def __init__(self, mainLogger, dryRun=False, configFiles=('factory.conf',)):
        self.factoryMessages = logging.getLogger('main.factory')
        self.factoryMessages.debug('Factory class initialised.')

        self.dryRun = dryRun
        if configFiles != None:
            self.config = factoryConfigLoader(self.factoryMessages, configFiles)

        self.mon = None
            args = dict(self.config.config.items('Factory'))
            self.mon = Monitor(**args)
            self.factoryMessages.warn('Monitoring not configured')
class factory:
    def __init__(self, mainLogger, dryRun=False, configFiles=('factory.conf',)):
        self.factoryMessages = logging.getLogger('main.factory')
        self.factoryMessages.debug('Factory class initialised.')

        self.dryRun = dryRun
        if configFiles != None:
            self.config = factoryConfigLoader(self.factoryMessages, configFiles)

        self.mon = None
            args = dict(self.config.config.items('Factory'))
            self.mon = Monitor(**args)
            self.factoryMessages.warn('Monitoring not configured')

    def note(self, queue, msg):'%s: %s' % (queue,msg))
        if isinstance(self.mon, Monitor):
            nick = self.config.queues[queue]['nickname']
            self.mon.msg(nick, queue, msg)

    def getCondorStatus(self):
        # We query condor for jobs running as us (owner) and this factoryId so that multiple 
        # factories can run on the same machine
        # Ask for the output from condor to be in the form of "key=value" pairs so we can easily 
        # convert to a dictionary
        condorQuery = '''condor_q -constr '(owner=="''' + self.config.config.get('Factory', 'condorUser') + \
            '''") && stringListMember("PANDA_JSID=''' + self.config.config.get('Factory', 'factoryId') + \
            '''", Environment, " ")' -format 'jobStatus=%d ' JobStatus -format 'globusStatus=%d ' GlobusStatus -format 'gkUrl=%s' MATCH_gatekeeper_url -format '-%s ' MATCH_queue -format '%s\n' Environment'''
        self.factoryMessages.debug("condor query: %s" % (condorQuery))
        (condorStatus, condorOutput) = commands.getstatusoutput(condorQuery)
        if condorStatus != 0:
            raise CondorStatusFailure, 'Condor queue query returned %d: %s' % (condorStatus, condorOutput)
        # Count the number of queued pilots for each queue
        # For now simply divide into active and inactive pilots (JobStatus == or != 2)
            for queue in self.config.queues.keys():
                self.config.queues[queue]['pilotQueue'] = {'active' : 0, 'inactive' : 0, 'total' : 0,}
            for line in condorOutput.splitlines():
                statusItems = line.split()
                statusDict = {}
                for item in statusItems:
                        (key, value) = item.split('=', 1)
                        statusDict[key] = value
                    except ValueError:
                        self.factoryMessages.warning('Unexpected output from condor_q query: %s' % line)
                # We have encoded the factory queue name in the environment
                    self.config.queues[statusDict['FACTORYQUEUE']]['pilotQueue']['total'] += 1                
                    if statusDict['jobStatus'] == '2':
                        self.config.queues[statusDict['FACTORYQUEUE']]['pilotQueue']['active'] += 1
                        self.config.queues[statusDict['FACTORYQUEUE']]['pilotQueue']['inactive'] += 1
                except KeyError,e:
                    self.factoryMessages.debug('Key error from unusual condor status line: %s %s' % (e, line))
            for queue, queueParameters in self.config.queues.iteritems():
                self.factoryMessages.debug('Condor: %s, %s: pilot status: %s',  queueParameters['siteid'], 
                                           queue, queueParameters['pilotQueue'])
        except ValueError, errorMsg:
            raise CondorStatusFailure, 'Error in condor queue result: %s' % errorMsg