Exemple #1
def test_prune_inv_multiple_inv(backendopt):
    for datatype in backendopt:
        A0 = ad.Variable(name="A0", shape=[2, 2])
        A1 = ad.Variable(name="A1", shape=[2, 2])
        A2 = ad.Variable(name="A2", shape=[2, 2])

        out = ad.einsum('ab,bc,cd,de,ef,fg,gh->ah', A0, A1, A1,
                        ad.tensorinv(ad.einsum('ab,bc->ac', A1, A1), ind=1),
                        A2, A2,
                        ad.tensorinv(ad.einsum('ab,bc->ac', A2, A2), ind=1))
        new_out = prune_inv_node(out)

        for node in new_out.inputs:
            assert not isinstance(node, ad.EinsumNode)

        assert tree_eq(out, new_out, [A0, A1, A2], tol=1e-6)
Exemple #2
def test_prune_inv_different_num_inputs_no_pruning(backendopt):
    A = ad.Variable(name="A", shape=[2, 2])

    inv_input = ad.einsum('ab,bc->ac', A, A)
    output = ad.einsum('ab,bc->ac', ad.tensorinv(inv_input, ind=1), A)
    new_output = prune_inv_node(output)

    assert new_output is output
Exemple #3
def test_prune_inv_set_not_match(backendopt):
    A = ad.Variable(name="A", shape=[2, 2])
    B = ad.Variable(name="B", shape=[2, 2])

    inv = ad.tensorinv(ad.einsum('ab,bc->ac', A, B), ind=1)
    output = ad.einsum('ab,bc->ac', inv, A)
    new_output = prune_inv_node(output)

    assert new_output is output
Exemple #4
def test_kronecker_product_non_even(backendopt):

    A = ad.Variable(name="A", shape=[4, 4, 2, 2])
    B = ad.Variable(name="B", shape=[2, 2])

    out = ad.einsum("abcd,ef->abcdef", A, B)
    inv = ad.tensorinv(out, ind=2)
    newinv = optimize_inverse(inv)

    assert inv is newinv
Exemple #5
def test_tensorinv_tensor(backendopt):
    for datatype in backendopt:
        x = ad.Variable(name="x", shape=[3, 2, 3, 2])
        inv_x = ad.tensorinv(x)
        executor = ad.Executor([inv_x])

        x_val = T.random([3, 2, 3, 2])
        inv_x_val, = executor.run(feed_dict={x: x_val})
        assert T.array_equal(inv_x_val, T.tensorinv(x_val))
Exemple #6
def test_kronecker_product_nondecomposable(backendopt):

    A = ad.Variable(name="A", shape=[2, 3])
    B = ad.Variable(name="B", shape=[3, 2])

    out = ad.einsum("ab,cd->acbd", A, B)
    inv = ad.tensorinv(out)
    newinv = optimize_inverse(inv)

    assert inv is newinv
Exemple #7
def test_prune_inv_nonmatmul_no_pruning(backendopt):
    A = ad.Variable(name="A", shape=[2, 2])
    B = ad.Variable(name="B", shape=[2, 2])

    inv_input = ad.einsum('ab,bc->ac', A, B)
    # inv(inv_input) * inv_input.T, cannot be pruned
    output = ad.einsum('ac,ab,bc->ac', ad.tensorinv(inv_input, ind=1), A, B)

    new_output = prune_inv_node(output)

    assert new_output is output
def optimize_inverse(inv_node):
    Optimize the inverse of an einsum expression.

    node: The inverse of a fused einsum node

    If the input node cannot be optimized, then return the input node.
    If it can be optimized, return the optimized node.


    assert isinstance(inv_node, ad.TensorInverseNode)
    # Note: currently, the optimization algorithm only works when
    # 1. the matrix row and column has same number of dimension,
    # 2. the matrix is square,
    # 3. each corresponding dimension in row and column has the same size.
    if inv_node.input_indices_length * 2 != len(inv_node.shape):
        logger.info(f"Dimension length doesn't agree, can't optimize inverse")
        return inv_node
    matrix_dim = int(len(inv_node.shape) / 2)

    assert np.prod(inv_node.shape[:matrix_dim]) == np.prod(

    shape_diff_list = [
        inv_node.shape[i] - inv_node.shape[i + matrix_dim]
        for i in range(matrix_dim)
    if any(shape_diff != 0 for shape_diff in shape_diff_list):
            f"Each corresponding dimension in row and column doesn't have the same size, can't optimize inverse"
        return inv_node

    input_node = inv_node.inputs[0]

    if isinstance(input_node, ad.EinsumNode):
        return split_inv_einsum(inv_node)

    if isinstance(input_node, ad.AddNode) and (input_node.inputs[0].name
                                               == input_node.inputs[1].name):

        inverse_node = optimize_inverse(ad.tensorinv(input_node.inputs[0]))
        subscript = "".join(
            [chr(ord('a') + i) for i in range(len(inverse_node.shape))])
        return ad.einsum(f",{subscript}->{subscript}", ad.ScalarNode(0.5),

    return inv_node
def split_inv_einsum(inv_node):
    Optimize the inverse of an einsum expression, such that
    inverse is operated on several smaller tensors.

    node: The inverse of a fused einsum node

    If the input node cannot be optimized, then return the input node.
    If it can be optimized, return the optimized node.

    einsum_node = inv_node.inputs[0]
    assert isinstance(einsum_node, ad.EinsumNode)
    # einsum_node is a fused einsum
    for node in einsum_node.inputs:
        assert not isinstance(node, ad.EinsumNode)

    in_subs, out_subs, _ = _parse_einsum_input(
        (einsum_node.einsum_subscripts, *einsum_node.inputs))
    in_subs_list = in_subs.split(',')

    p_einsum_node = PseudoNode(node=einsum_node, subscript=out_subs)
    p_in_nodes = []
    for i, node in enumerate(einsum_node.inputs):
        p_in_nodes.append(PseudoNode(node=node, subscript=in_subs_list[i]))

    dsets = inv_disjoint_sets(p_einsum_node, p_in_nodes)

    # If the node cannot be decomposed, just return the input node
    if len(dsets) == 1:
        return inv_node

    new_inputs = []
    for dset in dsets:
        input_decomp_einsum = list(
            filter(lambda node: any(char in dset for char in node.subscript),
        out_subs = "".join(
            [char for char in p_einsum_node.subscript if char in dset])

        decomp_node = generate_new_einsum(input_decomp_einsum, out_subs)

        decomp_node.set_in_indices_length(int(len(out_subs) / 2))

        input_node = PseudoNode(node=ad.tensorinv(decomp_node),

    return generate_new_einsum(new_inputs, p_einsum_node.subscript)
Exemple #10
def test_prune_inv_nodes_transpose(backendopt):
    for datatype in backendopt:
        A = ad.Variable(name="A", shape=[2, 2])
        B = ad.Variable(name="B", shape=[2, 2])

        inv_input = ad.einsum('ab,bc->ca', A, B)
        # inv(inv_input.T) @ inv_input.T
        output = ad.einsum('ca,cd,de->ae', ad.tensorinv(inv_input, ind=1), A,
        new_output = prune_inv_node(output)

        assert isinstance(new_output, ad.IdentityNode)
        assert tree_eq(output, new_output, [A, B], tol=1e-6)
def test_get_common_ancestor_w_inv(backendopt):

    A = ad.Variable(name="A", shape=[3, 3])
    X = ad.Variable(name="X", shape=[3, 3, 3])
    inv = ad.tensorinv(ad.einsum("ab,ac->bc", A, A), ind=1)
    einsum_node = ad.einsum('abc,ad,ce->bce', X, A, inv)
    opt_einsum = generate_optimal_tree(einsum_node)
    sub_einsum = get_common_ancestor(opt_einsum, einsum_node.inputs, A)

    # sub_einsum should be ad.einsum('ad,abc->dbc',A,X), and shouldn't include the inv node.
    assert sorted(get_all_inputs(sub_einsum),
                  key=lambda node: node.name) == sorted(
                      [A, X], key=lambda node: node.name)
Exemple #12
def test_tensorinv_odd_dim(backendopt):
    for datatype in backendopt:

        x = ad.Variable(name="x", shape=[24, 8, 3])
        inv_x = ad.tensorinv(x, ind=1)

        assert inv_x.shape == [8, 3, 24]
        assert inv_x.input_indices_length == 2

        executor = ad.Executor([inv_x])
        x_val = T.random([24, 8, 3])
        inv_x_val, = executor.run(feed_dict={x: x_val})
        assert T.array_equal(inv_x_val, T.tensorinv(x_val, ind=1))
Exemple #13
def cpd_als_shared_exec(dim, size, rank, num_iter, input_val=[]):

    A_list, input_tensor, loss, residual = cpd_graph(dim, size, rank)

    full_hessian = ad.hessian(loss, A_list)
    hessians = [full_hessian[i][i] for i in range(len(full_hessian))]
    grads = ad.gradients(loss, A_list)

    updates = [
        ad.tensordot(ad.tensorinv(hes), grad, [[2, 3], [0, 1]])
        for (hes, grad) in zip(hessians, grads)

    new_A_list = [simplify(A - update) for (A, update) in zip(A_list, updates)]
    new_A_list = generate_sequential_optimal_tree(new_A_list, A_list)

    executor = ad.Executor(new_A_list)
    executor_loss = ad.Executor([simplify(loss)])

    if input_val == []:
        A_val_list, input_tensor_val = init_rand_cp(dim, size, rank)
        A_val_list, input_tensor_val = input_val

    for iter in range(num_iter):
        t0 = time.time()
        # als iterations
        for i in range(len(A_list)):

            feed_dict = dict(zip(A_list, A_val_list))
            feed_dict.update({input_tensor: input_tensor_val})

            if i == 0:
                A_val_list[0], = executor.run(feed_dict=feed_dict,
                A_val_list[i], = executor.run(feed_dict=feed_dict,
                                              evicted_inputs=[A_list[i - 1]],

        feed_dict = dict(zip(A_list, A_val_list))
        feed_dict.update({input_tensor: input_tensor_val})
        loss_val, = executor_loss.run(feed_dict=feed_dict)

        print(f'At iteration {iter} the loss is: {loss_val}')
        t1 = time.time()
        print(f"[ {iter} ] Sweep took {t1 - t0} seconds")

    return A_val_list
def test_simplify_inv_w_identity(backendopt):

    for datatype in backendopt:

        A = ad.Variable(name="A", shape=[2, 2])

        out = ad.einsum("ab,cd->acbd", A, ad.tensorinv(ad.identity(3)))
        newout = simplify(out)

        assert isinstance(newout, ad.EinsumNode)
        assert isinstance(newout.inputs[1], ad.IdentityNode)

        assert tree_eq(out, newout, [A], tol=1e-6)
Exemple #15
def test_s2s_tensorinv(backendopt):
    for datatype in backendopt:
        A = ad.Variable(name="A", shape=[2, 2])
        B = ad.tensorinv(A)

        A_val = T.tensor([[1., 0.], [0., 1.]])

        StS = SourceToSource()
        fwd_str = StS.forward([B], function_name='fwd', backend=datatype)
        m = import_code(fwd_str)
        out, = m.fwd([A_val])

        assert T.array_equal(A_val, out)
def test_simplify_inv_w_redundent_einsum(backendopt):

    for datatype in backendopt:

        A = ad.Variable(name="A", shape=[2, 2])

        out = ad.einsum("ab,cd->abcd", A, ad.tensorinv(ad.einsum("ab->ab", A)))
        newout = simplify(out)

        inv_node = newout.inputs[1]

        assert isinstance(inv_node.inputs[0], ad.VariableNode)

        assert tree_eq(out, newout, [A], tol=1e-6)
Exemple #17
def test_kronecker_product_repeated_inputs(backendopt):

    for datatype in backendopt:

        A = ad.Variable(name="A", shape=[2, 2])

        out = ad.einsum("ab,cd->acbd", A, A)
        inv = ad.tensorinv(out)
        newinv = optimize_inverse(inv)

        assert isinstance(newinv, ad.EinsumNode)
        for node in newinv.inputs:
            assert isinstance(node, ad.TensorInverseNode)

        assert tree_eq(inv, newinv, [A], tol=1e-5)
Exemple #18
def test_inv_multiple_decomposation(backendopt):
    for datatype in backendopt:

        A = ad.Variable(name="A", shape=[2, 2])
        B = ad.Variable(name="B", shape=[2, 2])
        C = ad.Variable(name="C", shape=[2, 2])

        out = ad.einsum("ab,cd,ef->acebdf", A, B, C)
        inv = ad.tensorinv(out)
        newinv = optimize_inverse(inv)

        assert isinstance(newinv, ad.EinsumNode)
        for node in newinv.inputs:
            assert isinstance(node, ad.TensorInverseNode)
        assert len(newinv.inputs) == 3

        assert tree_eq(inv, newinv, [A, B, C], tol=1e-5)
Exemple #19
def tucker_als_graph_shared_exec(dim, size, rank):
    Build the graph used for Tucker ALS with shared execution.

    dim: dimensionality of the input tensor
    size: the size of input tensor's each dim
    rank: the rank of the decomposition

    tg: an TuckerGraph object
    executor: An shared executor
    loss: the optimized graph for tucker loss
    updates: an list containing updates graphs for each dimension
    intermediates: list of einsum nodes. Each node is the objective
        each Tucker ALS step optimized for
    tg = TuckerGraph(dim, size, rank)

    updates = []
    for i in range(dim):

        core_A = tg.intermediates[i]
        hes = ad.hessian(tg.losses[i], [core_A])
        hes = hes[0][0]
        grad, = ad.gradients(tg.losses[i], [core_A])

        new_core_A = core_A - ad.tensordot(
            ad.tensorinv(hes), grad,
            [[i + dim for i in range(dim)], [i for i in range(dim)]])


    loss = simplify(tg.losses[0])
    for i in range(1, len(tg.losses)):
        assert loss.name == simplify(tg.losses[i]).name

    updates = generate_sequential_optimal_tree(updates, tg.A_list)
    executor_updates = ad.Executor(updates)
    executor_loss = ad.Executor([loss])

    return tg, executor_updates, executor_loss, loss, updates, tg.intermediates
Exemple #20
def test_prune_inv_nodes_cpd(backendopt):
    for datatype in backendopt:
        A = ad.Variable(name="A", shape=[2, 2])
        B = ad.Variable(name="B", shape=[2, 2])
        C = ad.Variable(name="C", shape=[2, 2])

        inv_input = ad.einsum('ab,dc,ac,db->bc', B, C, B, C)
        output = ad.einsum('ed,ea,cd,ba,ca,gd->bg', C, C, B, A, B,
                           ad.tensorinv(inv_input, ind=1))

        new_output = prune_inv_node(output)

        # T.einsum('ba,ag->bg',A,T.identity(2))
        assert len(new_output.inputs) == 2
        for node in new_output.inputs:
            if isinstance(node, ad.VariableNode):
                assert node == A

        assert tree_eq(output, new_output, [A, B, C], tol=1e-6)
Exemple #21
def test_high_dim_inv(backendopt):

    for datatype in backendopt:

        A = ad.Variable(name="A", shape=[2, 2, 2, 2])
        B = ad.Variable(name="B", shape=[2, 2, 2, 2])

        out = ad.einsum("aceg,dbhf->abcdefgh", A, B)
        inv = ad.tensorinv(out)
        # T.einsum('aceg,bdfh->abcdefgh',
        #     T.tensorinv(T.einsum('aceg->aceg',A), ind=2),
        #     T.tensorinv(T.einsum('dbhf->bdfh',B), ind=2))
        newinv = optimize_inverse(inv)

        assert isinstance(newinv, ad.EinsumNode)
        for node in newinv.inputs:
            assert isinstance(node, ad.TensorInverseNode)

        assert tree_eq(inv, newinv, [A, B], tol=1e-6)
Exemple #22
def tucker_als_graph(dim, size, rank):
    Build the graph used for Tucker ALS.

    dim: dimensionality of the input tensor
    size: the size of input tensor's each dim
    rank: the rank of the decomposition

    tg: an TuckerGraph object
    executors: list of executors. Each executor is used for
        one step of Tucker ALS
    intermediates: list of einsum nodes. Each node is the objective
        each Tucker ALS step optimized for
    tg = TuckerGraph(dim, size, rank)

    executors_update = []

    for i in range(dim):

        core_A = tg.intermediates[i]
        hes = ad.hessian(tg.losses[i], [core_A])
        hes = hes[0][0]
        grad, = ad.gradients(tg.losses[i], [core_A])

        new_core_A = core_A - ad.tensordot(
            ad.tensorinv(hes), grad,
            [[i + dim for i in range(dim)], [i for i in range(dim)]])

        executor = ad.Executor([simplify(new_core_A)])

    executor_loss = ad.Executor([simplify(tg.losses[0])])

    return tg, executors_update, executor_loss, tg.intermediates
Exemple #23
def test_complex_product_inv(backendopt):

    for datatype in backendopt:

        A = ad.Variable(name="A", shape=[2, 2])
        B = ad.Variable(name="B", shape=[2, 2])
        C = ad.Variable(name="C", shape=[2, 2])
        D = ad.Variable(name="D", shape=[2, 2])

        out = ad.einsum("ab,bc,de,ef->adcf", A, B, C, D)
        inv = ad.tensorinv(out)
        # T.einsum('ac,df->adcf',
        #     T.tensorinv(T.einsum('ab,bc->ac',A,B), ind=1),
        #     T.tensorinv(T.einsum('de,ef->df',C,D), ind=1))
        newinv = optimize_inverse(inv)

        assert isinstance(newinv, ad.EinsumNode)
        for node in newinv.inputs:
            assert isinstance(node, ad.TensorInverseNode)

        assert tree_eq(inv, newinv, [A, B, C, D], tol=1e-5)
Exemple #24
def cpd_als(dim, size, rank, num_iter, input_val=[]):

    A_list, input_tensor, loss, residual = cpd_graph(dim, size, rank)

    full_hessian = ad.hessian(loss, A_list)
    hessians = [full_hessian[i][i] for i in range(len(full_hessian))]
    grads = ad.gradients(loss, A_list)

    updates = [
        ad.tensordot(ad.tensorinv(hes), grad, [[2, 3], [0, 1]])
        for (hes, grad) in zip(hessians, grads)

    new_A_list = [simplify(A - update) for (A, update) in zip(A_list, updates)]

    executor = ad.Executor(new_A_list)
    executor_loss = ad.Executor([simplify(loss)])

    if input_val == []:
        A_val_list, input_tensor_val = init_rand_cp(dim, size, rank)
        A_val_list, input_tensor_val = input_val

    for iter in range(num_iter):
        # als iterations
        for i in range(len(A_list)):

            feed_dict = dict(zip(A_list, A_val_list))
            feed_dict.update({input_tensor: input_tensor_val})
            A_val_list[i], = executor.run(feed_dict=feed_dict,

        feed_dict = dict(zip(A_list, A_val_list))
        feed_dict.update({input_tensor: input_tensor_val})
        loss_val, = executor_loss.run(feed_dict=feed_dict)
        print(f'At iteration {iter} the loss is: {loss_val}')

    return A_val_list
Exemple #25
 def p_expression_tensorinv(t):
     t[0] = ad.tensorinv(t[3], ind=int(t[6]))
def test_tensorinv():

    A = ad.Variable(name="A", shape=[3, 3])
    y = ad.tensorinv(A)

    assert AutodiffParser.parse(y.name, [A]).name == y.name