Exemple #1
def get_group_counts(group_by, header_groups=[], fixed_headers={},
                     machine_label_headers={}, extra_select_fields={},
    Queries against TestView grouping by the specified fields and computings
    counts for each group.
    * group_by should be a list of field names.
    * extra_select_fields can be used to specify additional fields to select
      (usually for aggregate functions).
    * header_groups can be used to get lists of unique combinations of group
      fields.  It should be a list of tuples of fields from group_by.  It's
      primarily for use by the spreadsheet view.
    * fixed_headers can map header fields to lists of values.  the header will
      guaranteed to return exactly those value.  this does not work together
      with header_groups.
    * machine_label_headers can specify special headers to be constructed from
      machine labels.  It should map arbitrary names to lists of machine labels.
      a field will be created with the given name containing a comma-separated
      list indicating which of the given machine labels are on each test.  this
      field can then be grouped on.

    Returns a dictionary with two keys:
    * header_values contains a list of lists, one for each header group in
      header_groups.  Each list contains all the values for the corresponding
      header group as tuples.
    * groups contains a list of dicts, one for each row.  Each dict contains
      keys for each of the group_by fields, plus a 'group_count' key for the
      total count in the group, plus keys for each of the extra_select_fields.
      The keys for the extra_select_fields are determined by the "AS" alias of
      the field.
    extra_select_fields = dict(extra_select_fields)
    query = models.TestView.objects.get_query_set_with_joins(
        filter_data, include_host_labels=bool(machine_label_headers))
    query = models.TestView.query_objects(filter_data, initial_query=query)
    count_alias, count_sql = models.TestView.objects.get_count_sql(query)
    extra_select_fields[count_alias] = count_sql
    if 'test_idx' not in group_by:
        extra_select_fields['test_idx'] = 'test_idx'

    group_processor = tko_rpc_utils.GroupDataProcessor(query, group_by,
    return rpc_utils.prepare_for_serialization(group_processor.get_info_dict())
Exemple #2
def get_latest_tests(group_by, header_groups=[], fixed_headers={},
                     machine_label_headers={}, extra_info=[], **filter_data):
    Similar to get_status_counts, but return only the latest test result per
    group.  It still returns the same information (i.e. with pass count etc.)
    for compatibility.
    @param extra_info a list containing the field names that should be returned
                      with each cell. The fields are returned in the extra_info
                      field of the return dictionary.
    # find latest test per group
    query = models.TestView.objects.get_query_set_with_joins(
        filter_data, include_host_labels=bool(machine_label_headers))
    query = models.TestView.query_objects(filter_data, initial_query=query)
    extra_fields = {'latest_test_idx' : 'MAX(%s)' %

    group_processor = tko_rpc_utils.GroupDataProcessor(query, group_by,
    info = group_processor.get_info_dict()

    # fetch full info for these tests so we can access their statuses
    all_test_ids = [group['latest_test_idx'] for group in info['groups']]
    test_views = models.TestView.objects.in_bulk(all_test_ids)

    for group_dict in info['groups']:
        test_idx = group_dict.pop('latest_test_idx')
        group_dict['test_idx'] = test_idx
        test_view = test_views[test_idx]

        tko_rpc_utils.add_status_counts(group_dict, test_view.status)
        group_dict['extra_info'] = []
        for field in extra_info:
            group_dict['extra_info'].append(getattr(test_view, field))

    return rpc_utils.prepare_for_serialization(info)