Exemple #1
def set_config_path():
    conf.instance = conf.Config(path.join(directory, "files/plotter"),
                                path.join(directory, "output"))
Exemple #2
from autofit import conf
from autofit.optimize import non_linear as nl
from autolens.data import ccd
from autolens.model.galaxy import galaxy, galaxy_model as gm
from autolens.pipeline import phase as ph
from autolens.pipeline import pipeline as pl
from autolens.model.profiles import light_profiles as lp, mass_profiles as mp
from test.integration import tools

test_type = 'model_mapper'
test_name = "align_phi"

path = '{}/../../'.format(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
output_path = path + 'output/' + test_type
config_path = path + 'config'
conf.instance = conf.Config(config_path=config_path, output_path=output_path)

def pipeline():

    sersic = lp.EllipticalSersic(centre=(0.0, 0.0),

    lens_galaxy = galaxy.Galaxy(light_profile=sersic)

    tools.reset_paths(test_name=test_name, output_path=output_path)
# However, it comes with risks, and its important you develop an intuition for how this black magic works, so that you
# know when it is and isn't appropriate to use it.

# But, before we think about that, lets run two phase's - one without black magic, and one with black magic. These runs
# will use the same prior config files (see 'chapter_2_lens_modeling/configs/7_multnest_black_magic'), thus any speed
# up in our phase's is not due to prior tuning.

# If you are using Docker, the paths to the chapter is as follows (e.g. comment out this line)!
# path = '/home/user/workspace/howtolens/chapter_2_lens_modeling'

# If you arn't using docker, you need to change the path below to the chapter 2 directory and uncomment it
# path = '/path/to/user/workspace/howtolens/chapter_2_lens_modeling'
path = '/home/jammy/PyCharm/Projects/AutoLens/workspace/howtolens/chapter_2_lens_modeling'
conf.instance = conf.Config(config_path=path +
                            output_path=path + "/output")

# This function simulates the image we'll fit in this tutorial - which unlike previous tutorial images, also includes
# the light-profile of the lens galaxy.
def simulate():

    from autolens.data.array import grids
    from autolens.model.galaxy import galaxy as g
    from autolens.lens import ray_tracing

    psf = ccd.PSF.simulate_as_gaussian(shape=(11, 11),
from autofit import conf
import os

path = '{}/../../'.format(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))

conf.instance = conf.Config(config_path=path + 'config',
                            output_path=path + 'output')

import autolens as al

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

from astropy import cosmology

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pathlib import Path

M_o = 1.989e30
cosmo = cosmology.FlatLambdaCDM(H0=70, Om0=0.3)

slacs_path = '{}/../../dataset/slacs_data_table.xlsx'.format(
data_path = '{}/../../../../output/slacs'.format(
pipeline = '/pipeline_power_law_hyper__lens_bulge_disk_power_law__source_inversion__const' \
fig_path = '/Users/dgmt59/Documents/Plots/error_analysis/PL/shu_v_david_'
Exemple #5
def set_config_path():
    conf.instance = conf.Config(path.join(directory, "config"),
                                path.join(directory, "output"))
# we're going to relax these assumptions and get back our more realistic lens model. The beauty is that, by running
# the first phase, we can use its results to tune the priors of our second phase. For example:

# 1) The first phase should give us a pretty good idea of the lens galaxy's light and mass profiles, for example its
#    intensity, effective radius and einstein radius.

# 2) It should also give us a pretty good fit to the lensed source galaxy. This means we'll already know where in
#    source-plane its is located and what its intensity and effective are.

# If you are using Docker, the paths to the chapter is as follows (e.g. comment out this line)!
# path = '/home/user/workspace/howtolens/chapter_2_lens_modeling'

# If you arn't using docker, you need to change the path below to the chapter 2 directory and uncomment it
# path = '/path/to/user/workspace/howtolens/chapter_2_lens_modeling'
path = '/home/jammy/PyCharm/Projects/AutoLens/workspace/howtolens/chapter_2_lens_modeling'
conf.instance = conf.Config(config_path=path+'/configs/5_linking_phases', output_path=path+"/output")

# Another simulate image function, for the same image again.
def simulate():

    from autolens.data.array import grids
    from autolens.model.galaxy import galaxy as g
    from autolens.lens import ray_tracing

    psf = ccd.PSF.simulate_as_gaussian(shape=(11, 11), sigma=0.05, pixel_scale=0.05)
    image_plane_grid_stack = grids.GridStack.grid_stack_for_simulation(shape=(130, 130), pixel_scale=0.1, psf_shape=(11, 11))

    lens_galaxy = g.Galaxy(light=lp.EllipticalSersic(centre=(0.0, 0.0), axis_ratio=0.9, phi=45.0, intensity=0.04,
                                                             effective_radius=0.5, sersic_index=3.5),
                           mass=mp.EllipticalIsothermal(centre=(0.0, 0.0), axis_ratio=0.8, phi=45.0, einstein_radius=0.8))
# [EllipticalSersic]          # These are the priors used for an EllipticalSersic profile.
# intensity=u,0.0,1.0         # Its intensity uses a UniformPrior with lower_limit=0.0, upper_limit=1.0
# effective_radius=u,0.0,2.0  # Its effective radius uses a UniformPrior with lower_limit=0.0, upper_limit=2.0
# sersic_index=g,4.0,2.0      # Its Sersic index uses a GaussianPrior with mean=4.0 and sigma=2.0

# Lets again setup the paths and config-overrides for this chapter, so the non-linear search runs fast.

# If you are using Docker, the paths to the chapter is as follows (e.g. comment out this line)!
# path = '/home/user/workspace/howtolens/chapter_2_lens_modeling'

# If you arn't using docker, you need to change the path below to the chapter 2 directory and uncomment it
# path = '/path/to/user/workspace/howtolens/chapter_2_lens_modeling'
path = '/home/jammy/PyCharm/Projects/AutoLens/workspace/howtolens/chapter_2_lens_modeling'
conf.instance = conf.Config(config_path=path +
                            output_path=path + "/output")

# This function simulates the image we'll fit in this tutorial - which is identical to the previous tutorial.
def simulate():

    from autolens.data.array import grids
    from autolens.model.galaxy import galaxy as g
    from autolens.lens import ray_tracing

    psf = ccd.PSF.simulate_as_gaussian(shape=(11, 11),

    image_plane_grid_stack = grids.GridStack.grid_stack_for_simulation(
Exemple #8
def do_something():
    conf.instance = conf.Config("{}/config/".format(directory))
Exemple #9
def do_something():
    conf.instance = conf.Config(
def set_config_path():
    conf.instance = conf.Config(path.join(directory, "config"),
                                path.join(directory, "pipeline", "output"))
    return conf.instance
Exemple #11
import os

from autofit import conf
from autofit.mapper import model_mapper as mm
from autofit.mapper import prior
from autofit.optimize import non_linear as nl
from autolens.data import ccd
from autolens.model.galaxy import galaxy, galaxy_model as gm
from autolens.model.profiles import light_profiles as lp
from autolens.pipeline import phase as ph
from test.integration import tools

dirpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
conf.instance = conf.Config("{}/config".format(dirpath),

dirpath = os.path.dirname(dirpath)
output_path = '{}/output'.format(dirpath)

test_name = "test"

class TestPhaseModelMapper(object):

    def test_pairing_works(self):
        test_name = 'pair_floats'

        tools.reset_paths(test_name, output_path)

        sersic = lp.EllipticalSersic(centre=(0.0, 0.0), axis_ratio=0.8, phi=90.0, intensity=1.0, effective_radius=1.3,
# over-simplification, but lets worry about that later).

# This has a total of 18 non-linear parameters, which is over double the number of parameters we've fitted up to now.
# In future exercises, we'll fit even more complex models, with some 20-30+ non-linear parameters.

# The goal of this, rather short, exercise, is to fit this 'realistic' model to a simulated image, where the lens's
# light is visible and mass is elliptical. What could go wrong?

# If you are using Docker, the paths to the chapter is as follows (e.g. comment out this line)!
# path = '/home/user/workspace/howtolens/chapter_2_lens_modeling'

# If you arn't using docker, you need to change the path below to the chapter 2 directory and uncomment it
# path = '/path/to/user/workspace/howtolens/chapter_2_lens_modeling'
path = '/home/jammy/PyCharm/Projects/AutoLens/workspace/howtolens/chapter_2_lens_modeling'
conf.instance = conf.Config(config_path=path +
                            output_path=path + "/output")

# Another simulate image function, albeit it generates a new image
def simulate():

    from autolens.data.array import grids
    from autolens.model.galaxy import galaxy as g
    from autolens.lens import ray_tracing

    psf = ccd.PSF.simulate_as_gaussian(shape=(11, 11),
    image_plane_grid_stack = grids.GridStack.grid_stack_for_simulation(
        shape=(130, 130), pixel_scale=0.1, psf_shape=(11, 11))
Exemple #13
def do_something():
    conf.instance = conf.Config(
Exemple #14
from autolens.model.profiles import light_profiles as lp
from autolens.model.profiles import mass_profiles as mp
from autolens.lens.plotters import lens_fit_plotters

# We finished the last tutorial on a sour note. Our non-linear search failed miserably, and we were unable to infer a
# lens model which fitted our realistic data-set well. In this tutorial, we're going to right our past wrongs and infer
# the correct model - not just once, but three times!

# If you are using Docker, the paths to the chapter is as follows (e.g. comment out this line)!
# path = '/home/user/workspace/howtolens/chapter_2_lens_modeling'

# If you arn't using docker, you need to change the path below to the chapter 2 directory and uncomment it
# path = '/path/to/user/workspace/howtolens/chapter_2_lens_modeling'
path = '/home/jammy/PyCharm/Projects/AutoLens/workspace/howtolens/chapter_2_lens_modeling'
conf.instance = conf.Config(config_path=path +
                            output_path=path + "/output")

# Even with my custom config files - the non-linear searches will take a bit of time to run in this tutorial. Whilst you
# are waiting, I would skip ahead to the cells ahead of the phase-run cells, and sit back and think about the comments,
# there's a lot to take in in this tutorial so don't feel that you're in a rush!

# Alternatively, set these running and come back in 10 minutes or so - MultiNest resumes from the existing results on
# your hard-disk, so you can rerun things to get the results instantly!

# Another simulate image function, albeit it generates a new image
def simulate():

    from autolens.data.array import grids
    from autolens.model.galaxy import galaxy as g
# This line overrides the configuration of the non-linear search such that it computes the solution really fast. To
# do this, I've 'cheated' - I've computed the solution myself and then input it into the config. Nevertheless, it means
# things will run fast for you, meaning you won't suffer long delays doing the tutorials.
# This will all become clear at the end of the chapter, so for now just bare in mind that we are taking a short-cut
# to get our non-linear search to run fast!

# If you are using Docker, the paths to the chapter is as follows (e.g. comment out this line)!
# path = '/home/user/workspace/howtolens/chapter_2_lens_modeling'

# If you arn't using docker, you need to change the path below to the chapter 2 directory and uncomment it
# path = '/path/to/workspace/howtolens/chapter_2_lens_modeling'
path = '/home/jammy/PyCharm/Projects/AutoLens/workspace/howtolens/chapter_2_lens_modeling'

conf.instance = conf.Config(config_path=path + '/configs/1_non_linear_search',
                            output_path=path + "/output")

# This function simulates the image we'll fit in this tutorial.
def simulate():

    from autolens.data.array import grids
    from autolens.model.galaxy import galaxy as g
    from autolens.lens import ray_tracing

    psf = ccd.PSF.simulate_as_gaussian(shape=(11, 11),

    image_plane_grid_stack = grids.GridStack.grid_stack_for_simulation(
        shape=(130, 130), pixel_scale=0.1, psf_shape=(11, 11))