def outputs(weights, inputs):
        """Outputs normalized log-probabilities of each character, plus an
           extra one at the end."""
        forget_weights  = parser.get(weights, 'forget')
        change_weights  = parser.get(weights, 'change')
        ingate_weights  = parser.get(weights, 'ingate')
        outgate_weights = parser.get(weights, 'outgate')
        predict_weights = parser.get(weights, 'predict')
        num_sequences = inputs.shape[1]
        hiddens = np.repeat(parser.get(weights, 'init_hiddens'), num_sequences, axis=0)
        cells   = np.repeat(parser.get(weights, 'init_cells'),   num_sequences, axis=0)

        output = [hiddens_to_output_probs(predict_weights, hiddens)]
        for input in inputs:  # Iterate over time steps.
            hiddens, cells = update_lstm(input, hiddens, cells, forget_weights,
                                         change_weights, ingate_weights, outgate_weights)
            output.append(hiddens_to_output_probs(predict_weights, hiddens))
        return output
    def outputs(weights, inputs):
        """Goes from right to left, updating the state."""
        num_sequences = inputs.shape[1]
        hiddens = np.repeat(parser.get(weights, 'init_hiddens'), num_sequences, axis=0)
        change_weights    = parser.get(weights, 'change')
        predict_weights   = parser.get(weights, 'predict')

        output = [hiddens_to_output_probs(predict_weights, hiddens)]
        for input in inputs:  # Iterate over time steps.
            hiddens = update(input, hiddens, change_weights)
            output.append(hiddens_to_output_probs(predict_weights, hiddens))
        return output