def release_list(definition_id=None, source_branch=None, organization=None, project=None, detect=None, top=None,
    """List release results.
    :param definition_id: ID of definition to list releases for.
    :type definition_id: int
    :param branch: Filter by releases for this branch.
    :type branch: str
    :param top: Maximum number of releases to list. Default is 50.
    :type top: int
    :param status: Limit to releases with this status.
    :type status: str
    :param source_branch: Filter releases for this branch.
    :type source_branch: str
    :rtype: :class:`<Release> <v5_0.release.models.Release>`
    organization, project = resolve_instance_and_project(
        detect=detect, organization=organization, project=project)
    client = get_release_client(organization)

    releases = client.get_releases(definition_id=definition_id,
    return releases
Exemple #2
def release_definition_list(name=None, top=None, organization=None, project=None,
                            artifact_type=None, artifact_source_id=None, detect=None):
    """List release definitions.
    :param name: Limit results to definitions with this name or contains this name. Example: "FabCI"
    :type name: str
    :param top: Maximum number of definitions to list.
    :type top: int
    :param artifact_type: Release definitions with given artifactType will be returned.
    :type artifact_type: str
    :param artifact_source_id: Limit results to definitions associated with this artifact_source_id.
    e.g. For build it would be {projectGuid}:{BuildDefinitionId}, for Jenkins it would be
    {JenkinsConnectionId}:{JenkinsDefinitionId}, for TfsOnPrem it would be
    For third-party artifacts e.g. TeamCity, BitBucket you may refer 'uniqueSourceIdentifier'
    inside vss-extension.json at
    :type artifact_source_id: str
    :rtype: [ReleaseDefinitionReference]
    organization, project = resolve_instance_and_project(
        detect=detect, organization=organization, project=project)
    client = get_release_client(organization)
    query_order = 'nameAscending'
    definition_references = client.get_release_definitions(
        project=project, search_text=name, artifact_source_id=artifact_source_id, artifact_type=artifact_type,
        top=top, query_order=query_order)
    return definition_references
def release_show(id, open=False, organization=None, project=None, detect=None):  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
    """Get the details of a release.
    :param id: ID of the release.
    :type id: int
    :param open: Open the release results page in your web browser.
    :type open: bool
    :rtype: :class:`<Release> <v5_0.release.models.Release>`
    organization, project = resolve_instance_and_project(
        detect=detect, organization=organization, project=project)
    client = get_release_client(organization)
    release = client.get_release(release_id=id, project=project)
    if open:
    return release
def release_create(definition_id=None, definition_name=None, artifact_metadata_list=None, description=None,
                   open=False, organization=None, project=None, detect=None):  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
    """Request (create) a release.
    :param definition_id: ID of the definition to create. Required if --definition-name is not supplied.
    :type definition_id: int
    :param definition_name: Name of the definition to create. Ignored if --definition-id is supplied.
    :type definition_name: str
    :param open: Open the release results page in your web browser.
    :type open: bool
    :param artifact_metadata_list: Space separated "alias=version_id" pairs.
    :type artifact_metadata_list: [str]
    :param description: Description of the release.
    :type description: str
    :rtype: :class:`<ReleaseStartMetadata> <v5_0.release.models.ReleaseStartMetadata>`

    organization, project = resolve_instance_and_project(
        detect=detect, organization=organization, project=project)
    if definition_id is None and definition_name is None:
        raise ValueError('Either the --definition-id argument or the --definition-name argument ' +
                         'must be supplied for this command.')
    client = get_release_client(organization)

    if definition_id is None:
        definition_id = get_definition_id_from_name(definition_name, client, project)

    artifacts = []
    if artifact_metadata_list is not None and artifact_metadata_list:
        for artifact_metadata in artifact_metadata_list:
            separator_pos = artifact_metadata.find('=')
            if separator_pos >= 0:
                instance_reference = BuildVersion(id=artifact_metadata[separator_pos + 1:])
                artifact = ArtifactMetadata(alias=artifact_metadata[:separator_pos],
                raise ValueError('The --artifact_meta_data_list argument should consist'
                                 'of space separated "alias=version_id" pairs.' + artifact_metadata)

    release = ReleaseStartMetadata(definition_id=definition_id, artifacts=artifacts, description=description)

    created_release = client.create_release(release_start_metadata=release, project=project)

    if open:

    return created_release
def release_show(id, open=False, organization=None, project=None, detect=None):  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
    """Get the details of a release.
    :param id: ID of the release.
    :type id: int
    :param open: Open the release results page in your web browser.
    :type open: bool
    :param organization: Azure Devops organization URL. Example:
    :type organization: str
    :param project: Name or ID of the team project.
    :type project: str
    :param detect: Automatically detect values for organization and project. Default is "on".
    :type detect: str
    :rtype: :class:`<Release> <release.v4_0.models.Release>`
    organization, project = resolve_instance_and_project(
        detect=detect, organization=organization, project=project)
    client = get_release_client(organization)
    release = client.get_release(release_id=id, project=project)
    if open:
    return release
Exemple #6
def release_definition_show(id=None, name=None, open=False, organization=None, project=None,  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
    """Get the details of a release definition.
    :param id: ID of the definition.
    :type id: int
    :param name: Name of the definition. Ignored if --id is supplied.
    :type name: str
    :param open: Open the definition summary page in your web browser.
    :type open: bool
    :rtype: ReleaseDefinitionReference
    organization, project = resolve_instance_and_project(
        detect=detect, organization=organization, project=project)
    client = get_release_client(organization)
    if id is None:
        if name is not None:
            id = get_definition_id_from_name(name, client, project)
            raise ValueError("Either the --id argument or the --name argument must be supplied for this command.")
    release_definition = client.get_release_definition(definition_id=id, project=project)
    if open:
    return release_definition
Exemple #7
def release_definition_show(
        project=None,  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
    """Get the details of a release definition.
    :param id: ID of the definition.
    :type id: int
    :param name: Name of the definition. Ignored if --id is supplied.
    :type name: str
    :param open: Open the definition summary page in your web browser.
    :type open: bool
    :param organization: Azure Devops organization URL. Example:
    :type organization: str
    :param project: Name or ID of the team project.
    :type project: str
    :param detect: Automatically detect values for organization and project. Default is "on".
    :type detect: str
    :rtype: ReleaseDefinitionReference
    organization, project = resolve_instance_and_project(
        detect=detect, organization=organization, project=project)
    client = get_release_client(organization)
    if id is None:
        if name is not None:
            id = get_definition_id_from_name(name, client, project)
            raise ValueError(
                "Either the --id argument or the --name argument must be supplied for this command."
    release_definition = client.get_release_definition(definition_id=id,
    if open:
    return release_definition
def release_list(definition_id=None,
    """List release results.
    :param definition_id: ID of definition to list releases for.
    :type definition_id: int
    :param branch: Filter by releases for this branch.
    :type branch: str
    :param organization: Azure Devops organization URL. Example:
    :type organization: str
    :param project: Name or ID of the team project.
    :type project: str
    :param detect: Automatically detect values for organization and project. Default is "on".
    :type detect: str
    :param top: Maximum number of releases to list. Default is 50.
    :type top: int
    :param status: Limit to releases with this status.
    :type status: str
    :param source_branch: Filter releases for this branch.
    :type source_branch: str
    :rtype: :class:`<Release> <release.v4_0.models.Release>`
    organization, project = resolve_instance_and_project(
        detect=detect, organization=organization, project=project)
    client = get_release_client(organization)

    releases = client.get_releases(definition_id=definition_id,
    return releases