def test_pos_def_matrix_param(self):
        k = 2
        mat = np.full(k**2, 0.2).reshape(k, k) + np.eye(k)

        # not symmetric
        bad_mat = copy.deepcopy(mat)
        bad_mat[1, 0] += +1

        vp = PosDefMatrixParam('test', k)

        # Check setting.
        vp_init = PosDefMatrixParam('test', k, val=mat)
        np_test.assert_array_almost_equal(mat, vp_init.get())

        self.assertRaises(ValueError, vp.set, bad_mat)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, vp.set, np.eye(k + 1))

        # Check size.
        self.assertEqual(k, vp.size())
        self.assertEqual(k * (k + 1) / 2, vp.free_size())

        # Check getting and free parameters.
        np_test.assert_array_almost_equal(mat, vp.get())
        mat_free = vp.get_free()
        vp.set(np.full((k, k), 0.))
        np_test.assert_array_almost_equal(mat, vp.get())

        mat_vectorized = vp.get_vector()
        vp.set(np.full((k, k), 0.))
        np_test.assert_array_almost_equal(mat, vp.get())
Exemple #2
def KP(TempK, Sal, Pbar, RGas, WhichKs, fH):
    """Calculate phosphoric acid dissociation constants for the given options."""
    # Evaluate at atmospheric pressure
    KP1 = np.full(np.shape(TempK), np.nan)
    KP2 = np.full(np.shape(TempK), np.nan)
    KP3 = np.full(np.shape(TempK), np.nan)
    F = WhichKs == 7
    KP1_KP67, KP2_KP67, KP3_KP67 = p1atm.kH3PO4_NBS_KP67(TempK, Sal)
    KP1 = np.where(F, KP1_KP67, KP1)  # already on SWS!
    KP2 = np.where(F, KP2_KP67 / fH, KP2)  # convert NBS to SWS
    KP3 = np.where(F, KP3_KP67 / fH, KP3)  # convert NBS to SWS
    F = (WhichKs == 6) | (WhichKs == 8)
    # Note: neither the GEOSECS choice nor the freshwater choice include
    # contributions from phosphate or silicate.
    KP1 = np.where(F, 0.0, KP1)
    KP2 = np.where(F, 0.0, KP2)
    KP3 = np.where(F, 0.0, KP3)
    F = (WhichKs != 6) & (WhichKs != 7) & (WhichKs != 8)
    KP1_YM95, KP2_YM95, KP3_YM95 = p1atm.kH3PO4_SWS_YM95(TempK, Sal)
    KP1 = np.where(F, KP1_YM95, KP1)
    KP2 = np.where(F, KP2_YM95, KP2)
    KP3 = np.where(F, KP3_YM95, KP3)
    # Now correct for seawater pressure
    # === CO2SYS.m comments: =======
    # These corrections don't matter for the GEOSECS choice (WhichKs = 6) and
    # the freshwater choice (WhichKs = 8). For the Peng choice I assume that
    # they are the same as for the other choices (WhichKs = 1 to 5).
    # The corrections for KP1, KP2, and KP3 are from Millero, 1995, which are
    # the same as Millero, 1983.
    KP1 = KP1 * pcx.KP1fac(TempK, Pbar, RGas)
    KP2 = KP2 * pcx.KP2fac(TempK, Pbar, RGas)
    KP3 = KP3 * pcx.KP3fac(TempK, Pbar, RGas)
    return KP1, KP2, KP3
Exemple #3
    def __init__(
        self.y = y
        self.x = x
        self.dims = x.shape[1] + 2  # one for intercept, one of sigma = npa.ones(dims) = npa.ones(dims)

        # priors
        self.betas_mu = npa.full(self.dims - 1, prior_beta_mu)
        self.betas_sd = npa.full(self.dims - 1, prior_beta_sd)
        self.sigma_shape = sigma_shape
        self.sigma_scale = sigma_scale

        # inverse tranform function
        self.inv_T = inv_T
Exemple #4
def KC(TempK, Sal, Pbar, RGas, WhichKs, fH, SWStoTOT0):
    """Calculate carbonic acid dissociation constants for the given options."""
    # Evaluate at atmospheric pressure
    K1 = np.full(np.shape(TempK), np.nan)
    K2 = np.full(np.shape(TempK), np.nan)
    ts = (TempK, Sal)  # for convenience
    K1, K2 = _getKC(WhichKs == 1, p1atm.kH2CO3_TOT_RRV93, SWStoTOT0, K1, K2,
    K1, K2 = _getKC(WhichKs == 2, p1atm.kH2CO3_SWS_GP89, 1.0, K1, K2, ts)
    K1, K2 = _getKC(WhichKs == 3, p1atm.kH2CO3_SWS_H73_DM87, 1.0, K1, K2, ts)
    K1, K2 = _getKC(WhichKs == 4, p1atm.kH2CO3_SWS_MCHP73_DM87, 1.0, K1, K2,
    K1, K2 = _getKC(WhichKs == 5, p1atm.kH2CO3_SWS_HM_DM87, 1.0, K1, K2, ts)
    K1, K2 = _getKC((WhichKs == 6) | (WhichKs == 7), p1atm.kH2CO3_NBS_MCHP73,
                    fH, K1, K2, ts)
    K1, K2 = _getKC(WhichKs == 8, p1atm.kH2CO3_SWS_M79, 1.0, K1, K2, ts)
    K1, K2 = _getKC(WhichKs == 9, p1atm.kH2CO3_NBS_CW98, fH, K1, K2, ts)
    K1, K2 = _getKC(WhichKs == 10, p1atm.kH2CO3_TOT_LDK00, SWStoTOT0, K1, K2,
    K1, K2 = _getKC(WhichKs == 11, p1atm.kH2CO3_SWS_MM02, 1.0, K1, K2, ts)
    K1, K2 = _getKC(WhichKs == 12, p1atm.kH2CO3_SWS_MPL02, 1.0, K1, K2, ts)
    K1, K2 = _getKC(WhichKs == 13, p1atm.kH2CO3_SWS_MGH06, 1.0, K1, K2, ts)
    K1, K2 = _getKC(WhichKs == 14, p1atm.kH2CO3_SWS_M10, 1.0, K1, K2, ts)
    K1, K2 = _getKC(WhichKs == 15, p1atm.kH2CO3_SWS_WMW14, 1.0, K1, K2, ts)
    # Added v1.4.1:
    K1, K2 = _getKC(WhichKs == 16, p1atm.kH2CO3_TOT_SLH20, SWStoTOT0, K1, K2,
    # Now correct for seawater pressure
    K1 = K1 * pcx.K1fac(TempK, Pbar, RGas, WhichKs)
    K2 = K2 * pcx.K2fac(TempK, Pbar, RGas, WhichKs)
    return K1, K2
Exemple #5
def kernelpdf(scale, sigma, dataset, datasetGen):

    #dataset is binned as eta1,eta2,mass,pt2,pt1

    maxR = np.full((100), 3.3)
    minR = np.full((100), 2.9)

    valsReco = np.linspace(minR[0], maxR[0], 100)
    valsGen = valsReco

    h = np.tensordot(
        scale, valsGen, axes=0
    )  #get a 5D vector with np.newaxis with all possible combos of kinematics and gen mass values
    h_ext = np.swapaxes(np.swapaxes(h, 2, 4), 3, 4)[:, :, np.newaxis, :, :, :]

    sigma_ext = sigma[:, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, :]

    xscale = np.sqrt(2.) * sigma_ext

    maxR_ext = maxR[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis,
    minR_ext = minR[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis,

    maxZ = ((maxR_ext - h_ext.astype('float64')) / xscale)
    minZ = ((minR_ext - h_ext.astype('float64')) / xscale)

    arg = np.sqrt(np.pi / 2.) * sigma_ext * (erf(maxZ) - erf(minZ))

    #take tensor product between mass and genMass dimensions and sum over gen masses
    #divide each bin by the sum of gen events in that bin
    den = np.where(
        np.sum(datasetGen, axis=2) > 1000., np.sum(datasetGen, axis=2),
        -1)[:, :, np.newaxis, :, :]

    I = np.sum(arg * datasetGen[:, :, np.newaxis, :, :, :], axis=3) / den

    #give vals the right shape -> add dimension for gen mass (axis = 3)
    vals_ext = valsReco[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis,

    gaus = np.exp(-np.power(vals_ext - h_ext.astype('float64'), 2.) /
                  (2 * np.power(sigma_ext, 2.)))

    #take tensor product between mass and genMass dimensions and sum over gen masses
    #divide each bin by the sum of gen events in that bin
    den2 = np.where(
        np.sum(datasetGen, axis=2) > 1000., np.sum(datasetGen, axis=2),
        1)[:, :, np.newaxis, :, :]

    pdf = np.sum(gaus * datasetGen[:, :, np.newaxis, :, :, :],
                 axis=3) / den2 / np.where(I > 0., I, -1)

    pdf = np.where(pdf > 0., pdf, 0.)

    massbinwidth = (maxR[0] - minR[0]) / 100

    pdf = pdf * massbinwidth

    return pdf
Exemple #6
def bin_params_GLLVM(y_bin, nj_bin, lambda_bin_old, ps_y, pzl1_ys, zl1_s, AT,\
                     tol = 1E-5, maxstep = 100):
    ''' Determine the GLLVM coefficients related to binomial coefficients by 
    optimizing each column coefficients separately.
    y_bin (numobs x nb_bin nd-array): The binomial data
    nj_bin (list of int): The number of modalities for each count/binary variable
    lambda_bin_old (list of nb_ord_j x (nj_ord + r1) elements): The binomial coefficients
                                                    of the previous iteration
    ps_y ((numobs, S) nd-array): p(s | y) for all s in Omega
    pzl1_ys (nd-array): p(z1 | y, s)
    zl1_s ((M1, r1, s1) nd-array): z1 | s 
    AT ((r1 x r1) nd-array): Var(z1)^{-1/2}
    tol (int): Control when to stop the optimisation process
    maxstep (int): The maximum number of optimization step.
    returns (list of nb_bin_j x (nj_ord + r1) elements): The new bin coefficients

    r0 = zl1_s.shape[1]
    S0 = zl1_s.shape[2]
    nb_bin = len(nj_bin)

    new_lambda_bin = []

    for j in range(nb_bin):
        if j < r0 - 1:  # Constrained columns
            nb_constraints = r0 - j - 1
            lcs = np.hstack(
                [np.zeros((nb_constraints, j + 2)),
            linear_constraint = LinearConstraint(lcs, np.full(nb_constraints, 0), \
                                             np.full(nb_constraints, 0), keep_feasible = True)

            opt = minimize(binom_loglik_j, lambda_bin_old[j] , \
                    args = (y_bin[:,j], zl1_s, S0, ps_y, pzl1_ys, nj_bin[j]),
                           tol = tol, method='trust-constr',  jac = bin_grad_j, \
                           constraints = linear_constraint, hess = '2-point', \
                               options = {'maxiter': maxstep})

        else:  # Unconstrained columns
            opt = minimize(binom_loglik_j, lambda_bin_old[j], \
                    args = (y_bin[:,j], zl1_s, S0, ps_y, pzl1_ys, nj_bin[j]), \
                           tol = tol, method='BFGS', jac = bin_grad_j,
                           options = {'maxiter': maxstep})

        res = opt.x
        if not (opt.success):
            res = lambda_bin_old[j]
            warnings.warn('One of the binomial optimisations has failed',


    # Last identifiability part
    if nb_bin > 0:
        new_lambda_bin = np.stack(new_lambda_bin)
        new_lambda_bin[:, 1:] = new_lambda_bin[:, 1:] @ AT[0]

    return new_lambda_bin
Exemple #7
 def setup_weights(self, W_shape, b_shape=None):
     if "W" not in self._params:
         self._params["W"] = self.init(shape=W_shape, scale=self.scale)
         if b_shape is None:
             self._params["b"] = np.full(W_shape[1], self.initial_bias)
             self._params["b"] = np.full(b_shape, self.initial_bias)
Exemple #8
def get_MFA_params(zl, kl, rl_nextl):
    ''' Determine clusters with a GMM and then adjust a Factor Model over each cluster
    zl (ndarray): The lth layer latent variable 
    kl (int): The number of components of the lth layer
    rl_nextl (1darray): The dimension of the lth layer and (l+1)th layer
    returns (dict): Dict with the parameters of the MFA approximated by GMM + FA. 
    # Fit a GMM in the continuous space
    numobs = zl.shape[0]

    not_all_groups = True
    max_trials = 100
    empty_count_counter = 0

    while not_all_groups:
        # If not enough obs per group then the MFA diverge...

        gmm = GaussianMixture(n_components=kl)
        s = gmm.fit_predict(zl)

        clusters_found, count = np.unique(s, return_counts=True)

        if (len(clusters_found) == kl):  # & (count >= 5).all():
            not_all_groups = False

        empty_count_counter += 1
        if empty_count_counter >= max_trials:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Could not find a GMM init that presents the \
                               proper number of groups:', kl)

    psi = np.full((kl, rl_nextl[0], rl_nextl[0]), 0).astype(float)
    psi_inv = np.full((kl, rl_nextl[0], rl_nextl[0]), 0).astype(float)
    H = np.full((kl, rl_nextl[0], rl_nextl[1]), 0).astype(float)
    eta = np.full((kl, rl_nextl[0]), 0).astype(float)
    z_nextl = np.full((numobs, rl_nextl[1]), np.nan).astype(float)

    # And then a MFA on each of those group

    for j in range(kl):
        indices = (s == j)
        fa = FactorAnalyzer(rotation=None, method='ml', n_factors=rl_nextl[1])[indices])

        psi[j] = np.diag(fa.get_uniquenesses())
        H[j] = fa.loadings_
        psi_inv[j] = np.diag(1 / fa.get_uniquenesses())
        z_nextl[indices] = fa.transform(zl[indices])

        eta[j] = np.mean(zl[indices], axis=0)

    params = {'H': H, 'psi': psi, 'z_nextl': z_nextl, 'eta': eta, 'classes': s}
    return params
def test_parX_TA():
    """Compare derivatives from uncertainties module vs direct grads of solve.fill."""
    # Define MCS parameters, expand and solve
    parY = np.array([2100e-6, 8.1, 400e-6, 400e-6, 350e-6, 1800e-6, 10e-6])
    parYtype = np.array([2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8])
    npts = np.size(parY)
    parX = np.full(npts, 2250e-6)
    parXtype = np.full(npts, 1)
    TA, TC, PH, PC, FC, CARB, HCO3, CO2, totals, Ks = prep(
        parX, parY, parXtype, parYtype)
    # Get uncertainty derivatives with the uncertainty module
    go = time()
    uncert = pyco2.uncertainty.automatic.dcore_dparX__parY(
        parXtype, parYtype, TA, TC, PH, FC, CARB, HCO3, totals, Ks)
    print("  Uncertainty module runtime = {:.5f} s".format(time() - go))
    dTA_uncert = uncert["TAlk"]
    dTC_uncert = uncert["TCO2"]
    dPH_uncert = uncert["pH"]
    dPC_uncert = uncert["pCO2"]
    dFC_uncert = uncert["fCO2"]
    dCARB_uncert = uncert["CO3"]
    dHCO3_uncert = uncert["HCO3"]
    dCO2_uncert = uncert["CO2"]
    # Get corresponding uncertainty derivatives directly
    Icase = pyco2.solve.getIcase(parXtype, parYtype)

    def _dTA_direct(i):
        return egrad(lambda TA: pyco2.solve.fill(
            Icase, TA, TC, PH, PC, FC, CARB, HCO3, CO2, totals, Ks)[i])(TA)

    go = time()
    dTA_direct = _dTA_direct(0)
    dTC_direct = _dTA_direct(1)
    dPH_direct = _dTA_direct(2)
    dPC_direct = _dTA_direct(3)
    dFC_direct = _dTA_direct(4)
    dCARB_direct = _dTA_direct(5)
    dHCO3_direct = _dTA_direct(6)
    dCO2_direct = _dTA_direct(7)
    print("Direct uncertainties runtime = {:.5f} s".format(time() - go))
    # Make sure they agree
    # print(np.array([dTA_uncert, dTA_direct]))
    # print(np.array([dTC_uncert, dTC_direct]))
    # print(np.array([dPH_uncert, dPH_direct]))
    # print(np.array([dPC_uncert, dPC_direct]))
    # print(np.array([dFC_uncert, dFC_direct]))
    # print(np.array([dCARB_uncert, dCARB_direct]))
    # print(np.array([dHCO3_uncert, dHCO3_direct]))
    # print(np.array([dCO2_uncert, dCO2_direct]))
    assert close_enough(dTA_uncert, dTA_direct)
    assert close_enough(dTC_uncert, dTC_direct)
    assert close_enough(dPH_uncert, dPH_direct)
    assert close_enough(dPC_uncert, dPC_direct)
    assert close_enough(dFC_uncert, dFC_direct)
    assert close_enough(dCARB_uncert, dCARB_direct)
    assert close_enough(dHCO3_uncert, dHCO3_direct)
    assert close_enough(dCO2_uncert, dCO2_direct)
def logsumexp_vjp(g, ans, vs, gvs, x):
    # If you want to be able to take higher-order derivatives, then all the
    # code inside this function must be itself differentiable by autograd.
    # This closure multiplies g with the Jacobian of logsumexp (d_ans/d_x).
    # Because autograd uses reverse-mode differentiation, g contains
    # the gradient of the objective w.r.t. ans, the output of logsumexp.
    # The arguments `vs` and `gvs` contain information about the shapes of
    # `x` and `g` but using them is optional.
    return np.full(x.shape, g) * np.exp(x - np.full(x.shape, ans))
Exemple #11
def logsumexp_vjp(ans, x):
    # If you want to be able to take higher-order derivatives, then all the
    # code inside this function must be itself differentiable by Autograd.
    # This closure multiplies g with the Jacobian of logsumexp (d_ans/d_x).
    # Because Autograd uses reverse-mode differentiation, g contains
    # the gradient of the objective w.r.t. ans, the output of logsumexp.
    # This returned VJP function doesn't close over `x`, so Python can
    # garbage-collect `x` if there are no references to it elsewhere.
    x_shape = x.shape
    return lambda g: np.full(x_shape, g) * np.exp(x - np.full(x_shape, ans))
Exemple #12
def logsumexp_vjp(ans, x):
    # If you want to be able to take higher-order derivatives, then all the
    # code inside this function must be itself differentiable by Autograd.
    # This closure multiplies g with the Jacobian of logsumexp (d_ans/d_x).
    # Because Autograd uses reverse-mode differentiation, g contains
    # the gradient of the objective w.r.t. ans, the output of logsumexp.
    # This returned VJP function doesn't close over `x`, so Python can
    # garbage-collect `x` if there are no references to it elsewhere.
    x_shape = x.shape
    return lambda g: np.full(x_shape, g) * np.exp(x - np.full(x_shape, ans))
Exemple #13
 def test_masking(self):
     masks = cg.get_masks(20, 3)
     self.assertTrue(np.max([np.sum(m) for m in masks]) <= 3)
     all_m = np.full(20, False)
     no_m = np.full(20, True)
     for m in masks:
         all_m = np.logical_or(all_m, m)
         no_m = np.logical_xor(no_m, m)
Exemple #14
def run_regressions(y, regressors, w=None):
    """Get the optimal regression lines in closed form.

    y : `numpy.ndarray` (N, M)
        A matrix containing the outcomes of ``N`` regressions with
        ``M`` observations each.
    regressors : `numpy.ndarray` (M, D)
        A matrix of regressors.  The regression coefficient will be
        a ``D``-length vector.
    w : `numpy.ndarray` (M,), optional
        A vector of weights on the columns of ``y``.  If not set,
        the vector of ones is used.

    beta : `numpy.ndarray` (N, D)
        An array of the ``N`` regression coefficients.
    beta_infos : `numpy.ndarray` (N, D, D)
        An array of the "information" matrices, i.e. the inverse
        covariance matrices, of ``beta``.
    y_infos : `numpy.ndarray` (N,)
        An array of the inverse residual variances for each regression.
    if w is None:
        w = np.ones(y.shape[1])
    assert y.shape[1] == regressors.shape[0]
    num_obs = y.shape[0]
    x_obs_dim = regressors.shape[1]
    y_obs_dim = y.shape[1]
    assert y_obs_dim > x_obs_dim

    beta = np.full((num_obs, x_obs_dim), float('nan'))
    beta_infos = np.full((num_obs, x_obs_dim, x_obs_dim), float('nan'))
    y_infos = np.full(num_obs, float('nan'))

    rtr = np.matmul(regressors.T, w[:, np.newaxis] * regressors)
    evs = np.linalg.eigvals(rtr)
    if np.min(evs < 1e-6):
        raise ValueError('Regressors are approximately singular.')
    rtr_inv_rt = np.linalg.solve(rtr, regressors.T)
    for n in range(num_obs):
        beta_reg = np.matmul(rtr_inv_rt, w * y[n, :])
        beta[n, :] = beta_reg
        resid = y[n, :] - np.matmul(regressors, beta_reg)

        # The extra -x_obs_dim comes from the beta variance -- see notes.
        #y_info = (y_obs_dim - x_obs_dim) / np.sum(resid ** 2)
        y_info = (sum(w) - x_obs_dim) / np.sum(w * (resid**2))

        beta_infos[n, :, :] = rtr * y_info
        y_infos[n] = y_info

    return beta, beta_infos, y_infos
Exemple #15
    def Descent(self,
        history_para = []
        scales = np.atleast_1d(scales)
        nuggets = np.atleast_1d(nuggets)
        para = np.concatenate([nuggets, scales])
        self.step_size = np.full((1, ), self.step_nuggets_size)
        self.step_size = np.concatenate(
             np.full(scales.shape, self.step_scales_size)])

        pCalculator = GradientDescentForEmulator.ProgressCalculator()
        progress = 0
        for i in range(nsteps):
            new_para, grad = self.StepDescent(para)

            # stop updating parameters that reaches max values
            idCap = new_para > self.scaleMax
            new_para[idCap] = self.scaleMax
            grad[idCap] = 0

            para = new_para
            (scales, nuggets) = new_para[1:], new_para[0]

            mag = np.linalg.norm(grad * self.step_size)

            progress = pCalculator.Get(nsteps, i, mag, tolerance)
            # or mag < 0.5*(self.step_scales_size + self.step_nuggets_size):
            if (mag < tolerance):
        if progress < 100:
        return np.array(history_para)
def initialize_glmm_pars(glmm_par):


    beta_dim = glmm_par['beta']['mean'].size()
    glmm_par['beta']['mean'].set(np.full(beta_dim, 0.0))

    num_groups = glmm_par['u']['mean'].size()
    glmm_par['u']['mean'].set(np.full(num_groups, 0.0))
    glmm_par['u']['info'].set(np.full(num_groups, 1.0))
Exemple #17
    def __init__(self, X, y, prior_beta_mu, prior_beta_std, prior_sigma_shape, prior_sigma_scale):
        self.x = X
        self.y = y

        self.dim = self.x.shape[1] + 2  # (intercept (beta0), betas, sigma)  
        self.N = self.x.shape[0]
        # Prior hyperparameters
        # self.betas_mu = prior_beta_mu * np.ones(self.dim - 1)
        # self.betas_std = prior_beta_std * np.ones(self.dim - 1)
        self.betas_mu = np.full(self.dim - 1, prior_beta_mu)
        self.betas_std = np.full(self.dim - 1, prior_beta_std)
        self.sigma_shape = prior_sigma_shape
        self.sigma_scale = prior_sigma_scale
    def test_e_log_lik(self):
        n_test_samples = 10000

        # Our expected log likelihood should only differ from a sample average
        # of the generated log likelihood by a constant as the parameters
        # vary.  Check this using num_param different random parameters.
        num_params = 5
        ell_by_param = np.full(num_params, float('nan'))
        sample_ell_by_param = np.full(num_params, float('nan'))
        standard_error = 0.
        for i in range(num_params):
            tau, nu, phi_mu, phi_var = \
                vi.initialize_parameters(num_samples, x_dim, k_approx)
            phi_var_expanded = np.array([phi_var for d in range(x_dim)])

            # set vb parameters
                np.hstack([np.ravel(phi_mu.T), phi_var]))

            z_sample, a_sample, pi_sample = \
                vi.generate_parameter_draws(nu, phi_mu, phi_var_expanded, \
                                            tau, n_test_samples)

            sample_e_log_lik = [
                vi.log_lik(x, z_sample[n, :, :], a_sample[n, :, :],
                           pi_sample[n, :], sigma_eps, sigma_a, alpha,
                           k_approx) \
                for n in range(n_test_samples) ]

            sample_ell_by_param[i] = np.mean(sample_e_log_lik)
            standard_error = \
                np.max([ standard_error,
                         np.std(sample_e_log_lik) / np.sqrt(n_test_samples) ])

            # get moments
            e_log_pi1, e_log_pi2, phi_moment1, phi_moment2, nu_moment =\

            ell_by_param[i] = vi.exp_log_likelihood(nu_moment, phi_moment1,
                                                    phi_moment2, e_log_pi1,
                                                    e_log_pi2, sigma_a,
                                                    sigma_eps, x, alpha)

        print('Mean log likelihood standard error: %0.5f' % standard_error)
        self.assertTrue(np.std(ell_by_param - sample_ell_by_param) < \
                        3. * standard_error)
    def init_parameter_dict(self, n_users, n_items, train_tuple):
        ''' Initialize parameter dictionary attribute for this instance.

        Post Condition
        Updates the following attributes of this instance:
        * param_dict : dict
            Keys are string names of parameters
            Values are *numpy arrays* of parameter values
        # TODO fix the lines below to have right dimensionality & values
        # TIP: use self.n_factors to access number of hidden dimensions
        random_state = self.random_state  # inherited
        userN = n_users
        N = n_items.size
        itemN = n_items
        #self.alpha = 0.1
        self.n_factors = 2
        avg = ag_np.mean(train_tuple[2])
        self.param_dict = dict(
            mu=ag_np.full((N, ), avg),
            b_per_user=ag_np.ones((userN, )),
            c_per_item=ag_np.ones((itemN, )),
            U=random_state.randn(userN, self.n_factors),
            V=random_state.randn(itemN, self.n_factors),
Exemple #20
def build_params(num_features,
                 weight_range=[-.1, .1]):
    num_features <-- (numeric) number of feature in the dataset
    num_hidden_nodes <-- (numeric)
    categories <-- (list) list of category labels to use as keys for decode -- output connections
    weight_range = [-.1,.1] <-- (list of numeric)
    return {
        'input': {
            'hidden': {
                np.full([num_features, num_hidden_nodes], 10.0),
                                 [num_features, num_hidden_nodes]),
        'hidden': {
            'output': {
                    [num_hidden_nodes, len(categories)]),
                np.random.normal(*weight_range, [1, len(categories)]),
        'attn': .5,
Exemple #21
def draw_new_ord(lambda_ord, z_new, nj_ord):
    '''  A adapter
    Generates draws from p(y_j | zM, s1 = k1) of the ordinal variables

    lambda_ord ( (nj_ord_j + r - 1) 1darray): Coefficients of the ordinal distributions in the GLLVM layer
    z_new (... x r x k ndarray): M Monte Carlo copies of z for each component k1 of the mixture
    nj_ord (int): The number of possible values values of the jth ordinal variable
    returns (ndarray): The p(y_j | zM, s1 = k1) for the jth ordinal variable
    r = z_new.shape[1]
    nb_ord = len(nj_ord)
    new_nb_obs = z_new.shape[0]

    y_ord_new = np.full((new_nb_obs, nb_ord), np.nan)

    for j in range(nb_ord):

        lambda0 = lambda_ord[j][:(nj_ord[j] - 1)]
        Lambda = lambda_ord[j][-r:]

        broad_lambda0 = lambda0.reshape((1, nj_ord[j] - 1))
        eta = broad_lambda0 - (z_new @ Lambda.reshape((r, 1)))

        gamma = expit(eta)
        #gamma = np.concatenate([np.zeros((new_nb_obs, 1)), gamma], axis = 1)
        gamma = np.concatenate([gamma, np.ones((new_nb_obs, 1))], axis=1)

        # Draw the observations
        u = np.random.uniform(size=(new_nb_obs, 1))
        y_ord_new[:, j] = (gamma > u).argmax(1)

    return y_ord_new
    def __init__(
        self, glmm_par, prior_par, x_mat, y_vec, y_g_vec, num_gh_points,

        self.glmm_par = copy.deepcopy(glmm_par)
        self.prior_par = copy.deepcopy(prior_par)
        self.x_mat = np.array(x_mat)
        self.y_vec = np.array(y_vec)
        self.y_g_vec = np.array(y_g_vec)
        self.use_prior = use_prior

        self.beta_dim = self.x_mat.shape[1]
        self.num_groups = np.max(self.y_g_vec) + 1

        self.use_weights = False
        self.weights = np.full(self.x_mat.shape[0], 1.0)

        assert np.min(y_g_vec) == 0
        assert np.max(y_g_vec) == self.glmm_par['u'].size() - 1

        self.objective = obj_lib.Objective(self.glmm_par, self.get_kl)

        self.get_prior_model_grad = \
            autograd.grad(self.get_e_log_prior_from_args, argnum=0)
        self.get_prior_hess = \
            autograd.jacobian(self.get_prior_model_grad, argnum=1)

        self.group_model = SubGroupsModel(self, num_sub_groups=1)
        self.global_model = GlobalModel(self)

        self.moment_wrapper = MomentWrapper(self.glmm_par)
Exemple #23
def mrf_interpolate(transmission_image, sigma_image, img):
    """ Interpolate the transmission image with a Markov random field. """
    width = constants.patch_size
    transmission_image[transmission_image < 0.3] = 0.3
    transmission_image = dialate(transmission_image, size=(width, width))

    sigma_image = dialate(sigma_image, size=(width, width))
    sigma_image[sigma_image == 0] = constants.sigma_default
    interpol_image = np.full(transmission_image.shape, 0.6)
    interpol_image[transmission_image == 0] = 0
    interpol_image = interpol_image + transmission_image

    grad_data_term = grad(data_term, 0)
    grad_regularization_term = grad(regularization_term, 0)

    for _ in range(constants.epochs):
        data_error_grad = grad_data_term(transmission_image, interpol_image, sigma_image)
        data_error_grad[transmission_image == 0] = 0
        data_error = data_error_grad.sum()

        regularization_error_grad = grad_regularization_term(interpol_image, img)
        regularization_error = regularization_error_grad.sum()
        regularization_error_grad[regularization_error_grad > 2] = 2
        regularization_error_grad[regularization_error_grad < -2] = -2

        interpol_image += constants.learning_rate * regularization_error_grad
        interpol_image += constants.learning_rate * data_error_grad

        print('reg error: {}'.format(abs(regularization_error)))
        print('data error: {}'.format(abs(data_error)))

    interpol_image[interpol_image > 1] = 1
    interpol_image[interpol_image < 0.3] = 0.3
    return interpol_image
Exemple #24
 def x_star(self):
     if not hasattr(self, 'x_opt'):
             self.x_opt = np.linalg.solve(self.Q, -self.q)
         except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
             self.x_opt = np.full(fill_value=np.nan, shape=self.ndim)
     return self.x_opt
Exemple #25
def draw_new_cont(lambda_cont, z_new):
    '''  A adapter 
    Generates draws from p(y_j | zM, s1 = k1) of the continuous variables
    y_cont_j (numobs 1darray): The subset containing only the continuous variables in the dataset
    zM (M x r x k ndarray): M Monte Carlo copies of z for each component k1 of the mixture
    k (int): The number of components of the mixture
    returns (ndarray): p(y_j | zM, s1 = k1)

    r = z_new.shape[1]
    nb_cont = lambda_cont.shape[0]
    new_nb_obs = z_new.shape[0]

    y_cont_new = np.full((new_nb_obs, nb_cont), np.nan)

    for j in range(nb_cont):

        eta = z_new @ lambda_cont[j][1:].reshape(r, 1)
        eta = eta + lambda_cont[j][0].reshape(1, 1)  # Add the constant

        y_cont_new[:,j] = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean = eta.flatten(),\
                                                    cov = np.eye(new_nb_obs).astype(float))

    return y_cont_new
Exemple #26
def K1fac(TempK, Pbar, RGas, WhichKs):
    """Calculate pressure correction factor for K1."""
    TempC = convert.TempK2C(TempK)
    K1fac = np.full(np.shape(TempK),
                    np.nan)  # because GEOSECS doesn't use _pcxKfac p1atm.
    F = WhichKs == 8  # freshwater
    # Pressure effects on K1 in freshwater: this is from Millero, 1983.
    deltaV = -30.54 + 0.1849 * TempC - 0.0023366 * TempC**2
    Kappa = (-6.22 + 0.1368 * TempC - 0.001233 * TempC**2) / 1000
    K1fac = np.where(F, Kfac(deltaV, Kappa, Pbar, TempK, RGas), K1fac)
    F = (WhichKs == 6) | (WhichKs == 7)
    # GEOSECS Pressure Effects On K1, K2, KB (on the NBS scale)
    # Takahashi et al, GEOSECS Pacific Expedition v. 3, 1982 quotes
    # Culberson and Pytkowicz, L and O 13:403-417, 1968:
    # but the fits are the same as those in
    # Edmond and Gieskes, GCA, 34:1261-1291, 1970
    # who in turn quote Li, personal communication
    K1fac = np.where(F, np.exp((24.2 - 0.085 * TempC) * Pbar / (RGas * TempK)),
    # This one is handled differently because the equation doesn't fit the
    # standard deltaV & Kappa form of _pcxKfac.
    F = (WhichKs != 6) & (WhichKs != 7) & (WhichKs != 8)
    # These are from Millero, 1995.
    # They are the same as Millero, 1979 and Millero, 1992.
    # They are from data of Culberson and Pytkowicz, 1968.
    deltaV = -25.5 + 0.1271 * TempC
    # deltaV = deltaV - .151*(Sali - 34.8) # Millero, 1979
    Kappa = (-3.08 + 0.0877 * TempC) / 1000
    # Kappa = Kappa - .578*(Sali - 34.8)/1000 # Millero, 1979
    # The fits given in Millero, 1983 are somewhat different.
    K1fac = np.where(F, Kfac(deltaV, Kappa, Pbar, TempK, RGas), K1fac)
    return K1fac
Exemple #27
def K2fac(TempK, Pbar, RGas, WhichKs):
    """Calculate pressure correction factor for K2."""
    TempC = convert.TempK2C(TempK)
    K2fac = np.full(np.shape(TempK),
                    np.nan)  # because GEOSECS doesn't use _pcxKfac p1atm.
    F = WhichKs == 8  # freshwater
    # Pressure effects on K2 in freshwater: this is from Millero, 1983.
    deltaV = -29.81 + 0.115 * TempC - 0.001816 * TempC**2
    Kappa = (-5.74 + 0.093 * TempC - 0.001896 * TempC**2) / 1000
    K2fac = np.where(F, Kfac(deltaV, Kappa, Pbar, TempK, RGas), K2fac)
    F = (WhichKs == 6) | (WhichKs == 7)
    # GEOSECS Pressure Effects On K1, K2, KB (on the NBS scale)
    # Takahashi et al, GEOSECS Pacific Expedition v. 3, 1982 quotes
    # Culberson and Pytkowicz, L and O 13:403-417, 1968:
    # but the fits are the same as those in
    # Edmond and Gieskes, GCA, 34:1261-1291, 1970
    # who in turn quote Li, personal communication
    K2fac = np.where(F, np.exp((16.4 - 0.04 * TempC) * Pbar / (RGas * TempK)),
    # Takahashi et al had 26.4, but 16.4 is from Edmond and Gieskes
    # and matches the GEOSECS results
    # This one is handled differently because the equation doesn't fit the
    # standard deltaV & Kappa form of _pcxKfac.
    F = (WhichKs != 6) & (WhichKs != 7) & (WhichKs != 8)
    # These are from Millero, 1995.
    # They are the same as Millero, 1979 and Millero, 1992.
    # They are from data of Culberson and Pytkowicz, 1968.
    deltaV = -15.82 - 0.0219 * TempC
    # deltaV = deltaV + .321*(Sali - 34.8) # Millero, 1979
    Kappa = (1.13 - 0.1475 * TempC) / 1000
    # Kappa = Kappa - .314*(Sali - 34.8)/1000 # Millero, 1979
    # The fit given in Millero, 1983 is different.
    # Not by a lot for deltaV, but by much for Kappa.
    K2fac = np.where(F, Kfac(deltaV, Kappa, Pbar, TempK, RGas), K2fac)
    return K2fac
def create_support_matrix(patch, point, direction, threshold):
    """ Returns a matrix encoding the support for the color-line

    Given a threshold, each pixel in a patch either does or doesn't
    fit the color-line. This matrix has the same size as a patch and
    contains `True` if that patch pixel supports the color-line.

        patch: A square patch of an image.
        point: A point on the color line.
        direction: The color-line direction vector.
        threshold: The maximum distance a point can have from the
        color-line in order to support the line.
        support_matrix: A boolean matrix encoding pixel support.
    height, width, _ = patch.shape
    support_matrix = np.full((height, width), False, dtype=bool)

    for idy, row in enumerate(patch):
        for idx, pixel in enumerate(row):
            d2 = pixel - point
            dist = distance(direction, d2)
            if dist < threshold:
                support_matrix[idy][idx] = True

    return support_matrix
Exemple #29
def draw_time_weights(regs, w_sum=None):
    if w_sum is None:
        w_sum = regs.y_obs_dim
    w_draw = osp.stats.multinomial.rvs(n=w_sum,
                                                 1 / regs.y_obs_dim))
    return w_draw
Exemple #30
def plot_images(images,
                digit_dimensions=(28, 28),
    """Images should be a (N_images x pixels) matrix."""
    N_images = images.shape[0]
    N_rows = (N_images - 1) // ims_per_row + 1
    pad_value = np.min(images.ravel())
    concat_images = np.full(
        ((digit_dimensions[0] + padding) * N_rows + padding,
         (digit_dimensions[1] + padding) * ims_per_row + padding), pad_value)
    for i in range(N_images):
        cur_image = np.reshape(images[i, :], digit_dimensions)
        row_ix = i // ims_per_row
        col_ix = i % ims_per_row
        row_start = padding + (padding + digit_dimensions[0]) * row_ix
        col_start = padding + (padding + digit_dimensions[1]) * col_ix
        concat_images[row_start:row_start + digit_dimensions[0],
                      col_start:col_start + digit_dimensions[1]] = cur_image
    cax = ax.matshow(concat_images, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
    return cax
Exemple #31
def _unconstrain_simplex_jacobian(simplex_vec):
    """Get the unconstraining Jacobian for a single simplex vector.
    return np.hstack([
        np.full(len(simplex_vec) - 1, -1 / simplex_vec[0])[:, None],
        np.diag(1 / simplex_vec[1:])
Exemple #32
def draw_new_bin(lambda_bin, z_new, nj_bin):
    ''' A Adapter
    Generates draws from p(y_j | zM, s1 = k1) of the binary/count variables
    lambda_bin ( (r + 1) 1darray): Coefficients of the binomial distributions in the GLLVM layer
    z_new (M x r x k ndarray): M Monte Carlo copies of z for each component k1 of the mixture
    nj_bin_j: ...
    returns (ndarray): p(y_j | zM, s1 = k1)

    new_nb_obs = z_new.shape[0]
    r = z_new.shape[1]

    # Draw one y per new z for the moment
    nb_bin = len(nj_bin)
    y_bin_new = np.full((new_nb_obs, nb_bin), np.nan)

    for j in range(nb_bin):

        # Compute the probability
        eta = z_new @ lambda_bin[j][1:][..., n_axis]
        eta = eta + lambda_bin[j][0].reshape(1, 1)  # Add the constant
        pi = expit(eta)

        # Draw the observations
        u = np.random.uniform(size=(new_nb_obs,
                                    nj_bin[j]))  # To check: work for binomials
        y_bin_new[:, j] = (pi > u).sum(1)

    return y_bin_new
Exemple #33
    def setup(self, x_shape):
        x_shape : np.array(batch size, time steps, input shape)
        self.input_dim = x_shape[2]

        # Input -> Hidden
        self._params['W'] = self._params.init((self.input_dim, self.hidden_dim))
        # Bias
        self._params['b'] = np.full((self.hidden_dim,), self._params.initial_bias)
        # Hidden -> Hidden layer
        self._params['U'] = self.inner_init((self.hidden_dim, self.hidden_dim))

        # Init gradient arrays

        self.hprev = np.zeros((x_shape[0], self.hidden_dim))
Exemple #34
def plot_images(images, ax, ims_per_row=5, padding=5, digit_dimensions=(28, 28),
      , vmin=None, vmax=None):
    """Images should be a (N_images x pixels) matrix."""
    N_images = images.shape[0]
    N_rows = np.ceil(float(N_images) / ims_per_row)
    pad_value = np.min(images.ravel())
    concat_images = np.full(((digit_dimensions[0] + padding) * N_rows + padding,
                             (digit_dimensions[1] + padding) * ims_per_row + padding), pad_value)
    for i in range(N_images):
        cur_image = np.reshape(images[i, :], digit_dimensions)
        row_ix = i // ims_per_row
        col_ix = i % ims_per_row
        row_start = padding + (padding + digit_dimensions[0]) * row_ix
        col_start = padding + (padding + digit_dimensions[1]) * col_ix
        concat_images[row_start: row_start + digit_dimensions[0],
                      col_start: col_start + digit_dimensions[1]] = cur_image
    cax = ax.matshow(concat_images, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
    return cax
Exemple #35
    def setup(self, x_shape):
        Naming convention:
        i : input gate
        f : forget gate
        c : cell
        o : output gate

        x_shape : np.array(batch size, time steps, input shape)
        self.input_dim = x_shape[2]
        # Input -> Hidden
        W_params = ['W_i', 'W_f', 'W_o', 'W_c']
        # Hidden -> Hidden
        U_params = ['U_i', 'U_f', 'U_o', 'U_c']
        # Bias terms
        b_params = ['b_i', 'b_f', 'b_o', 'b_c']

        # Initialize params
        for param in W_params:
            self._params[param] = self._params.init((self.input_dim, self.hidden_dim))

        for param in U_params:
            self._params[param] = self.inner_init((self.hidden_dim, self.hidden_dim))

        for param in b_params:
            self._params[param] = np.full((self.hidden_dim,), self._params.initial_bias)

        # Combine weights for simplicity
        self.W = [self._params[param] for param in W_params]
        self.U = [self._params[param] for param in U_params]

        # Init gradient arrays for all weights

        self.hprev = np.zeros((x_shape[0], self.hidden_dim))
        self.oprev = np.zeros((x_shape[0], self.hidden_dim))
 def gradient_product(g):
     # This closure multiplies g with the Jacobian of logsumexp (d_ans/d_x).
     # Because autograd uses reverse-mode differentiation, g contains
     # the gradient of the objective w.r.t. ans, the output of logsumexp.
     return np.full(x.shape, g) * np.exp(x - np.full(x.shape, ans))
 def loss_fun(weights, smiles, targets):
     mean = parser.get(weights, 'mean')
     return loss_func(np.full(targets.shape, mean), targets)
 def pred_fun(weights, smiles):
     mean = parser.get(weights, 'mean')
     return np.full((len(smiles),), mean)