Exemple #1
 def check_reference_stderr(self):
     if os.path.isfile(self.expected_stderr_file):
         expected = genio.read_file(self.expected_stderr_file)
         actual = genio.read_file(self.stderr_file)
         msg = ('Actual test sdterr differs from expected one:\n'
                'Actual:\n%s\nExpected:\n%s' % (actual, expected))
         self.assertEqual(expected, actual, msg)
Exemple #2
 def check_reference_stderr(self):
     if os.path.isfile(self.expected_stderr_file):
         expected = genio.read_file(self.expected_stderr_file)
         actual = genio.read_file(self.stderr_file)
         msg = ('Actual test sdterr differs from expected one:\n'
                'Actual:\n%s\nExpected:\n%s' % (actual, expected))
         self.assertEqual(expected, actual, msg)
Exemple #3
def get_slot_from_sysfs(full_pci_address):
    Gets the PCI slot of given address.

    :note: Specific for ppc64 processor.

    :param full_pci_address: Full PCI address including domain (0000:03:00.0)

    :return: Removed port related details using re, only returns till
             physical slot of the adapter.
    if not os.path.isfile(
            '/sys/bus/pci/devices/%s/devspec' % full_pci_address):
    devspec = genio.read_file("/sys/bus/pci/devices/%s/devspec" %
    if not os.path.isfile("/proc/device-tree/%s/ibm,loc-code" % devspec):
    slot = genio.read_file("/proc/device-tree/%s/ibm,loc-code" % devspec)
    slot_ibm = re.match(r'((\w+)[.])+(\w+)-[PC(\d+)-]*C(\d+)', slot)
    if slot_ibm:
        return slot_ibm.group()
    slot_openpower = re.match(r'(\w+)[\s]*(\w+)(\d*)', slot)
    if slot_openpower:
        return slot_openpower.group()
    raise ValueError("Failed to get slot from: '%s'" % slot)
Exemple #4
    def setUp(self):

        Gets the console and set-up the machine for test
        if 'ppc' not in distro.detect().arch:
            self.cancel("Processor is not ppc64")
        output = genio.read_file("/sys/kernel/debug/powerpc/eeh_enable")\
        if output != '0x1':
            self.cancel("EEH is not enabled, please enable via FSP")
        self.max_freeze = int(self.params.get('max_freeze', default='1'))
        cmd = "echo %d > /sys/kernel/debug/powerpc/eeh_max_freezes"\
            % self.max_freeze
        process.system(cmd, ignore_status=True, shell=True)
        self.function = str(self.params.get('function', default='4'))
        self.err = str(self.params.get('err'))
        self.pci_device = str(self.params.get('pci_device', default=' '))
        self.phb = self.pci_device.split(":", 1)[0]
        self.addr = genio.read_file("/sys/bus/pci/devices/%s/"
                                    "eeh_pe_config_addr" % self.pci_device)
        self.addr = str(self.addr).rstrip()
        self.err = 0
        for line in process.system_output('lspci -vs %s' % self.pci_device,
            if 'Memory' in line and '64-bit, prefetchable' in line:
                self.err = 1
        self.mem_addr = pci.get_memory_address(self.pci_device)
        self.mask = pci.get_mask(self.pci_device)
        self.log.info("Test-----> %s", self.addr)
        self.log.info("===============Testing EEH Frozen PE==================")
Exemple #5
    def _check_reference(self,
        Compares the file produced by the test with the reference file

        :param produced_file_path: the location of the file that was produced
                                   by this test execution
        :type produced_file_path: str
        :param reference_file_name: the name of the file that will compared
                                    with the content produced by this test
        :type reference_file_name: str
        :param diff_file_name: in case of differences between the produced
                               and reference file, a file with this name will
                               be saved to the test results directory, with
                               the differences in unified diff format
        :type diff_file_name: str
        :param child_log_name: the name of a logger, child of :data:`LOG_JOB`,
                               to be used when logging the content differences
        :type child_log_name: str
        :param name: optional parameter for a descriptive name of the type of
                     content being checked here
        :type name: str
        :returns: True if the check was performed (there was a reference file) and
                  was successful, and False otherwise (there was no such reference
                  file and thus no check was performed).
        :raises: :class:`exceptions.TestFail` when the check is performed and fails
        reference_path = self.get_data(reference_file_name)
        if reference_path is not None:
            expected = genio.read_file(reference_path)
            actual = genio.read_file(produced_file_path)
            diff_path = os.path.join(self.logdir, diff_file_name)

            fmt = '%(message)s'
            formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt=fmt)
            log_diff = LOG_JOB.getChild(child_log_name)
            self._register_log_file_handler(log_diff, formatter, diff_path)

            diff = unified_diff(expected.splitlines(),
            diff_content = []
            for diff_line in diff:

            if diff_content:
                self.log.debug('%s Diff:', name)
                for line in diff_content:
                self.fail('Actual test %s differs from expected one' % name)
                return True
        return False
    def test_event_w_chip_param(self):
        if self.cpu_family in ['power8', 'power9']:
            event_out = genio.read_file("%s/events/PM_PB_CYC" % self.event_sysfs).rstrip('\t\r\n\0')
        if self.cpu_family == 'power10':
            event_out = genio.read_file("%s/events/PM_PHB0_0_CYC" % self.event_sysfs).rstrip('\t\r\n\0')
        if "chip=?" in event_out:
            self.log.info('sysfs entry has chip entry')
            self.fail('sysfs does not have chip entry')

        if os.path.exists("%s/format/chip" % self.event_sysfs):
            self.log.info('chip file exists')
            self.fail('chip file does not exist')
    def bond_fail(self, arg1):
        bond fail
        if len(self.host_interfaces) > 1:
            for interface in self.host_interfaces:
                self.log.info("Failing interface %s for mode %s",
                              interface, arg1)
                cmd = "ip link set %s down" % interface
                if process.system(cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=True) != 0:
                    self.fail("bonding not working when trying to down the\
                               interface %s " % interface)
                if self.ping_check():
                    self.log.info("Ping passed for Mode %s", arg1)
                    error_str = "Ping fail in Mode %s when interface %s down"\
                        % (arg1, interface)
                cmd = "ip link set %s up" % interface
                if process.system(cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=True) != 0:
                    self.fail("Not able to bring up the slave\
                                    interface %s" % interface)
            self.log.debug("Need a min of 2 host interfaces to test\
                         slave failover in Bonding")

        self.log.info("Failing all interfaces for mode %s", arg1)
        for interface in self.host_interfaces:
            cmd = "ip link set %s down" % interface
            if process.system(cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=True) != 0:
                self.fail("Could not bring down the interface %s " % interface)
        if not self.ping_check():
            self.log.info("Ping to Bond interface failed. This is expected")
        for interface in self.host_interfaces:
            cmd = "ip link set %s up" % interface
            if process.system(cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=True) != 0:
                self.fail("Not able to bring up the slave\
                                interface %s" % interface)
    def bond_fail(self, arg1):
        bond fail
        if len(self.host_interfaces) > 1:
            for interface in self.host_interfaces:
                self.log.info("Failing interface %s for mode %s",
                              interface, arg1)
                cmd = "ip link set %s down" % interface
                if process.system(cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=True) != 0:
                    self.fail("bonding not working when trying to down the\
                               interface %s " % interface)
                if self.ping_check():
                    self.log.info("Ping passed for Mode %s", arg1)
                    error_str = "Ping fail in Mode %s when interface %s down"\
                        % (arg1, interface)
                cmd = "ip link set %s up" % interface
                if process.system(cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=True) != 0:
                    self.fail("Not able to bring up the slave\
                                    interface %s" % interface)
            self.log.debug("Need a min of 2 host interfaces to test\
                         slave failover in Bonding")

        self.log.info("Failing all interfaces for mode %s", arg1)
        for interface in self.host_interfaces:
            cmd = "ip link set %s down" % interface
            if process.system(cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=True) != 0:
                self.fail("Could not bring down the interface %s " % interface)
        if not self.ping_check():
            self.log.info("Ping to Bond interface failed. This is expected")
        for interface in self.host_interfaces:
            cmd = "ip link set %s up" % interface
            if process.system(cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=True) != 0:
                self.fail("Not able to bring up the slave\
                                interface %s" % interface)
Exemple #9
 def test_statistics(self):
     Test Statistics
     rx_file = "/sys/class/net/%s/statistics/rx_packets" % self.iface
     tx_file = "/sys/class/net/%s/statistics/tx_packets" % self.iface
     rx_before = genio.read_file(rx_file)
     tx_before = genio.read_file(tx_file)
     self.networkinterface.ping_check(self.peer, count=500000, options='-f')
     rx_after = genio.read_file(rx_file)
     tx_after = genio.read_file(tx_file)
     if (rx_after <= rx_before) or (tx_after <= tx_before):
         self.log.debug("Before\nrx: %s tx: %s" % (rx_before, tx_before))
         self.log.debug("After\nrx: %s tx: %s" % (rx_after, tx_after))
         self.fail("Statistics not incremented properly")
    def test(self):

        self.log.info("===Checking for cpu VPA data and MaxMem==")
        cpu_count = len(os.listdir('/sys/kernel/debug/powerpc/vpa'))
        output = genio.read_file('/proc/powerpc/lparcfg').rstrip('\t\r\n\0')
        for line in output.splitlines():
            if 'MaxMem=' in line:
                maxmem = line.split('=')[1].strip()
        output = process.system_output('lscpu', shell=True, ignore_status=True)
        for line in output.decode().splitlines():
            if line.startswith('CPU'):
                total_cpus = line.split(':')[1].strip()
        output = process.system_output('lparstat -i',
        for line in output.decode().splitlines():
            if 'Maximum Memory' in line:
                lmaxmem = line.split(':')[1].strip()
        if ((cpu_count == int(total_cpus)) and (maxmem == lmaxmem)):
                "Files are generated for all cpu's and maxmem values are same")
                "Files are not generated for all cpu's and maxmem values are not same"
Exemple #11
 def test_dry_run(self):
     cmd = (
         "%s run --disable-sysinfo --dry-run --dry-run-no-cleanup --json - "
         "--test-runner=runner "
         "--mux-inject foo:1 bar:2 baz:3 foo:foo:a "
         "foo:bar:b foo:baz:c bar:bar:bar "
         "-- examples/tests/passtest.py "
         "examples/tests/failtest.py "
         "examples/tests/gendata.py " % AVOCADO)
     number_of_tests = 3
     result = json.loads(process.run(cmd).stdout_text)
     log = ''
     for test in result['tests']:
         debuglog = test['logfile']
         log += genio.read_file(debuglog)
     # Remove the result dir
                   debuglog)  # Use tmp dir, not default location
     self.assertEqual(result['job_id'], u'0' * 40)
     # Check if all tests were skipped
     self.assertEqual(result['cancel'], number_of_tests)
     for i in range(number_of_tests):
         test = result['tests'][i]
                          u'Test cancelled due to --dry-run')
     # Check if all params are listed
     # The "/:bar ==> 2 is in the tree, but not in any leave so inaccessible
     # from test.
     for line in ("/:foo ==> 1", "/:baz ==> 3", "/foo:foo ==> a",
                  "/foo:bar ==> b", "/foo:baz ==> c", "/bar:bar ==> bar"):
             log.count(line), number_of_tests,
             "Avocado log count for param '%s' not as expected:\n%s" %
             (line, log))
    def setUp(self):
        Install necessary packages to build the linux module
        if 'power' not in cpu.get_family():
            self.cancel('Test Only supported on Power')

        pkgs = ['gcc', 'make', 'kernel-devel']

        smm = SoftwareManager()
        for package in pkgs:
            if not smm.check_installed(package) and not smm.install(package):
                self.cancel('%s is needed for the test to be run' % package)

        tarball = self.fetch_asset("ipistorm.zip", locations=[
            "/archive/master.zip"], expire='7d')
        archive.extract(tarball, self.teststmpdir)
        teststmpdir = os.path.join(self.teststmpdir, "ipistorm-master")
        kernel_version = platform.uname()[2]
        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join("/lib/modules", kernel_version)):
                "Modules of running kernel missing to build ipistorm module")
        if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(teststmpdir, 'ipistorm.ko')):
            self.fail("No ipistorm.ko found, module build failed")
        int_op = genio.read_file("/proc/interrupts")
        if "XIVE" not in int_op:
            self.cancel("Test is supported only with XIVE")
 def setUp(self):
     Gets the console and set-up the machine for test
     if 'ppc' not in distro.detect().arch:
         self.cancel("Processor is not ppc64")
     if 'PowerNV' in genio.read_file("/proc/cpuinfo").strip():
         self.cancel("Test not supported on bare-metal")
     if '0x1' not in genio.read_file("/sys/kernel/debug/powerpc/eeh_enable").strip():
         self.cancel("EEH is not enabled, please enable via FSP")
     self.max_freeze = self.params.get('max_freeze', default=1)
     cmd = "echo %d > /sys/kernel/debug/powerpc/eeh_max_freezes"\
         % self.max_freeze
     process.system(cmd, ignore_status=True, shell=True)
     self.function = str(self.params.get('function')).split(" ")
     self.log.info("===============Testing EEH Frozen PE==================")
Exemple #14
 def test_mux_inject(self):
     cmd = ("%s run --disable-sysinfo --json - "
            "--mux-inject foo:1 bar:2 baz:3 foo:foo:a "
            "foo:bar:b foo:baz:c bar:bar:bar "
            "-- examples/tests/params.py "
            "examples/tests/params.py "
            "examples/tests/params.py " % AVOCADO)
     number_of_tests = 3
     result = json.loads(process.run(cmd).stdout_text)
     log = ''
     for test in result['tests']:
         debuglog = test['logfile']
         log += genio.read_file(debuglog)
     # Remove the result dir
                   log)  # Use tmp dir, not default location
     # Check if all params are listed
     # The "/:bar ==> 2 is in the tree, but not in any leave so inaccessible
     # from test.
     for line in ("/:foo ==> 1", "/:baz ==> 3", "/foo:foo ==> a",
                  "/foo:bar ==> b", "/foo:baz ==> c", "/bar:bar ==> bar"):
             log.count(line), number_of_tests,
             "Avocado log count for param '%s' not as expected:\n%s" %
             (line, log))
Exemple #15
 def test(self):
     Test run is a One way throughput test. In this test, we have one host
     transmitting (or receiving) data from a client. This transmit large
     messages using multiple threads or processes.
     speed = int(read_file("/sys/class/net/%s/speed" % self.iface))
     cmd = "h=%s proto=tcp ./src/uperf -m manual/throughput.xml -a" \
         % self.peer_ip
     result = process.run(cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=True)
     if result.exit_status:
         self.fail("FAIL: Uperf Run failed")
     for line in result.stdout.decode("utf-8").splitlines():
         if self.peer_ip in line:
             if 'Mb/s' in line:
                 tput = int(line.split()[3].split('.')[0])
                 # Converting the throughput calculated in Gb to Mb
                 tput = int(line.split()[3].split('.')[0]) * 1000
             if tput < (int(self.expected_tp) * speed) / 100:
                 self.fail("FAIL: Throughput Actual - %s%%, Expected - %s%%"
                           ", Throughput Actual value - %s "
                           % ((tput*100)/speed, self.expected_tp,
     if 'WARNING' in result.stdout.decode("utf-8"):
         self.log.warn('Test completed with warning')
    def setUp(self):
        Verifies if powerpc-utils is installed, and gets current SMT value.
        if 'ppc' not in distro.detect().arch:
            self.cancel("Processor is not ppc64")
        if SoftwareManager().check_installed("powerpc-utils") is False:
            if SoftwareManager().install("powerpc-utils") is False:
                self.cancel("powerpc-utils is not installing")
        self.smt_str = "ppc64_cpu --smt"
        smt_op = process.system_output(self.smt_str, shell=True)
        if "is not SMT capable" in smt_op:
            self.cancel("Machine is not SMT capable")
        if "Inconsistent state" in smt_op:
            self.cancel("Machine has mix of ST and SMT cores")

        self.curr_smt = smt_op.strip().split("=")[-1].split()[-1]
        self.smt_subcores = 0
        if os.path.exists("/sys/devices/system/cpu/subcores_per_core"):
            self.smt_subcores = 1
        self.failures = 0
        self.failure_message = "\n"
        self.smt_values = {1: "off"}
        self.key = 0
        self.value = ""
        self.max_smt_value = 4
        if cpu.get_cpu_arch().lower() == 'power9':
            if 'Hash' in genio.read_file('/proc/cpuinfo').rstrip('\t\r\n\0'):
                self.max_smt_value = 8
        if cpu.get_cpu_arch().lower() == 'power8':
            self.max_smt_value = 8
        if cpu.get_cpu_arch().lower() == 'power6':
            self.max_smt_value = 2
Exemple #17
 def test(self):
     netperf test
     if self.netperf_run == '1':
         tmp = "chmod 777 /tmp/%s/src" % self.version
         cmd = "ssh %s@%s \"%s\"" % (self.peer_user, self.peer_ip, tmp)
         if process.system(cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=True) != 0:
             self.fail("test failed because netserver not available")
         cmd = "ssh %s@%s \"/tmp/%s/src/netserver\"" % (
             self.peer_user, self.peer_ip, self.version)
         if process.system(cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=True) != 0:
             self.fail("test failed because netserver not available")
     speed = int(read_file("/sys/class/net/%s/speed" % self.iface))
     self.expected_tp = int(self.expected_tp) * speed / 100
     cmd = "timeout %s %s -H %s" % (self.timeout, self.perf, self.peer_ip)
     if self.option != "":
         cmd = "%s -t %s" % (cmd, self.option)
     cmd = "%s -l %s -i %s,%s" % (cmd, self.duration, self.max, self.min)
     result = process.run(cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=True)
     if result.exit_status != 0:
         self.fail("FAIL: Run failed")
     for line in result.stdout.splitlines():
         if line and 'Throughput' in line.split()[-1]:
             tput = int(result.stdout.split()[-1].split('.')[0])
             if tput < self.expected_tp:
                 self.fail("FAIL: Throughput Actual - %d, Expected - %d" %
                           (tput, self.expected_tp))
     if 'WARNING' in result.stdout:
         self.log.warn('Test completed with warning')
 def test_statistics(self):
     Test Statistics
     rx_file = "/sys/class/net/%s/statistics/rx_packets" % self.iface
     tx_file = "/sys/class/net/%s/statistics/tx_packets" % self.iface
     rx_before = genio.read_file(rx_file)
     tx_before = genio.read_file(tx_file)
     configure_network.ping_check(self.iface, self.peer, "500000",
     rx_after = genio.read_file(rx_file)
     tx_after = genio.read_file(tx_file)
     if (rx_after <= rx_before) or (tx_after <= tx_before):
         self.log.debug("Before\nrx: %s tx: %s" % (rx_before, tx_before))
         self.log.debug("After\nrx: %s tx: %s" % (rx_after, tx_after))
         self.fail("Statistics not incremented properly")
Exemple #19
 def _check_test(self, test, expected):
     klass_method = test["id"].split(":")[1]
         (f"Status error: '{expected[0]}' != "
          f"'{test['status']}' ({klass_method})"),
     debug_log = genio.read_file(test["logfile"])
     for msg in expected[1]:
             (f"Message '{msg}' should be in the log "
              f"\nJSON results:\n{test}"
              f"\nDebug Log:\n{debug_log}"),
     for msg in set(ALL_MESSAGES) - set(expected[1]):
             (f"Message '{msg}' should not be in the log "
              f"\nJSON results:\n{test}"
              f"\nDebug Log:\n{debug_log}"),
Exemple #20
    def setUp(self):
        Verifies if powerpc-utils is installed, and gets current SMT value.
        if 'ppc' not in distro.detect().arch:
            self.cancel("Processor is not ppc64")
        if SoftwareManager().check_installed("powerpc-utils") is False:
            if SoftwareManager().install("powerpc-utils") is False:
                self.cancel("powerpc-utils is not installing")
        self.smt_str = "ppc64_cpu --smt"
        smt_op = process.system_output(self.smt_str, shell=True)
        if "is not SMT capable" in smt_op:
            self.cancel("Machine is not SMT capable")
        if "Inconsistent state" in smt_op:
            self.cancel("Machine has mix of ST and SMT cores")

        self.curr_smt = smt_op.strip().split("=")[-1].split()[-1]
        self.smt_subcores = 0
        if os.path.exists("/sys/devices/system/cpu/subcores_per_core"):
            self.smt_subcores = 1
        self.failures = 0
        self.failure_message = "\n"
        self.smt_values = {1: "off"}
        self.key = 0
        self.value = ""
        self.max_smt_value = 4
        if cpu.get_cpu_arch().lower() == 'power9':
            if 'Hash' in genio.read_file('/proc/cpuinfo').rstrip('\t\r\n\0'):
                self.max_smt_value = 8
        if cpu.get_cpu_arch().lower() == 'power8':
            self.max_smt_value = 8
        if cpu.get_cpu_arch().lower() == 'power6':
            self.max_smt_value = 2
 def test(self):
     netperf test
     if self.netperf_run == '1':
         tmp = "chmod 777 /tmp/%s/src" % self.version
         cmd = "ssh %s@%s \"%s\"" % (self.peer_user, self.peer_ip, tmp)
         if process.system(cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=True) != 0:
             self.fail("test failed because netserver not available")
         cmd = "ssh %s@%s \"/tmp/%s/src/netserver\"" % (self.peer_user,
         if process.system(cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=True) != 0:
             self.fail("test failed because netserver not available")
     speed = int(read_file("/sys/class/net/%s/speed" % self.iface))
     self.expected_tp = int(self.expected_tp) * speed / 100
     cmd = "timeout %s %s -H %s" % (self.timeout, self.perf,
     if self.option != "":
         cmd = "%s -t %s" % (cmd, self.option)
     cmd = "%s -l %s -i %s,%s" % (cmd, self.duration, self.max,
     result = process.run(cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=True)
     if result.exit_status != 0:
         self.fail("FAIL: Run failed")
     for line in result.stdout.splitlines():
         if line and 'Throughput' in line.split()[-1]:
             tput = int(result.stdout.split()[-1].split('.')[0])
             if tput < self.expected_tp:
                 self.fail("FAIL: Throughput Actual - %d, Expected - %d"
                           % (tput, self.expected_tp))
     if 'WARNING' in result.stdout:
         self.log.warn('Test completed with warning')
Exemple #22
    def dlpar_cpu_hotplug(self):

        if 'PowerNV' not in \
            if "cpu_dlpar=yes" in process.system_output("drmgr -C",
                self.log.info("\nDLPAR remove cpu operation\n")
                for _ in range(self.dlpar_loop):
                    process.run("drmgr  -c cpu -r -q %s -w 5 -d 1" %
                self.log.info("\nDLPAR add cpu operation\n")
                for _ in range(self.dlpar_loop):
                    process.run("drmgr  -c cpu -a -q %s -w 5 -d 1" %
                self.log.info('UNSUPPORTED: dlpar not configured..')
            self.log.info("UNSUPPORTED: Test not supported on this platform")
    def test(self):
        netperf test
        if self.netperf_run == '1':
            cmd = "chmod 777 /tmp/%s/src" % self.version
            output = self.session.cmd(cmd)
            if not output.exit_status == 0:
                self.fail("test failed because netserver not available")
            cmd = "/tmp/%s/src/netserver" % self.version
            output = self.session.cmd(cmd)
            if not output.exit_status == 0:
                self.fail("test failed because netserver not available")
        speed = int(read_file("/sys/class/net/%s/speed" % self.iface))
        cmd = "timeout %s %s -H %s" % (self.timeout, self.perf, self.peer_ip)
        if self.option != "":
            cmd = "%s -t %s" % (cmd, self.option)
        cmd = "%s -l %s -i %s,%s" % (cmd, self.duration, self.max, self.min)
        result = process.run(cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=True)
        if result.exit_status != 0:
            self.fail("FAIL: Run failed")
        for line in result.stdout.decode("utf-8").splitlines():
            if line and 'Throughput' in line.split()[-1]:
                tput = int(
                if tput < (int(self.expected_tp) * speed) / 100:
                    self.fail("FAIL: Throughput Actual - %s%%, Expected - %s%%"
                              ", Throughput Actual value - %s " %
                              ((tput * 100) / speed, self.expected_tp,
                               str(tput) + 'Mb/sec'))

        if 'WARNING' in result.stdout.decode("utf-8"):
            self.log.warn('Test completed with warning')
Exemple #24
 def is_baremetal():
     to check system is bare-metal or not
     if 'PowerNV' in genio.read_file("/proc/cpuinfo").strip():
         return True
     return False
 def test(self):
     netperf test
     if self.netperf_run == 0:
         tmp = "chmod 777 /tmp/%s/src" % self.version
         cmd = "ssh %s@%s \"%s\"" % (self.peer_user, self.peer_ip, tmp)
         if process.system(cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=True) != 0:
             self.fail("test failed because netserver not available")
         cmd = "ssh %s@%s \"/tmp/%s/src/netserver\"" % (self.peer_user,
         if process.system(cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=True) != 0:
             self.fail("test failed because netserver not available")
             self.netperf_run = 1
     for option in ["", "UDP_STREAM -- -m 63000", "TCP_RR", "UDP_RR"]:
         cmd = "timeout %s %s -H %s" % (self.timeout, self.perf,
         if option != "":
             cmd = "%s -t %s" % (cmd, option)
         result = process.run(cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=True)
         if result.exit_status != 0:
             self.fail("test failed when run with %s" % option)
         speed = int(read_file("/sys/class/net/%s/speed" % self.iface))
         if 'Throughput' in result.stdout:
             throughput = int(result.stdout.split()[-1].split('.')[0])
             if throughput * 100 < self.expected_tp * speed:
                 self.fail("Throughput %d is lower than expected %d"
                           % (throughput, self.expected_tp * speed / 100))
Exemple #26
    def test_run_mplex_params(self):
        for variant_msg in (('/run/short', 'A'), ('/run/medium', 'ASDFASDF'),
                             'This is very long\nmultiline\ntext.')):
            variant, msg = variant_msg
            cmd_line = (
                '%s run --job-results-dir %s --disable-sysinfo '
                'examples/tests/custom_env_variable.sh '
                '-m examples/tests/custom_env_variable.sh.data/variants.yaml '
                '--mux-filter-only %s' % (AVOCADO, self.tmpdir.name, variant))
            expected_rc = exit_codes.AVOCADO_ALL_OK
            result = self.run_and_check(cmd_line, expected_rc)

            log_files = glob.glob(
                os.path.join(self.tmpdir.name, 'latest', 'test-results', '*',
            result = ''
            for log_file in log_files:
                result += genio.read_file(log_file)

            msg_lines = msg.splitlines()
            msg_header = '[stdout] Custom variable: %s' % msg_lines[0]
                msg_header, result, "Multiplexed variable should produce:"
                "\n  %s\nwhich is not present in the output:\n  %s" %
                (msg_header, "\n  ".join(result.splitlines())))
            for msg_remain in msg_lines[1:]:
                    '[stdout] %s' % msg_remain, result,
                    "Multiplexed variable should produce:"
                    "\n  %s\nwhich is not present in the output:\n  %s" %
                    (msg_remain, "\n  ".join(result.splitlines())))
Exemple #27
 def mount_point(mount_dir):
     lines = genio.read_file('/proc/mounts').rstrip('\t\r\0').splitlines()
     for substr in lines:
         mop = substr.split(" ")[1]
         if mop == mount_dir:
             return True
     return False
Exemple #28
 def test(self):
     Test run is a One way throughput test. In this test, we have one host
     transmitting (or receiving) data from a client. This transmit large
     messages using multiple threads or processes.
     speed = int(read_file("/sys/class/net/%s/speed" % self.iface))
     cmd = "./iperf -c %s" % self.peer_ip
     result = process.run(cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=True)
     nping_result = self.nping()
     if result.exit_status:
         self.fail("FAIL: Iperf Run failed")
     for line in result.stdout.decode("utf-8").splitlines():
         if 'local {}'.format(self.ipaddr) in line:
             id = line[3]
     for line in result.stdout.decode("utf-8").splitlines():
         if id in line and 'Mbits/sec' in line:
             tput = int(line.split()[6])
         elif id in line and 'Gbits/sec' in line:
             tput = int(float(line.split()[6])) * 1000
     if tput < (int(self.expected_tp) * speed) / 100:
             "FAIL: Throughput Actual - %s%%, Expected - %s%%"
             ", Throughput Actual value - %s " %
             ((tput * 100) / speed, self.expected_tp, str(tput) + 'Mb/sec'))
     for line in nping_result.stdout.decode("utf-8").splitlines():
         if 'Raw packets' in line:
             lost = int(line.split("|")[2].split(" ")[2]) * 10
             if lost > 60:
                 self.fail("FAIL: Ping fails after iperf test")
 def cpu_freq_path(self, file):
     get cpu_freq values
     :param: file: is filename for which data needs to be fetched
     f_name = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%s/cpufreq/%s" % (
         self.cpu_num, file)
     return genio.read_file(f_name).rstrip('\n').strip(' ')
Exemple #30
def memtotal_sys():
    Reports actual memory size according to online-memory
    blocks available via "/sys"

    :return: system memory in Kb as float
    sys_mempath = "/sys/devices/system/memory"
    no_memblocks = 0
    for directory in os.listdir(sys_mempath):
        if directory.startswith("memory"):
            path = os.path.join(sys_mempath, directory, "online")
            if genio.read_file(path).strip() == "1":
                no_memblocks += 1
    path = os.path.join(sys_mempath, "block_size_bytes")
    block_size = int(genio.read_file(path).strip(), 16)
    return (no_memblocks * block_size) / 1024.0
Exemple #31
 def cpu_freq_path(self, file):
     get cpu_freq values
     :param: file: is filename for which data needs to be fetched
     f_name = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%s/cpufreq/%s" % (self.cpu_num,
     return genio.read_file(f_name).rstrip('\n').strip(' ')
 def setUp(self):
     Gets the console and set-up the machine for test
     if 'ppc' not in distro.detect().arch:
         self.cancel("Processor is not ppc64")
     if 'PowerNV' in genio.read_file("/proc/cpuinfo").strip():
         self.cancel("Test not supported on bare-metal")
     if '0x1' not in genio.read_file(
         self.cancel("EEH is not enabled, please enable via FSP")
     self.max_freeze = self.params.get('max_freeze', default=1)
     cmd = "echo %d > /sys/kernel/debug/powerpc/eeh_max_freezes"\
         % self.max_freeze
     process.system(cmd, ignore_status=True, shell=True)
     self.function = str(self.params.get('function')).split(" ")
     self.log.info("===============Testing EEH Frozen PE==================")
Exemple #33
def read_from_meminfo(key):
    Retrieve key from meminfo.

    :param key: Key name, such as ``MemTotal``.
    for line in genio.read_file("/proc/meminfo").splitlines():
        if key in line:
            return int(re.search(r"(\d+)\s*(?:kB)?$", line).group(1))
Exemple #34
 def subcore(self):
     Tests the subcores in ppc64_cpu command.
     op1 = process.system_output("ppc64_cpu --subcores-per-core",
     op2 = genio.read_file(
     self.equality_check("Subcore", op1, op2)
 def dscr(self):
     Tests the dscr in ppc64_cpu command.
     op1 = process.system_output(
         "ppc64_cpu --dscr", shell=True).decode("utf-8").strip().split()[-1]
     op2 = int(genio.read_file(
         "/sys/devices/system/cpu/dscr_default").strip(), 16)
     self.equality_check("DSCR", op1, op2)
 def get_size_alignval():
     Return the size align restriction based on platform
     if 'Hash' in genio.read_file('/proc/cpuinfo').rstrip('\t\r\n\0'):
         def_align = 16 * 1024 * 1024
         def_align = 2 * 1024 * 1024
     return def_align
 def subcore(self):
     Tests the subcores in ppc64_cpu command.
     op1 = process.system_output(
         "ppc64_cpu --subcores-per-core", shell=True).strip().split()[-1]
     op2 = genio.read_file(
     self.equality_check("Subcore", op1, op2)
 def dscr(self):
     Tests the dscr in ppc64_cpu command.
     op1 = process.system_output(
         "ppc64_cpu --dscr", shell=True).strip().split()[-1]
     op2 = int(genio.read_file(
         "/sys/devices/system/cpu/dscr_default").strip(), 16)
     self.equality_check("DSCR", op1, op2)
Exemple #39
 def check_output_files(self, debug_log):
     base_dir = os.path.dirname(debug_log)
     json_output_path = os.path.join(base_dir, 'results.json')
     with open(json_output_path, 'r') as fp:
     xunit_output_path = os.path.join(base_dir, 'results.xml')
     except Exception as details:
         xunit_output_content = genio.read_file(xunit_output_path)
         raise AssertionError("Unable to parse xunit output: %s\n\n%s"
                              % (details, xunit_output_content))
     tap_output = os.path.join(base_dir, "results.tap")
     tap = genio.read_file(tap_output)
     self.assertIn("..", tap)
     self.assertIn("\n# debug.log of ", tap)
 def _check_timeout_msg(self, idx):
     res_dir = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "latest", "test-results")
     debug_log_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(res_dir, "%s-*" % idx, "debug.log"))
     debug_log = genio.read_file(debug_log_paths[0])
     self.assertIn("Runner error occurred: Timeout reached", debug_log,
                   "Runner error occurred: Timeout reached message not "
                   "in the %sst test's debug.log:\n%s"
                   % (idx, debug_log))
     self.assertIn("Traceback (most recent call last)", debug_log,
                   "Traceback not present in the %sst test's debug.log:\n%s"
                   % (idx, debug_log))
 def setUp(self):
     Setup the device.
     cmd = "uname -p"
     if 'ppc' not in process.system_output(cmd, ignore_status=True):
         self.cancel("Processor is not ppc64")
     cmd = "cat /proc/cpuinfo"
     if cpu._list_matches(open('/proc/cpuinfo').readlines(),
                          'platform\t: pSeries\n'):
         PowerVM = True
         for mdl in ['rpaphp', 'rpadlpar_io']:
             if not linux_modules.module_is_loaded(mdl):
     elif cpu._list_matches(open('/proc/cpuinfo').readlines(),
                            'platform\t: PowerNV\n'):
         PowerVM = False
         if not linux_modules.module_is_loaded("pnv_php"):
     self.return_code = 0
     self.device = self.params.get('pci_device', default=' ')
     self.num_of_hotplug = int(self.params.get('num_of_hotplug',
     if not os.path.isdir('/sys/bus/pci/devices/%s' % self.device):
         self.cancel("PCI device given does not exist")
     if PowerVM:
         devspec = genio.read_file("/sys/bus/pci/devices/%s/devspec"
                                   % self.device)
         self.slot = genio.read_file("/proc/device-tree/%s/ibm,loc-code"
                                     % devspec)
         self.slot = re.match(r'((\w+)[\.])+(\w+)-P(\d+)-C(\d+)|Slot(\d+)',
         self.slot = pci.get_pci_prop(self.device, "PhySlot")
     if not os.path.isdir('/sys/bus/pci/slots/%s' % self.slot):
         self.cancel("%s Slot not available" % self.slot)
     if not os.path.exists('/sys/bus/pci/slots/%s/power' % self.slot):
         self.cancel("%s Slot does not support hotplug" % self.slot)
 def setUp(self):
     To check and install dependencies for the test
     smm = SoftwareManager()
     detected_distro = distro.detect()
     pkgs = ["gcc", "autoconf", "perl", "m4", "git-core"]
     if detected_distro.name == "Ubuntu":
         pkgs.extend(["libsctp1", "libsctp-dev", "lksctp-tools"])
         pkgs.extend(["lksctp-tools", "lksctp-tools-devel"])
     for pkg in pkgs:
         if not smm.check_installed(pkg) and not smm.install(pkg):
             self.cancel("%s package is need to test" % pkg)
     interfaces = netifaces.interfaces()
     self.iface = self.params.get("interface", default="")
     self.peer_ip = self.params.get("peer_ip", default="")
     if self.iface not in interfaces:
         self.cancel("%s interface is not available" % self.iface)
     if self.peer_ip == "":
         self.cancel("%s peer machine is not available" % self.peer_ip)
     self.peer_user = self.params.get("peer_user_name", default="root")
     uperf_download = self.params.get("uperf_download", default="https:"
     tarball = self.fetch_asset("uperf.zip", locations=[uperf_download],
     archive.extract(tarball, self.teststmpdir)
     self.uperf_dir = os.path.join(self.teststmpdir, "uperf-master")
     cmd = "scp -r %s %s@%s:/tmp" % (self.uperf_dir, self.peer_user,
     if process.system(cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=True) != 0:
         self.cancel("unable to copy the uperf into peer machine")
     cmd = "ssh %s@%s \"cd /tmp/uperf-master;autoreconf -fi;./configure " \
           "ppc64le;make\"" % (self.peer_user, self.peer_ip)
     if process.system(cmd, ignore_status=True, shell=True, sudo=True):
         self.cancel("Unable to compile Uperf into peer machine")
     self.uperf_run = str(self.params.get("UPERF_SERVER_RUN", default=0))
     if self.uperf_run == '1':
         cmd = "ssh %s@%s \"cd /tmp/uperf-master/src;./uperf -s\""\
               % (self.peer_user, self.peer_ip)
         obj = process.SubProcess(cmd, verbose=False, shell=True)
     process.system('autoreconf -fi', shell=True)
     process.system('./configure ppc64le', shell=True)
     self.expected_tp = self.params.get("EXPECTED_THROUGHPUT", default="85")
     speed = int(read_file("/sys/class/net/%s/speed" % self.iface))
     self.expected_tp = int(self.expected_tp) * speed / 100
    def setUp(self):

        Gets the console and set-up the machine for test
        if 'ppc' not in distro.detect().arch:
            self.cancel("Processor is not ppc64")
        output = genio.read_file("/sys/kernel/debug/powerpc/eeh_enable")\
        if output != '0x1':
            self.cancel("EEH is not enabled, please enable via FSP")
        self.max_freeze = int(self.params.get('max_freeze', default='1'))
        cmd = "echo %d > /sys/kernel/debug/powerpc/eeh_max_freezes"\
            % self.max_freeze
        process.system(cmd, ignore_status=True, shell=True)
        self.function = str(self.params.get('function'))
        self.err = str(self.params.get('err'))
        self.pci_device = str(self.params.get('pci_device', default=' '))
        self.phb = self.pci_device.split(":", 1)[0]
        self.addr = genio.read_file("/sys/bus/pci/devices/%s/"
                                    "eeh_pe_config_addr" % self.pci_device)
        self.addr = str(self.addr).rstrip()
        self.log.info("Test-----> %s", self.addr)
        self.log.info("===============Testing EEH Frozen PE==================")
 def quad_to_cpu_mapping(self):
     Get the total quad and cpus list belonging to each quad.
     self.nums = range(0, self.cpus)
     for cpu in self.nums:
         phy_id = genio.read_file(
             '/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%s/physical_id' % cpu).rstrip("\n")
         quad_id = int(phy_id) >> 4 & 0x7
         chip_id = int(phy_id) >> 8 & 0x7F
         if chip_id not in self.quad_dict.keys():
             self.quad_dict[chip_id] = {}
         if quad_id not in self.quad_dict[chip_id].keys():
             self.quad_dict[chip_id][quad_id] = []
Exemple #45
    def test_prod_id_serial(self):
        Test verifies the product id and serial number in lshw output.
        self.log.info("===============Validating product id and serial number"
        self.is_fail = 0
        if 'KVM' in self.run_cmd_out("pseries_platform"):
            product_path = '/proc/device-tree/host-model'
            serial_path = '/proc/device-tree/host-serial'
            product_path = '/proc/device-tree/model'
            serial_path = '/proc/device-tree/system-id'
        product_name = genio.read_file(product_path).rstrip(' \t\r\n\0')
        serial_num = genio.read_file(serial_path).rstrip(' \t\r\n\0')

        if product_name\
                not in self.run_cmd_out("lshw | grep product | head -1"):
            self.is_fail += 1
        if serial_num not in self.run_cmd_out("lshw | grep serial | head -1"):
            self.is_fail += 1
        if self.is_fail >= 1:
            self.fail("%s command(s) failed to execute "
                      % self.fail_cmd)
    def setUp(self):
        smm = SoftwareManager()
        dist = distro.detect()
        memsize = int(memory.freememtotal() * 1024 * 0.2)
        self.nr_pages = self.params.get(
            'nr_pages', default=memsize / memory.get_page_size())
        self.map_type = self.params.get('map_type', default='private')
        self.hpage = self.params.get('h_page', default=False)

        nodes = memory.numa_nodes_with_memory()
        if len(nodes) < 2:
            self.cancel('Test requires two numa nodes to run.'
                        'Node list with memory: %s' % nodes)

        pkgs = ['gcc', 'make']
        hp_check = 0
        if self.hpage:
            hp_size = memory.get_huge_page_size()
            for node in nodes:
                                 'gepages-%skB/nr_hugepages' %
                                 (node, str(hp_size)), str(self.nr_pages))
            for node in nodes:
                hp_check += int(genio.read_file(
                    '/nr_hugepages' % (node, str(hp_size))).strip())
            if hp_check < self.nr_pages:
                self.cancel('Not enough pages to be configured on nodes')
        if dist.name == "Ubuntu":
                         'libnuma-dev', 'libhugetlbfs-dev'])
        elif dist.name in ["centos", "rhel", "fedora"]:
            pkgs.extend(['numactl-devel', 'libhugetlbfs-devel'])
        elif dist.name == "SuSE":
            if dist.version >= 15:

        for package in pkgs:
            if not smm.check_installed(package) and not smm.install(package):
                self.cancel('%s is needed for the test to be run' % package)

        for file_name in ['util.c', 'numa_test.c', 'Makefile']:

 def smt_snoozedelay(self):
     Tests the smt snooze delay in ppc64_cpu command.
     snz_content = set()
     op1 = process.system_output(
         "ppc64_cpu --smt-snooze-delay", shell=True).strip().split()[-1]
     snz_delay = "cpu*/smt_snooze_delay"
     if os.path.isdir("/sys/bus/cpu/devices"):
         snz_delay = "/sys/bus/cpu/devices/%s" % snz_delay
         snz_delay = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/%s" % snz_delay
     for filename in glob.glob(snz_delay):
     op2 = list(snz_content)[0]
     self.equality_check("SMT snooze delay", op1, op2)
 def test_setup(self):
     bonding the interfaces
     work for multiple interfaces on both host and peer
     msg = "[ -d %s ]" % self.bond_dir
     cmd = "ssh %s@%s %s" % (self.user, self.peer_first_ipinterface, msg)
     if process.system(cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=True) == 0:
         self.fail("bond name already exists on peer machine")
     if os.path.isdir(self.bond_dir):
         self.fail("bond name already exists on local machine")
     if self.peer_bond_needed:
         self.bond_setup("peer", "")
     self.bond_setup("local", self.mode)
 def test_uprobe(self):
     output = self.cmd_verify('%s /usr/bin/perf main' % self.cmdProbe)
     if 'Added new event' not in output.stderr:
         self.fail("perf: probe of perf main failed")
     output = self.cmd_verify('perf probe -l')
     if 'probe_perf:main' not in output.stdout:
         self.fail("perf: probe of 'perf main' not found in list")
     sysfsfile = '/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/uprobe_events'
     if 'probe_perf' not in genio.read_file(
         self.fail("perf: sysfs file didn't reflect uprobe events")
     output = self.cmd_verify('perf record -o %s -e probe_perf:main -- '
                              'perf list' % self.temp_file)
     if 'samples' not in output.stderr:
         self.fail("perf: perf.data file not created")
     output = self.cmd_verify(self.report)
 def setUp(self):
     Gets the console and set-up the machine for test
     if 'ppc' not in distro.detect().arch:
         self.cancel("Processor is not ppc64")
     output = genio.read_file("/sys/kernel/debug/powerpc/eeh_enable")\
     if output != '0x1':
         self.cancel("EEH is not enabled, please enable via FSP")
     self.max_freeze = int(self.params.get('max_freeze', default='1'))
     cmd = "echo %d > /sys/kernel/debug/powerpc/eeh_max_freezes"\
         % self.max_freeze
     process.system(cmd, ignore_status=True, shell=True)
     self.function = str(self.params.get('function')).split(" ")
     self.log.info("===============Testing EEH Frozen PE==================")
 def setUp(self):
     To check and install dependencies for the test
     smm = SoftwareManager()
     for pkg in ["gcc", "autoconf", "perl", "m4"]:
         if not smm.check_installed(pkg) and not smm.install(pkg):
             self.cancel("%s package is need to test" % pkg)
     interfaces = netifaces.interfaces()
     self.iface = self.params.get("interface", default="")
     self.peer_ip = self.params.get("peer_ip", default="")
     if self.iface not in interfaces:
         self.cancel("%s interface is not available" % self.iface)
     if self.peer_ip == "":
         self.cancel("%s peer machine is not available" % self.peer_ip)
     self.peer_user = self.params.get("peer_user_name", default="root")
     iperf_download = self.params.get("iperf_download", default="https:"
     tarball = self.fetch_asset("iperf.zip", locations=[iperf_download],
     archive.extract(tarball, self.teststmpdir)
     self.iperf_dir = os.path.join(self.teststmpdir, "iperf-master")
     cmd = "scp -r %s %s@%s:/tmp" % (self.iperf_dir, self.peer_user,
     if process.system(cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=True) != 0:
         self.cancel("unable to copy the iperf into peer machine")
     cmd = "ssh %s@%s \"cd /tmp/iperf-master;./bootstrap.sh;./configure;" \
           "make\"" % (self.peer_user, self.peer_ip)
     if process.system(cmd, ignore_status=True, shell=True, sudo=True):
         self.cancel("Unable to compile Iperf into peer machine")
     self.iperf_run = str(self.params.get("IPERF_SERVER_RUN", default=0))
     if self.iperf_run == '1':
         cmd = "ssh %s@%s \"cd /tmp/iperf-master/src/;./iperf3 -s\""\
               % (self.peer_user, self.peer_ip)
         obj = process.SubProcess(cmd, verbose=False, shell=True)
     process.system('./bootstrap.sh', shell=True)
     process.system('./configure', shell=True)
     self.iperf = os.path.join(self.iperf_dir, 'src')
     self.expected_tp = self.params.get("EXPECTED_THROUGHPUT", default="85")
     speed = int(read_file("/sys/class/net/%s/speed" % self.iface))
     self.expected_tp = int(self.expected_tp) * speed / 100
Exemple #52
 def _check_test(self, test, expected):
     klass_method = test['id'].split(':')[1]
     self.assertEqual(expected[0], test['status'],
                      "Status error: '%s' != '%s' (%s)" %
                      (expected[0], test['status'], klass_method))
     debug_log = genio.read_file(test['logfile'])
     for msg in expected[1]:
         self.assertIn(msg, debug_log,
                       "Message '%s' should be in the log (%s)."
                       "\nJSON results:\n%s"
                       "\nDebug Log:\n%s" %
                       (msg, klass_method, test, debug_log))
     for msg in set(ALL_MESSAGES) - set(expected[1]):
         self.assertNotIn(msg, debug_log,
                          "Message '%s' should not be in the log (%s)"
                          "\nJSON results:\n%s"
                          "\nDebug Log:\n%s" %
                          (msg, klass_method, test, debug_log))
Exemple #53
    def test_skip_decorators(self):
        cmd_line = [AVOCADO,
                    '%s' % self.tmpdir,
                    '%s' % self.test_module,
                    '--json -']
        result = process.run(' '.join(cmd_line), ignore_status=True)
        json_results = json.loads(result.stdout_text)
        debuglog = json_results['debuglog']

        self.assertEqual(result.exit_status, exit_codes.AVOCADO_ALL_OK)
        self.assertEqual(json_results['skip'], 3)
        debuglog_contents = genio.read_file(debuglog)
        self.assertFalse('setup executed' in debuglog_contents)
        self.assertFalse('test executed' in debuglog_contents)
        self.assertFalse('teardown executed' in debuglog_contents)
    def test(self):
        Test disk devices with different operations of creating filesystem and
        mount it on a directory and verify it with certain parameters name,
        size, UUID and IO sizes etc
        msg = []
        disk = (self.disk.split("/dev/"))[1]
        if process.system("ls /dev/disk/by-id -l| grep -i %s" % disk,
                          ignore_status=True, shell=True, sudo=True) != 0:
            msg.append("Given disk %s is not present in /dev/disk/by-id",
        if process.system("ls /dev/disk/by-path -l| grep -i %s" % disk,
                          ignore_status=True, shell=True, sudo=True) != 0:
            msg.append("Given disk %s is not present in /dev/disk/by-path",

        # Verify disk listed in all tools
        cmd_list = ["fdisk -l ", "parted -l", "lsblk ",
                    "lshw -c disk "]
        if self.distro == 'Ubuntu':
            cmd_list.append("hwinfo --short --block")
        for cmd in cmd_list:
            cmd = cmd + " | grep -i %s" % disk
            if process.system(cmd, ignore_status=True,
                              shell=True, sudo=True) != 0:
                msg.append("Given disk %s is not present in %s" % (disk, cmd))

        # Get the size and UUID of the disk
        cmd = "lsblk -l %s --output SIZE -b |sed -n 2p" % self.disk
        output = process.system_output(cmd, ignore_status=True,
                                       shell=True, sudo=True)
        self.size_bytes = (output.strip("\n"))[0]
        self.log.info("Disk: %s Size: %s", self.disk, self.size_bytes)

        # Get the physical/logical and minimal/optimal sector sizes
        pbs_sysfs = "/sys/block/%s/queue/physical_block_size" % disk
        pbs = genio.read_file(pbs_sysfs).rstrip("\n")
        lbs_sysfs = "/sys/block/%s/queue/logical_block_size" % disk
        lbs = genio.read_file(lbs_sysfs).rstrip("\n")
        mis_sysfs = "/sys/block/%s/queue/minimum_io_size" % disk
        mis = genio.read_file(mis_sysfs).rstrip("\n")
        ois_sysfs = "/sys/block/%s/queue/optimal_io_size" % disk
        ois = genio.read_file(ois_sysfs).rstrip("\n")
        self.log.info("pbs: %s, lbs: %s, mis: %s, ois: %s", pbs, lbs, mis, ois)

        # Verify sector sizes
        sector_string = "Sector size (logical/physical): %s " \
                        "bytes / %s bytes" % (lbs, pbs)
        output = process.system_output("fdisk -l %s" % self.disk,
                                       ignore_status=True, shell=True,
        if sector_string not in output:
            msg.append("Mismatch in sector sizes of lbs,pbs in "
                       "fdisk o/p w.r.t sysfs paths")
        io_size_string = "I/O size (minimum/optimal): %s " \
                         "bytes / %s bytes" % (mis, mis)
        if io_size_string not in output:
            msg.append("Mismatch in IO sizes of mis and ois"
                       " in fdisk o/p w.r.t sysfs paths")

        # Verify disk size in other tools
        cmd = "fdisk -l %s | grep -i %s" % (self.disk, self.disk)
        if self.size_bytes not in process.system_output(cmd,
                                                        shell=True, sudo=True):
            msg.append("Size of disk %s mismatch in fdisk o/p" % self.disk)
        cmd = "sfdisk -l %s | grep -i %s" % (self.disk, self.disk)
        if self.size_bytes not in process.system_output(cmd,
                                                        shell=True, sudo=True):
            msg.append("Size of disk %s mismatch in sfdisk o/p" % self.disk)

        # Mount
        self.part_obj = Partition(self.disk, mountpoint=self.dir)
        self.log.info("Unmounting disk/dir before creating file system")
        self.log.info("creating file system")
        self.log.info("Mounting disk %s on directory %s",
                      self.disk, self.dir)
        except PartitionError:
            msg.append("failed to mount %s fs on %s to %s" % (self.fstype,

        # Get UUID of the disk for each filesystem mount
        cmd = "blkid %s | cut -d '=' -f 2" % self.disk
        output = process.system_output(cmd, ignore_status=True,
                                       shell=True, sudo=True)
        self.uuid = output.split('"')[1]
        self.log.info("Disk: %s UUID: %s", self.disk, self.uuid)

        # Verify mount point, filesystem type and UUID for each test variant
        output = process.system_output("lsblk -l %s" % self.disk,
                                       ignore_status=True, shell=True,
        if self.dir in output:
            self.log.info("Mount point %s for disk %s updated in lsblk o/p",
                          self.dir, self.disk)
        output = process.system_output("df %s" % self.disk,
                                       ignore_status=True, shell=True,
        if self.dir in output:
            self.log.info("Mount point %s for disk %s updated in df o/p",
                          self.dir, self.disk)

        if process.system("ls /dev/disk/by-uuid -l| grep -i %s" % disk,
                          ignore_status=True, shell=True, sudo=True) != 0:
            msg.append("Given disk %s not having uuid" % disk)

        output = process.system_output("blkid %s" % self.disk,
                                       ignore_status=True, shell=True,
        if (self.disk in output and self.fstype in output and
                self.uuid in output):
            self.log.info("Disk %s of file system %s and "
                          "uuid %s is updated in blkid o/p",
                          self.disk, self.fstype, self.uuid)

        if process.system("grub2-probe %s" % self.dir, ignore_status=True):
            msg.append("Given disk %s's fs not detected by grub2" % disk)

        # Un-mount the directory
        self.log.info("Unmounting directory %s", self.dir)
        cmd = 'lshw -c disk | grep -n "%s" | cut -d ":" -f 1' % self.disk
        middle = process.system_output(cmd, ignore_status=True,
                                       shell=True, sudo=True)
        if middle:
            cmd = r'lshw -c disk | grep -n "\-disk" | cut -d ":" -f 1'
            total = process.system_output(cmd, ignore_status=True,
                                          shell=True, sudo=True)
            lst = total.splitlines() + middle.splitlines()
            index = lst.index(middle.splitlines()[0])
            low = lst[index-1]
            high = lst[index+1]
            cmd = "lshw -c disk |sed -n '%s, %sp'" % (low, high)
            disk_details = process.system_output(cmd, ignore_status=True,
                                                 shell=True, sudo=True)
            ls_string = "logicalsectorsize=%s sectorsize=%s" % (lbs, pbs)
            if ls_string not in disk_details:
                msg.append("Mismatch in sector sizes of lbs,pbs"
                           " in lshw o/p w.r.t sysfs paths")

        if msg:
            self.fail("Some tests failed. Details below:\n%s" % "\n".join(msg))
    def bond_setup(self, arg1, arg2):
        bond setup
        if arg1 == "local":
            self.log.info("Configuring Bonding on Local machine")
            for ifs in self.host_interfaces:
                cmd = "ip addr flush dev %s" % ifs
                process.system(cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=True)
            for ifs in self.host_interfaces:
                cmd = "ip link set %s down" % ifs
                process.system(cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=True)
            genio.write_file(self.bonding_masters_file, "+%s" % self.bond_name)
            genio.write_file("%s/bonding/mode" % self.bond_dir, arg2)
            genio.write_file("%s/bonding/miimon" % self.bond_dir, "100")
            genio.write_file("%s/bonding/fail_over_mac" % self.bond_dir, "2")
            for val in self.host_interfaces:
                genio.write_file(self.bonding_slave_file, "+%s" % val)
            bond_name_val = ''
            for line in genio.read_file(self.bond_status).splitlines():
                if 'Bonding Mode' in line:
                    bond_name_val = line.split(':')[1]
            self.log.info("Trying bond mode %s [ %s ]", arg2, bond_name_val)
            for ifs in self.host_interfaces:
                cmd = "ip link set %s up" % ifs
                if process.system(cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=True) != 0:
                    self.fail("unable to interface up")
            cmd = "ip addr add %s/%s dev %s;ip link set %s up"\
                  % (self.local_ip, self.net_mask[0],
                     self.bond_name, self.bond_name)
            process.system(cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=True)
            for _ in range(0, 600, 60):
                if 'state UP' in process.system_output("ip link \
                     show %s" % self.bond_name, shell=True):
                    self.log.info("Bonding setup is successful on\
                                  local machine")
                self.fail("Bonding setup on local machine has failed")
            if self.gateway:
                cmd = 'ip route add default via %s dev %s' % \
                    (self.gateway, self.bond_name)
                process.system(cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=True)

            self.log.info("Configuring Bonding on Peer machine")
            cmd = ''
            for val in self.peer_interfaces:
                cmd += 'ip addr flush dev %s;' % val
            for val in self.peer_interfaces:
                cmd += 'ip link set %s down;' % val
            cmd += 'modprobe bonding;'
            cmd += 'echo +%s > %s;'\
                   % (self.bond_name, self.bonding_masters_file)
            cmd += 'echo 0 > %s/bonding/mode;'\
                   % self.bond_dir
            cmd += 'echo 100 > %s/bonding/miimon;'\
                   % self.bond_dir
            cmd += 'echo 2 > %s/bonding/fail_over_mac;'\
                   % self.bond_dir
            for val in self.peer_interfaces:
                cmd += 'echo "+%s" > %s;' % (val, self.bonding_slave_file)
            for val in self.peer_interfaces:
                cmd += 'ip link set %s up;' % val
            cmd += 'ip addr add %s/%s dev %s;ip link set %s up;sleep 5;'\
                   % (self.peer_first_ipinterface, self.net_mask[0],
                      self.bond_name, self.bond_name)
            peer_cmd = "timeout %s ssh %s@%s \"%s\""\
                       % (self.peer_wait_time, self.user,
                          self.peer_first_ipinterface, cmd)
            if process.system(peer_cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=True) != 0:
                self.fail("bond setup command failed in peer machine")
    def setUp(self):

        # Check for basic utilities
        sm = SoftwareManager()
        detected_distro = distro.detect()
        deps = ['gcc', 'make', 'patch']

        if detected_distro.name == "Ubuntu":
            deps += ['libpthread-stubs0-dev', 'git']
        elif detected_distro.name == "SuSE":
            deps += ['glibc-devel-static', 'git-core']
            deps += ['glibc-static', 'git']

        for package in deps:
            if not sm.check_installed(package) and not sm.install(package):
                self.cancel(' %s is needed for the test to be run' % package)


        if detected_distro.name == "Ubuntu":
            op = glob.glob("/usr/lib/*/libpthread.a")
            op = glob.glob("/usr/lib*/libpthread.a")

        if not op:
            self.cancel("libpthread.a is required!!!"
                        "\nTry installing glibc-static")

        # Get arguments:
        self.hugetlbfs_dir = self.params.get('hugetlbfs_dir', default=None)
        pages_requested = self.params.get('pages_requested',

        # Check hugepages:
        pages_available = 0
        if os.path.exists('/proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages'):

            Hugepages_support = genio.read_file("/proc/meminfo").rstrip("\n")

            if 'HugePages_' not in Hugepages_support:
                self.cancel("No Hugepages Configured")
            pages_available = memory.get_num_huge_pages()
            self.cancel("Kernel does not support hugepages")

        # Check no of hugepages :
        if pages_available < pages_requested:
            self.cancel('%d pages available, < %d pages requested'
                        % (pages_available, pages_requested))

        # Check if hugetlbfs is mounted
        cmd_result = process.run(
            'grep hugetlbfs /proc/mounts', verbose=False, sudo=True)
        if not cmd_result:
            if not self.hugetlbfs_dir:
                self.hugetlbfs_dir = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'hugetlbfs')
            if process.system('mount -t hugetlbfs none %s' %
                              self.hugetlbfs_dir, sudo=True,
                self.cancel("hugetlbfs mount failed")

        patch = self.params.get('patch', default='elflink.patch')
        process.run('patch -p1 < %s' % self.get_data(patch), shell=True)

        build.make(self.workdir, extra_args='BUILDTYPE=NATIVEONLY')
Exemple #57
 def get_proc_content(rel_path):
         return genio.read_file(os.path.join(p_dir, rel_path)).strip()
         return "<NOT AVAILABLE>"
Exemple #58
except path.CmdNotFoundError:
    apidoc = False

# Documentation sections. Key is the name of the section, followed by:
# Second level module name (after avocado), Module description,
# Output directory, List of directory to exclude from API  generation,
# list of (duplicated) generated reST files to remove (and avoid warnings)
API_SECTIONS = {"Test APIs": (None,
                              "This is the bare mininum set of APIs that users "
                              "should use, and can rely on, while writing tests.",
                              ("core", "utils", "plugins"),
                              ("modules.rst", )),

                "Utilities APIs": ("utils",
                                   ("core", "plugins"),
                                   ("avocado.rst", "modules.rst")),

                "Internal (Core) APIs": ("core",
                                         "Internal APIs that may be of interest to "
                                         "Avocado hackers.",
                                         ("utils", "plugins"),
                                         ("avocado.rst", "modules.rst")),

                "Extension (plugin) APIs": ("plugins",
                                            "Extension APIs that may be of interest to "
                                            "plugin writers.",