Exemple #1
 def forward_pass(self, inputs, param_vector):
     new_shape = inputs.shape[:2]
     for i in [0, 1]:
         pool_width = self.pool_shape[i]
         img_width = inputs.shape[i + 2]
         new_shape += (pool_width, img_width / pool_width)
     result = inputs.reshape(new_shape)
     return np.max(np.max(result, axis=2), axis=3)
Exemple #2
 def image_bbox(params, img):
     img_ymax, img_xmax = img.nelec.shape
     px, py = img.equa2pixel(params.u)
     xlim = (np.max([0,        int(np.floor(px - pixel_radius))]),
             np.min([img_xmax, int(np.ceil(px + pixel_radius))]))
     ylim = (np.max([0,        int(np.floor(py - pixel_radius))]),
             np.min([img_ymax, int(np.ceil(py + pixel_radius))]))
     return xlim, ylim
Exemple #3
 def get_bounding_box(params, img):
     if params.is_star():
         bound = img.R
     elif params.is_galaxy():
         bound = gal_funs.gen_galaxy_psf_image_bound(params, img)
         raise "source type unknown"
     px, py = img.equa2pixel(params.u)
     xlim = (np.max([0,                  np.floor(px - bound)]),
             np.min([img.nelec.shape[1], np.ceil(px + bound)]))
     ylim = (np.max([0,                  np.floor(py - bound)]),
             np.min([img.nelec.shape[0], np.ceil(py + bound)]))
     return xlim, ylim
Exemple #4
def compare_deltas(baseline=None, candidate=None, abs_tol=1e-5, rel_tol=0.01):
  # TODO: maybe add relative tolerance check
  epsilon = 1e-25
  if baseline.shape != candidate.shape:
    return False
  diff_tensor = np.abs(baseline - candidate)
  rel_tensor1 = diff_tensor / (np.abs(baseline) + 1e-25)
  rel_tensor2 = diff_tensor / (np.abs(candidate) + 1e-25)
  max_error = np.max(diff_tensor)
  max_rel = max(np.max(rel_tensor1), np.max(rel_tensor2))
  if max_error > abs_tol and max_rel > rel_tol:
    return False
    return True
 def callback(weights, iter):
     if iter % 10 == 0:
         print "max of weights", np.max(np.abs(weights))
         train_preds = undo_norm(pred_fun(weights, train_smiles))
         cur_loss = loss_fun(weights, train_smiles, train_targets)
         print "Iteration", iter, "loss", cur_loss, "train RMSE", rmse(train_preds, train_raw_targets),
         if validation_smiles is not None:
             validation_preds = undo_norm(pred_fun(weights, validation_smiles))
             print "Validation RMSE", iter, ":", rmse(validation_preds, validation_raw_targets),
Exemple #6
def plot_data_and_pred(x, y, model, draw_verticals=True):
    x_range = np.linspace(np.min(x), np.max(x), 100)
    yhat_range = model.predict(x_range)
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.plot(x, y, 'o', label='observed')
    ax.plot(x_range, yhat_range, 'r-', label='predicted')
    if draw_verticals: # from observed value to predicted true
        yhat_sparse = model.predict(x)
        for x0, y0, yhat0 in zip(x, y, yhat_sparse):
            ax.plot([x0, x0],[y0, yhat0],'k-')
    plt.legend() #[line_pred, line_true], ['predicted', 'true'])
 def callback(weights, iter):
     if iter % 10 == 0:
         print "max of weights", np.max(np.abs(weights))
         # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
         train_preds = undo_norm(pred_fun(weights, train_smiles[:num_print_examples]))
         cur_loss = loss_fun(weights, train_smiles[:num_print_examples], train_targets[:num_print_examples]) # V: refers to line number #78 i.e.
                                                                                                             # def loss_fun(weights, smiles, targets) of build_vanilla_net.py
         print "Iteration", iter, "loss", cur_loss,\
               "train RMSE", rmse(train_preds, train_raw_targets[:num_print_examples]),
         if validation_smiles is not None:
             validation_preds = undo_norm(pred_fun(weights, validation_smiles))
             print "Validation RMSE", iter, ":", rmse(validation_preds, validation_raw_targets),
Exemple #8
def logistic(x):
    """takes rows R^D vectors in general position and outputs R^D+1 vectors
    on the simplex.
        x: aN x D+1 non-negative matrix such that each row sums to 1
        p: N x D matrix of real valued such that the softmax of x yields p
    Note: this is the inverse transformation of logit
    x = np.concatenate([x, np.zeros((x.shape[0], 1))], axis=1)
    x -= np.max(x, axis=1)[:,np.newaxis] # subtract off to prevent overflow
    p = np.exp(x)
    return p / np.sum(p, axis=1)[:,np.newaxis]
Exemple #9
    def forward_pass(self, X):
        self.last_input = X

        out_height, out_width = pooling_shape(self.pool_shape, X.shape, self.stride)
        n_images, n_channels, _, _ = X.shape

        col = image_to_column(X, self.pool_shape, self.stride, self.padding)
        col = col.reshape(-1, self.pool_shape[0] * self.pool_shape[1])

        arg_max = np.argmax(col, axis=1)
        out = np.max(col, axis=1)
        self.arg_max = arg_max
        return out.reshape(n_images, out_height, out_width, n_channels).transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)
Exemple #10
 def _decode_map(self, data):  # adapted hmmlearn
     framelogprob = self._compute_log_likelihood(data)
     logprob, fwdlattice = self._do_forward_pass(framelogprob)
     bwdlattice = self._do_backward_pass(framelogprob)
     gamma = fwdlattice + bwdlattice
     # gamma is guaranteed to be correctly normalized by logprob at
     # all frames, unless we do approximate inference using pruning.
     # So, we will normalize each frame explicitly in case we
     # pruned too aggressively.
     posteriors = np.exp(gamma.T - logsumexp(gamma, axis=1)).T
     posteriors += np.finfo(np.float64).eps
     posteriors /= np.sum(posteriors, axis=1).reshape((-1, 1))
     state_sequence = np.argmax(posteriors, axis=1)
     map_logprob = np.max(posteriors, axis=1).sum()
     return map_logprob, state_sequence
 def logprob(weights, inputs, targets):
     log_prior = -L2_reg * np.sum(weights**2, axis=1)
     #preds = sigmoid(np.mean(predictions(weights, inputs), axis=0))
     preds = predictions(weights, inputs)
     #log_lik = -np.sum((preds - targets)**2, axis=1)[:, 0] / noise_variance
     num_samples = preds.shape[0]
     exp_pred = np.exp(preds - np.max(preds,axis=2)[:,:,np.newaxis])
     normalized_pred = exp_pred / np.sum(exp_pred, axis=2)[:,:,np.newaxis]
     log_lik = np.sum(targets * np.log(normalized_pred + 1e-6), axis=(1,2))
     log_lik = np.zeros(num_samples)
     for mm in xrange(preds.shape[0]):
         pred_sample = preds[mm,:,:]
         exp_pred = np.exp(pred_sample - np.max(pred_sample, axis=1, keepdims=True))
         exp_pred /= exp_pred.sum()
         loglik_sample = log_prior[mm] - np.sum(targets * np.log(exp_pred + 1e-6))
         log_lik[mm] = loglik_sample
     return log_prior + log_lik
Exemple #12
def plot_runtime(ex, fname, func_xvalues, xlabel, func_title=None):
    results = glo.ex_load_result(ex, fname)
    value_accessor = lambda job_results: job_results['time_secs']
    vf_pval = np.vectorize(value_accessor)
    # results['test_results'] is a dictionary: 
    # {'test_result': (dict from running perform_test(te) '...':..., }
    times = vf_pval(results['test_results'])
    repeats, _, n_methods = results['test_results'].shape
    time_avg = np.mean(times, axis=0)
    time_std = np.std(times, axis=0)

    xvalues = func_xvalues(results)

    #ns = np.array(results[xkey])
    #te_proportion = 1.0 - results['tr_proportion']
    #test_sizes = ns*te_proportion
    line_styles = exglo.func_plot_fmt_map()
    method_labels = exglo.get_func2label_map()
    func_names = [f.__name__ for f in results['method_job_funcs'] ]
    for i in range(n_methods):    
        te_proportion = 1.0 - results['tr_proportion']
        fmt = line_styles[func_names[i]]
        #plt.errorbar(ns*te_proportion, mean_rejs[:, i], std_pvals[:, i])
        method_label = method_labels[func_names[i]]
        plt.errorbar(xvalues, time_avg[:, i], yerr=time_std[:,i], fmt=fmt,
    ylabel = 'Time (s)'
    plt.xlim([np.min(xvalues), np.max(xvalues)])
    plt.xticks( xvalues, xvalues)
    title = '%s. %d trials. '%( results['prob_label'],
            repeats ) if func_title is None else func_title(results)
    return results
Exemple #13
def plotResults(dsi, res):
    # plot results
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 4))
    # Plot MAEs
    ax[0].plot(res["maes"], label="gradient")
    # add global baseline
    globalMAE = np.mean(np.abs(dsi.trueAlphas - dsi.globalAlphaHats.mean()))
    ax[0].hlines(globalMAE, 0, len(res["maes"]), color="black", label="global")
    ax[0].set_title("Gradient Method MAE")
    # Plot final alphaHat
    N = len(dsi.numU)
    K = len(dsi.globalAlphaHats)
    for i in range(N):
            [res["alphaHats"][i].min(), res["alphaHats"][i].max()]),
                           y2=dsi.numU[i] + .25,
                     dsi.numU[i] + 1.5,

    for i in range(N):
            [dsi.alphaHats[i].min(), dsi.alphaHats[i].max()]),
                 dsi.numU - .15,
                 dsi.numU - .25,
    #     ax[1].set_xlim(0,1)
    ax[1].legend(loc="upper right", bbox_to_anchor=(1.25, 1))
    # plot weights
Exemple #14
 def fun(x): return to_scalar(np.max(x, axis=1))
 d_fun = lambda x : to_scalar(grad(fun)(x))
 def log_likelihood(all_params):  # implement mini batches later?
     n_samples = 1
     samples = [sample_mean_cov_from_deep_gp(all_params, X, True) for i in xrange(n_samples)]
     return logsumexp(np.array([mvn.logpdf(y,mean,var+1e-6*np.eye(len(var))*np.max(np.diag(var))) for mean,var in samples])) - np.log(n_samples) \
         + evaluate_prior(all_params)
Exemple #16
def hinge(actual, predicted):
    return np.mean(np.max(1. - actual * predicted, 0.))
Exemple #17
def tf_nn(nx, nt, num_hidden_neurons, activations, num_iter=100000, eta=0.01):

    # Set a seed to ensure getting the same results from every run
    nx = 10
    nt = 10

    x_np = np.linspace(0, 1, nx)
    t_np = np.linspace(0, 1, nt)

    X, T = np.meshgrid(x_np, t_np)

    x = X.ravel()
    t = T.ravel()

    ## The construction phase
    zeros = tf.reshape(tf.convert_to_tensor(np.zeros(x.shape)), shape=(-1, 1))
    x = tf.reshape(tf.convert_to_tensor(x), shape=(-1, 1))
    t = tf.reshape(tf.convert_to_tensor(t), shape=(-1, 1))

    pts = tf.concat([x, t], 1)  # input layer
    num_hidden_layers = len(num_hidden_neurons)

    X = tf.convert_to_tensor(X)
    T = tf.convert_to_tensor(T)

    # Define layer structure
    with tf.name_scope('dnn'):
        num_hidden_layers = np.size(num_hidden_neurons)
        previous_layer = pts

        for l in range(num_hidden_layers):
            current_layer = tf.layers.dense(previous_layer,
                                            name=('hidden%d' % (l + 1)),

            previous_layer = current_layer

        dnn_output = tf.layers.dense(previous_layer,

    # Define loss function
    # trial function satisfies boundary conditions and initial condition
    with tf.name_scope('loss'):
        g_t = (1 - t) * u(x) + x * (1 - x) * t * dnn_output
        g_t_d2x = tf.gradients(tf.gradients(g_t, x), x)
        g_t_dt = tf.gradients(g_t, t)
        loss = tf.losses.mean_squared_error(zeros, g_t_dt[0] - g_t_d2x[0])

    # Define optimizer
    with tf.name_scope('train'):
        optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(eta)
        training_op = optimizer.minimize(loss)

    init = tf.global_variables_initializer()

    g_e = u_e(x, t)
    # g_dnn = None

    with tf.Session() as sess:
        for i in range(num_iter):

            if i % 1000 == 0:
                # g_e = g_e.eval()
                # g_dnn = g_t.eval()
            #     plot_g_e = g_e.eval().reshape((nt, nx))
            #     plot_g_dnn = g_t.eval().reshape((nt, nx))
            #     plt.plot(x_np, plot_g_e[int(nt/2), :])
            #     plt.plot(x_np, plot_g_dnn[int(nt/2), :])
            #     plt.axis([0,1,0,0.1])
            #     plt.pause(0.001)
            #     plt.clf()

        g_e = g_e.eval()  # analytical solution
        g_dnn = g_t.eval()  # NN solution

    diff = np.abs(g_e - g_dnn)
        'Max absolute difference between analytical solution and TensorFlow DNN ',

    G_e = g_e.reshape((nt, nx))
    G_dnn = g_dnn.reshape((nt, nx))
    diff = diff.reshape((nt, nx))

    # Plot the results
    X, T = np.meshgrid(x_np, t_np)

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
    ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
    ax.set_title('Solution from the deep neural network w/ %d layer' %
    s = ax.plot_surface(X,
    ax.set_ylabel('Time $t$')
    ax.set_xlabel('Position $x$')

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
    ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
    ax.set_title('Analytical solution')
    s = ax.plot_surface(X,
    ax.set_ylabel('Time $t$')
    ax.set_xlabel('Position $x$')

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
    ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
    s = ax.plot_surface(X,
    ax.set_ylabel('Time $t$')
    ax.set_xlabel('Position $x$')

    ## Take some 3D slices
    indx1 = 0
    indx2 = int(nt / 2)
    indx3 = nt - 1

    t1 = t_np[indx1]
    t2 = t_np[indx2]
    t3 = t_np[indx3]

    # Slice the results from the DNN
    res1 = G_dnn[indx1, :]
    res2 = G_dnn[indx2, :]
    res3 = G_dnn[indx3, :]

    # Slice the analytical results
    res_analytical1 = G_e[indx1, :]
    res_analytical2 = G_e[indx2, :]
    res_analytical3 = G_e[indx3, :]

    # Plot the slices
    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
    plt.title("Computed solutions at time = %g" % t1)
    plt.plot(x_np, res1)
    plt.plot(x_np, res_analytical1)
    plt.legend(['dnn', 'analytical'])

    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
    plt.title("Computed solutions at time = %g" % t2)
    plt.plot(x_np, res2)
    plt.plot(x_np, res_analytical2)
    plt.legend(['dnn', 'analytical'])

    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
    plt.title("Computed solutions at time = %g" % t3)
    plt.plot(x_np, res3)
    plt.plot(x_np, res_analytical3)
    plt.legend(['dnn', 'analytical'])


    return diff
Exemple #18
def hinge(actual, predicted):
    return np.mean(np.max(1.0 - actual * predicted, 0.0))
Exemple #19
	def fit(self, X, y):

		times = []
		start_time = time.time()
		# store the x min and max for normalization
		self.x_min = np.min(X, axis=0, keepdims=True)
		self.x_max = np.max(X, axis=0, keepdims=True)

		#normalize X
		X = self.normalize_X(X)

		# store the x min and max for normalization
		self.y_min = np.min(y, axis=0, keepdims=True)
		self.y_max = np.max(y, axis=0, keepdims=True)

		#normalize X
		y = self.normalize_Y(y)

		#store x and y for use in loss calculation
		self.x = X
		self.y = y

		# initiaize variables

		d = X.shape[1]
		#w = [random.uniform(0, 1)] * (d) # initialize w vector to have dimension D

		w = np.random.uniform(0,1,d)
		w_0 = random.uniform(0, 1)
		w = np.append(w, w_0)

		diff = 1

		gradient = grad(self.sto_loss_function)
		t = 0
		#Delta check for loss function
		delta = np.random.uniform(0,1,d+1) * 1e-5
		print("Gradient Check")
		print(self.loss_function(w+delta) - self.loss_function(w))

		while(diff > 1e-4):
			w_prev = w.copy()
			for i in range(self.steps):	
				t += 1
				# variant step size
				w -=((1/(10000*(1+t))) * gradient(w))
				#w -=self.step_size * gradient(w)

			diff = (1 / (1+d)) * np.sum(np.abs(w - w_prev))
		#store weights
		self.w = w
Exemple #20
def logsumexp(X):
    max_X = np.max(X, axis=-1)[..., np.newaxis]
    return max_X + np.log(np.sum(np.exp(X - max_X), axis=-1)[..., np.newaxis])
    def static_N2_simple(self, ax, w_best, runner, train_valid):
        cost = runner.cost
        predict = runner.model
        feat = runner.feature_transforms
        normalizer = runner.normalizer
        inverse_nornalizer = runner.inverse_normalizer

        # or just take last weights
        self.w = w_best

        ### create boundary data ###
        xmin1 = np.min(self.x[0, :])
        xmax1 = np.max(self.x[0, :])
        xgap1 = (xmax1 - xmin1) * 0.05
        xmin1 -= xgap1
        xmax1 += xgap1

        xmin2 = np.min(self.x[1, :])
        xmax2 = np.max(self.x[1, :])
        xgap2 = (xmax2 - xmin2) * 0.05
        xmin2 -= xgap2
        xmax2 += xgap2

        ### loop over two panels plotting each ###
        # plot training points
        if train_valid == 'train':
            # reverse normalize data
            x_train = inverse_nornalizer(runner.x_train).T
            y_train = runner.y_train

            # plot data
            ind0 = np.argwhere(y_train == +1)
            ind0 = [v[1] for v in ind0]
            ax.scatter(x_train[ind0, 0],
                       x_train[ind0, 1],
                       edgecolor=[0, 0.7, 1],

            ind1 = np.argwhere(y_train == -1)
            ind1 = [v[1] for v in ind1]
            ax.scatter(x_train[ind1, 0],
                       x_train[ind1, 1],
                       edgecolor=[0, 0.7, 1],
            ax.set_title('training data', fontsize=15)

        if train_valid == 'validate':
            # reverse normalize data
            x_valid = inverse_nornalizer(runner.x_valid).T
            y_valid = runner.y_valid

            # plot testing points
            ind0 = np.argwhere(y_valid == +1)
            ind0 = [v[1] for v in ind0]
            ax.scatter(x_valid[ind0, 0],
                       x_valid[ind0, 1],
                       edgecolor=[1, 0.8, 0.5],

            ind1 = np.argwhere(y_valid == -1)
            ind1 = [v[1] for v in ind1]
            ax.scatter(x_valid[ind1, 0],
                       x_valid[ind1, 1],
                       edgecolor=[1, 0.8, 0.5],
            ax.set_title('validation data', fontsize=15)

        if train_valid == 'original':
            # plot all points
            ind0 = np.argwhere(self.y == +1)
            ind0 = [v[1] for v in ind0]
            ax.scatter(self.x[0, ind0],
                       self.x[1, ind0],

            ind1 = np.argwhere(self.y == -1)
            ind1 = [v[1] for v in ind1]
            ax.scatter(self.x[0, ind1],
                       self.x[1, ind1],
            ax.set_title('original data', fontsize=15)

        # cleanup panel
        ax.set_xlabel(r'$x_1$', fontsize=15)
        ax.set_ylabel(r'$x_2$', fontsize=15, rotation=0, labelpad=20)
Exemple #22
def cross_validation(odom_1,
    """Function to run cross-validation to run nonlinear optimization for optimal
    pose estimation and evaluation.  Performs cross-validation K times and splits
    the dataset into K (approximately) even splits, to be used for in-sample
    training and out-of-sample evaluation.

    This function estimates a relative transformation between two lidar frames
    using nonlinear optimization, and evaluates the robustness of this estimate
    through K-fold cross-validation performance of our framework.  Though this
    function does not return any values, it saves all results in the
    'results' relative path.

        odom_1 (pd.DataFrame):  DataFrame corresponding to odometry data for the
            pose we wish to transform into the odom_2 frame of reference.  See
            data/main_odometry.csv for an example of the headers/columns/data
            types this function expects this DataFrame to have.

        aligned_1 (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame corresponding to aligned odometry
            data given the 3 sets of odometry data for the 3 lidar sensors.  This
            data corresponds to the odom_1 sensor frame.

        odom_2 (pd.DataFrame):  DataFrame corresponding to odometry data for the
            pose we wish to transform the odom_1 frame of reference into.  See
            data/main_odometry.csv for an example of the headers/columns/data
            types this function expects this DataFrame to have.

        aligned_2 (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame corresponding to aligned odometry
            data given the 3 sets of odometry data for the 3 lidar sensors.  This
            data corresponds to the odom_2 sensor frame.

        type_1 (str):  String denoting the lidar type.  Should be in the set
            {'main', 'front', 'rear'}.  This type corresponds to the data type
            for the odom_1 frame.

        type_2 (str):  String denoting the lidar type.  Should be in the set
            {'main', 'front', 'rear'}.  This type corresponds to the data type
            for the odom_2 frame.

        K (int):  The number of folds to be used for cross-validation.  Defaults
            to 10.
    # Get ICP covariance matrices
    # Odom 1 lidar odometry
    odom1_icp, odom1_trans_cov, odom1_trans_cov_max, \
    odom1_trans_cov_avg, odom1_rot_cov, odom1_rot_cov_max, \
    odom1_rot_cov_avg, odom1_reject = parse_icp_cov(odom_1, type=type_1,

    # Odom 2 lidar odometry
    odom2_icp, odom2_trans_cov, odom2_trans_cov_max, \
    odom2_trans_cov_avg, odom2_rot_cov, odom2_rot_cov_max, \
    odom2_rot_cov_avg, odom2_reject = parse_icp_cov(odom_2, type=type_2,
    # Calculate relative poses
     odom1_rel_poses) = relative_pose_processing.calc_rel_poses(aligned_1)
     odom2_rel_poses) = relative_pose_processing.calc_rel_poses(aligned_2)

    # Compute weights for weighted estimate
    cov_t_odom1, cov_R_odom1 = compute_weights_euler(odom1_aligned)
    cov_t_odom2, cov_R_odom2 = compute_weights_euler(odom2_aligned)

    # Extract a single scalar using the average value from rotation and translation
    var_t_odom1 = extract_variance(cov_t_odom1, mode="max")
    var_R_odom1 = extract_variance(cov_R_odom1, mode="max")
    var_t_odom2 = extract_variance(cov_t_odom2, mode="max")
    var_R_odom2 = extract_variance(cov_R_odom2, mode="max")

    # Optimization (1) Instantiate a manifold
    translation_manifold = Euclidean(3)  # Translation vector
    so3 = Rotations(3)  # Rotation matrix
    manifold = Product((so3, translation_manifold))  # Instantiate manifold

    # Get initial guesses for our estimations
    if os.path.exists(PKL_POSES_PATH):  # Check to make sure path exists
        transforms_dict = load_transforms(
            PKL_POSES_PATH)  # Relative transforms

    # Map types to sensor names to access initial estimate relative transforms
    types2sensors = {"main": "velodyne", "front": "front", "rear": "rear"}

    # Now get initial guesses from the relative poses
    initial_guess_odom1_odom2 = transforms_dict["{}_{}".format(
        types2sensors[type_1], types2sensors[type_2])]
    # Print out all the initial estimates as poses
    print("INITIAL GUESS {} {}: \n {} \n".format(types2sensors[type_1],

    # Get rotation matrices for initial guesses
    R0_odom1_odom2, t0_odom1_odom2 = initial_guess_odom1_odom2[:3, :3], \
                                     initial_guess_odom1_odom2[:3, 3]
    X0_odom1_odom2 = (R0_odom1_odom2, t0_odom1_odom2)  # Pymanopt estimate
    print("INITIAL GUESS {} {}: \n R0: \n {} \n\n t0: \n {} \n".format(
        types2sensors[type_1], types2sensors[type_2], R0_odom1_odom2,

    # Create KFold xval object to get training/validation indices
    kf = KFold(n_splits=K, random_state=None, shuffle=False)
    k = 0  # Set fold counter to 0

    # Dataset
    A = np.array(odom2_rel_poses)  # First set of poses
    B = np.array(odom1_rel_poses)  # Second set of poses
    N = len(A)
    assert len(A) == len(B)  # Sanity check to ensure odometry data matches
    r = np.logical_or(np.array(odom1_reject)[:N],
                      np.array(odom2_reject)[:N])  # Outlier rejection

    print("NUMBER OF CROSS-VALIDATION FOLDS: {}".format(K))

    # Iterate over 30 second intervals of the poses
    for train_index, test_index in kf.split(
            A):  # Perform K-fold cross-validation

        # Path for results from manifold optimization
        analysis_results_path = os.path.join(ANALYSIS_RESULTS_PATH,
        final_estimates_path = os.path.join(FINAL_ESTIMATES_PATH,
        odometry_plots_path = os.path.join(ODOMETRY_PLOTS_PATH,

        # Make sure all paths exist - if they don't create them
        for path in [
                analysis_results_path, final_estimates_path,

        # Get training data
        A_train = A[train_index]
        B_train = B[train_index]
        N_train = min(A_train.shape[0], B_train.shape[0])
        r_train = r[train_index]
        print("FOLD NUMBER: {}, NUMBER OF TRAINING SAMPLES: {}".format(
            k, N_train))

        omega = np.max([var_R_odom1, var_R_odom2
                        ])  # Take average across different odometries
        rho = np.max([var_t_odom1,
                      var_t_odom2])  # Take average across different odometries

        cost_lambda = lambda x: cost(x, A_train, B_train, r_train, rho, omega,
                                     WEIGHTED)  # Create cost function
        problem = Problem(manifold=manifold,
                          cost=cost_lambda)  # Create problem
        solver = CustomSteepestDescent()  # Create custom solver
        X_opt = solver.solve(problem, x=X0_odom1_odom2)  # Solve problem
        print("Initial Guess for Main-Front Transformation: \n {}".format(
        print("Optimal solution between {} and {} "
              "reference frames: \n {}".format(types2sensors[type_1],
                                               types2sensors[type_2], X_opt))

        # Take intermediate values for plotting
        estimates_x = solver.estimates
        errors = solver.errors
        iters = solver.iterations

        # Metrics dictionary
        estimates_dict = {i: T for i, T in zip(iters, estimates_x)}
        error_dict = {i: e for i, e in zip(iters, errors)}

        # Save intermediate results to a pkl file
        estimates_fname = os.path.join(
                                         types2sensors[type_2], X_opt))
        error_fname = os.path.join(
                                     types2sensors[type_2], X_opt))

        # Save estimates to pickle file
        with open(estimates_fname, "wb") as pkl_estimates:
            pickle.dump(estimates_dict, pkl_estimates)

        # Save error to pickle file
        with open(error_fname, "wb") as pkl_error:
            pickle.dump(error_dict, pkl_error)

        # Calculate difference between initial guess and final
        X_opt_T = construct_pose(X_opt[0], X_opt[1].reshape((3, 1)))
        print("DIFFERENCE IN MATRICES: \n {}".format(
            np.subtract(X_opt_T, initial_guess_odom1_odom2)))

        # Compute the weighted RMSE (training/in-sample)
        train_rmse_init_weighted, train_rmse_final_weighted, train_rmse_init_R_weighted, \
        train_rmse_init_t_weighted, train_rmse_final_R_weighted, \
        train_rmse_final_t_weighted = compute_rmse_weighted(
            initial_guess_odom1_odom2, X_opt_T, A_train, B_train, rho, omega)

        # Compute the unweighted RMSE (training/in-sample)
        train_rmse_init_unweighted, train_rmse_final_unweighted, train_rmse_init_R_unweighted, \
        train_rmse_init_t_unweighted, train_rmse_final_R_unweighted, \
        train_rmse_final_t_unweighted = compute_rmse_unweighted(
            initial_guess_odom1_odom2, X_opt_T, A_train, B_train)

        # Concatenate all RMSE values for training/in-sample
        train_rmses = [
            train_rmse_init_unweighted, train_rmse_final_unweighted,
            train_rmse_init_weighted, train_rmse_final_weighted,
            train_rmse_init_R_unweighted, train_rmse_init_t_unweighted,
            train_rmse_final_R_unweighted, train_rmse_final_t_unweighted,
            train_rmse_init_R_weighted, train_rmse_init_t_weighted,
            train_rmse_final_R_weighted, train_rmse_final_t_weighted

        # Display and save RMSEs
        outpath = os.path.join(
        display_and_save_rmse(train_rmses, outpath)

        # Get test data
        A_test = A[test_index]
        B_test = B[test_index]
        N_test = min(A_test.shape[0], B_test.shape[0])
        print("NUMBER OF TEST SAMPLES: {}".format(N_test))

        # Compute the weighted RMSE (testing/out-of-sample)
        test_rmse_init_weighted, test_rmse_final_weighted, test_rmse_init_R_weighted, \
        test_rmse_init_t_weighted, test_rmse_final_R_weighted, \
        test_rmse_final_t_weighted = compute_rmse_weighted(initial_guess_odom1_odom2,
                                                            X_opt_T, A_test, B_test, rho, omega)

        # Compute the unweighted RMSE (testing/out-of-sample)
        test_rmse_init_unweighted, test_rmse_final_unweighted, test_rmse_init_R_unweighted, \
        test_rmse_init_t_unweighted, test_rmse_final_R_unweighted, \
        test_rmse_final_t_unweighted = compute_rmse_unweighted(initial_guess_odom1_odom2,
                                                                X_opt_T, A_test, B_test)

        # Concatenate all RMSE values for testing/out-of-sample
        test_rmses = [
            test_rmse_init_unweighted, test_rmse_final_unweighted,
            test_rmse_init_weighted, test_rmse_final_weighted,
            test_rmse_init_R_unweighted, test_rmse_init_t_unweighted,
            test_rmse_final_R_unweighted, test_rmse_final_t_unweighted,
            test_rmse_init_R_weighted, test_rmse_init_t_weighted,
            test_rmse_final_R_weighted, test_rmse_final_t_weighted

        # Display and save RMSEs
        outpath = os.path.join(
        display_and_save_rmse(test_rmses, outpath)

        # Save final estimates
        final_estimate_outpath = os.path.join(
            final_estimates_path, "{}_{}.txt".format(types2sensors[type_1],
        np.savetxt(final_estimate_outpath, X_opt_T)

        # Finally, increment k
        k += 1
Exemple #23
def main():
    """Main function to run nonlinear manifold optimization on SE(3) to estimate
    an optimal relative pose transformation between coordinate frames given by
    the different lidar sensors."""
    # Extract and process the CSVs
    main_odometry = relative_pose_processing.process_df(MAIN_ODOM_CSV)
    front_odometry = relative_pose_processing.process_df(FRONT_ODOM_CSV)
    rear_odometry = relative_pose_processing.process_df(REAR_ODOM_CSV)

    # Process poses
    (main_aligned, front_aligned,
     rear_aligned) = relative_pose_processing.align_df(
         [main_odometry, front_odometry, rear_odometry])

    # Get ICP covariance matrices
    # Main lidar odometry
    main_icp, main_trans_cov, main_trans_cov_max, \
        main_trans_cov_avg, main_rot_cov, main_rot_cov_max, \
        main_rot_cov_avg, main_reject = parse_icp_cov(main_odometry, type="main",

    # Front lidar odometry
    front_icp, front_trans_cov, front_trans_cov_max, \
        front_trans_cov_avg, front_rot_cov, front_rot_cov_max, \
        front_rot_cov_avg, front_reject = parse_icp_cov(front_odometry, type="front",

    # Rear lidar odometry
    rear_icp, rear_trans_cov, rear_trans_cov_max, \
        rear_trans_cov_avg, rear_rot_cov, rear_rot_cov_max, \
        rear_rot_cov_avg, rear_reject = parse_icp_cov(rear_odometry, type="rear",

    # Calculate relative poses
     main_rel_poses) = relative_pose_processing.calc_rel_poses(main_aligned)
     front_rel_poses) = relative_pose_processing.calc_rel_poses(front_aligned)
     rear_rel_poses) = relative_pose_processing.calc_rel_poses(rear_aligned)

    cov_t_main, cov_R_main = compute_weights_euler(main_aligned)
    cov_t_front, cov_R_front = compute_weights_euler(front_aligned)
    cov_t_rear, cov_R_rear = compute_weights_euler(rear_aligned)

    # Extract a single scalar using the average value from rotation and translation
    var_t_main = extract_variance(cov_t_main, mode="max")
    var_R_main = extract_variance(cov_R_main, mode="max")
    var_t_front = extract_variance(cov_t_front, mode="max")
    var_R_front = extract_variance(cov_R_front, mode="max")
    var_t_rear = extract_variance(cov_t_main, mode="max")
    var_R_rear = extract_variance(cov_R_rear, mode="max")

    # Optimization (1) Instantiate a manifold
    translation_manifold = Euclidean(3)  # Translation vector
    so3 = Rotations(3)  # Rotation matrix
    manifold = Product((so3, translation_manifold))  # Instantiate manifold

    # Get initial guesses for our estimations
    initial_poses = {}
    if os.path.exists(PKL_POSES_PATH):  # Check to make sure path exists
        transforms_dict = load_transforms(
            PKL_POSES_PATH)  # Loads relative transforms

    # Now get initial guesses from the relative poses
    initial_guess_main_front = transforms_dict[
        "velodyne_front"]  # Get relative transform from main to front (T^{V}_{F})
    initial_guess_main_rear = transforms_dict[
        "velodyne_rear"]  # Get relative transform from front to main T^{V}_{B})
    initial_guess_front_rear = np.linalg.inv(
    ) @ initial_guess_main_rear  # Get relative transform from front to rear T^{B}_{W})
    direct_initial_guess_front_rear = transforms_dict[
        "direct_front_rear"]  # Transform directly computed

    # Print out all the initial estimates as poses
        "INITIAL GUESS MAIN FRONT: \n {} \n".format(initial_guess_main_front))
    print("INITIAL GUESS MAIN REAR: \n {} \n".format(initial_guess_main_rear))
        "INITIAL GUESS FRONT REAR: \n {} \n".format(initial_guess_front_rear))
    print("INITIAL GUESS DIRECT FRONT REAR: \n {} \n".format(

    # Get rotation matrices for initial guesses
    R0_main_front, t0_main_front = initial_guess_main_front[:3, :
                                                            3], initial_guess_main_front[:
    X0_main_front = (R0_main_front, t0_main_front)
    print("INITIAL GUESS MAIN FRONT: \n R0: \n {} \n\n t0: \n {} \n".format(
        R0_main_front, t0_main_front))

    R0_main_rear, t0_main_rear = initial_guess_main_rear[:3, :
                                                         3], initial_guess_main_rear[:
    X0_main_rear = (R0_main_rear, t0_main_rear)
    print("INITIAL GUESS MAIN REAR: \n R0: \n {} \n\n t0: \n {} \n".format(
        R0_main_rear, t0_main_rear))

    R0_front_rear, t0_front_rear = initial_guess_front_rear[:3, :
                                                            3], initial_guess_front_rear[:
    X0_front_rear = (R0_front_rear, t0_front_rear)
    print("INITIAL GUESS FRONT REAR: \n R0: \n {} \n\n t0: \n {} \n".format(
        R0_front_rear, t0_front_rear))

    ######################## MAIN FRONT CALIBRATION ################################
    # Carry out optimization for main-front homogeneous transformations
    ### PARAMETERS ###
    A = np.array(front_rel_poses)  # First set of poses
    B = np.array(main_rel_poses)  # Second set of poses
    N = min(A.shape[0], B.shape[0])
    r = np.logical_or(np.array(main_reject[:N]), np.array(
        front_reject[:N]))  # If either has high variance, reject the sample
    omega = np.max([var_R_main,
                    var_R_front])  # Take average across different odometries
    rho = np.max([var_t_main,
                  var_t_front])  # Take average across different odometries
    ### PARAMETERS ###

    cost_main_front = lambda x: cost(x, A, B, r, rho, omega, WEIGHTED)
    problem_main_front = Problem(
        manifold=manifold, cost=cost_main_front
    )  # (2a) Compute the optimization between main and front
    solver_main_front = CustomSteepestDescent(
    )  # (3) Instantiate a Pymanopt solver
    Xopt_main_front = solver_main_front.solve(problem_main_front,
    print("Initial Guess for Main-Front Transformation: \n {}".format(
    print("Optimal solution between main and front reference frames: \n {}".

    # Take intermediate values for plotting
    estimates_x_main_front = solver_main_front.estimates
    errors_main_front = solver_main_front.errors
    iters_main_front = solver_main_front.iterations

    # Metrics dictionary
    estimates_dict_main_front = {
        i: T
        for i, T in zip(iters_main_front, estimates_x_main_front)
    error_dict_main_front = {
        i: e
        for i, e in zip(iters_main_front, errors_main_front)

    # Save intermediate results to a pkl file
    estimates_fname_main_front = os.path.join(ANALYSIS_RESULTS_PATH,
    error_fname_main_front = os.path.join(ANALYSIS_RESULTS_PATH,

    # Save estimates to pickle file
    with open(estimates_fname_main_front, "wb") as pkl_estimates:
        pickle.dump(estimates_dict_main_front, pkl_estimates)

    # Save error to pickle file
    with open(error_fname_main_front, "wb") as pkl_error:
        pickle.dump(error_dict_main_front, pkl_error)

    # Calculate difference between initial guess and final
    XOpt_T_main_front = construct_pose(Xopt_main_front[0],
                                       Xopt_main_front[1].reshape((3, 1)))
    print("DIFFERENCE IN MATRICES: \n {}".format(
        np.subtract(XOpt_T_main_front, initial_guess_main_front)))

    # Compute the weighted and unweighted RMSE
    rmse_init_weighted, rmse_final_weighted, rmse_init_R_weighted, \
    rmse_init_t_weighted, rmse_final_R_weighted, \
    rmse_final_t_weighted = compute_rmse_weighted(initial_guess_main_front,
                                                  XOpt_T_main_front, A, B, rho,
    rmse_init_unweighted, rmse_final_unweighted, rmse_init_R_unweighted, \
    rmse_init_t_unweighted, rmse_final_R_unweighted, \
    rmse_final_t_unweighted = compute_rmse_unweighted(initial_guess_main_front,
                                                      XOpt_T_main_front, A, B)
    rmses = [
        rmse_init_unweighted, rmse_final_unweighted, rmse_init_weighted,
        rmse_final_weighted, rmse_init_R_unweighted, rmse_init_t_unweighted,
        rmse_final_R_unweighted, rmse_final_t_unweighted, rmse_init_R_weighted,
        rmse_init_t_weighted, rmse_final_R_weighted, rmse_final_t_weighted

    # Display and save RMSEs
    outpath = os.path.join(ANALYSIS_RESULTS_PATH, "main_front_rmse.txt")
    display_and_save_rmse(rmses, outpath)

    # Save final estimates
    final_estimate_outpath = os.path.join(FINAL_ESTIMATES_PATH,
    np.savetxt(final_estimate_outpath, XOpt_T_main_front)

    ######################## MAIN REAR CALIBRATION #################################
    ### PARAMETERS ###
    A = np.array(rear_rel_poses)  # First set of poses
    B = np.array(main_rel_poses)  # Second set of poses
    N = min(A.shape[0], B.shape[0])
    r = np.logical_or(np.array(main_reject[:N]), np.array(
        rear_reject[:N]))  # If either has high variance, reject the sample
    omega = np.max([var_R_main,
                    var_R_rear])  # Take average across different odometries
    rho = np.max([var_t_main,
                  var_t_rear])  # Take average across different odometries
    ### PARAMETERS ###

    cost_main_rear = lambda x: cost(x, A, B, r, rho, omega, WEIGHTED)
    # Carry out optimization for main-rear homogeneous transformations
    problem_main_rear = Problem(
        manifold=manifold, cost=cost_main_rear
    )  # (2a) Compute the optimization between main and front
    solver_main_rear = CustomSteepestDescent(
    )  # (3) Instantiate a Pymanopt solver
    Xopt_main_rear = solver_main_rear.solve(problem_main_rear, x=X0_main_rear)
    print("Initial Guess for Main-Rear Transformation: \n {}".format(
    print("Optimal solution between main and rear reference frames: \n {}".

    # Take intermediate values for plotting
    estimates_x_main_rear = solver_main_rear.estimates
    errors_main_rear = solver_main_rear.errors
    iters_main_rear = solver_main_rear.iterations

    # Metrics dictionary
    estimates_dict_main_rear = {
        i: T
        for i, T in zip(iters_main_rear, estimates_x_main_rear)
    error_dict_main_rear = {
        i: e
        for i, e in zip(iters_main_rear, errors_main_rear)

    # Save intermediate results to a pkl file
    estimates_fname_main_rear = os.path.join(ANALYSIS_RESULTS_PATH,
    error_fname_main_rear = os.path.join(ANALYSIS_RESULTS_PATH,

    # Save estimates to pickle file
    with open(estimates_fname_main_rear, "wb") as pkl_estimates:
        pickle.dump(estimates_dict_main_rear, pkl_estimates)

    # Save error to pickle file
    with open(error_fname_main_rear, "wb") as pkl_error:
        pickle.dump(error_dict_main_rear, pkl_error)

    # Calculate difference between initial guess and final
    XOpt_T_main_rear = construct_pose(Xopt_main_rear[0],
                                      Xopt_main_rear[1].reshape((3, 1)))
    print("DIFFERENCE IN MATRICES: \n {}".format(
        np.subtract(XOpt_T_main_rear, initial_guess_main_rear)))

    # Compute the weighted and unweighted RMSE
    rmse_init_weighted, rmse_final_weighted, rmse_init_R_weighted, \
           rmse_init_t_weighted, rmse_final_R_weighted, \
           rmse_final_t_weighted = compute_rmse_weighted(initial_guess_main_rear, XOpt_T_main_rear, A, B, rho, omega)
    rmse_init_unweighted, rmse_final_unweighted, rmse_init_R_unweighted, \
           rmse_init_t_unweighted, rmse_final_R_unweighted, \
           rmse_final_t_unweighted = compute_rmse_unweighted(initial_guess_main_rear, XOpt_T_main_rear, A, B)
    rmses = [
        rmse_init_unweighted, rmse_final_unweighted, rmse_init_weighted,
        rmse_final_weighted, rmse_init_R_unweighted, rmse_init_t_unweighted,
        rmse_final_R_unweighted, rmse_final_t_unweighted, rmse_init_R_weighted,
        rmse_init_t_weighted, rmse_final_R_weighted, rmse_final_t_weighted

    # Display and save RMSEs
    outpath = os.path.join(ANALYSIS_RESULTS_PATH, "main_rear_rmse.txt")
    display_and_save_rmse(rmses, outpath)

    # Save final estimates
    final_estimate_outpath = os.path.join(FINAL_ESTIMATES_PATH,
    np.savetxt(final_estimate_outpath, XOpt_T_main_rear)

    ######################## FRONT REAR CALIBRATION ################################
    ### PARAMETERS ###
    A = np.array(rear_rel_poses)  # First set of poses
    B = np.array(front_rel_poses)  # Second set of poses
    N = min(A.shape[0], B.shape[0])
    r = np.logical_or(np.array(front_reject[:N]), np.array(
        rear_reject[:N]))  # If either has high variance, reject the sample
    omega = np.max([var_R_front,
                    var_R_rear])  # Take average across different odometries
    rho = np.max([var_t_front,
                  var_t_rear])  # Take average across different odometries
    ### PARAMETERS ###

    cost_front_rear = lambda x: cost(x, A, B, r, rho, omega, WEIGHTED)
    # Carry out optimization for front-rear homogeneous transformations
    problem_front_rear = Problem(
        manifold=manifold, cost=cost_front_rear
    )  # (2a) Compute the optimization between main and front
    solver_front_rear = CustomSteepestDescent(
    )  # (3) Instantiate a Pymanopt solver
    Xopt_front_rear = solver_front_rear.solve(problem_front_rear,
    print("Initial Guess for Front-Rear Transformation: \n {}".format(
    print("Optimal solution between front and rear reference frames: \n {}".

    # Take intermediate values for plotting
    estimates_x_front_rear = solver_front_rear.estimates
    errors_front_rear = solver_front_rear.errors
    iters_front_rear = solver_front_rear.iterations

    # Metrics dictionary
    estimates_dict_front_rear = {
        i: T
        for i, T in zip(iters_front_rear, estimates_x_front_rear)
    error_dict_front_rear = {
        i: e
        for i, e in zip(iters_front_rear, errors_front_rear)

    # Save intermediate results to a pkl file
    estimates_fname_front_rear = os.path.join(ANALYSIS_RESULTS_PATH,
    error_fname_front_rear = os.path.join(ANALYSIS_RESULTS_PATH,

    # Save estimates to pickle file
    with open(estimates_fname_front_rear, "wb") as pkl_estimates:
        pickle.dump(estimates_dict_front_rear, pkl_estimates)

    # Save error to pickle file
    with open(error_fname_front_rear, "wb") as pkl_error:
        pickle.dump(error_dict_front_rear, pkl_error)

    # Calculate difference between initial guess and final
    XOpt_T_front_rear = construct_pose(Xopt_front_rear[0],
                                       Xopt_front_rear[1].reshape((3, 1)))
    print("DIFFERENCE IN MATRICES: \n {}".format(
        np.subtract(XOpt_T_front_rear, initial_guess_front_rear)))

    # Compute the weighted and unweighted RMSE
    rmse_init_weighted, rmse_final_weighted, rmse_init_R_weighted, \
    rmse_init_t_weighted, rmse_final_R_weighted, \
    rmse_final_t_weighted = compute_rmse_weighted(initial_guess_front_rear,
                                                  XOpt_T_front_rear, A, B, rho,
    rmse_init_unweighted, rmse_final_unweighted, rmse_init_R_unweighted, \
    rmse_init_t_unweighted, rmse_final_R_unweighted, \
    rmse_final_t_unweighted = compute_rmse_unweighted(initial_guess_front_rear,
                                                      XOpt_T_front_rear, A, B)
    rmses = [
        rmse_init_unweighted, rmse_final_unweighted, rmse_init_weighted,
        rmse_final_weighted, rmse_init_R_unweighted, rmse_init_t_unweighted,
        rmse_final_R_unweighted, rmse_final_t_unweighted, rmse_init_R_weighted,
        rmse_init_t_weighted, rmse_final_R_weighted, rmse_final_t_weighted

    # Display and save RMSEs
    outpath = os.path.join(ANALYSIS_RESULTS_PATH, "front_rear_rmse.txt")
    display_and_save_rmse(rmses, outpath)

    # Save final estimates
    final_estimate_outpath = os.path.join(FINAL_ESTIMATES_PATH,
    np.savetxt(final_estimate_outpath, XOpt_T_front_rear)

    # Display all results
    print("_____________________ALL RESULTS_________________________")
    print("Initial Guess for Main-Front Transformation: \n {}".format(
    print("Optimal solution between main and front reference frames: \n {}".
    print("Initial Guess for Main-Rear Transformation: \n {}".format(
    print("Optimal solution between main and rear reference frames: \n {}".
    print("Initial Guess for Front-Rear Transformation: \n {}".format(
    print("Optimal solution between front and rear reference frames: \n {}".
Exemple #24
 def compute_dsmi(fval):
     fpc = fval[:,ipc].reshape(topo_shape)
     smi = fpc[-1,:]/np.max(fpc,0)
     dsmi = smi[1] - smi[5]
     return dsmi
Exemple #25
def polyinterp(points, doPlot=None, xminBound=None, xmaxBound=None):
    """ polynomial interpolation
    points: shape(pointNum, 3), three columns represents x, f, g
    doPolot: set to 1 to plot, default 0
    xmin: min value that brackets minimum (default: min of points)
    xmax: max value that brackets maximum (default: max of points)
    set f or g to sqrt(-1)=1j if they are not known
    the order of the polynomial is the number of known f and g values minus 1

    if doPlot == None:
        doPlot = 0

    nPoints = points.shape[0]
    order = np.sum(np.imag(points[:, 1:3]) == 0) -1
    # code for most common case: cubic interpolation of 2 points
    if nPoints == 2 and order == 3 and doPlot == 0:
        [minVal, minPos] = [np.min(points[:,0]), np.argmin(points[:,0])]
        notMinPos = 1 - minPos
        d1 = points[minPos,2] + points[notMinPos,2] - 3*(points[minPos,1]-\

        t_d2 =  d1**2 - points[minPos,2]*points[notMinPos,2]
        if t_d2 > 0:
            d2 = np.sqrt(t_d2)
            d2 = np.sqrt(-t_d2) * np.complex(0,1)
        if np.isreal(d2):
            t = points[notMinPos,0] - (points[notMinPos,0]-points[minPos,0])*\
            minPos = np.min([np.max([t,points[minPos,0]]), points[notMinPos,0]])
            minPos = np.mean(points[:,0])
        fmin = minVal
        return (minPos, fmin)
    xmin = np.min(points[:,0])
    xmax = np.max(points[:,0])

    # compute bounds of interpolation area
    if xminBound == None:
        xminBound = xmin
    if xmaxBound == None:
        xmaxBound = xmax

    # constraints based on available function values
    A = np.zeros((0, order+1))
    b = np.zeros((0, 1))
    for i in range(nPoints):
        if np.imag(points[i,1]) == 0:
            constraint = np.zeros(order+1)
            for j in np.arange(order,-1,-1):
                constraint[order-j] = points[i,0]**j
            A = np.vstack((A, constraint))
            b = np.append(b, points[i,1])
    # constraints based on availabe derivatives
    for i in range(nPoints):
        if np.isreal(points[i,2]):
            constraint = np.zeros(order+1)
            for j in range(1,order+1):
                constraint[j-1] = (order-j+1)* points[i,0]**(order-j)
            A = np.vstack((A, constraint))
            b = np.append(b,points[i,2])
    # find interpolating polynomial
    params = np.linalg.solve(A, b)

    # compute critical points
    dParams = np.zeros(order)
    for i in range(params.size-1):
        dParams[i] = params[i] * (order-i)
    if np.any(np.isinf(dParams)):
        cp = np.concatenate((np.array([xminBound, xmaxBound]), points[:,0]))
        cp = np.concatenate((np.array([xminBound, xmaxBound]), points[:,0], \
    # test critical points
    fmin = np.infty;
    minPos = (xminBound + xmaxBound)/2.
    for xCP in cp:
        if np.imag(xCP) == 0 and xCP >= xminBound and xCP <= xmaxBound:
            fCP = np.polyval(params, xCP)
            if np.imag(fCP) == 0 and fCP < fmin:
                minPos = np.double(np.real(xCP))
                fmin = np.double(np.real(fCP))
    # plot situation (omit this part for now since we are not going to use it
    # anyway)

    return (minPos, fmin)
def logsumexp(x):
    """Numerically stable log(sum(exp(x))), also defined in scipy.special"""
    max_x = np.max(x)
    return max_x + np.log(np.sum(np.exp(x - max_x)))
def defaultmax(x, default=-np.inf):
    if x.size == 0:
        return default
    return np.max(x)
Exemple #28
    def optimize(self, w_theta, Waa, Wsa, wa, varphis, Kt, prec, is_valid_eta_omega, old_entropy, eta=None):

        # wa = w_beta * \grad_beta \varphi_beta(s) * K^T * Prec

        if False:
            f_dual = self.opt_info['f_dual']
            f_dual_grad = self.opt_info['f_dual_grad']

            # Set BFGS eval function
            def eval_dual(input):
                param_eta = input[0]
                param_omega = input[1]
                val = f_dual(*([varphis, Kt, prec, Waa, Wsa, wa] + [param_eta, param_omega, old_entropy]))
                return val.astype(np.float64)

            # Set BFGS gradient eval function
            def eval_dual_grad(input):
                param_eta = input[0]
                param_omega = input[1]
                grad = f_dual_grad(*([varphis, Kt, prec, Waa, Wsa, wa] + [param_eta, param_omega, old_entropy]))
                return np.asarray(grad)

        if eta is not None:
            param_eta = eta
            param_eta = self.param_eta

        if self.beta == 0:
            beta = 0
            beta = old_entropy - self.beta

        # eta_before = param_eta
        # omega_before = self.param_omega
        # dual_before = eval_dual([eta_before, omega_before])
        # dual_grad_before = eval_dual_grad([eta_before, omega_before])

        x0 = [param_eta, self.param_omega]

        # TEST
        # small = 0.000000001
        # f1 = [self.param_eta - small, self.param_omega]
        # f2 = [self.param_eta + small, self.param_omega]
        # fd = (eval_dual(f1) - eval_dual(f2)) / (2 * small)
        # duals = self.opt_info["f_duals"](*([varphis, Kt, prec, Waa, Wsa, wa] + [eta_before, omega_before, old_entropy]))
        # logger.log("Theano eta/omega: " + str(eta_before) + "/" + str(omega_before) + ": " + str(dual_before) +
        #            ", " + str(duals) + ", grad: " + str(eval_dual_grad(x0)) + ", fd: " + str(fd))
        # # END TEST

        # Create dual function
        def eval_dual(input):
            param_eta = input[0]
            param_omega = input[1]

            # ha(s): eta * (\varphi(s)^T * K^T * \Sigma^{-1} + W_{sa}) + wa(s))
            ha = np.dot(varphis, param_eta * np.dot(Kt, prec) + Wsa) + wa

            # hss(s): eta * (\varphi(s)^T * K^T * \Sigma^{-1} * K * \varphi(s))
            varphisKt = np.dot(varphis, Kt)
            hss = param_eta * np.sum(np.dot(varphisKt, prec) * varphisKt, axis=1)

            Haa = param_eta * prec + Waa
            # Haa = 0.5 * (Haa + np.transpose(Haa))
            HaaInv = np.linalg.inv(Haa)

            # The two terms 'term1' and 'term2' which come from normalizers of the
            # 1. Original policy distribution
            # 2. The distribution after completing the square
            sigma = np.linalg.inv(prec)
            term1 = -0.5 * param_eta * np.linalg.slogdet(2 * np.pi * sigma)[1]
            if self.beta == 0:
                term2 = 0.5 * param_eta * np.linalg.slogdet(2 * np.pi * param_eta * HaaInv)[1]
                term2 = 0.5 * (param_eta + param_omega) * np.linalg.slogdet(
                    2 * np.pi * (param_eta + param_omega) * HaaInv)[1]

            dual = param_eta * self.epsilon - param_omega * beta + \
                   term1 + term2 + np.mean(
                0.5 * (np.sum(np.dot(ha, HaaInv) * ha, axis=1) - hss))

            return dual

        # Automatic gradient of the dual
        eval_dual_grad = grad(eval_dual)

        if True:
            def fx(x):
                eta, omega = x # eta: Lagrange variable of KL constraint, omega: of the entropy constraint
                error_return_val = 1e6, np.array([0., 0.])
                if eta + omega < 0:
                    return error_return_val
                if not is_valid_eta_omega(eta, omega, w_theta):
                    return error_return_val
                return eval_dual(x), eval_dual_grad(x)
            def fx(x):
                eta, omega = x # eta: Lagrange variable of KL constraint, omega: of the entropy constraint
                error_return_val = 1e6, np.array([0., 0.])
                if eta + omega < 0:
                    return error_return_val
                if not is_valid_eta_omega(eta, omega, w_theta):
                    return error_return_val
                return eval_dual(x), eval_dual_grad(x) # L-BFGS-B expects double floats
                # return np.float64(eval_dual(x)), np.float64(eval_dual_grad(x)) # L-BFGS-B expects double floats

        logger.log('optimizing dual')

        # Make sure valid initial covariance matrices
        while (not is_valid_eta_omega(x0[0], x0[1], w_theta)):
            x0[0] *= 2
            logger.log("Eta increased: " + str(x0[0]))

        if eta is None:
            omega_lower = -100
            if False:
                res = scipy.optimize.minimize(fx, x0, method='L-BFGS-B', jac=True,
                                              bounds=((1e-12, None), (omega_lower, None)), options={'ftol': 1e-12})
                res = scipy.optimize.minimize(fx, x0, method='SLSQP', jac=True,
                                              bounds=((1e-12, None), (omega_lower, None)), options={'ftol': 1e-12})

            # Make sure that eta > omega
            if res.x[1] < 0 and -res.x[1] > res.x[0]:
                res.x[1] = -res.x[0] + 1e-6
            # Fixed eta: make sure that eta > omega
            omega_lower = np.max([-(eta - 1e-3) + 1e-6, -100])
            if False:
                res = scipy.optimize.minimize(fx, x0, method='L-BFGS-B', jac=True,
                                              bounds=((eta - 1e-3, eta + 1e-3), (omega_lower, None)),
                                              options={'ftol': 1e-16})
                res = scipy.optimize.minimize(fx, x0, method='SLSQP', jac=True,
                                              bounds=((eta - 1e-3, eta + 1e-3), (omega_lower, None)), options={'ftol': 1e-16})

        if self.beta == 0:
            res.x[1] = 0

        logger.log("dual optimized, eta: " + str(res.x[0]) + ", omega: " + str(res.x[1]))
        return res.x[0], res.x[1]
Exemple #29
def logsumexp(X, axis=1):
    max_X = np.max(X)
    return max_X + np.log(np.sum(np.exp(X - max_X), axis=axis, keepdims=True))
def show_encode_decode(x,wrapper,**kwargs):
    # strip instruments off autoencoder wrapper
    cost_history = wrapper.cost_history
    weight_history = wrapper.weight_history
    encoder = wrapper.encoder
    decoder = wrapper.decoder
    normalizer = wrapper.normalizer
    inverse_normalizer = wrapper.inverse_normalizer
    # show projection map or not
    projmap = False
    if 'projmap' in kwargs:
        projmap = kwargs['projmap']

    # for projection map drawing - arrow size
    scale = 14
    if 'scale' in kwargs:
        scale = kwargs['scale']

    # pluck out best weights from run
    ind = np.argmin(cost_history)
    w_best = weight_history[ind]

    ###### figure 1 - original data, encoded data, decoded data ######
    fig = plt.figure(figsize = (10,3))
    gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 3) 
    ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0],aspect = 'equal'); 
    ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[1],aspect = 'equal'); 
    ax3 = plt.subplot(gs[2],aspect = 'equal'); 

    # scatter original data with pc
    ax1.scatter(x[0,:],x[1,:],c = 'k',s = 60,linewidth = 0.75,edgecolor = 'w')

    ### plot encoded and decoded data ###
    # create encoded vectors
    v = encoder(normalizer(x),w_best[0])

    # decode onto basis
    p = inverse_normalizer(decoder(v,w_best[1]))

    # plot decoded data 
    ax3.scatter(p[0,:],p[1,:],c = 'k',s = 60,linewidth = 0.75,edgecolor = 'r')

    # define range for manifold
    xmin1 = np.min(x[0,:])
    xmax1 = np.max(x[0,:])
    xmin2 = np.min(x[1,:])
    xmax2 = np.max(x[1,:])
    xgap1 = (xmax1 - xmin1)*0.2
    xgap2 = (xmax2 - xmin2)*0.2
    xmin1 -= xgap1
    xmax1 += xgap1
    xmin2 -= xgap2
    xmax2 += xgap2
    # plot learned manifold
    a = np.linspace(xmin1,xmax1,200)
    b = np.linspace(xmin2,xmax2,200)
    s,t = np.meshgrid(a,b)
    s.shape = (1,len(a)**2)
    t.shape = (1,len(b)**2)
    z = np.vstack((s,t))
    # create encoded vectors
    v = encoder(normalizer(z),w_best[0])

    # decode onto basis
    p = inverse_normalizer(decoder(v,w_best[1]))
    # scatter
    ax2.scatter(p[0,:],p[1,:],c = 'k',s = 1.5,edgecolor = 'r',linewidth = 1,zorder = 0)
    ax3.scatter(p[0,:],p[1,:],c = 'k',s = 1.5,edgecolor = 'r',linewidth = 1,zorder = 0)
    for ax in [ax1,ax2,ax3]:
        ax.set_xlabel(r'$x_1$',fontsize = 16)
        ax.set_ylabel(r'$x_2$',fontsize = 16,rotation = 0,labelpad = 10)
        ax.axvline(linewidth=0.5, color='k',zorder = 0)
        ax.axhline(linewidth=0.5, color='k',zorder = 0)

    ax1.set_title('original data',fontsize = 18)
    ax2.set_title('learned manifold',fontsize = 18)
    ax3.set_title('decoded data',fontsize = 18)

    # set whitespace
    #fgs.update(wspace=0.01, hspace=0.5) # set the spacing between axes. 
    ##### bottom panels - plot subspace and quiver plot of projections ####
    if projmap == True:
        fig = plt.figure(figsize = (10,4))
        gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1) 
        ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0],aspect = 'equal'); 
        ax1.scatter(p[0,:],p[1,:],c = 'r',s = 9.5)
        ax1.scatter(p[0,:],p[1,:],c = 'k',s = 1.5)
        ### create quiver plot of how data is projected ###
        new_scale = 0.75
        a = np.linspace(xmin1 - xgap1*new_scale,xmax1 + xgap1*new_scale,20)
        b = np.linspace(xmin2 - xgap2*new_scale,xmax2 + xgap2*new_scale,20)
        s,t = np.meshgrid(a,b)
        s.shape = (1,len(a)**2)
        t.shape = (1,len(b)**2)
        z = np.vstack((s,t))
        v = 0
        p = 0
        # create encoded vectors
        v = encoder(normalizer(z),w_best[0])

        # decode onto basis
        p = inverse_normalizer(decoder(v,w_best[1]))

        # get directions
        d = []
        for i in range(p.shape[1]):
            dr = (p[:,i] - z[:,i])[:,np.newaxis]
        d = 2*np.array(d)
        d = d[:,:,0].T
        M = np.hypot(d[0,:], d[1,:])
        ax1.quiver(z[0,:], z[1,:], d[0,:], d[1,:],M,alpha = 0.5,width = 0.01,scale = scale,cmap='autumn') 
        ax1.quiver(z[0,:], z[1,:], d[0,:], d[1,:],edgecolor = 'k',linewidth = 0.25,facecolor = 'None',width = 0.01,scale = scale) 

        #### clean up and label panels ####
        for ax in [ax1]:
            #ax.set_xlim([xmin1 - xgap1*new_scale,xmax1 + xgap1*new_scale])
            #ax.set_ylim([xmin2 - xgap2*new_scale,xmax2 + xgap1*new_scale])
            ax.set_xlabel(r'$x_1$',fontsize = 16)
            ax.set_ylabel(r'$x_2$',fontsize = 16,rotation = 0,labelpad = 10)

        ax1.set_title('projection map',fontsize = 18)

        # set whitespace
        gs.update(wspace=0.01, hspace=0.5) # set the spacing between axes. 
Exemple #31
 def pool_function(self,tensor_window):
     t = np.max(tensor_window,axis = (1,2))
     return t
Exemple #32
    def single_input_plot(self,g,weight_histories,cost_histories,**kwargs):        
        # adjust viewing range
        wmin = -3.1
        wmax = 3.1
        if 'wmin' in kwargs:            
            wmin = kwargs['wmin']
        if 'wmax' in kwargs:
            wmax = kwargs['wmax']
        onerun_perplot = False
        if 'onerun_perplot' in kwargs:
            onerun_perplot = kwargs['onerun_perplot']
        ### initialize figure
        fig = plt.figure(figsize = (9,4))
        artist = fig
        # remove whitespace from figure
        #fig.subplots_adjust(left=0, right=1, bottom=0, top=1) # remove whitespace

        # create subplot with 2 panels, plot input function in center plot
        gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2, width_ratios=[1,1]) 
        ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0]); 
        ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[1]); 

        ### plot function in both panels
        w_plot = np.linspace(wmin,wmax,500)
        g_plot = g(w_plot)
        gmin = np.min(g_plot)
        gmax = np.max(g_plot)
        g_range = gmax - gmin
        ggap = g_range*0.1
        gmin -= ggap
        gmax += ggap
        # plot function, axes lines
        ax1.plot(w_plot,g_plot,color = 'k',zorder = 2)                           # plot function
        ax1.axhline(y=0, color='k',zorder = 1,linewidth = 0.25)
        ax1.axvline(x=0, color='k',zorder = 1,linewidth = 0.25)
        ax1.set_xlabel(r'$w$',fontsize = 13)
        ax1.set_ylabel(r'$g(w)$',fontsize = 13,rotation = 0,labelpad = 25)            
        ax2.plot(w_plot,g_plot,color = 'k',zorder = 2)                           # plot function
        ax2.axhline(y=0, color='k',zorder = 1,linewidth = 0.25)
        ax2.axvline(x=0, color='k',zorder = 1,linewidth = 0.25)
        ax2.set_xlabel(r'$w$',fontsize = 13)
        ax2.set_ylabel(r'$g(w)$',fontsize = 13,rotation = 0,labelpad = 25)   
        #### loop over histories and plot each
        for j in range(len(weight_histories)):
            w_hist = weight_histories[j]
            c_hist = cost_histories[j]
            # colors for points --> green as the algorithm begins, yellow as it converges, red at final point
            s = np.linspace(0,1,len(w_hist[:round(len(w_hist)/2)]))
            s.shape = (len(s),1)
            t = np.ones(len(w_hist[round(len(w_hist)/2):]))
            t.shape = (len(t),1)
            s = np.vstack((s,t))
            self.colorspec = []
            self.colorspec = np.concatenate((s,np.flipud(s)),1)
            self.colorspec = np.concatenate((self.colorspec,np.zeros((len(s),1))),1)
            ### plot all history points
            ax = ax2
            if onerun_perplot == True:
                if j == 0:
                    ax = ax1
                if j == 1:
                    ax = ax2
            for k in range(len(w_hist)):
                # pick out current weight and function value from history, then plot
                w_val = w_hist[k]
                g_val = c_hist[k]
                ax.scatter(w_val,g_val,s = 90,c = self.colorspec[k],edgecolor = 'k',linewidth = 0.5*((1/(float(k) + 1)))**(0.4),zorder = 3,marker = 'X')            # evaluation on function
                ax.scatter(w_val,0,s = 90,facecolor = self.colorspec[k],edgecolor = 'k',linewidth = 0.5*((1/(float(k) + 1)))**(0.4), zorder = 3)
Exemple #33
def get_route(tree):
    # gets the route for the tree...
    tree_dict = {}
    boundary_dict = {}
    leaf_dict = {}

    def recurse(sub_tree, child_split=None, parent=None):
        # pprint.pprint(sub_tree)
        route_path = {}

        if "threshold" in sub_tree:
            boundary_dict[sub_tree["split_index"]] = {
                "column": sub_tree["split_feature"],
                "value": sub_tree["threshold"],

            if "split_index" in sub_tree["left_child"]:
                boundary_dict[sub_tree["split_index"]]["left"] = sub_tree["left_child"][

            if "split_index" in sub_tree["right_child"]:
                boundary_dict[sub_tree["split_index"]]["right"] = sub_tree[
            # we're a leaf!
            leaf_dict[parent] = leaf_dict.get(parent, {})
            leaf_dict[parent][child_split] = sub_tree

        if "left_child" in sub_tree:
                route_path["left"] = sub_tree["left_child"]["split_index"]
            except Exception as e:
                # print("\tleft_child {}".format(e))
        if "right_child" in sub_tree:
                route_path["right"] = sub_tree["right_child"]["split_index"]
            except Exception as e:
                # print("\tright_child {}".format(e))

        # print(route_path)
        if len(route_path) > 0:
            tree_dict[sub_tree["split_index"]] = route_path.copy()

        if "left_child" in sub_tree:
            recurse(sub_tree["left_child"], "left", sub_tree["split_index"])
        if "right_child" in sub_tree:
            recurse(sub_tree["right_child"], "right", sub_tree["split_index"])
        # print("\n\n")


    # combine leaf_dict and boundary_dict
    max_index = np.max(list(boundary_dict.keys()))

    for k in leaf_dict.keys():
        # print(leaf_dict)
        if "left" in leaf_dict[k]:
            max_index += 1
            boundary_dict[k]["left"] = max_index
            tree_dict[k] = tree_dict.get(k, {})
            tree_dict[k]["left"] = max_index
            tree_dict[max_index] = {}
            pred_val = expit(leaf_dict[k]["left"]["leaf_value"])
            boundary_dict[max_index] = {
                "predict": np.array([1 - pred_val, pred_val]),
                "leaf_value": leaf_dict[k]["left"]["leaf_value"],

        if "right" in leaf_dict[k]:
            max_index += 1
            boundary_dict[k]["right"] = max_index
            tree_dict[k] = tree_dict.get(k, {})
            tree_dict[k]["right"] = max_index
            tree_dict[max_index] = {}
            # print(leaf_dict)
            pred_val = expit(leaf_dict[k]["right"]["leaf_value"])
            boundary_dict[max_index] = {
                "predict": np.array([1 - pred_val, pred_val]),
                "leaf_value": leaf_dict[k]["right"]["leaf_value"],

    return tree_dict, boundary_dict, leaf_dict
Exemple #34
    def result(self,t = None, anim = False, interval = 50, every_n_iter = 1):

        Plot trainning process at animation

        t : array, optional
            evaluate at these points

        anim : bool, optional
            whether to plot animation or not, default set to False

        interval : integer, optional
            time duration between frames, in ms, default set to 50 ms

        every_n_iter : integer, optional 
            plot every n iterations of the trainning process, if num of iteration if large, 
        increase every_n_iter to save computing, default set to 1, plotting all the iterations

        if t is None:
            t = self.t
        if anim:
            #training animation 
            y_train = np.array([self.predict(t = t.reshape(-1,1), params_list=x) for x in self.x])[::-every_n_iter][::-1]
            n = y_train.shape[1]
            fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize = (16,6))
            #ground truth using scipy
            sol_cont = solve_ivp(self.f, [t.min(), t.max()], self.y0_list, method='Radau', rtol=1e-5)
            sol_dis = solve_ivp(self.f, t_span = [t.min(), t.max()], t_eval=t, y0 = self.y0_list, method='Radau', rtol=1e-5)
            y_diff = np.array([np.array(sol_dis.y[i]) for i in range(n)])
            #set x y limit using min and max of the last iteration
            ax[0].set_xlim((t[0], t[-1]))
            ax[0].set_ylim((np.min(y_train[-1,:,:]), np.max(y_train[-1,:,:])))
            ax[1].set_xlim((t[0], t[-1]))
            ax[1].set_ylim((np.min(y_train[-1,:,:] - y_diff), np.max(y_train[-1,:,:] - y_diff)))
            #plot ground truth
            for i in range(n):
                ax[0].plot(sol_cont.t, sol_cont.y[i], label='y{}'.format(i+1))
            #plots of NN result
            scatters_pred = []
            scatters_diff = []
            for i in range(n):
                scat1 = ax[0].scatter([], [], label = 'y_pred{}'.format(i+1))
                scat2 = ax[1].scatter([], [], label = 'y{}'.format(i+1))
            ax[0].legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.05),fancybox=True, ncol=4)
            ax[1].legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.05),fancybox=True, ncol=4)
            ax[0].set_title("NN Prediction and Truth", fontsize = 18)
            ax[1].set_title("NN Prediction - Truth", fontsize = 18)
            # initialization function: plot the background of each frame
            def init():
                for k in range(n):
                    scatters_pred[k].set_offsets(np.hstack(([], [])))
                    scatters_diff[k].set_offsets(np.hstack(([], [])))
                return (scatters_pred + scatters_diff)
            # animation function. This is called sequentially
            def animate(i):
                for k in range(n):
                    scatters_pred[k].set_offsets(np.c_[t, y_train[i,k,:]])
                    scatters_diff[k].set_offsets(np.c_[t, y_train[i,k,:] - y_diff[k]])
                return (scatters_pred + scatters_diff)
            # call the animator. blit=True means only re-draw the parts that have changed.
            anim_pred = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init,
                               frames=y_train.shape[0], interval=interval, blit=True)
            return anim_pred
Exemple #35
def get_xm(x_var, x_base):
    return np.matrix(
        [splinify(np.min(x_var), np.max(x_base), 1.0, x) for x in x_var])
def logmeanexp(x):
    e_x = np.exp(x - np.max(x))
    return np.log(np.mean(e_x)) + np.max(x)
Exemple #37
 def forward_pass(self, data, params):
     assert len(data.shape) == 4
     w, h = self.input_shape[2:]
     assert w%2==0 and h%2==0
     data = data.reshape(self.input_shape[:2] + (w/2, 2, h/2, 2))
     return np.max(np.max(data, axis=3), axis=4)
Exemple #38
 def fun(x): return to_scalar(np.max(np.array([[x, x  ],
                                               [x, 0.5]]), axis=1))
 d_fun = lambda x : to_scalar(grad(fun)(x))
Exemple #39
    def conv_layer(self, tensor, kernels):
        # square up tensor into tensor of patches
        tensor = np.reshape(
            tensor, (np.shape(tensor)[0], int(
                (np.shape(tensor)[1])**(0.5)), int(

        # pad tensor
        kernel = kernels[0]
        kernel_size = kernel.shape
        padded_tensor = self.pad_tensor(tensor, kernel_size)

        # window tensor
        wind_tensor = self.sliding_window_tensor(padded_tensor,

        # normalize windows since they touch weights
        # a_means = np.mean(wind_tensor,axis = 0)
        # a_stds = np.std(wind_tensor,axis = 0)
        # wind_tensor = self.normalize(wind_tensor,a_means,a_stds)

        #### compute convolution feature maps / downsample via pooling one map at a time over entire tensor #####
        kernel2 = np.ones((6, 6))
        stride = 3
        new_tensors = []
        for kernel in kernels:
            #### make convolution feature map - via matrix multiplication over windowed tensor
            feature_map = np.dot(wind_tensor, kernel.flatten()[:, np.newaxis])

            # reshape convolution feature map into array
            feature_map = np.reshape(feature_map, np.shape(tensor))

            # now shove result through nonlinear activation
            feature_map = self.activation(feature_map)

            #### now pool / downsample feature map, first window then pool on each window
            wind_featmap = self.sliding_window_tensor(feature_map,

            # max pool on each collected patch
            ### mean or max on each dude
            max_pool = np.max(wind_featmap, axis=1)

            # reshape into new tensor
            max_pool = np.reshape(
                 int((np.shape(max_pool)[0] / float(np.shape(tensor)[0]))
                 int((np.shape(max_pool)[0] / float(np.shape(tensor)[0]))

            # reshape into new downsampled pooled feature map

        # turn into array
        new_tensors = np.array(new_tensors)

        # reshape into final feature vector to touch fully connected layer(s), otherwise keep as is in terms of shape
        new_tensors = new_tensors.swapaxes(0, 1)
        new_tensors = np.reshape(
            new_tensors, (np.shape(new_tensors)[0], np.shape(new_tensors)[1],
                          np.shape(new_tensors)[2] * np.shape(new_tensors)[3]))
        new_tensors = np.reshape(
            new_tensors, (np.shape(new_tensors)[0],
                          np.shape(new_tensors)[1] * np.shape(new_tensors)[2]),
        return new_tensors
Exemple #40
 def cost(R):
     Z = npy.dot(X, R)
     M = npy.max(Z, axis=1, keepdims=True)
     return npy.sum((Z / M)**2)
Exemple #41
def _read_kurucz_spec(f):
    Read Kurucz spectra that have been precomputed

        f (string) : path to the file to be read
        new_vel (real array) : velocity axis in km/s
        spectrum (real array) : spectrum for each velocity bin
    f = open(f, "rb")
    res = f.read()
    n_chunk = struct.unpack('i',res[0:4])
    freq = []
    stokes = []
    cont = []
    left = 4
    for i in range(n_chunk[0]):
        right = left + 4
        n = struct.unpack('i',res[left:right])

        left = right
        right = left + 4
        nmus = struct.unpack('i',res[left:right])

        left = right
        right = left + 8*n[0]
        t1 = np.asarray(struct.unpack('d'*n[0],res[left:right]))
        left = right
        right = left + 8*n[0]*nmus[0]

        t2 = np.asarray(struct.unpack('d'*n[0]*nmus[0],res[left:right])).reshape((n[0],nmus[0]))

        left = right
        right = left + 8*n[0]*nmus[0]

        t2 = np.asarray(struct.unpack('d'*n[0]*nmus[0],res[left:right])).reshape((n[0],nmus[0]))
        left = right
    freq = np.concatenate(freq)
    stokes = np.concatenate(stokes)
    cont = np.concatenate(cont)

    ind = np.argsort(freq)
    freq = freq[ind]
    stokes = stokes[ind]
    cont = cont[ind]
    wavelength = const.c.to('cm/s').value / freq
    mean_wavelength = np.mean(wavelength)

    vel = (wavelength - mean_wavelength) / mean_wavelength * const.c.to('km/s').value

    nl, nmus = stokes.shape

# Reinterpolate in a equidistant velocity axis
    new_vel = np.linspace(np.min(vel), np.max(vel), nl)
    for i in range(nmus):
        interpolator = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(vel, stokes[:,i], kind='linear')
        stokes[:,i] = interpolator(new_vel)

    return new_vel, wavelength, stokes
Exemple #42
    def animate_it_2d_fit_only(self,savepath,w_hist,**kwargs):       
        self.w_hist = w_hist
        ##### setup figure to plot #####
        # initialize figure
        fig = plt.figure(figsize = (4,4))
        artist = fig
        # create subplot with 3 panels, plot input function in center plot
        gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1) 
        ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0]); 

        # produce color scheme
        s = np.linspace(0,1,len(self.w_hist[:round(len(self.w_hist)/2)]))
        s.shape = (len(s),1)
        t = np.ones(len(self.w_hist[round(len(self.w_hist)/2):]))
        t.shape = (len(t),1)
        s = np.vstack((s,t))
        self.colorspec = []
        self.colorspec = np.concatenate((s,np.flipud(s)),1)
        self.colorspec = np.concatenate((self.colorspec,np.zeros((len(s),1))),1)
        # seed left panel plotting range
        xmin = np.min(copy.deepcopy(self.x))
        xmax = np.max(copy.deepcopy(self.x))
        xgap = (xmax - xmin)*0.1
        x_fit = np.linspace(xmin,xmax,300)
        # seed right panel contour plot
        viewmax = 3
        if 'viewmax' in kwargs:
            viewmax = kwargs['viewmax']
        view = [20,100]
        if 'view' in kwargs:
            view = kwargs['view']
        # start animation
        num_frames = len(self.w_hist)
        print ('starting animation rendering...')
        def animate(k):
            # clear panels
            # current color
            color = self.colorspec[k]

            # print rendering update
            if np.mod(k+1,25) == 0:
                print ('rendering animation frame ' + str(k+1) + ' of ' + str(num_frames))
            if k == num_frames - 1:
                print ('animation rendering complete!')
            ###### make left panel - plot data and fit ######
            # initialize fit
            w = self.w_hist[k]
            y_fit = w[0] + x_fit*w[1]
            # scatter data
            # plot fit to data
            ax1.plot(x_fit,y_fit,color = color,linewidth = 3) 

            return artist,

        anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate ,frames=num_frames, interval=num_frames, blit=True)
        # produce animation and save
        fps = 50
        if 'fps' in kwargs:
            fps = kwargs['fps']
        anim.save(savepath, fps=fps, extra_args=['-vcodec', 'libx264'])
Exemple #43
 def log_softmax(self, batch):
     batch = batch - np.max(batch, axis=1, keepdims=True)
     return batch - logsumexp(batch, axis=1).reshape((batch.shape[0], -1))
Exemple #44
    def scatter_pts(self,ax):
        if np.shape(self.x)[1] == 1:
            # set plotting limits
            xmin = np.min(copy.deepcopy(self.x))
            xmax = np.max(copy.deepcopy(self.x))
            xgap = (xmax - xmin)*0.2
            xmin -= xgap
            xmax += xgap
            ymin = np.min(copy.deepcopy(self.y))
            ymax = np.max(copy.deepcopy(self.y))
            ygap = (ymax - ymin)*0.2
            ymin -= ygap
            ymax += ygap    

            # initialize points
            ax.scatter(self.x,self.y,color = 'k', edgecolor = 'w',linewidth = 0.9,s = 40)

            # clean up panel
            # label axes
            ax.set_xlabel(r'$x$', fontsize = 16)
            ax.set_ylabel(r'$y$', rotation = 0,fontsize = 16,labelpad = 15)
        if np.shape(self.x)[1] == 2:
            # set plotting limits
            xmin1 = np.min(copy.deepcopy(self.x[:,0]))
            xmax1 = np.max(copy.deepcopy(self.x[:,0])) 
            xgap1 = (xmax1 - xmin1)*0.35
            xmin1 -= xgap1
            xmax1 += xgap1
            xmin2 = np.min(copy.deepcopy(self.x[:,1]))
            xmax2 = np.max(copy.deepcopy(self.x[:,1])) 
            xgap2 = (xmax2 - xmin2)*0.35
            xmin2 -= xgap2
            xmax2 += xgap2
            ymin = np.min(copy.deepcopy(self.y))
            ymax = np.max(copy.deepcopy(self.y))
            ygap = (ymax - ymin)*0.2
            ymin -= ygap
            ymax += ygap    

            # initialize points
            ax.scatter(self.x[:,0],self.x[:,1],self.y,s = 40,color = 'k', edgecolor = 'w',linewidth = 0.9)

            # clean up panel
            ax.set_xticks(np.arange(round(xmin1) +1, round(xmax1), 1.0))
            ax.set_yticks(np.arange(round(xmin2) +1, round(xmax2), 1.0))

            # label axes
            ax.set_xlabel(r'$x_1$', fontsize = 12,labelpad = 5)
            ax.set_ylabel(r'$x_2$', rotation = 0,fontsize = 12,labelpad = 5)
            ax.set_zlabel(r'$y$', rotation = 0,fontsize = 12,labelpad = -3)

            # clean up panel
            ax.xaxis.pane.fill = False
            ax.yaxis.pane.fill = False
            ax.zaxis.pane.fill = False


            ax.xaxis._axinfo["grid"]['color'] =  (1,1,1,0)
            ax.yaxis._axinfo["grid"]['color'] =  (1,1,1,0)
            ax.zaxis._axinfo["grid"]['color'] =  (1,1,1,0)
Exemple #45
 def fun(x): return to_scalar(np.max(np.array([x, x])))
 d_fun = lambda x : to_scalar(grad(fun)(x))
Exemple #46
        perf = train_performances.to_numpy()

        order = "asc"

        if use_max_inverse_transform == "max_cutoff":
            perf = perf.clip(0, cutoff)
            perf = cutoff - perf
            order = "desc"
        elif use_max_inverse_transform == "max_par10":
            perf = par10 - perf
            order = "desc"

        perf_max = 1

        if scale_target_to_unit_interval:
            perf_max = np.max(perf)
            perf = perf / perf_max

        train_performances = pd.DataFrame(data=perf,
        print("perf", perf)
        skip_value = None
        if skip_censored:
            if use_max_inverse_transform == "none":
                skip_value = train_performances.to_numpy().max()
                skip_value = train_performances.to_numpy().min()
        inst, perf, rank, sample_weights = util.construct_numpy_representation_with_ordered_pairs_of_rankings_and_features_and_weights(
def logsumexp(x):
    """Numerically stable log(sum(exp(x))), also defined in scipy.misc"""
    max_x = np.max(x)
    return max_x + np.log(np.sum(np.exp(x - max_x)))
Exemple #48
def logsumexp(x):
    """Numerically stable log(sum(exp(x)))"""
    max_x = npa.max(x)
    return max_x + npa.log(npa.sum(npa.exp(x - max_x)))
 def sample_from_mvn(mu, sigma):
     rs = npr.RandomState(0)
     return np.dot(np.linalg.cholesky(sigma+1e-6*np.eye(len(sigma))*np.max(np.diag(sigma))),rs.randn(len(sigma)))+mu if random == 1 else mu
def compare_2d3d(func1,func2,**kwargs):
    # input arguments
    view = [20,-65]
    if 'view' in kwargs:
        view = kwargs['view']
    # define input space
    w = np.linspace(-3,3,200)                  # input range for original function
    if 'w' in kwargs:
        w = kwargs['w']
    # define pts
    pt1 = 0
    if 'pt1' in kwargs:
        pt1 = kwargs['pt1']
    pt2 = [0,0]
    if 'pt2' in kwargs:
        pt2 = kwargs['pt2']
    # construct figure
    fig = plt.figure(figsize = (6,3))
    # remove whitespace from figure
    fig.subplots_adjust(left=0, right=1, bottom=0, top=1) # remove whitespace
    # create subplot with 3 panels, plot input function in center plot
    gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2, width_ratios=[1,2]) 
    ### draw 2d version ###
    ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0]); 
    grad = compute_grad(func1)
    # generate a range of values over which to plot input function, and derivatives
    g_plot = func1(w)
    g_range = max(g_plot) - min(g_plot)             # used for cleaning up final plot
    ggap = g_range*0.2
    # grab the next input/output tangency pair, the center of the next approximation(s)
    pt1 = float(pt1)
    g_val = func1(pt1)

    # plot original function
    ax1.plot(w,g_plot,color = 'k',zorder = 1,linewidth=2)                          
    # plot the input/output tangency point
    ax1.scatter(pt1,g_val,s = 60,c = 'lime',edgecolor = 'k',linewidth = 2,zorder = 3)            # plot point of tangency

    #### plot first order approximation ####
    # plug input into the first derivative
    g_grad_val = grad(pt1)

    # compute first order approximation
    w1 = pt1 - 3
    w2 = pt1 + 3
    wrange = np.linspace(w1,w2, 100)
    h = g_val + g_grad_val*(wrange - pt1)

    # plot the first order approximation
    ax1.plot(wrange,h,color = 'lime',alpha = 0.5,linewidth = 3,zorder = 2)      # plot approx
    # make new x-axis
    ax1.plot(w,g_plot*0,linewidth=3,color = 'k')
    #### clean up panel ####
    # fix viewing limits on panel
    ax1.set_ylim([min(min(g_plot) - ggap,-4),max(max(g_plot) + ggap,0.5)])

    # label axes
    ax1.set_xlabel('$w$',fontsize = 12,labelpad = -50)
    ax1.set_ylabel('$g(w)$',fontsize = 25,rotation = 0,labelpad = 50)
    ### draw 3d version ###
    ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[1],projection='3d'); 
    grad = compute_grad(func2)
    w_val = [float(0),float(0)]
    # define input space
    w1_vals, w2_vals = np.meshgrid(w,w)
    w1_vals.shape = (len(w)**2,1)
    w2_vals.shape = (len(w)**2,1)
    w_vals = np.concatenate((w1_vals,w2_vals),axis=1).T
    g_vals = func2(w_vals) 
    # evaluation points
    w_val = np.array([float(pt2[0]),float(pt2[1])])
    w_val.shape = (2,1)
    g_val = func2(w_val)
    grad_val = grad(w_val)
    grad_val.shape = (2,1)  

    # create and evaluate tangent hyperplane
    w1tan_vals, w2tan_vals = np.meshgrid(w,w)
    w1tan_vals.shape = (len(w)**2,1)
    w2tan_vals.shape = (len(w)**2,1)
    wtan_vals = np.concatenate((w1tan_vals,w2tan_vals),axis=1).T

    #h = lambda weh: g_val +  np.dot( (weh - w_val).T,grad_val)
    h = lambda weh: g_val + (weh[0]-w_val[0])*grad_val[0] + (weh[1]-w_val[1])*grad_val[1]     
    h_vals = h(wtan_vals + w_val)

    # vals for cost surface, reshape for plot_surface function
    w1_vals.shape = (len(w),len(w))
    w2_vals.shape = (len(w),len(w))
    g_vals.shape = (len(w),len(w))
    w1tan_vals += w_val[0]
    w2tan_vals += w_val[1]
    w1tan_vals.shape =  (len(w),len(w))
    w2tan_vals.shape =  (len(w),len(w))
    h_vals.shape = (len(w),len(w))

    ### plot function ###
    ax2.plot_surface(w1_vals, w2_vals, g_vals, alpha = 0.5,color = 'w',rstride=25, cstride=25,linewidth=1,edgecolor = 'k',zorder = 2)

    ### plot z=0 plane ###
    ax2.plot_surface(w1_vals, w2_vals, g_vals*0, alpha = 0.1,color = 'w',zorder = 1,rstride=25, cstride=25,linewidth=0.3,edgecolor = 'k') 

    ### plot tangent plane ###
    ax2.plot_surface(w1tan_vals, w2tan_vals, h_vals, alpha = 0.4,color = 'lime',zorder = 1,rstride=50, cstride=50,linewidth=1,edgecolor = 'k')     

    # scatter tangency 
    ax2.scatter(w_val[0],w_val[1],g_val,s = 70,c = 'lime',edgecolor = 'k',linewidth = 2)
    ### clean up plot ###
    # plot x and y axes, and clean up
    ax2.xaxis.pane.fill = False
    ax2.yaxis.pane.fill = False
    ax2.zaxis.pane.fill = False


    # remove axes lines and tickmarks

    # set viewing angle

    # set vewing limits
    wgap = (max(w) - min(w))*0.4
    y = max(w) + wgap
    zmin = min(np.min(g_vals),-0.5)
    zmax = max(np.max(g_vals),+0.5)

    # label plot
    fontsize = 12
    ax2.set_xlabel(r'$w_1$',fontsize = fontsize,labelpad = -30)
    ax2.set_ylabel(r'$w_2$',fontsize = fontsize,rotation = 0,labelpad=-30)
Exemple #51
def minConf_SPG(funObj, x, funProj, options=None):
    """ This function implements Mark Schmidt's MATLAB implementation of
    spectral projected gradient (SPG) to solve for projected quasi-Newton
                min funObj(x) s.t. x in C
    funObj: function that returns objective function value and the gradient
    x: initial parameter value
    funProj: fcuntion that returns projection of x onto C
        verbose: level of verbosity (0: no output, 1: final, 2: iter (default), 3:
        optTol: tolerance used to check for optimality (default: 1e-5)
        progTol: tolerance used to check for lack of progress (default: 1e-9)
        maxIter: maximum number of calls to funObj (default: 500)
        numDiff: compute derivatives numerically (0: use user-supplied
            derivatives (default), 1: use finite differences, 2: use complex
        suffDec: sufficient decrease parameter in Armijo condition (default
            : 1e-4)
        interp: type of interpolation (0: step-size halving, 1: quadratic,
            2: cubic)
        memory: number of steps to look back in non-monotone Armijo
        useSpectral: use spectral scaling of gradient direction (default:
        curvilinear: backtrack along projection Arc (default: 0)
        testOpt: test optimality condition (default: 1)
        feasibleInit: if 1, then the initial point is assumed to be
        bbType: type of Barzilai Borwein step (default: 1)
        - if the projection is expensive to compute, you can reduce the
            number of projections by setting testOpt to 0
    nVars = x.shape[0]
    options_default = {'verbose':2, 'numDiff':0, 'optTol':1e-5, 'progTol':1e-9,\
                'maxIter':500, 'suffDec':1e-4, 'interp':2, 'memory':10,\
    options = setDefaultOptions(options, options_default)

    if options['verbose'] >= 2:
        if options['testOpt'] == 1:
            print '{:10s}'.format('Iteration') + \
                    '{:10s}'.format('FunEvals') + \
                    '{:10s}'.format('Projections') + \
                    '{:15s}'.format('StepLength') + \
                    '{:15s}'.format('FunctionVal') + \
            print '{:10s}'.format('Iteration') + \
                    '{:10s}'.format('FunEvals') + \
                    '{:10s}'.format('Projections') + \
                    '{:15s}'.format('StepLength') + \
    funEvalMultiplier = 1

    # evaluate initial point
    if options['feasibleInit'] == 0:
        x = funProj(x)
    [f, g] = funObj(x)
    projects = 1
    funEvals = 1

    # optionally check optimality
    if options['testOpt'] == 1:
        projects = projects + 1
        if np.max(np.abs(funProj(x-g)-x)) < options['optTol']:
            if options['verbose'] >= 1:
                print "First-order optimality conditions below optTol at initial point"
            return (x, f, funEvals, projects)
    i = 1
    while funEvals <= options['maxIter']:
        # compute step direction
        if i == 1 or options['useSpectral'] == 0:
            alpha = 1.
            y = g - g_old
            s = x - x_old
            if options['bbType'] == 1:
                alpha = np.dot(s,s)/np.dot(s,y)
                alpha = np.dot(s,y)/np.dot(y,y)
            if alpha <= 1e-10 or alpha >= 1e10:
                alpha = 1.
        d = -alpha * g
        f_old = f
        x_old = x
        g_old = g

        # compute projected step
        if options['curvilinear'] == 0:
            d = funProj(x+d) - x
            projects = projects + 1

        # check that progress can be made along the direction
        gtd = np.dot(g, d)
        if gtd > -options['progTol']:
            if options['verbose'] >= 1:
                print "Directional derivtive below progTol"

        # select initial guess to step length
        if i == 1:
            t = np.minimum(1., 1./np.sum(np.abs(g)))
            t = 1.

        # compute reference function for non-monotone condition
        if options['memory'] == 1:
            funRef = f
            if i == 1:
                old_fvals = np.ones(options['memory'])*(-1)*np.infty
            if i <= options['memory']:
                old_fvals[i-1] = f
                old_fvals = np.append(old_fvals[1:], f)
            funRef = np.max(old_fvals)
        # evaluate the objective and gradient at the initial step
        if options['curvilinear'] == 1:
            x_new = funProj(x + t*d)
            projects = projects + 1
            x_new = x + t*d
        [f_new, g_new] = funObj(x_new)
        funEvals = funEvals + 1

        # Backtracking line search
        lineSearchIters = 1
        while f_new > funRef + options['suffDec']*np.dot(g,x_new-x) or \
                isLegal(f_new) == False:
            temp = t
            if options['interp'] == 0 or isLegal(f_new) == False:
                if options['verbose'] == 3:
                    print 'Halving step size'
                t = t/2.
            elif options['interp'] == 2 and isLegal(g_new):
                if options['verbose'] == 3:
                    print "Cubic Backtracking"
                t = polyinterp(np.array([[0,f,gtd],\
            elif lineSearchIters < 2 or isLegal(f_prev):
                if options['verbose'] == 3:
                    print "Quadratic Backtracking"
                t = polyinterp(np.array([[0, f, gtd],\
                        [t, f_new, np.complex(0,1)]]))[0]
                if options['verbose'] == 3:
                    print "Cubic Backtracking on Function Values"
                t = polyinterp(np.array([[0., f, gtd],\
            # adjust if change is too small
            if t < temp*1e-3:
                if options['verbose'] == 3:
                    print "Interpolated value too small, Adjusting"
                t = temp * 1e-3
            elif t > temp * 0.6:
                if options['verbose'] == 3:
                    print "Interpolated value too large, Adjusting"
                t = temp * 0.6

            # check whether step has become too small
            if np.max(np.abs(t*d)) < options['progTol'] or t == 0:
                if options['verbose'] == 3:
                    print "Line Search failed"
                t = 0.
                f_new = f
                g_new = g
            # evaluate new point
            f_prev = f_new
            t_prev = temp
            if options['curvilinear'] == True:
                x_new = funProj(x + t*d)
                projects = projects + 1
                x_new = x + t*d
            [f_new, g_new] = funObj(x_new)
            funEvals = funEvals + 1
            lineSearchIters = lineSearchIters + 1
        # done with line search

        # take step
        x = x_new
        f = f_new
        g = g_new

        if options['testOpt'] == True:
            optCond = np.max(np.abs(funProj(x-g)-x))
            projects = projects + 1

        # output log
        if options['verbose'] >= 2:
            if options['testOpt'] == True:
                print '{:10d}'.format(i) + \
                      '{:10d}'.format(funEvals*funEvalMultiplier) + \
                      '{:10d}'.format(projects) + \
                      '{:15.5e}'.format(t) + \
                      '{:15.5e}'.format(f) + \
                print '{:10d}'.format(i) + \
                      '{:10d}'.format(funEvals*funEvalMultiplier) + \
                      '{:10d}'.format(projects) + \
                      '{:15.5e}'.format(t) + \
        # check optimality
        if options['testOpt'] == True:
            if optCond < options['optTol']:
                if options['verbose'] >= 1:
                    print "First-order optimality conditions below optTol"

        if np.max(np.abs(t*d)) < options['progTol']:
            if options['verbose'] >= 1:
                print "Step size below progTol"
        if np.abs(f-f_old) < options['progTol']:
            if options['verbose'] >= 1:
                print "Function value changing by less than progTol"

        if funEvals*funEvalMultiplier > options['maxIter']:
            if options['verbose'] >= 1:
                print "Function evaluation exceeds maxIter"

        i = i + 1

    return (x, f, funEvals, projects)
Exemple #52
def rl1_selection(y_bin, y_ord, y_categ, zl1_ys, w_s):
    ''' Selects the number of factors on the first latent discrete layer 
    y_bin (n x p_bin ndarray): The binary and count data matrix
    y_ord (n x p_ord ndarray): The ordinal data matrix
    y_categ (n x p_categ ndarray): The categorical data matrix
    zl1_ys (k_1D x r_1D ndarray): The first layer latent variables
    w_s (list): The path probabilities starting from the first layer
    return (list of int): The dimensions to keep for the GLLVM layer

    M0 = zl1_ys.shape[0]
    numobs = zl1_ys.shape[1]
    r0 = zl1_ys.shape[2]
    S0 = zl1_ys.shape[3]

    nb_bin = y_bin.shape[1]
    nb_ord = y_ord.shape[1]
    nb_categ = y_categ.shape[1]


    # Detemine the dimensions that are weakest for Binomial variables
    zero_coef_mask = np.zeros(r0)
    for j in range(nb_bin):
        for s in range(S0):
            Nj = np.max(y_bin[:,
                              j])  # The support of the jth binomial is [1, Nj]
            if Nj == 1:  # If the variable is Bernoulli not binomial
                yj = y_bin[:, j]
                z = zl1_ys[:, :, :, s]
            else:  # If not, need to convert Binomial output to Bernoulli output
                yj, z = bin_to_bern(Nj, y_bin[:, j], z[0])

            # Put all the M0 points in a series
            X = z.flatten(order='C').reshape((M0 * numobs, r0), order='C')
            y_repeat = np.repeat(yj, M0).astype(
                int)  # Repeat rather than tile to check

            lr = LogisticRegression(penalty='l1', solver='saga')
            lr.fit(X, y_repeat)
            zero_coef_mask += (lr.coef_[0] == 0) * w_s[s]

    # Detemine the dimensions that are weakest for Ordinal variables
    for j in range(nb_ord):
        for s in range(S0):
            ol = OrderedLogit()
            X = zl1_ys[:, :, :, s].flatten(order='C').reshape(
                (M0 * numobs, r0), order='C')
            y_repeat = np.repeat(y_ord[:, j], M0).astype(
                int)  # Repeat rather than tile to check

            ol.fit(X, y_repeat)
            zero_coef_mask += np.array(
                ol.summary['p'] > PVALUE_THRESHOLD) * w_s[s]

    # Detemine the dimensions that are weakest for Categorical variables
    for j in range(nb_categ):
        for s in range(S0):
            z = zl1_ys[:, :, :, s]

            # Put all the M0 points in a series
            X = z.flatten(order='C').reshape((M0 * numobs, r0), order='C')
            y_repeat = np.repeat(y_categ[:, j], M0).astype(
                int)  # Repeat rather than tile to check

            lr = LogisticRegression(penalty = 'l1', solver = 'saga', \
                                    multi_class = 'multinomial')
            lr.fit(X, y_repeat)

            zero_coef_mask += (lr.coef_[0] == 0) * w_s[s]

    # Voting: Delete the dimensions which have been zeroed a majority of times
    zeroed_coeff_prop = zero_coef_mask / ((nb_ord + nb_bin + nb_categ))

    # Need at least r1 = 2 for algorithm to work
    new_rl = np.sum(zeroed_coeff_prop <= PROP_ZERO_THRESHOLD)

    if new_rl < 2:
        dims_to_keep = np.argsort(zeroed_coeff_prop)[:2]

        dims_to_keep = list(set(range(r0))  - \
                        set(np.where(zeroed_coeff_prop > PROP_ZERO_THRESHOLD)[0].tolist()))

    dims_to_keep = np.sort(dims_to_keep)

    return dims_to_keep
 def sample_from_mvn(mu, sigma): # make sure we return 2d, also make sure data is 2d
     rs = npr.RandomState(0)
     return np.atleast_2d(np.dot(np.linalg.cholesky(sigma+1e-6*np.eye(len(sigma))*np.max(np.diag(sigma))),rs.randn(len(sigma)))+mu if random == 1 else mu).T
Exemple #54
def logsumexp(X, axis, keepdims=False):
    max_X = np.max(X)
    return max_X + np.log(np.sum(np.exp(X - max_X), axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims))
Exemple #55
def logsumexp(X, axis):
    max_X = np.max(X)
    return max_X + np.log(np.sum(np.exp(X - max_X), axis=axis, keepdims=True))
    def optimize(self, n_iters, objective, init_param):
        dim = init_param.size
        diagnostics = self._sgo._diagnostics
        k_conv = None # Iteration number when reached convergence
        k_stopped = None # Iteration number when MCSE/ESS conditions met
        k_Rhat = None # Iteration number when R hat convergence criterion met
        learning_rate = self._sgo._learning_rate
        variational_param = init_param.copy()
        variational_param_history = []
        value_history = []
        descent_dir_history = []
        ess_and_mcse_k_history = []
        ess_history = []
        mcse_history = []
        iterate_average_k_history = []
        iterate_average_history = []
        iterate_average = variational_param.copy()
        if diagnostics:
        total_opt_time = 0  # total time spent on optimization
        stopped = False
        with tqdm.trange(n_iters) as progress:
                for k in progress:
                    # take step in descent direction
                    with Timer() as opt_timer:
                        object_val, object_grad = objective(variational_param)
                        descent_dir = self._sgo.descent_direction(object_grad)
                        variational_param -= learning_rate * descent_dir
                        if diagnostics:
                    total_opt_time += opt_timer.interval
                    # If convergence has not been reached then check for
                    # convergence using R hat
                    if k_conv is None and k % self._k_check == 0:
                        W_upper = int(0.95*k)
                        if W_upper > self._W_min:
                            windows = np.linspace(self._W_min, W_upper, num=5, dtype=int)
                            R_hat_success, best_W = R_hat_convergence_check(
                                variational_param_history, windows)
                            iterate_average = np.mean(variational_param_history[-best_W:], axis=0)
                            if diagnostics:
                            if R_hat_success:
                                k_Rhat = k								
                                k_conv = k - best_W
                                W_check = best_W  # immediately check MCSE

                    # Once convergence has been reached compute the MCSE
                    if k_conv is not None and k - k_conv == W_check:
                        W = W_check
                        converged_iterates = np.array(variational_param_history[-W:])
                        iterate_average = np.mean(converged_iterates, axis=0)
                        if diagnostics and k not in iterate_average_k_history:
                        # compute MCSE
                        with Timer() as mcse_timer:
                            if isinstance(objective.approx, MFGaussian):
                                # For MF Gaussian, use MCSE(mu/sigma,log_sigma)
                                iterate_diff = converged_iterates[W-2,:] - converged_iterates[W-1,:]
                                iterate_diff_zero = iterate_diff == 0
                                # ignore constant variational parameters
                                if np.any(iterate_diff_zero):
                                    indices = np.argwhere(iterate_diff_zero)
                                    converged_iterates = np.delete(converged_iterates, indices, 1)
                                converged_log_sdevs = converged_iterates[:,-dim:]
                                mean_log_stdev = np.mean(converged_log_sdevs, axis=0)
                                ess, mcse  = MCSE(converged_iterates)
                                mcse_mean = mcse[:dim]/np.exp(mean_log_stdev)
                                mcse_stdev = mcse[-dim:]
                                mcse = np.concatenate((mcse_mean, mcse_stdev))
                                ess, mcse = MCSE(converged_iterates)
                        if diagnostics:
                        if (np.max(mcse) < self._mcse_threshold and
                            np.min(ess)  > self._ESS_min):
                            k_stopped = k
                            relative_mcse_time = mcse_timer.interval / W
                            relative_opt_time = total_opt_time / k
                            relative_time_ratio = relative_opt_time / relative_mcse_time
                            recheck_scale = max(1.05, 1 + 1/np.sqrt(1 + relative_time_ratio))
                            W_check = int(recheck_scale*W_check+1)
                    if k % self._k_check == 0:
                        avg_loss = np.mean(value_history[max(0, k-1000):k+1])
                        R_conv = 'converged' if k_conv is not None else 'not converged'
                            'average loss = {:,.5g} | R hat {}|'.format(avg_loss, R_conv))
            except (KeyboardInterrupt, StopIteration) as e:  # pragma: no cover
                # do not print log on the same line
        if k_stopped is None:
            if k_conv is None:
                print('WARNING: stationarity not reached after maximum number of iterations')
                print('WARNING: try incresing the learning rate or the maximum number of iterations')
                print('WARNING: stationarity reached but MCSE too large and/or ESS too small')
                print('WARNING: maximum MCSE = {:.3g}'.format(np.max(mcse)))
                print('WARNING: minimum ESS = {:.1f}'.format(np.min(ess)))
            print('Convergence reached at iteration', k_stopped)
        return dict(opt_param = iterate_average,
                    k_conv = k_conv,
                    k_Rhat = k_Rhat,
                    k_stopped = k_stopped,
                    variational_param_history = np.array(variational_param_history),
                    value_history = np.array(value_history),
                    iterate_average_k_history = np.array(iterate_average_k_history),
                    iterate_average_history = np.array(iterate_average_history),
                    descent_dir_history = np.array(descent_dir_history),
                    ess_and_mcse_k_history = np.array(ess_and_mcse_k_history),
                    ess_history = np.array(ess_history),
                    mcse_history = np.array(mcse_history)
Exemple #57
 def fun(x): return to_scalar(np.max(x, axis=1, keepdims=True))
 d_fun = lambda x : to_scalar(grad(fun)(x))
def softmax(x):
    m = np.max(x)
    y = np.exp(x - m)
    return y / y.sum()
Exemple #59
def logsumexp(X, axis, keepdims=False):
    max_X = np.max(X)
    return max_X + np.log(np.sum(np.exp(X - max_X), axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims))
Exemple #60
vars = {"b": b}

# Data
tau = np.genfromtxt(dataPath + 'tau.csv', delimiter=',')
Xcif = np.genfromtxt(dataPath + 'Xcif.csv', delimiter=',')
Y = np.genfromtxt(dataPath + 'Y.csv', delimiter=',')
Eq = np.genfromtxt(dataPath + 'Eq.csv', delimiter=',')
Ex = np.genfromtxt(dataPath + 'Ex.csv', delimiter=',')
r = np.genfromtxt(dataPath + 'r.csv', delimiter=',')
D = np.genfromtxt(dataPath + 'D.csv', delimiter=',')
ccodes = np.genfromtxt(dataPath + 'ccodes.csv', delimiter=',', dtype="str")
dists = np.genfromtxt(dataPath + 'cDists.csv', delimiter=',')
M = np.genfromtxt(dataPath + "milex.csv", delimiter=",")

M = M / np.max(M)  # normalize milex
W = np.log(dists + 1)

N = len(Y)

E = Eq + Ex

data = {
    "tau": tau,
    "Xcif": Xcif,
    "Y": Y,
    "E": E,
    "r": r,
    "D": D,
    "W": W,
    "M": M