Exemple #1
    def tryout_lams(self, lams, **kwargs):
        # choose number of rounds
        self.lams = lams
        num_rounds = len(lams)

        # container for costs and weights
        self.cost_vals = []
        self.weights = []

        # reset initialization
        self.w_init = 0.1 * np.random.randn(self.x.shape[0] + 1, 1)

        # loop over lams and try out each
        for i in range(num_rounds):
            # set lambda
            lam = self.lams[i]

            # load in current model
            w_hist, c_hist = self.optimizer(self.cost.cost, self.x,

            # determine smallest cost value attained
            ind = np.argmin(c_hist)
            weight = w_hist[ind]
            cost_val = c_hist[ind]

        # determine best value of lamba from the above runs
        ind = np.argmin(self.cost_vals)
        self.best_lam = self.lams[ind]
        self.best_weights = self.weights[ind]
Exemple #2
    def compute_sample_LLs(self, NNs, zs, w_m, w_v, z_m, z_v, e_v, x, y, N):

        # Compute likelihood factors
        f_ws, f_zs = self.compute_LL_factors(NNs, zs, w_m, w_v, z_m, z_v, N)
        # Calculate likelihoods for every data-pair in the batch
        lls = []
        denom = 2 * e_v
        for k in range(0, self.K):
            # Append random features z to x
            x_z = np.concatenate((x, zs[k]), axis=1)
            out = NNs[k].execute(x_z)
            nom = np.square(y - out)
            ll = np.exp(-nom / denom) / (np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * e_v)) + 1e-10
            # Multiply multi-dimensional output if applicable
            ll = np.prod(ll, axis=1, keepdims=True)
            if (ll == 0).any() == True:
                print('Warning: A likelihood is zero.', np.argmin(ll))
                self.errormsg.append('one ll is zero.', np.argmin(ll))
            # Include alpha and divide by likelihood factors
            factored_ll = (ll**self.alpha / (f_ws[k] * f_zs[k]))
            if (factored_ll == 0).any() == True:
                print('Warning: A factored likelihood is zero.')
                self.errormsg.append('one f_ll is zero.')
        return lls
        def animate(k):
            # clear panels
            lam = lams[k]

            # print rendering update
            if np.mod(k + 1, 25) == 0:
                print('rendering animation frame ' + str(k + 1) + ' of ' +
            if k == num_frames - 1:
                print('animation rendering complete!')

            # run optimization
            if algo == 'gradient_descent':
                weight_history, cost_history = self.gradient_descent(
                    g, w, self.x, self.y, lam, alpha_choice, max_its,
            if algo == 'RMSprop':
                weight_history, cost_history = self.RMSprop(
                    g, w, self.x, self.y, lam, alpha_choice, max_its,

            # choose set of weights to plot based on lowest cost val
            ind = np.argmin(cost_history)

            # classification? then base on accuracy
            if 'counter' in kwargs:
                # create counting cost history as well
                counts = [
                    counter(v, self.x, self.y, lam) for v in weight_history
                if k == 0:
                    ind = np.argmin(counts)
                count = counts[ind]
                acc = 1 - count / self.y.size
                acc = np.round(acc, 2)

            # save lowest misclass weights
            w_best = weight_history[ind][1:]

            # plot
            ax.axhline(c='k', zorder=2)

            # make bar plot
            ax.bar(np.arange(0, len(w_best)), w_best, color='k', alpha=0.5)

            # dress panel
            title1 = r'$\lambda = ' + str(np.round(lam, 2)) + '$'
            costval = cost_history[ind][0]
            title2 = ', cost val = ' + str(np.round(costval, 2))
            if 'counter' in kwargs:
                title2 = ', accuracy = ' + str(acc)
            title = title1 + title2
            ax.set_xlabel('learned weights')
            return artist,
Exemple #4
def optimal_rotation_new(Y, p):
    """Choose the correct representative from each equivalence class.

    Y : ndarray (d*n)
        Data, with one COLUMN for each of the n data points in
        d-dimensional space.
    w : ndarray (d*d)
        Rotation matrix for p-th root of unity.
    p : int
        Order of cyclic group.

    S : ndarray (n*n)
        Correct power of w to use for each inner product. Satisfies
            S + S.T = 0 (mod p)


    # (I'm not convinced this method is actually better, algorithmically.)
    # Convert Y to complex form:
    Ycplx = Y[0::2] + 1j * Y[1::2]
    cplx_ip = Ycplx.T @ Ycplx.conjugate()
    ip_angles = np.angle(cplx_ip)
    ip_angles[ip_angles < 0] += 2 * np.pi  #np.angles uses range -pi,pi
    root_angles = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, p + 1)
    S = np.zeros(ip_angles.shape)
    for i in range(ip_angles.shape[0]):
        for j in range(ip_angles.shape[1]):
            S[i, j] = np.argmin(np.abs(ip_angles[i, j] - root_angles))
    S[S == p] = 0
    S = S.T  # Want the angle to act on the second component.
    return S
Exemple #5
    def proj_onto_line(self, w):
        w_c = copy.deepcopy(w)
        w_0 = -w_c[0] / w_c[
            2]  # amount to subtract from the vertical of each point

        # setup line to project onto
        w_1 = -w_c[1] / w_c[2]
        line_pt = np.asarray([1, w_1])
        line_pt.shape = (2, 1)
        line_hat = line_pt / np.linalg.norm(line_pt)
        line_hat.shape = (2, 1)

        # loop over points, compute distance of projections
        dists = []
        for j in range(len(self.y)):
            pt = copy.deepcopy(self.x[j])
            pt[1] -= w_0
            pt.shape = (2, 1)
            proj = np.dot(line_hat.T, pt) * line_hat
            proj.shape = (2, 1)
            d = np.linalg.norm(proj - pt)

        # find smallest distance to class point
        ind = np.argmin(dists)
        pt_min = copy.deepcopy(self.x[ind])

        # create new intercept coeff
        pt_min[1] -= w_0
        w_new = -w_1 * pt_min[0] + pt_min[1]

        return w_new
Exemple #6
    def figure_subspace_update(self, T, x_true=None):

        if x_true:
            X_true = np.array([x_true[k] for k in range(0, T + 1)])
            X_true = X_true.squeeze().T

        X_pred = np.array([self._mu[k] for k in range(0, T + 1)])
        X_pred = X_pred.squeeze().T
        X_pred = X_pred.reshape(self._r, T + 1)

        used = set()
        for l in range(self._r):
            ax = self._fig_subspace.add_subplot(2, int((self._r + 1) / 2),
                                                l + 1)
            if x_true:
                pl = np.argmin([
                    np.linalg.norm(X_true[l] -
                                   X_pred[m]) if not m in used else np.inf
                    for m in range(self._r)
                ax.plot(np.squeeze(X_true[l, :]), color="#004488", alpha=0.7)
                ax.plot(np.squeeze(X_pred[pl, :]), "--", color="#bb5566")
                ax.plot(np.squeeze(X_pred[l, :]), "--", color="#bb5566")

Exemple #7
def factorize_tuned(W, eps, Q0, iters=250, verbose=True):
    Optimize the strategy matrix for the given workload and epsilon.
    Use this function if you **do not** have a good guess for the learning rate gamma

    :param W: the workload matrix (p x n)
    :param eps: the privacy budget (scalar)
    :param Q0: the initial strategy (m x n)
    gamma = 1.0
    f = worst_variance(W, Q0, 'opt')
    while gamma > 1e-50:
            Q = factorize(W, eps, Q0, 50, gamma, verbose)
        gamma *= 0.5
    Q1 = Q
    Q2 = factorize(W, eps, Q0, 50, gamma / 2, verbose)
    Q3 = factorize(W, eps, Q0, 50, gamma / 4, verbose)
    Qs = [Q1, Q2, Q3]
    gammas = [gamma, gamma / 2, gamma / 4]
    fs = [worst_variance(W, Q, 'opt') for Q in Qs]
    i = np.argmin(fs)
    Q = factorize(W, eps, Qs[i], iters, gammas[i], verbose)
    return Q
Exemple #8
    def fit(self, x_train, y_train, params, reg_param=None):
        ''' Wrapper for MLE through gradient descent '''
        assert x_train.shape[0] == self.params['D_in']
        assert y_train.shape[0] == self.params['D_out']

        ### make objective function for training
        self.objective, self.gradient = self.make_objective(x_train, y_train, reg_param)

        ### set up optimization
        step_size = 0.01
        max_iteration = 5000
        check_point = 100
        weights_init = self.weights.reshape((1, -1))
        mass = None
        optimizer = 'adam'
        random_restarts = 5

        if 'step_size' in params.keys():
            step_size = params['step_size']
        if 'max_iteration' in params.keys():
            max_iteration = params['max_iteration']
        if 'check_point' in params.keys():
            self.check_point = params['check_point']
        if 'init' in params.keys():
            weights_init = params['init']
        if 'call_back' in params.keys():
            call_back = params['call_back']
        if 'mass' in params.keys():
            mass = params['mass']
        if 'optimizer' in params.keys():
            optimizer = params['optimizer']
        if 'random_restarts' in params.keys():
            random_restarts = params['random_restarts']

        def call_back(weights, iteration, g):
            ''' Actions per optimization step '''
            objective = self.objective(weights, iteration)
            self.objective_trace = np.vstack((self.objective_trace, objective))
            self.weight_trace = np.vstack((self.weight_trace, weights))
            if iteration % check_point == 0:
                mag = np.linalg.norm(self.gradient(weights, iteration))
                # print("Iteration {} lower bound {}; gradient mag: {}".format(iteration, objective, mag))

        ### train with random restarts
        optimal_obj = 1e16
        optimal_weights = self.weights

        for i in range(random_restarts):
            if optimizer == 'adam':
                adam(self.gradient, weights_init, step_size=step_size, num_iters=max_iteration,
            local_opt = np.min(self.objective_trace[-100:])

            if local_opt < optimal_obj:
                opt_index = np.argmin(self.objective_trace[-100:])
                self.weights = self.weight_trace[-100:][opt_index].reshape((1, -1))
            weights_init = self.random.normal(0, 1, size=(1, self.D))

        self.objective_trace = self.objective_trace[1:]
        self.weight_trace = self.weight_trace[1:]
Exemple #9
def assign_to_modal_uparams(this_uparam, modal_uparam):
        mid_pts = 0.5 * (modal_uparam[1:] + modal_uparam[:-1])
        bins = np.concatenate(((-np.inf, ), mid_pts, (np.inf, )))
        inds_in_modal = np.digitize(this_uparam, bins) - 1
        numerical = True
        print('non-numerical parameter')
        numerical = False
    if numerical:
        uinds = np.unique(inds_in_modal)
        inds_in_this = np.zeros((0, ), dtype='int')
        for uind in uinds:
            candidates = np.where(inds_in_modal == uind)[0]
            dist_from_modal = np.abs(this_uparam[candidates] -
            to_keep = candidates[np.argmin(dist_from_modal)]
            inds_in_this = np.concatenate((inds_in_this, (to_keep, )))
        inds_in_modal = inds_in_modal[inds_in_this]
        bool_in_this = np.zeros((len(this_uparam), ), dtype='bool')
        bool_in_modal = np.zeros((len(modal_uparam), ), dtype='bool')
        bool_in_this[inds_in_this] = True
        bool_in_modal[inds_in_modal] = True
        assert (np.all(this_uparam == modal_uparam))
        bool_in_this, bool_in_modal = [
            np.ones(this_uparam.shape, dtype='bool') for iparam in range(2)
    return bool_in_this, bool_in_modal
Exemple #10
    def __init__(self, name, x, y, feature_transforms, runs):
        # point to input/output for cost functions
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

        # make copy of feature transformation
        self.feature_transforms = feature_transforms

        # compute representation so far
        self.rep = 0
        if len(runs) == 0:
            self.rep = 0
            for i in range(len(runs)):
                # get current run
                run = runs[i]
                cost = run.cost
                model = run.model
                feat = run.feature_transforms
                normalizer = run.normalizer
                cost_history = run.train_cost_histories[0]
                weight_history = run.weight_histories[0]

                # get best weights
                win = np.argmin(cost_history)
                w = weight_history[win]
                self.rep += model(self.x, w)

        # count parameter layers of input to feature transform
        self.sig = signature(self.feature_transforms)

        ### make cost function choice ###
        # for regression
        if name == 'least_squares':
            self.cost = self.least_squares
        if name == 'least_absolute_deviations':
            self.cost = self.least_absolute_deviations

        # for two-class classification
        if name == 'softmax':
            self.cost = self.softmax
        if name == 'perceptron':
            self.cost = self.perceptron
        if name == 'twoclass_counter':
            self.cost = self.counting_cost

        # for multiclass classification
        if name == 'multiclass_perceptron':
            self.cost = self.multiclass_perceptron
        if name == 'multiclass_softmax':
            self.cost = self.multiclass_softmax
        if name == 'multiclass_counter':
            self.cost = self.multiclass_counting_cost

        # for autoencoder
        if name == 'autoencoder':
            self.feature_transforms = feature_transforms
            self.feature_transforms_2 = kwargs['feature_transforms_2']
            self.cost = self.autoencoder
 def plot_model(self):
     Visualization of a best fit model
     ind = np.argmin(self.costs)
     least_weights = self.weights[0][ind]
     Plotter.Model(self.x, self.y, least_weights, self.costs[0],
                   self.normalizer, self.model)
Exemple #12
def worst():
    ans = nnm.answer(testing_images)
    for digit in range(10):
        where = np.argmax(testing_labels, 1) == digit
        idx = np.argmin(ans[where, digit])
        plt.subplot(2, 5, digit + 1)
        plt_image(testing_images[where][idx].reshape([28, 28]))
        print digit, ans[where][idx]
Exemple #13
def response(params, inputs=None, targets=None, channels=None, hps=None):
    if np.any(targets) == None: targets = inputs
    return np.argmin(np.sum(np.square(
            forward(params, inputs=inputs, channels=channels, hps=hps)[-1])),
                     axis=0)[:, 0]
    def draw_fit(self,ax,run,ind):
        # viewing ranges
        xmin1 = min(copy.deepcopy(self.x[0,:]))
        xmax1 = max(copy.deepcopy(self.x[0,:]))
        xgap1 = (xmax1 - xmin1)*0.05
        xmin1 -= xgap1
        xmax1 += xgap1

        xmin2 = min(copy.deepcopy(self.x[1,:]))
        xmax2 = max(copy.deepcopy(self.x[1,:]))
        xgap2 = (xmax2 - xmin2)*0.05
        xmin2 -= xgap2
        xmax2 += xgap2

        ymin = min(copy.deepcopy(self.y))
        ymax = max(copy.deepcopy(self.y))
        ygap = (ymax - ymin)*0.05
        ymin -= ygap
        ymax += ygap
        # plot boundary for 2d plot
        r1 = np.linspace(xmin1,xmax1,300)
        r2 = np.linspace(xmin2,xmax2,300)
        s,t = np.meshgrid(r1,r2)
        s = np.reshape(s,(np.size(s),1))
        t = np.reshape(t,(np.size(t),1))
        h = np.concatenate((s,t),axis = 1).T
        # plot total fit
        cost = run.cost
        model = run.model
        feat = run.feature_transforms
        normalizer = run.normalizer
        cost_history = run.train_cost_histories[0]
        weight_history = run.weight_histories[0]

        # get best weights                
        win = np.argmin(cost_history)
        w = weight_history[win]        
        model = lambda b: run.model(normalizer(b),w)
        z = model(h)
        z = np.sign(z)

        # reshape it
        s.shape = (np.size(r1),np.size(r2))
        t.shape = (np.size(r1),np.size(r2))     
        z.shape = (np.size(r1),np.size(r2))

        #### plot contour, color regions ####
        ax.contour(s,t,z,colors='k', linewidths=2.5,levels = [0],zorder = 2)
        ax.contourf(s,t,z,colors = [self.colors[1],self.colors[0]],alpha = 0.15,levels = range(-1,2))
        ### cleanup left plots, create max view ranges ###
        ax.set_title(str(ind+1) + ' units fit to data',fontsize = 14)
Exemple #15
def worst():
    ans = nnm.answer(testing_images)
    for digit in range(10):
        where = np.argmax(testing_labels, 1) == digit
        idx = np.argmin(ans[where, digit])
        plt.subplot(2, 5, digit+1)
        plt_image(testing_images[where][idx].reshape([28, 28]))
        print digit, ans[where][idx]
    def draw_fit_trainval(self,ax,run,plot_fit):
        # set plotting limits
        xmax = np.max(copy.deepcopy(self.x))
        xmin = np.min(copy.deepcopy(self.x))
        xgap = (xmax - xmin)*0.1
        xmin -= xgap
        xmax += xgap

        ymax = np.max(copy.deepcopy(self.y))
        ymin = np.min(copy.deepcopy(self.y))
        ygap = (ymax - ymin)*0.3
        ymin -= ygap
        ymax += ygap    

        ####### plot total model on original dataset #######
        # scatter original data - training and validation sets
        train_inds = run.train_inds
        valid_inds = run.val_inds
        ax.scatter(self.x[:,train_inds],self.y[:,train_inds],color = self.colors[1],s = 40,edgecolor = 'k',linewidth = 0.9)
        ax.scatter(self.x[:,valid_inds],self.y[:,valid_inds],color = self.colors[0],s = 40,edgecolor = 'k',linewidth = 0.9)
        if plot_fit == True:
            # plot fit on residual
            s = np.linspace(xmin,xmax,2000)[np.newaxis,:]

            # plot total fit
            t = 0

            # get current run
            cost = run.cost
            model = run.model
            feat = run.feature_transforms
            normalizer = run.normalizer
            cost_history = run.train_cost_histories[0]
            weight_history = run.weight_histories[0]

            # get best weights                
            win = np.argmin(cost_history)
            w = weight_history[win]        
            t = model(normalizer(s),w)

            ax.plot(s.T,t.T,linewidth = 4,c = 'k')
            ax.plot(s.T,t.T,linewidth = 2,c = 'r')
            lam = run.lam
            ax.set_title( 'lam = ' + str(np.round(lam,2)) + ' and fit to original',fontsize = 14)

        if plot_fit == False:
            ax.set_title('test',fontsize = 14,color = 'w')

        ### clean up panels ###             
        # label axes
        ax.set_xlabel(r'$x$', fontsize = 14)
        ax.set_ylabel(r'$y$', rotation = 0,fontsize = 14,labelpad = 15)
    def draw_boundary(self, ax, runs, ind):
        ### create boundary data ###
        # get visual boundary
        xmin1 = np.min(self.x[0, :])
        xmax1 = np.max(self.x[0, :])
        xgap1 = (xmax1 - xmin1) * 0.05
        xmin1 -= xgap1
        xmax1 += xgap1

        xmin2 = np.min(self.x[1, :])
        xmax2 = np.max(self.x[1, :])
        xgap2 = (xmax2 - xmin2) * 0.05
        xmin2 -= xgap2
        xmax2 += xgap2

        # plot boundary for 2d plot
        r1 = np.linspace(xmin1, xmax1, 300)
        r2 = np.linspace(xmin2, xmax2, 300)
        s, t = np.meshgrid(r1, r2)
        s = np.reshape(s, (np.size(s), 1))
        t = np.reshape(t, (np.size(t), 1))
        h = np.concatenate((s, t), axis=1)

        # plot total fit
        a = 0
        for i in range(ind + 1):
            # get current run
            run = runs[i]
            cost = run.cost
            model = run.model
            feat = run.feature_transforms
            normalizer = run.normalizer
            cost_history = run.train_cost_histories[0]
            weight_history = run.weight_histories[0]

            # get best weights
            win = np.argmin(cost_history)
            w = weight_history[win]
            a += model(normalizer(h.T), w)

        # compute model on train data
        z1 = np.sign(a)

        # reshape it
        s.shape = (np.size(r1), np.size(r2))
        t.shape = (np.size(r1), np.size(r2))
        z1.shape = (np.size(r1), np.size(r2))

        #### plot contour, color regions ####
        ax.contour(s, t, z1, colors='k', linewidths=2.5, levels=[0], zorder=2)
                    colors=[self.colors[1], self.colors[0]],
                    levels=range(-1, 2))
Exemple #18
    def booster(self, x, y, alpha, its):
        Coordinate descent for Least Squares
        x - the Px(N+1) data matrix
        y - the Px1 output vector

        # cost function for tol checking
        g = lambda w: np.sum(np.log(1 + np.exp(-y * np.dot(x, w))))

        # settings
        N = np.shape(x)[1]  # length of weights
        w = np.zeros((N, 1))  # initialization
        w_history = [copy.deepcopy(w)]  # record each weight for plotting

        # outer loop - each is a sweep through every variable once
        for i in range(its):
            ### inner loop - each is a single variable update
            cost_vals = []
            w_vals = []

            # update weights
            for n in range(N):
                # compute numerator of newton update
                temp1 = x[:, n:n + 1] * y
                temp2 = y * np.dot(x, w)
                temp2 = [np.exp(v) for v in temp2]
                numer = -np.sum(
                    np.asarray([v / (1 + r) for v, r in zip(temp1, temp2)]))

                # compute denominator
                temp3 = [v / (1 + v)**2 for v in temp2]
                temp4 = x[:, n:n + 1]**2
                denom = np.sum(
                    np.asarray([v * r for v, r in zip(temp3, temp4)]))

                # record newton step
                w_n = w[n] - numer / denom

                # record corresponding cost val
                w[n] += copy.deepcopy(w_n)
                g_n = g(w)
                w[n] -= copy.deepcopy(w_n)

            # take best
            ind = np.argmin(cost_vals)
            w[ind] += alpha * w_vals[ind]

            # record weights at each step for kicks

        return w_history
Exemple #19
def subset_cv(sub_list, test_x, test_y,
              train_x, train_y,
              n_ul = 0,
              x_ul = 0):

    In MTL, preturn subset using cross-validation.
    scores = []
    fold = 2

    kf = KFold(test_x.shape[0],n_folds = fold)
    for s in sub_list:
        scores_temp = []

        for train, test in kf:
            test_x_cv = test_x[train]
            test_y_cv = test_y[train]

            X = np.concatenate([test_x_cv, train_x],axis=0)
            Y = np.concatenate([test_y_cv, train_y],axis=0)
            app_xy = np.append(Y,X,axis=1)

            mask = np.zeros(app_xy.shape[0], dtype = bool)

            mask[0:test_x_cv.shape[0]] = True
            mask_var = np.zeros(app_xy.shape[1],dtype=bool)
            mask_var[0] = True

            if s.size>0:
                mask_var[s+1] = True
            app_xyt = np.concatenate([test_y_cv, test_x_cv],axis=1)
            sigma = np.cov(app_xyt.T) +2/(np.log(test_x_cv.shape[0])**2)*np.eye(app_xyt.shape[1]) 

            stay = True
            while stay:
                sigma = e_step(sigma,app_xy,mask_var, mask)
                stay =  (index<20)
                index += 1
            cov_xsh = sigma[1:,1:]
            cov_xysh = sigma[0,1:][:,np.newaxis]

            beta_cs =  np.dot(np.linalg.inv(cov_xsh),cov_xysh)
    return sub_list[np.argmin(scores)]
Exemple #20
def model_all_data(data_folder, steps):
    # Runs the whole pipeline for taking in all data and generating a linear model to predict the next heart rate
    dataset = read_all_files(data_folder)
    # Save the gathered data in a .npy file for later use
    np.save(data_folder + 'dataset.npy', np.array(dataset))

    dataset_t = np.transpose(dataset, (1, 0))
    hr = dataset_t[0]
    cad = dataset_t[1]
    pwr = dataset_t[2]
    hr_next = dataset_t[3]

    # least_squares using dataset input
    def least_squares_set(w, hr, cad, pwr, hr_next):
        hr1 = model(w, hr, cad, pwr)
        cost = np.sum((hr1 - hr_next)**2)
        return cost / hr.size

    hr_normalizer, hr_inverse_normalizer = standard_normalizer(hr, 0)
    cad_normalizer, cad_inverse_normalizer = standard_normalizer(cad, 0)
    pwr_normalizer, pwr_inverse_normalizer = standard_normalizer(pwr, 0)

    hr_normalized = hr_normalizer(hr)
    cad_normalized = cad_normalizer(cad)
    pwr_normalized = pwr_normalizer(pwr)
    hr_next_normalized = hr_normalizer(hr_next)

    g = lambda w, hr=hr_normalized, cad=cad_normalized, pwr=pwr_normalized, hr_next=hr_next_normalized: least_squares_set(
        w, hr, cad, pwr, hr_next)
    w_size = 4  # The number of weights
    w_init = 0.1 * np.random.randn(w_size, 1)
    max_its = steps
    alpha = 10**(-1)
    w_hist, train_hist = gradient_descent(g,

    # print out that cost function history plot

    # Get best weights and trained model
    ind = np.argmin(train_hist)
    w_best = w_hist[ind]
    g_best = train_hist[ind]

    all_data_model = lambda hr, cad, pwr, w=w_best: model(
        w, hr_normalizer(hr), cad_normalizer(cad), pwr_normalizer(pwr))

    return all_data_model, hr_inverse_normalizer
Exemple #21
def multi_explore_optimization(objective,
    Repeat explore optimisation and pick the best optimum from the results.

    objective : callable
        The objective function to be minimized
    t_min : numpy.ndarray
        The minimum bound on the input (d,)
    t_max : numpy.ndarray
        The maximum bound on the input (d,)
    n_samples : int, optional
        The number of sample points to use
    n_repeat : int, optional
        The number of multiple explore optimisation to be performed

        The optimal input parameters (d,)
        The optimal objective value
    results = [
                             jac=jac) for i in range(n_repeat)
    results = list(map(list, zip(*results)))

    t_list = results[0]
    f_list = results[1]

    i_opt = np.argmin(f_list)
    t_opt, f_opt = t_list[i_opt], f_list[i_opt]

    logging.debug('Multi-Explore Optimization Completed')
        'List of local optimums and their objective function value: ')
    [logging.debug(t_list[i], f_list[i]) for i in range(n_repeat)]
    logging.debug('Best Optimum:')
    logging.debug('Hyperparameters: %s | Objective: %f' % (str(t_opt), f_opt))

    return t_opt, f_opt
def match_given_alpha(diff):
    n2, n1 = diff.shape
    if n1 == n2:
        return np.eye(n1)
    P = np.zeros((n2, n1))
    am = np.argmin(diff, axis=0)
    if np.unique(am).shape[0] == n1:
        msoln = (np.arange(n1), am)
        msoln = solve_dense(diff.T)
    P[msoln[1], msoln[0]] = 1.0
    P = P[:, :n1]
    return P.copy()
def display_results_Gibbs(X, Z, Z_Gibbs, mean_A, A, manual_perm=None):

    D = np.shape(X)[1]
    N = np.shape(X)[0]
    K = np.shape(Z_Gibbs)[1]

    print('Z (unpermuted): \n', Z[0:10])

    # Find the minimizing permutation.
    accuracy_mat = [[
        np.sum(np.abs(Z[:, i] - Z_Gibbs[:, j])) / N for i in range(K)
    ] for j in range(K)]
    perm_tmp = np.argmin(accuracy_mat, 1)

    # check that we have a true permuation
    if len(perm_tmp) == len(set(perm_tmp)):
        perm = perm_tmp
        print('** procedure did not give a true permutation')
        if manual_perm == None:
            perm = np.arange(K)
            perm = manual_perm

    print('permutation: ', perm)

    # print Z (permuted) and nu
    print('Z (permuted) \n', Z[0:10, perm])
    print('round_nu \n', Z_Gibbs[0:10, :])

    print('l1 error (after permutation): ', \
        [ np.sum(np.abs(Z[:, perm[i]] - Z_Gibbs[:, i]))/N for i in range(K) ])

    # examine phi_mu
    print('true A (permuted): \n', A[perm, :])
    print('poster mean A: \n', mean_A)

    # plot posterior predictive
    pred_x = np.dot(Z_Gibbs, mean_A)
    for col in range(D):
        plt.plot(pred_x[:, col], X[:, col], 'ko')
        diag = np.linspace(np.min(pred_x[:, col]), np.max(pred_x[:, col]))
        plt.plot(diag, diag)
        plt.title('Posterior predictive, column' + str(col))
        plt.xlabel('predicted X')
        plt.ylabel('true X')
    def exact(self, w, grad_eval):
        # set parameters of linesearch at each step
        valmax = 10
        num_evals = 3000

        # set alpha range
        alpha_range = np.linspace(0, valmax, num_evals)

        # evaluate function over direction and alpha range, grab alpha giving lowest eval
        steps = [(w - alpha * grad_eval) for alpha in alpha_range]
        func_evals = np.array([self.g(s) for s in steps])
        ind = np.argmin(func_evals)
        best_alpha = alpha_range[ind]

        return best_alpha
Exemple #25
    def draw_fit(self, ax, runs, ind):
        # set plotting limits
        xmax = np.max(copy.deepcopy(self.x))
        xmin = np.min(copy.deepcopy(self.x))
        xgap = (xmax - xmin) * 0.1
        xmin -= xgap
        xmax += xgap

        ymax = np.max(copy.deepcopy(self.y))
        ymin = np.min(copy.deepcopy(self.y))
        ygap = (ymax - ymin) * 0.1
        ymin -= ygap
        ymax += ygap

        # scatter points or plot continuous version

        # clean up panel
        ax.set_xlim([xmin, xmax])
        ax.set_ylim([ymin, ymax])

        # label axes
        ax.set_xlabel(r'$x$', fontsize=16)
        ax.set_ylabel(r'$y$', rotation=0, fontsize=16, labelpad=15)

        # plot total fit
        s = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, 2000)[np.newaxis, :]
        t = 0
        for i in range(ind):
            # get current run
            run = runs[i]
            cost = run.cost
            predict = run.model
            feat = run.feature_transforms
            normalizer = run.normalizer

            # get best weights
            b = np.argmin(run.train_cost_histories[0])
            w_best = run.weight_histories[0][b]
            t += predict(normalizer(s), w_best)

        ax.plot(s.T, t.T, linewidth=4, c='k')
        ax.plot(s.T, t.T, linewidth=2, c='r')
Exemple #26
def diva_response(params,
    if targets == None: targets = inputs
    return np.argmin(np.sum(np.square(
                     axis=0)[:, 0]
Exemple #27
 def diagnose(self):
     idx_min = np.argmin(self.loss_history)
     plt.plot(self.loss_history,label='Training Loss')
     if idx_min != (len(self.loss_history)-1):
         print("WARNING - Potential convergence issues")
         self.params = self.par_history[idx_min]
         plt.axvline(idx_min,color='red', label = f'Min at {idx_min}')
def Gardner_Krauth_Mezard(N, patterns, weights, biases, sc, lr, k, maxiter):
    Gardner rule rule proposed in (1987) Krauth Learning algorithms with optimal stability in neural networks +
    Krauth Mezard update strategy
    Z = np.array(patterns).T
    M = 0
    p = Z.shape[-1]
    Z_ = np.vstack([Z, np.ones(p)])
    w_and_b = deepcopy(np.hstack([weights, biases.reshape(N, 1)]))
    y_global = ((w_and_b @ Z_).T /
                (np.sqrt(np.sum(w_and_b**2, axis=1)))) * Z.T  #
    while (np.any(y_global < k) and M < maxiter):
        for i in range(N):  # for each neuron independently
            # compute normalised stability measure (h_i, sigma_i)/|w_i|^2_2
            sum_of_squares = np.sum(weights[i, :]**2 + biases[i]**2)
            ys = ((weights[i, :] @ Z + biases[i]) /
                  (np.sqrt(sum_of_squares))) * Z[i, :]  #
            #pick the pattern with the weakest y
            ind_min = np.argmin(ys)
            weakest_pattern = np.array(
                deepcopy(patterns[ind_min].reshape(1, N)))
            h_i = (weights[i, :].reshape(1, N) @ weakest_pattern.T +
            # if the new weakest pattern is not yet stable with the margin k
            y = (h_i * weakest_pattern[0, i]) / (np.sqrt(sum_of_squares))  #
            while (y < k):
                weights[i, :] = deepcopy(
                    weights[i, :] + lr *
                    (weakest_pattern[0, i] * weakest_pattern).squeeze())
                #set diagonal elements to zero
                if sc == True:
                    weights[i, i] = 0
                biases[i] = biases[i] + lr * weakest_pattern[0, i]
                sum_of_squares = np.sum(weights[i, :]**2 + biases[i]**2)
                h_i = (weights[i, :].reshape(1, N) @ weakest_pattern.T +
                y = (h_i * weakest_pattern[0, i]) / (np.sqrt(sum_of_squares)
                                                     )  #
        w_and_b = deepcopy(np.hstack([weights, biases.reshape(N, 1)]))
        y_global = ((w_and_b @ Z_).T /
                    (np.sqrt(np.sum(w_and_b**2, axis=1)))) * Z.T  #
        M += 1
        if M >= maxiter:
            print('Maximum number of iterations has been exceeded')
    return weights, biases
Exemple #29
    def __init__(self, vec, other_vec, whole, otherwhole, actInd, **kwargs):
        actInd = (int(actInd[0]), int(actInd[1]))
        DistanceMat = np.array([[distance(i, j) for j in otherwhole]
                                for i in whole])

        # print("Mindistance:", np.min(DistanceMat))
        # print("len(whole),len(otherwhole)",len(whole),len(otherwhole))

        insectPT = np.nonzero(
            DistanceMat < INTERSECTLIM)  # The index of the intersection point
            insectPT = (insectPT[0][0], insectPT[1][0])
        except IndexError:  # the case where is no pair of points fall in the threshold, find the least distance point instead
            insectPT = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(DistanceMat, axis=None),

        egopath = whole[actInd[0]:insectPT[0]]
        otherpath = otherwhole[actInd[1]:insectPT[1]]
        # path a None in is just to call the lambda function
        egoPTs = np.sum(
            (self._distance(self._diff(lambda x: egopath[:, 0]),
                            self._diff(lambda y: egopath[:, 1])))(None))
        otherPTs = np.sum(
            self._distance(self._diff(lambda x: otherpath[:, 0]),
                           self._diff(lambda y: otherpath[:, 1]))(None))
        otherDistance = self._cumsum(
                self._diff(lambda x: otherwhole[actInd[1]:, 0]),
                self._diff(lambda y: otherwhole[actInd[1]:, 1])))(None)
        self.other_vec = other_vec
        self.whole = whole
        self.otherwhole = otherwhole
        self.actInd = actInd
        self.insectPT = insectPT
        self.egoPTs = egoPTs
        self.otherPTs = otherPTs
        self.otherDistance = otherDistance
                         intersectPTs=(self.egoPTs, self.otherPTs),
Exemple #30
def coordinate_descent_zero_order(g, alpha_choice, max_its, w):
    # run coordinate search
    N = np.size(w)
    weight_history = []  # container for weight history
    cost_history = []  # container for corresponding cost function history
    alpha = 0
    for k in range(1, max_its + 1):
        # check if diminishing steplength rule used
        if alpha_choice == 'diminishing':
            alpha = 1 / float(k)
            alpha = alpha_choice

        # random shuffle of coordinates
        c = np.random.permutation(N)

        # forming the dirction matrix out of the loop
        DIRECTION = np.eye(N)
        cost = g(w)

        # loop over each coordinate direction
        for n in range(N):
            #direction = np.zeros((N,1))
            #direction[c[n]] = 1
            direction = DIRECTION[:, [c[n]]]

            # record weights and cost evaluation

            # evaluate all candidates
            evals = [g(w + alpha * direction)]
            evals.append(g(w - alpha * direction))
            evals = np.array(evals)

            # if we find a real descent direction take the step in its direction
            ind = np.argmin(evals)
            if evals[ind] < cost_history[-1]:
                # take step
                w = w + ((-1)**(ind)) * alpha * direction
                cost = evals[ind]

    # record weights and cost evaluation
    return weight_history, cost_history
Exemple #31
def coordinate_descent_zero_order(g, alpha_choice, max_its, w):
    # run coordinate search
    N = np.size(w)
    weight_history = []  # container for weight history
    cost_history = []  # container for corresponding cost function history
    alpha = 0
    for k in range(1, max_its + 1):
        # check if diminishing steplength rule used
        if alpha_choice == 'diminishing':
            alpha = 1 / float(k)
            alpha = alpha_choice

        # loop over each coordinate direction
        for n in range(N):
            direction = np.zeros((1, N))
            direction[0][n] = 1
            directions = np.concatenate((direction, -direction), axis=0)

            # record weights and cost evaluation

            ### pick best descent direction
            # compute all new candidate points
            w_candidates = w + alpha * directions

            # evaluate all candidates
            evals = np.array([g(w_val) for w_val in w_candidates])

            # if we find a real descent direction take the step in its direction
            ind = np.argmin(evals)
            if g(w_candidates[ind]) < g(w):
                # pluck out best descent direction
                d = directions[ind, :]

                # take step
                w = w + alpha * d

    # record weights and cost evaluation
    return weight_history, cost_history
Exemple #32
def polyinterp(points, doPlot=None, xminBound=None, xmaxBound=None):
    """ polynomial interpolation
    points: shape(pointNum, 3), three columns represents x, f, g
    doPolot: set to 1 to plot, default 0
    xmin: min value that brackets minimum (default: min of points)
    xmax: max value that brackets maximum (default: max of points)
    set f or g to sqrt(-1)=1j if they are not known
    the order of the polynomial is the number of known f and g values minus 1

    if doPlot == None:
        doPlot = 0

    nPoints = points.shape[0]
    order = np.sum(np.imag(points[:, 1:3]) == 0) -1
    # code for most common case: cubic interpolation of 2 points
    if nPoints == 2 and order == 3 and doPlot == 0:
        [minVal, minPos] = [np.min(points[:,0]), np.argmin(points[:,0])]
        notMinPos = 1 - minPos
        d1 = points[minPos,2] + points[notMinPos,2] - 3*(points[minPos,1]-\

        t_d2 =  d1**2 - points[minPos,2]*points[notMinPos,2]
        if t_d2 > 0:
            d2 = np.sqrt(t_d2)
            d2 = np.sqrt(-t_d2) * np.complex(0,1)
        if np.isreal(d2):
            t = points[notMinPos,0] - (points[notMinPos,0]-points[minPos,0])*\
            minPos = np.min([np.max([t,points[minPos,0]]), points[notMinPos,0]])
            minPos = np.mean(points[:,0])
        fmin = minVal
        return (minPos, fmin)
    xmin = np.min(points[:,0])
    xmax = np.max(points[:,0])

    # compute bounds of interpolation area
    if xminBound == None:
        xminBound = xmin
    if xmaxBound == None:
        xmaxBound = xmax

    # constraints based on available function values
    A = np.zeros((0, order+1))
    b = np.zeros((0, 1))
    for i in range(nPoints):
        if np.imag(points[i,1]) == 0:
            constraint = np.zeros(order+1)
            for j in np.arange(order,-1,-1):
                constraint[order-j] = points[i,0]**j
            A = np.vstack((A, constraint))
            b = np.append(b, points[i,1])
    # constraints based on availabe derivatives
    for i in range(nPoints):
        if np.isreal(points[i,2]):
            constraint = np.zeros(order+1)
            for j in range(1,order+1):
                constraint[j-1] = (order-j+1)* points[i,0]**(order-j)
            A = np.vstack((A, constraint))
            b = np.append(b,points[i,2])
    # find interpolating polynomial
    params = np.linalg.solve(A, b)

    # compute critical points
    dParams = np.zeros(order)
    for i in range(params.size-1):
        dParams[i] = params[i] * (order-i)
    if np.any(np.isinf(dParams)):
        cp = np.concatenate((np.array([xminBound, xmaxBound]), points[:,0]))
        cp = np.concatenate((np.array([xminBound, xmaxBound]), points[:,0], \
    # test critical points
    fmin = np.infty;
    minPos = (xminBound + xmaxBound)/2.
    for xCP in cp:
        if np.imag(xCP) == 0 and xCP >= xminBound and xCP <= xmaxBound:
            fCP = np.polyval(params, xCP)
            if np.imag(fCP) == 0 and fCP < fmin:
                minPos = np.double(np.real(xCP))
                fmin = np.double(np.real(fCP))
    # plot situation (omit this part for now since we are not going to use it
    # anyway)

    return (minPos, fmin)