def _get_token(self, host, path):
        Returns token for the request.

        host: the service bus service request.
        path: the service bus service request.
        wrap_scope = 'http://' + host + path + self.issuer + self.account_key

        # Check whether has unexpired cache, return cached token if it is still
        # usable.
        if wrap_scope in _tokens:
            token = _tokens[wrap_scope]
            if not self._token_is_expired(token):
                return token

        # get token from accessconstrol server
        request = HTTPRequest()
        request.protocol_override = 'https' = host.replace('.servicebus.', '-sb.accesscontrol.')
        request.method = 'POST'
        request.path = '/WRAPv0.9'
        request.body = ('wrap_name=' + url_quote(self.issuer) +
                        '&wrap_password='******'&wrap_scope=' +
                        url_quote('http://' + host + path)).encode('utf-8')
        request.headers.append(('Content-Length', str(len(request.body))))
        resp = self._httpclient.perform_request(request)

        token = resp.body.decode('utf-8')
        token = url_unquote(token[token.find('=') + 1:token.rfind('&')])
        _tokens[wrap_scope] = token

        return token
    def _get_token(self, host, path):
        Returns token for the request.

        host: the service bus service request.
        path: the service bus service request.
        wrap_scope = 'http://' + host + path + self.issuer + self.account_key

        # Check whether has unexpired cache, return cached token if it is still
        # usable.
        if wrap_scope in _tokens:
            token = _tokens[wrap_scope]
            if not self._token_is_expired(token):
                return token

        # get token from accessconstrol server
        request = HTTPRequest()
        request.protocol_override = 'https' = host.replace('.servicebus.', '-sb.accesscontrol.')
        request.method = 'POST'
        request.path = '/WRAPv0.9'
        request.body = ('wrap_name=' + url_quote(self.issuer) +
                        '&wrap_password='******'&wrap_scope=' +
                        url_quote('http://' + host + path)).encode('utf-8')
        request.headers.append(('Content-Length', str(len(request.body))))
        resp = self._httpclient.perform_request(request)

        token = resp.body.decode('utf-8')
        token = url_unquote(token[token.find('=') + 1:token.rfind('&')])
        _tokens[wrap_scope] = token

        return token
    def get_request_partition_key(self, request):
        Extracts PartitionKey from request.body if it is a POST request or from
        request.path if it is not a POST request. Only insert operation request
        is a POST request and the PartitionKey is in the request body.

            the request to insert, update or delete entity
        if request.method == 'POST':
            doc = ETree.fromstring(request.body)
            part_key = doc.find('./atom:content/m:properties/d:PartitionKey', _etree_entity_feed_namespaces)
            if part_key is None:
                raise WindowsAzureError(_ERROR_CANNOT_FIND_PARTITION_KEY)
            return _get_etree_text(part_key)
            uri = url_unquote(request.path)
            pos1 = uri.find('PartitionKey=\'')
            pos2 = uri.find('\',', pos1)
            if pos1 == -1 or pos2 == -1:
                raise WindowsAzureError(_ERROR_CANNOT_FIND_PARTITION_KEY)
            return uri[pos1 + len('PartitionKey=\''):pos2]
Exemple #4
    def get_request_partition_key(self, request):
        Extracts PartitionKey from request.body if it is a POST request or from
        request.path if it is not a POST request. Only insert operation request
        is a POST request and the PartitionKey is in the request body.

        request: the request to insert, update or delete entity
        if request.method == 'POST':
            doc = minidom.parseString(request.body)
            part_key = _get_children_from_path(
                doc, 'entry', 'content', (METADATA_NS, 'properties'),
                (_DATASERVICES_NS, 'PartitionKey'))
            if not part_key:
                raise WindowsAzureError(_ERROR_CANNOT_FIND_PARTITION_KEY)
            return part_key[0].firstChild.nodeValue
            uri = url_unquote(request.path)
            pos1 = uri.find('PartitionKey=\'')
            pos2 = uri.find('\',', pos1)
            if pos1 == -1 or pos2 == -1:
                raise WindowsAzureError(_ERROR_CANNOT_FIND_PARTITION_KEY)
            return uri[pos1 + len('PartitionKey=\''):pos2]
    def get_request_partition_key(self, request):
        Extracts PartitionKey from request.body if it is a POST request or from
        request.path if it is not a POST request. Only insert operation request
        is a POST request and the PartitionKey is in the request body.

        request: the request to insert, update or delete entity
        if request.method == 'POST':
            doc = minidom.parseString(request.body)
            part_key = _get_children_from_path(
                doc, 'entry', 'content', (METADATA_NS, 'properties'),
                (_DATASERVICES_NS, 'PartitionKey'))
            if not part_key:
                raise WindowsAzureError(_ERROR_CANNOT_FIND_PARTITION_KEY)
            return part_key[0].firstChild.nodeValue
            uri = url_unquote(request.path)
            pos1 = uri.find('PartitionKey=\'')
            pos2 = uri.find('\',', pos1)
            if pos1 == -1 or pos2 == -1:
                raise WindowsAzureError(_ERROR_CANNOT_FIND_PARTITION_KEY)
            return uri[pos1 + len('PartitionKey=\''):pos2]