async def on_end(self): print('before finishing my behaviour, i\'m going to check my friends') friends_guid = [] for g in agent_guid_pool: friends_guid += am.get_friends(g) for g in friends_guid: for i in range(len(spy.users_retrived)): if spy.users_retrived[i].guid == g: spy.users_retrived[i].is_friend = True print('process finished') print('Reporting stats...') print(len(spy.users_retrived)) am.plot_results(spy.users_retrived)
async def on_start(self): print('Hello i\'m ' + self.agent.agName) friends_guid = [] friends_guid += am.get_friends(self.agent.guid) print('process finished') for g in friends_guid: usr = usuario.Usuario(g, True, True) self.agent.users_retrived += [usr] indexes = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] random.shuffle(indexes) for i in indexes: res = requests.get('http://localhost/services/api/rest/json/?', params={ 'method': 'users.select_users', 'theme': i, 'agentGUID': self.agent.guid }) if res: print('users information response received') content = res.json() if content['status'] == 0: print('users information status good') content = content['result'] for k in content.keys(): if int(k) not in agent_guid_pool: aux = am.get_user(self.agent.users_retrived, int(k)) if aux == -1: usr = usuario.Usuario(int(k), False, False) usr.information.append((i, content[k])) self.agent.users_retrived += [usr] else: self.agent.users_retrived.remove(aux) aux.information.append((i, content[k])) self.agent.users_retrived += [aux] print( 'users to be contacted and users indexed by theme correctly created with theme ' + str(i)) print('start behaviour finished')
async def on_end(self): # report_info() # time.sleep(300) # simulates the 5-minutes waiting time. Otherwise the last message hasn't wait time. print('before finishing my behaviour, i\'m going to check my friends') for g in agent_guid_pool: print(str(g)) f = am.get_friends(g) spy.friends += f f_prima = list(set(f) - set(spy.initial_friends)) spy.new_friends_by_identity[g] = f_prima print(spy.new_friends_by_identity) spy.friends = am.unique(spy.friends) spy.initial_friends = am.unique(spy.initial_friends) print('friendlist updated') print('Reporting stats...') print('At the beginning of my duty, i had: ' + str(len(spy.initial_friends)) + ' friends') print('Now, at the end, i have: ' + str(len(spy.friends)) + ' friends') if len(spy.friends) > len(spy.initial_friends): new_friends = list(set(spy.friends) - set(spy.initial_friends)) print('This means that users with guids: ' + str(new_friends) + ' have added me because of my messages') am.plot_results(spy.users_removed, spy.total_users, spy.new_friends_by_identity) await self.agent.stop()
async def on_start(self): # get_agent_friends(), select_users() print('Hello i\'m ' + spy.agName) for g in agent_guid_pool: spy.friends += am.get_friends(g) print('friends added') spy.initial_friends = spy.friends print('i\'m now getting users information') indexes = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] random.shuffle(indexes) for i in indexes: res = requests.get('http://localhost/services/api/rest/json/?', params={'method': 'users.select_users', 'theme': i, 'agentGUID': spy.guid} ) if res: print('users information response received') print(res.text) content = res.json() if content['status'] == 0: print('users information status good') content = content['result'] for k in content.keys(): if int(k) not in spy.friends or int(k) != spy.guid: # if it isn't a friend tups = spy.users_information.get(int(k), []) spy.users_information[int(k)] = tups + [( i, content[k], 0)] # save the user to be contacted later print('users to be contacted and users indexed by theme correctly created with theme ' + str(i)) else: print('status ' + str(i) + ' incorrect') print(content) else: print('res ' + str(i) + ' failed') print(res.json()) spy.total_users = len(spy.users_information.keys()) print('start behaviour finished')
async def run(self): # get_friends -> send_message() -> send_friend_request() to_rm = [] print('before starting sending messages') spy.friends += am.get_friends(spy.guid) spy.friends = am.unique(spy.friends) print('friendlist updated') print('preparing to send a lot of messages') users = spy.users_information.keys() for usr in users: info = spy.users_information[usr] print(info) conver = am.check_conversation(info) sub, con, new_info = am.head_body_selector(conver, info[-1], spy.agName) print('user selected, about to send him a message') if usr not in spy.friends or spy.users_removed.get(usr, []) == []: print('this user is not my friend, so let\'s go') sender ='http://localhost/services/api/rest/json/?', params={'method': 'users.send_message', 'agentGUID': spy.guid, 'receiverGUID': usr, 'subject': sub, 'content': con}) if sender: print('message sent with exit with status: ' + str(sender.json())) else: print('message sent failed') print(sender.json()) print('after sending the message, i\'m going to send a friend request') sender ='http://localhost/services/api/rest/json/?', params={'method': 'users.send_Friend_Request', 'agentGUID': spy.guid, 'receiverGUID': usr}) if sender: print('message sent with exit with status: ' + str(sender.json())) content = sender.json() if content['status'] == -1: print('I\'ve already sent him a friend request and he hasn\'t answered yet') else: print('message sent failed') print(sender.json()) if new_info[-1] > 2: print('last contact with ' + str(usr) + ' about ' + new_info[1]) spy.neds_change = True spy.users_information[usr] = am.update_dict_value(info, new_info) else: print('user ' + str(usr) + ' already is my friend, so my job with him is done.' + ' Removing him from the contact list. i\'ve sent him ' + str(conver[-1]) + ' messages about ' + conver[1]) to_rm += [usr] for u in to_rm: spy.users_removed[u] = spy.users_information.pop(u, -1) if spy.neds_change: if spy.changes_count < spy.max_changes: spy.changes_count += 1 spy.agName = agent_name_pool[spy.changes_count] spy.guid = agent_guid_pool[spy.changes_count] spy.neds_change = False print("Now i\'m " + spy.agName) else: self.kill() if not spy.users_information: self.kill()
async def run(self): print('before starting sending messages') friends_guid = [] friends_guid += am.get_friends(spy.guid) friends_guid = am.unique(friends_guid) for f in friends_guid: print(f) for i in range(len(spy.users_retrived)): if f == spy.users_retrived[i].guid: print('making an user my friend') spy.users_retrived[i].is_friend = True print('friendlist updated') print('preparing to send a lot of messages') for i in range(len(spy.users_retrived)): u = spy.users_retrived[i] print(u.to_String()) print('user selected, about to send him a message') if not u.is_friend: info = u.information[0] # no ha hecho falta check_conversation sub, con = am.head_body_selector(info, u.messages_received, spy.agName) spy.users_retrived[i].themes_contacted += [info[0]] spy.users_retrived[i].last_theme = info[0] spy.users_retrived[i].contacted_by = spy.agName print('this user is not my friend, so let\'s go') sender ='http://localhost/services/api/rest/json/?', params={'method': 'users.send_message', 'agentGUID': spy.guid, 'receiverGUID': u.guid, 'subject': sub, 'content': con}) if sender: print('message sent with exit with status: ' + str(sender.json())) spy.users_retrived[i].messages_received += 1 else: print('message sent failed') print(sender.json()) print('after sending the message, i\'m going to send a friend request') sender ='http://localhost/services/api/rest/json/?', params={'method': 'users.send_Friend_Request', 'agentGUID': spy.guid, 'receiverGUID': u.guid}) if sender: print('message sent with exit with status: ' + str(sender.json())) content = sender.json() if content['status'] == -1: print('I\'ve already sent him a friend request and he hasn\'t answered yet') else: if not u.initially_friend: print('user ' + str(u.guid) + ' already is my friend, so my job with him is done.' + ' Removing him from the contact list. i\'ve sent him ' + str(u.messages_received) + ' messages about ' + str(u.last_theme)) if spy.users_retrived[i].messages_received > 0 and spy.users_retrived[i].messages_received % 3 == 0: spy.users_retrived[i].information.pop(0) spy.require_pers_change = True if spy.require_pers_change: if spy.count < spy.max_changes: spy.count += 1 spy.agName = agent_name_pool[spy.count] spy.guid = agent_guid_pool[spy.count] spy.require_pers_change = False print("Now i\'m " + spy.agName) else: self.kill()
async def run(self): print('before starting sending messages') friends_guid = [] friends_guid += am.get_friends(self.agent.guid) friends_guid = am.unique(friends_guid) for f in friends_guid: print(f) for i in range(len(self.agent.users_retrived)): if f == self.agent.users_retrived[i].guid: print('making an user my friend') self.agent.users_retrived[i].is_friend = True print('friendlist updated') print('preparing to send a lot of messages') for i in range(len(self.agent.users_retrived)): u = self.agent.users_retrived[i] print(u.to_String()) print('user selected, about to send him a message') if not u.is_friend: if u.current_info is None: index = random.randint(0, len(u.information) - 1) u.current_info = u.information[index] info = u.current_info # no ha hecho falta check_conversation sub, con = am.head_body_selector(info, u.messages_received, self.agent.agName) self.agent.users_retrived[i].themes_contacted += [info[0]] self.agent.users_retrived[i].last_theme = info[0] self.agent.users_retrived[ i].contacted_by = self.agent.agName print('this user is not my friend, so let\'s go') sender = 'http://localhost/services/api/rest/json/?', params={ 'method': 'users.send_message', 'agentGUID': self.agent.guid, 'receiverGUID': u.guid, 'subject': sub, 'content': con }) if sender: print('message sent with exit with status: ' + str(sender.json())) self.agent.users_retrived[i].messages_received += 1 else: print('message sent failed') print(sender.json()) else: if not u.initially_friend: print( 'user ' + str(u.guid) + ' already is my friend, so my job with him is done.' + ' Removing him from the contact list. i\'ve sent him ' + str(u.messages_received) + ' messages about ' + str(u.last_theme)) if self.agent.users_retrived[ i].messages_received > 0 and self.agent.users_retrived[ i].messages_received % 3 == 0: # self.agent.users_retrived[i].information.pop(0) self.agent.is_done = True if self.agent.is_done: self.kill()