Exemple #1
def wait_for_bm_node_status(client, node_id, attr, status):
    """Waits for a baremetal node attribute to reach given status.

    The client should have a show_node(node_uuid) method to get the node.
    _, node = client.show_node(node_id)
    start = int(time.time())

    while node[attr] != status:
        _, node = client.show_node(node_id)
        status_curr = node[attr]
        if status_curr == status:

        if int(time.time()) - start >= client.build_timeout:
            message = ('Node %(node_id)s failed to reach %(attr)s=%(status)s '
                       'within the required time (%(timeout)s s).' % {
                           'node_id': node_id,
                           'attr': attr,
                           'status': status,
                           'timeout': client.build_timeout
            message += ' Current state of %s: %s.' % (attr, status_curr)
            caller = misc_utils.find_test_caller()
            if caller:
                message = '(%s) %s' % (caller, message)
            raise exceptions.TimeoutException(message)
Exemple #2
    def wait_for_resource_deletion(self, id):
        """Waits for a resource to be deleted

        This method will loop over is_resource_deleted until either
        is_resource_deleted returns True or the build timeout is reached. This
        depends on is_resource_deleted being implemented

        :param str id: The id of the resource to check
        :raises TimeoutException: If the build_timeout has elapsed and the
                                  resource still hasn't been deleted
        start_time = int(time.time())
        while True:
            if self.is_resource_deleted(id):
            if int(time.time()) - start_time >= self.build_timeout:
                message = ('Failed to delete %(resource_type)s %(id)s within '
                           'the required time (%(timeout)s s).' %
                           {'resource_type': self.resource_type, 'id': id,
                            'timeout': self.build_timeout})
                caller = misc_utils.find_test_caller()
                if caller:
                    message = '(%s) %s' % (caller, message)
                raise exceptions.TimeoutException(message)
Exemple #3
def wait_for_image_status(client, image_id, status):
    """Waits for an image to reach a given status.

    The client should have a show_image(image_id) method to get the image.
    The client should also have build_interval and build_timeout attributes.
    image = client.show_image(image_id)
    start = int(time.time())

    while image['status'] != status:
        image = client.show_image(image_id)
        status_curr = image['status']
        if status_curr == 'ERROR':
            raise exceptions.AddImageException(image_id=image_id)

        # check the status again to avoid a false negative where we hit
        # the timeout at the same time that the image reached the expected
        # status
        if status_curr == status:

        if int(time.time()) - start >= client.build_timeout:
            message = ('Image %(image_id)s failed to reach %(status)s state'
                       '(current state %(status_curr)s) '
                       'within the required time (%(timeout)s s).' % {
                           'image_id': image_id,
                           'status': status,
                           'status_curr': status_curr,
                           'timeout': client.build_timeout
            caller = misc_utils.find_test_caller()
            if caller:
                message = '(%s) %s' % (caller, message)
            raise exceptions.TimeoutException(message)
Exemple #4
    def _log_request(self, method, req_url, resp,
                     secs="", req_headers=None,
                     req_body=None, resp_body=None):
        if req_headers is None:
            req_headers = {}
        # if we have the request id, put it in the right part of the log
        extra = dict(request_id=self._get_request_id(resp))
        # NOTE(sdague): while we still have 6 callers to this function
        # we're going to just provide work around on who is actually
        # providing timings by gracefully adding no content if they don't.
        # Once we're down to 1 caller, clean this up.
        caller_name = misc_utils.find_test_caller()
        if secs:
            secs = " %.3fs" % secs
            'Request (%s): %s %s %s%s' % (

        # Also look everything at DEBUG if you want to filter this
        # out, don't run at debug.
        if self.LOG.isEnabledFor(real_logging.DEBUG):
            self._log_request_full(method, req_url, resp, secs, req_headers,
                                   req_body, resp_body, caller_name, extra)
Exemple #5
def get_tenant_network(creds_provider, compute_networks_client):
    """Get a network usable by the primary tenant

    :param creds_provider: instance of credential provider
    :param compute_networks_client: compute network client. We want to have the
           compute network client so we can have use a common approach for both
           neutron and nova-network cases. If this is not an admin network
           client, set_network_kwargs might fail in case fixed_network_name
           is the network to be used, and it's not visible to the tenant
    :return a dict with 'id' and 'name' of the network
    caller = misc_utils.find_test_caller()
    fixed_network_name = CONF.compute.fixed_network_name
    net_creds = creds_provider.get_primary_creds()
    network = getattr(net_creds, 'network', None)
    if not network or not network.get('name'):
        if fixed_network_name:
            msg = ('No valid network provided or created, defaulting to '
            if caller:
                msg = '(%s) %s' % (caller, msg)
                network = get_network_from_name(fixed_network_name,
            except exceptions.InvalidConfiguration:
                network = {}
    msg = ('Found network %s available for tenant' % network)
    if caller:
        msg = '(%s) %s' % (caller, msg)
    return network
    def wait_for_image_status(self, image_id, status):
        """Waits for a Image to reach a given status."""
        start_time = time.time()
        old_value = value = self._get_image_status(image_id)
        while True:
            dtime = time.time() - start_time
            if value != old_value:
                    'Value transition from "%s" to "%s"'
                    'in %d second(s).', old_value, value, dtime)
            if value == status:
                return value

            if value == 'killed':
                raise exceptions.ImageKilledException(image_id=image_id,
            if dtime > self.build_timeout:
                message = ('Time Limit Exceeded! (%ds)'
                           'while waiting for %s, '
                           'but we got %s.' %
                           (self.build_timeout, status, value))
                caller = misc_utils.find_test_caller()
                if caller:
                    message = '(%s) %s' % (caller, message)
                raise exceptions.TimeoutException(message)
            old_value = value
            value = self._get_image_status(image_id)
Exemple #7
 def _log_request_start(self, method, req_url, req_headers=None,
     if req_headers is None:
         req_headers = {}
     caller_name = misc_utils.find_test_caller()
     if self.trace_requests and re.search(self.trace_requests, caller_name):
         self.LOG.debug('Starting Request (%s): %s %s' %
                        (caller_name, method, req_url))
Exemple #8
def get_network_from_name(name, compute_networks_client):
    """Get a full network dict from just a network name

    :param str name: the name of the network to use
    :param NetworksClient compute_networks_client: The network client
        object to use for making the network lists api request
    :return: The full dictionary for the network in question
    :rtype: dict
    :raises InvalidConfiguration: If the name provided is invalid, the networks
        list returns a 404, there are no found networks, or the found network
        is invalid
    caller = misc_utils.find_test_caller()

    if not name:
        raise exceptions.InvalidConfiguration()

    networks = compute_networks_client.list_networks()
    networks = [n for n in networks if n['label'] == name]

    # Check that a network exists, else raise an InvalidConfigurationException
    if len(networks) == 1:
        network = sorted(networks)[0]
    elif len(networks) > 1:
        msg = ("Network with name: %s had multiple matching networks in the "
               "list response: %s\n Unable to specify a single network" %
               (name, networks))
        if caller:
            msg = '(%s) %s' % (caller, msg)
        raise exceptions.InvalidConfiguration()
        msg = "Network with name: %s not found" % name
        if caller:
            msg = '(%s) %s' % (caller, msg)
        raise exceptions.InvalidConfiguration()
    # To be consistent between neutron and nova network always use name even
    # if label is used in the api response. If neither is present than then
    # the returned network is invalid.
    name = network.get('name') or network.get('label')
    if not name:
        msg = "Network found from list doesn't contain a valid name or label"
        if caller:
            msg = '(%s) %s' % (caller, msg)
        raise exceptions.InvalidConfiguration()
    network['name'] = name
    return network
    def wait_for_resource_status(self,
        @summary: Waits for a network resource to reach a status
        @param fetch: the callable to be used to query the resource status
        @type fecth: callable that takes no parameters and returns the resource
        @param status: the status that the resource has to reach
        @type status: String
        @param interval: the number of seconds to wait between each status
        @type interval: Integer
        @param timeout: the maximum number of seconds to wait for the resource
          to reach the desired status
        @type timeout: Integer
        if not interval:
            interval = self.build_interval
        if not timeout:
            timeout = self.build_timeout
        start_time = time.time()

        while time.time() - start_time <= timeout:
            resource = fetch()
            if resource['status'] == status:

        # At this point, the wait has timed out
        message = 'Resource %s' % (str(resource))
        message += ' failed to reach status %s' % status
        message += ' (current: %s)' % resource['status']
        message += ' within the required time %s' % timeout
        caller = misc.find_test_caller()
        if caller:
            message = '(%s) %s' % (caller, message)
        raise exceptions.TimeoutException(message)
Exemple #10
def wait_for_server_status(client,
    """Waits for a server to reach a given status."""
    def _get_task_state(body):
        return body.get('OS-EXT-STS:task_state', None)

    # NOTE(afazekas): UNKNOWN status possible on ERROR
    # or in a very early stage.
    body = client.show_server(server_id)
    old_status = server_status = body['status']
    old_task_state = task_state = _get_task_state(body)
    start_time = int(time.time())
    timeout = client.build_timeout + extra_timeout
    while True:
        # NOTE(afazekas): Now the BUILD status only reached
        # between the UNKNOWN->ACTIVE transition.
        # TODO(afazekas): enumerate and validate the stable status set
        if status == 'BUILD' and server_status != 'UNKNOWN':
        if server_status == status:
            if ready_wait:
                if status == 'BUILD':
                # NOTE(afazekas): The instance is in "ready for action state"
                # when no task in progress
                # NOTE(afazekas): Converted to string bacuse of the XML
                # responses
                if str(task_state) == "None":
                    # without state api extension 3 sec usually enough

        body = client.show_server(server_id)
        server_status = body['status']
        task_state = _get_task_state(body)
        if (server_status != old_status) or (task_state != old_task_state):
            LOG.info('State transition "%s" ==> "%s" after %d second wait',
                     '/'.join((old_status, str(old_task_state))), '/'.join(
                         (server_status, str(task_state))),
                     time.time() - start_time)
        if (server_status == 'ERROR') and raise_on_error:
            if 'fault' in body:
                raise exceptions.BuildErrorException(body['fault'],
                raise exceptions.BuildErrorException(server_id=server_id)

        timed_out = int(time.time()) - start_time >= timeout

        if timed_out:
            expected_task_state = 'None' if ready_wait else 'n/a'
            message = ('Server %(server_id)s failed to reach %(status)s '
                       'status and task state "%(expected_task_state)s" '
                       'within the required time (%(timeout)s s).' % {
                           'server_id': server_id,
                           'status': status,
                           'expected_task_state': expected_task_state,
                           'timeout': timeout
            message += ' Current status: %s.' % server_status
            message += ' Current task state: %s.' % task_state
            caller = misc_utils.find_test_caller()
            if caller:
                message = '(%s) %s' % (caller, message)
            raise exceptions.TimeoutException(message)
        old_status = server_status
        old_task_state = task_state