Exemple #1
def defineSystem(): 
    Create an object that defines the desired ODE system. 
    # Create an object of args class from common module 
    DSargs = cmn.args(name='Toggle switch of two genes X and Y')

    # Set the parameters:
    DSargs.pars = aux.parameter_set_4()
    # Set the variables:
    DSargs.varspecs = aux.equations() 
    # Set the auxiliary functions:
    DSargs.fnspecs = aux.functions()

    # Set initial conditions:
    DSargs.ics = {'X': 10, 'Y': 10}

    DSargs.xdomain = {'X': [0, 1.0e+4], 'Y':[0, 1.0e+4]}

    # Set the range of integration:
    DSargs.tdomain = [0,100]    
    return DSargs  
Exemple #2
def defineSystem():
    # Create an object of args class from common module
    DSargs = cmn.args(name='Genetic Toggle Switch with SA')

    # Initialize the DSargs object with parameters
    #DSargs.pars = aux.parameter_set_1()
    #DSargs.pars = aux.parameter_set_2()
    DSargs.pars = aux.parameter_set_3()

    # obtain the differential equations:
    DSargs.varspecs = aux.equations()
    # obtain the auxiliary functions:
    DSargs.fnspecs = aux.functions()

    # Set initial conditions:
    DSargs.ics = {'X': 1, 'Y': 1}

    DSargs.xdomain = {'X': [0, 1.0e+4], 'Y': [0, 1.0e+4]}

    # Set the range of integration:
    DSargs.tdomain = [0, 100]
    return DSargs