Exemple #1
    def test(self):

        mediaName = os.environ['BBB_MOVIE']
        media = avMedia.Media(mediaName, quiet=False)
        infoDict = media.info()
        assert infoDict['name'] == mediaName
        assert 'mov' in infoDict['format']
        assert infoDict['stream'][0]['type'] == 'video'
        assert infoDict['stream'][0]['width'] == 320
        assert infoDict['stream'][0]['height'] == 180
        assert infoDict['stream'][1]['type'] == 'audio'
        assert infoDict['stream'][1]['channels'] == 2
Exemple #2
    def testImageArray(self):

        # write image then read it and test data

        mediaName = '/tmp/fooArray.tiff'

        w = 8
        h = 8

        resolution = (w, h)

        streamInfo = {
            'width': resolution[0],
            'height': resolution[1],
            'codec': 'auto',
            'pixelFormat': 'rgb24',
            'type': 'video',

        # codec auto. guess

        a = array.array('B')
        colorTuple = [11, 128, 255]
        with avMedia.Media.open(mediaName, 'w', streamsInfo=[streamInfo]) as m:
            m.write(a, 1, 'video')

        assert(os.path.getsize(mediaName) > 0)

        media2 = avMedia.Media(mediaName)
        mediaInfo = media2.info()
        vstream = 0
        streamInfo = mediaInfo['stream'][vstream]
        assert streamInfo['width'] == w
        assert streamInfo['height'] == h

        media2.addScaler(vstream, w, h)

        for pkt in media2:
            if pkt.streamIndex() == vstream:
                if pkt.decoded:
                    frame = pkt.swsFrame

                    assert self.compareData(frame, w, h, colorTuple)

Exemple #3
    def testCopyPacket(self):

        mediaName = os.environ['CONSTANT_WAV']
        media = avMedia.Media(mediaName, quiet=False)
        mediaInfo = media.info()

        astream = 0 # audio stream index
        streamInfo = mediaInfo['stream'][astream]

        for pkt in media:
            if pkt.streamIndex() == astream:
                pkt2 = copy.copy(pkt)
                if pkt2.decoded:

                    frame = pkt2.frame
                    assert self.compareAudioData(frame, pkt2.dataSize) 
Exemple #4
    def testImage(self):

        mediaName = os.environ['TIFF_IMAGE']
        media = avMedia.Media(mediaName, quiet=False)
        mediaInfo = media.info()

        # retrieve video width and height
        vstream = 0  # video stream index
        streamInfo = mediaInfo['stream'][vstream]
        w, h = streamInfo['width'], streamInfo['height']

        # output rgb24 (24 bits)
        media.addScaler(vstream, w, h)

        for pkt in media:
            if pkt.streamIndex() == vstream:
                if pkt.decoded:

                    frame = pkt.swsFrame
                    assert self.compareData(frame, w, h)
Exemple #5
    def testAudio(self):

        mediaName = os.environ['CONSTANT_WAV']
        media = avMedia.Media(mediaName, quiet=False)
        mediaInfo = media.info()

        astream = 0 # audio stream index
        streamInfo = mediaInfo['stream'][astream]

        wp = wave.open(mediaName) 
        # check ffmpeg info against wave info
        frames = wp.getnframes()
        rate = wp.getframerate()
        assert wp.getnchannels() == streamInfo['channels']
        assert rate == streamInfo['sampleRate']
        assert wp.getsampwidth() == streamInfo['bytesPerSample']
        duration = frames / float(rate)
        assert duration == mediaInfo['duration']

        # size in bytes for 1 second of audio
        secondSize = streamInfo['channels'] * streamInfo['bytesPerSample'] * streamInfo['sampleRate']

        decodedSize = 0
        for pkt in media:
            if pkt.streamIndex() == astream:
                if pkt.decoded:

                    frame = pkt.frame
                    decodedSize += pkt.dataSize
                    assert self.compareAudioData(frame, pkt.dataSize) 

        # check total decoded size
        # TODO: check with wav of len 2.1s
        assert secondSize * duration == decodedSize 
Exemple #6
    def testAudioResampling(self):

        mediaName = os.environ['CONSTANT_WAV']
        media = avMedia.Media(mediaName, quiet=False)
        mediaInfo = media.info()

        astream = 0 # audio stream index
        streamInfo = mediaInfo['stream'][astream]
        if not avMedia.AVPY_RESAMPLE_SUPPORT:

            print('No resampling support, test disabled.')

        wp = wave.open(mediaName) 
        # check ffmpeg info against wave info
        frames = wp.getnframes()
        rate = wp.getframerate()
        assert wp.getnchannels() == streamInfo['channels']
        assert rate == streamInfo['sampleRate']
        assert wp.getsampwidth() == streamInfo['bytesPerSample']
        duration = frames / float(rate)
        assert duration == mediaInfo['duration']
        # inital sample rate / 2
        outSampleRate = 22050 
        outAudio = {
            'layout': 'stereo', # XXX: channelLayout?
            'channels': 2,
            'sampleRate': outSampleRate,
            'sampleFmt': 's16',
            'bytesPerSample': 2,
        hasResampler = media.addResampler(astream, streamInfo, outAudio)

        assert hasResampler

        # size in bytes for 1 second of audio
        secondSize = outAudio['channels'] * outAudio['bytesPerSample'] * outAudio['sampleRate']
        decodedSize = 0
        for pkt in media:
            if pkt.streamIndex() == astream:
                if pkt.decoded:

                    frame = pkt.resampledFrame
                    decodedSize += pkt.rDataSize
                    assert self.compareAudioData(frame, pkt.rDataSize) 
        expectedSize = duration*secondSize
        print('decodedSize', decodedSize)
        print('expectedSize', expectedSize)
        print('frame size', streamInfo['frameSize'])
        secondsDiff = float(expectedSize-decodedSize)/secondSize
        print('diff (in seconds)', secondsDiff) 
        # XXX: accept a small margin error for now
        # wondering if this is normal or not...
        assert secondsDiff < 0.01
Exemple #7
    def testImage(self):

        # write image then read it and test data

        # TODO: temp dir --> from TOX or gen a new one?
        mediaName = '/tmp/foo.tiff'
        # FIXME: invalid argument with .tga?
        #mediaName = '/tmp/blah.tga'

        w = 160
        h = 120

        media = avMedia.Media(mediaName, 'w', quiet=False)
        resolution = (w, h)

        streamInfoVideo = {
            'width': resolution[0],
            'height': resolution[1],

        # codec auto. guess
        streamInfoVideo['codec'] = 'auto'
        streamInfoVideo['pixelFormat'] = 'rgb24'

        streamIndex = media.addStream('video', streamInfoVideo)
        pkt = media.videoPacket()

        # see http://multimedia.cx/eggs/supplying-ffmpeg-with-metadata/
        # for available metadata per container
        metadata = {'artist': 'me'}
        # Presentation TimeStamp (pts)
        pts = 0
        #maxFrame = 1

        self.fillRgb(pkt.frame, *resolution)
        media.write(pkt, pts+1, 'video')


        # writing done
        # now read image and check data

        assert(os.path.getsize(mediaName) > 0)

        media2 = avMedia.Media(mediaName)
        mediaInfo = media2.info()
        vstream = 0
        streamInfo = mediaInfo['stream'][vstream]
        assert streamInfo['width'] == w
        assert streamInfo['height'] == h

        media2.addScaler(vstream, w, h)

        for pkt in media2:
            if pkt.streamIndex() == vstream:
                if pkt.decoded:
                    frame = pkt.swsFrame
                    assert self.compareData(frame, w, h, (109, 219, 1))
Exemple #8
    def testWav(self):

        # write wav then read it and test data

        mediaName = '/tmp/foo.wav'
        media = avMedia.Media(mediaName, 'w', quiet=False)

        streamInfoAudio = {
                'bitRate': 64000, # XXX: compute it, why 64000?
                'sampleRate': 44100,
                'channels': 2,
                'codec': 'auto',

        streamIndex = media.addStream('audio', streamInfoAudio)
        pkt = media.audioPacket()
        info = media.info()
        si = info['stream'][0]
        frameSize = info['stream'][0]['frameSize']
        # size in bytes for 1 second of audio
        secondSize = si['channels'] * si['bytesPerSample'] * si['sampleRate']

        # write ~ 1s of audio
        nFrame = float(secondSize)/float(frameSize)
        nFrameInt = int(round(nFrame))

        # TODO: check with empty dict or None
        metadata = {'artist': 'me'}
        # Presentation TimeStamp (pts)
        pts = 0

        for i in range(nFrameInt):

            for i in range(int(frameSize/4)):
                # write 
                # 1 - 255 (left channel)
                # 250 - 253 (right channel)
                pkt.frame.contents.data[0][i*4] = 1
                pkt.frame.contents.data[0][i*4+1] = 255
                pkt.frame.contents.data[0][i*4+2] = 250
                pkt.frame.contents.data[0][i*4+3] = 254

            media.write(pkt, pts+1, 'audio')
            pts += 1


        # read wav

        wp = wave.open(mediaName) 
        # check ffmpeg info against wave info
        frames = wp.getnframes()
        rate = wp.getframerate()
        assert wp.getnchannels() == si['channels']
        assert rate == si['sampleRate']
        assert wp.getsampwidth() == si['bytesPerSample']

        duration = frames / float(rate)
        assert(duration > 0)

        if nFrame != nFrameInt:
            # assert abs(1.0 - duration) < 0.01
            assert_less(abs(1.0 - duration), 0.01)
            assert duration == 1.0

        # note: for wave module, a frame is equivalent of
        # 1 sample of audio 
        # so here: 4 bytes (2 channels * 2 bytes per channel)
        wpFrame = wp.readframes(1)
        wpFrameCount = 0
        while wpFrame:
            # 01 - 255 - 250 - 254
            if avMedia.PY3:
                assert wpFrame == b'\x01\xff\xfa\xfe'
                assert wpFrame == '\x01\xff\xfa\xfe'
            wpFrameCount += 1
            wpFrame = wp.readframes(1)
        assert wpFrameCount / nFrameInt == frameSize / (si['channels'] * si['bytesPerSample'])