Exemple #1
    def m_step(self, expectations, datas, inputs, masks, tags, **kwargs):

        x = np.concatenate(datas)
        weights = np.concatenate([Ez for Ez, _, _ in expectations])  # T x D
        assert x.shape[0] == weights.shape[0]

        # convert angles to 2D representation and employ closed form solutions
        x_k = np.stack((np.sin(x), np.cos(x)), axis=1)  # T x 2 x D

        r_k = np.tensordot(weights.T, x_k, axes=1)  # K x 2 x D
        r_norm = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(r_k, 2), axis=1))  # K x D

        mus_k = np.divide(r_k, r_norm[:, None])  # K x 2 x D
        r_bar = np.divide(r_norm, np.sum(weights, 0)[:, None])  # K x D

        mask = (r_norm.sum(1) == 0)
        mus_k[mask] = 0
        r_bar[mask] = 0

        # Approximation
        kappa0 = r_bar * (self.D + 1 - np.power(r_bar, 2)) / (
            1 - np.power(r_bar, 2))  # K,D

        kappa0[kappa0 == 0] += 1e-6

        for k in range(self.K):
            self.mus[k] = np.arctan2(*mus_k[k])  #
            self.log_kappas[k] = np.log(kappa0[k])  # K, D
Exemple #2
def stf_4dim_time_day(tensor, r, random_seed=0, num_iter=100, eps=1e-8, lr=1):
    args_num = [1, 2, 3, 4]

    def cost(tensor, home, appliance, day, hour):
        pred = np.einsum('Hr, Ar, ADr, ATr ->HADT', home, appliance, day, hour)
        mask = ~np.isnan(tensor)
        error = (pred - tensor)[mask].flatten()

        return np.sqrt((error**2).mean())

    mg = multigrad(cost, argnums=args_num)
    sizes = [(x, r) for x in tensor.shape]
    # ADr
    sizes[-2] = (tensor.shape[1], tensor.shape[-2], r)
    # ATr
    sizes[-1] = (tensor.shape[1], tensor.shape[-1], r)
    home = np.random.rand(*sizes[0])
    appliance = np.random.rand(*sizes[1])
    day = np.random.rand(*sizes[2])
    hour = np.random.rand(*sizes[3])

    sum_home = np.zeros_like(home)
    sum_appliance = np.zeros_like(appliance)
    sum_day = np.zeros_like(day)
    sum_hour = np.zeros_like(hour)

    # GD procedure
    for i in range(num_iter):
        del_home, del_appliance, del_day, del_hour = mg(
            tensor, home, appliance, day, hour)

        sum_home += eps + np.square(del_home)
        lr_home = np.divide(lr, np.sqrt(sum_home))
        home -= lr_home * del_home

        sum_appliance += eps + np.square(del_appliance)
        lr_appliance = np.divide(lr, np.sqrt(sum_appliance))
        appliance -= lr_appliance * del_appliance

        sum_day += eps + np.square(del_day)
        lr_day = np.divide(lr, np.sqrt(sum_day))
        day -= lr_day * del_day

        sum_hour += eps + np.square(del_hour)
        lr_hour = np.divide(lr, np.sqrt(sum_hour))
        hour -= lr_hour * del_hour

        # Projection to non-negative space
        home[home < 0] = 1e-8
        appliance[appliance < 0] = 1e-8
        day[day < 0] = 1e-8
        hour[hour < 0] = 1e-8

        if i % 50 == 0:
            print(cost(tensor, home, appliance, day, hour), i)

    return home, appliance, day, hour
Exemple #3
def mat_cosine_dist(X, Y):
    prod = np.diagonal(np.dot(X, Y.T),
        offset=0, axis1=-1, axis2=-2)
    len1 = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(np.dot(X, X.T),
        offset=0, axis1=-1, axis2=-2))
    len2 = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(np.dot(Y, Y.T),
        offset=0, axis1=-1, axis2=-2))
    return np.divide(np.divide(prod, len1), len2)
Exemple #4
def b_fwd_1d(r, R):
    Computes forward model weight function b.
    :param r: vector of differences between spatial coords
    :param R: cylinder radius parameter R
    :return: values of b_fwd for elements in r (same shape as r)
    b = np.sqrt(np.square(np.divide(r, R)) + 1) - np.sqrt(np.square(np.divide(r, R)))
    return b
Exemple #5
def factorization(tensor,
    cost = cost_abs

    args_num = [0, 1, 2]
    mg = autograd.multigrad(cost, argnums=args_num)
    M, N, K = tensor.shape

    H = np.random.rand(M, num_latent)
    A = np.random.rand(N, num_latent)
    T = np.random.rand(K, num_latent)

    sum_square_gradients_A = np.zeros_like(A)
    sum_square_gradients_H = np.zeros_like(H)
    sum_square_gradients_T = np.zeros_like(T)
    if T_known is not None:
        T = set_known(T, T_known)

    # GD procedure
    for i in range(num_iter):
        del_h, del_a, del_t = mg(H, A, T, tensor)

        sum_square_gradients_A += eps + np.square(del_a)
        lr_a = np.divide(lr, np.sqrt(sum_square_gradients_A))
        A -= lr_a * del_a

        sum_square_gradients_H += eps + np.square(del_h)
        sum_square_gradients_T += eps + np.square(del_t)

        lr_h = np.divide(lr, np.sqrt(sum_square_gradients_H))
        lr_t = np.divide(lr, np.sqrt(sum_square_gradients_T))

        H -= lr_h * del_h
        T -= lr_t * del_t

        if T_known is not None:
            T = set_known(T, T_known)

        # Projection to non-negative space
        H[H < 0] = 1e-8
        A[A < 0] = 1e-8
        T[T < 0] = 1e-8

        if i % 500 == 0:
            if dis:
                print(cost(H, A, T, tensor))

    return H, A, T
Exemple #6
def rsq(nn_params, nn2_params, inp, obs, obs2, del_lens, num_samples, rs):
  rsqs1, rsqs2 = [], []
  for idx in range(len(inp)):
    # MH-based deletion frequencies
    mh_scores = nn_match_score_function(nn_params, inp[idx])
    Js = np.array(del_lens[idx])
    unnormalized_fq = np.exp(mh_scores - 0.25*Js)
    # Add MH-less contribution at full MH deletion lengths
    mh_vector = inp[idx].T[0]
    mhfull_contribution = np.zeros(mh_vector.shape)
    for jdx in range(len(mh_vector)):
      if del_lens[idx][jdx] == mh_vector[jdx]:
        dl = del_lens[idx][jdx]
        mhless_score = nn_match_score_function(nn2_params, np.array(dl))
        mhless_score = np.exp(mhless_score - 0.25*dl)
        mask = np.concatenate([np.zeros(jdx,), np.ones(1,) * mhless_score, np.zeros(len(mh_vector) - jdx - 1,)])
        mhfull_contribution = mhfull_contribution + mask
    unnormalized_fq = unnormalized_fq + mhfull_contribution
    normalized_fq = np.divide(unnormalized_fq, np.sum(unnormalized_fq))

    rsq1 = pearsonr(normalized_fq, obs[idx])[0]**2

    # Deletion length frequencies, only up to 28
    #   (Restricts training to library data, else 27 bp.)
    dls = np.arange(1, 28+1)
    dls = dls.reshape(28, 1)
    nn2_scores = nn_match_score_function(nn2_params, dls)
    unnormalized_nn2 = np.exp(nn2_scores - 0.25*np.arange(1, 28+1))

    # iterate through del_lens vector, adding mh_scores (already computed above) to the correct index
    mh_contribution = np.zeros(28,)
    for jdx in range(len(Js)):
      dl = Js[jdx]
      if dl > 28:
      mhs = np.exp(mh_scores[jdx] - 0.25*dl)
      mask = np.concatenate([np.zeros(dl - 1,), np.ones(1, ) * mhs, np.zeros(28 - (dl - 1) - 1,)])
      mh_contribution = mh_contribution + mask
    unnormalized_nn2 = unnormalized_nn2 + mh_contribution
    normalized_fq = np.divide(unnormalized_nn2, np.sum(unnormalized_nn2))

    rsq2 = pearsonr(normalized_fq, obs2[idx])[0]**2

  return rsqs1, rsqs2
def adam_optimizer(cost,
    #Adam (adaptive moment estimation) optimizer as developed by D. Kingma and J. Ba.
    #Initialized with default settings from the original paper, https://arxiv.org/pdf/1412.6980.pdf
    #Shout out to Jimmy for being a fantastic professor
    costgrad = grad(cost)
    params = past_time_step[0]
    m_prev = past_time_step[1]
    v_prev = past_time_step[2]
    t = past_time_step[3] + 1
    grad_dict = costgrad(params)
    m_curr = {'encoder': {}, 'decoder': {}}
    v_curr = {'encoder': {}, 'decoder': {}}
    update_rates = {'encoder': {}, 'decoder': {}}
    for key in params:
        for weights in params[key]:
            m_curr[key][weights] = (beta1 * m_prev[key][weights]) + (
                (1 - beta1) * grad_dict[key][weights])
            m_curr[key][weights] = m_curr[key][weights] / (1 - (beta1**t)
                                                           )  #bias correction
            v_curr[key][weights] = (beta2 * v_prev[key][weights]) + (
                (1 - beta2) * (np.square(grad_dict[key][weights])))
            v_curr[key][weights] = v_curr[key][weights] / (1 - (beta2**t))
            update_rates[key][weights] = np.divide(
                (np.sqrt(v_curr[key][weights]) + epsilon))
        params[key] = update(params[key], update_rates[key], LEARNING_RATE)
    return [params, m_curr, v_curr, t]
Exemple #8
def data_snr_maximized_extrinsic(frequencies,
    noise_temp, noisefunc, f = IMRPhenomD.populate_noise(detector,
    noise = noisefunc(frequencies)**2

    template_detector_response = detector_response_dCS(
        frequencies, chirpm, symmratio, spin1, spin2, Luminosity_Distance,
        theta, phi, iota, alpha_squared, bppe, NSflag, cosmology)
    int1 = 4 * simps((np.conjugate(template_detector_response) *
                      template_detector_response).real / noise, frequencies)
    snr_template = np.sqrt(int1)

    g_tilde = 4 * np.divide(
        np.multiply(np.conjugate(data), template_detector_response), noise)
    g = np.fft.ifft(g_tilde)
    gmag = np.abs(g)
    deltaf = frequencies[1] - frequencies[0]
    maxg = np.amax(gmag).real * (len(frequencies)) * (deltaf)
    return maxg / snr_template
Exemple #9
    def cost(self, controls, states, system_step):
        controls :: ndarray - the control parameters for all time steps
        states :: ndarray - an array of the initial states evolved to
            the current time step
        system_step :: int - the system time step

        cost :: float - the penalty
        cost = 0
        # Compute the fidelity for each evolution state and its forbidden states.
        for i, state_forbidden_states_dagger in enumerate(
            state = states[i]
            state_cost = 0
            for forbidden_state_dagger in state_forbidden_states_dagger:
                inner_product = anp.matmul(forbidden_state_dagger, state)[0, 0]
                state_cost = state_cost + anp.square(anp.abs(inner_product))
            cost = cost + anp.divide(state_cost,

        # Normalize the cost for the number of evolving states
        # and the number of time evolution steps.
        cost = (cost / self.normalization_constant)

        return self.cost_multiplier * cost
Exemple #10
def adagrad_gd(param_init, cost, n, lr, eps):
    from copy import deepcopy
    grad_cost = grad(cost)
    params = deepcopy(param_init)
    param_array, grad_array, lr_array, cost_array = [params], [], [[
        lr for _ in params
    ]], [cost(params)]
    sum_squares_gradients = [np.zeros_like(param) for param in params]
    for i in range(n):
        out_params = []
        gradients = grad_cost(params)

        # At each iteration, we add the square of the gradients to sum_squares_gradients
        sum_squares_gradients = [
            eps + sum_prev + np.square(g)
            for sum_prev, g in zip(sum_squares_gradients, gradients)

        # Adapted learning rate for parameter list
        lrs = [np.divide(lr, np.sqrt(sg)) for sg in sum_squares_gradients]

        # Paramter update
        params = [
            param - (adapted_lr * grad_param)
            for param, adapted_lr, grad_param in zip(params, lrs, gradients)


    return params, param_array, grad_array, lr_array, cost_array
Exemple #11
 def log_prior(self):
     alpha = 1.1  # or 0.02
     beta = 1e-3  # or 0.02
     dyn_vars = np.exp(self.accum_log_sigmasq)
     var_prior = np.sum(-(alpha + 1) * np.log(dyn_vars) -
                        np.divide(beta, dyn_vars))
     return var_prior
def KM_mixing_multiplepigments(
        model='normal'):  ### here the weights should be normalized.

    ###### Normalize weights!!!
    W_sum = weights.sum(axis=1).reshape((-1, 1))
    W_sum = np.maximum(W_sum, 1e-15)  #### to fit for autograd.
    weights_normalized = np.divide(weights, W_sum)

    # weights_normalized=weights/weights.sum(axis=1).reshape((-1,1))

    nominator = np.dot(weights_normalized, K_vector)
    denominator = np.dot(weights_normalized, S_vector)

    ### default is on white background,r=1.0 and thickness=0.5
    r_array = np.ones(nominator.shape) * r
    R_vector = equations_in_RealPigments(nominator,

    return R_vector  #### shape is N*L
Exemple #13
 def expectation(self):
     for i in range(self.m):
         like = self.dist.like(self.x, self.c, self.n, *self.params[i])
         like = np.multiply(self.w[i], like)
         self.p[i] = like
     self.p = np.divide(self.p, np.sum(self.p, axis=0))
     self.w = np.sum(self.p, axis=1) / self.N
Exemple #14
    def cost(self, controls, densities, system_step):
        controls :: ndarray - the control parameters for all time steps
        densities :: ndarray - an array of the initial densities evolved to
            the current time step
        system_step :: int - the system time step
        cost :: float - the penalty
        cost = 0
        # Compute the fidelity for each evolution density and its forbidden densities.
        for i, density_forbidden_densities_dagger in enumerate(
            density = densities[i]
            density_cost = 0
            for forbidden_density_dagger in density_forbidden_densities_dagger:
                inner_product = (
                    anp.trace(anp.matmul(forbidden_density_dagger, density)) /
                density_cost = density_cost + anp.square(
            cost = cost + anp.divide(density_cost,

        # Normalize the cost for the number of evolving densities
        # and the number of time evolution steps.
        cost = (cost / self.normalization_constant)

        return self.cost_multiplier * cost
Exemple #15
def gradient_descent(g, alpha, max_its, w, num_pts, batch_size, **kwargs):
    # flatten the input function, create gradient based on flat function
    g_flat, unflatten, w = flatten_func(g, w)
    grad = value_and_grad(g_flat)

    # record history
    w_hist = []

    # how many mini-batches equal the entire dataset?
    num_batches = int(np.ceil(np.divide(num_pts, batch_size)))
    # over the line
    for k in range(max_its):
        # loop over each minibatch
        for b in range(num_batches):
            # collect indices of current mini-batch
            batch_inds = np.arange(b * batch_size,
                                   min((b + 1) * batch_size, num_pts))

            # plug in value into func and derivative
            cost_eval, grad_eval = grad(w, batch_inds)
            grad_eval.shape = np.shape(w)

            # take descent step with momentum
            w = w - alpha * grad_eval

        # record weight update

    return w_hist
def cf_user(rating_matrix, item_vectors, current_vector, indices, K):
    # user_vector is 1*K vector
    user_vector = np.random.random(size=current_vector.shape)
    index_matrix = rating_matrix[indices]
    num_iter = 20
    eps = 1e-8
    lr = 0.1
    # set the variable user_vector to be gradient
    # mg = grad(lossfunction, argnum=2)
    sum_square_u = eps + np.zeros_like(user_vector)

    # SGD procedure:
    for i in range(num_iter):
        # print(i)
        delta_u = selfgradu(index_matrix, item_vectors, current_vector,
        # print("self",delta_u)
        # delta_u = mg(index_matrix, movie_vectors, user_vector)
        # print("mg",delta_u)
        sum_square_u += np.square(delta_u)
        lr_u = np.divide(lr, np.sqrt(sum_square_u))
        # print(np.dot(lr_u * delta_u,lr_u * delta_u))
        user_vector -= lr_u * delta_u

    user_vector = user_vector + current_vector
    return user_vector
Exemple #17
def newtons_method(g, max_its, w, num_pts, batch_size, **kwargs):
    # flatten input funciton, in case it takes in matrices of weights
    g_flat, unflatten, w = flatten_func(g, w)

    # compute the gradient / hessian functions of our input function -
    gradient = value_and_grad(g_flat)
    hess = hessian(g_flat)

    # set numericxal stability parameter / regularization parameter
    epsilon = 10**(-7)
    if 'epsilon' in kwargs:
        epsilon = kwargs['epsilon']

    # record history
    w_hist = []
    cost_hist = [g_flat(w, np.arange(num_pts))]

    # how many mini-batches equal the entire dataset?
    num_batches = int(np.ceil(np.divide(num_pts, batch_size)))

    # over the line
    for k in range(max_its):
        # loop over each minibatch
        for b in range(num_batches):
            # collect indices of current mini-batch
            batch_inds = np.arange(b * batch_size,
                                   min((b + 1) * batch_size, num_pts))

            # evaluate the gradient, store current weights and cost function value
            cost_eval, grad_eval = gradient(w, batch_inds)

            # evaluate the hessian
            hess_eval = hess(w, batch_inds)

            # reshape for numpy linalg functionality
            hess_eval.shape = (int(
                (np.size(hess_eval))**(0.5)), int((np.size(hess_eval))**(0.5)))
            # compute minimum eigenvalue of hessian matrix 
            eigs, vecs = np.linalg.eig(hess_eval)
            smallest_eig = np.min(eigs)
            adjust = 0
            if smallest_eig < 0:
                adjust = np.abs(smallest_eig)

            # solve second order system system for weight update
            A = hess_eval + (epsilon) * np.eye(np.size(w))
            b = grad_eval
            w = np.linalg.lstsq(A, np.dot(A, w) - b)[0]

            #w = w - np.dot(np.linalg.pinv(hess_eval + epsilon*np.eye(np.size(w))),grad_eval)

        # record weights after each epoch
        cost_hist.append(g_flat(w, np.arange(num_pts)))

    return w_hist, cost_hist
def gradient_descent(g, w, x_train, x_val, alpha, max_its, batch_size,
    verbose = True
    if 'verbose' in kwargs:
        verbose = kwargs['verbose']

    # flatten the input function, create gradient based on flat function
    g_flat, unflatten, w = flatten_func(g, w)
    grad = value_and_grad(g_flat)

    # record history
    num_train = x_train.shape[1]
    num_val = x_val.shape[1]
    w_hist = [unflatten(w)]
    train_hist = [g_flat(w, x_train, np.arange(num_train))]
    val_hist = [g_flat(w, x_val, np.arange(num_val))]

    # how many mini-batches equal the entire dataset?
    num_batches = int(np.ceil(np.divide(num_train, batch_size)))

    # over the line
    for k in range(max_its):
        # loop over each minibatch
        start = timer()
        train_cost = 0
        for b in range(num_batches):
            # collect indices of current mini-batch
            batch_inds = np.arange(b * batch_size,
                                   min((b + 1) * batch_size, num_train))

            # plug in value into func and derivative
            cost_eval, grad_eval = grad(w, x_train, batch_inds)
            grad_eval.shape = np.shape(w)

            # take descent step with momentum
            w = w - alpha * grad_eval

        end = timer()

        # update training and validation cost
        train_cost = g_flat(w, x_train, np.arange(num_train))
        val_cost = g_flat(w, x_val, np.arange(num_val))

        # record weight update, train and val costs

        if verbose == True:
            print('step ' + str(k + 1) + ' done in ' +
                  str(np.round(end - start, 1)) + ' secs, train cost = ' +
                  str(np.round(train_hist[-1][0], 4)) + ', val cost = ' +
                  str(np.round(val_hist[-1][0], 4)))

    if verbose == True:
        print('finished all ' + str(max_its) + ' steps')
    return w_hist, train_hist, val_hist
def Gamma_trans_img3(RGB_linear_img):
    # print "#3"
    eps = 1e-50
    RGB_linear_img = RGB_linear_img.clip(eps, 1.0)
    thres = 0.0031308
    a = 0.055

    ### what if some value of RGB_lienar_img is equal to thres? then some error will happen, but probability is very small
    out1 = np.minimum(RGB_linear_img, thres) - thres
    out2 = np.maximum(RGB_linear_img, thres) - thres

    temp1 = 12.92 * RGB_linear_img
    temp2 = (1 + a) * (RGB_linear_img**(1.0 / 2.4)) - a

    out = np.divide((temp1 * out1), (out1 + eps)) + np.divide((temp2 * out2),
                                                              (out2 + eps))
    return out
Exemple #20
def stf_3dim(tensor, r, random_seed=0, num_iter=100, eps=1e-8, lr=1):
    args_num = [1, 2, 3]

    def cost(tensor, home, appliance, time):
        pred = np.einsum('Hr, Ar, Tr ->HAT', home, appliance, time)
        mask = ~np.isnan(tensor)
        error = (pred - tensor)[mask].flatten()
        return np.sqrt((error**2).mean())

    mg = grad(cost, argnum=args_num)
    sizes = [(x, r) for x in tensor.shape]
    home = np.random.rand(*sizes[0])
    appliance = np.random.rand(*sizes[1])
    time = np.random.rand(*sizes[2])

    sum_home = np.zeros_like(home)
    sum_appliance = np.zeros_like(appliance)
    sum_time = np.zeros_like(time)

    # GD procedure
    for i in range(num_iter):
        del_home, del_appliance, del_time = mg(tensor, home, appliance, time)

        sum_home += eps + np.square(del_home)
        lr_home = np.divide(lr, np.sqrt(sum_home))
        home -= lr_home * del_home

        sum_appliance += eps + np.square(del_appliance)
        lr_appliance = np.divide(lr, np.sqrt(sum_appliance))
        appliance -= lr_appliance * del_appliance

        sum_time += eps + np.square(del_time)
        lr_time = np.divide(lr, np.sqrt(sum_time))
        time -= lr_time * del_time

        # Projection to non-negative space
        home[home < 0] = 1e-8
        appliance[appliance < 0] = 1e-8
        time[time < 0] = 1e-8

        if i % 50 == 0:
            print(cost(tensor, home, appliance, time), i)

    return home, appliance, time
Exemple #21
def initialize_ramp(ys,cohs, bin_size):
	coh5 = np.where(cohs==4)[0]
	y_end = np.array([y[-10:] for y in ys])
	y_end_5 = y_end[coh5]
	C = np.mean(y_end_5,axis=(0,1)) / bin_size
	y0_mean = np.mean([y[0:2] for y in ys],axis=0) / bin_size
	x0 = np.mean(np.divide(y0_mean, C))
	return C, x0
def d_ll(x, T, \
                 robot_mu_x, robot_mu_y, \
                 ped_mu_x, ped_mu_y, \
                 cov_robot_x, cov_robot_y, \
                 inv_cov_robot_x, inv_cov_robot_y, \
                 cov_ped_x, cov_ped_y, \
                 inv_cov_ped_x, inv_cov_ped_y, \
                 one_over_cov_sum_x, one_over_cov_sum_y, normalize):
    d_alpha = [0. for _ in range(4 * T)]
    d_beta = [0. for _ in range(4 * T)]
    d_llambda = np.asarray([0. for _ in range(4 * T)])

    n = 2
    vel_x = x[:T] - x[n * T:(n + 1) * T]
    vel_y = x[T:2 * T] - x[(n + 1) * T:(n + 2) * T]

    one_over_var_sum_x = np.diag(one_over_cov_sum_x)
    one_over_var_sum_y = np.diag(one_over_cov_sum_y)

    # if normalize == True:
    #   normalize_x = np.multiply(np.power(2*np.pi, -0.5), \
    #                                                   np.diag(one_over_std_sum_x))
    #   normalize_y = np.multiply(np.power(2*np.pi, -0.5), \
    #                                                   np.diag(one_over_std_sum_y))
    # else:
    normalize_x = 1.
    normalize_y = 1.

    quad_x = np.multiply(one_over_var_sum_x, np.power(vel_x, 2))
    quad_y = np.multiply(one_over_var_sum_y, np.power(vel_y, 2))

    Z_x = np.multiply(normalize_x, np.exp(-0.5 * quad_x))
    Z_y = np.multiply(normalize_y, np.exp(-0.5 * quad_y))

    Z = np.multiply(Z_x, Z_y)
    X = np.divide(Z, 1. - Z)

    alpha_x = np.multiply(X, np.multiply(vel_x, one_over_var_sum_x))
    alpha_y = np.multiply(X, np.multiply(vel_y, one_over_var_sum_y))
    d_alpha[:T] = np.add(d_alpha[:T], alpha_x)
    d_alpha[T:2 * T] = np.add(d_alpha[T:2 * T], alpha_y)

    d_alpha[n * T:(n + 1) * T] = -alpha_x
    d_alpha[(n + 1) * T:(n + 2) * T] = -alpha_y

    d_beta[n * T:(n + 1) *
           T] = -np.dot(x[n * T:(n + 1) * T] - ped_mu_x, inv_cov_ped_x)
    d_beta[(n + 1) * T:(n + 2) *
           T] = -np.dot(x[(n + 1) * T:(n + 2) * T] - ped_mu_y, inv_cov_ped_y)

    d_beta[:T] = -np.dot(x[:T] - robot_mu_x, inv_cov_robot_x)
    d_beta[T:2 * T] = -np.dot(x[T:2 * T] - robot_mu_y, inv_cov_robot_y)

    d_llambda[0:2 * T] = np.add(d_alpha[0:2 * T], d_beta[0:2 * T])
    d_llambda[2 * T:] = np.add(d_alpha[2 * T:], d_beta[2 * T:])
    return -1. * d_llambda
Exemple #23
    def cost(self, controls, states, system_step):
        controls :: ndarray - the control parameters for all time steps
        states :: ndarray - an array of the states evolved to
            the current time step
        system_step :: int - the system time step

        cost :: float - the penalty
        fidelity = anp.sum(anp.square(
            anp.abs(anp.matmul(self.target_states_dagger, states)[:, 0, 0])),
        fidelity_normalized = anp.divide(fidelity, self.state_count)
        infidelity = 1 - fidelity_normalized
        infidelity_normalized = anp.divide(infidelity, self.step_count)
        return self.cost_multiplier * infidelity_normalized
Exemple #24
def prediction_accuracy(data, labels, theta):
    accuracy = 0
    for i in range(len(data)):
        prob_arr = log_bernoulli_prod(data[i], theta)
        pred = np.argmax(prob_arr)
        target = np.argmax(labels[i])
        if pred == target:
            accuracy += 1
    return np.divide(accuracy, len(data))
Exemple #25
def newtons_method(g, max_its, w, num_pts, batch_size, **kwargs):
    # flatten input funciton, in case it takes in matrices of weights
    flat_g, unflatten, w = flatten_func(g, w)

    # compute the gradient / hessian functions of our input function -
    # note these are themselves functions.  In particular the gradient -
    # - when evaluated - returns both the gradient and function evaluations (remember
    # as discussed in Chapter 3 we always ge the function evaluation 'for free' when we use
    # an Automatic Differntiator to evaluate the gradient)
    gradient = value_and_grad(flat_g)
    hess = hessian(flat_g)

    # set numericxal stability parameter / regularization parameter
    epsilon = 10**(-7)
    if 'epsilon' in kwargs:
        epsilon = kwargs['epsilon']

    # record history
    w_hist = []

    # how many mini-batches equal the entire dataset?
    num_batches = int(np.ceil(np.divide(num_pts, batch_size)))

    # over the line
    for k in range(max_its):
        # loop over each minibatch
        for b in range(num_batches):
            # collect indices of current mini-batch
            batch_inds = np.arange(b * batch_size,
                                   min((b + 1) * batch_size, num_pts))

            # evaluate the gradient, store current weights and cost function value
            cost_eval, grad_eval = gradient(w, batch_inds)

            # evaluate the hessian
            hess_eval = hess(w, batch_inds)

            # reshape for numpy linalg functionality
            hess_eval.shape = (int(
                (np.size(hess_eval))**(0.5)), int((np.size(hess_eval))**(0.5)))

            # solve second order system system for weight update
            A = hess_eval + epsilon * np.eye(np.size(w))
            b = grad_eval
            w = np.linalg.lstsq(A, np.dot(A, w) - b)[0]

            #w = w - np.dot(np.linalg.pinv(hess_eval + epsilon*np.eye(np.size(w))),grad_eval)

        # record weights after each epoch

    # collect final weights

    return w_hist
Exemple #26
def probabilities(params, inputs = None, exemplars = None, hps = None): # softmax
    output_activation = forward(params, inputs = inputs, exemplars = exemplars, hps = hps)[-1]
    return np.divide(
        np.exp(output_activation * hps['phi']),
            np.exp(output_activation * hps['phi']), 
            axis=1, keepdims=True
def recover(image, transmission, airlight):
    """ Recovers pixels without their airlight component. """

    alpha = np.ones(transmission.shape) - transmission
    for c in range(3):
        ac = np.multiply(alpha, airlight[c])
        iac = image[:, :, c] - ac
        image[:, :, c] = np.divide(iac, transmission)

    return image
Exemple #28
def gaussian_area(x, mean, sigma):
    :param x: lower/higher bound
    :param mean: gaussian param mean
    :param sigma: gaussian param sigma
    :return: area under curve from x -> inf or x-> -inf
    double_prob = agnp.abs(sp.erf((x - mean) / (sigma * agnp.sqrt(2))))
    p_zero_to_bound = agnp.divide(double_prob, 2)
    return agnp.subtract(0.5, p_zero_to_bound)
Exemple #29
def avg_log_likelihood(data, labels, weights):
    average = []
    for i in range(len(data)):
        denomenator = []
        for j in weights:
            denomenator.append(np.dot(j, data[i]))
        nonminator = np.exp(np.dot(labels[i], denomenator))

        prob_i = np.divide(nonminator, logsumexp(np.array(denomenator)))
    return -np.log(np.mean(np.array(average)))
Exemple #30
def prediction_accuracy(data, labels, theta):
    accuracy = 0
    for i in range(len(data)):
        denomenator = []
        for j in weights:
            denomenator.append(np.dot(j, data[i]))
        pred = np.argmax(denomenator)
        target = np.argmax(labels[i])
        if pred == target:
            accuracy += 1
    return np.divide(accuracy, len(data))
	def adjust_coef(self, w):
		if self.prob_func_ == "sigmoid":
			coef, intercept = baseRegression.adjust_coef(self, w)
		else: # self.prob_func_ == "softmax"
			coef = np.divide(w[:-1].T, self.scaler_.scale_)
			intercept = w[-1] - np.sum(coef * self.scaler_.mean_)
		if self.penalty_ == "l1":
			# ===FIXME===
			# I don't now the condition to shrink the coef to 0
			coef = np.array([0.0 if abs(wi) < 0.1 else wi for wi in coef])
			intercept = 0.0 if abs(intercept) < 0.1 else intercept
		return coef, intercept
def test_divide_arg1():
    fun = lambda x, y : np.divide(x, y)
    d_fun = grad(fun, 1)
    check_grads(fun, npr.rand(), npr.rand())
    check_grads(d_fun, npr.rand(), npr.rand())
Exemple #33
def test_divide_arg1():
    fun = lambda x, y : np.divide(x, y)
    check_grads(fun)(npr.rand(), npr.rand())