Exemple #1
def decode_row_batch(crypt: CryptoOptions, data) -> vpb.RowBatchData:
    jwe = JsonWebEncryption()

    rb = vpb.RowBatchData()
    data = jwe.deserialize_compact(data, crypt.jwk_private_key)
    return rb
def forgot_password_token(mode) :
	@app.route('/forgot_password_token/', methods = ['GET', 'POST'])
	This function is called from email to decode token and reset password.
	if request.method == 'GET' :
		token = request.args.get('token')
		key = privatekey.get_key(mode.owner_talao, 'rsa_key', mode)
		jwe = JsonWebEncryption()
		try :
			data = jwe.deserialize_compact(token, key)
		except :
			flash ('Incorrect data', 'danger')
			logging.warning('JWE did not decrypt')
			return render_template('./login/login_password.html')
		payload = json.loads(data['payload'].decode('utf-8'))
		if payload['expired'] < datetime.timestamp(datetime.now()) :
			flash ('Delay expired (3 minutes maximum)', 'danger')
			return render_template('./login/login_password.html')
		session['email_password'] = payload['email']
		session['username_password'] = payload['username']
		return render_template('./login/update_password_external.html')
	if request.method == 'POST' :
		if session['email_password'] != request.form['email'] :
			flash('Incorrect email', 'danger')
			return render_template('./login/update_password_external.html')
		ns.update_password(session['username_password'], request.form['password'], mode)
		flash('Password updated', "success")
		del session['email_password']
		del session['username_password']
		return render_template('./login/login_password.html')
Exemple #3
 def decrypt(self, token, key, type='AES'):
     if type == 'AES':
         data = SJCL.decrypt(self, token, key)
         return data.decode()
         jwe = JsonWebEncryption()
         data = jwe.deserialize_compact(token, key)
         return data['payload'].decode()
Exemple #4
 def test_compact_rsa(self):
     jwe = JsonWebEncryption(algorithms=JWE_ALGORITHMS)
     s = jwe.serialize_compact({
         'alg': 'RSA-OAEP',
         'enc': 'A256GCM'
     }, 'hello', read_file_path('rsa_public.pem'))
     data = jwe.deserialize_compact(s, read_file_path('rsa_private.pem'))
     header, payload = data['header'], data['payload']
     self.assertEqual(payload, b'hello')
     self.assertEqual(header['alg'], 'RSA-OAEP')
Exemple #5
 def test_ecdh_es_with_okp(self):
     jwe = JsonWebEncryption(algorithms=JWE_ALGORITHMS)
     key = OKPKey.generate_key('X25519', is_private=True)
     for alg in [
             "ECDH-ES", "ECDH-ES+A128KW", "ECDH-ES+A192KW", "ECDH-ES+A256KW"
         protected = {'alg': alg, 'enc': 'A128GCM'}
         data = jwe.serialize_compact(protected, b'hello', key)
         rv = jwe.deserialize_compact(data, key)
         self.assertEqual(rv['payload'], b'hello')
Exemple #6
 def test_with_zip_header(self):
     jwe = JsonWebEncryption()
     s = jwe.serialize_compact(
             'alg': 'RSA-OAEP',
             'enc': 'A128CBC-HS256',
             'zip': 'DEF'
         }, 'hello', read_file_path('rsa_public.pem'))
     data = jwe.deserialize_compact(s, read_file_path('rsa_private.pem'))
     header, payload = data['header'], data['payload']
     self.assertEqual(payload, b'hello')
     self.assertEqual(header['alg'], 'RSA-OAEP')
Exemple #7
    def test_dir_alg_c20p(self):
        jwe = JsonWebEncryption(algorithms=JWE_ALGORITHMS)
        key = OctKey.generate_key(256, is_private=True)
        protected = {'alg': 'dir', 'enc': 'C20P'}
        data = jwe.serialize_compact(protected, b'hello', key)
        rv = jwe.deserialize_compact(data, key)
        self.assertEqual(rv['payload'], b'hello')

        key2 = OctKey.generate_key(128, is_private=True)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, jwe.deserialize_compact, data, key2)

        self.assertRaises(ValueError, jwe.serialize_compact, protected,
                          b'hello', key2)
Exemple #8
 def test_aes_gcm_jwe(self):
     jwe = JsonWebEncryption(algorithms=JWE_ALGORITHMS)
     sizes = [128, 192, 256]
     _enc_choices = [
         'A128CBC-HS256', 'A192CBC-HS384', 'A256CBC-HS512', 'A128GCM',
         'A192GCM', 'A256GCM'
     for s in sizes:
         alg = 'A{}GCMKW'.format(s)
         key = os.urandom(s // 8)
         for enc in _enc_choices:
             protected = {'alg': alg, 'enc': enc}
             data = jwe.serialize_compact(protected, b'hello', key)
             rv = jwe.deserialize_compact(data, key)
             self.assertEqual(rv['payload'], b'hello')
Exemple #9
 def test_ecdh_es_jwe(self):
     jwe = JsonWebEncryption(algorithms=JWE_ALGORITHMS)
     key = {
         "kty": "EC",
         "crv": "P-256",
         "x": "gI0GAILBdu7T53akrFmMyGcsF3n5dO7MmwNBHKW5SV0",
         "y": "SLW_xSffzlPWrHEVI30DHM_4egVwt3NQqeUD7nMFpps",
         "d": "0_NxaRPUMQoAJt50Gz8YiTr8gRTwyEaCumd-MToTmIo"
     for alg in [
             "ECDH-ES", "ECDH-ES+A128KW", "ECDH-ES+A192KW", "ECDH-ES+A256KW"
         protected = {'alg': alg, 'enc': 'A128GCM'}
         data = jwe.serialize_compact(protected, b'hello', key)
         rv = jwe.deserialize_compact(data, key)
         self.assertEqual(rv['payload'], b'hello')
Exemple #10
def jweRsaDecryptFromBase64UrlToken(rsaPrivateKey, jweTokenBase64Url):
  jwe = JsonWebEncryption()
  return jwe.deserialize_compact(jweTokenBase64Url, rsaPrivateKey)
Exemple #11
def _get(workspace_contract_from, private_key_from, workspace_contract_user,
         documentId, mode):

    # @documentID is int
    if not isinstance(documentId, int):
        documentId = int(documentId)
        logging.error('doc_id must be int')

    w3 = mode.w3
    contract = w3.eth.contract(workspace_contract_user,
    #try :
    (doctype, doctypeversion, unused, issuer, unused, unused, ipfshash, unused,
     unused) = contract.functions.getDocument(documentId).call()
    #except :
    #	logging.error('connexion blockchain talaonet impossble, document.py')
    #	return None, None, None, None, None, None, None

    if doctype in [50000, 40000, 10000, 15000, 20000, 11000]:
        privacy = 'public'
    if doctype in [50001, 40001, 15001, 20001]:
        privacy = 'private'
    if doctype in [50002, 40002, 20002]:
        privacy = 'secret'
    workspace_contract_identity = workspace_contract_user

    # download from IPFS
    ipfs_data = Talao_ipfs.ipfs_get(ipfshash.decode('utf-8'))

    # previous version (deprecated)
    if privacy == 'public' and doctypeversion == 2:
        return issuer, workspace_contract_identity, ipfs_data, ipfshash.decode(
        ), privacy, "", 0

    # data encrypted server side with AES algo and server keys (public, private, secret)
    elif doctypeversion == 3:
        msg = privatekey.decrypt_data(workspace_contract_user, ipfs_data,
                                      privacy, mode)
        if msg:
            # decrypt avec algo AES-EAX ou AES-CBC
            return issuer, workspace_contract_user, msg, ipfshash.decode(
                'utf-8'), privacy, "", 0
            # la clé RSA n'est pas disponible sur le serveur
            logging.warning('Cannot decrypt data')
            return issuer, workspace_contract_user, {
                "data": 'Encrypted'
            }, ipfshash.decode('utf-8'), privacy, "", 0

    # data encrypted server side as JWE with RSA identity key
    elif doctypeversion == 4:
        jwe = JsonWebEncryption()
        address_user = contracts_to_owners(workspace_contract_user, mode)
        key = privatekey.get_key(address_user, 'rsa_key', mode)
        data = jwe.deserialize_compact(ipfs_data['jwe'], key)
        payload = data['payload']
        return issuer, workspace_contract_user, payload.decode(
        ), ipfshash.decode(), privacy, "", 0

    # data encrypted server side as JWE with AES key
    elif doctypeversion == 5:
        jwe = JsonWebEncryption()
        address_user = contracts_to_owners(workspace_contract_user, mode)
        if privacy == 'public':
            secret = mode.aes_public_key.encode()
            secret = privatekey.get_key(address_user, privacy, mode)
        data = jwe.deserialize_compact(ipfs_data['jwe'], secret)
        payload = data['payload']
        return issuer, workspace_contract_user, payload.decode(
        ), ipfshash.decode(), privacy, ipfs_data['id'], ipfs_data['sequence']

    # data encrypted client side as JWE. There is no server decryption.
    elif doctypeversion == 6:
        return issuer, workspace_contract_user, ipfs_data[
            'jwe'], ipfshash.decode(), privacy, "", 0

        logging.error('pb doctypeversion')
        return None, None, None, None, None, None, None