Exemple #1
def get_properties():
    rs = cached_query("SELECT mls, prices, area FROM mls")
    properties = []
    for result_row in rs:
        result_row["prices"] = aws.get_price_list(result_row["prices"], convert_to_float=True)
        result_row["current_price"] = result_row["prices"][-1]
        result_row["area"] = float(result_row["area"].replace(" sqft.", ""))
    return properties    
Exemple #2
def needs_update(mls, price):
    log.info("Looking for %s for %s" % (price, mls))
    rs = mls_domain.select("SELECT * FROM mls WHERE mls='%s'" % mls)
    for item in rs:
        for existing_price, timestamp in aws.get_price_list(item["prices"]):
            # If there is an item with the same price, this item doesn't need an update
            if existing_price == price:
                log.info("Found it")
                return False, item
    return True, None
Exemple #3
def format_result(result):
    price_list = aws.get_price_list(result["prices"])
    if len(price_list) > 1:
        prices = [str(price) for price,timestamp in price_list]
        price = ", ".join(prices)
        price, _ = price_list[0]
    last_seen = datetime.datetime(*aws.from_iso(result["last_seen"])[:6])
    last_seen_str = str(datetime.datetime.now() - last_seen)
    return "%s - %s: %s br %s: %s (last seen %s, %s)" % (result["city"], result["region"], result["bedrooms"], result["type"], price, last_seen_str, result["mls"])