Exemple #1
    def test_check_path_type_fail(self):
        # This tests the class's ability to determine whether the correct
        # path types have been passed for a particular command. It test every
        # possible combination that is incorrect for every command.
        cmds = {
            'cp': ['local', 'locallocal', 's3'],
            'mv': ['local', 'locallocal', 's3'],
            'rm': ['local', 'locallocal', 's3s3', 'locals3', 's3local'],
            'ls': ['local', 'locallocal', 's3s3', 'locals3', 's3local'],
            'sync': ['local', 'locallocal', 's3'],
            'mb': ['local', 'locallocal', 's3s3', 'locals3', 's3local'],
            'rb': ['local', 'locallocal', 's3s3', 'locals3', 's3local']
        s3_file = 's3://' + self.bucket + '/' + 'text1.txt'
        local_file = self.loc_files[0]

        combos = {
            's3s3': [s3_file, s3_file],
            's3local': [s3_file, local_file],
            'locals3': [local_file, s3_file],
            's3': [s3_file],
            'local': [local_file],
            'locallocal': [local_file, local_file]

        for cmd in cmds.keys():
            cmd_param = CommandParameters(self.session, cmd, {})
            wrong_paths = cmds[cmd]
            for path_args in wrong_paths:
                with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
Exemple #2
    def test_check_path_type_fail(self):
        # This tests the class's ability to determine whether the correct
        # path types have been passed for a particular command. It test every
        # possible combination that is incorrect for every command.
        cmds = {'cp': ['local', 'locallocal', 's3'],
                'mv': ['local', 'locallocal', 's3'],
                'rm': ['local', 'locallocal', 's3s3', 'locals3', 's3local'],
                'ls': ['local', 'locallocal', 's3s3', 'locals3', 's3local'],
                'sync': ['local', 'locallocal', 's3'],
                'mb': ['local', 'locallocal', 's3s3', 'locals3', 's3local'],
                'rb': ['local', 'locallocal', 's3s3', 'locals3', 's3local']}
        s3_file = 's3://' + self.bucket + '/' + 'text1.txt'
        local_file = self.loc_files[0]

        combos = {'s3s3': [s3_file, s3_file],
                  's3local': [s3_file, local_file],
                  'locals3': [local_file, s3_file],
                  's3': [s3_file],
                  'local': [local_file],
                  'locallocal': [local_file, local_file]}

        for cmd in cmds.keys():
            cmd_param = CommandParameters(self.session, cmd, {})
            wrong_paths = cmds[cmd]
            for path_args in wrong_paths:
                with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
Exemple #3
    def test_check_src_path_pass(self):
        # This tests to see if all of the checks on the source path works.  It
        # does so by testing if s3 objects and and prefixes exist as well as
        # local files and directories.  All of these should not throw an
        # exception.
        s3_file = 's3://' + self.bucket + '/' + 'text1.txt'
        local_file = self.loc_files[0]
        s3_prefix = 's3://' + self.bucket
        local_dir = self.loc_files[3]

        # :var files: a list of tuples where the first element is a single
        #     element list of file paths. The second element is a boolean
        #     representing if the operation is a directory operation.
        files = [([s3_file], False), ([local_file], False),
                 ([s3_prefix], True), ([local_dir], True)]

        parameters = {}
        for filename in files:
            parameters['dir_op'] = filename[1]
            cmd_parameter = CommandParameters(self.session, 'put', parameters)
Exemple #4
    def test_check_src_path_pass(self):
        # This tests to see if all of the checks on the source path works.  It
        # does so by testing if s3 objects and and prefixes exist as well as
        # local files and directories.  All of these should not throw an
        # exception.
        s3_file = 's3://' + self.bucket + '/' + 'text1.txt'
        local_file = self.loc_files[0]
        s3_prefix = 's3://' + self.bucket
        local_dir = self.loc_files[3]

        # :var files: a list of tuples where the first element is a single
        #     element list of file paths. The second element is a boolean
        #     representing if the operation is a directory operation.
        files = [([s3_file], False), ([local_file], False),
                 ([s3_prefix], True), ([local_dir], True)]

        parameters = {}
        for filename in files:
            parameters['dir_op'] = filename[1]
            cmd_parameter = CommandParameters(self.session, 'put', parameters)