async def step_1(self, args): if REGISTER_WORD not in args: return Response('To continue the Registration process, you need to go to {} and read through everything. ' 'Follow the directions there and you\'ll be able to continue!'.format(DOCUMENTATION_FOR_BOT), pm=True ) else: self.step = 2 return Response('Great! Now that you\'ve read everything, time for the configuration! \n\nPlease make sure you respond with **ONLY** the information needed. ' 'Also, use `!skip` if you don\'t wish to complete a step or `!restart`if you want to start over!\nFor the first step, I\'ll need to know which ' 'roles which you\'d like me omit from my filtering. This step can be skipped!\n\t`example input: Moderators, Admin, Trusted`', pm=True )
async def step_7(self, args): if '!restart' in args: return await self.restart() if 'kick' in args or 'ban' in args or 'mute' in args or 'nothing' in args: self.server_config_build[6] = str(args[0]) else: return Response( 'I didn\'t quite catch that! The input I picked up doesn\'t seem to be correct!\nPlease try again!', pm=True) self.step = 8 return Response( 'Okay, got it. Added {} as the bad word action!\n\nNext up is the number of hours till a user is considered a long time member' '\n\t`example input: 36`'.format(args[0]), pm=True)
async def step_8(self, args): if '!restart' in args: return await self.restart() try: self.server_config_build[7] = int(args[0]) except: return Response( 'I didn\'t quite catch that! The input I picked up doesn\'t seem to be correct!\nPlease try again!', pm=True) self.step = 9 return Response( 'Okay, got it. Added {} as the number of hours till a user is considered a long time member!\n\nNext up is whether you want' 'moderator action reasons to be reported! I accept `True` or `False` as inputs' '\n\t`example input: True`'.format(args[0]), pm=True)
async def step_5(self, args): if '!restart' in args: return await self.restart() try: this = int(args[0]) self.server_config_build[1] = this except: return Response( 'I didn\'t quite catch that! The input I picked up doesn\'t seem to be correct!\nPlease try again!', pm=True) self.step = 6 return Response( 'Okay, got it. Added {} as the number of user given tokens per reset period!\n\nNext up is the word filter' '\n\t`example input:,, faggots`'.format(this), pm=True)
async def step_4(self, args): if '!restart' in args: return await self.restart() try: this = int(args[0]) self.server_config_build[2] = this except: return Response( 'I didn\'t quite catch that! The input I picked up doesn\'t seem to be correct!\nPlease try again!', pm=True) self.step = 5 return Response( 'Okay, got it. Added `{}` as the Token Reset Time!\n\nNext up is the number of tokens given to a user' '\n\t`example input: 5`'.format(this), pm=True)
async def restart(self): self.step = 2 self.build_empty_config() return Response('Please make sure you respond with **ONLY** the information needed. Also, use `!skip` if you don\'t wish to complete a step or ' '`!restart`if you want to start over!\nFor the first step, I\'ll need to know which roles which you\'d like me omit from my ' 'filtering\n\t`example input: Moderators, Admin, Trusted`', pm=True )
async def step_11(self, args): if '!restart' in args: return await self.restart() if args and '!skip' not in args: self.server_config_build[12] = args elif '!skip' in args: args = 'nothing since you decided to skip' else: return Response('I didn\'t quite catch that! The input I picked up doesn\'t seem to be correct!\nPlease try again!', pm=True) return Response('Okay, got it. Added {} to the list of ignored channels! \n\nThats it! Its over! Make sure you check out the syntax page' ' so that you can use me properly and I hope you have a nice day :D'.format( args ), pm=True, trigger=True )
async def step_3(self, args): if '!restart' in args: return await self.restart() if args and '!skip' not in args: self.server_config_build[14] = args elif '!skip' in args: args = 'nothing since you decided to skip' else: return Response( 'I didn\'t quite catch that! The input I picked up doesn\'t seem to be correct!\nPlease try again!', pm=True) self.step = 4 return Response( 'Okay, got it. Added {} to the list of privileged roles!\n\nNext up is token reset time in seconds' '\n\t`example input: 5`'.format(args), pm=True)
async def step_9(self, args): if '!restart' in args: return await self.restart() if args and '!skip' not in args: self.server_config_build[17] = args[0] elif '!skip' in args: args = 'the default server channel since you decided to skip' else: return Response('I didn\'t quite catch that! The input I picked up doesn\'t seem to be correct!\nPlease try again!', pm=True) self.step = 10 return Response('Okay, got it. Added {} as the channel to send all my broadcasts to!\n\nNext up is whether you want ' 'moderator action reasons to be reported! I accept `True` or `False` as inputs' '\n\t`example input: True`'.format( args ), pm=True )
async def step_2(self, args): if '!restart' in args: return await self.restart() if args and '!skip' not in args: self.server_config_build[3] = args elif '!skip' in args: args = 'nothing since you decided to skip' else: return Response( 'I didn\'t quite catch that! The input I picked up doesn\'t seem to be correct!\nPlease try again!', pm=True) self.step = 3 return Response( 'Okay, got it. Added {} to the list of white listed roles!\n\nNext up, I need to know which user groups you\'d like me to ' 'take orders from! They\'ll have full access to all of my commands.' '\n\t`example input: Moderators, Admin, Developers`'.format(args), pm=True)
async def step_0(self, args): self.step = 1 self.build_empty_config() return Response('Hello {}! Let\'s get your server `{}` set up and ready to roll! \nA few prerequisites before we continue, ' 'you\'ll need to make sure the bot has all of the permissions of a regular Moderator *ie: Manage Server, Channels, Roles,' 'Messages, ect.* Also be sure the check out {} for information on setting up the **Muted** role! \n\nNow, to start the Registration' ' process, you need to go to {} and read through it. Follow the directions there and you\'ll be able to continue!'.format(,, MUTED_IMGUR_SETUP_LINK, DOCUMENTATION_FOR_BOT ), pm=True )
async def step_10(self, args): if '!restart' in args: return await self.restart() if 'True' in args: self.server_config_build[10][0] = True args = 'will' elif 'False' in args: self.server_config_build[10][0] = False args = 'wont' else: return Response('I didn\'t quite catch that! The input I picked up doesn\'t seem to be correct!\nPlease try again!', pm=True) self.step = 11 return Response('Okay, got it. I {} report action reasons!\n\nFinally, I\'ll need to know which channels you\'d like me to ignore all together.' '\nMake sure its sent as the Channel ID which can be found by putting a `\` before the channel tag `ie \#channel_name` This step can be skipped!' '\n\t`example input: 130787272781070337, 77514836912644096`'.format( args ), pm=True )
async def step_8(self, args): if '!restart' in args: return await self.restart() try: if int(args[0]) > 10000000: return Response('The number you entered is too large! Please enter something more reasonable!\nPlease try again!', pm=True) self.server_config_build[7] = int(args[0]) except: return Response('I didn\'t quite catch that! The input I picked up doesn\'t seem to be correct!\nPlease try again!', pm=True) self.step = 9 return Response('Okay, got it. Added {} as the number of hours till a user is considered a long time member!\n\nNext up is the channel you\'d' 'like all my announcements of changes to go to!\nThese will be sent when Rhino needs to communicate with the moderation teams ' 'who use the bot about new commands, new features, ect.\nMake sure its sent as the Channel ID which can be found by putting a `\` before the channel tag `ie \#channel_name`' '\nThis step can be skipped!\n\t`example input: 135866654117724160`'.format( args[0] ), pm=True )
async def step_6(self, args): if '!restart' in args: return await self.restart() if args and '!skip' not in args: newargs = [] for thing in args: newargs.append(slugify(thing, stopwords=['https', 'http', 'www'], separator='_')) self.server_config_build[5] = newargs elif '!skip' in args: args = 'nothing since you decided to skip' else: return Response('I didn\'t quite catch that! The input I picked up doesn\'t seem to be correct!\nPlease try again!', pm=True) self.step = 7 return Response('Okay, got it. Added {} to the list of black listed strings!\n\nNext up is the action to be taken upon finding a ' 'blacklisted word or if a person is rate limited over 4 times! \nI\'ll take `kick / ban / mute / nothing` as input for this option!' ' \n\t`example input: mute`'.format( args ), pm=True )