def test_login_error_cases_runtime_exception(self):
        # given login page after authentication failure
        login_error_page_result = self._a_page_of_authentication_failure()

        # then runtime exception is raised
        with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
            # when a login page after failed authentication is extracted
    def test_login_error_causes_error_and_exit(self, capsys):
        # given login page after authentication failure
        login_error_page_result = self._a_page_of_authentication_failure()

        # Error is printed and exit is called
        with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
            # when a login page after failed authentication is extracted

        out, err = capsys.readouterr()
        assert err.startswith("Login error: Incorrect user ID or password")
    def test_login_error_causes_error_and_exit(self, capsys):
        # given login page after authentication failure
        login_error_page_result = self._a_page_of_authentication_failure()

        # Error is printed and exit is called
        with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
            # when a login page after failed authentication is extracted

        out, err = capsys.readouterr()
        assert err.startswith("Login error: Incorrect user ID or password")
    def test_beer_roles_are_extracted(self):
        # when after successful authentication adfs responded with page containing available roles
        roles, assertion, _ = roles_assertion_extractor.extract(self.a_page_of_allowed_beer_roles())

        # then two beer roles are extracted
        assert len(roles) == 2
        assert assertion is not None
    def test_missing_saml_assertion_causes_to_return_nothing(self):
        # when a returned result page doesn't contain saml (perhaps session expired)
        roles, assertion, _ = roles_assertion_extractor.extract(self._a_page_of_expired_login())

        # the return nothing - perhaps re-authentication is needed
        assert roles is None
        assert assertion is None
    def test_beer_roles_are_extracted(self):
        # when after successful authentication adfs responded with page containing available roles
        roles, assertion, _ = roles_assertion_extractor.extract(

        # then two beer roles are extracted
        assert len(roles) == 2
        assert assertion is not None
    def test_missing_saml_assertion_causes_to_return_nothing(self):
        # when a returned result page doesn't contain saml (perhaps session expired)
        roles, assertion, _ = roles_assertion_extractor.extract(

        # the return nothing - perhaps re-authentication is needed
        assert roles is None
        assert assertion is None
    def test_provides_default_session_duration_when_it_is_missing_in_response(
        # when after successful authentican adfs responds with saml response
        # without session duration setup
        roles, assertion, extracted_session_duration = roles_assertion_extractor.extract(

        # then extracted session duration has default value for boto
        assert extracted_session_duration == roles_assertion_extractor.default_session_duration
    def test_provides_default_session_duration_when_it_is_missing_in_response(self):
        # when after successful authentican adfs responds with saml response
        # without session duration setup
        roles, assertion, extracted_session_duration = roles_assertion_extractor.extract(

        # then extracted session duration has default value for boto
        assert extracted_session_duration == roles_assertion_extractor.default_session_duration
    def test_provides_existing_in_response_session_duration(self):
        # adfs has configured aws session duration
        session_duration_configured_in_adfs = 7200

        # when after successful authentican adfs responds with saml response
        # containing session duration
        roles, assertion, extracted_session_duration = roles_assertion_extractor.extract(

        # then responded session duration is extracted
        assert extracted_session_duration == session_duration_configured_in_adfs
    def test_provides_existing_in_response_session_duration(self):
        # adfs has configured aws session duration
        session_duration_configured_in_adfs = 7200

        # when after successful authentican adfs responds with saml response
        # containing session duration
        roles, assertion, extracted_session_duration = roles_assertion_extractor.extract(

        # then responded session duration is extracted
        assert extracted_session_duration == session_duration_configured_in_adfs