for secret in secrets:
        retrieved_secret = client.get_secret(
        print("Secret with name '{0}' and value {1} was found.".format(

    # The bank account password got updated, so you want to update the secret in Key Vault to ensure it reflects the
    # new password. Calling set_secret on an existing secret creates a new version of the secret in the Key Vault
    # with the new value.
    updated_secret = client.set_secret(, "newSecretValue")
    print("Secret with name '{0}' was updated with new value '{1}'".format(, updated_secret.value))

    # You need to check all the different values your bank account password secret had previously. Lets print all
    # the versions of this secret.
    print("\n.. List versions of the secret using its name")
    secret_versions = client.list_properties_of_secret_versions(
    for secret_version in secret_versions:
        print("Bank Secret with name '{0}' has version: '{1}'.".format(
  , secret_version.version))

    # The bank account and storage accounts got closed. Let's delete bank and storage accounts secrets.
    # Calling result() on the method will immediately return the `DeletedSecret`, but calling wait() blocks
    # until the secret is deleted server-side.
    print("\n.. Deleting secrets...")

    # You can list all the deleted and non-purged secrets, assuming Key Vault is soft-delete enabled.
    print("\n.. List deleted secrets from the Key Vault")
    deleted_secrets = client.list_deleted_secrets()
    for deleted_secret in deleted_secrets:
def run_sample():
    # Instantiate a secret client that will be used to call the service. Notice that the client is using default Azure
    # credentials. To make default credentials work, ensure that environment variables 'AZURE_CLIENT_ID',
    # 'AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET' and 'AZURE_TENANT_ID' are set with the service principal credentials.
    credential = DefaultAzureCredential()
    client = SecretClient(vault_endpoint=VAULT_ENDPOINT, credential=credential)
        # Let's create secrets holding storage and bank accounts credentials. If the secret
        # already exists in the Key Vault, then a new version of the secret is created.
        print("\n.. Create Secret")
        bank_secret = client.set_secret("listOpsBankSecretName", "listOpsSecretValue1")
        storage_secret = client.set_secret("listOpsStorageSecretName", "listOpsSecretValue2")
        print("Secret with name '{0}' was created.".format(
        print("Secret with name '{0}' was created.".format(

        # You need to check if any of the secrets are sharing same values.
        # Let's list the secrets and print their values.
        # List operations don 't return the secrets with value information.
        # So, for each returned secret we call get_secret to get the secret with its value information.
        print("\n.. List secrets from the Key Vault")
        secrets = client.list_properties_of_secrets()
        for secret in secrets:
            retrieved_secret = client.get_secret(
                "Secret with name '{0}' and value {1} was found.".format(,

        # The bank account password got updated, so you want to update the secret in Key Vault to ensure it reflects the
        # new password. Calling set_secret on an existing secret creates a new version of the secret in the Key Vault
        # with the new value.
        updated_secret = client.set_secret(, "newSecretValue")
            "Secret with name '{0}' was updated with new value '{1}'".format(, updated_secret.value)

        # You need to check all the different values your bank account password secret had previously. Lets print all
        # the versions of this secret.
        print("\n.. List versions of the secret using its name")
        secret_versions = client.list_properties_of_secret_versions(
        for secret_version in secret_versions:
                "Bank Secret with name '{0}' has version: '{1}'.".format(
          , secret_version.version

        # The bank account and storage accounts got closed. Let's delete bank and storage accounts secrets.
        # Calling result() on the method will immediately return the `DeletedSecret`, but calling wait() blocks
        # until the secret is deleted server-side.
        print("\n.. Deleting secrets...")

        # You can list all the deleted and non-purged secrets, assuming Key Vault is soft-delete enabled.
        print("\n.. List deleted secrets from the Key Vault")
        deleted_secrets = client.list_deleted_secrets()
        for deleted_secret in deleted_secrets:
                "Secret with name '{0}' has recovery id '{1}'".format(, deleted_secret.recovery_id)

    except HttpResponseError as e:
        if "(NotSupported)" in e.message:
            print("\n{0} Please enable soft-delete on Key Vault to perform this operation.".format(e.message))
            print("\nrun_sample has caught an error. {0}".format(e.message))

        print("\nrun_sample done")