Exemple #1
    def parse(self, xml_text):
        Parse xml tree, retreiving user and ssh key information.
        Return self.
        wans = WA_NAME_SPACE
        ovfns = OVF_NAME_SPACE

        xml_doc = parse_doc(xml_text)

        environment = find(xml_doc, "Environment", namespace=ovfns)
        _validate_ovf(environment, "Environment not found")

        section = find(environment, "ProvisioningSection", namespace=wans)
        _validate_ovf(section, "ProvisioningSection not found")

        version = findtext(environment, "Version", namespace=wans)
        _validate_ovf(version, "Version not found")

        if version > OVF_VERSION:
            logger.warn("Newer provisioning configuration detected. "
                        "Please consider updating waagent")

        conf_set = find(section,
        _validate_ovf(conf_set, "LinuxProvisioningConfigurationSet not found")

        self.hostname = findtext(conf_set, "HostName", namespace=wans)
        _validate_ovf(self.hostname, "HostName not found")

        self.username = findtext(conf_set, "UserName", namespace=wans)
        _validate_ovf(self.username, "UserName not found")

        self.user_password = findtext(conf_set, "UserPassword", namespace=wans)

        self.customdata = findtext(conf_set, "CustomData", namespace=wans)

        auth_option = findtext(conf_set,
        if auth_option is not None and auth_option.lower() == "true":
            self.disable_ssh_password_auth = True
            self.disable_ssh_password_auth = False

        public_keys = findall(conf_set, "PublicKey", namespace=wans)
        for public_key in public_keys:
            path = findtext(public_key, "Path", namespace=wans)
            fingerprint = findtext(public_key, "Fingerprint", namespace=wans)
            value = findtext(public_key, "Value", namespace=wans)
            self.ssh_pubkeys.append((path, fingerprint, value))

        keypairs = findall(conf_set, "KeyPair", namespace=wans)
        for keypair in keypairs:
            path = findtext(keypair, "Path", namespace=wans)
            fingerprint = findtext(keypair, "Fingerprint", namespace=wans)
            self.ssh_keypairs.append((path, fingerprint))
Exemple #2
    def parse(self, xml_text):
        Parse xml tree, retreiving user and ssh key information.
        Return self.
        wans = WA_NAME_SPACE
        ovfns = OVF_NAME_SPACE

        xml_doc = parse_doc(xml_text)
        environment = find(xml_doc, "Environment", namespace=ovfns)
        _validate_ovf(environment, "Environment not found")

        section = find(environment, "ProvisioningSection", namespace=wans)
        _validate_ovf(section, "ProvisioningSection not found")

        version = findtext(environment, "Version", namespace=wans)
        _validate_ovf(version, "Version not found")

        if version > OVF_VERSION:
            logger.warn("Newer provisioning configuration detected. "
                        "Please consider updating waagent")
        conf_set = find(section, "LinuxProvisioningConfigurationSet", 
        _validate_ovf(conf_set, "LinuxProvisioningConfigurationSet not found")

        self.hostname = findtext(conf_set, "HostName", namespace=wans)
        _validate_ovf(self.hostname, "HostName not found")

        self.username = findtext(conf_set, "UserName", namespace=wans)
        _validate_ovf(self.username, "UserName not found")
        self.user_password = findtext(conf_set, "UserPassword", namespace=wans)

        self.customdata = findtext(conf_set, "CustomData", namespace=wans)
        auth_option = findtext(conf_set, "DisableSshPasswordAuthentication", 
        if auth_option is not None and auth_option.lower() == "true":
            self.disable_ssh_password_auth = True
            self.disable_ssh_password_auth = False

        public_keys = findall(conf_set, "PublicKey", namespace=wans)
        for public_key in public_keys:
            path = findtext(public_key, "Path", namespace=wans)
            fingerprint = findtext(public_key, "Fingerprint", namespace=wans)
            value = findtext(public_key, "Value", namespace=wans)
            self.ssh_pubkeys.append((path, fingerprint, value))

        keypairs = findall(conf_set, "KeyPair", namespace=wans)
        for keypair in keypairs:
            path = findtext(keypair, "Path", namespace=wans)
            fingerprint = findtext(keypair, "Fingerprint", namespace=wans)
            self.ssh_keypairs.append((path, fingerprint))
Exemple #3
def parse_xml_event(data_str):
        xml_doc = parse_doc(data_str)
        event_id = getattrib(find(xml_doc, "Event"), 'id')
        provider_id = getattrib(find(xml_doc, "Provider"), 'id')
        event = TelemetryEvent(event_id, provider_id)
        param_nodes = findall(xml_doc, 'Param')
        for param_node in param_nodes:
        return event
    except Exception as e:
        raise ValueError(ustr(e))
Exemple #4
def parse_xml_event(data_str):
        xml_doc = parse_doc(data_str)
        event_id = getattrib(find(xml_doc, "Event"), 'id')
        provider_id = getattrib(find(xml_doc, "Provider"), 'id')
        event = TelemetryEvent(event_id, provider_id) 
        param_nodes = findall(xml_doc, 'Param')
        for param_node in param_nodes:
        return event
    except Exception as e:
        raise ValueError(ustr(e))
Exemple #5
 def parse(self, xml_text):
     parse and create HostingEnvironmentConfig.xml.
     self.xml_text = xml_text
     xml_doc = parse_doc(xml_text)
     incarnation = find(xml_doc, "Incarnation")
     self.vm_name = getattrib(incarnation, "instance")
     role = find(xml_doc, "Role")
     self.role_name = getattrib(role, "name")
     deployment = find(xml_doc, "Deployment")
     self.deployment_name = getattrib(deployment, "name")
     return self
Exemple #6
    def parse(self, xml_text):
        xml_doc = parse_doc(xml_text)
        preferred = find(xml_doc, "Preferred")
        self.preferred = findtext(preferred, "Version")
        logger.info("Fabric preferred wire protocol version:{0}", self.preferred)

        self.supported = []
        supported = find(xml_doc, "Supported")
        supported_version = findall(supported, "Version")
        for node in supported_version:
            version = gettext(node)
            logger.verb("Fabric supported wire protocol version:{0}", version)
Exemple #7
 def parse(self, xml_text):
     xml_doc = parse_doc(xml_text)
     packages = findall(xml_doc, "Plugin")
     for package in packages:
         version = findtext(package, "Version")
         uris = find(package, "Uris")
         uri_list = findall(uris, "Uri")
         uri_list = [gettext(x) for x in uri_list]
         package = ExtHandlerPackage()
         package.version = version
         for uri in uri_list:
             pkg_uri = ExtHandlerVersionUri()
             pkg_uri.uri = uri
Exemple #8
    def parse(self, xml_text):
        Write configuration to file ExtensionsConfig.xml.
        xml_doc = parse_doc(xml_text)
        plugins_list = find(xml_doc, "Plugins")
        plugins = findall(plugins_list, "Plugin")
        plugin_settings_list = find(xml_doc, "PluginSettings")
        plugin_settings = findall(plugin_settings_list, "Plugin")

        for plugin in plugins:
            ext_handler = self.parse_plugin(plugin)
            self.parse_plugin_settings(ext_handler, plugin_settings)

        self.status_upload_blob = findtext(xml_doc, "StatusUploadBlob")
Exemple #9
 def parse(self, xml_text):
     Request configuration data from endpoint server.
     self.xml_text = xml_text
     xml_doc = parse_doc(xml_text)
     self.incarnation = findtext(xml_doc, "Incarnation")
     self.expected_state = findtext(xml_doc, "ExpectedState")
     self.hosting_env_uri = findtext(xml_doc, "HostingEnvironmentConfig")
     self.shared_conf_uri = findtext(xml_doc, "SharedConfig")
     self.certs_uri = findtext(xml_doc, "Certificates") 
     self.ext_uri = findtext(xml_doc, "ExtensionsConfig")
     role_instance = find(xml_doc, "RoleInstance")
     self.role_instance_id = findtext(role_instance, "InstanceId")
     container = find(xml_doc, "Container")
     self.container_id = findtext(container, "ContainerId")
     lbprobe_ports = find(xml_doc, "LBProbePorts")
     self.load_balancer_probe_port = findtext(lbprobe_ports, "Port")
     return self
Exemple #10
    def parse(self, xml_text):
        Parse multiple certificates into seperate files.
        xml_doc = parse_doc(xml_text)
        data = findtext(xml_doc, "Data")
        if data is None:
        cryptutil = CryptUtil(conf.get_openssl_cmd())
        p7m_file = os.path.join(conf.get_lib_dir(), P7M_FILE_NAME)
        p7m = ("MIME-Version:1.0\n"
               "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"{0}\"\n"
               "Content-Type: application/x-pkcs7-mime; name=\"{1}\"\n"
               "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n"
               "{2}").format(p7m_file, p7m_file, data)

        self.client.save_cache(p7m_file, p7m)
        trans_prv_file = os.path.join(conf.get_lib_dir(), 
        trans_cert_file = os.path.join(conf.get_lib_dir(),
        pem_file = os.path.join(conf.get_lib_dir(), PEM_FILE_NAME)
        #decrypt certificates
        cryptutil.decrypt_p7m(p7m_file, trans_prv_file, trans_cert_file, 

        #The parsing process use public key to match prv and crt.
        buf = []
        begin_crt = False
        begin_prv = False
        prvs = {}
        thumbprints = {}
        index = 0
        v1_cert_list = []
        with open(pem_file) as pem:
            for line in pem.readlines():
                if re.match(r'[-]+BEGIN.*KEY[-]+', line):
                    begin_prv = True
                elif re.match(r'[-]+BEGIN.*CERTIFICATE[-]+', line):
                    begin_crt = True
                elif re.match(r'[-]+END.*KEY[-]+', line):
                    tmp_file = self.write_to_tmp_file(index, 'prv', buf)
                    pub = cryptutil.get_pubkey_from_prv(tmp_file)
                    prvs[pub] = tmp_file
                    buf = []
                    index += 1
                    begin_prv = False
                elif re.match(r'[-]+END.*CERTIFICATE[-]+', line):
                    tmp_file = self.write_to_tmp_file(index, 'crt', buf)
                    pub = cryptutil.get_pubkey_from_crt(tmp_file)
                    thumbprint = cryptutil.get_thumbprint_from_crt(tmp_file)
                    thumbprints[pub] = thumbprint
                    #Rename crt with thumbprint as the file name
                    crt = "{0}.crt".format(thumbprint)
                    os.rename(tmp_file, os.path.join(conf.get_lib_dir(), crt))
                    buf = []
                    index += 1
                    begin_crt = False

        #Rename prv key with thumbprint as the file name
        for pubkey in prvs:
            thumbprint = thumbprints[pubkey]
            if thumbprint:
                tmp_file = prvs[pubkey]
                prv = "{0}.prv".format(thumbprint)
                os.rename(tmp_file, os.path.join(conf.get_lib_dir(), prv))

        for v1_cert in v1_cert_list:
            cert = Cert()
            set_properties("certs", cert, v1_cert)