Exemple #1
    def test_computeAABBS_StaticPlane(self):
        Static planes are permissible collision shapes for a body if
        that is indeed the only collision shape for that body.
        Conversely, it is not allowed for a body to have multiple
        collision shapes if one of them is a StaticPlane.
        computeAABBs = azrael.leo_api.computeAABBs

        # One or more spheres are permissible.
        cs = {'cssphere': getCSSphere()}
        assert computeAABBs(cs).ok

        # A single plane is permissible.
        cs = {'csplane': getCSPlane()}
        assert computeAABBs(cs).ok

        # A plane in conjunction with any other object is not allowed...
        cs = {'csplane': getCSPlane(), 'cssphere': getCSSphere()}
        assert not computeAABBs(cs).ok

        # not even with another plane.
        cs = {'csplane': getCSPlane(), 'cssphere': getCSSphere()}
        assert not computeAABBs(cs).ok

        # The position and rotation of a plane is defined via the normal
        # vector and its offset. The position/rotation fields in the
        # CollShapeMeta structure are thus redundant and *must* be set to
        # defaults to avoid unintended side effects.
        cs = {'csplane': getCSPlane(pos=(0, 1, 2))}
        assert not computeAABBs(cs).ok

        cs = {'csplane': getCSPlane(rot=(1, 0, 0, 0))}
        assert not computeAABBs(cs).ok
Exemple #2
    def test_computeAABBS_StaticPlane(self):
        Static planes are permissible collision shapes for a body if
        that is indeed the only collision shape for that body.
        Conversely, it is not allowed for a body to have multiple
        collision shapes if one of them is a StaticPlane.
        computeAABBs = azrael.leo_api.computeAABBs

        # One or more spheres are permissible.
        cs = {'cssphere': getCSSphere()}
        assert computeAABBs(cs).ok

        # A single plane is permissible.
        cs = {'csplane': getCSPlane()}
        assert computeAABBs(cs).ok

        # A plane in conjunction with any other object is not allowed...
        cs = {'csplane': getCSPlane(), 'cssphere': getCSSphere()}
        assert not computeAABBs(cs).ok

        # not even with another plane.
        cs = {'csplane': getCSPlane(), 'cssphere': getCSSphere()}
        assert not computeAABBs(cs).ok

        # The position and rotation of a plane is defined via the normal
        # vector and its offset. The position/rotation fields in the
        # CollShapeMeta structure are thus redundant and *must* be set to
        # defaults to avoid unintended side effects.
        cs = {'csplane': getCSPlane(pos=(0, 1, 2))}
        assert not computeAABBs(cs).ok

        cs = {'csplane': getCSPlane(rot=(1, 0, 0, 0))}
        assert not computeAABBs(cs).ok
Exemple #3
    def test_cshape_with_offset(self):
        Same as above except that the collision shape has a different position
        relative to the rigid body.

        This test is to establish that the relative positions of the collision
        shapes are correctly passed to Bullet and taken into account in a

        Setup: place a box above a plane and verify that after a long time the
        box will have come to rest on the infinitely large plane.
        aid_1, aid_2 = '1', '2'

        # Instantiate Bullet engine and activate gravity.
        sim = azrael.bullet_api.PyBulletDynamicsWorld(1)
        sim.setGravity((0, 0, -10))

        # Create a box above a static plane. The ground plane is at z=-1. The
        # rigid body for the box is initially at z = 5, however, the collision
        # shape for that rigid body is actually z = 5 + ofs_z.
        ofs_z = 10
        cs_plane = getCSPlane(normal=(0, 0, 1), ofs=-1)
        cs_box = getCSBox(pos=(0, 0, ofs_z))
        b_plane = getRigidBody(imass=0, cshapes={'csplane': cs_plane})
        b_box = getRigidBody(position=(0, 0, 5), cshapes={'csbox': cs_box})
        assert b_box is not None
        assert b_plane is not None

        # Add the objects to the simulation and verify their positions.
        sim.setRigidBodyData(aid_1, b_plane)
        sim.setRigidBodyData(aid_2, b_box)
        ret_plane = sim.getRigidBodyData(aid_1)
        ret_box = sim.getRigidBodyData(aid_2)
        assert (ret_plane.ok is True) and (ret_box.ok is True)
        assert ret_plane.data.position[2] == 0
        assert ret_box.data.position[2] == 5

        # Step the simulation often enough for the box to fall down and come to
        # rest on the surface.
        dt, maxsteps = 1.0, 60
        for ii in range(10):
            sim.compute([aid_1, aid_2], dt, maxsteps)

        # Verify that the plane has not moved (because it is static). If the
        # position of the box' collision shape were at the origin of the body,
        # then the body's position should be approximately zero. However, since
        # the collisions shape is at 'ofs_z' higher, the final resting position
        # of the body must be 'ofs_z' lower, ie rb_position + ofs_z must now be
        # approximately zero.
        ret_plane = sim.getRigidBodyData(aid_1)
        ret_box = sim.getRigidBodyData(aid_2)
        assert (ret_plane.ok is True) and (ret_box.ok is True)
        assert ret_plane.data.position[2] == 0
        assert abs(ret_box.data.position[2] + ofs_z) < 1E-3
    def test_cshape_with_offset(self):
        Same as above except that the collision shape has a different position
        relative to the rigid body.

        This test is to establish that the relative positions of the collision
        shapes are correctly passed to Bullet and taken into account in a

        Setup: place a box above a plane and verify that after a long time the
        box will have come to rest on the infinitely large plane.
        aid_1, aid_2 = '1', '2'

        # Instantiate Bullet engine and activate gravity.
        sim = azrael.bullet_api.PyBulletDynamicsWorld(1)
        sim.setGravity((0, 0, -10))

        # Create a box above a static plane. The ground plane is at z=-1. The
        # rigid body for the box is initially at z = 5, however, the collision
        # shape for that rigid body is actually z = 5 + ofs_z.
        ofs_z = 10
        cs_plane = getCSPlane(normal=(0, 0, 1), ofs=-1)
        cs_box = getCSBox(pos=(0, 0, ofs_z))
        b_plane = getRigidBody(imass=0, cshapes={'csplane': cs_plane})
        b_box = getRigidBody(position=(0, 0, 5), cshapes={'csbox': cs_box})
        assert b_box is not None
        assert b_plane is not None

        # Add the objects to the simulation and verify their positions.
        sim.setRigidBodyData(aid_1, b_plane)
        sim.setRigidBodyData(aid_2, b_box)
        ret_plane = sim.getRigidBodyData(aid_1)
        ret_box = sim.getRigidBodyData(aid_2)
        assert (ret_plane.ok is True) and (ret_box.ok is True)
        assert ret_plane.data.position[2] == 0
        assert ret_box.data.position[2] == 5

        # Step the simulation often enough for the box to fall down and come to
        # rest on the surface.
        dt, maxsteps = 1.0, 60
        for ii in range(10):
            sim.compute([aid_1, aid_2], dt, maxsteps)

        # Verify that the plane has not moved (because it is static). If the
        # position of the box' collision shape were at the origin of the body,
        # then the body's position should be approximately zero. However, since
        # the collisions shape is at 'ofs_z' higher, the final resting position
        # of the body must be 'ofs_z' lower, ie rb_position + ofs_z must now be
        # approximately zero.
        ret_plane = sim.getRigidBodyData(aid_1)
        ret_box = sim.getRigidBodyData(aid_2)
        assert (ret_plane.ok is True) and (ret_box.ok is True)
        assert ret_plane.data.position[2] == 0
        assert abs(ret_box.data.position[2] + ofs_z) < 1E-3
Exemple #5
    def test_box_on_plane(self):
        Create a simulation with gravity. Place a box above a plane and verify
        that after a long time the box will have come to rest on the infinitely
        large plane.
        aid_1, aid_2 = '1', '2'

        # Instantiate Bullet engine and activate gravity.
        sim = azrael.bullet_api.PyBulletDynamicsWorld(1)
        sim.setGravity((0, 0, -10))

        # Create a box above a static plane. The ground plane is at z=-1.
        cs_plane = getCSPlane(normal=(0, 0, 1), ofs=-1)
        cs_box = getCSBox()
        b_plane = getRigidBody(imass=0, cshapes={'csplane': cs_plane})
        b_box = getRigidBody(position=(0, 0, 5), cshapes={'csbox': cs_box})
        assert b_box is not None
        assert b_plane is not None

        # Add the objects to the simulation and verify their positions.
        sim.setRigidBodyData(aid_1, b_plane)
        sim.setRigidBodyData(aid_2, b_box)
        ret_plane = sim.getRigidBodyData(aid_1)
        ret_box = sim.getRigidBodyData(aid_2)
        assert (ret_plane.ok is True) and (ret_box.ok is True)
        assert ret_plane.data.position[2] == 0
        assert ret_box.data.position[2] == 5

        # Step the simulation often enough for the box to fall down and come to
        # rest on the surface.
        dt, maxsteps = 1.0, 60
        for ii in range(10):
            sim.compute([aid_1, aid_2], dt, maxsteps)

        # Verify that the plane has not moved (because it is static) and that
        # the box has come to rest atop. The position of the box rigid body
        # must be approximately zero, because the plane is at position z=-1,
        # and the half length of the box is 1 Meters.
        ret_plane = sim.getRigidBodyData(aid_1)
        ret_box = sim.getRigidBodyData(aid_2)
        assert (ret_plane.ok is True) and (ret_box.ok is True)
        assert ret_plane.data.position[2] == 0
        assert abs(ret_box.data.position[2]) < 1E-5
    def test_box_on_plane(self):
        Create a simulation with gravity. Place a box above a plane and verify
        that after a long time the box will have come to rest on the infinitely
        large plane.
        aid_1, aid_2 = '1', '2'

        # Instantiate Bullet engine and activate gravity.
        sim = azrael.bullet_api.PyBulletDynamicsWorld(1)
        sim.setGravity((0, 0, -10))

        # Create a box above a static plane. The ground plane is at z=-1.
        cs_plane = getCSPlane(normal=(0, 0, 1), ofs=-1)
        cs_box = getCSBox()
        b_plane = getRigidBody(imass=0, cshapes={'csplane': cs_plane})
        b_box = getRigidBody(position=(0, 0, 5), cshapes={'csbox': cs_box})
        assert b_box is not None
        assert b_plane is not None

        # Add the objects to the simulation and verify their positions.
        sim.setRigidBodyData(aid_1, b_plane)
        sim.setRigidBodyData(aid_2, b_box)
        ret_plane = sim.getRigidBodyData(aid_1)
        ret_box = sim.getRigidBodyData(aid_2)
        assert (ret_plane.ok is True) and (ret_box.ok is True)
        assert ret_plane.data.position[2] == 0
        assert ret_box.data.position[2] == 5

        # Step the simulation often enough for the box to fall down and come to
        # rest on the surface.
        dt, maxsteps = 1.0, 60
        for ii in range(10):
            sim.compute([aid_1, aid_2], dt, maxsteps)

        # Verify that the plane has not moved (because it is static) and that
        # the box has come to rest atop. The position of the box rigid body
        # must be approximately zero, because the plane is at position z=-1,
        # and the half length of the box is 1 Meters.
        ret_plane = sim.getRigidBodyData(aid_1)
        ret_box = sim.getRigidBodyData(aid_2)
        assert (ret_plane.ok is True) and (ret_box.ok is True)
        assert ret_plane.data.position[2] == 0
        assert abs(ret_box.data.position[2]) < 1E-5