch_frag_, width, nchannels_, framerate, framerate_, None)
  final_frag_,state =\
      audioop.ratecv(final_frag_,   width, nchannels_, framerate, framerate_, None)
  bytes_per_second_ = nchannels_ * framerate_ * width

  # Find the clapper in final
  length_samples = int(0.001 * framerate * nchannels_) # 0.1 sec
  final_off_samples = audioop.findmax(final_frag_, length_samples)

  # Search for a 2 second 'needle' centred on where we found the 'clapper'
  needle_bytes = 2 * bytes_per_second_
  b0 = max(0, final_off_samples * width - int(needle_bytes/2))
  print '"clapper" at final:', 1.0*b0/bytes_per_second_, 'sec'
  b1 = b0 + needle_bytes
  final_clapper_frag = final_frag_[b0:b1]
  scratch_off_samples,factor = audioop.findfit(scratch_frag_, final_clapper_frag)
  scratch_off_bytes = scratch_off_samples * width
  print 'match at scratch:', 1.0*scratch_off_bytes/bytes_per_second_, 'sec', " factor =",factor

  # Calculate the offset (shift) between the two fragments.
  shift_sec = (scratch_off_bytes - b0) * 1.0 / bytes_per_second_
  print 'shift =', shift_sec, 'seconds'
  return shift_sec
Exemple #41
def transpose(audio_string, amount):
    """ Transpose an audio fragment by a given amount.
        1.0 is unchanged, 0.5 is half speed, 2.0 is twice speed, etc """
    amount = 1.0 / float(amount)

    audio_string = audioop.ratecv(audio_string, audio_params[1], audio_params[0], audio_params[2], int(audio_params[2] * amount), None)
    return audio_string[0]
Exemple #42
    def set_frame_rate(self, frame_rate):
        if frame_rate == self.frame_rate:
            return self

        converted, _ = audioop.ratecv(self._data, self.sample_width,
            self.channels, self.frame_rate, frame_rate, None)
        return self._spawn(data=converted,
            overrides={'frame_rate': frame_rate})
Exemple #43
    def resample(self, rate, new_rate=16000):
        """ Return re-sampled frames.

        :param rate: (int) current frame rate of the frames
        :param new_rate: (int) new frame rate of the frames
        :returns: (str) converted frames

        return audioop.ratecv(self._frames, self._sampwidth, self._nchannels, rate, new_rate, None)[0]
Exemple #44
    def chunks(self, pcm, sample_rate):
        if len(pcm) == 0:
            yield b"", b""
            for i in xrange(0, len(pcm), self.buffer_length):
                original_pcm = pcm[i:i+self.buffer_length]
                resampled_pcm, self.state = audioop.ratecv(original_pcm, 2, 1, sample_rate, self.default_sample_rate, self.state)

                yield original_pcm, resampled_pcm
 def convert_sample_rate(self, out_rate):
     new_byte_data, _ = audioop.ratecv(self.BYTE_DATA,
     self.__sample_rate = out_rate
     self.__byte_data = new_byte_data
Exemple #46
    def resample(self, rate, newrate):
        Return resampled frames.

        @param rate (int) current framerate of the frames
        @param newrate (int) new framerate of the frames
        @return converted frames

        return audioop.ratecv(self.frames, self.sampwidth, self.nchannels, rate, newrate, None)[0]
Exemple #47
 def read(self, buf, source_channels):
     source_sample_width = pyaudio.get_sample_size(pyaudio.paInt16) * source_channels
     audio = buf[3:]
         # sometimes the data received is incomplete so reusing state
         # data from ratecv() sometimes results in errors
         (audio, _) = audioop.ratecv(audio, source_sample_width, source_channels, 48000, self.listener.sample_rate, None)
         audio = audioop.tomono(audio, self.listener.sample_width, 0.5, 0.5)
     except audioop.error, e:
         logger.warn("Error preparing sample", exc_info=True)
 def write(self, in_array):
     """ prepare at least 'items' samples.
     fragment, self.state = audioop.ratecv(in_array,
     ar = numarray.fromstring(fragment, type=numarray.Int16)
     ringbuffer.RingBuffer.write(self, ar)
Exemple #49
 def resample(self, samplerate):
     Resamples to a different sample rate, without changing the pitch and duration of the sound.
     The algorithm used is simple, and it will cause a loss of sound quality.
     assert not self.__locked
     if samplerate == self.__samplerate:
         return self
     self.__frames = audioop.ratecv(self.__frames, self.samplewidth, self.nchannels, self.samplerate, samplerate, None)[0]
     self.__samplerate = samplerate
     return self
Exemple #50
def transpose(snd, amount, chans=None):
    """ Change the speed of a sound.
        1.0 is unchanged, 0.5 is half speed, 2.0 is twice speed, etc.
        This is a wrapper for audioop.ratecv in the standard library."""
    if chans is None:
        chans = CHANNELS

    amount = 1.0 / float(amount)
    rate = int(SAMPLING_RATE * amount)
    return audioop.ratecv(snd, BIT_WIDTH, chans, SAMPLING_RATE, rate, None)[0]
def convert_wave_data(f_rate,frame_count,sample_width,channels,data):
    """ Convert wave sample data into pleo format
    if channels==2: data = audioop.tomono(data,sample_width,1,1)
    data = audioop.mul(data,sample_width,0.97999999999999998)
    data = audioop.ratecv(data,sample_width,1,f_rate,11025,None,4,4)[0]
    if sample_width==1:
       data = audioop.bias(data,1,-128)
       data = audioop.lin2lin(data,1,2)
    data = audioop.mul(data,2,(1.0/256))
    data = audioop.lin2adpcm(data,2,None)[0]
    return (11025,frame_count,sample_width,1,data)
Exemple #52
def pulsaret(slice, params, index):
    amp = ((params['amp'][1] - params['amp'][0]) * params['amp'][2][index]) + params['amp'][0]
    slice = pan(slice, params['pan_pos'], amp)

    freq_width = params['freq'][2][index] * (params['freq'][1] - params['freq'][0]) + params['freq'][0]
    target_rate = int(audio_params[2] * (1.0 / float(freq_width)))

    if target_rate == audio_params[2]:
        return slice
        slice = audioop.ratecv(slice, audio_params[0], audio_params[1], audio_params[2], cap(target_rate, 2147483647, dsp_grain), None)
        return slice[0]
Exemple #53
def resample(frames, sampwidth, nchannels, rate, newrate):
    Resample frames with a new framerate

    @param frames (string) input frames.
    @param sampwidth (int) sample width of the frames.
    @param nchannels (int) number of channels in the samples
    @param rate (int) current framerate of the frames
    @param newrate (int) new framerate of the frames
    @return converted frames
    return audioop.ratecv(frames, sampwidth, nchannels, rate, newrate, None)[0]
def _split_and_resample_wav(origAudio, start_time, stop_time, new_wav_file):
    nChannels = origAudio.getnchannels()
    sampleWidth = origAudio.getsampwidth()
    frameRate = origAudio.getframerate()
    origAudio.setpos(int(start_time * frameRate))
    chunkData = origAudio.readframes(int((stop_time - start_time) * frameRate))
    # by doubling the frame-rate we effectively go from 8 kHz to 16 kHz
    chunkData, _ = audioop.ratecv(chunkData, sampleWidth, nChannels, frameRate, 2 * frameRate, None)
    chunkAudio = wave.open(new_wav_file, "w")
    chunkAudio.setframerate(2 * frameRate)
Exemple #55
 def speed(self, speed):
     Changes the playback speed of the sample, without changing the sample rate.
     This will change the pitch and duration of the sound accordingly.
     The algorithm used is simple, and it will cause a loss of sound quality.
     assert not self.__locked
     assert speed > 0
     if speed == 1.0:
         return self
     rate = self.samplerate
     self.__frames = audioop.ratecv(self.__frames, self.samplewidth, self.nchannels, int(self.samplerate*speed), rate, None)[0]
     self.__samplerate = rate
     return self
Exemple #56
 def _ratecv(self, sounds):
     output = []
     for n, (sound, state) in enumerate(zip(sounds, self.ratecv_state)):
         while True:
             o, state = ratecv(sound, self.bytes, 1, 
                           int(round(len(sound) / self.tick_time) / self.bytes), 
             #Length may be off by one, so process until OK
             if len(o) == int(round(self.rate * self.tick_time * self.bytes)):
         self.ratecv_state[n] = state
     return output
def startSound(audio_array, in_sample_rate, in_channels, out_sample_rate=22050, out_channels=2):
    import audioop

    audio_array2 = audioop.ratecv(audio_array, 2, in_channels, in_sample_rate, out_sample_rate, None)[0]
    if out_channels == 1:
        audio_array2 = audioop.tomono(audio_array2, 2, 0.5, 0.5)[0]
    audio_array3 = numpy.frombuffer(audio_array2, numpy.int16)

    if out_channels > 1:
        audio_array3 = audio_array3.reshape((len(audio_array3)/out_channels,out_channels))

    pg.mixer.init(frequency=out_sample_rate, size=-16, channels=out_channels)
    if DEBUG: print pg.mixer.get_init()
    sound = pg.sndarray.make_sound(audio_array3)
    playing = sound.play()    
Exemple #58
        def convert(read,write):
            write.setparams((1, 2, 8000, 0,'NONE', 'not compressed'))

            o_fr = read.getframerate()
            o_chnl = read.getnchannels()
            t_fr = read.getnframes()
            data = read.readframes(t_fr)
            cnvrt = audioop.ratecv(data, 2, o_chnl,
                                   o_fr, 8000, None)
            if o_chnl != 1:
                mono = audioop.tomono(cnvrt[0], 2, 1, 0)