def setup_gen_candidates(df): # Find first ancestor with different PDG ID # before defining the gen candidates mothers = JaggedArray.fromcounts(df['nGenPart'], df['GenPart_genPartIdxMother']) pdgids = JaggedArray.fromcounts(df['nGenPart'], df['GenPart_pdgId']) parent_index = find_first_parent(mothers, pdgids) gen = JaggedCandidateArray.candidatesfromcounts( df['nGenPart'], pt=df['GenPart_pt'], eta=df['GenPart_eta'], phi=df['GenPart_phi'], mass=df['GenPart_mass'], charge=df['GenPart_pdgId'], pdg=df['GenPart_pdgId'], status=df['GenPart_status'], flag=df['GenPart_statusFlags'], mother=df['GenPart_genPartIdxMother'], parentIndex=parent_index.flatten()) return gen
def convert_jec_txt_file(jecFilePath): jec_f = open(jecFilePath,'r') layoutstr = jec_f.readline().strip().strip('{}') jec_f.close() name = jecFilePath.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] layout = layoutstr.split() if not layout[0].isdigit(): raise Exception('First column of JEC descriptor must be a digit!') #setup the file format nBinnedVars = int(layout[0]) nBinColumns = 2*nBinnedVars nEvalVars = int(layout[nBinnedVars+1]) formula = layout[nBinnedVars+nEvalVars+2] nParms = 0 while( formula.count('[%i]'%nParms) ): formula = formula.replace('[%i]'%nParms,'p%i'%nParms) nParms += 1 #protect function names with vars in them funcs_to_cap = ['max','exp'] for f in funcs_to_cap: formula = formula.replace(f,f.upper()) templatevars = ['x','y','z','w','t','s'] varnames = [layout[i+nBinnedVars+2] for i in range(nEvalVars)] for find,replace in zip(templatevars,varnames): formula = formula.replace(find,replace) #restore max for f in funcs_to_cap: formula = formula.replace(f.upper(),f) nFuncColumns = 2*nEvalVars + nParms nTotColumns = nFuncColumns + 1 #parse the columns minMax = ['Min','Max'] columns = [] dtypes = [] offset = 1 for i in range(nBinnedVars): columns.extend(['%s%s'%(layout[i+offset],mm) for mm in minMax]) dtypes.extend(['<f8','<f8']) columns.append('NVars') dtypes.append('<i8') offset += nBinnedVars + 1 for i in range(nEvalVars): columns.extend(['%s%s'%(layout[i+offset],mm) for mm in minMax]) dtypes.extend(['<f8','<f8']) for i in range(nParms): columns.append('p%i'%i) dtypes.append('<f8') pars = np.genfromtxt(jecFilePath, dtype=tuple(dtypes), names=tuple(columns), skip_header=1, unpack=True, encoding='ascii' ) #the first bin is always usual for JECs #the next bins may vary in number, so they're jagged arrays... yay bins = {} offset_col = 0 offset_name = 1 bin_order = [] for i in range(nBinnedVars): binMins = None binMaxs = None if i == 0: binMins = np.unique(pars[columns[0]]) binMaxs = np.unique(pars[columns[1]]) bins[layout[i+offset_name]] = np.union1d(binMins,binMaxs) else: counts = np.zeros(0, allBins = np.zeros(0,dtype=np.double) for binMin in bins[bin_order[0]][:-1]: binMins = np.unique(pars[np.where(pars[columns[0]] == binMin)][columns[i+offset_col]]) binMaxs = np.unique(pars[np.where(pars[columns[0]] == binMin)][columns[i+offset_col+1]]) theBins = np.union1d(binMins,binMaxs) allBins = np.append(allBins,theBins) counts = np.append(counts,theBins.size) bins[layout[i+offset_name]] = JaggedArray.fromcounts(counts,allBins) bin_order.append(layout[i+offset_name]) offset_col += 1 #skip nvars to the variable columns #the columns here define clamps for the variables defined in columns[] # ----> clamps can be different from bins # ----> if there is more than one binning variable this array is jagged # ----> just make it jagged all the time binshapes = tuple([bins[thebin].size-1 for thebin in bin_order]) clamp_mins = {} clamp_maxs = {} var_order = [] offset_col = 2*nBinnedVars+1 offset_name = nBinnedVars + 2 jagged_counts = np.ones(bins[bin_order[0]].size-1, if len(bin_order) > 1: jagged_counts = np.maximum(bins[bin_order[1]].counts - 1,0) #need counts-1 since we only care about Nbins for i in range(nEvalVars): clamp_mins[layout[i+offset_name]] = JaggedArray.fromcounts(jagged_counts,np.atleast_1d(pars[columns[i+offset_col]])) clamp_maxs[layout[i+offset_name]] = JaggedArray.fromcounts(jagged_counts,np.atleast_1d(pars[columns[i+offset_col+1]])) var_order.append(layout[i+offset_name]) offset_col += 1 #now get the parameters, which we will look up with the clamps parms = [] parm_order = [] offset_col = 2*nBinnedVars+1 + 2*nEvalVars for i in range(nParms): parms.append(JaggedArray.fromcounts(jagged_counts,pars[columns[i+offset_col]])) parm_order.append('p%i'%(i)) wrapped_up = {} wrapped_up[(name,'jet_energy_corrector')] = (formula, (bins,bin_order), (clamp_mins,clamp_maxs,var_order), (parms,parm_order)) return wrapped_up
def _build_standard_jme_lookup(name, layout, pars, nBinnedVars, nBinColumns, nEvalVars, formula, nParms, columns, dtypes, interpolatedFunc=False): #the first bin is always usual for JECs #the next bins may vary in number, so they're jagged arrays... yay bins = {} offset_col = 0 offset_name = 1 bin_order = [] for i in range(nBinnedVars): binMins = None binMaxs = None if i == 0: binMins = np.unique(pars[columns[0]]) binMaxs = np.unique(pars[columns[1]]) bins[layout[i + offset_name]] = np.union1d(binMins, binMaxs) else: counts = np.zeros(0, allBins = np.zeros(0, dtype=np.double) for binMin in bins[bin_order[0]][:-1]: binMins = np.unique(pars[np.where( pars[columns[0]] == binMin)][columns[i + offset_col]]) binMaxs = np.unique(pars[np.where( pars[columns[0]] == binMin)][columns[i + offset_col + 1]]) theBins = np.union1d(binMins, binMaxs) allBins = np.append(allBins, theBins) counts = np.append(counts, theBins.size) bins[layout[i + offset_name]] = JaggedArray.fromcounts( counts, allBins) bin_order.append(layout[i + offset_name]) offset_col += 1 #skip nvars to the variable columns #the columns here define clamps for the variables defined in columns[] # ----> clamps can be different from bins # ----> if there is more than one binning variable this array is jagged # ----> just make it jagged all the time binshapes = tuple([bins[thebin].size - 1 for thebin in bin_order]) clamp_mins = {} clamp_maxs = {} var_order = [] offset_col = 2 * nBinnedVars + 1 offset_name = nBinnedVars + 2 jagged_counts = np.ones(bins[bin_order[0]].size - 1, if len(bin_order) > 1: jagged_counts = np.maximum( bins[bin_order[1]].counts - 1, 0) #need counts-1 since we only care about Nbins for i in range(nEvalVars): var_order.append(layout[i + offset_name]) if not interpolatedFunc: clamp_mins[layout[i + offset_name]] = JaggedArray.fromcounts( jagged_counts, np.atleast_1d(pars[columns[i + offset_col]])) clamp_maxs[layout[i + offset_name]] = JaggedArray.fromcounts( jagged_counts, np.atleast_1d(pars[columns[i + offset_col + 1]])) offset_col += 1 #now get the parameters, which we will look up with the clamped values parms = [] parm_order = [] offset_col = 2 * nBinnedVars + 1 + (interpolatedFunc == False) * 2 * nEvalVars for i in range(nParms): parms.append( JaggedArray.fromcounts(jagged_counts, pars[columns[i + offset_col]])) parm_order.append('p%i' % (i)) wrapped_up = {} wrapped_up[(name, 'jme_standard_function')] = (formula, (bins, bin_order), (clamp_mins, clamp_maxs, var_order), (parms, parm_order)) return wrapped_up
def convert_effective_area_file(eaFilePath): ea_f = open(eaFilePath, 'r') layoutstr = ea_f.readline().strip().strip('{}') ea_f.close() name = eaFilePath.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] layout = layoutstr.split() if not layout[0].isdigit(): raise Exception( 'First column of Effective Area File Header must be a digit!') #setup the file format nBinnedVars = int(layout[0]) nBinColumns = 2 * nBinnedVars nEvalVars = int(layout[nBinnedVars + 1]) minMax = ['Min', 'Max'] columns = [] dtypes = [] offset = 1 for i in range(nBinnedVars): columns.extend(['%s%s' % (layout[i + offset], mm) for mm in minMax]) dtypes.extend(['<f8', '<f8']) offset += nBinnedVars + 1 for i in range(nEvalVars): columns.append('%s' % (layout[i + offset])) dtypes.append('<f8') pars = np.genfromtxt(eaFilePath, dtype=tuple(dtypes), names=tuple(columns), skip_header=1, unpack=True, encoding='ascii') bins = {} offset_col = 0 offset_name = 1 bin_order = [] for i in range(nBinnedVars): binMins = None binMaxs = None if i == 0: binMins = np.unique(pars[columns[0]]) binMaxs = np.unique(pars[columns[1]]) bins[layout[i + offset_name]] = np.union1d(binMins, binMaxs) else: counts = np.zeros(0, allBins = np.zeros(0, dtype=np.double) for binMin in bins[bin_order[0]][:-1]: binMins = np.unique(pars[np.where( pars[columns[0]] == binMin)][columns[i + offset_col]]) binMaxs = np.unique(pars[np.where( pars[columns[0]] == binMin)][columns[i + offset_col + 1]]) theBins = np.union1d(binMins, binMaxs) allBins = np.append(allBins, theBins) counts = np.append(counts, theBins.size) bins[layout[i + offset_name]] = JaggedArray.fromcounts( counts, allBins) bin_order.append(layout[i + offset_name]) offset_col += 1 # again this is only for one dimension of binning, fight me # we can figure out a 2D EA when we get there offset_name += 1 wrapped_up = {} lookup_type = 'dense_lookup' dims = bins[layout[1]] for i in range(nEvalVars): ea_name = '_'.join([name, columns[offset_name + i]]) values = pars[columns[offset_name + i]] wrapped_up[(ea_name, lookup_type)] = (values, dims) return wrapped_up
def process(self, df): output = self.accumulator.identity() # ---- Define dataset ---- # dataset = df['dataset'] #coffea.processor.LazyDataFrame Dataset_info = df.available #list of available columns in LazyDataFrame object (Similar to 'Events->Show()' command in ROOT) # ---- Get triggers from Dataset_info ---- # #triggers = [itrig for itrig in Dataset_info if 'HLT_PFHT' in itrig] #AK8triggers = [itrig for itrig in Dataset_info if 'HLT_AK8PFHT' in itrig] # ---- Find numeric values in trigger strings ---- # #triggers_cut1 = [sub.split('PFHT')[1] for sub in triggers] # Remove string characters from left of number #triggers_cut2 = [sub.split('_')[0] for sub in triggers_cut1] # Remove string characters from right of number #isTriggerValue = [val.isnumeric() for val in triggers_cut2] # Boolean -> if string is only a number #triggers_cut2 = np.where(isTriggerValue, triggers_cut2, 0) # If string is not a number, replace with 0 #triggers_vals = [int(val) for val in triggers_cut2] # Convert string numbers to integers #AK8triggers_cut1 = [sub.split('HT')[1] for sub in AK8triggers] #AK8triggers_cut2 = [sub.split('_')[0] for sub in AK8triggers_cut1] #isAK8TriggerValue = [val.isnumeric() for val in AK8triggers_cut2] #AK8triggers_cut2 = np.where(isAK8TriggerValue, AK8triggers_cut2, 0) #AK8triggers_vals = [int(val) for val in AK8triggers_cut2] # ---- Find Largest and Second Largest Value ---- # #triggers_vals.sort(reverse = True) #AK8triggers_vals.sort(reverse = True) #triggers_vals1 = str(triggers_vals[0]) #triggers_vals2 = str(triggers_vals[1]) #AK8triggers_vals1 = str(AK8triggers_vals[0]) #AK8triggers_vals2 = str(AK8triggers_vals[1]) # ---- Define strings for the selected triggers ---- # #HLT_trig1_str = [itrig for itrig in triggers if (triggers_vals1) in itrig][0] #HLT_trig2_str = [itrig for itrig in triggers if (triggers_vals2) in itrig][0] #HLT_AK8_trig1_str = [itrig for itrig in AK8triggers if (AK8triggers_vals1) in itrig][0] #HLT_AK8_trig2_str = [itrig for itrig in AK8triggers if (AK8triggers_vals2) in itrig][0] # ---- Define HLT triggers to be used ---- # #HLT_trig1 = df[HLT_trig1_str] #HLT_trig2 = df[HLT_trig2_str] #HLT_AK8_trig1 = df[HLT_AK8_trig1_str] #HLT_AK8_trig2 = df[HLT_AK8_trig2_str] # ---- Define AK8 Jets as FatJets ---- # FatJets = JaggedCandidateArray.candidatesfromcounts( df['nFatJet'], pt=df['FatJet_pt'], eta=df['FatJet_eta'], phi=df['FatJet_phi'], mass=df['FatJet_mass'], area=df['FatJet_area'], msoftdrop=df['FatJet_msoftdrop'], jetId=df['FatJet_jetId'], tau1=df['FatJet_tau1'], tau2=df['FatJet_tau2'], tau3=df['FatJet_tau3'], tau4=df['FatJet_tau4'], n3b1=df['FatJet_n3b1'], btagDeepB=df['FatJet_btagDeepB'], btagCSVV2=df['FatJet_btagCSVV2'], deepTag_TvsQCD=df['FatJet_deepTag_TvsQCD'], deepTagMD_TvsQCD=df['FatJet_deepTagMD_TvsQCD'], subJetIdx1=df['FatJet_subJetIdx1'], subJetIdx2=df['FatJet_subJetIdx2']) # ---- Define AK4 jets as Jets ---- # Jets = JaggedCandidateArray.candidatesfromcounts(df['nJet'], pt=df['Jet_pt'], eta=df['Jet_eta'], phi=df['Jet_phi'], mass=df['Jet_mass'], area=df['Jet_area']) # ---- Define SubJets ---- # SubJets = JaggedCandidateArray.candidatesfromcounts( df['nSubJet'], pt=df['SubJet_pt'], eta=df['SubJet_eta'], phi=df['SubJet_phi'], mass=df['SubJet_mass'], btagDeepB=df['SubJet_btagDeepB'], btagCSVV2=df['SubJet_btagCSVV2']) # ---- Get event weights from dataset ---- # if 'JetHT' in dataset: # If data is used... evtweights = np.ones(FatJets.size) # set all "data weights" to one else: # if Monte Carlo dataset is used... evtweights = df["Generator_weight"].reshape(-1, 1).flatten() # ---- Show all events ---- # output['cutflow']['all events'] += FatJets.size # ---- Apply Trigger(s) ---- # #FatJets = FatJets[HLT_AK8_trig1] #evtweights = evtweights[HLT_AK8_trig1] #Jets = Jets[HLT_AK8_trig1] #SubJets = SubJets[HLT_AK8_trig1] # ---- Jets that satisfy Jet ID ---- # jet_id = (FatJets.jetId > 0) # Loose jet ID FatJets = FatJets[jet_id] output['cutflow']['jet id'] += jet_id.any().sum() # ---- Apply pT Cut and Rapidity Window ---- # jetkincut_index = ( > self.ak8PtMin) & (np.abs( FatJets.p4.rapidity) < 2.4) FatJets = FatJets[jetkincut_index] output['cutflow']['jet kin'] += jetkincut_index.any().sum() # ---- Find two AK8 Jets ---- # twoFatJetsKin = (FatJets.counts == 2) FatJets = FatJets[twoFatJetsKin] evtweights = evtweights[twoFatJetsKin] Jets = Jets[twoFatJetsKin] SubJets = SubJets[twoFatJetsKin] output['cutflow']['two FatJets and jet kin'] += twoFatJetsKin.sum() # ---- Apply HT Cut ---- # hT = passhT = (hT > self.htCut) evtweights = evtweights[passhT] FatJets = FatJets[passhT] SubJets = SubJets[passhT] # ---- Randomly Assign AK8 Jets as TTbar Candidates 0 and 1 --- # if self.RandomDebugMode == True: # 'Sudo' randomizer for consistent results highPhi = FatJets.phi[:, 0] > FatJets.phi[:, 1] highRandIndex = np.where(highPhi, 0, 1) index = JaggedArray.fromcounts(np.ones(len(FatJets), dtype='i'), highRandIndex) else: # Truly randomize index = JaggedArray.fromcounts( np.ones(len(FatJets), dtype='i'), self.prng.randint(2, size=len(FatJets))) jet0 = FatJets[index] #J0 jet1 = FatJets[1 - index] #J1 ttbarcands = jet0.cross(jet1) #FatJets[:,0:2].distincts() # ---- Make sure we have at least 1 TTbar candidate pair and re-broadcast releveant arrays ---- # oneTTbar = (ttbarcands.counts >= 1) output['cutflow']['>= one oneTTbar'] += oneTTbar.sum() ttbarcands = ttbarcands[oneTTbar] evtweights = evtweights[oneTTbar] FatJets = FatJets[oneTTbar] SubJets = SubJets[oneTTbar] # ---- Apply Delta Phi Cut for Back to Back Topology ---- # dPhiCut = (ttbarcands.i0.p4.delta_phi(ttbarcands.i1.p4) > 2.1).flatten() output['cutflow']['dPhi > 2.1'] += dPhiCut.sum() ttbarcands = ttbarcands[dPhiCut] evtweights = evtweights[dPhiCut] FatJets = FatJets[dPhiCut] SubJets = SubJets[dPhiCut] # ---- Identify subjets according to subjet ID ---- # hasSubjets0 = ((ttbarcands.i0.subJetIdx1 > -1) & (ttbarcands.i0.subJetIdx2 > -1)) hasSubjets1 = ((ttbarcands.i1.subJetIdx1 > -1) & (ttbarcands.i1.subJetIdx2 > -1)) GoodSubjets = ((hasSubjets0) & (hasSubjets1)).flatten() ttbarcands = ttbarcands[GoodSubjets] SubJets = SubJets[GoodSubjets] evtweights = evtweights[GoodSubjets] SubJet01 = SubJets[ttbarcands.i0.subJetIdx1] # FatJet i0 with subjet 1 SubJet02 = SubJets[ttbarcands.i0.subJetIdx2] # FatJet i0 with subjet 2 SubJet11 = SubJets[ttbarcands.i1.subJetIdx1] # FatJet i1 with subjet 1 SubJet12 = SubJets[ttbarcands.i1.subJetIdx2] # FatJet i1 with subjet 2 # ---- Define Rapidity Regions ---- # cen = np.abs(ttbarcands.i0.p4.rapidity - ttbarcands.i1.p4.rapidity) < 1.0 fwd = (~cen) # ---- CMS Top Tagger Version 2 (SD and Tau32 Cuts) ---- # tau32_i0 = np.where(ttbarcands.i0.tau2 > 0, ttbarcands.i0.tau3 / ttbarcands.i0.tau2, 0) tau32_i1 = np.where(ttbarcands.i1.tau2 > 0, ttbarcands.i1.tau3 / ttbarcands.i1.tau2, 0) taucut_i0 = tau32_i0 < self.tau32Cut taucut_i1 = tau32_i1 < self.tau32Cut mcut_i0 = (self.minMSD < ttbarcands.i0.msoftdrop) & ( ttbarcands.i0.msoftdrop < self.maxMSD) mcut_i1 = (self.minMSD < ttbarcands.i1.msoftdrop) & ( ttbarcands.i1.msoftdrop < self.maxMSD) ttag_i0 = (taucut_i0) & (mcut_i0) ttag_i1 = (taucut_i1) & (mcut_i1) # ---- Define "Top Tag" Regions ---- # antitag = (~taucut_i0) & (mcut_i0 ) #Probe will always be ttbarcands.i1 (at) antitag_probe = np.logical_and( antitag, ttag_i1 ) #Found an antitag and ttagged probe pair for mistag rate (Pt) pretag = ttag_i0 # Only jet0 (pret) ttag0 = (~ttag_i0) & (~ttag_i1) # No tops tagged (0t) ttag1 = ttag_i0 ^ ttag_i1 # Exclusively one top tagged (1t) ttagI = ttag_i0 | ttag_i1 # At least one top tagged ('I' for 'inclusive' tagger; >=1t; 1t+2t) ttag2 = ttag_i0 & ttag_i1 # Both jets top tagged (2t) Alltags = ttag0 | ttagI #Either no tag or at least one tag (0t+1t+2t) # ---- Pick FatJet that passes btag cut based on its subjet with the highest btag value ---- # btag_i0 = (np.maximum(SubJet01.btagCSVV2, SubJet02.btagCSVV2) > self.bdisc) btag_i1 = (np.maximum(SubJet11.btagCSVV2, SubJet12.btagCSVV2) > self.bdisc) # --- Define "B Tag" Regions ---- # btag0 = (~btag_i0) & (~btag_i1) #(0b) btag1 = btag_i0 ^ btag_i1 #(1b) btag2 = btag_i0 & btag_i1 #(2b) # ---- Get Analysis Categories ---- # # ---- They are (central, forward) cross (0b,1b,2b) cross (At,at,0t,1t,>=1t,2t) ---- # regs = [cen, fwd] btags = [btag0, btag1, btag2] ttags = [ antitag_probe, antitag, pretag, ttag0, ttag1, ttagI, ttag2, Alltags ] cats = [(t & b & y).flatten() for t, b, y in itertools.product(ttags, btags, regs)] labels_and_categories = dict(zip(self.anacats, cats)) # ---- Variables for Kinematic Histograms ---- # # ---- "i0" is the control jet, "i1" is the probe jet ---- # ttbarmass = ttbarcands.p4.sum().mass.flatten() jetpt = jeteta = ttbarcands.i1.eta.flatten() jetphi = ttbarcands.i1.phi.flatten() jety = ttbarcands.i1.p4.rapidity.flatten() jetmass = ttbarcands.i1.p4.mass.flatten() SDmass = ttbarcands.i1.msoftdrop.flatten() jetdy = np.abs(ttbarcands.i0.p4.rapidity.flatten() - ttbarcands.i1.p4.rapidity.flatten()) Tau32 = (ttbarcands.i1.tau3 / ttbarcands.i1.tau2).flatten() # ---- Variables for Deep Tagger Analysis ---- # deepTag = ttbarcands.i1.deepTag_TvsQCD.flatten() deepTagMD = ttbarcands.i1.deepTagMD_TvsQCD.flatten() weights = evtweights.flatten() # ---- Define the SumW2 for MC Datasets ---- # output['cutflow']['sumw'] += np.sum(weights) output['cutflow']['sumw2'] += np.sum(weights**2) # ---- Define Momentum p of probe jet as the Mistag Rate variable; M(p) ---- # # ---- Transverse Momentum pT can also be used instead; M(pT) ---- # pT = eta = ttbarcands.i1.eta.flatten() pz = np.sinh(eta) * pT p = np.absolute(np.sqrt(pT**2 + pz**2)) # ---- Define the Numerator and Denominator for Mistag Rate ---- # numerator = np.where( antitag_probe, p, -1) # If no antitag and tagged probe, move event to useless bin denominator = np.where(antitag, p, -1) # If no antitag, move event to useless bin df = pd.DataFrame({"momentum": p}) # Used for finding values in LookUp Tables for ilabel, icat in labels_and_categories.items(): ### ------------------------------------ Mistag Scaling ------------------------------------ ### if self.UseLookUpTables == True: # ---- Weight ttbar M.C. and data by mistag from data (corresponding to its year) ---- # if 'TTbar_' in dataset: file_df =['JetHT' + dataset[-4:] + '_Data'][ 'at' + str( ilabel[-5:] )] #Pick out proper JetHT year mistag for TTbar sim. elif dataset == 'TTbar': file_df =['JetHT']['at' + str( ilabel[-5:])] # All JetHT years mistag for TTbar sim. else: file_df =[dataset]['at' + str( ilabel[-5:])] # get mistag (lookup) filename for 'at' bin_widths = file_df[ 'p'].values # collect bins as written in .csv file mtr = file_df[ 'M(p)'].values # collect mistag rate as function of p as written in file wgts = mtr # Define weights based on mistag rates BinKeys = np.arange( bin_widths.size ) # Use as label for BinNumber column in the new dataframe #Bins = pd.interval_range(start=0, periods=100, freq=100, closed='left') # Recreate the momentum bins from file_df as something readable for pd.cut() Bins = np.array(manual_bins) df['BinWidth'] = pd.cut(p, bins=Bins) # new dataframe column df['BinNumber'] = pd.cut(p, bins=Bins, labels=BinKeys) BinNumber = df[ 'BinNumber'].values # Collect the Bin Numbers into a numpy array BinNumber = BinNumber.astype( 'int64') # Insures the bin numbers are integers WeightMatching = wgts[ BinNumber] # Match 'wgts' with corresponding p bin using the bin number Weights = weights * WeightMatching # Include 'wgts' with the previously defined 'weights' else: Weights = weights # No mistag rates, no change to weights ###---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------### ### ----------------------------------- Mod-mass Procedure ------------------------------------ ### if self.ModMass == True: QCD_unweighted = util.load( 'TTbarResCoffea_QCD_unweighted_output.coffea') # ---- Extract event counts from QCD MC hist in signal region ---- # QCD_hist = QCD_unweighted['jetmass'].integrate( 'anacat', '2t' + str(ilabel[-5:])).integrate('dataset', 'QCD') data = QCD_hist.values() # Dictionary of values QCD_data = [ i for i in data.values() ][0] # place every element of the dictionary into a numpy array # ---- Re-create Bins from QCD_hist as Numpy Array ---- # bins = np.arange( 510 ) #Re-make bins from the jetmass_axis starting with the appropriate range QCD_bins = bins[:: 10] #Finish re-making bins by insuring exactly 50 bins like the jetmass_axis # ---- Define Mod Mass Distribution ---- # ModMass_hist_dist = ss.rv_histogram([QCD_data, QCD_bins]) jet1_modp4 = copy.copy( jet1.p4 ) #J1's Lorentz four vector that can be safely modified jet1_modp4["fMass"] = ModMass_hist_dist.rvs( size=jet1_modp4.size ) #Replace J1's mass with random value of mass from mm hist ttbarcands_modmass = jet0.p4.cross( jet1_modp4) #J0's four vector x modified J1's four vector # ---- Apply Necessary Selections to new modmass version ---- # ttbarcands_modmass = ttbarcands_modmass[oneTTbar] ttbarcands_modmass = ttbarcands_modmass[dPhiCut] ttbarcands_modmass = ttbarcands_modmass[GoodSubjets] # ---- Manually sum the modmass p4 candidates (Coffea technicality) ---- # ttbarcands_modmass_p4_sum = (ttbarcands_modmass.i0 + ttbarcands_modmass.i1) # ---- Re-define Mass Variables for ModMass Procedure (pt, eta, phi are redundant to change) ---- # ttbarmass = ttbarcands_modmass_p4_sum.flatten().mass jetmass = ttbarcands_modmass.i1.mass.flatten() ###---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------### output['cutflow'][ilabel] += np.sum(icat) output['ttbarmass'].fill(dataset=dataset, anacat=ilabel, ttbarmass=ttbarmass[icat], weight=Weights[icat]) output['jetpt'].fill(dataset=dataset, anacat=ilabel, jetpt=jetpt[icat], weight=Weights[icat]) output['probept'].fill(dataset=dataset, anacat=ilabel, jetpt=pT[icat], weight=Weights[icat]) output['probep'].fill(dataset=dataset, anacat=ilabel, jetp=p[icat], weight=Weights[icat]) output['jeteta'].fill(dataset=dataset, anacat=ilabel, jeteta=jeteta[icat], weight=Weights[icat]) output['jetphi'].fill(dataset=dataset, anacat=ilabel, jetphi=jetphi[icat], weight=Weights[icat]) output['jety'].fill(dataset=dataset, anacat=ilabel, jety=jety[icat], weight=Weights[icat]) output['jetdy'].fill(dataset=dataset, anacat=ilabel, jetdy=jetdy[icat], weight=Weights[icat]) output['numerator'].fill(dataset=dataset, anacat=ilabel, jetp=numerator[icat], weight=Weights[icat]) output['denominator'].fill(dataset=dataset, anacat=ilabel, jetp=denominator[icat], weight=Weights[icat]) output['jetmass'].fill(dataset=dataset, anacat=ilabel, jetmass=jetmass[icat], weight=Weights[icat]) output['SDmass'].fill(dataset=dataset, anacat=ilabel, jetmass=SDmass[icat], weight=Weights[icat]) output['tau32'].fill(dataset=dataset, anacat=ilabel, tau32=Tau32[icat], weight=Weights[icat]) output['tau32_2D'].fill(dataset=dataset, anacat=ilabel, jetpt=pT[icat], tau32=Tau32[icat], weight=Weights[icat]) output['deepTag_TvsQCD'].fill(dataset=dataset, anacat=ilabel, jetpt=pT[icat], tagger=deepTag[icat], weight=Weights[icat]) output['deepTagMD_TvsQCD'].fill(dataset=dataset, anacat=ilabel, jetpt=pT[icat], tagger=deepTagMD[icat], weight=Weights[icat]) return output