Exemple #1
 def check_license(self):
     license_info = get_licenser().validate()
     local_license_type = license_info.get('license_type', 'UNLICENSED')
     if local_license_type == 'UNLICENSED':
         raise PermissionDenied('No license found!')
     elif local_license_type == 'open':
     instance_count = license_info.get('instance_count', 0)
     free_instances = license_info.get('free_instances', 0)
     time_remaining = license_info.get('time_remaining', 0)
     automated_count = license_info.get('automated_instances', 0)
     hard_error = license_info.get('trial', False) is True or license_info['instance_count'] == 10
     if time_remaining <= 0:
         if hard_error:
             raise PermissionDenied("Subscription has expired!")
     if free_instances < 0:
         d = {
             'new_count': automated_count,
             'instance_count': instance_count,
         if hard_error:
             logger.error(LICENSE_MESSAGE % d)
             raise PermissionDenied('Subscription count exceeded!')
             logger.warning(LICENSE_MESSAGE % d)
Exemple #2
    def finalize_response(self, request, response, *args, **kwargs):
        Log warning for 400 requests.  Add header with elapsed time.
        if response.status_code >= 400:
            status_msg = "status %s received by user %s attempting to access %s from %s" % \
                         (response.status_code, request.user, request.path, request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR', None))
            if hasattr(self, '__init_request_error__'):
                response = self.handle_exception(self.__init_request_error__)
            if response.status_code == 401:
                response.data['detail'] += ' To establish a login session, visit /api/login/.'
        response = super(APIView, self).finalize_response(request, response, *args, **kwargs)
        time_started = getattr(self, 'time_started', None)
        response['X-API-Product-Version'] = get_awx_version()
        response['X-API-Product-Name'] = 'AWX' if isinstance(get_licenser(), StubLicense) else 'Red Hat Ansible Tower'
        response['X-API-Node'] = settings.CLUSTER_HOST_ID
        if time_started:
            time_elapsed = time.time() - self.time_started
            response['X-API-Time'] = '%0.3fs' % time_elapsed
        if getattr(settings, 'SQL_DEBUG', False):
            queries_before = getattr(self, 'queries_before', 0)
            q_times = [float(q['time']) for q in connection.queries[queries_before:]]
            response['X-API-Query-Count'] = len(q_times)
            response['X-API-Query-Time'] = '%0.3fs' % sum(q_times)

        if getattr(self, 'deprecated', False):
            response['Warning'] = '299 awx "This resource has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release."'  # noqa

        return response
 def handle(self, *args, **options):
     super(Command, self).__init__()
     license = get_licenser().validate()
     if options.get('data'):
         if license.get('license_key', '') != 'UNLICENSED':
             license['license_key'] = '********'
         return json.dumps(license)
     return license.get('license_type', 'none')
Exemple #4
    def finalize_response(self, request, response, *args, **kwargs):
        Log warning for 400 requests.  Add header with elapsed time.

        # If the URL was rewritten, and we get a 404, we should entirely
        # replace the view in the request context with an ApiErrorView()
        # Without this change, there will be subtle differences in the BrowseableAPIRenderer
        # These differences could provide contextual clues which would allow
        # anonymous users to determine if usernames were valid or not
        # (e.g., if an anonymous user visited `/api/v2/users/valid/`, and got a 404,
        # but also saw that the page heading said "User Detail", they might notice
        # that's a difference in behavior from a request to `/api/v2/users/not-valid/`, which
        # would show a page header of "Not Found").  Changing the view here
        # guarantees that the rendered response will look exactly like the response
        # when you visit a URL that has no matching URL paths in `awx.api.urls`.
        if response.status_code == 404 and 'awx.named_url_rewritten' in request.environ:
            self.headers.pop('Allow', None)
            response = super(APIView, self).finalize_response(request, response, *args, **kwargs)
            view = ApiErrorView()
            setattr(view, 'request', request)
            response.renderer_context['view'] = view
            return response

        if response.status_code >= 400:
            status_msg = "status %s received by user %s attempting to access %s from %s" % \
                         (response.status_code, request.user, request.path, request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR', None))
            if hasattr(self, '__init_request_error__'):
                response = self.handle_exception(self.__init_request_error__)
            if response.status_code == 401:
                response.data['detail'] += ' To establish a login session, visit /api/login/.'
        response = super(APIView, self).finalize_response(request, response, *args, **kwargs)
        time_started = getattr(self, 'time_started', None)
        response['X-API-Product-Version'] = get_awx_version()
        response['X-API-Product-Name'] = 'AWX' if isinstance(get_licenser(), StubLicense) else 'Red Hat Ansible Tower'
        response['X-API-Node'] = settings.CLUSTER_HOST_ID
        if time_started:
            time_elapsed = time.time() - self.time_started
            response['X-API-Time'] = '%0.3fs' % time_elapsed
        if getattr(settings, 'SQL_DEBUG', False):
            queries_before = getattr(self, 'queries_before', 0)
            q_times = [float(q['time']) for q in connection.queries[queries_before:]]
            response['X-API-Query-Count'] = len(q_times)
            response['X-API-Query-Time'] = '%0.3fs' % sum(q_times)

        if getattr(self, 'deprecated', False):
            response['Warning'] = '299 awx "This resource has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release."'  # noqa

        return response
Exemple #5
    def update_webhook_status(self, status):
        if not self.webhook_credential:

        status_api = self.extra_vars_dict.get('awx_webhook_status_api')
        if not status_api:
            logger.debug("Webhook event did not have a status API endpoint associated, skipping.")

        service_header = {
            'github': ('Authorization', 'token {}'),
            'gitlab': ('PRIVATE-TOKEN', '{}'),
        service_statuses = {
            'github': {
                'pending': 'pending',
                'successful': 'success',
                'failed': 'failure',
                'canceled': 'failure',  # GitHub doesn't have a 'canceled' status :(
                'error': 'error',
            'gitlab': {
                'pending': 'pending',
                'running': 'running',
                'successful': 'success',
                'failed': 'failed',
                'error': 'failed',  # GitLab doesn't have an 'error' status distinct from 'failed' :(
                'canceled': 'canceled',

        statuses = service_statuses[self.webhook_service]
        if status not in statuses:
            logger.debug("Skipping webhook job status change: '{}'".format(status))
            license_type = get_licenser().validate().get('license_type')
            data = {
                'state': statuses[status],
                'context': 'ansible/awx' if license_type == 'open' else 'ansible/tower',
                'target_url': self.get_ui_url(),
            k, v = service_header[self.webhook_service]
            headers = {k: v.format(self.webhook_credential.get_input('token')), 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
            response = requests.post(status_api, data=json.dumps(data), headers=headers, timeout=30)
        except Exception:
            logger.exception("Posting webhook status caused an error.")

        if response.status_code < 400:
            logger.debug("Webhook status update sent.")
            logger.error("Posting webhook status failed, code: {}\n" "{}\n" "Payload sent: {}".format(response.status_code, response.text, json.dumps(data)))
Exemple #6
    def check_org_host_limit(self):
        license_info = get_licenser().validate()
        if license_info.get('license_type', 'UNLICENSED') == 'open':

        org = self.inventory.organization
        if org is None or org.max_hosts == 0:

        active_count = Host.objects.org_active_count(org.id)
        if active_count > org.max_hosts:
            raise PermissionDenied('Host limit for organization exceeded!')
def _get_validated_license_data():
    from awx.main.utils import get_licenser

    return get_licenser().validate()
 def handle(self, *args, **options):
     super(Command, self).__init__()
     return get_licenser().validate().get('license_type', 'none')
Exemple #9
 def handle(self, *args, **options):
     super(Command, self).__init__()
     license = get_licenser().validate()
     if options.get('data'):
         return json.dumps(license)
     return license.get('license_type', 'none')