def create(preferred_backend=''): """Get an instance of the :py:class:`Touch` class. :param preferred_backend: A string containing a hint as to which backend you would like. If left blank, autopilot will pick a suitable backend for you. Specifying a backend will guarantee that either that backend is returned, or an exception is raised. possible backends are: * ``UInput`` - Use UInput kernel-level device driver. :raises: RuntimeError if autopilot cannot instantate any of the possible backends. :raises: RuntimeError if the preferred_backend is specified and is not one of the possible backends for this device class. :raises: :class:`~autopilot.BackendException` if the preferred_backend is set, but that backend could not be instantiated. """ def get_uinput_touch(): from autopilot.input._uinput import Touch return Touch() backends = OrderedDict() backends['UInput'] = get_uinput_touch return _pick_backend(backends, preferred_backend)
def create(preferred_backend=""): """Get an instance of the :py:class:`ProcessManager` class. For more infomration on picking specific backends, see :ref:`tut-picking-backends` :param preferred_backend: A string containing a hint as to which backend you would like. Possible backends are: * ``BAMF`` - Get process information using the BAMF Application Matching Framework. :raises: RuntimeError if autopilot cannot instantate any of the possible backends. :raises: RuntimeError if the preferred_backend is specified and is not one of the possible backends for this device class. :raises: :class:`~autopilot.BackendException` if the preferred_backend is set, but that backend could not be instantiated. """ def get_bamf_pm(): from autopilot.process._bamf import ProcessManager return ProcessManager() backends = OrderedDict() backends['BAMF'] = get_bamf_pm return _pick_backend(backends, preferred_backend)
def create(preferred_backend=''): """Get an instance of the :py:class:`Mouse` class. For more infomration on picking specific backends, see :ref:`tut-picking-backends` :param preferred_backend: A string containing a hint as to which backend you would like. Possible backends are: * ``X11`` - Generate mouse events using the X11 client libraries. :raises: RuntimeError if autopilot cannot instantate any of the possible backends. :raises: RuntimeError if the preferred_backend is specified and is not one of the possible backends for this device class. :raises: :class:`~autopilot.BackendException` if the preferred_backend is set, but that backend could not be instantiated. """ def get_x11_mouse(): from autopilot.input._X11 import Mouse return Mouse() def get_uinput_mouse(): # Return the Touch device for now as Mouse under a Mir desktop # is a challenge for now. from autopilot.input._uinput import Touch return Touch() backends = OrderedDict() backends['X11'] = get_x11_mouse backends['UInput'] = get_uinput_mouse return _pick_backend(backends, preferred_backend)
def create(preferred_backend=''): """Get an instance of the Display class. For more infomration on picking specific backends, see :ref:`tut-picking-backends` :param preferred_backend: A string containing a hint as to which backend you would like. possible backends are: * ``X11`` - Get display information from X11. * ``UPA`` - Get display information from the ubuntu platform API. :raises: RuntimeError if autopilot cannot instantate any of the possible backends. :raises: RuntimeError if the preferred_backend is specified and is not one of the possible backends for this device class. :raises: :class:`~autopilot.BackendException` if the preferred_backend is set, but that backend could not be instantiated. :returns: Instance of Display with appropriate backend. """ def get_x11_display(): from autopilot.display._X11 import Display return Display() def get_upa_display(): from autopilot.display._upa import Display return Display() backends = OrderedDict() backends['X11'] = get_x11_display backends['UPA'] = get_upa_display return _pick_backend(backends, preferred_backend)
def create(preferred_backend=''): """Get an instance of the :py:class:`Keyboard` class. For more infomration on picking specific backends, see :ref:`tut-picking-backends` For details regarding backend limitations please see: :ref:`Keyboard backend limitations<keyboard_backend_limitations>` .. warning:: The **OSK** (On Screen Keyboard) backend option does not implement either :py:meth:`press` or :py:meth:`release` methods due to technical implementation details and will raise a NotImplementedError exception if used. :param preferred_backend: A string containing a hint as to which backend you would like. Possible backends are: * ``X11`` - Generate keyboard events using the X11 client libraries. * ``UInput`` - Use UInput kernel-level device driver. * ``OSK`` - Use the graphical On Screen Keyboard as a backend. :raises: RuntimeError if autopilot cannot instantate any of the possible backends. :raises: RuntimeError if the preferred_backend is specified and is not one of the possible backends for this device class. :raises: :class:`~autopilot.BackendException` if the preferred_backend is set, but that backend could not be instantiated. """ def get_x11_kb(): from autopilot.input._X11 import Keyboard return Keyboard() def get_uinput_kb(): from autopilot.input._uinput import Keyboard return Keyboard() def get_osk_kb(): try: maliit = [ p for p in psutil.process_iter() if == 'maliit-server' ] if maliit: from autopilot.input._osk import Keyboard return Keyboard() else: raise RuntimeError('maliit-server is not running') except ImportError as e: e.args += ("Unable to import the OSK backend", ) raise backends = OrderedDict() backends['X11'] = get_x11_kb backends['OSK'] = get_osk_kb backends['UInput'] = get_uinput_kb return _pick_backend(backends, preferred_backend)