Exemple #1
def training_core(c, xi, yin, lambdas, tol, tau, eta):
    #implements the gradient descent time marching method for Total Variation learning
    #this is
    #lambda is the regularization parameter
    #c is the radial basis function parameter
    #tau is the step-size of the gradient descent method
    #tol is tolerance for the stopping criteria
    dim1, dim2 = xi.shape
    w = np.random.random((dim1, 1))
    PSI = psi(xi, c, xi, w)
    w = np.linalg.inv(PSI.T.dot(PSI) + eta * np.identity(dim1)).dot(
    w = np.reshape(w, (dim1, 1))

    nr = 1
    i = 0
    while nr > tol:
        if i == 50:
        i = i + 1
        PSI = psi(xi, c, xi, w)
        DUDT = dudtv(c, xi, w, yin, lambdas)
        residual = np.linalg.inv(PSI.T.dot(PSI) + eta * np.identity(dim1)).dot(
        w = w + tau * residual
        nr = np.linalg.norm(residual) / len(w)
        #print('iter= %3.0i, rel.residual= %1.2e' % (i,nr))
    yout = psi(xi, c, xi, w).dot(w).T

    inds = np.where(yout > 0)
    yout[inds] = 1
    inds = np.where(yout < 0)
    yout[inds] = -1
    return yout, w
Exemple #2
    def constraint(x):
        arr_Y_pos, arr_Y_neg, arr_a_pos, arr_a_neg = expand(x)
        arr_C_pos = list()
        arr_C_neg = list()

        def conj(z):
            return np.real(z) - 1j * np.imag(z)

        for i in range(n_decomp):
            arr_C_pos.append(conj(arr_Y_pos[i].T) @ arr_Y_pos[i])
            arr_C_neg.append(conj(arr_Y_neg[i].T) @ arr_Y_neg[i])

        retvec = np.array([])

        # TP constraint
        for i in range(n_decomp):
            pt = anp_partial_trace(arr_C_pos[i], [2**n_qubits, 2**n_qubits], 1)
            vec = (pt - arr_a_pos[i] * np.identity(2**n_qubits)).flatten()
            retvec = np.hstack([retvec, vec])

            pt = anp_partial_trace(arr_C_neg[i], [2**n_qubits, 2**n_qubits], 1)
            vec = (pt - arr_a_neg[i] * np.identity(2**n_qubits)).flatten()
            retvec = np.hstack([retvec, vec])

        # equality constraint
        C_sum = np.zeros_like(target_choi)
        for i in range(n_decomp):
            C_sum += arr_C_pos[i] - arr_C_neg[i]
        vec = (C_sum - target_choi).flatten()
        retvec = np.hstack([retvec, vec])

        # separate complex and real part
        retvec = np.hstack([np.real(retvec), np.imag(retvec)])
        return retvec
def rho(parameters,
    kernel = kernels_dic[kernel_keyword]
    kernel_matrix = kernel(matrix_data, matrix_data, parameters)

    pi = pi_matrix(sample_indices,
                   (sample_indices.shape[0], matrix_data.shape[0]))

    sample_matrix = np.matmul(pi, np.matmul(kernel_matrix, np.transpose(pi)))

    Y_sample = Y_data[sample_indices]

    lambda_term = reg
    inverse_data = np.linalg.inv(kernel_matrix + lambda_term *
    inverse_sample = np.linalg.inv(sample_matrix + lambda_term *

    top = np.matmul(Y_sample.T, np.matmul(inverse_sample, Y_sample))
    bottom = np.matmul(Y_data.T, np.matmul(inverse_data, Y_data))
    return 1 - top / bottom
Exemple #4
def BFGS(f, grad_f, hess_0, x):
    dims = len(x)

    H = hess_0
    assert np.all(np.linalg.eig(H)[0] > 0) and np.all(H == H.T), "Initial hessian must be SPD"

    positions = [x]
    while np.linalg.norm(grad_f(x)) > 1e-7:
        p = -np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(hess_0), grad_f(x))
        # p /= np.linalg.norm(p)

        a = get_line_length(f, grad_f, x, p, a_max=10)

        x_next = x + a*p
        s = x_next - x
        y = grad_f(x_next) - grad_f(x)
        rho = 1 / np.matmul(y, s)

        # Note the second term is a scalar (rho) multiplied by a matrix
        t1 = (np.identity(dims) - rho * np.matmul(s[:,np.newaxis], y[np.newaxis,:]))
        t2 = (np.identity(dims) - rho * np.matmul(y[:,np.newaxis], s[np.newaxis,:]))
        t3 = rho * np.matmul(s[:,np.newaxis], s[np.newaxis,:])
        H = many_matmul(t1, H, t2) + t3

        x = x_next
    return np.array(positions)
Exemple #5
    def log_transition_matrices(self, data, input, mask, tag):
        T, D = data.shape
        # Previous state effect
        log_Ps = np.tile(self.log_Ps[None, :, :], (T - 1, 1, 1))
        # Input effect
        log_Ps = log_Ps + np.dot(input[1:], self.Ws.T)[:, None, :]

        # Past observations effect

        #Off diagonal elements of transition matrix (state switches), from past observations
        log_Ps_offdiag = np.tile(
            np.dot(data[:-1], self.Rs.T)[:, None, :], (1, self.K, 1))
        mult_offdiag = 1 - np.tile(
            np.identity(self.K)[None, :, :], (log_Ps_offdiag.shape[0], 1, 1))

        #Diagonal elements of transition matrix (stickiness), from past observations
        log_Ps_diag = np.tile(
            np.dot(data[:-1], self.Ss.T)[:, None, :], (1, self.K, 1))
        mult_diag = np.tile(
            np.identity(self.K)[None, :, :], (log_Ps_diag.shape[0], 1, 1))

        log_Ps = log_Ps_diag * mult_diag  #Diagonal elements (stickness) from past observations
        log_Ps = log_Ps + np.identity(
            self.K) * self.s  #Diagonal elements (stickness) bias
        log_Ps = log_Ps + log_Ps_offdiag * mult_offdiag  #Off diagonal elements (state switching) from past observations
        log_Ps = log_Ps + (1 - np.identity(
            self.K)) * self.r  #Off diagonal elements (state switching) bias

        return log_Ps - logsumexp(log_Ps, axis=2, keepdims=True)  #Normalize
def run_fold(X, y, Xt, yt):

    var1, var2, scale1, scale2 = optimimize_hyper(X,

    K1 = var1 * Matern32(X, X, scale1)
    K2 = var2 * Matern32(X, X, scale2)

    print('Var1: %3.2f' % var1)
    print('Var2: %3.2f' % var2)
    print('Scale1: %3.2f' % scale1)
    print('Scale2: %3.2f' % scale2)

    print(100 * '-')
    print(100 * '-')

    mu1, Sigma1, mu2, Sigma2 = run_ep(X, y, K1, K2, max_itt=max_itt)

    Ktf1 = var1 * Matern32(Xt, X, scale1)
    Ktf2 = var2 * Matern32(Xt, X, scale2)
    Ktt1 = var1 * Matern32(Xt, Xt, scale1)
    Ktt2 = var2 * Matern32(Xt, Xt, scale2)

    L1 = np.linalg.cholesky(K1 + 1e-8 * np.identity(len(X)))
    L2 = np.linalg.cholesky(K2 + 1e-8 * np.identity(len(X)))

    g1 = np.linalg.solve(L1, Ktf1.T)
    g2 = np.linalg.solve(L2, Ktf2.T)
    h1 = np.linalg.solve(L1.T, g1)
    h2 = np.linalg.solve(L2.T, g2)

    ft1_mean = g1.T @ np.linalg.solve(L1, mu1)
    ft2_mean = g2.T @ np.linalg.solve(L2, mu2)
    ft1_cov = Ktt1 - g1.T @ g1 + h1.T @ Sigma1 @ h1
    ft2_cov = Ktt2 - g2.T @ g2 + h2.T @ Sigma2 @ h2

    print(100 * '-')
    print('Computing NLPD')
    print(100 * '-')

    # compute log predictive density for ytest set
    nlpds = []
    for i in range(len(Xt)):
        Zn, m11, v1, m21, v2 = compute_moments_hsced([],
                                                     ft1_cov[i, i],
                                                     ft2_cov[i, i],

    return np.mean(nlpds)
Exemple #7
def main():
    args = parse_args()
    seed = args.seed or np.random.randint(10000)
    print("Using seed: %r" % seed)

    d = 20
    r = 6
    T = 500
    n_pred = 250
    n_iter = 500
    var = 0.1

    data = generate_normal_data(nonlinearity,

    C0 = 0.1 * np.random.randn(d, r)
    theta0 = 0.1 * np.random.rand(r, 1)
    v0 = 0.1
    V0 = np.kron(v0, np.eye(r))
    mu0 = np.zeros([r, 1])
    P0 = np.zeros([r, r])
    Qs = {k: 0 * np.identity(r) for k in range(T + 1)}
    Rs = {k: np.identity(d) for k in range(T + 1)}

    psmf = PSMFIterSynthetic(theta0, C0, V0, mu0, P0, Qs, Rs, nonlinearity)
    output_files = dict(
 def entanglement_row():
     if full_connectivity:
         if n_qubits == 1: return np.identity(2)
         elif n_qubits == 2: return CX
         elif n_qubits == 3: return ICX @ CIX @ CXI
         if n_qubits == 1: return np.identity(2)
         elif n_qubits == 2: return CX
         elif n_qubits == 3: return ICX @ CXI
def construct_P_matrices(springs, n_points, d):
    return numpy.array([
            numpy.concatenate((numpy.zeros((d, d * s_k[0])), numpy.identity(d),
                                   (d, d * n_points - d * (s_k[0] + 1)))),
            numpy.concatenate((numpy.zeros((d, d * s_k[1])), numpy.identity(d),
                                   (d, d * n_points - d * (s_k[1] + 1)))),
        )) for s_k in springs
Exemple #10
    def dPositionVectorde(self, x, mu):
        derivatives of position vector wrt eccentricity vector
        TA = x[5]
        cTA = np.cos(TA)
        sTA = np.sin(TA)
        h = self.hVector(x)
        e = self.eVector(x, mu)
        hMag = self.hMag(x)
        eMag = self.eMag(x, mu)
        eUnit = e / eMag
        crossProduct = np.cross(h, e)
        crossProductMag = np.linalg.norm(crossProduct)
        crossProductUnit = crossProduct / crossProductMag
        factor = hMag**2 / mu
        #term1_old = np.outer((-cTA / ((1.0 + eMag * cTA)**2)) * eUnit, eUnit * cTA + crossProduct / crossProductMag * sTA)

        term1 = (-cTA / (1. + eMag * cTA)**2) * np.outer(
            cTA * eUnit + sTA * crossProductUnit, eUnit)

        factor2 = 1.0 / (1.0 + eMag * cTA)
        #term2_old = factor2 * ((cTA / eMag) * (np.identity(3) - (1.0 / eMag**2) * np.outer(e, e)) + (sTA / crossProductMag) * np.dot((np.identity(3) - (1.0 / crossProductMag**2) * np.outer(crossProduct, crossProduct)), self.mathUtil.crossmat(h)))

        term2 = factor2 * (
            (cTA / eMag) * (np.identity(3) - (1. / eMag**2) * np.outer(e, e)) +
            (sTA / crossProductMag) * np.dot(
                (np.identity(3) - (1. / crossProductMag**2) * np.outer(
                    crossProduct, crossProduct)), self.mathUtil.crossmat(h)))

        #term2 = term2_old
        # print(term1_old)
        # print("\n")
        # print(term1)
        # print("\n")
        # print("\n")
        # print("\n")
        # print("\n")
        # print(term2_old)
        # print("\n")
        # print(term2)
        # print("\n")
        # print(term3)
        # print("\n")

        drde = factor * (term1 + term2)
        return drde
Exemple #11
    def dPositionVectordh(self, x, mu):
        derivatives of position vector wrt angular momentum vector
        TA = x[5]
        cTA = np.cos(TA)
        sTA = np.sin(TA)
        h = self.hVector(x)
        e = self.eVector(x, mu)
        hMag = self.hMag(x)
        eMag = self.eMag(x, mu)
        eUnit = e / eMag
        crossProduct = np.cross(h, e)
        crossProductMag = np.linalg.norm(crossProduct)

        factor = 1.0 / (mu * (1.0 + eMag * cTA))

        term1 = cTA * np.outer(eUnit, 2.0 * h)
        #term2 = sTA * np.dot((1.0 / crossProductMag) * (np.identity(3) - (1.0 / crossProductMag**2) * np.outer(crossProduct, crossProduct)), -self.mathUtil.crossmat(e))

        term2 = (sTA / crossProductMag) * (
            2. * np.outer(crossProduct, h) + hMag**2 * np.dot(
                (-np.identity(3) + (1. / crossProductMag**2) * np.outer(
                    crossProduct, crossProduct)), self.mathUtil.crossmat(e)))
        drdh = factor * (term1 + term2)
        return drdh
Exemple #12
	def get_marginal(self, u, V, R, x_test):
		current metric to test convergence-- log space
		predictive marginal likelihood
		I = self.sigx*np.identity(self.dimx)
		mu = np.zeros(self.dimx,)
		n_samples = 200
		ll = 0
		test_size = x_test.shape[0]
		for i in xrange(test_size):
			x = x_test[i]
			mc = 0
			for j in xrange(n_samples):
				w = self.sample_w(u, V)
				var = np.dot(w, np.transpose(w))
				var = np.add(var, I)
				px = gaussian.Gaussian_full(mu, var)
				px = px.eval(x)#eval_log_properly(x)
				mc = mc + px
			mc = mc/float(n_samples)
			mc = np.log(mc)
			ll += mc
		return (ll/float(test_size))
Exemple #13
def channel_trace(num_q, num_anc):
    # kraus ops: Id x <x|
    kraus_ops = list()
    for x in range(2**num_anc):
        xbra = np.eye(1, 2**num_anc, x)
        kraus_ops.append(np.kron(np.identity(2**num_q), xbra))
    return Kraus(kraus_ops)
Exemple #14
    def dVelocityVectorde(self, x, mu):
        derivatives of Velocity vector wrt eccentricity vector
        TA = x[5]
        sTA = np.sin(TA)
        cTA = np.cos(TA)
        h = self.hVector(x)
        e = self.eVector(x, mu)
        hCross = self.mathUtil.crossmat(h)
        hMag = np.linalg.norm(h)
        eMag = np.linalg.norm(e)
        crossProduct = np.cross(h, e)
        crossProductMag = np.linalg.norm(crossProduct)

        term1 = sTA * (1.0 / eMag) * (np.identity(3) -
                                      (1.0 / eMag**2) * np.outer(e, e))
        term21 = np.outer((1.0 / crossProductMag) * crossProduct,
                          (1.0 / eMag) * e)
        term22 = (eMag + cTA) * (1.0 / crossProductMag) * (
            hCross - (1.0 / crossProductMag**2) *
            np.dot(np.outer(crossProduct, crossProduct), hCross))
        term2 = -(term21 + term22)

        factor = -mu / hMag

        dvde = factor * (term1 + term2)
        return dvde
Exemple #15
def P_i(T, a, idx):
    """ Probability of absorbtions given an observed chain:

    We need to partition the transition matrix
        $$ T =
         Q & R \\
         0 & I
        $Q$: the non-absorbing transitions,
        $R$: non-absorbing to absorbing transitions
    Then, probability of being absorbed is given as
        $$P = (I-Q)^{-1} R$$

    In this case, we only want the probability of transitioning from the
    most recent state to the current absorbing state.

    a_trans = np.array(a)[0:idx]  # visited
    a_absrb = np.array(a)[idx:len(a) - idx]  # not visited

    Q = T[a_trans, :][:, a_trans]
    R = T[a_trans, :][:, a_absrb]
    I = np.identity(Q.shape[0])

    P = np.dot(np.linalg.pinv(I - Q), R)

    return P[-1,
             0]  # ...from previous state (P[-1,:] by construction) into next
    def __init__(self,
                 state_dim: np.ndarray,
                 target_state: np.ndarray = None,
                 weights: np.ndarray = None,
                 cost_width: np.ndarray = None):
        Initialize saturated loss function
        :param state_dim: state dimensionality
        :param target_state: target state which should be reached
        :param weights: weight matrix
        :param cost_width: TODO what is this

        self.state_dim = state_dim

        # set target state to all zeros if not other specified
        self.target_state = np.atleast_2d(
            np.zeros(self.state_dim) if target_state is None else target_state)

        # weight matrix
        self.weights = np.identity(
            self.state_dim) if weights is None else weights

        # -----------------------------------------------------
        # This is only useful if we have any penalties etc.
        self.cost_width = np.array([1]) if cost_width is None else cost_width
    def __init__(self,
              self).__init__(simspark_ip, simspark_port, teamname, player_id,
        self.transforms = {n: identity(4) for n in self.joint_names}

        # chains defines the name of chain and joints of the chain
        self.chains = {
            'Head': ['HeadYaw', 'HeadPitch'],
            ['LShoulderPitch', 'LShoulderRoll', 'LElbowYaw', 'LElbowRoll'],
            'LLeg': [
                'LHipYawPitch', 'LHipRoll', 'LHipPitch', 'LKneePitch',
                'LAnklePitch', 'LAnkleRoll'
            'RLeg': [
                'RHipYawPitch', 'RHipRoll', 'RHipPitch', 'RKneePitch',
                'RAnklePitch', 'RAnkleRoll'
            ['RShoulderPitch', 'RShoulderRoll', 'RElbowYaw', 'RElbowRoll']
 def forward_kinematics_2(self, effector_name, thetas):
     T = identity(4)
     for i, joint in enumerate(self.chains[effector_name]):
         angle = thetas[i]
         Tl = self.local_trans(joint, angle)
         T = dot(T, Tl)
     return T
def optimize_p0_stochastic_gradient_descent(xs,

    if batch_sim_size is None:
        batch_sim_size = K
    x0s = xs[0, :]
    n0s = ns[0, :]
    if p0s is None:
        p0s = sim_p0s(x0s, n0s, K)
    n = xs.shape[0] - 1
    no_SNPs = xs.shape[1]
    if init_Sigma is None:
        init_Sigma = (np.identity(n) - 0.1) + 0.1
    y = matrix_to_vector(init_Sigma)
    lik = get_clean_p0_llik(xs, ns, p0s, sign=1.0)
    glik = grad(lik)
    liks, gliks = get_partial_lik0s(no_SNPs,
    return sgd(liks, gliks, y=y, big_eval=lik, evals=10000)
Exemple #20
def learn_maxpl(imgs):
    """Learn the weights and bias for the Hopfield network by maximizing the pseudo log-likelihood."""
    img_size = np.prod(imgs[0].shape)

    fake_weights = np.random.normal(0, 0.1, (img_size, img_size))
    bias = np.random.normal(0, 0.1, (img_size))
    diag_mask = np.ones((img_size, img_size)) - np.identity(img_size)

    def objective(params, iter):
        fake_weights, bias = params
        weights = np.multiply((fake_weights + fake_weights.T) / 2, diag_mask)
        pll = 0
        for i in range(len(imgs)):
            img = np.reshape(imgs[i], -1)
            activations = np.matmul(weights, img) + bias
            output = sigmoid(activations)
            eps = 1e-10
            img[img < 0] = 0
            pll += np.sum(np.multiply(img, np.log(output+eps)) + np.multiply(1-img, np.log(1-output+eps)))
        if iter % 100 == 0: print(-pll)
        return -pll

    g = grad(objective)

    fake_weights, bias = sgd(g, (fake_weights, bias), num_iters=300, step_size=0.001)
    weights = np.multiply((fake_weights + fake_weights.T) / 2, diag_mask)

    plt.imsave('weights_mpl.jpg', weights)
    return weights, bias
Exemple #21
def adaptive_hmc(U, K, grad_U, mass, inv_mass, iters, q_0, integrator):
    D = q_0.shape[1]
    q_hist = []
    q_hist.append(q_0.reshape(D, ))
    accepted_num = 0
    cur_q = q_0.copy()

    for i in range(iters):
        nxt_q = integrator(U,

        if np.any(nxt_q != cur_q):
            accepted_num += 1
            q_hist.append(np.asarray(nxt_q.reshape(D, )))
        cur_q = nxt_q
        if i % 50 == 0:
            print("progressed {}%".format(i * 100 / iters))
        if i % 1000 and len(q_hist) > 200:
            # every 1000 iterations, we re-estimate the covariance of estimated target
            mass = adaptive_metric(q_hist[-200:])
            inv_mass = np.linalg.inv(mass + np.identity(D) * 1e-5)
    print("The acceptance rate is {}".format(accepted_num / iters))
    return q_hist
 def _update_weights_output(self, lambda0):
     # Ridge Regression
     E_lambda0 = np.identity(self.num_reservoir_nodes) * lambda0  # lambda0
     inv_x = np.linalg.inv(
         self.log_reservoir_nodes.T @ self.log_reservoir_nodes + E_lambda0)
     # update weights of output layer
     self.weights_output = (
         inv_x @ self.log_reservoir_nodes.T) @ self.inputs
def update_posterior(nu, tau, K):
    s_sqrt = np.diag(np.sqrt(tau))
    B = np.identity(len(nu)) + s_sqrt @ K @ s_sqrt
    L = np.linalg.cholesky(B)
    V = np.linalg.solve(L, s_sqrt @ K)
    Sigma = K - V.T @ V
    mu = Sigma @ nu
    return mu, Sigma, L
Exemple #24
def f3_grad(x):
    B = np.array([[3, -1], [-1, 3]])
    a = np.array([[1], [0]])
    b = np.array([[0], [-1]])
    c1 = 1 - np.exp(-np.dot((x - a).transpose(), (x - a))) \
         - np.exp(-np.dot(np.dot((x - b).transpose(), B), (x-b))) \
         + 1/10 * np.log(np.linalg.det(np.dot(1/100, np.identity(2)) + np.dot(x, x.transpose())))
    return c1
Exemple #25
def test_matrix_functions(n):
    dim = 3 + int(4 * np.random.rand())
    matrix = []
    for i in range(dim):
        row = []
        for j in range(dim):
                pe.pseudo_Obs(np.random.rand(), 0.2 + 0.1 * np.random.rand(),
    matrix = np.array(matrix) @ np.identity(dim)

    # Check inverse of matrix
    inv = pe.linalg.mat_mat_op(np.linalg.inv, matrix)
    check_inv = matrix @ inv

    for (i, j), entry in np.ndenumerate(check_inv):
        if (i == j):
            assert math.isclose(
                entry.value, 1.0,
                abs_tol=1e-9), 'value ' + str(i) + ',' + str(j) + ' ' + str(
            assert math.isclose(
                entry.value, 0.0,
                abs_tol=1e-9), 'value ' + str(i) + ',' + str(j) + ' ' + str(
        assert math.isclose(
            entry.dvalue, 0.0,
            abs_tol=1e-9), 'dvalue ' + str(i) + ',' + str(j) + ' ' + str(

    # Check Cholesky decomposition
    sym = np.dot(matrix, matrix.T)
    cholesky = pe.linalg.mat_mat_op(np.linalg.cholesky, sym)
    check = cholesky @ cholesky.T

    for (i, j), entry in np.ndenumerate(check):
        diff = entry - sym[i, j]
        assert math.isclose(diff.value, 0.0,
                            abs_tol=1e-9), 'value ' + str(i) + ',' + str(j)
        assert math.isclose(diff.dvalue, 0.0,
                            abs_tol=1e-9), 'dvalue ' + str(i) + ',' + str(j)

    # Check eigh
    e, v = pe.linalg.eigh(sym)
    for i in range(dim):
        tmp = sym @ v[:, i] - v[:, i] * e[i]
        for j in range(dim):
            assert math.isclose(tmp[j].value, 0.0,
                                abs_tol=1e-9), 'value ' + str(i) + ',' + str(j)
            assert math.isclose(
                tmp[j].dvalue, 0.0,
                abs_tol=1e-9), 'dvalue ' + str(i) + ',' + str(j)
Exemple #26
 def drfunc(self, theta):  # (kN + kn) x n x T x N
     kgain = self.helper_vars['kgain']
     ntrial = self.helper_vars['ntrial']
     nroi = self.helper_vars['nroi']
     rcurr = self.rfunc(theta)
     c, h = self.compute_ch(theta)  # k x n, k x N
     drdh = c[:, :, np.newaxis,
              np.newaxis] * rcurr[np.newaxis]  # k x n x T x N
     drdc = h[:, np.newaxis,
              np.newaxis, :] * rcurr[np.newaxis]  # k x n x T x N
     drdh = drdh[:, np.newaxis] * np.identity(ntrial)[
         np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :]  # k x N x n x T x N
     drdc = drdc[:, np.newaxis] * np.identity(nroi)[
         np.newaxis, :, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]  # k x n x n x T x N
     drdh = drdh.reshape((drdh.shape[0] * drdh.shape[1], ) + drdh.shape[2:])
     drdc = drdc.reshape((drdc.shape[0] * drdc.shape[1], ) + drdc.shape[2:])
     deriv = np.concatenate((drdh, drdc), axis=0)  # (kN + kn) x n x T x N
     return deriv
Exemple #27
    def unit_vector_deriv(self, x):
        """Calculate derivative of unit vector x_unit w.r.t. its non-unit vector x"""
        dims = np.shape(x)
        n = np.amax(dims)
        xmag = self.column_vector_norm2(x)

        d_x_unit_d_x = (1. / xmag) * (np.identity(n) -
                                      (1. / xmag**2) * np.outer(x, x))
        return d_x_unit_d_x
Exemple #28
 def M(time, hstep):
     Id = np.identity(Ndim)
     Om = Omega(time, time + hstep, A, alpha, order)
     if order == 4:
         C_ = Om * (Id - (1 / 12) * (Om**2))
     elif order == 6:
         C_ = Om * (Id - (1 / 12) * (Om**2) * (1 - (1 / 10) * (Om**2)))
     M_ = np.linalg.inv(Id - 0.5 * C_) * (Id + 0.5 * C_)
     return M_
def get_other_params(q_init, x_fin, y_fin, z_fin):

    other_params = {}

    n = 50
    other_params['n'] = 50

    # weight's of cost function
    other_params['rho_vel'] = 100.0
    other_params['rho_acc'] = 1000.0
    other_params['rho_b'] = 1000.0
    other_params['rho_jerk'] = 10000.0
    other_params['rho_orient'] = 1000.0
    other_params['rho_pos'] = 1000.0

    # joint limits of franka manipulator
    q_min = np.array([-165.0, -100.0, -165.0, -165.0, -165.0, -1.0, -165.0
                      ]) * np.pi / 180
    q_max = np.array([165.0, 101.0, 165.0, 1.0, 165.0, 214.0, 165.0
                      ]) * np.pi / 180
    other_params['q_min_traj'] = np.hstack((q_min[0]*np.ones(n), q_min[1]*np.ones(n), q_min[2]*np.ones(n),\
                                            q_min[3]*np.ones(n), q_min[4]*np.ones(n), q_min[5]*np.ones(n), \
    other_params['q_max_traj'] = np.hstack((q_max[0]*np.ones(n), q_max[1]*np.ones(n), q_max[2]*np.ones(n), \
                                            q_max[3]*np.ones(n), q_max[4]*np.ones(n), q_max[5]*np.ones(n), \

    # first, second and third order difference matrices
    A = np.identity(n)
    other_params['A_vel'] = np.diff(A, axis=0)
    other_params['A_acc'] = np.diff(other_params['A_vel'], axis=0)
    other_params['A_jerk'] = np.diff(other_params['A_acc'], axis=0)

    # desired axis-angle for end effector
    roll_des = -87.2 * np.pi / 180
    pitch_des = -41.0 * np.pi / 180

    other_params['roll_des'] = roll_des
    other_params['pitch_des'] = pitch_des

    # mid point index
    other_params['mid_index'] = 25

    other_params['q_1_init'] = q_init[0]
    other_params['q_2_init'] = q_init[1]
    other_params['q_3_init'] = q_init[2]
    other_params['q_4_init'] = q_init[3]
    other_params['q_5_init'] = q_init[4]
    other_params['q_6_init'] = q_init[5]
    other_params['q_7_init'] = q_init[6]

    other_params['x_fin'] = x_fin
    other_params['y_fin'] = y_fin
    other_params['z_fin'] = z_fin

    return other_params
Exemple #30
def f3(x):
    a = np.array([[1], [0]])
    b = np.array([[0], [-1]])
    matrix = np.array([[3, -1], [-1, 3]])
    return 1 - (
        np.exp(-np.matmul(np.transpose(x - a), x - a)) +
        np.exp(-np.matmul(np.matmul(np.transpose(x - b), matrix), x - b)) -
        0.1 * np.log(
            np.linalg.det(0.01 * np.identity(2) +
                          np.matmul(x, np.transpose(x)))))
Exemple #31
def ridgeData(X_train, Y_train, regularization_factor):
    # This wasn't tested for dim(X_train) != 2 or dim(Y_train) != 1
    N, D = X_train.shape
    assert(Y_train.shape == (N,))
    ridge_matrix = np.sqrt(ridge_precision) * np.identity(D)
    X_trainp = np.concatenate((X_train, ridge_matrix), 0)

    zeros = np.zeros([D for i in range(dim(Y_train))])
    assert(dim(zeros) == dim(Y_train))
    Y_trainp = np.concatenate((Y_train, zeros), 0)
    return X_trainp, Y_trainp
Exemple #32
	def evaluate_joint(self, x, z, w):
		evaluates joint of x and z
		pz = gaussian.Gaussian_full(np.zeros(self.dimz), np.eye(self.dimz))
		pz = pz.eval_log(z.reshape((self.dimz,)))
		mu = np.dot(w,z).reshape((self.dimx,))
		px = gaussian.Gaussian_full(mu, self.sigx*np.identity(self.dimx))
		px = px.eval_log_properly(x) #----------------------------------------------------------EVAL
		return px+pz
Exemple #33
def KL_two_gaussians(params):
    d = np.shape(params)[0]-1
    mu = params[0:d,0]
    toSigma = params[0:d,1:d+1]
    intSigma = toSigma-np.diag(np.diag(toSigma))+np.diag(np.exp(np.diag(toSigma)))
    Sigma = intSigma-np.tril(intSigma)+np.transpose(np.triu(intSigma))
    muPrior = np.zeros(d)
    sigmaPrior = np.identity(d)
    #print Sigma
    #print np.linalg.det(Sigma)
    return 1/2*(np.log(np.linalg.det(Sigma)/np.linalg.det(sigmaPrior))-d+np.trace(np.dot(np.linalg.inv(Sigma),sigmaPrior))+np.dot(np.transpose(mu-muPrior),np.dot(np.linalg.inv(Sigma),mu-muPrior)))
def estimate_affine_transform(keypoints0, keypoints1):
    assert (keypoints0.shape == keypoints1.shape)

    keypoints0 = np.column_stack((keypoints0, np.ones(keypoints0.shape[0])))
    params0 = irls.fit(keypoints0, keypoints1[:, 0])
    params1 = irls.fit(keypoints0, keypoints1[:, 1])

    M = np.identity(3)
    M[0] = params0
    M[1] = params1
    return AffineTransform(M)
Exemple #35
	def __init__(self, n, dimx, dimz):
		n: size of dataset
		dimx: dimensions of observed variables
		dimz: dimensions of local latent variables
		Generative procedure
		global param W and latent variables are not visible
		self.n = n
		self.sigx = 0.1
		self.W = np.random.normal(0,1, size = (dimx,dimz))
		self.dimz = dimz
		self.dimx = dimx
		data = util.generate_data(n, self.W, self.sigx, dimx, dimz)
		self.observed = data[0] 
		self.latent = data[1] 
		Model Parameters: mean and precision
		#SEP params
		f = dimx*dimz
		self.SEP_prior_mean = np.zeros(f).reshape((f,1)) 
		self.SEP_prior_prec = np.identity(f)

		self.u = np.zeros(f).reshape((f,))	
		self.V = (1e-4)*np.eye(f)
		self.R = np.random.randn(dimz,dimx)
		self.S = np.identity(dimz) 
		I = np.linalg.inv(self.sigx*np.eye(3))
		S = np.eye(2) + np.dot(np.dot(self.W.T, I), self.W)
		S = np.linalg.inv(S)
		self.S = S
Exemple #36
def KL_via_sampling(params,eps):
    #also need to include lognormal as a replacement for gamma distribution
    #this is giving log of negatives
    d = np.shape(params)[0]-1
    mu = params[0:d,0]
    Sigma = params[0:d,1:d+1]
    di = np.diag_indices(d)
    Sigma[di] = np.exp(Sigma[di])
    muPrior = np.zeros(d)
    sigmaPrior = np.identity(d)
    E = 0
    for j in range(np.shape(eps)[0]):
        beta = mu+np.dot(Sigma,eps[j,:])
        E+= np.log(normal_pdf(beta,mu,Sigma)/normal_pdf(beta,muPrior,sigmaPrior))
    E = np.mean(E)
    return E
Exemple #37
def generate_data(n, W, sigx, dimx, dimz):
	generates factor analysis data
	observed = np.zeros([n, dimx])
	latent = np.zeros([n, dimz])
	for i in xrange(n):
		#latent variable
		z = np.random.normal(0,1, size = (dimz,))
		mu = np.dot(W,z)
		cov = sigx*np.identity(dimx)
		x = np.random.multivariate_normal(mu, cov)
		observed[i] = x
		latent[i] = z
	return observed, latent
Exemple #38
	def true_marg(self, x_test):
		returns true predictive marginal likelihood
		based on generative model params: W
		I = self.sigx*np.identity(self.dimx)
		mu = np.zeros(self.dimx,)
		test_size = x_test.shape[0]
		test_size = x_test.shape[0]
		ll = 0
		for i in range(test_size):
			x = x_test[i]
			var = np.dot(self.W, self.W.T)
			var = np.add(var, I)
			px = gaussian.Gaussian_full(mu, var)
			px = px.eval(x)
			ll += np.log(px)

		return (ll/float(test_size))
Exemple #39
	def marginal_likelihood(self, W0):
		a = self.sigx*np.identity(self.dimx)
		win = lambda w: np.dot(w, w.transpose()) + a
		const = lambda w: -(self.n/2.0)*np.log( np.linalg.det(win(w)) )
		pdin = lambda w: np.linalg.inv( win(w) )
		pd = lambda w,i: np.dot(np.dot(self.observed[i].transpose(), pdin(w)), self.observed[i])
		final = lambda w: sum(pd(w, i)  for i in range(self.n))
		evidence = lambda w: - const(w) + 0.5*final(w)
		gradient = grad(evidence)

		ans, a = util.gradient_descent(evidence, W0)
		#plot learning curve
		return ans
Exemple #40
	def __init__(self, n, dimx, dimz):
		n: size of dataset
		dimx: dimensions of observed variables
		dimz: dimensions of local latent variables
		Generative procedure
		global param W and latent variables are not visible
		self.n = n
		self.sigx = 0.1
		self.W = np.random.normal(0,1, size = (dimx,dimz))
		self.dimz = dimz
		self.dimx = dimx
		data = util.generate_data(n, self.W, self.sigx, dimx, dimz)
		self.observed = data[0] 
		self.latent = data[1] 
		Model Parameters: mean and precision
		#SEP params
		f = dimx*dimz
		self.SEP_prior_mean = np.zeros(f).reshape((f,1)) #fx1
		self.SEP_prior_prec = np.identity(f)	#fxf

		self.u = np.random.randn(f)
		self.V = 1e-4*np.eye(f)
		#recogntion model parameters
		self.R = np.random.randn(dimz,dimx) 
		self.S = self.sigx*np.eye(dimz)
    N_weights, pred_fun, loss_fun, frac_err = make_nn_funs(layer_sizes, L2_reg)

    f_out = open(filename, 'w')
    f_out.write("    Train err  |   Test err  |   Alpha\n")

    final_test_err = loss_fun(W, alpha, train_images, train_labels)

    print(N, final_test_err)
    return final_test_err

N_data, train_images, train_labels, test_images, test_labels = get_wine_data()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Initialize weights
    rs = npr.RandomState(11)
    param_scale = 0.1

    max_N = 7

    N = 4.5

    num_init_weights = 36 + 9 * (max_N - 1) + 3 * max_N
    W = np.ravel(np.identity(int(np.sqrt(num_init_weights)) + 1))

    run_nn_grad = grad(run_nn, 0)
    params = np.concatenate((np.array([N]), W))

    optimize.minimize(run_nn, params, jac=run_nn_grad, method='BFGS', \
        args=(12, 3), options={'disp': True})
	print grad_ml(length_scale)
	print "Initial Parameters: ", init_params
	print "Optimized Parameters: ", cov_params.x

	opt_length_scale = np.exp(cov_params.x[0])

	# Calculate the covariance matrices with optimized length scale
	# to "condition" based on the observed (top of page 16)
	ok_xx = calcSigma(x,x,opt_length_scale)
	ok_xxs = calcSigma(x,x_star,opt_length_scale)
	ok_xsx = calcSigma(x_star,x,opt_length_scale)
	ok_xsxs = calcSigma(x_star,x_star,opt_length_scale)

	# Update the mean and covariance from equations 2.22-2.24
	of_bar_star_mean = ok_xsx.dot(np.linalg.inv(ok_xx+ (sigma_n**2)*np.identity(ok_xx.shape[0])).dot(y))
	of_bar_star_cov = ok_xsxs - ok_xsx.dot(np.linalg.inv(ok_xx+ (sigma_n**2)*np.identity(ok_xx.shape[0])).dot(ok_xxs))

	# Redraw the sample functions
	of_bar_star_sampled_values = sample_GP(n_samples*10,n_pts,of_bar_star_mean,of_bar_star_cov)

	# Get mean and spread of newly sampled values
	ofunc_bar_mean, ofunc_bar_lower, ofunc_bar_upper = calculate_func_mean_and_variance(of_bar_star_sampled_values)

	# Plot the results
	plt.xlabel('input, x')
	plt.ylabel('output, f(x)')
	plt.title("Prediction using noisy observations, with optimized length scale")
Exemple #43
    return bernoulli(pi,yi)

def get_pi(beta,xi,alpha_i):
    xi = np.insert(xi, 0, 1)
    return logistic(np.dot(beta,xi)+alpha_i)

def bernoulli(pi, yi):
    return (pi**yi)*((1-pi)**(1-yi))

def logistic(x):
    return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))

if __name__=='__main__':
    #create some data with beta = 2
    d = 3
    params = np.random.normal(0,1,(d+1,d+1))
    cov = np.identity(d)
    params[0:d,1:d+1] = cov
    print params
    X,y = generate_data(np.array([0.5,0.8,1]),1,20,4)#537
    #test likelihood for several beta values, beta = 2 should give high likelihood
    m = np.zeros((d+1,d+1))
    v = np.zeros((d+1,d+1))
    for i in range(10):
        params,m,v =iterate(params,y,X,i,m,v,30)
        mu = params[0:d,0]
        print mu
#    eps = np.random.rand(50)
#    print lower_bound(params,y,X,eps)
Exemple #44
def KL_two_gaussians(params):
    mu = params[0:len(params)/2]
    Sigma = np.diag(np.exp(params[len(params)/2:]))
    muPrior = np.zeros(d)
    sigmaPrior = np.identity(d)
    return 1/2*(np.log(np.linalg.det(Sigma)/np.linalg.det(sigmaPrior))-d+np.trace(np.dot(np.linalg.inv(Sigma),sigmaPrior))+np.dot(np.transpose(mu-muPrior),np.dot(np.linalg.inv(Sigma),mu-muPrior)))
	def marg_likelihood(x, y, l):
		k_xx = calcSigma(x,x,l)
		marg_data = 0.5* np.dot(y.T,np.dot(np.linalg.inv(k_xx+ (noise_var**2)*np.identity(k_xx.shape[0])),y)) - 0.5 * \
			np.log(np.linalg.det(np.linalg.inv(k_xx+ (noise_var**2)*np.identity(k_xx.shape[0])))) - (len(y)*0.5) * np.log(2*np.pi) 

		return -1.0*marg_data
	init_params = 0.1 * rs.randn(num_params)
	grad_ml = grad(g_ml)
	cov_params = minimize(value_and_grad(g_ml),init_params,jac=True,
						method = 'CG')

	print marg_likelihood(x_train,y_train,length_scale)
	print grad_ml(length_scale)
	print "Initial Parameters: ", init_params
	print "Optimized Parameters: ", cov_params.x

	opt_length_scale = np.exp(cov_params.x[0])

	import pdb

	Omg = np.linalg.inv( K + ((noise_var/2.)**2*np.identity(n_train)) )
	Beta = np.dot(Omg,y_train).reshape((-1,1))

	post_mean = np.dot(ks.T,Beta)
	post_var = kss - ks.T.dot(Omg.dot(ks))

	# Sample from prior
	prior_sampled_values = sample_GP(n_samples,n_pts,np.zeros(n_pts),kss)

	# Sample from posterior predictive distribution
	post_sampled_values = sample_GP(n_samples*100,n_pts,post_mean.flatten(),post_var)

	# Get mean and spread of newly sampled values
	f_post_mean, f_post_lower, f_post_upper = calculate_func_mean_and_variance(post_sampled_values)