def test_output_tailing(self):
        shell_command = ShellCommand(delay=DELAY)
        output_reader, output_writer = Pipe(duplex=False)
        command = 'echo "Hello"; sleep 1; echo "Bye"'
        process = Process(target=shell_command,
                          args=(output_writer, command),

        self.assertEqual(list(read_messages(output_reader, timeout=DELAY)), [
            '[Command: {}] -- Starting...'.format(command), '[STDOUT] -- Hello'
        self.assertEqual(list(read_messages(output_reader, timeout=DELAY)),
                         ['[STDOUT] -- Bye'])
Exemple #2
def serialize_step_data(context, timeout=0.1):
    """Serialize the step data in the context dictionary.

    :param context: The context mapping of the following form:
                        'step_data': {
                            <step id>: {
                                # All fields are optional in this sub-dictionary
                                'rw_connection':    The connection used to for two-way communication with a step.
                                'ro_connection':    The connection used for one-way communication out of a step.
                                'io':               The I/O messages collected from a step.
                                'output':           The output messages collected from a step.
                                'return_value:      The return value of running a step.
                                'exception':        The exception raised by the step.
                        # Other custom fields.
    :param timeout: The timeout in seconds to wait for messages from the step (I/O and output).
    :return:        A dictionary of the form:
                        <ID of Step 1>: {
                            'return_value': <The value returned by running the step> or None,
                            'exception': <Any exception raised by the step> or None,
                            'io': <List of messages sent to and from the step> or [],
                            'output': <List of output messages sent from the step> or [],
    serialized_step_data = {}
    for step_id, step_data in context['step_data'].items():
        io = list(read_messages(step_data['rw_connection'], timeout=timeout)) \
            if 'rw_connection' in step_data else []
        output = list(read_messages(step_data['ro_connection'], timeout=timeout)) \
            if 'ro_connection' in step_data else []
        step_data.setdefault('io', []).extend(io)
        step_data.setdefault('output', []).extend(output)

        serialized_step_data[step_id] = {
            'return_value': step_data.get('return_value'),
            'exception': step_data.get('exception'),
            'io': step_data['io'],
            'output': step_data['output']
    return serialized_step_data
 def test_successful_run(self):
     shell_command = ShellCommand(delay=DELAY)
     output_reader, output_writer = Pipe(duplex=False)
     shell_command(output_writer, 'echo "Hello"')
         list(read_messages(output_reader, timeout=DELAY)),
         ['[Command: echo "Hello"] -- Starting...', '[STDOUT] -- Hello'])
 def test_output_filter(self):
     shell_command = ShellCommand(stdout_filter=lambda x: x
                                  if 'Hello' not in x else None,
     output_reader, output_writer = Pipe(duplex=False)
     shell_command(output_writer, 'echo "Hello\nBye"')
         list(read_messages(output_reader, timeout=DELAY)),
         ['[Command: echo "Hello\nBye"] -- Starting...', '[STDOUT] -- Bye'])
    def test_shell_command_step(self):
        shell_command = ShellCommand(delay=DELAY)
        output_reader, output_writer = Pipe(duplex=False)
        step = Step(shell_command)
        step.start(output_writer, 'echo "Hello"')

        self.assertEqual(str(step), str(shell_command))
            list(read_messages(output_reader, timeout=DELAY)),
            ['[Command: echo "Hello"] -- Starting...', '[STDOUT] -- Hello'])
 def test_stdin(self):
     shell_command = ShellCommand(delay=DELAY)
     output_reader, output_writer = Pipe(duplex=False)
     input_reader, input_writer = Pipe(duplex=False)
                   'read a; echo $a',
         list(read_messages(output_reader, timeout=DELAY)),
         ['[Command: read a; echo $a] -- Starting...', '[STDOUT] -- foo'])
    def test_error_detection(self):
        shell_command = ShellCommand(error_filter=lambda x: x
                                     if 'Error' in x else None,
        output_reader, output_writer = Pipe(duplex=False)

        with self.assertRaises(ShellCommandFailedError):
            shell_command(output_writer, 'echo "Hello\nSome Error"')

        self.assertEqual(list(read_messages(output_reader, timeout=DELAY)), [
            '[Command: echo "Hello\nSome Error"] -- Starting...',
            '[STDOUT] -- Hello'
    def test_error_filter(self):
        shell_command = ShellCommand(stderr_filter=lambda x: None
                                     if 'No such file' in x else x,
        output_reader, output_writer = Pipe(duplex=False)
        filename = 'foo_bar_baz'
        command = 'ls {}'.format(filename)

        with self.assertRaises(ShellCommandFailedError):
            shell_command(output_writer, command)

        self.assertEqual(list(read_messages(output_reader, timeout=DELAY)), [
            '[Command: {}] -- Starting...'.format(command),
    def test_exit_code_check(self):
        shell_command = ShellCommand(delay=DELAY)
        output_reader, output_writer = Pipe(duplex=False)
        filename = 'foo_bar_baz'
        command = 'ls {}'.format(filename)

        with self.assertRaises(ShellCommandFailedError):
            shell_command(output_writer, command)

        stdout = list(read_messages(output_reader, timeout=DELAY))
                         '[Command: {}] -- Starting...'.format(command))
        self.assertIn('[STDERR] -- ', stdout[1])
        self.assertIn('No such file or directory', stdout[1])
    def test_exit_code_filter(self):
        shell_command = ShellCommand(exit_code_filter=lambda x: None
                                     if x != 0 else x,
        output_reader, output_writer = Pipe(duplex=False)
        filename = 'foo_bar_baz'
        command = 'ls {}'.format(filename)

        shell_command(output_writer, command)

        stdout = list(read_messages(output_reader, timeout=DELAY))
                         '[Command: {}] -- Starting...'.format(command))
        self.assertIn('[STDERR] -- ', stdout[1])
        self.assertIn('No such file or directory', stdout[1])
Exemple #11
    def __call__(self, output_writer, command, input_reader=None, shell=False):
        """Runs the system command, send STDOUT and STDERR messages to the output_writer and relay
        messages from the input_reader to STDIN.

        This callable does the following:
        1. Runs the system command as a sub-process.
        2. Reads the messages from STDOUT and STDERR.
        3. Check for errors. (See __init__). Raises ShellCommandFailedError if any errors are detected.
        4. Filter out STDOUT and STDERR messages (See __init__).
        5. Send the messages using the output_writer's send() method.
        6. Read any messages received at the input_reader and relay them to STDIN.
        7. Once the command completes, checks the exit code. Raises ShellCommandFailedError based on the exit code.

        :param output_writer:   A multiprocessing.Connection like object that supports a send(<utf-8 string>) method.
                                All output message (STDOUT and STDERR) will be written to this connection. They will be
                                formatted and prefixed with "STDOUT" and "STDERR" respectively.
        :param command:         The system command to run as a string. E.g., 'ls -l'
        :param input_reader:    A multiprocessing.Connection like object that supports the poll(<timeout>) and recv()
                                Any messages received here will be written to the STDIN of the command being run.
        :param shell:           The shell argument (which defaults to False) specifies whether to use the shell as the
                                program to execute.
        :return:                None.
        output_writer.send('[Command: {}] -- Starting...'.format(command))

        # If shell is True, it is recommended to pass args as a string rather than as a sequence. (Python docs)
        command = shlex.split(command) if shell is False else command
        command_process, stdin, stdout, stderr = run_shell_command(command,

        processes = [command_process]
        stdout_reader, stdout_writer = Pipe(duplex=False)
        stderr_reader, stderr_writer = Pipe(duplex=False)
        processes.append(create_stream_listener(stdout, stdout_writer))
        processes.append(create_stream_listener(stderr, stderr_writer))
        if input_reader:
            processes.append(create_stream_writer(input_reader, stdin))

        while True:
            # The process may be running at the start of the loop and may finish when the loop body is handling the
            # messages (e.g., the process may write messages to STDOUT when the messages from STDERR are being handled)
            # To avoid such messages being lost, we collect the process state before handling messages and decide to
            # continue the loop if the process was running when we started reading messages. Doing this later may cause
            # messages to be lost.
            exit_code = command_process.poll()

                    ('[STDOUT] -- {}'.format(message)
                     for message in self._filter_messages(
                         read_messages(stdout_reader, timeout=self.delay),
                    ('[STDERR] -- {}'.format(message)
                     for message in self._filter_messages(
                         read_messages(stderr_reader), self.stderr_filter)))
            except ShellCommandFailedError:

            if exit_code is not None:


        if self.exit_code_filter(exit_code):
            raise ShellCommandFailedError(
                '[Command: {command}] -- Failed with exit code: {exit_code}'.
                format(command=command, exit_code=exit_code))