Exemple #1
def measure_network(nidb):
    import autonetkit.measure as measure
    log.info("Measuring network")
    remote_hosts = [node.tap.ip for node in nidb.nodes("is_router")]
    dest_node = random.choice([n for n in nidb.nodes("is_l3device")])
    log.info("Tracing to randomly selected node: %s" % dest_node)
    dest_ip = dest_node.interfaces[0].ipv4_address  # choose random interface on this node

    command = "traceroute -n -a -U -w 0.5 %s" % dest_ip
    measure.send(nidb, command, remote_hosts, threads = 10)
    # abort after 10 fails, proceed on any success, 0.1 second timeout (quite aggressive)
    #command = 'vtysh -c "show ip route"'
    #measure.send(nidb, command, remote_hosts, threads = 5)
    remote_hosts = [node.tap.ip for node in nidb.nodes(
        "is_router") if node.bgp.ebgp_neighbors]
    command = "cat /var/log/zebra/bgpd.log"
def collect_sh_ip_route(anm, nidb, start_node = None):
    if not start_node:
        start_node = random.choice([n for n in nidb.nodes("is_router")])

    #TODO: move this to another module, eg measure
    import autonetkit.measure as measure
    import autonetkit.verify as verify
    import autonetkit
    command = 'vtysh -c "show ip route"'
    #TODO: make auto take tap ip if netkit platform node
    #TODO: auto make put into list if isinstance(remote_hosts, nidb_node)
    remote_hosts = [start_node.tap.ip]
    result = measure.send(nidb, command, remote_hosts)

    processed = []
    for line in result:
        processed.append([anm['ipv4'].node(n) for n in line])

    #TODO: move this into verify module
    verification_results = verify.igp_routes(anm, processed)
    processed_with_results = []
    for line in processed:
        prefix = str(line[-1].subnet)
            result = verification_results[prefix]
        except KeyError:
            result = False # couldn't find prefix
            'path': line,
            'verified': result,

    autonetkit.update_http(anm, nidb)
    ank_messaging.highlight([], [], processed_with_results)
def collect_sh_ip_route(anm, nidb, start_node=None):
    if not start_node:
        start_node = random.choice([n for n in nidb.nodes("is_router")])

    #TODO: move this to another module, eg measure
    import autonetkit.measure as measure
    import autonetkit.verify as verify
    import autonetkit
    command = 'vtysh -c "show ip route"'
    #TODO: make auto take tap ip if netkit platform node
    #TODO: auto make put into list if isinstance(remote_hosts, nidb_node)
    remote_hosts = [start_node.tap.ip]
    result = measure.send(nidb, command, remote_hosts)

    processed = []
    for line in result:
        processed.append([anm['ipv4'].node(n) for n in line])

    #TODO: move this into verify module
    verification_results = verify.igp_routes(anm, processed)
    processed_with_results = []
    for line in processed:
        prefix = str(line[-1].subnet)
            result = verification_results[prefix]
        except KeyError:
            result = False  # couldn't find prefix
            'path': line,
            'verified': result,

    autonetkit.update_http(anm, nidb)
    ank_messaging.highlight([], [], processed_with_results)
Exemple #4
def apply_difference(nidb_a, nidb_diff):
#TODO: batch node updates
        modified_nodes = nidb_diff['nodes']['m']
    except KeyError:
        print "no nodes modified"
        modified_nodes = {}
    ank_messaging.highlight(modified_nodes, [], [])

    for node_id, node_data in modified_nodes.items():
        nidb_node = nidb_a.node(node_id)
        #print nidb_node.tap.ip
        if "_interfaces" in node_data:
            for interface_id, interface_data in node_data['_interfaces'].items():
                interface = nidb_node.interface(interface_id)

                if 'ospf_cost' in interface_data:
                    cost_1 = interface_data['ospf_cost'][1]
                    cost_2 = interface_data['ospf_cost'][2]

                    #print "%s (%s) ospf_cost %s -> %s" % (interface.id, interface.description,
                            #cost_1, cost_2)

                    # TODO: use a template for this (even inline would be an improvement)
                    #TODO: can vtysh take \n delimeted data?
                    command = "\n".join([
                    "conf t",
                    "interface %s" % interface.id,
                    "ip ospf cost %s " % cost_2])

                    command = 'vtysh -c "%s"' % command
                    remote_hosts = [nidb_node.tap.ip]
                    measure.send(nidb_a, command, remote_hosts)
                    command = "show ip ospf interface %s" % interface.id
                    command = 'vtysh -c "%s"' % command
                    measure.send(nidb_a, command, remote_hosts)
def measure_network(anm, nidb):
    import autonetkit.measure as measure

    log.info("Measuring network")
    if 1:
        remote_hosts = [node.tap.ip for node in nidb.nodes("is_router")]
        dest_node = random.choice([n for n in nidb.nodes("is_l3device")])
        log.info("Tracing to randomly selected node: %s" % dest_node)
        dest_ip = dest_node.interfaces[
            0].ipv4_address  # choose random interface on this node
        command = "traceroute -n -a -U -w 0.5 %s" % dest_ip
        measure.send(nidb, command, remote_hosts, threads=10)
    # abort after 10 fails, proceed on any success, 0.1 second timeout (quite aggressive)
    if 0:
        collect_sh_ip_route(anm, nidb)

    if 0:
        #measure.send(nidb, command, remote_hosts, threads = 5)
        remote_hosts = [
            node.tap.ip for node in nidb.nodes("is_router")
            if node.bgp.ebgp_neighbors
        command = "cat /var/log/zebra/bgpd.log"
Exemple #6
def main():
    import argparse
    usage = "ank_measure_client"
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=usage)
    parser.add_argument('filename', default=None, help="Input topology")

    arguments = parser.parse_args()

    if arguments.filename:

        import build  # grabs build.py from example
        anm = build.build_overlays(arguments.filename)

        import compile  # grabs compile.py from example
        nidb = build.build_nidb(anm)
        messaging = ank_messaging.AnkMessaging()
        messaging.publish_anm(anm, nidb)

        host = "localhost"
        nk_compiler = compile.NetkitCompiler(nidb, anm, host)

            "No input file specified, attempting to load previously compiled network"
        # loading
        anm = autonetkit.anm.AbstractNetworkModel()
        nidb = autonetkit.nidb.NIDB()

    username = "******"
    host = ""
    if arguments.deploy:
        import autonetkit.deploy.netkit as nk_deploy
        dst_folder = nidb.topology['localhost'].render_dst_folder
        nk_deploy.deploy(host, username, dst_folder)

    if arguments.measure:
        """ Some notes on measurement:
        NOTE: Measure requires a remote host to be setup, and rabbitmq running, (by default ank will look on localhost)

 or for OS X: http://superuser.com/questions/464311/open-port-5672-tcp-for-access-to-rabbitmq-on-mac

 pip install pika
 pip install https://github.com/knipknap/exscript/tarball/master
 note this needs paramiko... which needs to compile. if you don't have python headers, eg in ubuntu: sudo apt-get install python-dev
 wget https://raw.github.com/sk2/autonetkit/master/autonetkit/measure_client.py
 sk2@ubuntu:~$ python measure_client.py --server
 where --server specifies the rabbitmq server
 can also use through ANK package:
 install ank through github, then install Exscript
 can then do:
 ank_measure_client --server

        import autonetkit.measure as measure
        log.info("Measuring network")
        remote_hosts = [node.tap.ip for node in nidb.routers()]
        #remote_hosts = remote_hosts[:3] # truncate for testing
        dest_node = random.choice(list(nidb.routers()))
        log.info("Tracing to randomly selected node: %s" % dest_node)
        dest_ip = dest_node.interfaces[
            0].ipv4_address  # choose random interface on this node
        command = "traceroute -n -a -U -w 0.5 %s" % dest_ip
        #command = 'vtysh -c "show ip route"'
        measure.send(nidb, command, remote_hosts, threads=20)

        # abort after 10 fails, proceed on any success, 0.1 second timeout (quite aggressive)
        #command = 'vtysh -c "show ip route"'
        remote_hosts = [
            node.tap.ip for node in nidb.routers() if node.bgp.ebgp_neighbors
        command = "cat /var/log/zebra/bgpd.log"
Exemple #7
def main():
    import argparse
    usage = "ank_measure_client"
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = usage)
    parser.add_argument('filename',  default= None, help="Input topology")   
    parser.add_argument('--deploy',  action="store_true", default= False, help="Deploy")        
    parser.add_argument('--measure',  action="store_true", default= False, help="Measure")        
    arguments = parser.parse_args()

    if arguments.filename:

        import build # grabs build.py from example
        anm = build.build_overlays(arguments.filename)

        import compile # grabs compile.py from example
        nidb = build.build_nidb(anm)
        messaging = ank_messaging.AnkMessaging()
        messaging.publish_anm(anm, nidb)

        host = "localhost"
        nk_compiler = compile.NetkitCompiler(nidb, anm, host)

        log.info("No input file specified, attempting to load previously compiled network")
        # loading
        anm = autonetkit.anm.AbstractNetworkModel()
        nidb = autonetkit.nidb.NIDB()

    username = "******"
    host = ""
    if arguments.deploy:
        import autonetkit.deploy.netkit as nk_deploy
        dst_folder = nidb.topology['localhost'].render_dst_folder
        nk_deploy.deploy(host, username, dst_folder)
    if arguments.measure:
        """ Some notes on measurement:
        NOTE: Measure requires a remote host to be setup, and rabbitmq running, (by default ank will look on localhost)

 or for OS X: http://superuser.com/questions/464311/open-port-5672-tcp-for-access-to-rabbitmq-on-mac

 pip install pika
 pip install https://github.com/knipknap/exscript/tarball/master
 note this needs paramiko... which needs to compile. if you don't have python headers, eg in ubuntu: sudo apt-get install python-dev
 wget https://raw.github.com/sk2/autonetkit/master/autonetkit/measure_client.py
 sk2@ubuntu:~$ python measure_client.py --server
 where --server specifies the rabbitmq server
 can also use through ANK package:
 install ank through github, then install Exscript
 can then do:
 ank_measure_client --server

        import autonetkit.measure as measure
        log.info("Measuring network")
        remote_hosts = [node.tap.ip for node in nidb.routers() ]
        #remote_hosts = remote_hosts[:3] # truncate for testing
        dest_node = random.choice(list(nidb.routers()))
        log.info("Tracing to randomly selected node: %s" % dest_node)
        dest_ip = dest_node.interfaces[0].ipv4_address # choose random interface on this node
        command = "traceroute -n -a -U -w 0.5 %s" % dest_ip 
        #command = 'vtysh -c "show ip route"'
        measure.send(nidb, command, remote_hosts, threads = 20)

        # abort after 10 fails, proceed on any success, 0.1 second timeout (quite aggressive)
        #command = 'vtysh -c "show ip route"'
        remote_hosts = [node.tap.ip for node in nidb.routers() if node.bgp.ebgp_neighbors]
        command = "cat /var/log/zebra/bgpd.log"