Exemple #1
 def test_automaticDynamicPowerDown(self):
     Powerups with '__getPowerupInterfaces__' methods can be powered
     down automatically on the interfaces they specify.
     s = Store()
     p = PlusOneTimesFour(store=s)
     self.assertEqual(len(list(s.powerupsFor(IValueHaver))), 0)
     self.assertEqual(len(list(s.powerupsFor(IScalingFactor))), 0)
Exemple #2
 def test_automaticDynamicPowerDown(self):
     Powerups with '__getPowerupInterfaces__' methods can be powered
     down automatically on the interfaces they specify.
     s = Store()
     p = PlusOneTimesFour(store=s)
     self.assertEquals(len(list(s.powerupsFor(IValueHaver))), 0)
     self.assertEquals(len(list(s.powerupsFor(IScalingFactor))), 0)
 def test_powerItUp(self):
     Powering up a store with an C{AboutPlugin} results in it being installed
     as an L{ISiteRootPlugin} powerup.
     s = Store()
     ap = self.aboutpage.AboutPlugin(store=s)
     self.assertEquals([ap], list(s.powerupsFor(ISiteRootPlugin)))
Exemple #4
 def test_factoryPowerup(self):
     When installed, C{self.factoryClass} is a powerup for L{IBoxReceiverFactory}.
     store = Store()
     factory = self.factoryClass(store=store)
     installOn(factory, store)
Exemple #5
class AMPConfigurationTests(TestCase):
    Tests for L{xmantissa.ampserver.AMPConfiguration} which defines how to
    create an L{AMP} server.
    def setUp(self):
        Create an in-memory L{Store} with an L{AMPConfiguration} in it.
        self.store = Store()
        self.conf = AMPConfiguration(store=self.store)
        installOn(self.conf, self.store)

    def test_interfaces(self):
        L{AMPConfiguration} implements L{IProtocolFactoryFactory}.
        self.assertTrue(verifyObject(IProtocolFactoryFactory, self.conf))

    def test_powerup(self):
        L{ionstallOn} powers up the target for L{IProtocolFactoryFactory} with

    def test_getFactory(self):
        L{AMPConfiguration.getFactory} returns a L{ServerFactory} instance
        which returns L{CredReceiver} instances from its C{buildProtocol}
        factory = self.conf.getFactory()
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(factory, ServerFactory))
        protocol = factory.buildProtocol(None)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(protocol, CredReceiver))

    def test_generateOneTimePad(self):
        L{AMPConfiguration.generateOneTimePad} returns a one-time pad.
        object.__setattr__(self.conf, 'callLater', lambda x, y: None)
        pad = self.conf.generateOneTimePad(self.store)
        self.assertNotEqual(pad, self.conf.generateOneTimePad(self.store))

    def test_oneTimePadExpires(self):
        L{AMPConfiguration.generateOneTimePad} should expire its pad.
        def callLater(seconds, f):
            self.assertEqual(seconds, self.conf.ONE_TIME_PAD_DURATION)

        object.__setattr__(self.conf, 'callLater', callLater)
        pad = self.conf.generateOneTimePad(self.store)
        self.assertFalse(pad in self.conf._oneTimePads)
 def test_powerItUp(self):
     Powering up a store with an C{AboutPlugin} results in it being installed
     as an L{ISiteRootPlugin} powerup.
     s = Store()
     ap = self.aboutpage.AboutPlugin(store=s)
     self.assertEquals([ap], list(s.powerupsFor(ISiteRootPlugin)))
 def test_powerUp(self):
     L{Calendar} is an L{IMessageReceiver} powerup.
     store = Store()
     calendar = self.cal.Calendar(store=store)
     self.assertTrue(verifyObject(IMessageReceiver, calendar))
Exemple #8
 def test_automaticPowerDown(self):
     Powerups with 'powerupInterfaces' attributes can be powered
     down automatically on the interfaces they specify.
     s = Store()
     p = PlusTwo(store=s)
     self.assertEquals(len(list(s.powerupsFor(IValueHaver))), 0)
Exemple #9
 def test_factoryPowerup(self):
     When installed, C{self.factoryClass} is a powerup for L{IBoxReceiverFactory}.
     store = Store()
     factory = self.factoryClass(store=store)
     installOn(factory, store)
 def test_powerUp(self):
     L{Calendar} is an L{IMessageReceiver} powerup.
     store = Store()
     calendar = self.cal.Calendar(store=store)
     self.assertTrue(verifyObject(IMessageReceiver, calendar))
         list(store.powerupsFor(IMessageReceiver)), [calendar])
Exemple #11
 def test_automaticPowerDown(self):
     Powerups with 'powerupInterfaces' attributes can be powered
     down automatically on the interfaces they specify.
     s = Store()
     p = PlusTwo(store=s)
     self.assertEqual(len(list(s.powerupsFor(IValueHaver))), 0)
Exemple #12
 def testNoIndirectedIndirection(self):
     Because it is a special interface in the powerup system, you can't have
     powerups for IPowerupIndirector; there's no sensible thing that could
     mean other than an infinite loop. Let's make sure that both looking for
     IPowerupIndirector and attempting to install a powerup for it will fail
     s = Store()
     s3 = SubtractThree(store=s)
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, s.powerUp, s3, IPowerupIndirector)
     self.assertEqual(list(s.powerupsFor(IPowerupIndirector)), [])
Exemple #13
 def testNoIndirectedIndirection(self):
     Because it is a special interface in the powerup system, you can't have
     powerups for IPowerupIndirector; there's no sensible thing that could
     mean other than an infinite loop. Let's make sure that both looking for
     IPowerupIndirector and attempting to install a powerup for it will fail
     s = Store()
     s3 = SubtractThree(store=s)
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, s.powerUp, s3, IPowerupIndirector)
     self.assertEqual(list(s.powerupsFor(IPowerupIndirector)), [])
Exemple #14
    def _siteRequirementTest(self, offering, cls):
        Verify that installing C{offering} results in an instance of the given
        Item subclass being installed as a powerup for IProtocolFactoryFactory.
        store = Store()

        factories = list(store.powerupsFor(ixmantissa.IProtocolFactoryFactory))
        for factory in factories:
            if isinstance(factory, cls):
            self.fail("No instance of %r in %r" % (cls, factories))
Exemple #15
    def _siteRequirementTest(self, offering, cls):
        Verify that installing C{offering} results in an instance of the given
        Item subclass being installed as a powerup for IProtocolFactoryFactory.
        store = Store()

        factories = list(store.powerupsFor(ixmantissa.IProtocolFactoryFactory))
        for factory in factories:
            if isinstance(factory, cls):
            self.fail("No instance of %r in %r" % (cls, factories))
Exemple #16
class PortTestsMixin:
    Test method-defining mixin class for port types with C{portNumber} and
    C{factory} attributes.

    Included are tests for various persistence-related behaviors as well as the
    L{IService} implementation which all ports should have.

    @ivar portType: The L{Item} subclass which will be tested.

    @ivar lowPortNumber: A port number which requires privileges to bind on
    POSIX.  Used to test L{privilegedStartService}.

    @ivar highPortNumber: A port number which does not require privileges to
    bind on POSIX.  Used to test the interaction between
    L{privilegedStartService} and L{startService}.

    @ivar dbdir: The path at which to create the test L{Store}.  This must be
    bound before L{setUp} is run, since that is the only method which examines
    its value.

    @ivar ports: A list of ports which have been bound using L{listen}.
    created in L{setUp}.
    portType = None

    lowPortNumber = 123
    highPortNumber = 1234
    someInterface = u''

    def port(self, **kw):
        Create and return a new port instance with the given attribute values.
        return self.portType(**kw)

    def listen(self, *a, **kw):
        Pretend to bind a port.  Used as a stub implementation of a reactor
        listen method.  Subclasses should override and implement to append
        useful information to C{self.ports}.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def checkPort(self, port, alternatePort=None):
        Assert that the given port has been properly created.

        @type port: L{DummyPort}
        @param port: A port which has been created by the code being tested.

        @type alternatePort: C{int}
        @param alternatePort: If not C{None}, the port number on which C{port}
        should be listening.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def setUp(self):
        self.filesdir = self.mktemp()
        self.store = Store(filesdir=self.filesdir)
        self.realFactory = ServerFactory()
        self.factory = DummyFactory(store=self.store, realFactory=self.realFactory)
        self.ports = []

    def test_portNumberAttribute(self):
        Test that C{self.portType} remembers the port number it is told to
        listen on.
        port = self.port(store=self.store, portNumber=self.lowPortNumber)
        self.assertEqual(port.portNumber, self.lowPortNumber)

    def test_interfaceAttribute(self):
        Test that C{self.portType} remembers the interface it is told to listen
        port = self.port(store=self.store, interface=self.someInterface)
        self.assertEqual(port.interface, self.someInterface)

    def test_factoryAttribute(self):
        Test that C{self.portType} remembers the factory it is given to associate
        with its port.
        port = self.port(store=self.store, factory=self.factory)
        self.assertIdentical(port.factory, self.factory)

    def test_service(self):
        Test that C{self.portType} becomes a service on the store it is installed on.
        port = self.port(store=self.store)
        installOn(port, self.store)


    def test_setServiceParent(self):
        Test that the C{self.portType.setServiceParent} method adds the C{self.portType} to
        the Axiom Store Service as a child.
        port = self.port(store=self.store)
        self.failUnlessIn(port, list(IService(self.store)))

    def test_disownServiceParent(self):
        Test that the C{self.portType.disownServiceParent} method removes the
        C{self.portType} from the Axiom Store Service.
        port = self.port(store=self.store)
        self.failIfIn(port, list(IService(self.store)))

    def test_serviceParent(self):
        Test that C{self.portType} is a child of the store service after it is
        port = self.port(store=self.store)
        installOn(port, self.store)

        service = IServiceCollection(self.store)
        self.failUnlessIn(port, list(service))

    def _start(self, portNumber, methodName):
        port = self.port(store=self.store, portNumber=portNumber, factory=self.factory)
        port._listen = self.listen
        getattr(port, methodName)()
        return self.ports

    def _privilegedStartService(self, portNumber):
        return self._start(portNumber, 'privilegedStartService')

    def _startService(self, portNumber):
        return self._start(portNumber, 'startService')

    def test_startPrivilegedService(self):
        Test that C{self.portType} binds a low-numbered port with the reactor when it
        is started with privilege.
        ports = self._privilegedStartService(self.lowPortNumber)
        self.assertEqual(len(ports), 1)

    def test_dontStartPrivilegedService(self):
        Test that C{self.portType} doesn't bind a high-numbered port with the
        reactor when it is started with privilege.
        ports = self._privilegedStartService(self.highPortNumber)
        self.assertEqual(ports, [])

    def test_startServiceLow(self):
        Test that C{self.portType} binds a low-numbered port with the reactor
        when it is started without privilege.
        ports = self._startService(self.lowPortNumber)
        self.assertEqual(len(ports), 1)

    def test_startServiceHigh(self):
        Test that C{self.portType} binds a high-numbered port with the reactor
        when it is started without privilege.
        ports = self._startService(self.highPortNumber)
        self.assertEqual(len(ports), 1)
        self.checkPort(ports[0], self.highPortNumber)

    def test_startServiceNoInterface(self):
        Test that C{self.portType} binds to all interfaces if no interface is
        explicitly specified.
        port = self.port(store=self.store, portNumber=self.highPortNumber, factory=self.factory)
        port._listen = self.listen
        self.assertEqual(self.ports[0].interface, '')

    def test_startServiceInterface(self):
        Test that C{self.portType} binds to only the specified interface when
        instructed to.
        port = self.port(store=self.store, portNumber=self.highPortNumber, factory=self.factory, interface=self.someInterface)
        port._listen = self.listen
        self.assertEqual(self.ports[0].interface, self.someInterface)

    def test_startedOnce(self):
        Test that C{self.portType} only binds one network port when
        C{privilegedStartService} and C{startService} are both called.
        port = self.port(store=self.store, portNumber=self.lowPortNumber, factory=self.factory)
        port._listen = self.listen
        self.assertEqual(len(self.ports), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(self.ports), 1)

    def test_stopService(self):
        Test that C{self.portType} cleans up its listening port when it is stopped.
        port = self.port(store=self.store, portNumber=self.lowPortNumber, factory=self.factory)
        port._listen = self.listen
        stopped = port.stopService()
        stopping = self.ports[0].stopping
        self.failIfIdentical(stopping, None)
        self.assertIdentical(stopped, stopping)

    def test_deletedFactory(self):
        Test that the deletion of a C{self.portType}'s factory item results in the
        C{self.portType} being deleted.
        port = self.port(store=self.store, portNumber=self.lowPortNumber, factory=self.factory)
        self.assertEqual(list(self.store.query(self.portType)), [])

    def test_deletionDisownsParent(self):
        Test that a deleted C{self.portType} no longer shows up in the children list
        of the service which used to be its parent.
        port = self.port(store=self.store, portNumber=self.lowPortNumber, factory=self.factory)
        service = IServiceCollection(self.store)
        self.failIfIn(port, list(service))
Exemple #17
class SecureShellConfigurationTests(TestCase):
    Tests for L{xmantissa.shell.SecureShellConfiguration} which defines how to
    create an SSH server.
    _hostKey = (
        "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n"
        "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n")

    def setUp(self):
        Create an in-memory L{Store} with a L{SecureShellConfiguration} in it.
        self.store = Store()
        self.shell = SecureShellConfiguration(store=self.store,
        installOn(self.shell, self.store)

    def test_interfaces(self):
        L{SecureShellConfiguration} implements L{IProtocolFactoryFactory}.
        self.assertTrue(verifyObject(IProtocolFactoryFactory, self.shell))

    def test_powerup(self):
        L{installOn} powers up the target for L{IProtocolFactoryFactory} with

    def test_repr(self):
        The result of C{repr} on a L{SecureShellConfiguration} instance
        includes only a fingerprint of the private key, not the entire value.
            "SecureShellConfiguration(storeID=%d, " % (self.shell.storeID, ) +

    def assertHostKey(self, shell, factory):
        Assert that the public and private keys provided by C{factory}
        match those specified by C{shell} and that they are L{Key}
        privateKey = Key.fromString(shell.hostKey)
        self.assertEqual(factory.publicKeys, {'ssh-rsa': privateKey.public()})
        self.assertEqual(factory.privateKeys, {'ssh-rsa': privateKey})

    def test_getFactory(self):
        L{SecureShellConfiguration.getFactory} returns an L{SSHFactory} with
        keys from L{SecureShellConfiguration.hostKey}.
        factory = self.shell.getFactory()
        self.assertHostKey(self.shell, factory)

    def test_keyGeneration(self):
        L{SecureShellConfiguration} generates its own key pair if one is not
        supplied to C{__init__}.
        store = Store()
        shell = SecureShellConfiguration(store=store)
        installOn(shell, store)
        factory = shell.getFactory()
        self.assertHostKey(shell, factory)

    def test_keyRotation(self):
        L{SecureShellConfiguration.rotate} generates a new key pair replacing
        the old one.
        oldKey = self.shell.hostKey
        newKey = self.shell.hostKey
        self.assertNotEqual(oldKey, newKey)
        factory = self.shell.getFactory()
        self.assertHostKey(self.shell, factory)

    def test_portal(self):
        The factory returned by L{SecureShellConfiguration.getFactory} has a
        C{portal} attribute which allows logins authenticated in the usual
        L{axiom.userbase} manner.
        localpart = u'foo bar'
        domain = u'example.com'
        password = u'baz quux'

        loginSystem = self.store.findUnique(LoginSystem)
        account = loginSystem.addAccount(localpart,
        subStore = account.avatars.open()
        avatar = object()
        subStore.inMemoryPowerUp(avatar, IConchUser)
        factory = self.shell.getFactory()
        login = factory.portal.login(
                '%s@%s' % (localpart.encode('ascii'), domain.encode('ascii')),
                password), None, IConchUser)

        def cbLoggedIn(result):
            self.assertIdentical(IConchUser, result[0])
            self.assertIdentical(avatar, result[1])

        return login
Exemple #18
class PortTestsMixin:
    Test method-defining mixin class for port types with C{portNumber} and
    C{factory} attributes.

    Included are tests for various persistence-related behaviors as well as the
    L{IService} implementation which all ports should have.

    @ivar portType: The L{Item} subclass which will be tested.

    @ivar lowPortNumber: A port number which requires privileges to bind on
    POSIX.  Used to test L{privilegedStartService}.

    @ivar highPortNumber: A port number which does not require privileges to
    bind on POSIX.  Used to test the interaction between
    L{privilegedStartService} and L{startService}.

    @ivar dbdir: The path at which to create the test L{Store}.  This must be
    bound before L{setUp} is run, since that is the only method which examines
    its value.

    @ivar ports: A list of ports which have been bound using L{listen}.
    created in L{setUp}.
    portType = None

    lowPortNumber = 123
    highPortNumber = 1234
    someInterface = u''

    def port(self, **kw):
        Create and return a new port instance with the given attribute values.
        return self.portType(**kw)

    def listen(self, *a, **kw):
        Pretend to bind a port.  Used as a stub implementation of a reactor
        listen method.  Subclasses should override and implement to append
        useful information to C{self.ports}.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def checkPort(self, port, alternatePort=None):
        Assert that the given port has been properly created.

        @type port: L{DummyPort}
        @param port: A port which has been created by the code being tested.

        @type alternatePort: C{int}
        @param alternatePort: If not C{None}, the port number on which C{port}
        should be listening.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def setUp(self):
        self.filesdir = self.mktemp()
        self.store = Store(filesdir=self.filesdir)
        self.realFactory = ServerFactory()
        self.factory = DummyFactory(store=self.store, realFactory=self.realFactory)
        self.ports = []

    def test_portNumberAttribute(self):
        Test that C{self.portType} remembers the port number it is told to
        listen on.
        port = self.port(store=self.store, portNumber=self.lowPortNumber)
        self.assertEqual(port.portNumber, self.lowPortNumber)

    def test_interfaceAttribute(self):
        Test that C{self.portType} remembers the interface it is told to listen
        port = self.port(store=self.store, interface=self.someInterface)
        self.assertEqual(port.interface, self.someInterface)

    def test_factoryAttribute(self):
        Test that C{self.portType} remembers the factory it is given to associate
        with its port.
        port = self.port(store=self.store, factory=self.factory)
        self.assertIdentical(port.factory, self.factory)

    def test_service(self):
        Test that C{self.portType} becomes a service on the store it is installed on.
        port = self.port(store=self.store)
        installOn(port, self.store)


    def test_setServiceParent(self):
        Test that the C{self.portType.setServiceParent} method adds the C{self.portType} to
        the Axiom Store Service as a child.
        port = self.port(store=self.store)
        self.failUnlessIn(port, list(IService(self.store)))

    def test_disownServiceParent(self):
        Test that the C{self.portType.disownServiceParent} method removes the
        C{self.portType} from the Axiom Store Service.
        port = self.port(store=self.store)
        self.failIfIn(port, list(IService(self.store)))

    def test_serviceParent(self):
        Test that C{self.portType} is a child of the store service after it is
        port = self.port(store=self.store)
        installOn(port, self.store)

        service = IServiceCollection(self.store)
        self.failUnlessIn(port, list(service))

    def _start(self, portNumber, methodName):
        port = self.port(store=self.store, portNumber=portNumber, factory=self.factory)
        port._listen = self.listen
        getattr(port, methodName)()
        return self.ports

    def _privilegedStartService(self, portNumber):
        return self._start(portNumber, 'privilegedStartService')

    def _startService(self, portNumber):
        return self._start(portNumber, 'startService')

    def test_startPrivilegedService(self):
        Test that C{self.portType} binds a low-numbered port with the reactor when it
        is started with privilege.
        ports = self._privilegedStartService(self.lowPortNumber)
        self.assertEqual(len(ports), 1)

    def test_dontStartPrivilegedService(self):
        Test that C{self.portType} doesn't bind a high-numbered port with the
        reactor when it is started with privilege.
        ports = self._privilegedStartService(self.highPortNumber)
        self.assertEqual(ports, [])

    def test_startServiceLow(self):
        Test that C{self.portType} binds a low-numbered port with the reactor
        when it is started without privilege.
        ports = self._startService(self.lowPortNumber)
        self.assertEqual(len(ports), 1)

    def test_startServiceHigh(self):
        Test that C{self.portType} binds a high-numbered port with the reactor
        when it is started without privilege.
        ports = self._startService(self.highPortNumber)
        self.assertEqual(len(ports), 1)
        self.checkPort(ports[0], self.highPortNumber)

    def test_startServiceNoInterface(self):
        Test that C{self.portType} binds to all interfaces if no interface is
        explicitly specified.
        port = self.port(store=self.store, portNumber=self.highPortNumber, factory=self.factory)
        port._listen = self.listen
        self.assertEqual(self.ports[0].interface, '')

    def test_startServiceInterface(self):
        Test that C{self.portType} binds to only the specified interface when
        instructed to.
        port = self.port(store=self.store, portNumber=self.highPortNumber, factory=self.factory, interface=self.someInterface)
        port._listen = self.listen
        self.assertEqual(self.ports[0].interface, self.someInterface)

    def test_startedOnce(self):
        Test that C{self.portType} only binds one network port when
        C{privilegedStartService} and C{startService} are both called.
        port = self.port(store=self.store, portNumber=self.lowPortNumber, factory=self.factory)
        port._listen = self.listen
        self.assertEqual(len(self.ports), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(self.ports), 1)

    def test_stopService(self):
        Test that C{self.portType} cleans up its listening port when it is stopped.
        port = self.port(store=self.store, portNumber=self.lowPortNumber, factory=self.factory)
        port._listen = self.listen
        stopped = port.stopService()
        stopping = self.ports[0].stopping
        self.failIfIdentical(stopping, None)
        self.assertIdentical(stopped, stopping)

    def test_deletedFactory(self):
        Test that the deletion of a C{self.portType}'s factory item results in the
        C{self.portType} being deleted.
        port = self.port(store=self.store, portNumber=self.lowPortNumber, factory=self.factory)
        self.assertEqual(list(self.store.query(self.portType)), [])

    def test_deletionDisownsParent(self):
        Test that a deleted C{self.portType} no longer shows up in the children list
        of the service which used to be its parent.
        port = self.port(store=self.store, portNumber=self.lowPortNumber, factory=self.factory)
        service = IServiceCollection(self.store)
        self.failIfIn(port, list(service))
Exemple #19
class SecureShellConfigurationTests(TestCase):
    Tests for L{xmantissa.shell.SecureShellConfiguration} which defines how to
    create an SSH server.
    _hostKey = (
        "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n"
        "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n")

    def setUp(self):
        Create an in-memory L{Store} with a L{SecureShellConfiguration} in it.
        self.store = Store()
        self.shell = SecureShellConfiguration(
            store=self.store, hostKey=self._hostKey)
        installOn(self.shell, self.store)

    def test_interfaces(self):
        L{SecureShellConfiguration} implements L{IProtocolFactoryFactory}.
        self.assertTrue(verifyObject(IProtocolFactoryFactory, self.shell))

    def test_powerup(self):
        L{installOn} powers up the target for L{IProtocolFactoryFactory} with
            self.shell, list(self.store.powerupsFor(IProtocolFactoryFactory)))

    def test_repr(self):
        The result of C{repr} on a L{SecureShellConfiguration} instance
        includes only a fingerprint of the private key, not the entire value.
            "SecureShellConfiguration(storeID=%d, " % (self.shell.storeID,) +

    def assertHostKey(self, shell, factory):
        Assert that the public and private keys provided by C{factory}
        match those specified by C{shell} and that they are L{Key}
        privateKey = Key.fromString(shell.hostKey)
            factory.publicKeys, {'ssh-rsa': privateKey.public()})
        self.assertEqual(factory.privateKeys, {'ssh-rsa': privateKey})

    def test_getFactory(self):
        L{SecureShellConfiguration.getFactory} returns an L{SSHFactory} with
        keys from L{SecureShellConfiguration.hostKey}.
        factory = self.shell.getFactory()
        self.assertHostKey(self.shell, factory)

    def test_keyGeneration(self):
        L{SecureShellConfiguration} generates its own key pair if one is not
        supplied to C{__init__}.
        store = Store()
        shell = SecureShellConfiguration(store=store)
        installOn(shell, store)
        factory = shell.getFactory()
        self.assertHostKey(shell, factory)

    def test_portal(self):
        The factory returned by L{SecureShellConfiguration.getFactory} has a
        C{portal} attribute which allows logins authenticated in the usual
        L{axiom.userbase} manner.
        localpart = u'foo bar'
        domain = u'example.com'
        password = u'baz quux'

        loginSystem = self.store.findUnique(LoginSystem)
        account = loginSystem.addAccount(
            localpart, domain, password, internal=True)
        subStore = account.avatars.open()
        avatar = object()
        subStore.inMemoryPowerUp(avatar, IConchUser)
        factory = self.shell.getFactory()
        login = factory.portal.login(
                '%s@%s' % (localpart.encode('ascii'), domain.encode('ascii')),
            None, IConchUser)
        def cbLoggedIn(result):
            self.assertIdentical(IConchUser, result[0])
            self.assertIdentical(avatar, result[1])
        return login
Exemple #20
class AMPConfigurationTests(TestCase):
    Tests for L{xmantissa.ampserver.AMPConfiguration} which defines how to
    create an L{AMP} server.
    def setUp(self):
        Create an in-memory L{Store} with an L{AMPConfiguration} in it.
        self.store = Store()
        self.conf = AMPConfiguration(store=self.store)
        installOn(self.conf, self.store)

    def test_interfaces(self):
        L{AMPConfiguration} implements L{IProtocolFactoryFactory}.
        self.assertTrue(verifyObject(IProtocolFactoryFactory, self.conf))

    def test_powerup(self):
        L{ionstallOn} powers up the target for L{IProtocolFactoryFactory} with
            self.conf, list(self.store.powerupsFor(IProtocolFactoryFactory)))

    def test_getFactory(self):
        L{AMPConfiguration.getFactory} returns a L{ServerFactory} instance
        which returns L{CredReceiver} instances from its C{buildProtocol}
        factory = self.conf.getFactory()
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(factory, ServerFactory))
        protocol = factory.buildProtocol(None)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(protocol, CredReceiver))

    def test_generateOneTimePad(self):
        L{AMPConfiguration.generateOneTimePad} returns a one-time pad.
        object.__setattr__(self.conf, 'callLater', lambda x, y: None)
        pad = self.conf.generateOneTimePad(self.store)
            pad, self.conf.generateOneTimePad(self.store))

    def test_oneTimePadExpires(self):
        L{AMPConfiguration.generateOneTimePad} should expire its pad.
        def callLater(seconds, f):
                seconds, self.conf.ONE_TIME_PAD_DURATION)
        object.__setattr__(self.conf, 'callLater', callLater)
        pad = self.conf.generateOneTimePad(self.store)
        self.assertFalse(pad in self.conf._oneTimePads)