def request(self, method='GET', host=None, uri='/', headers=None, query=None, body=b'', region=None, service=None, expires=None, date=time.gmtime(), signmethod=None, statusexpected=None, xmlexpected=True, inputobject=None, operationtimeout=None, retry=None, receptiontimeout=None, _inputIOWrapper=None): if retry is None: retry = self.HTTP_CONNECTION_RETRY_NUMBER if receptiontimeout is None: receptiontimeout = self.HTTP_RECEPTION_TIMEOUT if host is None: host = self.endpoint _redirectcount = 0 _retrycount = 0 _outputiooffset = None if headers is None: headers = {} if query is None: query = {} if statusexpected is None: statusexpected = [200] headers['Connection'] = 'keep-alive' starttime = time.time() while True: # if request body is an io like object ensure that we set the pointer back to the start before retrying if hasattr(body, 'reset'): if _redirectcount > 0: body.reset() else: try: if _outputiooffset is None: _outputiooffset = body.tell() else:, io.SEEK_SET) except: pass conn = self.getConnection(destination=host, timeout=receptiontimeout) headers, query, body = auth.signRequest(access_key=self.access_key, secret_key=self.secret_key, endpoint=host, region=region, service=service, signmethod=signmethod, date=date, uri=uri, method=method, headers=headers, query=query, body=body, expires=expires) self.logger.debug("Requesting %s %s %s query=%s headers=%s", method, host, uri, query, headers) if query != {}: url = "%s?%s" % (uri, auth.canonicalQueryString(query)) else: url = uri #counting the requests if method not in self.count: self.count[method] = 0 self.count[method] += 1 try: conn.request(method=method, url=url, body=body, headers=headers) response = conn.getresponse() except Exception as _e: if _retrycount <= retry: _retrycount += 1 time.sleep(self.COOL_DOWN_BETWEEN_RETRIES) continue raise data = None if xmlexpected or ('Content-Type' in response.headers and response.headers['Content-Type'] in ('application/xml', 'text/xml')): if ('Content-Length' not in response.headers) and \ ('Transfer-Encoding' not in response.headers or response.headers['Transfer-Encoding'] != 'chunked') and \ ('Connection' not in response.headers or response.headers['Connection'] != 'close'): #every xml response should have 'Content-Length' set or 'Transfer-Encoding' = chunked #take a peek of the data then consume the rest of it try: data = while != b'': pass except: pass resultdata = {'status':response.status, 'reason':response.reason, 'headers':dict(response.headers), 'data':data, 'type':'error'} raise AWSDataException('missing content length', resultdata) handler = AWSXMLHandler() incrementalParser = xml.sax.make_parser() incrementalParser.setContentHandler(handler) doretry = False while True: try: if (operationtimeout is not None) and (time.time() - starttime > operationtimeout): raise AWSTimeout('operation timeout') data = except: # TODO: not all exception should retry, maybe an exception white list would be the way to go if _retrycount <= retry: _retrycount += 1 doretry = True time.sleep(self.COOL_DOWN_BETWEEN_RETRIES) break raise if len(data) == 0: break self.logger.debug("Received >> %s", data) incrementalParser.feed(data) if doretry: continue awsresponse = handler.getdict() if awsresponse is not None: checkResult = self.checkForErrors(awsresponse, response.status, response.reason, response.headers) if checkResult is not None: #TODO: some of the errors should reset/close the connection self.logger.debug("request:checkForErrors %s",checkResult) #the checkResult is redirect host and exception if isinstance(checkResult, dict): if _redirectcount < 3: _redirectcount += 1 if "endpoint" in checkResult: host = checkResult["endpoint"] #TODO: find out who else may redirect in the future continue raise checkResult["exception"] #the checkResult exception if _retrycount <= retry: _retrycount += 1 time.sleep(self.COOL_DOWN_BETWEEN_RETRIES) continue raise checkResult resultdata = {'status':response.status, 'reason':response.reason, 'headers':dict(response.headers), 'awsresponse':awsresponse, 'type':'xmldict'} if statusexpected is not True and response.status not in statusexpected: raise AWSStatusException(resultdata) else: return resultdata if statusexpected is not True and response.status not in statusexpected: #take a peek of the data then consume the rest of it try: data = while != b'': pass except: pass resultdata = {'status':response.status, 'reason':response.reason, 'headers':dict(response.headers), 'data':data, 'type':'error'} raise AWSStatusException(resultdata) if 'Content-Length' not in response.headers: #every non xml response should have 'Content-Length' set #take a peek of the data then consume the rest of it try: data = while != b'': pass except: pass if data == b'': return {'status':response.status, 'reason':response.reason, 'headers':dict(response.headers), 'type':'empty'} raise AWSDataException('missing content length', {'status':response.status, 'reason':response.reason, 'headers':dict(response.headers),'data':data, 'type':'error'}) #if we are here then most probably we want to download some data size = int(response.headers['Content-Length']) sizeinfo = {} if response.status == 206: contentrange = response.headers['Content-Range'] contentrange = contentrange.split(' ')[1].split('/') crange = contentrange[0].split('-') sizeinfo = {'size': int(contentrange[1]), 'start': int(crange[0]), 'end': int(crange[1]), 'downloaded': 0} elif response.status == 200: sizeinfo = {'size': size, 'start': 0, 'end': size - 1, 'downloaded': 0} if inputobject is None: if size > self.MAX_IN_MEMORY_READ_CHUNK_SIZE_FOR_RAW_DATA: inputobject = tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode="w+b", dir=self.TEMP_DIR, prefix='awstmp-') else: inputobject = io.BytesIO() if _inputIOWrapper is not None: inputobject = _inputIOWrapper(inputobject) ammount = 0 while True: try: if (operationtimeout is not None) and (time.time() - starttime > operationtimeout): raise AWSTimeout('operation timeout') data = ammount += len(data) except Exception as e: if ammount > 0: # don't loose partial data yet, it may be useful even in this situation sizeinfo['downloaded'] = ammount raise AWSPartialReception(status=response.status, reason=response.reason, headers=dict(response.headers), data=inputobject, sizeinfo=sizeinfo, exception=e) # TODO: not all exception should retry, maybe an exception white list would be the way to go if _retrycount <= retry: _retrycount += 1 time.sleep(self.COOL_DOWN_BETWEEN_RETRIES) break raise if (data == b'') or (ammount > size): return {'status':response.status, 'reason':response.reason, 'headers':dict(response.headers), 'sizeinfo':sizeinfo, 'type':'raw', 'inputobject':inputobject} inputobject.write(data) # if we are here then we should retry continue
def request( self, callback, endpoint=None, method="GET", uri="/", query=None, headers=None, statusexpected=None, body=b"", signmethod=None, region=None, service=None, date=time.gmtime(), xmlexpected=True, connect_timeout=2, request_timeout=5, ): if endpoint is None: endpoint = self.endpoint if statusexpected is None: statusexpected = [200] headers, query, body = auth.signRequest( access_key=self.access_key, secret_key=self.secret_key, endpoint=endpoint, region=region, service=service, signmethod=signmethod, date=date, uri=uri, method=method, headers=headers, query=query, body=body, ) awsresponse = [] handler = AWSXMLHandler() incrementalParser = xml.sax.make_parser() incrementalParser.setContentHandler(handler) streamingCallback = functools.partial(self.streamingCallback, incrementalParser, awsresponse) protocol = "https" if else "http" # counting the requests if method not in self.count: self.count[method] = 0 self.count[method] += 1 if method != "POST": body = None request = tornado.httpclient.HTTPRequest( "%s://%s%s?%s" % (protocol, endpoint, uri, auth.canonicalQueryString(query)), headers=headers, body=body, streaming_callback=streamingCallback, connect_timeout=connect_timeout, request_timeout=request_timeout, method=method, ) # TODO: timeout handling response = yield tornado.gen.Task(self.http_client.fetch, request) resultdata = {"status": response.code, "headers": dict(response.headers), "data": None} if response.code == 599: raise AWSStatusException(resultdata) if not hasattr(handler, "exception"): awsresponsexml = handler.getdict() self.checkForErrors(awsresponsexml, response.code, "", response.headers) # TODO: redirect handling else: if xmlexpected: raise AWSDataException("xml-expected") if xmlexpected: resultdata["data"] = awsresponsexml else: resultdata["data"] = b"".join(awsresponse) if statusexpected is not True and response.code not in statusexpected: raise AWSStatusException(resultdata) self._ioloop.add_callback(functools.partial(callback, resultdata))
def request(self, callback, endpoint=None, method='GET', uri='/', query=None, headers=None, statusexpected=None, body=b'', signmethod=None, region=None, service=None, date=time.gmtime(), xmlexpected=True, connect_timeout=2, request_timeout=5): if query is None: query = {} if headers is None: headers = {} if endpoint is None: endpoint = self.endpoint if statusexpected is None: statusexpected = [200] headers, query, body = auth.signRequest(access_key=self.access_key, secret_key=self.secret_key, endpoint=endpoint, region=region, service=service, signmethod=signmethod, date=date, uri=uri, method=method, headers=headers, query=query, body=body) awsresponse = [] handler = AWSXMLHandler() incrementalParser = xml.sax.make_parser() incrementalParser.setContentHandler(handler) streamingCallback = functools.partial(self.streamingCallback, incrementalParser, awsresponse) protocol = 'https' if else 'http' #counting the requests if method not in self.count: self.count[method] = 0 self.count[method] += 1 if method not in ["POST", "PUT"]: body = None request = tornado.httpclient.HTTPRequest("%s://%s%s?%s" % (protocol, endpoint, uri, auth.canonicalQueryString(query)), headers=headers, body=body, streaming_callback=streamingCallback, connect_timeout=connect_timeout, request_timeout=request_timeout, method=method) #TODO: timeout & retry handling response = yield tornado.gen.Task(self.http_client.fetch, request) resultdata = {'status': response.code, 'headers': dict(response.headers), 'data':None} if response.code == 599: resultdata['reason'] = response.reason raise AWSStatusException(resultdata) if not hasattr(handler, 'exception'): awsresponsexml = handler.getdict() if awsresponsexml is not None: checkResult = self.checkForErrors(awsresponsexml, response.code, '', response.headers) if checkResult is not None: #TODO: redirect handling if isinstance(checkResult, dict): raise checkResult['exception'] #TODO: retry handling raise checkResult else: if xmlexpected: raise AWSDataException('xml-expected', '') if xmlexpected: resultdata['data'] = awsresponsexml else: resultdata['data'] = b''.join(awsresponse) if statusexpected is not True and response.code not in statusexpected: raise AWSStatusException(resultdata) self._ioloop.add_callback(functools.partial(callback, resultdata))