Exemple #1
def scatter_element_add(tensor, index, value, like=None):
    """In-place addition of a multidimensional value over various
    indices of a tensor.

        tensor (tensor_like[float]): Tensor to add the value to
        index (tuple or list[tuple]): Indices to which to add the value
        value (float or tensor_like[float]): Value to add to ``tensor``
        like (str): Manually chosen interface to dispatch to.
        tensor_like[float]: The tensor with the value added at the given indices.


    >>> tensor = torch.tensor([[0.1, 0.2, 0.3], [0.4, 0.5, 0.6]])
    >>> index = (1, 2)
    >>> value = -3.1
    >>> qml.math.scatter_element_add(tensor, index, value)
    tensor([[ 0.1000,  0.2000,  0.3000],
            [ 0.4000,  0.5000, -2.5000]])

    If multiple indices are given, in the form of a list of tuples, the
    ``k`` th tuple is interpreted to contain the ``k`` th entry of all indices:

    >>> indices = [(1, 0), (2, 1)] # This will modify the entries (1, 2) and (0, 1)
    >>> values = torch.tensor([10, 20])
    >>> qml.math.scatter_element_add(tensor, indices, values)
    tensor([[ 0.1000, 20.2000,  0.3000],
            [ 0.4000,  0.5000, 10.6000]])

    interface = like or _multi_dispatch([tensor, value])
    return np.scatter_element_add(tensor, index, value, like=interface)
Exemple #2
def cov_matrix(prob, obs, wires=None, diag_approx=False):
    """Calculate the covariance matrix of a list of commuting observables, given
    the joint probability distribution of the system in the shared eigenbasis.

    .. note::
        This method only works for **commuting observables.**
        If the probability distribution is the result of a quantum circuit,
        the quantum state must be rotated into the shared
        eigenbasis of the list of observables before measurement.

        prob (tensor_like): probability distribution
        obs (list[.Observable]): a list of observables for which
            to compute the covariance matrix for
        diag_approx (bool): if True, return the diagonal approximation
        wires (.Wires): The wire register of the system. If not provided,
            it is assumed that the wires are labelled with consecutive integers.

        tensor_like: the covariance matrix of size ``(len(obs), len(obs))``


    Consider the following ansatz and observable list:

    >>> obs_list = [qml.PauliX(0) @ qml.PauliZ(1), qml.PauliY(2)]
    >>> ansatz = qml.templates.StronglyEntanglingLayers

    We can construct a QNode to output the probability distribution in the shared eigenbasis of the

    .. code-block:: python

        dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=3)

        @qml.qnode(dev, interface="autograd")
        def circuit(weights):
            ansatz(weights, wires=[0, 1, 2])
            # rotate into the basis of the observables
            for o in obs_list:
            return qml.probs(wires=[0, 1, 2])

    We can now compute the covariance matrix:

    >>> weights = qml.init.strong_ent_layers_normal(n_layers=2, n_wires=3)
    >>> cov = qml.math.cov_matrix(circuit(weights), obs_list)
    >>> cov
    array([[0.98707611, 0.03665537],
         [0.03665537, 0.99998377]])

    Autodifferentiation is fully supported using all interfaces.
    Here we use autograd:

    >>> cost_fn = lambda weights: qml.math.cov_matrix(circuit(weights), obs_list)[0, 1]
    >>> qml.grad(cost_fn)(weights)[0]
    array([[[ 4.94240914e-17, -2.33786398e-01, -1.54193959e-01],
            [-3.05414996e-17,  8.40072236e-04,  5.57884080e-04],
            [ 3.01859411e-17,  8.60411436e-03,  6.15745204e-04]],
           [[ 6.80309533e-04, -1.23162742e-03,  1.08729813e-03],
            [-1.53863193e-01, -1.38700657e-02, -1.36243323e-01],
            [-1.54665054e-01, -1.89018172e-02, -1.56415558e-01]]])
    variances = []

    # diagonal variances
    for i, o in enumerate(obs):
        l = cast(o.eigvals, dtype=float64)
        w = o.wires.labels if wires is None else wires.indices(o.wires)
        p = marginal_prob(prob, w)

        res = dot(l**2, p) - (dot(l, p))**2

    cov = diag(variances)

    if diag_approx:
        return cov

    for i, j in itertools.combinations(range(len(obs)), r=2):
        o1 = obs[i]
        o2 = obs[j]

        o1wires = o1.wires.labels if wires is None else wires.indices(o1.wires)
        o2wires = o2.wires.labels if wires is None else wires.indices(o2.wires)
        shared_wires = set(o1wires + o2wires)

        l1 = cast(o1.eigvals, dtype=float64)
        l2 = cast(o2.eigvals, dtype=float64)
        l12 = cast(np.kron(l1, l2), dtype=float64)

        p1 = marginal_prob(prob, o1wires)
        p2 = marginal_prob(prob, o2wires)
        p12 = marginal_prob(prob, shared_wires)

        res = dot(l12, p12) - dot(l1, p1) * dot(l2, p2)

        cov = np.scatter_element_add(cov, [i, j], res)
        cov = np.scatter_element_add(cov, [j, i], res)

    return cov