Exemple #1
 def loss(self, inputs, targets):
     inputs, targets = map(np.array, [inputs, targets])
     outputs = self(inputs)
     ep = 2e-23
     loss = -np.sum(targets * np.log2(outputs + ep) +
                    (1 - targets) * np.log2(1 - outputs + ep))
     return loss
Exemple #2
def lossfun(params):
    loss = 0
    for t in range(inputs.shape[0]):
        input = inputs[t]
        target = targets[t]
        output = machine.forward(input)
    loss -= np.sum(target * np.log2(output) +
                   (1 - target) * np.log2(1 - output))

    return loss
Exemple #3
def plotDistrs(ds,mus_,sigmas_):
    Nrows = int(np.ceil(np.log2(ds.N))) + 1
    fig,ax= plt.subplots(nrows=Nrows,ncols=ds.N,figsize=(5 * ds.N,5 * ds.N))
    for row in range(Nrows):
        for col in range(2**row):
            idx = col
            if row > 0:
                idx += 2**(row) - 1
            leafIndices = getChildren(idx, ds.N - 1).astype(int) - (ds.N-1)
            ln = ds.numU[leafIndices]
            # Final
            mu = np.dot(ds.mu[leafIndices],ln)/np.sum(ln)
            sigma = ds.sigma[idx]
            pdf = ss.norm.pdf(np.arange(0,
            ax[row,col].vlines(mu,0,1,color="green",label="alpha hat")
            # Original
            mu = np.dot(mus_[0][leafIndices],ln)/np.sum(ln)
            sigma = sigmas_[0][idx]
            pdf = ss.norm.pdf(np.arange(0,ds.treeAlphaHats[idx].max(),.01),
            truth = np.dot(ds.trueAlphas[leafIndices].flatten(), ln)/np.sum(ln)
    return fig
Exemple #4
def get_starlet_shape(shape, lvl=None):
    """ Get the pad shape for a starlet transform
    #Number of levels for the Starlet decomposition
    lvl_max = np.int(np.log2(np.min(shape[-2:])))
    if (lvl is None) or lvl > lvl_max:
        lvl = lvl_max
    return int(lvl)
 def shannon_rate(L):
     Sigma = np.dot(L, L.transpose())
     Sigma_norm = Sigma / (np.trace(Sigma))
     Sigma_norm_B = np.dot(np.dot(B, Sigma_norm), B.transpose())
     Wcd = dlyap_iterative(Ad.transpose(), Sigma_norm_B)
     Wnum = np.dot(Wo, Wcd)
     Wden = np.dot(Wo, Wcd - Sigma_norm_B)
     num = np.linalg.det(Wnum / sigma2 + I)
     den = np.linalg.det(Wden / sigma2 + I)
     return -np.log2(num / den) / (2. * T)
 def shannon_rate(L):
     Sigma = np.dot(L, L.transpose())
     Sigma_norm = Sigma / (np.trace(Sigma))
     Sigma_norm_B = np.dot(np.dot(B, Sigma_norm), B.transpose())
     Sigma_norm_vec = np.reshape(Sigma_norm_B, (n * n, 1))
     Wcd_vec = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(lyap_tmp), Sigma_norm_vec)
     Wcd = np.reshape(Wcd_vec, (n, n))
     Wnum = np.dot(Wo, Wcd)
     Wden = np.dot(Wo, Wcd - Sigma_norm_B)
     num = np.linalg.det(Wnum + sigma2 * I)
     den = np.linalg.det(Wden + sigma2 * I)
     return -np.log2(num / den) / (2. * T)
Exemple #7
def make_entropy_panel(cp_dfs, entropies, entropy_sds, labels, ax=None):

    if ax is None:
        f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 4))

    num_bars = len(cp_dfs)

    for ii, (entropy, entropy_sd,
             label) in enumerate(zip(entropies, entropy_sds, labels)):

        ax.bar(ii, entropy, width=0.6, label=label, color="gray")
        ax.errorbar(ii, entropy, yerr=entropy_sd, color="k", elinewidth=2)

    ax.set_ylabel("Entropy", fontsize=18)
    ax.set_ylim([2, np.log2(N + 1)])
 def shannon_rate(L, T): 
     Ad = scipy.linalg.expm(A*T)
     y0 = np.zeros([A.shape[0]**2,1])[:,0]
     out = scipy.integrate.odeint(gramian_ode, y0, [0,T], args=(A,C))
     Wo = out[1,:].reshape([A.shape[0], A.shape[0]])
     lyap_tmp = - np.kron(Ad,Ad) + np.identity(n*n)
     Sigma = np.dot(L,L.transpose())
     Sigma_norm = Sigma/(np.trace(Sigma))
     Sigma_norm_B = np.dot(np.dot(B,Sigma_norm),B.transpose())
     Sigma_norm_vec = np.reshape(Sigma_norm_B,(n*n,1))
     Wcd_vec = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(lyap_tmp),Sigma_norm_vec)
     Wcd = np.reshape(Wcd_vec,(n,n))
     Wnum = np.dot(Wo,Wcd)
     Wden = np.dot(Wo,Wcd-Sigma_norm_B)
     num = np.linalg.det(Wnum+sigma2*I)
     den = np.linalg.det(Wden+sigma2*I)
     return -np.log2(num/den)/(2.*T)
Exemple #9
    def _compute_likelihood_ratio_test(self):
        This function computes the likelihood ratio test for the model. We
        compare the existing model (with all the covariates) to the trivial model
        of no covariates.

        from lifelines.statistics import chisq_test

        ll_null = self._ll_null
        ll_alt = self._log_likelihood

        test_stat = 2 * ll_alt - 2 * ll_null
        degrees_freedom = self.params_.shape[0] - 2  # delta in number of parameters between models
        p_value = chisq_test(test_stat, degrees_freedom=degrees_freedom)
        with np.errstate(invalid="ignore", divide="ignore"):
            return test_stat, degrees_freedom, -np.log2(p_value)
Exemple #10
 def LL(leafMeans,bagSigma):
     NBags = len(bagSigma)
     NInternal_Nodes = np.floor(NBags/2)
     NLeaves = len(leafMeans)
     ll = 0
     Nrows = int(np.ceil(np.log2(NLeaves))) + 1
     for row in range(Nrows):
         for col in range(2**row):
             idx = col
             if row > 0:
                 idx += 2**(row) - 1
             leafIndices = (getChildren(idx, NInternal_Nodes) - NInternal_Nodes).astype(int)
             ln = leafN[leafIndices]
             mu = np.dot(leafMeans[leafIndices],ln)/np.sum(ln)
             sigma = bagSigma[idx]
             ll = ll + (rlambda**row) * logLikelihood(x[idx],mu,sigma,normalize)
     return -1 * ll
Exemple #11
    def _compute_likelihood_ratio_test(self):
        This function computes the likelihood ratio test for the Weibull model. We
        compare the existing model (with all the covariates) to the trivial model
        of no covariates.

        ll_null = WeibullFitter().fit(self.durations,
        ll_alt = self._log_likelihood

        test_stat = 2 * ll_alt - 2 * ll_null
        degrees_freedom = self.params_.shape[
            0] - 2  # diff in number of parameters between models
        p_value = chisq_test(test_stat, degrees_freedom=degrees_freedom)
        with np.errstate(invalid="ignore", divide="ignore"):
            return test_stat, degrees_freedom, -np.log2(p_value)
Exemple #12
    def summary(self):
        """Summary statistics describing the fit.

        df : DataFrame
            Contains columns coef, np.exp(coef), se(coef), z, p, lower, upper"""
        ci = 1 - self.alpha
        with np.errstate(invalid="ignore", divide="ignore"):
            df = pd.DataFrame(index=self.params_.index)
            df["coef"] = self.params_
            df["exp(coef)"] = np.exp(self.params_)
            df["se(coef)"] = self.standard_errors_
            df["z"] = self._compute_z_values()
            df["p"] = self._compute_p_values()
            df["-log2(p)"] = -np.log2(df["p"])
            df["lower %g" % ci] = self.confidence_intervals_["lower-bound"]
            df["upper %g" % ci] = self.confidence_intervals_["upper-bound"]
            return df
Exemple #13
def expm_pade(a):
    Compute the matrix exponential via pade approximation.

    [0] http://eprints.ma.man.ac.uk/634/1/high05e.pdf
    [1] https://github.com/scipy/scipy/blob/v0.14.0/scipy/linalg/_expm_frechet.py#L10

    a :: ndarray(N x N) - The matrix to exponentiate.
    expm_a :: ndarray(N x N) - The exponential of a.
    # If the one norm is sufficiently small,
    # pade orders up to 13 are well behaved.
    scale = 0
    size = a.shape[0]
    pade_order = None
    one_norm_ = one_norm(a)
    for pade_order_ in PADE_ORDERS:
        if one_norm_ < THETA[pade_order_]:
            pade_order = pade_order_

    # If the one norm is large, scaling and squaring
    # is required.
    if pade_order is None:
        pade_order = 13
        scale = max(0, int(anp.ceil(anp.log2(one_norm_ / THETA[13]))))
        a = a * (2 ** -scale)

    # Execute pade approximant.
    i = anp.eye(size)
    u, v = PADE[pade_order](a, i)
    r = anp.linalg.solve(-u + v, u + v)

    # Do squaring if necessary.
    for _ in range(scale):
        r = anp.matmul(r, r)

    return r
Exemple #14
def _ell(A, m):
    A helper function for expm_2009.

    A : linear operator
        A linear operator whose norm of power we care about.
    m : int
        The power of the linear operator

    value : int
        A value related to a bound.

    if len(A.shape) != 2 or A.shape[0] != A.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError('expected A to be like a square matrix')

    p = 2 * m + 1

    # The c_i are explained in (2.2) and (2.6) of the 2005 expm paper.
    # They are coefficients of terms of a generating function series expansion.
    choose_2p_p = scipy.special.comb(2 * p, p, exact=True)
    abs_c_recip = float(choose_2p_p * math.factorial(2 * p + 1))

    # This is explained after Eq. (1.2) of the 2009 expm paper.
    # It is the "unit roundoff" of IEEE double precision arithmetic.
    u = 2**-53

    # Compute the one-norm of matrix power p of abs(A).
    A_abs_onenorm = _onenorm_matrix_power_nnm(abs(A), p)

    # Treat zero norm as a special case.
    if not A_abs_onenorm:
        return 0

    alpha = A_abs_onenorm / (_onenorm(A) * abs_c_recip)
    log2_alpha_div_u = np.log2(alpha / u)
    value = int(np.ceil(log2_alpha_div_u / (2 * m)))
    return max(value, 0)
def test_log2():
    fun = lambda x : 3.0 * np.log2(x)
    d_fun = grad(fun)
    check_grads(fun, abs(npr.randn()))
    check_grads(d_fun, abs(npr.randn()))
Exemple #16
def autocorrelation(iterate_chains, warmup=0.5, param_idx=0, lag_max=100):
    Compute the autocorrelation and ESS for a variational parameter using FFT.
    where ESS is the effective sample size computed using eq(10) and (11) of https://arxiv.org/pdf/1903.08008.pdf
    MCSE is from 100th to the last iterate using all the chains.

    iterate_chains : multi-dimensional array, shape=(n_chains, n_iters, n_var_params)

    warmup : warmup iterates

    param_idx : index of the variational parameter

    lag_max: lag value

    neff : Effective sample size

    rho_t: autocorrelation at last lag

    autocov: auto covariance using FFT

    a: array of autocorrelation from lag t=0 to lag t=lag_max
    n_iters = iterate_chains.shape[1]
    n_chains = iterate_chains.shape[0]
    if warmup < 1:
        warmup = int(warmup * n_iters)

    if warmup > n_iters - 2:
        raise ValueError('Warmup should be less than number of iterates ..')

    if (n_iters - warmup) % 2:
        warmup = int(warmup + 1)

    chains = iterate_chains[:, warmup:, param_idx]
    means = np.mean(chains, axis=1)
    variances = np.var(chains, ddof=1, axis=1)
    if n_chains == 1:
        var_between = 0
        var_between = n_iters * np.var(means, ddof=1)

    var_chains = np.mean(variances, axis=0)
    var_pooled = ((n_iters - 1.) * var_chains + var_between) / n_iters
    n_pad = int(2**np.ceil(1. + np.log2(n_iters)))
    freqs = np.fft.rfft(chains - np.expand_dims(means, axis=1), n_pad)
    autocov = np.fft.irfft(np.abs(freqs)**2)[:, :n_iters].real
    autocov = autocov / np.arange(n_iters, 0, -1)
    rho_t = 0
    lag = 1
    a = []
    neff_array = []
    for lag in range(lag_max):
        val = 1. - (var_chains - np.mean(autocov[:, lag])) / var_pooled
        if val >= 0:
            rho_t = rho_t + val
            rho_t = rho_t

    neff = n_iters * n_chains / (1 + 2 * rho_t)
    return neff, rho_t, autocov, np.asarray(a)
Exemple #17
def _expm(A, use_exact_onenorm):
    # Core of expm, separated to allow testing exact and approximate
    # algorithms.

    # Avoid indiscriminate asarray() to allow sparse or other strange arrays.
    if isinstance(A, (list, tuple)):
        A = np.asarray(A)
    if len(A.shape) != 2 or A.shape[0] != A.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError('expected a square matrix')

    # Trivial case
    if A.shape == (1, 1):
        out = [[np.exp(A[0, 0])]]

        # Avoid indiscriminate casting to ndarray to
        # allow for sparse or other strange arrays
        if isspmatrix(A):
            return A.__class__(out)

        return np.array(out)

    # Ensure input is of float type, to avoid integer overflows etc.
    if ((isinstance(A, np.ndarray) or isspmatrix(A))
            and not np.issubdtype(A.dtype, np.inexact)):
        A = A.astype(float)

    # Detect upper triangularity.
    structure = UPPER_TRIANGULAR if _is_upper_triangular(A) else None

    if use_exact_onenorm == "auto":
        # Hardcode a matrix order threshold for exact vs. estimated one-norms.
        use_exact_onenorm = A.shape[0] < 200

    # Track functions of A to help compute the matrix exponential.
    h = _ExpmPadeHelper(A,

    # Try Pade order 3.
    eta_1 = max(h.d4_loose, h.d6_loose)
    if eta_1 < 1.495585217958292e-002 and _ell(h.A, 3) == 0:
        U, V = h.pade3()
        return _solve_P_Q(U, V, structure=structure)

    # Try Pade order 5.
    eta_2 = max(h.d4_tight, h.d6_loose)
    if eta_2 < 2.539398330063230e-001 and _ell(h.A, 5) == 0:
        U, V = h.pade5()
        return _solve_P_Q(U, V, structure=structure)

    # Try Pade orders 7 and 9.
    eta_3 = max(h.d6_tight, h.d8_loose)
    if eta_3 < 9.504178996162932e-001 and _ell(h.A, 7) == 0:
        U, V = h.pade7()
        return _solve_P_Q(U, V, structure=structure)
    if eta_3 < 2.097847961257068e+000 and _ell(h.A, 9) == 0:
        U, V = h.pade9()
        return _solve_P_Q(U, V, structure=structure)

    # Use Pade order 13.
    eta_4 = max(h.d8_loose, h.d10_loose)
    eta_5 = min(eta_3, eta_4)
    theta_13 = 4.25

    # Choose smallest s>=0 such that 2**(-s) eta_5 <= theta_13
    if eta_5 == 0:
        # Nilpotent special case
        s = 0
        s = max(int(np.ceil(np.log2(eta_5 / theta_13))), 0)
    s = s + _ell(2**-s * h.A, 13)
    U, V = h.pade13_scaled(s)
    X = _solve_P_Q(U, V, structure=structure)
    if structure == UPPER_TRIANGULAR:
        # Invoke Code Fragment 2.1.
        X = _fragment_2_1(X, h.A, s)
        # X = r_13(A)^(2^s) by repeated squaring.
        for i in range(s):
            X = np.dot(X, X)
    return X
Exemple #18
def log(ps):
    logs = np.log2(ps)
    logs[np.isinf(logs)] = 0
    return logs
Exemple #19
 # Angles
 a_orig = np.array([x[5] for x in myplot])
 a_new = np.array([x[6] for x in myplot])
 plt.scatter(a_orig, a_new)
 plt.title('Angle differences')
 # Plot sizes and octaves
 z = np.array([0 for x in myplot])
 sorig = np.array([x[1] for x in myplot])
 snew = np.array([x[0] for x in myplot])
 c_octaves = np.array([x[2] for x in myplot])
 c_layers = np.array([x[3] for x in myplot])
 c_scale = np.array([np.log2(x[4]) for x in myplot])
 # c_fscale = np.array([ x[4] for x in myplot ])
 # print(np.unique(list(zip(c_octaves, c_fscale)), axis=0))
 # Build inverse octave dict
 print("Octave and log2 scale sum:", np.linalg.norm(c_octaves + c_scale))
 octave_layer = sorted(
     [tuple(x) for x in np.unique(list(zip(c_octaves, c_layers)), axis=0)])
 ol_dict = {k: [] for k in octave_layer}
 o_dict = {k: [] for k in c_octaves}
 false_formula = False
 # Test Octave encoding formula
 for j in range(len(x_[0])):
     s = keypoints[0][j].size
     octave, layer, scale = unpackSIFTOctave(keypoints[0][j].octave)
     ol_dict[(octave, layer)].append(s)
Exemple #20
def test_log2():
    fun = lambda x: 3.0 * np.log2(x)
Exemple #21
        #            ) < 1e-6
        return U

def channel_project(n_qubits, proj_qubit):
    assert proj_qubit == 0  # TODO currently only this is supported
    # |0><0| x Id
    bra = np.array([[1., 0.], [0., 0.]])
    mat = np.kron(np.identity(2**(n_qubits - 1)), bra)
    return Kraus([mat])

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ch = random_quantum_channel(2, 2)
    unitary = Stinespring(ch).data
    num_anc = int(np.log2(unitary.shape[0])) - 1

    exp = channel_expand(1, num_anc)
    qc = QuantumCircuit(1 + num_anc)
    qc.unitary(complete_unitary(unitary), list(range(1 + num_anc)))
    uni = SuperOp(qc)
    tr = channel_trace(1, num_anc)

    # test 1: check that expansion and tracing out cancel
    assert np.sum(
            Choi(Kraus([np.identity(2)])).data -
            Choi(exp.compose(tr)).data)) < 1e-10

    # test 2: check full stinespring dilation
    ch2 = exp.compose(uni.compose(tr))
Exemple #22
    Sz_list = [np.array([[1, 0.], [0., -1.]]) for i in range(L)]
    H_list = qTEBD.get_H(Hamiltonian, L, J, g, h)
    A_list = [np.array([1., 0.]).reshape([2, 1, 1]) for i in range(L)]

    t_list = [0]
    E_list = [np.sum(mps_func.expectation_values(A_list, H_list))]
    Sz_array = np.zeros([int(total_t // dt) + 1, L], dtype=np.complex)
    Sz_array[0, :] = mps_func.expectation_values_1_site(A_list, Sz_list)
    ent_array = np.zeros([int(total_t // dt) + 1, L - 1], dtype=np.double)
    ent_array[0, :] = mps_func.get_entanglement(A_list)
    update_error_list = [0.]

    U_list = qTEBD.make_U(H_list, 1j * dt)
    U_half_list = qTEBD.make_U(H_list, 0.5j * dt)

    exact_steps = int(np.log2(chi))
    for idx in range(exact_steps):
        A_list, _ = mps_func.right_canonicalize(A_list, no_trunc=True)
        A_list, trunc_error = qTEBD.apply_U_all(A_list,
        A_list, _ = mps_func.left_canonicalize(A_list, no_trunc=True)

        ## [ToDo] here assume no truncation
        fidelity_reached = 1.
        print("fidelity reached : ", fidelity_reached)
        update_error_list.append(1. - fidelity_reached)
        current_energy = np.sum(mps_func.expectation_values(A_list, H_list))
        Sz_array[1 + idx, :] = mps_func.expectation_values_1_site(
Exemple #23
def test_log2():
    fun = lambda x : 3.0 * np.log2(x)
Exemple #24
    def fprop(params):
      Forward pass of the NTM.

      W = params # aliasing for brevity

      xs, zhs, hs, ys, ps, ts, zos, os = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}

      def l():
        Silly utility function that should be called in init.
        return [{} for _ in xrange(self.heads)]

      rs = l()
      zk_rs = l()
      k_rs, beta_rs, g_rs, s_rs, gamma_rs = l(),l(),l(),l(),l()
      k_ws, beta_ws, g_ws, s_ws, gamma_ws = l(),l(),l(),l(),l()
      adds, erases = l(),l()
      w_ws, w_rs = l(),l() # read weights and write weights
      for idx in range(self.heads):
        rs[idx][-1] = self.W['rsInit' + str(idx)] # stores values read from memory
        w_ws[idx][-1] = softmax(self.W['w_wsInit' + str(idx)])
        w_rs[idx][-1] = softmax(self.W['w_rsInit' + str(idx)])

      mems = {} # the state of the memory at every timestep
      mems[-1] = self.W['memsInit']
      loss = 0

      for t in xrange(len(inputs)):

        xs[t] = np.reshape(np.array(inputs[t]),inputs[t].shape[::-1])

        rsum = 0
        for idx in range(self.heads):
          rsum = rsum + np.dot(W['rh' + str(idx)], np.reshape(rs[idx][t-1],(self.M,1)))
        zhs[t] = np.dot(W['xh'], xs[t]) + rsum + W['bh']
        hs[t] = np.tanh(zhs[t])

        zos[t] = np.dot(W['ho'], hs[t]) + W['bo']
        os[t] = np.tanh(zos[t])

        for idx in range(self.heads):
          # parameters to the read head
          zk_rs[idx][t] =np.dot(W['ok_r' + str(idx)],os[t]) + W['bk_r' + str(idx)]
          k_rs[idx][t] = np.tanh(zk_rs[idx][t])
          beta_rs[idx][t] = softplus(np.dot(W['obeta_r' + str(idx)],os[t])
                                     + W['bbeta_r' + str(idx)])
          g_rs[idx][t] = sigmoid(np.dot(W['og_r' + str(idx)],os[t]) + W['bg_r' + str(idx)])
          s_rs[idx][t] = softmax(np.dot(W['os_r' + str(idx)],os[t]) + W['bs_r' + str(idx)])
          gamma_rs[idx][t] = 1 + sigmoid(np.dot(W['ogamma_r' + str(idx)], os[t])
                                         + W['bgamma_r' + str(idx)])

          # parameters to the write head
          k_ws[idx][t] = np.tanh(np.dot(W['ok_w' + str(idx)],os[t]) + W['bk_w' + str(idx)])
          beta_ws[idx][t] = softplus(np.dot(W['obeta_w' + str(idx)], os[t])
                                     + W['bbeta_w' + str(idx)])
          g_ws[idx][t] = sigmoid(np.dot(W['og_w' + str(idx)],os[t]) + W['bg_w' + str(idx)])
          s_ws[idx][t] = softmax(np.dot(W['os_w' + str(idx)],os[t]) + W['bs_w' + str(idx)])
          gamma_ws[idx][t] = 1 + sigmoid(np.dot(W['ogamma_w' + str(idx)], os[t])
                                         + W['bgamma_w' + str(idx)])

          # the erase and add vectors
          # these are also parameters to the write head
          # but they describe "what" is to be written rather than "where"
          adds[idx][t] = np.tanh(np.dot(W['oadds' + str(idx)], os[t]) + W['badds' + str(idx)])
          erases[idx][t] = sigmoid(np.dot(W['oerases' + str(idx)], os[t]) + W['erases' + str(idx)])

          w_ws[idx][t] = addressing.create_weights(   k_ws[idx][t]
                                                    , beta_ws[idx][t]
                                                    , g_ws[idx][t]
                                                    , s_ws[idx][t]
                                                    , gamma_ws[idx][t]
                                                    , w_ws[idx][t-1]
                                                    , mems[t-1])

          w_rs[idx][t] = addressing.create_weights(   k_rs[idx][t]
                                                    , beta_rs[idx][t]
                                                    , g_rs[idx][t]
                                                    , s_rs[idx][t]
                                                    , gamma_rs[idx][t]
                                                    , w_rs[idx][t-1]
                                                    , mems[t-1])

        ys[t] = np.dot(W['oy'], os[t]) + W['by']
        ps[t] = sigmoid(ys[t])

        one = np.ones(ps[t].shape)
        ts[t] = np.reshape(np.array(targets[t]),(self.out_size,1))

        epsilon = 2**-23 # to prevent log(0)
        a = np.multiply(ts[t] , np.log2(ps[t] + epsilon))
        b = np.multiply(one - ts[t], np.log2(one-ps[t] + epsilon))
        loss = loss - (a + b)

        for idx in range(self.heads):
          # read from the memory
          rs[idx][t] = memory.read(mems[t-1],w_rs[idx][t])

          # write into the memory
          mems[t] = memory.write(mems[t-1],w_ws[idx][t],erases[idx][t],adds[idx][t])

      self.stats = [loss, mems, ps, ys, os, zos, hs, zhs, xs, rs, w_rs, w_ws, adds, erases]
      return np.sum(loss)
def plot_interp_contrast_tuning(ams=None,
                                these_sizes=[0, 2, 4],
                                usize=np.array((5, 8, 13, 22, 36, 60)),
                                    (0, 6, 12, 25, 50, 100)) / 100,
    ucontrast_interp = np.linspace(0, 1, ninterp)
    this_nsize = len(these_sizes)
    this_ucontrast = ucontrast_interp

    if ams is None:
        #assert(not data is None and not theta is None)
        assert (not data is None)
        ams = ayaz_model(data, usize=usize, ucontrast=ucontrast, theta=theta)
    this_usize = np.array([ams.usize[i] for i in these_sizes])
    this_theta = ams.theta
    fn = ams.fn

    this_data = ams.data
    ind0 = 2
    cinds = np.concatenate(
        ((5 + np.log2(ucontrast_interp[ind0]), ), np.arange(1, 6)))
    if deriv:
        if deriv_axis == 1:
            this_data = sca.compute_slope_avg(usize,
        elif deriv_axis == 2:
            this_data = sca.compute_slope_avg(ucontrast,
        this_modeled = np.zeros((this_nsize, ninterp))
        for isize in range(this_nsize):
            if deriv_axis == 2:
                crf = lambda c: ams.fn(np.array(
                    (c, )), np.array((this_usize[isize], )))[0, 0]
                cslope = np.array([grad(crf)(cc) for cc in this_ucontrast])
                this_modeled[isize] = cslope
            elif deriv_axis == 1:
                for icontrast, cc in enumerate(this_ucontrast):
                    srf = lambda d: ams.fn(np.array((cc, )), np.array(
                        (d, )))[0, 0]
                    sslope = grad(srf)(this_usize[isize])
                    this_modeled[isize, icontrast] = sslope
        #this_modeled = nub_utils.ayaz_like_theta(this_ucontrast,this_usize,this_theta,fn=fn)
        this_modeled = ams.fn(this_ucontrast, this_usize)
                                                    these_sizes, :].transpose(
                                                        (0, 1, 2)),
    for isize in range(this_nsize):
        plt.plot(5 + np.log2(ucontrast_interp[ind0:]),
                 this_modeled[isize, ind0:],
    plt.xticks(cinds, (100 * ucontrast).astype('int'))
    plt.xlabel('contrast (%)')
    plt.ylabel('event rate/mean')
    if not deriv:
Exemple #26
def size_to_octave_desc(s):
    octave = int(np.floor(np.log2(s / 3.6)))
    layer = int(np.floor(3 * np.log2(s / 3.6)) - 3 * octave) + 1
    if octave < -1:  # This is apparently the minimum
        octave, layer = -1, 1
    return (octave & 255) | ((layer & 255) << 8)
Exemple #27
    def fprop(params):
      Forward pass of the NTM.

      W = params # aliasing for brevity

      xs, hs, ys, ps, ts, os = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}

      def l():
        Silly utility function that should be called in init.
        return [{} for _ in xrange(self.heads)]

      rs = l()
      k_rs, beta_rs, g_rs, s_rs, gamma_rs = l(),l(),l(),l(),l()
      k_ws, beta_ws, g_ws, s_ws, gamma_ws = l(),l(),l(),l(),l()
      adds, erases = l(),l()
      w_ws, w_rs = l(),l() # read weights and write weights
      for idx in range(self.heads):
        rs[idx][-1] = self.W['rsInit' + str(idx)] # stores values read from memory
        w_ws[idx][-1] = softmax(self.W['w_wsInit' + str(idx)])
        w_rs[idx][-1] = softmax(self.W['w_rsInit' + str(idx)])

      mems = {} # the state of the memory at every timestep
      mems[-1] = self.W['memsInit']
      loss = 0

      for t in xrange(len(inputs)):

        xs[t] = np.reshape(np.array(inputs[t]),inputs[t].shape[::-1])

        rsum = 0
        for idx in range(self.heads):
          rsum = rsum + np.dot(W['rh' + str(idx)], np.reshape(rs[idx][t-1],(self.M,1)))
        hs[t] = np.tanh(np.dot(W['xh'], xs[t]) + rsum + W['bh'])

        os[t] = np.tanh(np.dot(W['ho'], hs[t]) + W['bo'])

        for idx in range(self.heads):
          # parameters to the read head
          k_rs[idx][t] = np.tanh(np.dot(W['ok_r' + str(idx)],os[t]) + W['bk_r' + str(idx)])
          beta_rs[idx][t] = softplus(np.dot(W['obeta_r' + str(idx)],os[t])
                                     + W['bbeta_r' + str(idx)])
          g_rs[idx][t] = sigmoid(np.dot(W['og_r' + str(idx)],os[t]) + W['bg_r' + str(idx)])
          s_rs[idx][t] = softmax(np.dot(W['os_r' + str(idx)],os[t]) + W['bs_r' + str(idx)])
          gamma_rs[idx][t] = 1 + sigmoid(np.dot(W['ogamma_r' + str(idx)], os[t])
                                         + W['bgamma_r' + str(idx)])

          # parameters to the write head
          k_ws[idx][t] = np.tanh(np.dot(W['ok_w' + str(idx)],os[t]) + W['bk_w' + str(idx)])
          beta_ws[idx][t] = softplus(np.dot(W['obeta_w' + str(idx)], os[t])
                                     + W['bbeta_w' + str(idx)])
          g_ws[idx][t] = sigmoid(np.dot(W['og_w' + str(idx)],os[t]) + W['bg_w' + str(idx)])
          s_ws[idx][t] = softmax(np.dot(W['os_w' + str(idx)],os[t]) + W['bs_w' + str(idx)])
          gamma_ws[idx][t] = 1 + sigmoid(np.dot(W['ogamma_w' + str(idx)], os[t])
                                         + W['bgamma_w' + str(idx)])

          # the erase and add vectors
          # these are also parameters to the write head
          # but they describe "what" is to be written rather than "where"
          adds[idx][t] = np.tanh(np.dot(W['oadds' + str(idx)], os[t]) + W['badds' + str(idx)])
          erases[idx][t] = sigmoid(np.dot(W['oerases' + str(idx)], os[t]) + W['erases' + str(idx)])

          w_ws[idx][t] = addressing.create_weights(   k_ws[idx][t]
                                                    , beta_ws[idx][t]
                                                    , g_ws[idx][t]
                                                    , s_ws[idx][t]
                                                    , gamma_ws[idx][t]
                                                    , w_ws[idx][t-1]
                                                    , mems[t-1])

          w_rs[idx][t] = addressing.create_weights(   k_rs[idx][t]
                                                    , beta_rs[idx][t]
                                                    , g_rs[idx][t]
                                                    , s_rs[idx][t]
                                                    , gamma_rs[idx][t]
                                                    , w_rs[idx][t-1]
                                                    , mems[t-1])

        ys[t] = np.dot(W['oy'], os[t]) + W['by']
        ps[t] = sigmoid(ys[t])

        one = np.ones(ps[t].shape)
        ts[t] = np.reshape(np.array(targets[t]),(self.out_size,1))

        epsilon = 2**-23 # to prevent log(0)
        a = np.multiply(ts[t] , np.log2(ps[t] + epsilon))
        b = np.multiply(one - ts[t], np.log2(one-ps[t] + epsilon))
        loss = loss - (a + b)

        for idx in range(self.heads):
          # read from the memory
          rs[idx][t] = memory.read(mems[t-1],w_rs[idx][t])

          # write into the memory
          mems[t] = memory.write(mems[t-1],w_ws[idx][t],erases[idx][t],adds[idx][t])

      self.stats = [loss, ps, w_rs, w_ws, adds, erases]
      return np.sum(loss)
Exemple #28
def test_log2():
    fun = lambda x : 3.0 * np.log2(x)
    d_fun = grad(fun)
    check_grads(fun, abs(npr.randn()))
    check_grads(d_fun, abs(npr.randn()))
 def reconstruct_penalty(gain, rate, gain_penalty, rate_penalty):
     return gain_penalty * np.abs(gain).mean() + rate_penalty * np.abs(