def energy_mode(A, b, m, S, sDyn):

    Energy for the double-well SDE, and related quantities (including gradients).

    A         : variational linear parameters (N x 1).
    b         : variational offset parameters (N x 1).
    m         : narginal means (N x 1).
    S         : marginal variances  (N x 1).
    sDyn      : structure containing additional parameters.

    Esde      : total energy of the sde.
    Ef        : average drift (N x 1).
    Edf       : average differentiated drift (N x 1).
    dEsde_dm  : gradient of Esde w.r.t. the means (N x 1).
    dEsde_dS  : gradient of Esde w.r.t. the covariance (N x 1).
    dEsde_dth : gradient of Esde w.r.t. the parameter theta.
    dEsde_dSig: gradient of Esde w.r.t. the parameter Sigma.

    NOTE: The equation numbers correspond to the paper:

       author = {Cedric Archambeau, Manfred Opper, Yuan Shen, Dan Cornford and
       J. Shawe-Taylor},title = {Variational Inference for Diffusion Processes},
       booktitle = {Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},
       year = {2007}

    Copyright (c) Michail D. Vrettas, PhD - November 2015.

    Last Updated: November 2015.

    # Find the time step.
    dt = sDyn['dt']

    # Extract the drift parameter.
    theta = sDyn['theta']

    # Inverse noise variance.
    SigInv = 1.0 / sDyn['Sig']

    # Observation times.
    idx = sDyn['obsX']

    # Higher order Gaussian Moments.
    Ex2 = momGauss(m, S, 2)

    # Precompute these quantities only once.
    Q1 = (theta - A)**2
    Q2 = A * b

    # Energy from the sDyn: Eq(7)
    varQ = Ex2 * Q1 + 2 * m * (theta - A) * b + b**2
    Esde = 0.5 * SigInv * mytrapz(varQ, dt, idx)

    # Average drift.
    Ef = -theta * m

    # Average gradient of drift.
    Edf = -theta * np.ones(m.shape)

    # Gradients of Esde w.r.t. 'm' and 'S'.
    dEsde_dm = SigInv * (m * (theta - A)**2 + theta * b - Q2)
    dEsde_dS = 0.5 * SigInv * Q1

    # Gradients of Esde w.r.t. 'Theta'.
    dEsde_dth = SigInv * mytrapz(Ex2 * (theta - A) + m * b, dt, idx)

    # Gradients of Esde w.r.t. 'Sigma'.
    dEsde_dSig = -SigInv * Esde

    # --->
    return Esde, Ef, Edf, dEsde_dm, dEsde_dS, dEsde_dth, dEsde_dSig
Exemple #2
def energy_mode(A, b, m, S, sDyn):
        ENERGY MODE:
    Energy for the stocastic Lorenz 63 DE (3 dimensional) and related quantities
    (including gradients).
    A         : variational linear parameters (N x D x D).
    b         : variational offset parameters (N x D).
    m         : narginal means (N x D).
    S         : marginal variances  (N x D x D).
    sDyn      : structure containing additional parameters.
    Esde      : total energy of the sde.
    Ef        : average drift (N x D).
    Edf       : average differentiated drift (N x D).
    dEsde_dm  : gradient of Esde w.r.t. the means (N x D).
    dEsde_dS  : gradient of Esde w.r.t. the covariance (N x D x D).
    dEsde_dth : gradient of Esde w.r.t. the parameter theta.
    dEsde_dSig: gradient of Esde w.r.t. the parameter Sigma.
    NOTE: The equation numbers correspond to the paper:
       author = {Cedric Archambeau and Manfred Opper and Yuan Shen
                 and Dan Cornford and J. Shawe-Taylor},
       title = {Variational Inference for Diffusion Processes},
       booktitle = {Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},
       year = {2007}
    Copyright (c) Michail D. Vrettas, PhD - November 2015.
    Last Updated: November 2015.

    # {N}umber of discretised points
    N = sDyn['N']

    # Time discretiastion step.
    dt = sDyn['dt']

    # Inverse System Noise.
    SigInv = np.linalg.inv(sDyn['Sig'])

    # Observation times.
    idx = sDyn['obsX']

    # Diagonal elements of inverse Sigma.
    diagSigI = np.diag(SigInv)

    # Energy from the sde.
    Esde = np.zeros((N, 1), dtype='float64')

    # Average drift.
    Ef = np.zeros((N, 3), dtype='float64')

    # Average gradient of drift.
    Edf = np.zeros((N, 3, 3), dtype='float64')

    # Gradients of Esde w.r.t. 'm' and 'S'.
    dEsde_dm = np.zeros((N, 3), dtype='float64')
    dEsde_dS = np.zeros((N, 3, 3), dtype='float64')

    # Gradients of Esde w.r.t. 'Theta'.
    dEsde_dth = np.zeros((N, 3), dtype='float64')

    # Gradients of Esde w.r.t. 'Sigma'.
    dEsde_dSig = np.zeros((N, 3), dtype='float64')

    # Drift parameters.
    vS, vR, vB = sDyn['theta']

    # Compute the quantities iteratively.
    for t in range(N):
        # Get the values at time 't'.
        At = A[t, :, :]
        bt = b[t, :]
        St = S[t, :, :]
        mt = m[t, :]

        # Compute the energy and the related gradients.
        Efg, Edm, EdS = Energy_dm_dS(At, bt, mt, St, diagSigI, sDyn)

        # Energy Esde(t):
        Esde[t] = 0.5 *

        # Gradient dEsde(t)/dm(t):
        dEsde_dm[t, :] = Edm

        # Gradient dEsde(t)/dS(t):
        dEsde_dS[t, :, :] = EdS

        # Average drift: <f(Xt)>
        Ef[t,:] =  np.array([(vS*(mt[1] - mt[0])),\
                             (vR*mt[0] - mt[1] - St[2,0] - mt[0]*mt[2]),\
                             (St[1,0] + mt[0]*mt[1] - vB*mt[2])])

        # Average gradient of drift: <Df(Xt)>
        Edf[t,:,:] = np.array([[-vS, vS, 0], [(vR - mt[2]), -1, -mt[0]],\
                               [mt[1], mt[0], -vB]])

        # Gradients of Esde w.r.t. 'Theta'.
        dEsde_dth[t, :] = Efg_drift_theta(At, bt, mt, St, sDyn)

        # Gradients of Esde w.r.t. 'Sigma'.
        dEsde_dSig[t, :] = Efg
    # ...

    # Compute energy using numerical integration.
    Esde = mytrapz(Esde, dt, idx)

    # Final adjustments for the (hyper)-parameters.
    dEsde_dth = diagSigI * mytrapz(dEsde_dth, dt, idx)

    # Final adjustments for the System noise.
    dEsde_dSig = -0.5 *, dt,

    # --->
    return Esde, Ef, Edf, dEsde_dm, dEsde_dS, dEsde_dth, dEsde_dSig
Exemple #3
def energy_mode(A, b, m, S, sDyn):

    Energy for the double-well SDE and related quantities (including gradients).

    A         : variational linear parameters (N x 1).
    b         : variational offset parameters (N x 1).
    m         : narginal means (N x 1).
    S         : marginal variances  (N x 1).
    sDyn      : structure containing additional parameters.

    Esde      : total energy of the sde.
    Ef        : average drift (N x 1).
    Edf       : average differentiated drift (N x 1).
    dEsde_dm  : gradient of Esde w.r.t. the means (N x 1).
    dEsde_dS  : gradient of Esde w.r.t. the covariance (N x 1).
    dEsde_dth : gradient of Esde w.r.t. the parameter theta.
    dEsde_dSig: gradient of Esde w.r.t. the parameter Sigma.

    NOTE: The equation numbers correspond to the paper:

       author = {Cedric Archambeau and Manfred Opper and Yuan Shen
                 and Dan Cornford and J. Shawe-Taylor},
       title = {Variational Inference for Diffusion Processes},
       booktitle = {Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},
       year = {2007}

    Copyright (c) Michail D. Vrettas, PhD - November 2015.

    Last Updated: November 2015.

    # Find the time step.
    dt = sDyn['dt']

    # Extract the drift parameter.
    theta = sDyn['theta']

    # Observation times.
    idx = sDyn['obsX']

    # Constant value.
    c = 4.0 * theta + A

    # Auxiliary constant.
    c2 = c**2

    # Iverse of noise variance.
    SigInv = 1.0 / sDyn['Sig']

    # Higher order Gaussian Moments.
    Ex2 = momGauss(m, S, 2)
    Ex3 = momGauss(m, S, 3)
    Ex4 = momGauss(m, S, 4)
    Ex6 = momGauss(m, S, 6)

    # Energy from the sDyn: Eq(7)
    varQ = 16.0 * Ex6 - 8.0 * c * Ex4 + 8.0 * b * Ex3 + c2 * Ex2 - 2.0 * b * c * m + b**2
    Esde = 0.5 * SigInv * mytrapz(varQ, dt, idx)

    # Average drift {i.e. Eq(20) : f(t,x) = 4*x*(theta -x^2) }.
    Ef = 4.0 * (theta * m - Ex3)

    # Average gradient of drift {i.e df(t,x)_dx = 4*theta - 12*x^2}.
    Edf = 4.0 * (theta - 3 * Ex2)

    # Derivatives of higher order Gaussian moments w.r.t. 'm' and 'S'.
    Dm2 = momGauss(m, S, 2, 'Dm')
    DS2 = momGauss(m, S, 2, 'DS')
    # ---
    Dm3 = momGauss(m, S, 3, 'Dm')
    DS3 = momGauss(m, S, 3, 'DS')
    # ---
    Dm4 = momGauss(m, S, 4, 'Dm')
    DS4 = momGauss(m, S, 4, 'DS')
    # ---
    Dm6 = momGauss(m, S, 6, 'Dm')
    DS6 = momGauss(m, S, 6, 'DS')

    # Gradients of Esde w.r.t. 'm' and 'S'.
    dEsde_dm = 0.5 * SigInv * (16.0 * Dm6 - 8.0 * c * Dm4 + 8.0 * b * Dm3 +
                               c2 * Dm2 - 2.0 * b * c)
    dEsde_dS = 0.5 * SigInv * (16.0 * DS6 - 8.0 * c * DS4 + 8.0 * b * DS3 +
                               c2 * DS2)

    # Gradients of Esde w.r.t. 'Theta'.
    dEsde_dth = 4.0 * SigInv * mytrapz(c * Ex2 - 4.0 * Ex4 - b * m, dt, idx)

    # Gradients of Esde w.r.t. 'Sigma'.
    dEsde_dSig = -Esde * SigInv

    # --->
    return Esde, Ef, Edf, dEsde_dm, dEsde_dS, dEsde_dth, dEsde_dSig